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Falklinds Awards 48-PAGE







Medals for Chile helo crew

CREW members of the Royal Navy See King helicopter which ditched in Chile during the Falklands conflict have received gallantry awards. The pilot, Lieut. Richard Hutchings, RU, a combat survival instructor, receives the DSC, as does Ueut. Alan Bennett LACUN Peter lmrle Is awarded the DSU.

RsmaIns of their aircraft war. found in southern Chile on May 20. During a mission, details of which have never been explained fully, the helicopter from 846 Squadron was put down on the coast The crew destroyed the machine, thinking they had landed In Argentina, and for four days lay low until they realised they, were in neutral territory.

" LEFT: Marchers in London's "Salute to the Task Force" parade in October proudly wore their South Atlantic Medals. Other naval service members qualified will receive theirs over the coming months in alphabetical order of eligible units. Many are entitled to wear the rosette, as shown. March stories and pictures - page 9.

Citations for the three men are brief and unspecific, Ueut. Bennett "mad, a partlculaity significant contribution to the unit's successful night operations... and showed greet skill and courage despite the perticu' laity hazardous nature of the missions In hlch he was


Usut. Hutchings completed eight operational missions th dogged determination and courage, demonstrating great resiNence under trying circumstances." LACUN knrle 'flew several missions in very hazardous circumstances ... he displayed great courage and disregard for his own safety." " More stories of gallantry In the Falklands and the awards lists - pages 16-21.

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a a RATINGS already serving are being asked to think ahead about transferring to the new open engagement which all new-entry ratings now sign on joining. But decisions on if and when to make th cannot be made until its effect on pay is ckarei Now the approved by Admiralty Board, the open engagement offers new ratings a 22-year career (provided performance and physical

fitness remains satisfactory), with a pension at the end, but without the need to apply for for further re-engagement periods of service after nine, 12 or 14 years.

Flexible The new engagement is seen as another step in the move from a rigid system based on lengthy binding commitments, to a more flexible one and as simplification of the present system, under which some ratings can give notice. All on the new engagement will have the right to leave at 18 months' notice at any time provided they complete a minimum of four years' trained adult ser-

vice. Notice can first t when a rating has complct and-a-half years from the end his initial training or 18th birthday (whichever is later). Pay of ratings now serving will not be affected unless they choose the new engagement. The option to transfer will come when information is available about introduction of other incentives to to replace longer service committal pay. This type of pay (maximum 75p a day) at present goes to men who commit themselves to a fixed-term engagement. New ratings now joining are now paid the "uncommitted" rate of or "intermediate" rate in the case of artificers because of their longer initial training. When they have served nine years they will receive the equivalent of the old committal pay, possibly as increased length of service increments. " IL?cnønimd kir beck


New food charge

A FOOD charge of 72p a day for married unaccompanied personnel living in shore messes is to start from January 1, The AFPRB had recommended Its introduction from October 1 but for reasons this date was deft.s seve

When first reported, the charge b.carn a conisutlous Issue. With Its Introduction knininsnt an explanatory DCI Is due this month, and a letter has gone front Director General of Naval Personal Services to commanding offlce

The chei Is U$-Ssrvlce, with many In the Navy a1tecIs but them are exam tions, mainly concerning temporary sppolnUn.nts and drafts, and where p.r.onn.l cannot be accompanied for ce reeson The AFPRB took the view that the receipt of tree food was a financial benefit which, despite continuing expenditure In the family home, was Inequitable. The Navy Is taking the view that extra costs are Incurred by separation but that these need to be met by ofissi measures, currently under consideration in MOD.

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