Page 1



15‘ 700 a year for standby men

Bllllllllllll Blllllls lllll Ell-Slllllllls

SUSSEX RNR Divlaion were tpggtgd to tgygry ch[|.[fn.. preaenoe when a very ahapely Santa paid a call.

l-IX-RN RATINGS now In the Royal Fleet Reserve are to receive bounties 0! up to £100 when they report "all present and correct" at a mobile reporting unit which will tour the coontry.Thenewsystemolannualeheelts otters a big llnaneial boost over the present arrangement, which involves only a limited postal questionnaire. The Government announcement of the new procedures to improve the readiness of the Royal Fleet Reserve explained that from April 1 RN(RFR) ratings will be required to report annually to the centre within 50 miles of their home. Nuiiihers involsed are about -Lilli, mostly ratings who have carried out service of more than 18 months, but less than I2 years, and who have a reserve liability {or service mobilisation. This on liability normally lasts up to three years. It is emphasised that scheme does not apply to RI)_\..ll Nasal Resene or to pensioners, and that

the the

RN the

Rl-'R(R.\l) arrangements remain unchanged.

Aim of the ucheme, Ilhlfh has l't't'CI\€tl .-\dl't'llti|ll)' Board appri-s.il. is to collect up-to-date Il'llIIf'l'Yl..Illtll'1 \IlllCl‘I will enable the .\'.i\_s to make better use oi the skills and experience asail-



charm CHARM and informality during the comrnlaaloning at Portamouth ol HMS Art:


Blonde Kerry Ilaaltett donned red robea ot office to bring to rnernberaol HUS 8uaaex.Yutettde cheer which will continue tar beyond thia eeeeon ot goodwill. For eo enthralled were the "up-. comp.” ‘"3 W. V...‘

that they hair! 06090“ N’ 00 Ilaa HIS Buaaex. Twentyear-old Kerry. who rvorka at West suaa-ea. la pletured iirtth her new tana. tnciudng the executive ollleer oi the ton eetabilahmerit. Cdr. Nevlle Dutton RNH. She la nour looting torvrard to gracing many at the Dlvlelorra '""°”°" M mu‘






Daedalus mercy

flight team


HERON D U0 our BREAK FOR CA SH WARDROOM stewards Dick Hoare and Les Hutchings of RN air station Yeovilton have really got themselves involved in raising money for sufferers of multiple sclerosis. Their latest efforts have included a canoe marathon which brought in £1,335.

the swimmers. The money has been handed over to the Dorset Friends of ARMS towards a hyperbaric oxygen therapy unit for multiple sclerosis sufferers. C] D D

and a sponsored "jailbreak" which made £3(Il.


their canoe venture were Mrs. Judy Northard, wife of the Captain of HMS lleron. Capt. Bob Northard. Mrs. Ma Hunterlnglis. wife of Lieut.- dr. Bruce Hunter-Inglis. a former deputy supply officer of the establishment; and Lwren Jane Willem. Supported on the ground by P0 Harry Worth and Mr. Robert Northard. the five intrepid canoists had just three hours‘ instruction before setting out on their 1(1)-mile. three-day paddle from Sherborne to Taunton. They negotiated the River Yeo as far as Bridgwater. but were nearly swamped by bad weather and transferred to the Bndgwater Taunton canal to complete their journey. Since then Dick and Les have raised another £300 by "breaking out" of Somerset. They clocked out of Somerton police station at 9am with no money in their pockets. and reached Hamilton police station. eight miles from Glasgow. in their time limit of ten hours. They are planning a long walk for nest summer. 2 0 Cl Royal Navy and OARNNS ratings from RN}! Gibraltar. assisted by members of the Albuhera Band. the lst Battalion The Queen's Regiment. and I Specialist Troop Royal Engineers. collected [.897 by pushing beds through the streets of Gibraltar. The money was split between St Martin's Special School on Gibraltar and the Cheshire Home in Cheltenham. D D C Three lieutenants from HMS Raleigh raised 070 by running in the Stoke half marathon in Plymouth. Simon Heggarty made [.50 for Scott Hospital. while Peter Murphy and Gareth Hughes raised £320 between them for the Raleigh Falklands viar memorial. This memorial is to be a pictorial and symbolic tapestry to be hung in the Roman Catholic church in Raleigh. them




D D for Bill has been

A cheque School for the



Andmer. Hants. by (‘dr. John

.\lcAna|ly. commanding

uf H.\‘L‘i Alacrlty. The money was raised



his their

ship's company during recent four-month deployment

Canada. America and the West lndies. Events included a in

charity triathlon completed in gruelling heat at St Thomas. US


Islands. One of the participants. CPO Dave Flynn. accorripanied Cdr. .\fcAnally to the school, with which the ship has been linked for a number of years C1 Cl C) Forty-two runners led by WOPT Bill Rosewell of the Portsmouth Command Sports Office also chose a hall marathon to make money for charity. They ran in the Paris 20km. international race through the streets of the city. starting and finishing under the Eiffel Tower. There were 28.500 entrants.

Their efforts raised more than £ti.‘i(l for KGFS, and the fastest Navy runner home was MNE Jeff Price (R.\f Eastney) in a time of 67min. l2sec. Many of the RN competitors were accompanied by families and friends. making it is memorable social weekend (3


U POMEM(M) Mark Wrather of HMS Endurance was generby members of ously the shi 's company when he joined l other members of the


Dorset Sub-Aqua Club for an tWi~mile "fin swim" around the Isle of Portland. Mark's sponsors stunt d up £250 ividual the hi i i total out of L150 raised by —

Ugly Bug

Ball in [ILLS Dryad raised £400 for the special care baby unit at St Mary‘s Hospital. Portsmouth. Wrens in Dryad hold an annual summer fanq dress dance for An


Wrens from the establishment visited the unit to hand over




THREE MEN involved in a helicopter Search and Rescue mission from HMS Daedalus in January have received Flag Officer Naval Air Command oomrnendations.



Ueut. Norman

Lees (pilot). crewman CPOACMN Mick Rowsell and diver CPOACMN Graham Watson. As their Wessex helicopter launched to assist a boy who had fallen over a cliff at Portland Bill. it suffered a fault in its auto-stabilising equipment. making it much more difficult to fly. TTJIIIULENT Nevertheless. Lieut. Lees decided to press on because the light was failing. ln diffiailt. turbulent conditions. pilot and crewman held the aircraft steady very close to the cliff while Watson climbed down 2tI)ft. to give first aid before lifting the badly injured boy into the helicopter on a stretcher. Despite their efforts. the boy died on the way to


0 Ueut. Lees and CPOs Rowsell and Watson are featured in a Hamish Hamilton children's book reviewed in last month's Navy News. Entitled “The Helicopter Pilot." it is one of the Cherrystones series which describes people’: working lives.

Wolverton dogs go on draft AS REPORTED last month, HMS Wolvertori. last of the five Coniston class patrol craft serving in the Far East. has said farewell to the Hong

Kong Squadron. Her dogs have




Samantha (Sam) is working with the (Jearance Diving Unit in HMS Tamar. while Scab now chases cats at Borneo Lines in the New Territories. Earlier. it had been reported that Leading Jan from HMS Monkton (now paid off) had been reckoned to be the last canine mascot attached to an RN ship. but the woIvertoii's dogs. we now hear. claim the distinction. —




target RFA Sir Geraint has become the first Fleet Auailia vessel to win the Mantel for close range gunnery. The


logistic landing ship competed against 23 other ships using

Ellmm Mark 7As and general purpose machine guns. First Radio Officer John Brindle. the Sir Geraint's gunnery officer. received the

trophy from Rear-Admiral Michael Livesay, Flag Officer Sea Training.

wrong Jack YOUNGEST member of HMS Amazon's ship's company pictured stirring the Christmas cake on Page I3 in our

November issue


JMEM(M)l Martin Daniel. not MEM(M)2 Jack Davies.



A BIT oi hot slut! to

December days that’: what Lamb! Navy Rum oiier with their newly released calendar for 1986. Their December girl, pictured here, iiee basking warm

beach in Mexico the location which providee the calendar’: exotic theme. For the first time Lamb‘: oommieeloned a woman photographer, Suze Randall. to provide the picturee of three lovely models. them was Rhoda $vaneori. ivhoae dark beautywas choeen to grace the months of on a

February. September,

October and November as well at December. The calendar. entitled



' -

_. J




r')'ECE'MBiEl't was

Odin's a big noise again! COMPLETE with Viking allaa CPO Kan HMS Odln I-lurtord roturna to Faalana In traditional atyla altar

completing a nosyin.

ram In

The Odln was named after the Teutonic god or war and her entries into pona around Britain have long been marliad by her Viking maaoot atatlonad prominently on the aubrnarlnda tin. HHS Odln rojoina the Third Subrnarlna Squadron attar aoa trials and




IN THE FIRST C m | ‘ '


of .t‘on|

gramme. was carried out by RAF Nimrod and an



a5“"’$ ‘°““R°Y4'-NAVY

THE Hope of York has returned to the Fleet. Almost -35 years after a warship of the name ended her days as a battered hulk in the Mediterranean. a new HMS York with her motto will soon become fully operational “Bon Espoir" (Good Hope). end of her trials programme. Fourth and last of the long —

Batch 3 Type 42 destroyers to be launched. the York was accepted into service last spring and is now at the

Commissioning book offer

COPIES oi l-Ills York's

taeautliully-produced cornmlaelonlng book



available. and uniramed

printa oi a painting at the ehb by artiet Robert T

may be obtained on a tion to the Vleliare und Treaaurer. l-Ills York. BFPO

8tstpe.etaooetott:5.5oeaett. cliequea ehouid be


tot-IIlsYorit Weitare

u "6.

The original painting. preaented by Lady Goallng. hanga In the ahlp'a Vlardroom.

Alter Christmas lease she will return to Portland lot work-up before taking her place in the operational Fleet under her commanding ollicer. Cdr. Colin




In August the York was commissioned at her home base the largest warship ol Rosyth to do so there lor well oser a generation. Her rapidly developing links with the City ol York were marked by the presence of the Lord Mayor. Sheritt. Dean ol York. Member of Parliament. and by music provided by the Rowntree Mackintosh Works Band. Guest of honour was Lady Gosling. the ship‘ sponsor. accompanied by her husband. Sir Donald Gosling, viceprestdent ul The \\'hite Ensign —



ship has made loreign visit. to



her lirst Rotterdam. and has established seseral alliliations. including ties with the R:\F\ Phantomequipped 7-t Squadron. the Duke oi Wellington Regiment based at Haltlax. West Yorks.. the Sea Cadet unit TS York. and the Canadian naval reserve unit HMCS York based in Toronto. The Batch 3 or "stretched" Type 42s are -i2-it longer and 2-ll broader than previous ships ol the class. all of which are named after British cities. Since the Falklands War. extra 20mm and 30mm air delence guns supplement their armament. based on the Sea Dart surlace-to-air missile system. anti-submarine torpedoes. and the -i.5-tn. Mk 8 gun.

TS AND FIGURES Dlaptaeement: 4.775 tone. tult load. Length: 462.!-it. Beam: 49-it. Drought: 19-it. Annament: sea Dart rntaalle eyatem In twin mounting;

ahtpoome torpedo weapon ayetem (two triple tubee tor

Ilit. 48 antl-eubmarlne torpedoee): one 4.5-tn. all: a gun: iour zornrn gone and two 30mm guna. Alter-aft:



Int. 2 helicopter armed with sea state mleatlea. Proputelon: Two Rolle-Royce Oiyfllptae T1038 gee turbinee tor tult power 50.000 ahp: two le-Royce Tyne Rlltc nae turblnee tor


erulalng. producing 9.700 ahp: two ahatta. speed: Over 30 ltnota. Range: ‘.000 rntiee ltnota. Complement:


Make more of your money




FOR 325 years the name York has teatured in the history ol the Royal Navy. Including the most recent vessel. I2 ships have shared the title and between them hase won 14 Battle Honours from Lowestolt in I665 to the Mediterranean in l9-il. all those ships. the vessel which established the closest links with the City of York was the Second World War cruiser. the elesenth York. Her career was distinguished. but relattsely short as she became one oi the many ships to [all victim to enemy action in the Mediterranean less than two can alter the outbreak of iiltties.

Perhaps oi

CRETE The only sister-ship ol HMS Eleter. the H.250-ton vessel

a main armament ol sis ns. She saw action durt e to the was later

carried ti-in.


Norwegian campaign

translerred and Med. where in October W-I0 she was among the lint sht to cons-oy troops In Crete lo lowing the German invasion ol (ireece.

rted Later that year the su the British advance in Li a and in the early months oi l9-il took rations part in various other t. oi the Mediterranean On March 26. while at anchor in Suda Bay. Crete. she was hit by an Italian explosive motorboat. She was severely damaged


Tl'iee|eventttYoritIvhlchwlthlntwo warwoniourotthetbaattie and it was estimated that live months would be needed to render her (it. However. she received further damage from incessant enemy air attacks and on May 22. two days before the German invasion ol Crete. she was

finally abandoned.

SCFIAPPED Two years later after the end of the war her hulk was sold to a Greek firm for scrap. Other ships ot the name included a 60- un ship which took ol Gibraltar part in the fence Il'| i727 and was sunk at Sheernesa in 1750; several minor



and tenders which served in the 18th and l9th Centuries; a vessel which flew the mg of Rear-Admiral Cochthe capture ol rane at Martinique in H139‘. and an armed boarding steamer of the First World War. Battle Honours lor the name are: Lowestolt 1665. Orlordness


I666. Soleba- l672. Schoonveltd I673. exel I673. Bantry Bay IEO, Beachy Head 1690. Carla etta l1-it Martinique Louisburg I75 1319. Atlantic 1939. Norway 1940. Mediterranean I940-4!. .







Your Naafi shop manager will be happy to explain how simple it is for _

you to open a

budget account.

Written details on request.

