. JANUARY 1982
Mercy squadrons take on the cruel sea
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ROYAL NAVY helicopters battled against some of the worst weather ever experienced by aircrews last month in a series of dramatic and challenging missions in which they helped rescue scores of people in trouble around Britain's coasts. In one incident, helicopters from Portland, Cuidrose and Lee-on-Solent aided lifeboatmen in saving 35 lives in a blizzard. In another, Portland Sea Kings operating from RFA Engadine lifted 28
crewmen from a blazing freighter by the light of the flames.
And in one of two missions in which pilots flew "blind," guided by aircrew, a Sea King from HMS Gannet flew backwards for 11/2
miles through a raging storm to reach a sick man. Culdrose helicopters and Plymouth divers also played key roles in rescue attempts during the Cornish lifeboat disaster on December 19 and 20. On December 13, in darkness
and driving snow, helicopters from RN air stations Lecon-Solent, Portland and Culdrose helped lifeboatmen rescue 36 from the Ecuador-registered freighter Benita, which developed a 40-degree list in heavy seas 30 miles south of Start Point, Devon. Four people, including a woman and her two-year-old son, were winched to safety and landed at Portland. LACMN Roger Brooks, in the Dacdalus helicopter which saved the four, said later: ''With the ship listing so much, it was difficult to get at the survivors. We had to land a diver on to the side of the ship so he could
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is a very good hand to hold in any game, particularly if your four are Type 21 gas-turbine powered, guided missile frigates of the Fourth Frigate Squadron based at Devonport. They are (from foreground) HM ships Ardent, Amazon, Arrow and Alacrity. The ships, under the command of Cdr. Chris Craig (Alacrity), were en route to pay a visit to Amsterdam. Picture: LA(Phot) Dave Cutler. del
run up the slope, grab the nearest person and get him back to the rails to be winched up." Pilot and (liver were Lieut. Paul Sparkes and LACMN John Spencer. The assisting Sea King from 814 Squadron Culdrose was airborne for 81/4 hours, having earlier rescued six people from the maze carrier Boberix, listing and taking in water 60 miles south of Falmouth. Th. crew were Maj. Al McKinnon CAF (pilot), SubLieut Alan Davison (deputy pilot) Sub-Lieut. Peter Gibb (observer) and ACMN Joseph Sykes. Fishermen It was a busy night also for D ieda lus. Another helicopter from the station was called out three times, on one occasion to winch to safety three fishermen caught by the tide in Langstone Harbour, Portsmouth. The Benita incident was the fourth drama in just over a fortnight for the busy squadrons at Portland. Four days earlier, Sea Kings of Continued In page 9
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500 jobs
ABOUT 500 JOBS are involved in Phase 1 of the Navy redundancy scheme, making Christmas and the New Year a time for careful reflection by many officers and ratings in the groups invited to apply. However, this total - taking in Compensation terms - back ranks and rates from captain to page P0 and a range of specialisations and trades - proved lower than 1986 will not be considered nor some had expected. will ratings who joined the Navy Most redundancies are to be after April 1, 1978, or officers made from lieutenant whose current pensionable or commanders and above of all lists short career commissions in their and from senior ratings - but not present rank ends before April 1, those with just a few years to 1986. serve. The guide for those considering For the 280 rating billets applications shows categories and concerned, the main "target" Turn to back page appears among CPOs and POs in the age range 25-35, while the redundancy numbers include about 240 officer posts. H Among lieutenants and below
and among junior ratings thereandis to be little
Glamorgan returns
HMS Glamorgan made an Unlikely redundancy, the first phase will not include expected return from Gulf Patrol to spend Christmas and any FCPOs, artificers or New Year in the UK. She meehanicians. arrived home on December 21 Ratings who complete 22-year after suffering propeller damage pensionable engagements, or in the Gulf of Oman. See story further periods of service to these and pictures in Page 31. engagements, before April 1,