Falklands Task Force . 40%
4 MAY 1982
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WITHIN a fortnight of disclosure of slimdown details for the Royal Navy, the Service responded with speed and style to an emergency call drawing in scores of vessels and thousands of men for a difficult and potentially dangerous mission up to 8,000 miles from home. With the eyes of the world focused on them (despite considerable secrecy about movements), the ships and the men and women, assembled from home and abroad, grew into the powerful Falklands Islands Task Force, the Government's dramatic response to the Argentinian invasion of the South Atlantic islands.
Sailors ill land i
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AN eleven-strong party of Navy men were on hand in the Falkland Islands to give the first warning of approaching invaders and to help the Royal Marines defend Port Stanley. Most have now returned to their ship, HMS Endurance, but the story of the last British sailors to leave the islands was brought to Navy News by the leader of the detached party, Lieut. Richard Ball. He and his men had been landed a fortnight before the attack to put the finishing touches to a months-long hydrographic survey. Instead they found themselves caught up in a battle
Their peaceful work continued until April 1, the eve of the invasion, when the Royals' commanding officer, Major Mike Norman, told them that invasion was imminent. The whole of the naval party excluding LS(SR) Steve Brook, who was at a survey site 20 miles away - then joined the Marines as part of the islands' garrison. 'Armed with sub-machine guns, they moved ammunition, filled sandbags and helped to build defensive positions. Lieut. Ball, Lieut. Chris Todhunter and POWTR Andy Vind spent " Continued lip page 17
Warships sailing from the UK were joined by those diverted from elsewhere. Some vessels carried large Royal Marines groups; many ships were crammed with the equipment of war, including aircraft. A large section of the RFA fleet was involved and - increasingly as the force got under way - a whole range of cornS Continued in back page
AS NAVY NEWS was going to press news of the recapture of South Georgia was announced by Defence Minister Mr. John Nofi. It was reported that two Lynx helicopters had disabled the Argentine submarine Santa Fe off Grytvlken and that Royal Marines, supported by a number of warships and a Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessel, had been landed by helicopter. Two hours later, at 6 p.m. on Apr11 25, the Argentine garrison had surrendered. Confirmation of the operation came in a dramatic message from the Task Force to the Government: "Be pleased to Inform Her Majesty that the White Ensign (lies alongside the Union Jack in South Georgia. God save the Queen." Restday on board HMS Harm* as she steamed south.
Picture: PO(Phot) Len Cobbett
Wives keep i*n touch
WHEN for the first time In more than a quarter of a century naval families watched their menfolk sail away on a major operation with hazards of unknown degree, the Naval Personal and Family Service mustered its resources to meet all contingencies. Inevitably, the suddenness of ships'
departure from the United Kingdom, need and the organisatlon expanded Into naval to divert other ships (including some due to information centres - points of contact for return home alter exercise In the Gibraltar wives seeking help or advice. (See phone area), the rapid draft of men from shore to numbers list In page 5). Thousands of queries have been ship, and recalls from leave, led to some anxiety - and great demand for handled, with particular pressure in the first few days of the emergency. ff were drafted Into the Navy's Information, particularly concerning UK Sailors' and Families Advice Bureaux, ship movements, was of necessity ex-
tremely limited for operational reasons, although some relaxation came later. In some cases, especially where ship movements were changed, wives did not know for some time the name of the ship In which their husband was serving. " Continued In page 5