ASK AT YOUR LOCAL NAA Fl SHOP The Navy. Army and Air Force institutes Registered office: Imperial Court. Kennington Lane. London SE11 SQX



Not moved FORTUNATELY. my

the loss at a tow hours‘ pay. whet emeaed my write and t. end others on the Round Tower. was the tact that.

wire and I were able to witness the departure or our son's ehip trom Portsmouth en route to the Gull. and with us were temlllee and loved ones ot other mateiota.

The departure

apart trom



brelded arms on the bridge at the Gull-bound ships

waving terewell.


watched with pride end a tinge at aedneee all round. The eight of the lads in No. ta lining the ship was worth

no one on

the declt moved. Yet a

Fallttende-bound destroyer

leaving immediately behind

permitted their crew to wave

HMS Scorla D reminder VVllll.[7 on .i sisit to Scotland last year l called at llutlin's Holiday Centre at Ayr lormerly HMS Scotia. a training establishment (or wireless telegraphy and sisual signalling operators (1942-48) Subsequently I wrote It) the Provost ot the Kyle and (‘arriclz District Council expressing suiprise (as an ei.~Scoti.i rating) that there was nothing to mark the former natal presence. I am delighted to say that l have now reccised a letter lrom him, telling me that a plaque had been erected at the centre. commemorating the war service. I understand that Mr. Ken lludsiin. general manager of the Ayr Butlin's, is collecting information on HMS Scotia. and would be pleased to hear from readers who were there. George Pedrlelt, Little -



llookharn. Surrey

No vowels D In Myngs RI-'.lTRl':.\'("l§ the query lrnm Mr. V Jones (October issue) asking about no-vowel ships. uiuld the fourth one be HHS Myngs R00. a Zambesx-class

destroyer of




Cheese-inan. Rochester. Kent.








i!'!'rir-.-‘raisin-‘:= t-l




How Glory day left its print

ITS GOOD to know one's past work was not in vain. [ixCPO A. Winek|e's letter (October issue) about the surrender of Japanese forces aboard HMS Glory brought back memories. I was a member of the ship's photographic section who took the pictures he mentions.


Sir Anthony \i'c'.rss-llurlard. A keen photographer himself. who ordered us to print a set of photographs for each member of the crew and




This entailed

1011!) prints

The long distance

making nearly


the weeks

tiff cliief ‘Charge rate is obsolete’

runners I'll!" lI'T'I'I'R front .'\fr G I‘ W.itson (July issue) prompts .i slaim on behalf of II.\IS Ittnu, .i destroyer which headed the Ilcet in the first year of the war with around l(l),llll sea miles. iinrrnwly beating HMS



\i\'ardle, (‘heIsc.t. Quebec



of ttttli.'.igc, I recall in 104'.‘ the navigating officer of HMS Unslow. I,tcut Peter Wyatt. pinning a note on the notice board stating that the ship had steamed Il0,(lIlmiles her first I.‘ months of on Cl'IflTYTIl\\M)fl||'IR I .Ilsn base .i w.ir-time newspaper cutting saying that the l71h was the first dcsltsiycr flotilla to complete one million war-tinie miles steaming The ships were the Onslow,

nl‘<'tlI€fit. Orwell. Offa, Oppor-

tune. Oribi.




and W. (Jlm) Watkln

(cl-I.dg Stu). Nnrthwtch.

acting charge

chief artificer. the “T"iff's Top Ten" article in October's issue was of great interest.

the word "Ambition." which must be the present OK phrase for divisional officers to use as bait. I would like to become a warrant officer but why should I have to be a charge chief first‘!

For many years there has been a shortage of chief titties and for years their Lordships has-e been trying to find a method of getting people to take this step from the shop floor to the office.

The non-artificer branches do not recognise the charge chief for what he is, .i chief petty officer in charge of other chief petty officers. nor does naval law put him as a superior. so is the revision and examination really worth it? It would appear

AS A local


has never really appealed to many and. because they can lose the job satisfaction as a "part of ship" chief. don't bother to go for advancement. The best incentive in the world. money. has never been offered. although I must admit the differentials have increased favourably in the recent past. so what can be done to entice the budding charge chiefs? The article has come up with The


non-artificer chief petty officer takes no examination to A

beoorne warrant officer. so why should artificers have to take an extra examination and do a


before they can be advanced to what is. in effect. I lower rate and then still have to wait before they are selected for warrant officer‘? Secondly. if we are to get all stirred up with ambition, why course


berland reminds


peace-time record is hekl by the sutsey ship HMS Owen. which. the I2 months ending in May I961], steamed -l0,tififl miles and R. L. spent 235 days at sea Hamlet (es-PO Tel). Southsea

A voice for C7 veterans

He said. "Until we have something as strong as the Yanliee Veterans‘ Association the climate will neser change." .\fr llamer may not have heard of the Forces Retirement Association. \h'htIe not as strong American counterpart, as our we are steadily building up membership, and have already taken part in many discussions retirement

from the

(‘hits Hulnmer. general secretary. Forces Retirement Association, 5 Rodney Road. ('hcltenh.im, GI50 III'.\' Seisices

Swootrnarfaptctiirwotwarntitooonthoaund. Shandtahnppoartohaveboonnnaworodby ourloglortolorudltofandlriaorriocnaosqixh utciontloa-rrtarlriorrioadors. ManywtiohavewnttonotthoraorvodlnHMS Hawkins

I RI‘.r\I) with interest in the October issue the letter from Start Hamel on his recollections of leaving the Royal Navy 15 years ago


MOST of the facts relating loMm. H. M.


I (‘0UI.D not agree more with Stan Hamcr's letter. There should be some organization similar to the Yankee Veterans‘ :\ssoct.Ition to look after penA. sioners‘ interests. Rlnunlngtors. Monkstuwn. (‘o (‘ork —

or In


THE GLORY also held waters

Pensioners able to get themselses off to Ilonkenwill have a A. F.. Tomlin, fantastic time.

MY WIFE and I base ]u\I returned after a six-week holiday, the last nine days of which we stayed at the China Heel


It is by Phil Baldwin and Dase Watt.. the club managers. I just cannot get user the fact that ‘‘.lack'' actually owns something like this. Our costliest meal at the club was a fise—course Chinese meal total for which included wine the two of us, fll.7(l'

THF. r\RTl('I.[’. in the October issue about "the silver phantom

Hong Kong absolutely great. ably run

(‘tub in


(ex-(‘PO WTR). I.iphook.

Trouble with [3 Aurora Il.\lS Aurora" reminded me of when she was I ing in the Yangtse Riser as IMS lnndon and HMS Black Swan were going up-riser to the aid of HMS Amethyst I was the gunlayer on S2 twin J-inch MA in the London.

Someone shouted. “There's the old Aurora and the b.....d's





I looked through my telescope. and sure enough the Chinese were reloading their Bofors Elm. We were already loaded so I trained my guns. laid right on the Bofon gun. and opened fire. Needless to say we had no more trouble from the old Aurora after that. Every year. on April Zl. I remember them. all the dead of the London. Atriethyst.Consort Blll (Jodi) and Black Swan. Kelly, (es-RM). East Kilbride. —-





during the conflict there.

L. Goddard (ex-LAM IRJI Squadron). Hayes. Middlesex.

Black Jack

Dragon dog


TIIF. l.F.T'Tl'ZR from es-("ERA J. A. (Sun (October issue) reminded me that I also sersed in HMS Dragon during that commission. and base two hotographs of Jacli the black abradnr. One of them is at a cam in Con-ion. British (‘olum ia.



"signpost" "Chatham 5,342 miles."


awarded for 1 91 6

was encoun-

tered at Bagomayo. Dares-Salaam did not surrender until the


DURING 1916 I served in II.\fS Vengeance on the Far East Station based at Zanzibar. We bombarded all the key points on the German East Africa coast, and also provided landing parties composed of bluejackets. Marines and Zanzibar Africa Rifles. Some resistance


\Vith the average age of the then ship's company now around the 80 mark. I doubt if there will be many left to remember what happened to W.lI. Code (ex-(‘PO Jack. WTR). Rochester. Kent.

beginning of Septem-

1916 I have been informed that a clasp was awarded for 1915 and I9ll'l, but not for IQI6. lwonder E. F. Powell. RNA why" Spalding branch. ber

Fantastic (3 Honkers!




The offichl answer at his one Includes the Iollowlrig

WohavoalaohoardlrornLhur.T.lIeOuf'flo ChiriaStation.M'.J.K.BarIosvotSt'dcupwaa onbohalfoter Water. intzetaitasonnoyaiuutnosinsnarigiiaiarid RNROI rocltomthophotographwaatationtnJanuary Pvt 8. O. PIII. whose clan lnthoTwontios:ll'. 1927. Our latest correspondents have included onPO IV. A. Place (Hawkins 1919-19m) of Boating; If. F. J. Revolt (ox-HMS Gnat. China Station) of Choltonham; Uout. 0.

than 3-(ll



Tornpoon RN on burial! at ox-Hawkins of Leicester: oi:-PO aI:ltar&.aierha J. F. Dacha (Hawkins 19&-192$) ot Paisley; ox-atoltor Janna lleEinri (Hawltlna 1941-1945) of Saltooata. Ayrshire ;and&.J. W. (Hawtdria1921)ofNooaiamMarltet.

through being





Korean record

any more? Because the jobs of warrant officers and charge chiefs are sirtually interchangeable. the charge chief rate is obsolete. The Weapon Engineering dcpartment has gone half way to rectifying this. but I believe that chief petty officer artificers should be promoted directly to warrant officer. This would bring us into line with the nonartifioer branches and eliminate the shortage of available manpower to fill the billets at the AJ. Dunn same time. LACCMEA(L). HMS Beaver.


that the


"Tho arrmcor has many


I WOULD Like to tell ex-CPO A. Winckle that I still have most of my photographs of the Japanese surrender on the flight deck of HMS Glory". also a copy of the surrender document and a photograph of the victory march in Melbourne. In the parade were the ship's company of the Glory. with those of (I believe) HMS Implacable and HMS lndefatigable. C. J. Mercer. Grays, Essen.

\\'eapon Engineering depart-


Heath. Buckinghamshire.

have the Weapon Engineering branch dropped the charge chief's examination and made advancement by selection? is there no ambition in the



slotsurrender ted in with our normal work. and hampered by the fact that we could not use the enlarger when the ship was at speed because of the vibration. That was quite often. because we spent three months following the surrender ferrying squadrons of the Royal New Zealand Air Force for the occupation of Japan. or repatriating prisonersof-war. steaming some 2-l.(lX) miles in all. We all breathed a sigh of relief when the last print was made. Some very flaked-out photographers washed them Paul Wilproperly it seems. aoa (cit-lJPhot "A"). Flacltwell ——


A uillision with .iii IIII tanker thick log off the Outer in Dowsing light put the Juno in clock for ten days in November NW This l believe enabled “llaughty (‘urnherland" to top the list after the first “I months (‘llldt (Sparuf htisftllltcs

following the


The story CI of H 49 MY RF.SF.AR(‘ll into the submarine }! 49, the wreck of which has recently been located off Holland. and with the help of Nasy News. has resulted in a contact with the sister of one of the


I visited the Texel Islands and met the Dutch diser who found the II -89, and also the one-time Receiver of Wrecks. who had an interesting sto to tell. story of my visit was much prominence in the D. A. utch newspapers.





Feary. Peterboruugh.



(.ls.iuuwooda.i-unvvwvui-1-nvsgiouaonvwaiaeoru I-fifljtldhrmoubnaofi‘-a'D1O'






iivcr.i..oeva VATAADPI PfUl' any)



eifcaocla ardv-oaruvw rooavodortoocfi

Sortdfsw-fliaouodcfwusavo SATICO. P.O. Do: I


Howdori. Oooto. N. I-turnborwloo OM14 THO


New Flag Officer Sea Training NAVY NEWS. DECEMBER l9iL‘5



Officer Sea Training will be Capt. B. N. Wilson. who is to be promoted rear-admiral and to take up the appointment on December 20. His most recent appointment has been in MOD as Director



Naval Plans and


APPOINTMENTS (Nitrous Usiin.-ct.Il.C.DlsorsShstIduAoinl

Llsut.-Cd. II. F. loose. I-luuttt Iunoorrrrwla as-igorrevuu

RNR COMMODORES TWO senior officers of the R0 al Naval Reserve have ta en up their new

Victory by

the Commanderin-Chief Naval Home Command (Admiral Sir Peter Stanford) and the retiring senior RNR officers. Commodore John Wightman (List 3) and Commodore Michael Bradford (List I). A guard was provided by London Division RNR. Later the CINC hosted a reception in twin of the R.\'R's new mincsweepers. HM ships llumber and lichen.

appointments. Capt.




has become

(‘omrnodore l_ist It (the general pool of reservists) and Capt. Anthony Barrett Commodore l.ist l (reservists from the Merchant Service). To mark their




received in HMS

OIITIIARY Leslie ch-tss Fem POST!)


mud arm ‘fmarui

DC! ii! Viv





Included Valiant.



I. Iresui.

ABKS) ins

Dryaa served

savage so

-In Glass Ea-A8. Ear» WV‘ 50!! 03 Utlllaltt Iellae. E:-Senior Du-asv. NA load 73



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Wine labels to order: Sherry I Whiskyl Ginl Brandy! Plain £4.95 each. silver plate. Just send cheque with order or fill in card number below. Send stamp for free brochure or come and visit our showroom.


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................................................................................................................. ..



