Falklands Task Force 4
JUNE 1982 lOp
Gunsmoke drifts away from a Royal Navy Roth.sayclass frigate as a line of warships bombard Argentine positions at Grytvlken on South Georgia. This dramatic picture was taken from a Coumyass guided missile destroyer on the morning of April 25 as Royal Marines and Army troops were landed by helicopter to recapture the island 23 days after it had fallen into Argentine hands. Only casually during the twohour operation was an Argentine sailor who was wounded in the leg and later had the leg amputated. The article of surrender was signed on board HMS Plymouth the following day. " More pictures in Pages 9. 10 and 40.
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AS Navy News went to press on May 22, first details were emerging of a major landing by British forces In the Falkiand Islands. At the same time, it was announced from London that five Task Force ships had been damaged, two seriously, in heavy air attacks. There were casualties on both sides. Royal Marines Commandos and paratroopers established a firm bridgehead after several landings and raids in different parts of the islands. A statement said the British troops were ashore in substantial numbers with artillery. air defence weapons and other heavy equipment disembarked from the Task Force ships.
AIRCRAFT DESTROYED British Harriers and missiles had destroyed 16 Argentine aircraft, plus two helicopters on the ground. But i was learned that one Harrier was missing and two British helicopters were lost. Reporters with a ship which launched one
of the landings described a four-hour operation including naval bombardments of enemy shore positions, followed by wave upon wave of attacks by Argentine fighters and bombers. During the preparations for the British landings, a Royal Navy Sea King ditched with 30 men on board. Nine were rescued, one body was recovered, and 20 were missing, presumed dead.
LAmbulance brigade',
Dressed up in their new "sea ambulance" livery, HMS Hydra (background) and HMS Herald carry out a ~toy transfer on their way to the South Atlantic. The picture was taken by LA(Phot) T. Butcher from the Herald. See special feature in centre pages.