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THE MIGHTY ‘B’ Weeks of speculation about the future of H.M.S. Bulwark were ended in January with the official announcement that the 27,000-ton carrier which has been living in Portsmouth naval base for nearly two years in a state known as “PXO” is to rejoin the Fleet. .-\s' the ship's L‘ttmP(ll1}’ progressively‘ to the ship's conipan}. lids proved prophetic Wlieri the carrier ernerges site will pflfliiifll} builds up during the year to the ‘ml! or be eniploved in the ;inti—siibniarinc role. with .so nectled to operate her. the challenge capiibility‘ to operate \\'ew-x and Sea King facing them is to bring back into life tiie helicopters, but will also has-e .i commando tiiarine erigineerini: and other equipment. carrier capacity. including main propulsion and generating .\'o major refit will be needed. although ma-chirier_v_ which has been dormant since some modifications. as wcll as tcstin and the carrier left the Fleet in spring. I976. tuning of equipment and paint work. wil have to be carried out. to go into "preservation by operation." The official the Defence llut tests have sltown that must of the eqtlipmcttt ts b.isic.ill\ in gout! order. While electrical and radar equipnient h.is been kept
ticking over
Prophetic .'\lfL'.ltl_\' some men h.'ive received drafts to join the 200 whose job has been the keep the "live" as possible. shipSo asthe sign “Btilwarl; will sail ag:tin". instigated last year b_\ the commanding officer ((7dr. .-\. S. Carpenter) as a hopeful inspiration
More to
The Defence Budget is to be increased by three per cent in real terms in 1979-80 over the retained figure for I978-79. it has also been announced that there is to be a further increase of three per cent in I980-81 subject to review "in the light of economic circumstances." The 1978 Defence White Paper is eitpcctcd to be published this month.
As Royal it-'a\'_v and Royal Marine firefighters return to their e.s't:ibli.s‘hment.s and many catch up on leave. the effect on the interrupted training programme is being
c:trefu||_v calculated. Measures planned to help include increasing the size of
the "catching up" process clzisses ;ind running additional oncs. but it remains difficult to estimate exactly how I -ill h.- nl‘¢'(lt'[l to iron the “bubble-" out of the wstcm ‘gnu entire _t_ least some months". at Tilt‘ Idea is to clear it as as possible and this includes the wing of outstanding leave. '
Hlnectiu l t0u§hfor duty returning some
Secretary t.\lr. l-‘red .\lulle)'l said site is-ould be ltriiugltt to a full\' oper.'itional stale later this war as part of liril;itn's response to the c.i|l for tniproseil readiness thllhlfl N.v\T()
The carrier will be at a time when H.M.S. Ari: Royal comes tot c end of her life (sec ccntrc ages). No indication has been given of the cngth of the new lease of life (or the Bulwark. which was completed as a fixedwing carrier in 1954 and later convened to commando carrier. See Newavlew (Page I8)
men have to set courses going
Backdated Steps
minimise adverse effects dates. and it is planned to include a firefighting note in Service documents so that this factor can be talten into account. in the (‘ommons in January ll was stated that the (io\'crnmi:nI viould take steps to ensure as far as possible that. where Sen-icemen's training courses had been interrupted. any increase in pay resulting from the completion of training would be bziciulsitetl so that the men did not suffer. [Continued in Back Page) taken are on ;It.l\';tnCt,'n1L‘l'll
You’ve gotta have money in the bank, Jack! From April i all ratings of PO rants and above and leading rates on advancement are to have their pay credited direct to a bank account each month after normal deductions and allotments have been made. This will also apply to all lending rates from
August 1.
long period naval personnel haic been encouraged to change to bank credit and. although Over
many senior rates are already paid in this may. some have chosen not to make the change until obliged. Although it is not at present proposed to make bank pa_v'rnent.s compulsory for able rates and below, a significant proportion have already opted for this course. This _vcar's compulsory changes also apply to equivalent ranks and rates in the Royal Marines.
\'i‘R.'N'S. and QARNNS.
To assist In the transition to monthly payments there is an arrangement for in “settling in" advance of a fortnight's pay. which can be repaid
three-month period. Personnel about to leave the Service will not be involved in the
over it
compulsory change.