IEIEIII ashore between sea dr.ilts in the same job unless he is one of the levi not required for sea \(‘l'\Ik£' ssithin three years, in \hl‘l|l.'h case he lhlll proluhly be niosi-it alter three years (WRNS senior ratings uill iii-rnt.illy only be dialled alter three years in a billet WRNS jufllill ratings illlfl tsso his





of time that .ialiiig can eapect at sea and .isliors' \.irics cri.»trIious|_s between the categories .'\l'l lllslls'-lllsln of the length ol .i se.I dralt is .ilu.iys stated on l)i.ilt Orders .Iiid, .Is .in innos..— Iioii, l)r.Ilt Orders for men it-niirig lrorii sc.i scisice will in liitiire include .i broad C\lll‘l'l.|lC ol the letiy-_th --I shore \L'f\Isl'. lot I.‘l.|n1PlC ll-12 months the iiic.itiitiy: |'\Cl I.‘ months .imi being to gise a man and his employer .in Ill\llL.lllI|f\ of thc time .in indisidual can capccl to be ashutt‘ llltc

SI-Z('().\'l)A|l\' ll will be tI('LI.‘\\.!t) to Like .IL\I||lHl ol any i.itecr courses in the olliny: and of PJTs before neat





please accept

estittiates as


good faith both for


deniaridirig secondary duty




benefit ol the shore establishiiierit VhhI(h is wondering sshether to turn you lot .i


as I.ireei


for your domestic and

planning Dtalty asks is

that you do not l'l'.I\’l to this attempt at open Vcllh a pistol at your )r.illIng ()tliu:r's head if he h. to change his plans and most you earlier than elpected So aha! about dialling, career sshat time can you patterns evipect to spend at sea and ashore thiouythout your career" A lew illustrated estimates are produced on the diagram below.

yzosernment —

The important point to realise when studying them is that they do not indicate separated!






By Gemini!






CHILDREN from HHS Ilercury Gemini aw-irnming club did it again for charity and for the eecond year running have received the Peteratieid swimming Shield. chairman or the local Lady Trou branch of the rttieh Heart Foundation. pneeented them with the ahleld for their ettcr-ta in raising £200 for the Foundation

THE ex-Service wife who wrote asking if naval personnel owning their own houses would take the trouble to tidy their gardens has now had her "eyesore" problem solved.


eertierlntheyeer.Atacerei-nonyattended Capt.

Frank Lowe. ry. the shield area

After she wrote. her complaint was described as "load of compost" by one matelot_ who

captain of HMS presented to ten-

year-old Scott Ilaooen. who had been backed by 41 aponeora. udy Troubrldga waa accompanied by Lady Spencer Churchill and Mn. Dorothy Curtla (the Regional orgenieera). and all are eeen in the centre ot the picture. TheGerninICtub.whlchhaaarnemberahlp ol 60 children and meeta every Thursday between 1700-19110. la open to acne end daughtera of aervlng rnernbeea end civilian ernployeee of HMS Anyone who would like further information on club ecttvttiea. ehould contact the chairman. W0 Brian lladden (on Mercury extension 336) or the club aeeretary. Mra. Jean i‘-toblneon (on Droxtord 878591).

reckoned there were more civvy gardens in a'mess than Service ones.

Nlggled But the forked rejoinder from a serving chief is the one which niggled her most. because the writer suggested that she had a chip on her shoulder towards


The beck row of the picture lncludee I‘-toy Ftambone. Maureen Hllllar. and LWHEN Ann Crenaton (all Inetruetora). W0 Brian fledden. llre. Heather Sloan (lnetructor). and tire. Jeert Robinson (eecnatary).

The lady writes again: ''I am in no way over the top. not by a long way. And. as for having a chip on my shoulder

Enjoy a family

serving personnel. as an ex-Service wife of only three towards

months I don't know what he

by things being rougher tougher and more separation and less pay in their day. and always coping better. means


before my time. and i suspect his also.


break in Guzz OFFICERS and ratings wishing to arrange short breaks in Plymouth for their families may be interested in what is known as the SHORTFAL scheme. This shortvterm family ac~ commodation scheme is avail— able to married officers and ratings (marital categories Cl and C2) and their families for periods from four days to three months. At present the rent is £62 a week or £l0 a day. which includes gas. electricity and cleaning of all communal areas.

Form-filling can Especially

Arrangements can be made to provide colour TV. groceries and milk delivery. Occupants have to supply their own towels. sheets and pillowcases.




Bookings cannot

be accepted more than three months in advance of intended occupation from non-seagoing personnel.

helping hand!


Firet World War.

little of your time?

Our network of voluntary representatives must be complete so that all who belong to the Service and Ex-Service "family" may find a helping hand.

Please contact:


Comptroller and Secretary,

_\_ -31-K





(Plymouth). 9 Raglan Court, Plymouth. PLl

assistance he or she needs. More volunteers are urgently needed countrywide as those who have given devoted service are forced to resign through age or illness. Those who have themselves served in H.M_ Forces and their wives. with their first-hand experience of the problems of Service men and women and their families, are ideally suited to this work.



benefits. The FORCES HELP SOCIETY Voluntary Worker helps to solve form-filling and a variety of other problems. making sure the Ex-Service man or woman, especially when disabled or elderly, obtains the



my eyesore has and shortly been dealt with after it was in Navy News. Was that just a coincidence’? "Incidentally. if the Dorset chief would like to contact me i may be able to put him straight on a few facts!"

when you are partially sighted. like this veteran of World War II. Even those who can see perfectly may be daunted by the forms necessary to obtain DHSS entitlements and other welfare

Will you



Main 0b)CC1 of the scheme is to enable unaccompanied personnel to reunite with their families while serving in the Plymouth area for short drafts.



"Thank you for

may also use the accommodation with their families on visits to Plymouth on other occasions. Telephone inquiries should he made to 0752-550153. lllhmlith the office is not continually manned. The address for bookings is: The Manager.

furnished flats in two blocks. one overlooking the Brickfields sports ground and the other overlooking the United Services cricket ground.


Thank you

doekings or courses. Subject to availability, married personnel

The scheme makes use of 23 three-bedroomed. fully-

serving personnel.


AND LORD ROBERTS WORKSHOPS 122 Brompton Road. London swa we

Tel: 01-589 3243/4/5

trornltflsquedron. Pleti.ired(ebove)areaon-Ieot eubtnartnevaiiarmbelngehowrt


Runner says thank you

for Claire

BEFORE his death. two years ago. a former RM man was determined that his daughter's talent as a dancer be given the chance to succeed. Now the young dancer hopes to |oln a German ballet company after completing apprentice training next year. attendethe Ballet Claire Bonk. 19. at Theatre school it London. she was also selected recently as a model in a royal "Fashion for Famine‘ show at Groevenor House. London. in aid oi the Save the Children Fund. Claire's lather. AB Thomas Iilonli. served in the ~i-‘loyal Navy lrom 1918-55. later lolnlng Leicester Senior Service Association. Sadly. he died in 1903.


Among those helping to ensure that Claire's training couldcontlnuehevebeenthenflandnll children's Trust and the Royal Naval Benevolent


and Lord Roberta Workshops. Claire's rnother.Ilurlei.iaproudottheprogreesot


diploma next summer. Inappreclatlonothelp given

to Claire and other

youngpeopie.Mr.Devecolemari.arnemberot Leicester Senior service Association and



frlendoithetamIly.iehoplngton.inahaiimerathon to raise tundelorthenflandltllchlldi-en'sTrust. wlllingtotaliepertlaaehedtocorrtsctthe secretary otti-ieTruat.HoniqueBeteman.onPortemouth 017435.

discount at your Naafi Sl".l{ll‘.S oi discounts for Nnali customers has been put together by the car rental company liurnpcar. I-or rentals of three days or more. a Fiesta can be hired ior lriim £15.75 a day, and a Sierra iiiuii [Ill l_.iigcr cars .inil \.Iil\ are also available and all rates include unlimited mileage. Discounts are also available on standard time and mileage A




3.ilI) I-Zuropcar

oilices in Ill) countries worldwide Leailets entitling Naaii cu\ii.m‘lci‘\ to claim these discounts are available lrom all Naali shops and clubs.



No. 317 32nd year Editorial and business office: HMS Nelson Portsmouth


Portsmouth B22351 eats. 24194 and 24163 ext.

(editorial) 24226 (business)

GPO line: Portsmouth 826040 Editor: John Tucker Deputy Editor: Chris Horroclis Assistant Editors: John Elliott. Joan


and Anton


Business manager: Miss Iiiaureen Brown





In the



to Vice-Admiral Symona and Cdr. P. Bolas how Nolan Price is using a word processor. Ptesuve:LD.A.nieeeury

picture Lleut.-Cdr. Warin eaplalns

SCHOOL ON THE MOVE THE British Forces School. Naples. :1 primary school for about 100 British Service children. has been forced to iind it new home by persistent earth tremors in ltaly‘s




September 1983 until August

1984 the school was badly shaken several times and earthquake drill replaced lire drill as the main saiety practice. Finally. in August last year. a severe tremor damaged the school so badly that it was declared unsale. Many children were already suiii.-ring irum various kinds oi anxiety syndromes. and British military personnel were glad to see their children being moved away irom the HO p‘\FSOUTH NATO base to the "calmer" region oi Lago Patria. about :0 miles north oi Naples. ,.












Round the


E2-il i.

globe at a

rate o



AFTER lltt‘: first





3. gr]





Autumn Train 85 comes TWO of Britain's three aircraft carriers as well as a dozen other Royal Navy vessels took part in the national exercise Autumn Train 85. H.\f ships Insincible and Illustrious were escorted by HM ships Newcastle. The


Beaver. Jupiter. Achilles. Cleopatra

and Scylla. Three Rf-‘As and the submarines HMS Splendid and HMS Oracle were attached to the

group. The

which started in the liiiglnh Channel and ended at Gibraltar. esereise,



includcovered all as cts of training ing the use o BP tanker British Tamar for refuelling at sea. On October 26 Admiral Sir David Williams relinquished his appointment as Governor and Commander-in-Giiel of Gibraltar. and embarked with Lady Williams in the Illustrious for the voyage home. when the shi passed through the Channel she use eomed on board the mayors of the Ci ue Ports, with sshich she is affiliated. .he later herthed at Rn-syth to prepare for a Joint Maritime Coune followed by sisits to Hamburg and Newcastle. . Hus 5‘-7".‘ Funflllud.pf°’m."t —

Stitpe ot

the Autumn Truth In tori-nation. In the round tathecarrterlflas

lrivtnctble.Nexttoher|eHH8 Beaver and taro Eaocetanned Leederchee The other at-itpa are nus Illustrious. RFA Fort Austin and. tartheat from the camera. RFA Br-ambleleef

B“/'ncess Anne in Armistice Day visit to WRNS at Portsmouth


FOR WRNS and other nasal personnel in ll.\lS Nelson. .-\rmistir:c Day was one of royal ceremony sshen Princess Anne visited the Portsmouth establishment in her capacity as Chief ('omm:ind;int WRNS. She met many of the Sersicessomen at Nelson and presented the .\lcJirnpse)' Trophy to Wren STD Amanda Plait. outstanding trainee of the year at the RN Supply School. HMS Raleigh.

planted a magnolia tree

The Princess also eommemotatise in



of the \\'RNS


(‘In her tour of Nelson she satire for the tint time a new feature of \\'R.\‘S uniform Her hat lit]: a viide. light blue band .ihose her hat hand. unique in her rank as Chief Commandant The change was approscd hy the Queen only a less days before, in addition hi .i nevi style of ha! hand for other WRNS officers senior a single, light blue band for those holding the rank of Chief Officer_ Su erintendent and (‘oninian ant lh-tore the new regulation u..is iritroduceil. the \\'R.\'S vias the tinl) ssomen's Sersice withuul hat niathings to distinguish senior tiffIL‘l.‘f\ When the Princess arrised at l'nrtsmuutl’t. landing at H515 Vernon in a helicopter of the —

Queen's Might, she was greeted in, ,h,_. [Md [_,¢u.cmm; U; llnrripshire. Sir James Scutt'.the 51,; (ugh-C, p,,”,m‘,u.h_ R0,. Ailriiiral Anthony Wheaties; mt ('_,,,_,,,, Ur \',._.,n,,n_ (gm, D-Nd lU\l‘-Ind- and ‘hr 1-0“!

-‘l-'.W' 4"“ 1--id.‘ -‘létl-NC“ 0" "W 0‘)~ (“Y and 54'‘ Ffid W-mrr

Prtriceaa Accompanied by the establishment WRNS officer. Second Officer Shelley Reee. Princess Anne rneete Wrena during a wo.-It-out In HHS Neleorra qymnaelum. They are (from left) Cwren Uri Allttt. POWren Klm Toma, Wren Ann Manny. and Wren Screen Scott. Flt tor





PRINCESS Anne. Chief Commandant of the “'R-\'5- “'~“ ""7 l"""‘3'l"-'1 guest at a Trafalgar Night dinner gisen by the Wren STD Amanda Ptatt reoelvee the IilcJImpeey Trophy from Prtnceea Anne. Amanda. Ivhoee hunhand la a eteererd tn the Royal Yacht. wee top trainee of the year at the RH Suppty School. HMS Raleigh. The Commodore or HHS Neteon. Commodore Jack Howard. Ia on the Prtneeee'e right.

Ctommander-i‘n-Chief ”“"“' ""“'.' """“”l




S" l"" 5"” the Great C‘;-bin at

HHS 21.








