Tons of reputedl being carried in the cruiser H.M.S. Edinburgh when she ha to be sunk y British torpedo in the Barents Sea during an Arctjg: convoy in __1942 is raising serious commerciahinterest, it is
understood. Old ipmates‘ speculation about bUl.|Ul". which they bc~ s
licve took
.|l'lltlY1jll items on board in Russia has lcattire of an u..s
been intriguing re ular reunions of the H. .S. Edinburgh Survivors‘ and North Russia Association. Now the lidinburgh \UfVl\'Ul\ and ncxt-0l—ktn ol those who died are being risked their attitude towards any .itIeI't1pt In t‘lp|ot't' the wreck. which is the grate of about Gil sailors
£100 million It about ten tttns oi bullion Is also in the ship, as some of the survivors belieie, it would be worth nearly Iltlt million tod.i_i Interest in the l-dinburgbk cargo. Whus-t: Contents and owner ship remain unconfirmed. has occurred belore ("eri.iin|s. conimercial and .ill other aspects would need to he lirmls settled
\i'|l\':|gl.‘ work could be
known ll’h|l the
of Dclenee. owners ol wrecks ol ll.M ships, are deeply conscious ol the sanctity of resting laces of those who died. in is the 'oi1'imonweii|th War Graves
it was lollowing .in approrich from it t‘0ITl|'l'lClCl.ll source that Mr Bill Dali. hon secretary ol the lidtnbtitgti Survivors .»\s.sociation. Asked. through Navy
News, il survivors and nr.-xt—otvltin would attend a meeting bcin called at the Patten Arms Hnie Warrin ton. Cheshire. on Friday. .
scetioti oi
The l0.0l]0-ton built on the Time just before I e Second World War and sister ship to H.M.S. Bellast, was the gallant covering cruiser to Convoy OP ti returning lrom Russia in Spring I042.
Although hit by
and. with her
blown oil. she
(continued in Page 40.)
Here's mud in your l.l. In an action-packed dav around lion Kong it Sea King from the Navy's current deployment to the ‘iii East plucked .'tl'I Army helicopter {mm the mud near the Chinese border. while one of the Sea King crew caught two "lls" tllcgiil .
Then the to
Nan, six
went on
Vietnzimesn‘ boat
('re\ii ol the Set: Kin whose ship is R l".r\ O wen. are
parent Sanity Mathteson (ca ,
l.]II"l .tcve
;irid ltt\l pilnl]. l.ieut Williams tseeond pilot]. Subl_icut Nesille ('i.'iunt (obserseri and POA('MN Tony (‘amphell
Pl'RSUlT When
Scout \Alll'l Sub-Licut Gaunt helicopter, on bflilld. ll‘l'L‘('-lHl'NlCd in mud Ill! _i.irds liom the ('hincse border. the Sea King plucked the Scout to saletv and took it back to R..-‘s.F. Selt from which the Nan‘ aircraft was o rating Meanwhile. Sub~ _icut iaunt pursued the l l s on loot and up rehetided them single-handed in the d.iy, H MS (};il.ite.i. en route from Singapore. V4';|\ diverted towards £1 \"ietnamesc boat in distress The Scti King. which belongs to R34 Squndriin, lh.'!\1tl\(' called to assist and winehed oil four men. .i woman .ind 1' Child. I.-iiiiling them .in
llorig Kong. 0 Group de yment report 22. pieturu in
What it relief for
Glasgow A taste ol the Caribbean
boosted H.M.§. Glasgow's s irits when she returned to ortsmouth on August 22 alter hurricane relief work in the West Indian disaster island ot St Lucia.
Awaiting the 280 members oi the ship's com in was it gilt oi rum
iron: the h Commissioner tor the I-hat Ca bean in London. Dr. Cluudim Thomas. in appreciation ol the destrn_ver’.s r-me c_i aid. Another Roynl Navy ip which undertook a rnerey mission in the wake ol Hurricane Allen was H.M.S. Se lla. The triple went to (‘aymtin l'I(‘. which despite escaping the lull li.ir_v ol the storm .s1lll needed plenty of help. (Continued with pictures in Page W).
New class of patrol l'tI'\l two ships of .i new class of '5-nicttc ollsliotc patrol vessels h.i\e been ordered from Hull Russell and (‘o ol Aberdeen lhcy will perform the iluzil role ol fishers’ patrol .iiid ollshori: install.'|ll0|'I protection. and will be able to operate liclieuplcrs The two sht ol .i type to the 0l'lrL'l-'i.\\ palrul replace due \'r.'\scl.s. are tor acceptance in late 1981-early I982. _