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Royal. on her not deployment. During a break from operations In Bird‘:

view at H.|l.S. Ark



the Attanttc the Ark

News AUGUST 1978 5p

HERE'S THE FORM Service wives who have been critical of the arrangements by which they register as electors will have special interest in an announcement setting out the procedure to be included in the 1979 list.

Dissatisfaction was voiced over several aspects of the system which came into operation this year. and it is known that the names of mam" wives did not appear on the register. The new announcementvmakes’ it clear that forms are now to be sent direct from ships and establishments to the wives. some of whom said that they never received them from their husbands. '

ll-w\i'\er, the


Servict: \t‘lr:r\ and rhr- ati.~~i.m.»n tg-qllltt-[Her/ll stays both being points on which there was .il\n some unes

rentiiiti as


“l‘{"\"“"“_ ‘hi:


l3-ti -\ct of _ was designed to iitake Il easier for Seistee men and their \lt\t_'\ hi \t)lC_ lw_\ tt.‘ltC\tt‘lF them of the c:\iliari re uiii:nir:rits lu rc~tei:i~ter eteiy year ieir n.inii:~ are carried tnrviard from year to _\L‘.1l when the ririniial rc_t:i\tet at ell.‘-.‘lttt\ t\ ptep.ireil_ and will not he tcmineil Until the uinip!i't:un of .i \cr\'.i'i' career The first electoral register tn tcflygt thy ncvt \}\tCllt \t\.'t\ pirhlislicil rm iel\rLi.ir\ llv l"'-\

Procedure lo: tliosi: uhu did tlI‘l re_eistcr last )L'.'It. .i t'iC\‘\ lkfetice fliuncil lll\ll’|tCllUll (R\' 4-12) scls out the pr--\'ea.!iiri.‘ for tl1(lU\tt1ll at the Rcmtet of

hegiririiiig an i-'ehni.ii\ Ih. 10"‘. All regular meriibcrs of the Rota! .\'.i\\_ Ro_\;iJ \l.irines_ \\'R\'S and t)-\R.\'\S arid their ‘i'll\C\. are tlesigriateil as S1-riice inlets, and are i-"loch-rs

L'l l}Z|l‘lL‘ s

he incluiled in the Register of liiectots. |\lL'll thus can gm e .i qu.ilif_\ing .i(lll!C\\ in the 'l\' and are met l.*«' or will .itt;iin that age during the upei.'itr\v: period (Fr.-l*~rii.ir_\ If» to February 15) of .'I particular register




(‘ontinued in bad: page

THREE SlllPS FOR EGYPT Three Royal .\-"aw ships are expected to under in "package" join the F.g_vptian deal now being finalised. including modernisation work in British shipyards.


the guided missile destro 'er I)C\'(JI"ISl‘llfC_ which has just completed er R.N. career with a visit to the Caribbean and a lamilies day off Portsmouth. Speculation is that there will be work involving her hangar and flight

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of the trio


Susponu an torrmc Tower Bridge on July

deck and that she will operate the Lynx helicopter The other ships named are the Cod War fngates ll.M.S. Lincoln and H.M.S. Salisbury. The Lincoln has been on stand-hv at Chatham_ while the Saiisbury recently handed over her bell to Salisbu Cathedral and sailed trom Portsmouth to Plymout to await her future. She is expected to sail tor Egypt '


(See Page 11)



uhorIC 1. John Rowmottho Mount: n and Arctic Wartom Cadre. 45 Commando

Group. Royal Morton. toot: n topoy-turvy view at London on a "death slide“ bltctty atunt tor the Royal oumamont. “duo CWDNX xirrfiuu




POl.ARlS: TEN-TON TRIUMPH Polaris, "trip secret" su.'tiun nl the most silent part at the

‘£4-riice. was producing suirrs nl national headlines as this l'dllltIl'I of \'a\_\ Vein went to prl'\\.


lllltl til steps being l;il\t:tI to ensure that t'i\ili;m .



",‘i::l'"p.','.:,r,r;,p:i“fi'-3 p


lhis itwludfll rt't>lt'tti~hntt'nl “nrk "-‘ “.“"’" “‘ i" s“""“"" ll.“ 5. R1-\i-iige prepared tor



lItmt"\'r. nothing t-uutd

tll‘ll".It'l from the tart that her ‘Mr, ‘NFL “_“_5_ R‘.v,lufi”n_ um mn,pminu nu. mom pub mi in _,n R_\_ putal-5‘ u.\“.|_ marking a du".idi- of unhruken llU\‘h-dr m.“.rn.nfl. 3 ,3,"-_\ which is told in the centre pages. _

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