Victor) that 'noming.Adrmr;ilStanford and other officers laid "'"~"”“ '“ “'°"t"" l‘"‘’ '\‘l‘‘‘‘" d"“ tho sears ago board










New shaft will hit shrink problem on the head


could be yours


WHEN anyone uses a hammer in which the wooden shaft has shrunk, ‘trying oil the handle" can lalie on a new and painful


An announcement says that the current range of striking tools supplied lor Fire and Post (FRPP) and Damage Control Repair P

CONDITIONS for the entry of warrant officers and chiefs into the Careers Service are explained in a new





which tend to deteriorate during prolonged storage. This can create a hazard when used. To obviate the danger. the Royal Navy is to of stnlr tools. fitted with will be red in 3 "wsha ibregass colour to do that they are only tor FRPPS and DCI (RN) 397



announcement on the

subject. Applicants will be considered providing they have l'iot more

RAF to

than two years and not less than one year to serve to complete their engagement In all cases. applicants must be under the age ol 45 on their terminal dale Careers advisers may continue to serve for additional periods of five years up to age 55 provided their services are required for that length of time It is the policy of the Director or Naval Recruiting to enable a careers adviser to serve at the


office of his choice, where this but compulsory dratting may be involved. After three years seniority in the Careers Service. careers advisers become eligible for consideration lor promotion to lieutenant (CS). is




(RN) 373




stocks ol harrbeck books at the RCY are to be exhausted. after whidl recreational libraries will be

The concept ot WE


training has been introduced lo describe training which takes

placeatseaasaselhcontained package to replace a

replenished principally with paperbacks supplied direct from


PJT course

booksellers Books which become surplus to requirements should be disposed ol locally at the discretion of commanding olticers. Ships paying all should return their recreational libraries to the nearest Base Education Centre. DCI (RN) C09


now cancelled.

should be differentiated trom oniob training (OJT). which is designed to reinforce and complete PJT courses given ashore. Equipments covered by WEST are. in the main, small. courses

sell-contained. and relatively



It is intended that loimai instruction in HMS Collingwood on these 15 courses should

STOCKS of anti-flesh hoods and gloves are now sufficient to enable the increase in scale allowances to be irnplemented with immediate effect. Further increases will be issued as soon as supplies permrt. Dcl (RN) 412

September 1985 Subsequently WEST courses



will be available rainees booked on courses

from September 1985 onwards lor PJT courses covered by

SIZE Therelore the RAF. In common with commercial alrllne practice. has Imposed limitations on the also and weight of hand baggage. as well as on the types ot article that people may carry with them. The sum of the outside dlrnenelona ot the hand baggage Is not to exceed l5ln.. not most the welght exceed


service men or

volunteenng to take part

meocal studies and tests ct delenco equipment at the



Chemical Defence Establishment (CDE) at Pol-ton near

individual the tests last fortnight. and cover the period January 6 to December an

about a

19. 1906.




I_Special Christmas Selection: >“


Fri-sli-(‘tilf/()lt'(’fSllui-.'n direct from .~unii_i' (i‘iivrii.~‘o_i' in .'in_l' I 7K i'lti(il’('.'i‘.\' will:

_l'()IlI' curd iI1('Ill(I¢‘(I.

10 Royal Blue lrlses plus 10 Scarlet Carnations and Florida Fern £9.95 —




Xcmk rx


La C7’l.lulT\l'?'.o Nursery Forest

Guernsey Cl telephone olai 55055 Tr-lo: 4l9‘I6'i'7 50.11050



{..g;*.-r ‘r.I_"




.‘ -







\.ru(I(rfl,‘-'II'7) Emmi

[Iial"'llr\ r


),,v,,.i.,..,,ii4-1r.lii“ l’:.':iJi'~.‘r-"




)3! Sovereign I Flying

t.‘:fi"‘ :Ail'.v "'.ii)1.' .|'\l'.Iv"l'l.l(3|'l'1.‘.I"


l|llaI.‘. \I'l\l\



I :

Ii-ml iscl lic.,'i: "~'\14 Iir.tcr 5'Ira-r .r~.ar;.-


A..i\.ir'.t \.-

l'Ic.t tl .r.l






inilh lht sum ii! 1

by seniority

COMMONALITY is the word



SSAFA move

Second Officers

Put youigloveinabox thisChristmas. lOf»‘ix-cctCarnalioris ‘:7 7:3 2OMixec1Froesias £8 70 «l0Mixcd Ficcsias £12 60 De Luxe Flower Bow £21-150


Street. London SW1H 9HP (telephone 01-222 9221. or through the military network). Oct (RN) .l4oe

Srilrrvigii l‘l'i.‘i'h I IM Forces (‘li'('r}'lili’ll('I('£1 Hr'l[)[)_l’ (‘liri.s‘tiii.'is.

I3 I


THE HEAD office ol the Soldiers‘. Sailors‘. and Alrmerfs Families Association has been moved to 18-18 Old Queen





ADDlTl0NAL pay up to £90 can



are a source 0


or Porton tests



eourceofdanger. PI bangers on Royal Air Force adrrilnlstratlve trooplng flights ‘are carrying increasIngly exceutve amounts” of large and heav Items constltutlng a lght safety

submarine to teach himselt the equipment by lollowirig the instructions at the lion! ol the guide. though he may need occasional help lrom an officer or senior rating DCI (RN) 395



m are also. of course.




Irritation to mode clutching their regulation alas hand

list. and will be required to draw the relevant WEST documenta~ lion after pining their ships The rating should use the appropriate guide on board his

be earned

saclts. teddy-been ea blg


WEST will be removed lrom the




weapon Engineering Sea Training (WEST) sell-teach guides for the 15 currently existing pro-ioining courses (PJT) has been approved. The guides comprise WEST phase 1. Further guides will be issued in due

PASSENGERS staggering

to alr liners wfth vast ruck-


RECREATIONAL books in the Royal Navy are in future to be classified as consumable stores. and are no longer to be returned to the Royal Clarence Vard


limit hand I 09909

which links the Women's Royal Naval Service to the Royal Navy. but achievement can only be "as far as

decision that promotion to second officer is to be based solely on seniority as a third orfioer. thus introducing a com« pletely automatic system on the lines ol male promotion to the rank of lieutenant. The otllcial announcement explains that expenenoe has shown the need to change the current combined selective! autornatic process. The disadvantage lies in trying to select officers lor promotion very early in their careers when promotion boards have


Salvage on


(Announcement dated October 18. 1985)


Nomgraduale ollicers wil nowbepromoledonreaching threeyears'seniorityasattiird

officer. Graduate otllcers will

gelayeafsseniontyinrespect olthodewee. Sateguardshavebeenlntro-

ducedloensure that existing

graduates awarded senionty gainsundertriewrrerttmles will not be in a position to




The announcement adds that

entrantslotheEandIspedalizations will be awarded senior-



respect ol their degrees.

civilian experience. and performance under training, on the same basis as their RN



A SALVAGE award has been made to HMS Biclungton tor services to the motor fishing

vessel Ocean Crest ary t3. 1983





(RN) 403


THE CHARITY Commissioners have made schemes for the Royal Navy and Royal Marines

Dependents‘ Fund. and the Otficers Dependents‘ Fund. (Announcement dated October 25. 1985)

iv‘ wt ,

we .9



NA’v'Y 'l\"i3\'h’S’. t)ECEMB'ER 1935

Opossum bears Penelope puts gifts to Bury sparkling



FRIGATE HHS Penelope made sure that Guy Fawkes Night was celebrated in spectacular lashion by the people

ol Port


Anishoreid in St.inle_s's inner harbour. she staged .in impressise fireworks display tor the islanders Several hundreds oi pounds worth of litewiirlis were set nil in .i h.ill»hour display designed spcttall) hctiiie she lelt for the south f\ll.|fillC by a lirt-works manufacturer

Meanwhile. .it home. the Penelope acquired a new pin-up in her absence Alison Scott of l.yth.im_ Lanes has suCCt.‘t.‘tlct.l Sarah Parks to the title til Miss HHS Penelope. The .icquisition is one at the henelits engiiyed by the ship through her links with Guardian Royal Exchange. and among the yudges at the beauty contest finals in London was Capt Paul Sutermeister RN. currently sersing in the Ministry o1 Defence. .

WlllZ.\' the submarine ll.\lS Opossum visited her affiliated town of Bury St Edmunds. she did not go empty-handed. Her visit was marked by the presentation of a cheque (or £800 to a local unit run by the Spastics Society. the money being raised by a sponsored "stop smoking" campaign and a marathon cycle ride. ‘Die unit. a lamily centre [or children in care. is the

Battleaxe hosts

Opossum's adopted charity. The stop smoking campaign was managed by MEM Tall Sillman and raised £180, while the marathon raised more than £300 and was ridden by a team who tell lrom HMS Dolphin to meet the boat at Bury. (Earlier. in February. a spon-

Army gunners MEN FROM the Battieaae the 74th Company Battery oi the Royal Artil—


given a taste life when they


of naval visited HMS Battleaae at Den Helder. Ship and gunnere have

long-etanding aimlation. andoneolthetrtgate‘: moat prized poeaeeelonelaarepiteaot had a

tiattieaae recoveredduring the capture ol



and to relieve t-ills Brilliant aa flagship oi the Standing Naval Force Atlantic. While on board. the arttlterynien were enterfrom tained at all levela the svardrooni to the iunlor ratee' rneeaea. anoe

sored "slirnathon" on board by Canadian Lieut Greg Cottingham also raised Lit!) tor the unit. which used its gills to buy furniture. toys. a home computer and I551)‘ bikes. HMS Opossurn's lise-day visit to Bury ins-olsed a tricky passage up the narrow River Orwell to Ipswich Docks. On board was the Mayor of St Edmundsbury. Cllr Roy Whitwell. and when she berthed the urn was greeted with music by the Band ol Ipswich and Feliastowe Sea Cadet unit. Events ashore included a but. let lunch hosted by the Mayor. a trip to the Greene King Brewery. and sports matches including a hocliey liature against the local ladies‘ team whowonK~4 Several hundred people sisited the boat during the time she was open In the public. and when she departed she embarked eight Sea (‘adets for the trip as far as Ilarwich


Highlight oltheirvlallvlla the tradttional parade oi the

battieaae at ooloura. The Ilarttniqi.ieirorntheFrench Battery‘: talleat man is aeieeted to carry the ale. in 1819. tothe and he haa to wear a modeIt was ahipbytheflattieaxecorw taehe during hie time aa axe PIny.whoi>|w0dIIl9nN|- bearer. An exchange party tron-i eantpertinthe Martinique actionandreoelvedtheon- the ship waaainiiiany entertained in Dortmund. Priority ginalaxe.

Thereglmeritlatsaaedat was given to a very good Dortrnund. Weet Germany, run ashore to Hamburg. From Dan Holder. the eotherewaaanidealoppoh iuntiyioraviaiiiviieniius Battleaaa called with Battieaiieapentthreeweeke STANAVFOFILANT tor a at the Dutch naval base oi work up. tollowed by vlalta Den Heidertorarnati-rterv to Bremen and Roayth.


Penelope ltee alongside the lorward repair ahip RFA Diligence In San Carioe Water. The helicopter on the Dtttgenoe'a flight deck Ie an sci on charter to the Iilnlatry of Deienoe


less Pay tax




Daily From Any Address in the U.K. or Ireland Include Your Own Special Message for Xmas, Valentine's Day (14.2.86), Mother’s Day (9.3.86) please order early

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14" high ,

\fiii.'n- .is .i \-I'[\Ml’lll-Ill_\nt1 ll|'\‘ll tn p.i_s Dtiltll .il .i'.l' Ru-it t.i;u- and ri-;:u1.itia-iis iii.iki- tli-- qui-stic-ti in! mi t.i\i-s tliltn iii! it it lt.I\.|l in-rs-vtiiivl tn l.tll)<llll ll-I sou -iu.il;l_s int .i t.i\ lr--v~ i.ir or will suit h.is~- to pay. all the l.t\ 4-ii \--iit ltI'\l l at \\ l1.i'.a-si-i the .ins\si-1 \.itia .irs Lnnvi mr lrst u.i_\ in hI'l;l_\l-(1 it-r lll\l.ll2\I’ lll"l'\ll\l\1\1‘ spa-1 i.il si'[\ it t‘ ti-.sa I i!llll\ is. imr up in t'~ inn iii.iri_s «it our i.irs l.IllI tr lll.Ili tn-it tn .IlI\ i.nliii.irs- llieli Nina-t iii-.i!«-r -\1'lllllIil4|lll\(lIIl"\that lltruill .i l-mt-r nsi-i.ill {int i- it also lltt'.llt\ that lo-suit that pritr is tax ll p.i\.ilile .\i-is i.ir\_ usrd tars at ttittipvtllisi‘ prurs, ;i.i1lt'\ilt.ittL,'<‘ lll‘4Il\ I‘ ll.‘ t'\t'tt tl _\'ittit 1.1! is ill llir l K liul Y1 II .in- ti\I'!v'.lsl l|I' i-ti-ii i.ir liiir Nata-i.irs nllrr Ilia-\.i\\ .i trmililr ll't't' i.ir lnisiriq \\ slrlll that has pl'It\I-ll ilu-ll mi-r and nu-r .ii.:.iiii Nart nu-.s '





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Winter Price List

on your next c_ an .5-




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fillprrgQfihristmaa &F:1O3£aappg 332111 Ever $17’ Meahins Sports Embroiderer & Screen Printer to the Royal Navy & Services



Mr. Derrick Meakins and all the staff would like to wish all his Service customers A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year If you are at sea or away we hope you enjoy


_‘ ‘



LEISURE SHIRTS PILOT snurrs RAINTOPS KAGOULES QUILTED JACKETS BODY- WARlfiERS TRACKSUITS J06-SUITS BASEBALL CAPS PENNA HTS BADGES BULK ORDERS Please send for our bulk nrdcr colour catalogue and pncc list for an immcdnatc superb rang: ofcrnbrnidcrcd and scrccn printed garments. INDIVIDUAL ORDERS Please send 3 5 A15. for our lndiudual Urdcr Mcmu which gncs complete details on placing your -



Na vy /earnsMexico TWO Royal Navy light rescue Instructors who apa nt 13 harrowing daya aldlng toilet attorta In the Ilaxlean earthquake diaaatar have lost no time In applying iaaaona teamed to their work back home. Ourln their mission to llaaleo Clty.

