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TOKYO'S FRIGA TE CALLERS For ships‘ company members at two at the trtgatea on the Navy‘: current deployment to the Far East. the runs aahora have included Japan. Here H.Il.S. Ctaooatm

carats Tokyo harbour. with the Type 21 H.M.S. Atnamn Sac at-ao page 13. in the background -—

Pctures POtP'aoo Memo‘


Ptaces or interest visited by men tram tha tfipaties which called at Tokyo include-t! Kane-it of Asaltu TempuAmong thou seen

inspecting the nearby souvenir shops are

two from

H at 5

Amazon. LCK Corvirner (centre) and PO Ed-Ivarvds.


Bigger lump

aid resettlement


Seven Royal Navy vessels and three RFAs are to pass through the Panama Canal in July to take part in a series of exercises in the Pacific.



See special article in P890 22

As thousands of Servicemen and their families look hopefully across the next few weeks and ponder to what extent the April pay award will aid their pockets. the Forces Pay Review Body has been quietly continuing and finalising its work.


deployment they will ports on the west coast. of the

North. Central and South America. The group will include the helicopter Ct'lll.\Ct' H.M.S. Blake. nticlear—powert:tl submarine H.M.S. Conqueror. Type -32 destroyer H.t\I.S. Birmingham and four frigzites. They are due to leave the U.l\'. in .\lay and toreturn home shortly before the end of the year.


‘nuke’ name

No surprises on the l'I1l\'Ill front were apparent when this year‘.s Defence White Paper was published in February. bttt the "progress report" 0“ -*h}P‘ and weapons entering service made interesting reading and revealed that the ship name Trafalgar is to be added to the I\':ivy List. With the commissioning last month of ll..\l.S. Sceptre. tenth nuclear-powered Fleet submarine and fourth of the Swiltsure class, two more of the class (Spartan and Splendid) are being built The order for the lIf.\l of the lmproved Swiftsure class to be named Trtifalgar was placed last year. and at second is planned for the coming year. (The Navy's last Trafalgar was the Brittle-class destroyer of 194-1). (Continued In Page 48) —


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«nut -Canaan .i-om -pmoi






The report is due to be submitted to the Prime Minister by April l. but the timing of any announcement is not yet clear. Last year's announcement. folloWln‘ Government consideration of t e AFPRB report. was made towards the end of April. As is customary. no clues on this ."A‘:tr's outcome l1:t\e been forthcoming. but when he presented the Defence White Paper in mid-February the Defence Secret.iry (Mr. Fred .\lti|ley] made a brief reference to pay. \Vh;ttI:\'er increase was tlccitletl on would be added to the Defence htitlget. he said "Our Defence accounting system. like other fealiires uf (‘ms-ernment etpentlitiire. Itl\lllaies the Defence txutlget from pay and price increases in other words, the l)L'fL'nt.‘e liudget is largely inflation proof. And the other \ltiL‘ of the coin l\ that constraints on the Defence budget are quite -cp:ir.ite from pay res—


"There is no question of pay being held down because of pressure on the Defence budget."


.-\n.swerin' a question. the Minister sai he thought morale was still extremely good in all three Services and that abundant evidence was given by the way all three had responded in the firefighting emergency. On the other hand. it would be wrong to suggest there was no great concern in the Services about pay and conditions.

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