Nears NOVEMBER 19.79 10;)
200 FLY TO All] FAR EAST SHIPS Storm trial for new seasick pill Navy doctors are hoping that H.M.S. Broadsword and H.M.S. Scylla run into a spot of rough weather in the next few weeks. But there is nothing personal about it the two ships have been “volunteercd" for a controlled test on a new anti-seasickness pill. The new drug, called Cinnarizine. is already widely used —
by yachtsmcn. Under the trade name Stugeron, available at high street chemists for some time. So
ular is Cinnarizine that po Roya Navy ships already
it has been
instead of the standard issue "Pusscr's
The roadsword Scylla trial will roducc a scientific comparison tween Cinnarizjne and Hyoscine. Volunteers in both ships will be issued with tablets in a controlled "double blind" trial usin both drugs. The identity of the pi s will be a secret, known only to the intemational phannaeeutical company which makes them, and to an unidentified the Institute of Naval third, party atAlverstoke, which will Medicine. conduct the trial. -
in midSi n gayxorc fresh exercises rom
and successful visits to Australia. New Zealand and islands such as Java. Bali and New Guinea. there waiting to carry out any
needed were members of Fleet Maintenance Units from
Portsmouth. Devonport. Cha-
tham and Rosyth. Their flight to Sin 2: re. airmade in two R.A.F. craft and coming busy spell for the F.M.U.s, is licvcd to be their biggest sortie yet to any one place.
flag of Flag Officer Second Flotilla (Rear-Admiral P. M. Stanford) and H.M. ships Are-
thusa and Arrow.
The group is accompanied R.F.A.s Olmcda, Lyness. Blac Rover. and Fort Grange. Reunion in Singapore came after the Norfolk and the Arrow had visited Djakana and the Arethusa had been to Bali. Com letin the picture were 00 wives and girl more i an
efficient. economical method
providing abroad. Their
Singapore is being used to give as many members of ships' companies as possible a break and it will allow the ships to move on as a group. Local ship ard help is also used time in
Many men, both from ships and F.M.U.s. were savouring the delights of bustlin colourful Singapore for the first time. ,
large-scale inter-shi sports programme was with the Deployment Dustbin at stake. Now the ships. with over 25.000 miles on the deployment ‘clock. are pointing homewards. They were leaving Singa re in late October and early ovember and three were aying brief visits to Penang be ore Joining the rest of the Group for exercises in the Indian Ocean. Then they will head home. via Ashore.
address it
exped. o
of service. degrees of nausea. length side effects and individual
A Joint Services
aim of this
questionnaire is to find out just how many people do suffer from sea sickness in the Navy. The trial is expected to be completed early in the New Year. and will take place while the Broadsword and the Scylla are on nonnal operational duties. The Institute of Naval Medicine will also be interested in information from a shi motion recorder installed in H.M. Broadsword by the Admiralty Marine Technology Establishment. O The Medical Research Council has advertised for a scientist to study what goes on in the brain during scasickncss. "Hie successful applicant will spend three years on research. based at the Institute of Naval Medicine.
ODoptoymertt cotour picture. Page 40. See also Page 19.
reveal individual reactions to seasickness. It will take into account
other factors.
The linking-up here of six Royal Navy warships and 200 men flown out from Britain to service them illustrates the Navy’s current way of operating world-wide. Without big overseas friends who had flown to Sin-' H..\-1. ships Achilles. Falbases. the Navy maintains mouth and Dido. all fri ates, gapore from the UK. on packthis capacity by taking ser- were the first ships to hea into age tours for holiday reunions, The system of flying out .thc .\'ava| Basin at vice to the ships. marine cnginccrin and weapon Four days later they were fo When vessels of the Group lowed by the missile destroyer electrical men, familiar with Eight Deployment arrived in H.M.S. Norfolk. wearing the ships' equipment. is regarded as
prehensive questionnaire designed to remedies,
the Mediteminean. in time for
QUES'l'l0NNA[R!-I Volunteers will fill in
From John Tucker in
to the Antarctic has been mlled off because the ice patrol ship H.M.S. Endurance cannot take the art’. left Portsmouth on October 24 for her six-month deployment to Antarctic waters. But her schedule makes it impractical for her to provide transpon and su port uth to the members of the Georgia 197930 Much of the ship 5 work will Picture: tA(Phot) Kenn Stave be concentrated in the Falkland islands. roughly 900 miles from the British island of South Georgia. She will not have time it 5: gloom and landing in the short Antarctic summer p. tlltabout nthowatereol'thoMod.asaknoto1' to land the expedition members. spectators on the fllght dock studies the aetlvttloe In provide back—up and re-embark the chip’: dock below. them.
Tge Endurance
Intrepid busy in the Med
seeds of seamen’: skills