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Sword of Peace for Hong Kong

When the Wmdfl.on Sword for lS7Swe RP"* prsssntsd he London In July, the Royal Navy award went to the Hong ICong Squ.thun for community relations work among the islands ft petrol. With the youth o Hong Ti; .. by the Chief of the Defence Staff (Athnlral of the Rest Sir Edward A&uno).


Despite continuous efforts to smooth the path, housing still sets problems for Servicemen in spheres like purchase, letting on being drafted, and obtaining a Council house on leaving the Forces. A Government Green Paper just published, containing first thoughts on future housing strategy, includes several proposals which, if followed by legislation (and this is by no means automatic), would go some way to solving a number of Service housing problems. Servicemen who let their homes when drafted would be helped by moves to and speed up procedures for reposaaanon for those with a mandatory right to it. Letting has proved an unattractive proposition in many cases in-recent yeaa, and anything which helps would be welcomed by Servicemen. Aspiring young house purchasers could benefit from financial help for first -time buyers. This could help junior rates unable to use the Long Service Advance of Pay Scheme and sailors not intending to sign on for a full engagement. Under scrutiny too Is the ~bffi ty of Mairi g it Illegal for local authorities to impose residential or other qualifications for entry to their housing lists. For many Servicemen, long periods of residence in a married quarter in a particular locality have failed to count as qualifying time towards obtaining a Council house. A Green Paper is a consultation document which



Once again Navy News featured in the awards list of the annual competition run by the British Association of Industrial Editors. In the dais for internal newspapers (Large circulation) published in 1976. we received a certificate of merit for being In the top nine entries placed - only one point behind the Another class winner. certificate of merit was in the ~ for =lainednot.

from many organirations and Governmont departments. It can lend to kg1aUa .s wWSg or part, or may-gene further - and, in any event, swift

legion is nnlifr0ly. It is, however, evidence that a of the Rent Acts is proceeding independently.


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B,ur hen as fra-. the Navy ily wbe the Royal the MracV' want out after the 3.51.. RevIew otthe Fleet at 9gpk4 Al over the world the Tot (and to maw a beveralle a Side was e.Joyed by

NEWCASTLE SALUTE The latest stage in the Queen's Silver Jubilee tour around Britain in H.M.Y. Brit~ took her to Felix. stowe, Grimsby, Hull. Middlesbrough, and Newcastle, where thousands of people lined the river from Tynemouth to the centre of the city. H.M.S. Newcaijle, still In builders' hands, dipped her Red Ensign in salute as the Britannia steamed slowly past.



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Fleet move for Flag Officer


About 60 Service. .personnel will transfer from H.MS. olhIh, *espoct, t North~ at the beginning of neat year wbn theflag Officer Submarines moves to Fleet headquarters with some of his staff. The official announcement of the forthcoming move says, 'l'he geographical separation of the Flag Officer Submarines from Fleet Headquarters has for some time been regarded as unsatisfactory, and his co-location with the (?bnlfliander-In-Chjef and the Air Officer Cornmandlng 18 tOup will enable the operation of the submarine ifoffihaibbe more closely dovetailed with that of the Fleet and the R.A.F.'s assorted maritime air resources," For 65 years the Flag Officer Submarines appointment (currently held by Rear-Admiral J. D. B. Fleldhouse) has been based in H.M.S. Dolphin, which will continue to be the base for the First Submarine Squadron and the parent establishment for the R.N. Submarine School. A number of the Flag Officer's staff will also remain at Gosport.

WE HAVE LIFTOFF! Aby Polo a~ ~4~ H.M.S. crew) aSthe ~111114bssM ~hr The ss.du1 2. heath was of the awrhe's pert W11* m . wo RESOLUTION IN FLORIDA - Page 31

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