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the Wrens, asks the chatty Prince

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from the First Sea Lord Admiral ir Terence Lewln messa e

I well understand that recent circumstances In and its large and ve industrial Important the dockyards and elsewhere ashore have worktoree, because at t e end of the day the caused frustrations for many of you, both uni- o rational and domestic wellbelng of our Sertormed and civilian, and may continue for some v ce depends upon all of us working closely time to inconvenience you and families. to ether in partnership. But it is very necessary thatt so should not please exercise toleratlon and underbe allowed to drive a wedge between the Navy standing while present problems are sorted.


HA|iii|Eli —SEA TAKES OFF! Evidence of how naval housing availabilityhas greatly improved in recent years is provided by the placing on the open market of nearly 100 surplus quarters on the huge married quarters estate at Rowner, Gosport.

decided to sell some properties in “Old Rowner" a few in St Nicholas Avenue, but most in Homer Close only after careful calculations showed that the quarters needs of the area could be met now and in the foreseeable future, and that the “roof to roof“ moves situation now existing for most naval drafts in the U.K. could be maintained. The uarters are bein sold in phases and it is understood that when the irst four were there were more than 140 inquiries, the majority from Service or ex—Service families. MODERNISATION NEED Built in the 19505, the properties becoming available consist of 32 three-be room terraced houses; 18 two-bedroom flats; 24 three-bedroom flats; ten two-bedroom maisonettes; and ten three-bedroom maisonettes. The houses are described as generally sound but in need of modernisation, while the flats and maisonettes are reported as in good order. The flats are to be sold in blocks to a property in the first instance. company, it is hoped Sale of the quarters will be by it





private treaty or public auction, and the joint agents handling the sale are L. S. Vail and Son, 4, Hi h Street, Gosport, and Fairhall an Durston, 133 High Street, Gosport. Prices are basically in the £11,000—£12,000 range. The procedure laid down for MOD uarters disposal is that “first re usal" has to go to other Government departments and second to the local authority. If both decline as occurred in this the Property Services case Agency can place them on the —

open market.

Latest version of the British jump jet, the Sea Harrier is set for its international public debut at Farnborough Air Show in early September when thousands of visitors will be able to see the first aircraft, painted in Royal Navy colours, put through its paces in daily demonstrations. On public view, too, for the first time will be the acclaimed Ski-Jump take-off ramp which is to be fitted in R.N. ships carrying the aircraft to boost further its performance. For the show, a specially-built ramp will be fixed at 15



First flight for the Sea Harrier came on Sunday, August 20 from British Aerospace’s Dunsfold airfield in Surrey. During the 35-minute fli ht, with chief test pilot John Farley at the controls, it carrie out three vertical take-offs, a short take-off, several rolls, performance hovers, and vertical


radar-equipped jump jet with new avionics fitted, the sea version of the famous Harrier has exterior changes which include raised cockpit for improved visibilit Thirty-four have been ordered for the Roya Navy and the aircraft is A


scheduled to enter service in the latter half of next year. It is to operate in the fi hter, reconnaissance, and strike roles, and in t e 19805 will fly from the new Invincible class of cruisers which are being equipped with bow-mounted Ski-Jump ramp. Farnborough International 78 is 0 en to the Press and Trade between September and 7 and to the public on September 8, 9 and 10 (9.30 a.m. to 7 p.m.).

(Continued in back page)

G (SEA) E FOR JACK Jack is about to get the opportunity to gain his 0 Level in Seamanship. After many years of negotiation with the

Associated Examining Board, final ap roval has been obtained to introduce into the CE(RN) an Ordinary Level in seamanship with a syllabus specifically orientated to Royal Navy practice. The subject should be especially opular with the Ops Branch, members of have, over the past few years, felt they have been at a disadvantage compared to others when attempting to obtain qualifications for promo-'



(Continued in back page)

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