CPO(Op| 8) Frld GIOCVI. PO(IW) "Titty" andatiaarnotl.ondont'lrvaotfloara.atl the direction ota l-lonieotfloatlre

thermal lrnagt proved l


camera. which have valuabto ln firefighting and '"1Y°¢|-'°0¢ “”'°09"'°|" "'0

Expertise CPO Olaava said: ‘The a and aaporttoa by P0 the fire otfloara In this HD9067 working will to N

’quake lessons



Rescue men pass on new

knowledge amid thahorrorotdaeththaylntttaltytaoad aahauatlon ttirooyi tad: of food aid alaap and the affects of lnoeulationa and the thin And If this was not

CPO Cleave. for

SEARCH PAFITY Taldngawotl-oarnadbroaviorlnlhahhidcan raacua operation: P0(MW) "fin Height (boarded. canoe) and CPO(Opa)(S) Glaave O


(In whim hatnat) win Home Glleo an Impact)!

Mr. Ivtzvrnan Floundallaaft) and London are ofllcoa John Elliot. Paul Oulck and Joe Blahop.





moves WITH the sale of the Rowner 2 com lex imminent. the ased short-term Ciuspo|'l-accommodation family centre is moving before Christmas from Nimrod Drive to Savage Close at Rosvner. it means that the scheme will still have properties available in

for (import. l-archam and Fiittsmoulh. lhree-bedrnomed houses are 14.‘! a week and tum-bedroomed mats-iinetles Ll-R. Inquiries are welcomed by the manager and her staff: STFAC. ht, Savage Close. Rowner. (iuspurt. FOI2 90A Tel: Gospun (mus) s2x.1i_s. an area convenient

DIVERS from HMS Kirkliston investigating a wreck in the English Channel recovered items which identified it as a First World War ammunition ship carrying a large quantity of ordnance.

Orkney host

The ship's survey of the wreck. seven nautical miles south of Anvil Point in Dorset. was one of several minehunting tasks in which she was involved in October and November.

to Minister

WHILF. on Fishery Protection duties in the North Sea. HMS Orkney played host to Armed Forces Minister Mr. John Stanley. who spent a night on board and spoke to most of the ship's company. Later. the ship was due to make a fnur~day squadron visit to llambur in company with HM ships Stubbington and Biekington.

After the Kirkliston had located the wreck. her divers made a total of l7 dives during a period of strong spring tides and recovered a number of live




Later. during a well-earned stand-off in Dartmouth. the ship

CA VAl.lER MAY BE SAVED IIOPES are increasing that Britain's last wartime destroyer afloat in this country may after all be saved from the scrapyard. HMS Cavalier. a floating museum at Brighton. faces a debt of £l50.lIIl -

and warnings by the bankers that the loan may have to be called in. The destroyer is owned by The Cavalier Trust. a registered charity which last year made it possible for an average of well over l.fIX) people a week to tour the ship

RESCUE At first it seemed that the financial crisis was insoluble: the Trust had rescued the Cavalier on a bank loan of £ts5_tllJ in 1977, an amount which has accrued to the present debt. And poor public attendance in the first half of this


was not


However. a "Save the Cavalier" Fund

launched by the Daily Express in August. and solar has attracted £l5.(Il)



in donations. in addition the Trust is proceeding with negotiations to attract commercial sponsorship. "We are not giving in," said ViceAdmiral Sir Ian Maclntosh. head of the Trust. "The bank feels enough is enough. but they are being very patient and we have a reasonable hope of success it we can gain sponsorship.“ There has also been an encouraging rise in the number of visitors to the ship in the second half of this year. which in September and October represented a rise over the figures for the corresponding months in 198-1. "The ship is now looking very good and we have plans to improve her further." said Admiral Maclntosh. "Since we bought her we have worked continously to improve her looks. thanks much of it to a great deal of help —


Future work would include the installation of a new inspection port through which visitors could view the engine room. and the final conversion of two

has attracted



staff on board the Cavalier. Mr D. F. Palmer. Minimum subscription for membership is (5 a year (ill!) for life member-_ ship) and the aims of the Society are to

Brighton Marina. Brighton. BN2 SUF. in September the HHS Cavalier Pres-




formed and



President is Admiral Sir Lindsay Bryson. and Secretary and Treasurer is Mr G. Thomas. HMS Cavalier. Brighton Manna. Brighton. BN2 SUF. tel. (0273) 699919. The Cavalier. which in l9‘7l won a competition to decide "the fastest ship in the Fleet.“ was finally paid off in the following year. She was launched in I9“ and entered service just in tirrie to see action escorting the final convoys to Murmansk.


on a


Cardigan Bay. Wales.

search for

task to

missile lost lrom the Aberporth Range during trials. After 36 hours the missile was located by sonar and recovered intact by the ship's diving team. It was then returned to the Aberporth trials team. From there. the ship sailed direct to the Clyde Exercise Areas for MCM operations. leaving on November 6 for Guernsey. where she took part in the Remembrance Day ceremony in company with HMS Hubberston. The Kirliliston. which pays off this month in Rosyth. returned to Portsmouth on November ll after an unplanned absence of some five weeks. a


than llll members. The organisation has the full support of the Trust and is chaired by one of the

FASTEST decks into a museum. possibly stocked with help from the Science Museum. Among those who have already donated to the Cavalier appeal are Royal Naval Association branches. including Wigston and Leicester. Further contributions to the appeal may be made to The Cavalier Trust. HMS Cavalier.



maintain and preserve the ship and its display items. and to encourage members to give voluntary help.





sought VOLUNTEERS from the Submarine Service are being invited to take part in a series of simulated dives next year for medical research linked with submarine escape and rescue. There will be lit week-long tests carried out at the Admiralty Research Establish-

Physiological lgboratory Gosport between January 10 and June 6. 1986. involving ment


separate groups of five sub-

mariners all of whom will receive about LXI). Applicants should contad the Senior Naval Medical Officer at ARI-2(PL) on Portsmouth Naval —


Exchange 41769.





for air vurie Navy

in two HOPING to forge a luII—tirne career in radio when he leaves the Royal years ls CPO Brian Cook. presenter for the past 12 months of Radio Vlctorys "Navy Night" show. Bnan been-ne interested in local radio while worldng lor the Submarlne Flotilla publlcrelatlons statlthree .

yearsago.Aprogramrnehe arranged tor a submarine vlslt to Newcastle







Craig's a pass master


record time Craig Housley raised a few eyebrows when he passed his HGV licence at Autec. the lorry driving school at Cowbridge. South Glamorgan. Despite the fact that he had never driven anything bigger than his 1.000cc motorbike. Craig astounded his instructors by gaining the heavy goods vehicle licence in a record 4'2: days. MEM1

winner ol its monthly international achievement award. held in coniunction with Mumm

Most people who have not sat a driving test take two or three weeks to learn. "I don't think we'll have another one like him," said instructor Mr. Edward


Ferguson Craig.

whose last ship was HMS Minerva. left the Navy last month to pin his lather's tirm_ Vallan Transport. run trom their home in Coworidge His HGV licence means Craig I5 automatically allowed to drive a car

Andy logs

3,000 hours The


other Prince

completed his 3.000th hour ol


his last mission with 819 Naval Air Squadron a for a small good excuse celebration Lieut Andy Prince. who is not to be confused with any other Fleet Air Arm helicopter pilot with a similar name. was the Qualified Helicopter Instructor with 819 based at HMS on

LARRY SLATER Larry was presented by Admiral ot the Fleet Slr John Fieldhouee. Chlel of the Detenoe Stall. with the Silk Cut prize tor the most outstanding teat or sea rescue ol the year. Le Ben was also at the Silk Cut Nautical Awards luncheon in the Savoy Hotel. London, to add his special thanks. Yachting World magazine has chosen Larry as the latest

The Wessex 5 helicopter ol 771 Squadron trom Culdroee. of which Larry ‘is a crew member. flew to the rescue when Le Ban’: yacht Drum overturned during the Fastnet. Larry dived under the hull slit times to rescue the star and trve or his crew.

Earlier that day the same helo team saved nine people in mountainous seas off the Cornish coast. The Yachting World-Mumm Champagne award. an en-


compass and a magnum of bubbly. also recognise: the part played In the rescues by pilots. aircrew. divers and mechanics or 771 Squadron.

Gannet He spent 2)‘: years with the squadron. during which he toioli part in several of the more dillicull Search and Rescue missions to come their way His next pp is at the Central Flying School at Shawbiury —

teaching pilot

instructor candidates how to instruct

Larry In Ilse


Accolades continue to be heaped upon Search and Rescue helicopter diver POACMN

Larry Slater. who earned the eternal gratitude ol miliona of teenyboppors by saving the lrle

ol Duran Duran pop star Simon Le Bon during the Fastnet Race. In a ceremony which was covered on national television.

Sounds like Broadsword! MEET the members ot Radio Broedaword. the men who keep, as it were. the show on the amp on the road. Sound reproduction equipment manager POCK Phil Sayers (centre) and his band of DJ: keep the Type 22 trlgab buzzing with their brand 0! music. humour and variety. Flegutar presenters are Sub-Lleut. Carlton Hide. PO Ziggy Hilliard. WEI Liz Taylor. POCK Prlcky Price. POPT Polly




is30$ .




Pictures: PO(Phot) Mac Ilcaarron

HMS ARK ROYAL was commissioned in the presence of the Queen Mother at Portsmouth Naval Base on November 1. The Queen Mother launched the Royal N:t\'y's newest and biggest ship in June 1981. Ilcr links with the Ark Royal go back even funher than that. however. She launched the previous Ark Royal and enjoyed a long and close association with the famous strike carrier. The new Ark is the fifth to bear the name. The Queen Mother arrised

helicopter of the Queen's Flight. ller entr) into on

board in


hangar for the commissioning ceremony sis.-is marked by a royal salute from a guard provided by two officers and -38 ratings of the ship's the


commissioned iron: the artist Inc Mark. The Hon. Mrs. Jean Weatherall. wife of the oommanding officer. and JMEM Anthony .\IcCarthy. the youngest member of the ship's oompany, cut a Jllilb. commissioning cake baked in the shape of the new Ark, complete ssith weapons systems. aerials. Sea Harriet and Sea

A demonstration was given in London of Project Condor. the computer-based planning aid now being brought into service to examine options available the size and shape of the Roy: Navy in five to I5

King helicopter.


The cake was the vsork of CPOCK Michael Bridger. who made it at the RN School in HMS Raleigh. mixture was stirred by the Queen Mother when she sisitcd Raleigh in June. Both cake and baker were flown on board the Ark Royal before the commissioning so that CPO Bridger could repair any damage sustained during the flight and add the final touches to his masterpiece. It was his last major project before he retired from the


Colour The Queen's Colour was carried by l.iCUl. Nicholas lambert and escorted b CPO Alan Key. LS Paul .anke) and l.A Tres-or Appleton. Alter she had inspected the royal guard. the Queen .\lother ssas escorted to her seat by the commanding officer, Capt. James Weatherall. who then read the eommi.s-


ship's company of 750 and I2 captains of the last Ark Royal. Capt. Weatherall presented the royal guest with a painting of the ship and its predecessor

years time. The s tern receives its information rorn six major areas —

personnel. dockyard resources. new construction. equipment programmes. upkeep and sup port. and operational availability.

Each of these areas interacts with the others and is constrained by financial. operacommercial tional and oonsideratrons. SYST'['IM'S AIM Aim of the system is to take account ol the interactions and constraints and provide an integrated picture of spending over a number of years. New possibilities or options and the potential effects of alterations can be examined idly. Development of t is strategic



As the National Anthem was played by Commanderin—(‘hici I~'lecl's Royal Marines iland. the White Ensign was hoisted and the Commissioning pennant broken out on .1 mast rigged in the hangar for the

Bouquets Bouquets

presented to the Queen Mother by sixyear-old Tamsin Walker. daughter of RPO Ellis Walker


of the Fleet the Venerable Noel Jones led a service of dedication. assisted by the Navy's Principal Roman Catholic (‘haplain. the Rev. Monsignor Ronald llrovsn, and the Principal Church of Scotland and Free (‘hurches Chaplain. the Rev. Irvin Vincent. The Queen Mother then made a short speech to the 2.54!) people gathered in the hangar. They included the



phoning tool, designed to help central planners invent and explore more options more quickly. is the result of co-

and his ssife Susan’. and to Mrs. Weathcrall by Alison Gibbins (5), daughter of LCK Philip and Mrs. Diane (iibbins, Most po ular order of the day was t at by the Queen Mother to "splice the

operation between MOD and

the systems engineering cornny CAP Scientific over the as! tvso years.

Valiant visitors

mainbrace." Later the Queen Mother attended a private reception and luncheon on board. and toured the ship.

Kiel by the nuclear-powered I-"Ieet submarine ll.\iS Valiant. a party of three officers and fxse senior rates s-zsited West Berlin as the guests of T3 Squadron, the 14/20th Kings ilussars DURING

pensioners applying for jobs.

The three Services have been aware lor aonae time ol a growing trend among local authorities to discriminate against holders oi occupational and public service pensions by not allowing them to compete on equal terms for advertised pooh. The Navy first received written evidence In IE3 and. with ). :‘i


visit to


local council [ob discrimination over pensions is growing trend PL'Bl.ICA'l'lO.N'of the letter tmm Mr. (ex-CCY) K. J. Williams In the October issue hns resulted In the disclosure that his local council oi (Zwent is only one oi I4 authorities Itnown to discriminate against ex-Service


['.n_(''--''‘ -v



A 5.3


7‘3(l‘.. ‘s U *4‘ rate! cf‘: 8 ‘av "I:-‘i t‘\:'s).:.-:3rsr;'". 5.1’ 3! !,v ,)r u‘-r*r‘siCvJst;l|iu t;Jv.-U kc’: C’Ii1;."fl3“: r


details at other cases held by the other two Services. dhenned the situation with the Manpower Serviou Comanidon through the Tri-Service Resettlement SubCo¢ntnittce. Approaches were mode to Deience Minlau-ra. the DepartInent of the I-Invlroninent and the Anoeintlon at Metropolitan Authorities. producing the view that "there wu nothing fllegnl about such discrimination." In their dinuauinu it won "-




stressed that the Service penIioner wna not like his civilian counterpart In that he won

iens1n¢hh|nbinvohmtnrtly.ln thetnlddieolhlaworkingilfe.

