Will JIM FIX IT FOR Jllflli? As Navy News went to press shortly after Easter, there was no lack of noise over Service pay, but still a deathly hush on the timing of the much-heralded announcement.
only positive news was that a statement was unlikely by April 1. the date by which the report of the .-‘srnieti Forces Pay Review Body was due to he stihntitted to the Prime .\lini.ster. .\irr .l;ime.s (':il|agli;in_ The
l-'l.OODl.lT lN THE FAR-l-'l.UNG
-\lter .tlt Al-'l’Rli report has l‘L‘t‘tt \lil\llltllL’\l. there h.ise osii .tll_‘- hr;-rt seteriil ssecits iii \\hiteh.ill "prom-tttire” :lt\iIi\ttlt3 the slL‘|‘.tfllttCltl\ utlt\'L‘tttt‘tl .iml [int\t‘.'lttttt.'ttl U'll\|tlt'i.tllIt|lliefore «I statctttettt is ni.utu_ but the .iss.ird is i1.'telul.ilL'tl to -\prtl l Atltitrtg their soiccs to the Welter oi words tit l‘.irli.'iritetit Liriti the Press stirring the run-up in the .itinotincenti.'rit h.iu' been the ri;i\';i1 wnes Tilt‘ "riio\'erttent" appears to lt.t\L' got under \»\.i) with a meeting oi about St) wises of officers .tl1ll ratings .’tl\o\L' a
Petitions Il'l\ttl\'t.'t.l said later that. iollowirig iornizitioti oi .i lorpotnt group concerned \|tll‘l their ltush;irids' pas. l’l_\mouth .tlL‘.'I were rims t‘l_L‘.tl‘lIIli"l_t: themseltes into gt-blips ('orit.ict lt.tti also been t's‘..ihi:sl1L'il \\tllt \\‘.\t‘s iitltet [‘l.lsL'\ It‘. the \\'Cst .it (lite oi the
Woolly pullies can
ashore go
Sailors in woolly pullies are likely to become a familiar sight around naval towns. A new relaxation of uniform rules allows officers and senior ratings to wear them ashore during normal working hours tor purposes like lunchtime visits to the bank. and also to wear them between home and duty in public as well as private transport. There is no t\l‘|]t.‘Clt(in to "minor stops" en route to and ironi duty whi:n wearin the pullies. On the some occasions. oi ieers will also now be able to wear iormal unilorm st_\'|i:.s. including .\’o 5 (undress! and shtrtslees-es
The relasaitions. which hate been ;ippros'ed l1}' the Admir;ilt_s ltimrtl and Just announced. will be weleomed by iit;in_\ unit should help remove a number of iriconsentenecs t~\ltIL'lt l'l.I\t.' arisert. lite) also ttppls to \\'R\'S and ().-\R.\\.\' oiitcets. ('Ul.l..v\R (ll 'TSll)l-1 lu.-s .irt,‘ to be worn with wool!) [‘lllltL’\. .'ilthoii;h (Vin 1. lleet can iel.t\ the weiiririg of these lit ships at se.i \‘-"hen tttlllta-:1/Ctl to \\L'_l.l wt-oil) pitlltes without .1 ilc, the vsliitc shirt ts to l~-.' tiriltiittorieil 1l: the neck and the |.'\‘li-Er \\i~t" I‘lll's?t!L‘ the ic:~-ct ltimo: r.itiri_es,to.' \\llitittllti't\t\1ill\pulls iorttis part ol w..r'uti_e t:_L'. .i;t .’l- I ..::v._t_tf Its the .lr.:riges
WiakflmflxsTb: hu‘&. c—r d h #1 (1,
U, th
People (below).
\.tlL'l_\_ he s.iItl. "l lL'L'l \'L'f}' Hltittttilt th.it -.l tsr.‘ are to ri‘i.iint.ttn the oper.ittnit.il ClllLlL‘|‘-\.'_\' oi the
lttrres. their uc lt.i\\' got to get |‘.t\ L'UIllp;Il.tl‘tltl_\ lniclt. as soon .is the L‘CUltt|tttlL' sI.itc oi the country .tliti\\s and i hope that is sootttrr l.tiltI.‘i than l.tlL‘i Footnote: lhe iu.issr\ e Pl.ll‘|llL'll_\' has included a on Kersice p.t_\ speeiilatite report tit one of the Siiriil.it "treaties" claintiiig that the .-\l-'l'Rl‘l Wttlllkl :id\ise it Ill per cent. rise. .12’: per cent. inerezise til the X factor, ;i "lreere" on rent. -'iL‘L‘ltmt"I10(l:tttttn and iood charges. and .1 -uanintee that Forecs pav restored to arity with would Ct\'IlIi!l‘I lt:\t:ls within 1. months. .\'o confirmation of any of this has, howeier. been forthcoming. H
(oiiiitr\ .tlltl the \oiith
‘She \\.is at pains to stress that thrs were "non-iiiiiit.irit_ not in l.nour of unions hut sen. l"“‘l’l'ls‘L'\." aiiiittttlu "We are ceit;iinl_\ not porn: to throw lirrelss tliroirgli urriiioxss or iii! .iri}.tltiii_.; sills Uni: thought ts the prescriLitton oi pettttorts and lohh_\in_;: ot .\ll’s."
(iosport nasal wnes questioned
the First Sea Loni (Admiriil Sir Terence Lewin) vtlien he called at Rowner during it suit to nasal e.si.ihlishments tn the area on March 22. .—\ltt:r addressing the wises pri-
Like plenty of other costs, slopes prices are rising, but Kit Upkeep Allowances are going up. too.
The allowancv: is based on :n-erage wear~life of all the compulsory items of uniform and over ii period oi _\'l.'(lf.\ (although not necess:iril_\' in any one year) should cover the cost of all the items it mzin t'IL't.'tl\ Sometimes ratings ask about the merits oi the one-for-one eseliatige \_\‘\lL'I'lt used h_\ the other Services. hut the Kl‘.-\ system is coristdered l\_\ the .\';i\y to have -:oitsnler.'ihlc .uis.trit.iges both for lllCll illltl Ill-lll.i_LfL'l'ilt_‘l'l'l it allinss i:L'k'<ii\:tt of choice silzere 1‘ lll.tlt huts his iintlorrtt tslops or i:.i\.il Lirlors .ishori:l .‘irttl. '.s-- .n:_-
‘.\--(L ‘.o the ‘II'1‘r1“ lie :r1.i:rtt.uns his
‘.i:::l«-rm a.-.rclt.E'\
\\'tL‘ti :‘.\'\s slaps ;\.'iu.'s .itc tssiusl foil:-\s:tt_e .IlI e\terts:\e .111-iit.1| K-\{.-ls“K' '.li:-sr .ire lielil for .I war. and :‘ll\L" .tllLl the allois:im'e~ ate tlirutls related Vets r.ites .-l ls'l'.v\. ]l.t\l .innounceil_ operate iront .‘\[lfll l. and the new issiiirig prtecs come tltln ioree not Liter than May 1.
Continued in Back
Champagne Adventure
gnu corks popped II H.M.S. omon lust before midnight on March 28 as Adventure crossed the ttnlshlrig line at the and at the 27.000-mtlo Whitbnod Flound-the-World yacht Chain
The Joint Sorvtoo entry tinishod aovprth overall on handicap. The world‘: oooan not started from Porto-
mouth tut