Income. The Manpower Services Cornml-ion I-Inlploynaent Division has subsequently written to

The Regular Force: Employment Anodntiou has alaioagreed to represent the ca-Service loan‘: can locally. It is believed that several local anthoritia have been persuaded to reconsider the applications nl tanner Service men for employment. and the situation is being monitored clnlely. With the other Services, the Navy in purudlj thh continuing bottle on behnll ol the naeetnlul renettletnent at naval penoanel. I‘)





IslIlwnloeIaI'16Il.$‘YOI.Aprvl'I lull! to iii.) F."’..“J 5'-«:1: "¢’-'-:s"- N:-rs an-. a’I"






SET In 150 acres at an area of

Home on the range THIS recent aerial picture of i-ills Cambridge shows the upper camp with the admln.. sports and seamen Ilieeliemen compiex in the background: I!!! V0109! Ii


In the

teding gently right.themtiitary trainings




built school started in autism


beauty In South West Devon la HMS Cambridge. the only establishment In the natural

United Kingdom where officers and ratings can be trained In the control and live firing oi conventional gunnery systems. There are tour complete systems. each almost identical to a ship of the appropriate class. the only dltterence being

that Cambridge does not moveu Three at the systems are based range gunnery incorporating 4-51 turrets. fitted widely In the Fledl Range building just opened will modular tire control systems pm caravans on the root tor operatii each of which can be interilnke: three Mk 8 turrets.



PH FUR Tllf flllllllf nolll I medium ilk 6 I new .


ea! In a


in any or

NEW, advanced technology is being introduced into



of the


most traditional ol training functions gunnery. Within a year three equipment suites will be operational in a new range building at the Service's gunnery school in Devon. HMS Cambridge. The complex, named Leach Building after Admiral of the Fleet Sir Henry —

Leach. was officially opened by him on Tralalgar Day. October 21.

As well as new otlices and classrooms. the building has been designed to accommodate 0 A new basic lire control trainer. built by Ferranti and housed in caravans on the root ol the building. Each of the modular fire control systems can be linked to either of three Mk 8 turrets at the establishment. 0 A new computer-controlled range safety and weapon direction system to control all lirings and train students in the principles of weapon direction. This system will be inter-laced with all the surveillance radar and medium range systems to control range salety.

Problems 0 A new communications suite which will complete the final installation. all

the equipment next autumn. Final sketch

being operational by

plans lor Leach Building were completed In 1982 and the construction contract placed with

Dudley-Coles the lollowing year. Maior problems had to be overcome In the planning. design and construction: Much of the equipment destined to

beinstalledhadnotbythenbeen designed: the removal and replacement ot existing services had to be conducted without disrupting the training programme. so lerrporary accommodation in the relatively small establishment had to be provided while existing buildings were demolished;

and the construction had to be undertaken within severe limitations. as the site is In the middle ol a firing range which is in continual use.

Credit "Successlul completion rellects great credit on all those involved. especially the close liaison established between civilian coritradors and RN training stall." said a spokesman at HMS Cambridge.



Royal Navy‘:

ol the most modem estabnow one

lishments and at well as offering high standards of habltablllry, a wide range of recreational facilities It provided. Besides an all-weather hockey pitch (also used for II:-C-tide coccer). 0 twlmmlng pool and a gym. there are lacllmea for squash. tonnle. and sklmoa. 0 .22 range, and a nine-hole golf course. made almost entirely by loll-help. All these amenltlu are made available to vleldng ships and eetabllahrnonta In the port area.



Service's only live-lirlng gunnery range, which has occupied its present

a former holiday camp at position Wembury Point. 13 miles from Devon—

port— toralmosta-0years.andhasa history which stretches back a century before that.


mleellen-tan‘: course track: acetone Conquest alrcreflbetoroetroemlngthe sleeve Theelrcrafl lo wpplbdunderconuecttromfllgmRetuelllng Aviation t.td and flies an target. evoregeoltshouraaweeltatcambrldge. Paw-u“l7""l\D""0l-Id A


LEARNING FROM THE FALKLANDS IN this mlulle age there In still I place In modern werlare lor the gun and those who study naval


at HMS

Cambridge range

from prlnclpal warfare otflcere to Part lll lunlor seamen. From the Royal and Commonwealth Navlee. gunnery teams at-

tend courses. refresher and projolnlng training at Wernbury Point. Ships‘ Internal security team: vlolt Cambridge to learn about not control. vehlcle search technique and the protection at shore and ottahore installations. The combination of

undulating country. bush. buildings and open spaces provides an appropriate backdrop tor military training.

Lead school Since September this year HMS

Cambridge has

taken on the mantle ot lead school for military training and tecllltlu will be improved considerably with the construction ol 3

purpose-built Illlltary Training School, due to start In autumn 1986. with the lessons learnt from the




weapons have been Introduced Into service in a short time. Cambridge. an the lead school tor such weapons. has a grid titted with the complete mix of those now in service. and the new Laurence Scott Mounting a BIIARC 30mm single barrel. to replace the ageing Baler —

Adult-eIoltheF|ool8lrHenryLnechunvellseploouoetthe Leech Building (Inset). Wllh film II the

...ai"«-’3"3..°.'. otl-lflscari-ibrldge.Cdr.DevldNoelon.

40I60—laduetobetlttedtt-iereln Juno next year.






‘I'll!-ZREHASlorigbeetiatieedlora deflnltlve Royal Navy Handbook NI‘). II Glvhlllflflll01 ‘ht l bm“mu“j,.n”m“.h.boogo{

‘hhfithb’hhrunn'Bflahn““' True.Mr.Brlee


ehapteroa"‘l'lieShtpaaarlAlreral'tef thelloyal Navy"hyaaylngtlilsaa-ctloti "|taotlateiitledaaadetInIlve.couipee-

in. VIII!

ltdoeeh.Iwhere|t.e' a:beaee:i‘;|;ndhl: ¢ppreatlou'l"raltiltig plan htmtw" oi-point." I-Ti More

JUST weeks before the outbreak of the Falklands War. Rear-Admiral John Woodward "life is wrote in his diary fairly dull these days, it scents that admirals aren't allowed to do very much other than grace exercises. social and sporting ." events ‘Die light-hearted revelation is one of the stories contributed by the commander of the Falklands task force now Vice-Admiral to Pb") Sir John Woodward Phmde. humorous anecdotes of Service life collected by Arthur Marshall. Man senior officers of the Royal av'y and Royal Marines d at least one tale have for t volume. all royalties from which will be donated to the Royal British Legion Poppy .







YOIIP In similar vein aside contributed

the ironic Admiral Woodward. Major- en. Julian Thompson RM tells how in March l9!-T2 the final exercise for budding instructors in the Royal Marines Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre took the form of a march from the north to the south of the Mull of to

Kintyre. At the post-exercise debrief on April I. one of the corporals said. "the long yomp down the Mull of Kintyre was unnecessary and far too long. Nobody these days carries that much kit. for that distance. over that type of terrain on foot .


the.bool says.


when It eloaed




aneli a collection. but alter tnlnelleltl til ttifortiiatliiti eartler la the book. the reader‘: eontltletiee iiilght


s.i..'.i..p..-.atm—.a¢w.-uni-s """".‘!'°"““""‘°"""“"“,"""'°

Nellie —the

£7m. mystery of the Royal Navy can claim to have inspired more affection in the men who sailed in them than the Second World War leviathan HMS Nelson. They called her Nellie. and they loved her. She was the only British capital ship that was on active. operational service on both the day the war started and the day the Japanese


not at

liming back east. our wry traveller I‘;-tylntheboohtheauthtirullafor deddeatohaveetiehatu-yaiirttalmtn arch gunp..d|»n¢ss.u¢..-,(..j... t.heRNSItireaDepot.Deptfor-tl. |""‘*'N"°"""""*"'°'P"" Calandty—thate|tnedotiJtIlyJl. .¢..;.¢..¢..u,). allilelatureedlt.lue3."PerhepIthhreINS. Todeaet-tlietheltoyalrlavallloapltal 'l¢"ll'VVl‘fll'¢"l°lRld||l°'|"l‘lAdfltedlyatthlatlraeofgreatcliaage llaalaraa"theo¢ty $.53. liithell.oydNavy.t.heautlirirpletadaiI inetitolltaktndlnthehiavyzotlierbaaea lloyalhiavy Handbook. publlsliedby awkwardtltnetogolntoprltIt.Bot.dare Inve‘detqtiartera"'bnotqultewliat latiAllaILtd.atl4.9S.eositalul4-1 Ireaaylnregiibper-uaalolNavyNeII-I Doewoiildliaveordet-ed.llMSDryadla pegenatitaiellluatr-atedwithphotograpba overtliefituioathawouldhaveproved riot“ltieatedliilt'tn1Soetli1vlch"aad andmapa.






fi. °'o:uii-account-range-io.¢..o


HMS Wart-lor la "Nonvood."

ea.atriple.tlIere';a.a&iu.ltirr£.ran"llLIS Soaaeae;thnadthehonkuemttieorttiodax pound lightening Iarlytheltattilintsat-ttnu.a:l'h::l




pertlyaaaeortolalghtaeerfltltieraryd ltplaltithes'ehIier1ghtolaeeuuiiiaval tlaelloyalfiavytletelllulhhllttelltled eatabllahmetita)laeetiaiaultaldaliatidhook




to what


coutllnetllltftlnlllllltltllllbltlllllt Hhlsltalfi Coniwal. tlmeofreanrdi." Uad.autIted.ottrltitrepltlt'eatleraata Nevertlielm. r.Br-lceahtiaiakealt ootfeetlieWeflCotiItryatidliavltighad clelrlhlllkbflflfihllfllllfllitlllld alookatH.\rlSRalelfli(tlieaiithartIa.hea

Humour goes on


December. l9lJ.

True.aho.lieat.atealii&aiithur'e I






and fltida that not a paperback away is "HMS I-‘lyre! Royal Naval

ship Cleaning out HIIS Neleon'a gune. In the muzzteoftheeentregunot 'A' turret la a plaaba brueh; eornetlmea Inetead of the brush a man waa

lluaoum ttluatrate

pulled through. (RAF

photograph “Battleship

ueed to




'Fla|ters' for

the cruisers action In



beaches In

and a "strike" on board. the cruiser built up a formidable


(from "Jack's war" by

G. G.



cooks; chapels. bookstalls. laundries. plates. knives and forks.

Hit the sast majority of men serving at the time. nothing could be farther from the truth. The pay for an able seaman was three shillings a day and four shillings if he had joined before I925. a rate which had been in for\‘e throughout the war. For that he endured the dangers of death and injury; years spent away from at ime and family. harsh —-


unhealthy messes.



"In spite of these problems the Royal Navy was in a high state iif readiness. efficiency and morale. its continuous-service officers and ratings extremely professional and enjoying. in general. a high regard and respect for each other." So writes nasal historian and wartime RNVR rating and G. G. Connell in a officer book which seeks to give a new insight into lower-deck life during llitler's war. Joek'r War presents a candid and objectise picture of the Service in wartime which is a far cry from some of the sentimental recollCCfl0l'L\ which hasc found their way to publishers Here's one of the many firsthand accounts from the book. in this case from Bob Burns who served in V and W class —



"Vc'ithout doubt. throughout my experience. conditions in the old V at Ws were almost intolerable lnsariably fresh prosisions were exhausted after three days at sea. the interminable diet of tinned food. no fresh




dry w-et clothes resulted in complete "For ll (llostilities Only ratings) pitched after minimal



into these conditions it must hase been heart-


breaking. .\fany



manent sea sickness and t eir siomiting did not always take place on the upper-deck. Vile smells from the inadequate lava-

tory facilities



These conditions. perhapamong the worst to be found in ll.\l ships of the time. together with less than tactful leadership from some of the officers. could on occasion lead to trouble which went unreported then and has rarely or never been high-



In N4} the cruiser HMS Mauritius had completed three and. years in commission writes Mr. Connell. I20 punishment warrants had been read on board during that —

penod. By


of 1044 she had seen siii niont s of continuous action in which the discipline code had still been



lied. Severa members of the ship's company who recounted their experiences to the author a

distress to the troops than any ll-boat or aircraft attack. "ln addition the living condiiions for the complement were more


heads. Came a huge banging on the doon; when challenged it was the Royal Marines coming to join us." Former ERA] A. R. Russell recounts: "The chief and petty officers pre ared the ship for sea and we eft to anchor in the Sound. Glasgow was in the Sound and. I was told, had trained her guns on us, a very tense and dramatic moment."

No action Bandsman Ian Connel also remembers the incident: "Capt. Davis cleared the lower deck on the arrival at Gibraltar" petty officers having sailed the ship across the Bay of Bisca "and said no action w-oul be taken against any of the ringleaders, whom he said he knew, we would all agree to —

provi dedhim ollow


thick and thin and that we would be returning home in three months. There was a show of



quarter-deck agreed." The Mauritius. paradoxically regarded as a happy ship by the men who granted interviews to Mr. Council, was not the only

vessel to suffer manifestations of discontent. "A destroyer in the Mediterranean battle area was also being teased into a near mutinous situation." writes the author. HMS Laforey had survived a multiplicity of air. sea and off-shore actions with many casualties and than to the subship. Her men were jected to the trauma of senior officer changes. Capt. II. T. Armstrong having succeeded the much-loved Capt. R. N. J. llutton. Bob Burns. by then a GI. recalls: "His first address to the ship's company was to say that the Mediterranean war was a two-periny halfpenny affair and he wished to take the ship into the Far East where the real war was going on. This did not go down well with those who had not seen their loved ones for


years." But Mr. Connell points out that Capt. Armstrong did nevertheless save his ship from a complete collapse of morale. Before he had joined, the ship had acquired an officer who in a few‘ weeks had apparently In the words of Bob Burris "demoralised a happy —

. . . SAILORS who resorted to tlatlcutta In wartime South Africa were aornetlrnoa aurprland to find themselves brought to order by the Intervention of a huge dog.

ll('ll()N for (‘hristmas inklUd('\ the latest novels with a nasal flavour from John \\'inton and Alan lisans \\'inton's A Drowning “or. published by .\lich.\el Joseph (price £9 95) is set in the Second World War. while l-isaiis bases his story. Audacity. published by llodder and Stoughtoii (price (‘I 95). on a Baltic adventure in

Aorwatoanoinrouldauddonlyappoor. launch his body 3 thoantngonlctmrworuponhlahlndlopaand push

thorrionaportsvttfihlafrontpasnorrunbetsnonttsolrloga over.

ltvcaaforaomettiolrrlntlntroduetlontottiofitoyal Earnootfarnoua dog..luatNulaarsco.iirhotrnrn1940unttl




ratoabothauthontloatodarid rycanlno abound lria


sets the pace in three tsosels published by \\'i|Iiam Kimber. Stella and the Firerhipr by Showell Styles (price £7 95). Four Anolnuid by Alexander Webb (price £7 95) and The Coprolrfr W7]: by Donald Bray (price £24 5“)

"The telephones were cut off but we were able to Contact the whole ship by using the fire-main connections through the water-tight bulkfor

hands and everyone


primitive beyond measure. never enough billets for hammocks to be slung for more than half the troops. a place on the

the (itcat ‘Nat Action from the Nelson

recalled a strike on board while the Mauritius was off Plymouth in January l9-H and had orders to sail before many of her men could be granted leave. John Edward (Nobby) Garke remembers that the ship's company repeatedly disobeyed orders to quarters and to secure

AB Juot Nuisance. from the cover at rite now



Mr. Sluon three in Nottlngburn. the illustrated aoftboetthuboort published in South Africa by W. J. Ftoeen and Partnora and eonboobtolriodby Irrtttng to them at PO Be: 3473. Cape Town aoo. onctoalng E3 vrhlch Includes



as a

fighting machine

aplenty in bathrooms. spacious cooking facilities presided over by skilled

deck sufficed for most. “In the cold. inhospitable Atlantic. salt water often washed in lising places, no facilities to


Imposed discipline


discipline; unjust of food; constant reshortages minders of the social chasm between himself and many of his officers. cramped. smelly.


Despite rigidly

He wrote of closed-in messes with pantries. hot


sailor ln

HMS Mauritius during

IN 19-33. in the midst of Britain's titanic struggle at sea. a recruitment book written by Admiral Sir William James culogised on the luxuries enjoyed by wartime sailors.










Corporate view of

the Falklands War IN THE three and a hall years since the Falklands War. 41 plethora (it published llCCtH.il'1I\ by observers and participants has tilled bookshop shelves. Some ol the earlier volumes.

thrown hastily together to teed the hunger for information in the immediate wake of the conflict. achieved little more than to climb on to the bandwagon. Several volumes have. however. been erudite. authoritative and revealing. laying myths to rest and raising new facts to light. Now comes Operation CorThe Story of tin porate Falklands War. 1%. Apart from the obvious link. this book by Martin Middlebrook is aptly titled in that it coalcsces much of the information which has dnbbled out lrom British and Argentine sources since the Peace of Stanley. —

salvo of Eaocets and hit Hermes or Invincible or other ships. the British loss ol life would have been enormous. the task force would have been crippled. public opinion would have been baying for resignations and courts martial and the Falklands would still have been occupied by the Argentinians." His cool reasoning on the

Belgrano issue does. however.

tend to contrast with his view of events when he indulges in speculation about that enduring the mystery ol the conflict crash-landing of a Sea King on Chilean territory, His remarkable hypothesis is that the aircraft was a deliberate "plant" to disconcert the Ar—




He states: "H the “far Cabinet or Mrs Thatcher or Admiral Fieldhouse had failed to act and it the Belgrano and her escorts had come over the Burdwood [tank that night and loosed off a

and to get them to chase their own tails. Whether the British would have sacrificed a valuable Sea King and risked its crew in a mission of such unpredictable returns and outcome is highly debatable.



It the lull facts are ever made public perhaps in decades to it is conceivable that come theories such as M r Middlebrool:'s may be viewed as perceptive. But it is far more liltely that they will share the late ol many an Argentine —


A colourful




reproduced on dust iecltet oi Insignia




forces and weapons of the Falklands War is presented by Falllends Aririoiiry. Employing photographs and cutaway drawings. the volume gives easy to -understand guides to the interiors ol such weapons as Seacat. Exocei and Milan. and describes how they are used. This I0-4-page. large lormat volume also packs in details and illustrations of ships. aireralt. vehicles and ground forces. lists units and vessels and displays -

including ships‘ insignia badges. "Operation Corporate" is published by Viking (price £12.95): "Falklands Armoury" —


published by

Blandlord Press

(price £9.95).


evenging gunflghter.

it's worth noting that Eastwood the director has evidently taken the decision to light his interiors realistically. l.e.. with a single candle or kerosene lamp barety illuminating the murtt. On 16mm.. as released this month by the RNFC. this Is quite acceptable. but on vldeo—tape. when the picture is released on that format. it will probably be a case of ‘Pitch-Blacli Rider.“ see it



of the Falklands War.

posse of imitators will soon be seddling up and heading oft along the same trail. The film is an ingenious amalgam oi the old Alan Ladd classic “Shane” and Cilnt's earlier “High Plains Drifter.‘ in which the star played a ghostly. that


Blandtord Press's volume on the weapons. webbing.

AFTER several years resting up back at the old chuck-wagon. the Western is once again among us. At any rate. Clint Eastwood's Pale Feder is making enough money to ensure

‘Humbug’ The reader who is looking for important revelations may be disappointed. but Mi’ Middlebrook’s flowing blowhy-blow narrative does give an adequate picture of events. And on at least one matter he does not shirk from expressing his opinion: He sees criticism ol the decision to sink the


illustrations from "Falklands Armoury."

new. it

possible. on



otteredbyDlaney'sReturntoOz.a aequeI—4Gyearson—totheoldJudy Garland


Despite appearances. it's

rather too scary and sophisticated to appeal greatly to children. and the various moneters and creatures are certainly adult tare.

Conti venture Thatieaveea




In the first


American Dreamer, Tom Contl's Hollywood venture in which he stars as

cornea an

both worlds. being a Diet Clement-tan La Frenels script which sees the funny side of dubious dealings on a Caribbean Island. Michael Caine stare. reissued In the cinema but available from the RNFC on video. The Hustler has come in for even more praise from the critics than on its tlrat appearance In 1961. On its first release. the picture

English playboy being pestered by an

amneelac housewlte. The Mean Season is a the thrillerentry. with Kurt Russell as a reporter on the track at a brutal killer. until the killer turns the tablee and starts to track him. And Water aims to have the best of

enduring catch-phrase: ‘You shoot good pool. Eddie.” Anyone aspiring to that compliment had better an

take a tool: at Steve Davis's World or

Snooker videotape (RNFC Documentary W305). in which Davis demonstrates his slillls and otters some handy hints to amateur cue-wleldera. Very much in the tradition of ‘The Hustler” is North Dallas Forty. a bruising look at the underside of American football. starring Nick None as an over-the-hill player struggling to stay In the team.









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Here Isthe News



Widow thanked 69 years after submarine crash A BOUQUET sent to the 94-year-old widow of a country doctor has brought full circle a story which began with it man drowning in the sea olf Harwich during the First World War. On August 15. 19th. lour submarines ol the 8th Flotilla out ol Parkeston Quay were carrying out mock attacks on SEVERAL tor-mar one another when the E4 and the E4] were involved in a collision. E4, her conning tower ti 5 l 3 EE 5 t E oll. lunged to the seabed with the of her entire 31-man crew. Among the 13 survivors from E-ll was an I8-year-old



ytelegraphist Symmgton.

called Archibald

lie was on the conning tower when the accident ha ned. and dived straight over t e side.

Symington. 87 Telefnphist living Burgess Hill. now

in Sussex. was in the water for over an hour. lie was falling asleep ("Now I realise I was drowning." he says) when he was grabbed by the neck. He glimpsed a white shirt behind him and. thinking it was a ship's cools. called out: "Thank you an

cookie!" "Ute story would have tested there had not Mr. Peter Haywood. a researcher lor the RN Submarine Museum at Gosport. be un work on a history of the ill- ated E41 and contacted Mr.


while they were reading official reports of the disaster that Mr. Symington discovered that he owed his life not a nameless ship's cook. but It


Surgeon Probationer R. H. Clarke. who had jumped overboard from the destroyer

Oxlordshire. where he died in



to one

HMS Firedrale

on his to rescue him.


lt tran ired that this same Sur eon ‘cut. Roger Clarke RN R had three weeks earlier been involved in another rescue operation when the ss Koningan Wilhelmina hit a mine off the North Hinder Lightship. At Mr. Symington's request. Peter Haywood traced Dr. Clarke's ureer with the help of the Royal Naval Medical Services and the General Medical Council. It transpired that he had left the Navy in N19 and had. lor many years. been in general ractice in Worcester. Dr. arke retired in the Sixties. with his wife. to the village of Horton-cum-Studley.



former neighPeter bours. Haywood located Dr. Clarke's widow in

Which is why. nearly 70 years alter her late husband had saved

drowning subrnariner. a surprised Mrs. Marjorie Clarke received a large bouquet and a a

heartfelt letter ol thanks.






Rose. a minesweeper scra in 1958, has been resente by her last ollicer.


Ueut.-Cdr. Walter I arvey RN (retd). to the Mary Rose Trust in Portsmouth. It will be disalon ide artelacts from lenry Vl l‘s llagship Mary Rose.


ZIPPO LIGHTERS ENGRAVED IN COLOUR WITH YOUR SH|P’S CREST ONCE an inland port but now miles from the sea. Soham. in the Cambridgeshire Fens. reca lured its past on Michae rnas Day when over 4(1) shipmates paraded through the town


after the dedication of the branch standard.

The Church of St Andrew was crowded for the dedication service, oonducttxl by the Vicar. the Rev. Michael Shears. Cadets from TS Fol formed the guard of honour and alter the service -10 standards were paraded at the march past. the salute bein taken by RearAdmiral Wilcockson. accompanied by civic dignitaries and area ollicials. 'l1ie ade was led by the band of Comrades


Also available. lighters with White no minimum order requirement

Ensign, RNA Crest. Coastguard Crest

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Please send me full details about how to obtain Zippo with my ship's crest NAME


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they are not boasting. oday they field live soccer teams. including a very lively rt


ported by shipmates of No. l and 2 Areas. the guests including TV and radio celebrity Jacobs. Lieut. Steve Woolley. RN. and members of David

ship's company of HMS Naiad, the adopted warship ol the

the branch.

which followed. 23 standards were dislayed. the salute being taken y the Mayor of the Royal At the

Borough. Councillor Steptoe.

Alter the ceremony there was a celebration in ‘IS Steadfast. Venue lor Great Yarmouth's

monthly meetings


changed ‘Lodge.

the Shadin field Marine Parade. embers meet


under-I2 side. and have eamed a reputation lor scooping the


'l1'ieir success dates to 1973 when they won the newly-

lormed Sunday League. since when they have gone on to win tro hy alter trophy. ub members are also keen on indoor games. which has led to the formation ol two snooker learns and a ladies‘ section. a darts team and bagatelle and dominoes teams. Every year the club holds a

sportsman‘s presentation evena big event in the club. ing —-

and a very successful occasion thanks to Shipmate Tom Pear-



lighters engraved

The ceremonies over. shipmates and their guests enjoyed ala tea in the pavilion proa by “Shaw" and her team of ladies to whom the branch send thanks lor an excellent

the third Monday of the month at 1930 and extend a welcome to visiting shipmates. ll Deeslde consider themselves top in branch league



also to Shipmate thank-you 10 cc Phillips. whose drive and el orts evented the occasion from being "well and truly sunk in the Fenland mud." The flapton Upon Thoma ranch laid up its old standard (discovered in the archives ol RNA Headquarters). and dedicated the new one in All Saints Church. Kin ton. on October 6. e service was well supA




aotvod by vtalttrtg the Font Lana Chrtatmaa Fair on Doeatrtborto (1t.:I1a.rIt.to 6 p.rn.) at Park Lane Haul.

Pleootllly Londort.

The Bria atatl will be among many ottorlng

choleo gltta and money ralaod will aid the Force: Help Society and Lord Roberta Worttanopa. at the hit will be he ping to provide


tor women


aarvlcomanor and trcalrhntlllea.

RN liaison

leads to



DURING the Falklands conflict. the Royal Naval Association proved its worth as a caring and supportive friend of the Royal



-37‘ ‘ fig“

The growing liaison between the two has now been strengthened and the Association is now fully recognised by the Royal Navy as a naval association. The conferring of this status is due to a list being compiled by the Ctimmander-in-Grief Naval Home Command (CINCNAVHOME) of naval associations which would like to be registered and recognised by the Royal Navy.

Degrees Navy News in October. the task of compiling the list has been delegated to CINCNAVHOME by the Admiralty Board. And to help As



consultative committee. its members representing the main Service associaiinns including the RNA. was set up. As a result of initial work by the committee. it has been agreed that nasal associations be accorded three degrees of recognition by the Royal Navy with this task



full 'tion. recognition and limited recognition. The Royal Naval Association met the criteria for full recognition which requires. among other things. that an association has a formal constitution. a proper internal administrative organisation and a continuing pool of recruits. The status of full recognition. can only help the growth of the Royal Naval Association and its long-term prospects. lt will mean those serving in the Navy will be encouraged to join the Association and help with the distribution of Association material within the Royal Navy. But the Association‘s newfound status also confers its responsibilitiesto the Service. It in encouraging means assistin more informe o inion sympathetic to the nava ease. ll also calls for at high standard ol amduct in all activities —

to ensure the best

the and

who has worked hard for years to achieve this. Tom has now retired from sporting activities and has handed over to Shipmate Ken Telford. The branch send thanks for his years of hard work. The Ulster Hall in Belfast was the setting for a concert in aid of No 12 Area RNA conference funds. given by the Royal Marines Band of the Hag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland. An audience of almost I!!!) enjoyed a superb musical programme. those present includof the Assoing a ll. ciation, Ldr Peter Cam Naval Officer NorthSenior the ern lreland; the commanding officer of HMS Caroline; and RNR representatives. Those planning to attend Conference and travel to Belfast by sea will be pleased to know a special deal has been made to enable visitors travelling from a number of departure points in the UK to book their return coach travel if crossing Liverpool-Ilelfast or StranraerLarne. details of which will be sent to branches. Shipmate Dave England. secretary Old Clee (Gnmsby).




reunion for survivors of HMS Grimsby which coincided with the visit to Grimsby of HMS Brocklesby. The veterans enjoyed a conducted tour of Grimsby Town Hall where the were shown the ship's silver 0 HMS Grimsby and at a party in the Spider's Web met the commanding officer and members of the ship's company of the Broeklesby. five of whom later visited the Jack Comwell VC ward of Grimsby Hospital. adopted by Old Clce branch. Hard work by the branch at the harvest festival raised £170 for the central Charities Fund. a


Trafalgar Night dinnerdance. organised by Chsthana A

and Slttlngbearnte branches. was held at HMS Wildfire kind of D. Cdr. permission toyles RNR. The evening was shared by shipmates of the Isle of Sheppry. Tttnheldg-e Well: and Relgate. the highlight being a disby Oniham Marine Cadet nit. directed by Cadet Band Master Guyver. Chalham branch is holding its Christmas ball at HMS Wildfire on December 20 and tickets will be available from Shipmate Harry Burgon. bl Northumberland Avenue. Rainham. Kent


(tel. 0654-Jml).

evening and supper organised by Shipmates of Stratlord-upon-Avon, though poorly su rted. raised £30 for A games

the Centra Charities Fund during RNA Charity Week.

interests of

Royal Navy and the well-being of servin


and ex-serving members 0 the Naval Service. particularly those in need and distress. If members feel the are already fulfilling these ta.s and have nothing to gain from the new status. they are, according to a memo to branches from the General Secretary, ignoring the long-term future of the Association. If the Association is to continue on course and play its present role in community life when veterans of the Second World War are no longer here. it is going to need new blood. The closer the Association gets to the Royal Navy the more hope of attracting acting service officers and other ranks to 'oin the Association and take I eir


m aritime


sohanra great


Yeovll hosted No 4 Area meeting, chaired by Shipmate Charles II. Thompson and attended by representatives of 22 branches. The turn-out of members and organisation won local praise from local Mayor.



Shipmate George ‘Oar Penal. Crnuctardt. Ounbr17.I90d79. Ihlpinato Darby Allan. Oiriatiihuert. Saotarmar ta. aoadn. Shlpntate Clltford Brtgtsttnan. Newton Abbott. Ochoa! 1. 090653. Shipmate Car. NJ. Olletvtd. preatdari Liosvtiin.

Otztobanqatlm. Bhhrrtdtoaaoruafiilttett.


Bhhrllh I-Iohuon, Witt.

Ihtpinala Arthur Oearte. |ourti:tarmerri:arDonui-ig.Soptarribera.aooi:io4. Ihtpinate Charla! E. Htettri-idt.ehabnvartandIoun-

oar mentor BI

ham and

DImtd.O®Oor‘l .IOIdB5.

Shipmate Cynthia

Dorothea Ilua Dlaon.


Shtprnetaoordontkoeltyl Krilytt. Winchester. October 29.mod63. Shipmate Arthur


eharn. Maroon and Wimble-




Gariaa lleese Holiday lllafl

SAE. please owing dates and nurnoers


LCgr.‘J/o\/ E’ 55 (Tartan Parser Samba H)! 2}“ Fuji WIS Hill! | A! ,'‘III ...rrurd fur. AA uni 5(\( liurd lb-«N: s-J iumlp ti--rm -uh Niki and £5-"If! lra




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|k1.u|\ trim lhe llcadnuurt. (-l(-rlul l K“ It is \( llllll l'h--nc ll‘: V: .‘‘--l‘ hflllr, \utth ‘tiltlullrtr ll”:-I (DUI


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Full curriculum. sports programme and muuc (choral and instrumental) tuition. Within easy reach 0! RM Lympstone and RN Davenport and Plymouth For /urthtr dclmlr, Ifllf to‘



Boardingschoollortsoboysaged 11-18. Teachingin small groups to C.S.E., O and A level G,C.E. University entrance. Remedial help available.

Hall House.

FOR Dl,\'l.L()l’Ml..\'l'AN!) THA.\lSH.!l_ an average at Iuleen pucllu per class. lull Iennly rqvnrti. nunal tutu! Iysterlt. gun! tr.-ache: pan-nt mntact Qnntxnl n


The Head Master IS The Close. Exeter EX! IE2 telephone 0392-55298

leer: and iii Ipinaaig ufinnl hut Inthuut an atom on no-Inpurtnnen All usual npnnnninties nth adthtnru bl: auuqtunt nailing. or-eaten-nng and


racingstables. t

For service families a reduction in lees. special travel

arrangements etc. at Accredited by Independent SchoolsJoint Council. Member at I.S.A.I.. I.S.l.S. and F.I.S. Enquiries to the Headmaster Telephone(024 365) 320



enuur-qdae‘ GOOD CAlll.l.R (iL'll)A.'4(.‘E-ADVC!i-Pl.A..‘d'.\'l,‘~'(3




y. fast

but train I i ct in narurahrn tna 0 Pl lLS().‘b\L AND l'J'l*1.(‘!'l\'l’Rl1.ATl()NSlllPS. thuua null very well



nun qua: a



ST JOHN'S PHEPARATORY SCHOOL Alton castle, Alton. Stoke-on-Trent. ST10 ‘AH

Catholic Preparatory School


penetratemtnnhnxlullrertlvtothectnhtrenunlkftwtgualmththenahxteu rele-an age pr-up: They are eauvunged to cueuet ensue‘ parent: (the Ideas! nu-1 mainly ll-an parent-toparent cuntam) We taped



HUI)! I-LAT! l.\'(.‘l.l.'Sl\'l.NJ 5 run nun MAN-tent: rnaikrxr n u reruns: iK.f|Al'I‘|I!|hllIC|.lh¢hbrl

Iucxztxl nth d'e.Llrt1t








Telephone Nether Stowey (0278) 7322.52 or 732415 Addreu: Over Stowey. Somerset TA5 IHD

Fenlfid 1?

MP5 noe'IIrun1DeySmauI:r8o1IUI:GItqea7-tlyeutccruacledbyttu

ta.ieIeaIAeteeuFerI'Iee|Ul I-sterlolllerqeeemmtrya Ptntaauprepandturcavrnm masduant-eLeveI£re'arIce1oPl.it:Ic Sdooh

Fenrgu-rueonee.e-uehrIuaeuncrenud.nuec.eLau1u.Iunneunu9oou neuronal ecenaeaC>rcne¢alliIi.—cndDre'nee'eahoavvyrioruteeueollhewod Sdtodtoutaoeviciaaootluteneauaeaaunmvqpau Phd|adlflTerrn

PwlIe'eeIenr1edblnuI'i5tneI'IarIuAlpu‘ta AleePrrovepardItiney&aoea6-Yyvarn—Scr-alenrlomflnarvet

H.M.C. Independent Day J2 Boarding School ENTRANCE EXAMINATION Saturday. February 8. 1986 Admission is by examination at 11 + I2 + or l3+ or by .

interview and ‘'0'’ level results


at 16+

eligible [or day places in the Sixth ASSISTED PLACES 24 places are available Further details may be obtained from:



The Headmaster. J. I-‘. Hshley. MA. Churches": College. Peter-afield. Hatllphlre. GU31 GAS Telephone Peta-afield ECW331631 l3

Argonuut "gets

that welcome



RNBT gives emergency help

NAVAL WIFE Janet Laahy cited in Haretieid Hospital on November 2. a month after receiving a new heart


after doctors gave her lust a month to live as aha began to decline from a rare form of heart valve disease contracted at birth.

operation performed by top surgeon Mr. Magdl Yaooub. an


Janet (29), wire of LS Michael Leahy of HMS Nelson, appeared to be matting a good recovery until complications set In and her kidneys tailed. The transplant had been her only hope

During the traumatic months leading up to the heart-ewop operation. and don the

dltrleult wealta since. social workers the Naval Personal and Family Service have stood rlrmly behind husband Michael. enabling him to keep a bedside vigil.

RECORD PAYMENTS ON RELIEF WORK Favourite ofRNA GUEST oi honour at the RN31’ annual meeting

This year the RNA Is




ambulance for the home for old seafarers.

PAYMENTS by the Royal Naval Benevolent Trust last year amounted to


£9lB.U()0. including a record

reliel work. Income the same period over amounted to just over I I .ll73.(XXl.

sum on


the figures in his accounts for the year ended March 3t. 1935. treasurer CPOVIEA Norman Hill said at the Trust’s annual meeting in London in November that both income and expenditure represented increases of about 19 per cent.

Outstanding among the Trust's benefactors had been King George's Fund for the

Sailors and Greenwich Hospital. KGFS had contributed £151 .559 to the general and special lunds, while £l60.CKX) was paid to the Trust under the recently established Jellicoe (Greenwich Hos~ pital) Annuity Scheme.

Increase The doubling of the annual grant from Greenwich accounted for a substantial increase in money to the RNBT special funds. Grants made to individuals the Trust‘s highest priority commitment had increased it) 30 per cent. .\Ir. Hill pointed out that Trust money given to indisiduals had doubled between I982 and Wit,‘ —

Wherever you go




about the

ot income was

same as



the presious

year's operating surplus. It


necessary to budget for an annual surplus so that Trust could strengthen its investmenls. Not tar short of half its regular annual income is derised from insestmenis. Book salue of investments had increased considerably due to switches which had improved the RNBT portfolio‘s prospects of producing increased annual income



greater capital

MORE PLEASE LAST YEAR the Grants Committee of the RNBT gase away a record £507,231 to assist individuals In need oi financial help. Half way through the current year grants were up to

£303-.9-£7, already well ahead of

the period under ft.'\‘lC\|. Mr. H. C. Mac.-irtney told the annual meeting that this Iesel of spending demanded that supporters of the Trust not only continued their support but increased their donations. By the end of the current financial year. the Rt\'BTs expenditure is expected to haise grown to a record £_‘l_Z‘.50.[l.l). lie praised the efforts of the \'.'iricty Club of Great Britain (t'.l(l,9‘&t). the Trafalgar Day ()rph.in Fund (£9,929) and the Submarine Memorial Fund (£4.-S-ll). for whom the RNBT had acted as agents. Already this year the Trust had disbursed nearly £l7_(lIl on behalf of the three organisations.

ready to help you is

Oldest resident

when It became

tor Janet's rive-year-old son Timothy to be looked after by his grandparents In Birmingham. the RN81’ put its emergency procedures into operation and Immediately provlded Illchaat with a monthly season ticltet. Over the intervening months the Trust helped as and when it could. Michael knows that whatever problems lie


support of thgaqteadtaat Ft .

the NPFS and the



AIRBORNE WELCOME 0ULLSfromthoUn|onFtn9-bodockodfloctuttnknnnlntonutln HIlSLoodaCnathdur1nghorvtstItotho|onotyou1crop.Tho "call'wuportotnbunynon9olngIpofltorthofl|hory pratocttonvocoolbctonnnhortrmlnunnncopoflodltflocyth.

Sparkling affair at Paulsgrove NAVAL estates and establishments celebrated Guy Fawkes night in style. Among this year's events was a sparkling aliair which went with :1 real hang for residents iii Paulsgmse l"l£l\'il| estate in Portsmouth (see picture below).

Milbrook diver ets wet with ti difference!

Some TI) mums. d.ld5 and ehxldren attended ;i tireunrh disptay hehxnd the PeIic.in P14)gruup premises, nrgunised by fCf1I'€\Cf'lI.IlI\l.'\at Nasal I-‘.imily Sersices. the playgroup leader. .\-its C.'irn| Bray, and her assistant Hrs Kn) Small

CIIRISTHAS (‘npinus qu.intities ni cuflee. hut-dogs and fiupiacks uiete cunsume‘.I during I cold but entertaining evening, All

{rum the cuming‘s esents Bl” gn towards Christmas entertainment for children on the estate

l'r\(‘KS tit lirimiiie (‘nudes h.isi: been sisiliiig the .\.iss .is p.iit ii! .i lLIiltH1Vci\iL'effort to r.iise money for the Susi: the (’hi|tIru:ii I-iind )3) selling .is IH.ll1_\' cups of ti:.i .is possible in the must unusual \Iil.l.IittH'l\.

Arrow first to the jetty

“hen rm.-mhers iv! the ist I’--iiu.m path hsurded HMS Nitllmn-L in It-\Ac_s iLIti\siur‘ ('urrm.il|. Ie.i ss.is sersed in the engine IIHIHI‘ l|.'I thc In’;-‘s']c_ on the htidgc and bridge utngs. and tn the ship's diset. All Keith l'i.-nit), ll‘l the v..iter "Inn .iir stdilnlh tn benefit were P-vrtl.ind. scrscd h_s the hi ('hulu:rell p.i<L_ and Ycnsiltun, vuhuse rupyus acre htevsed h_s the lst Ynrltiigtnn lltnsoihes “ore th.in IHI cups vi tea


suhmaiiiiets un ht-.ird HMS (nm in l)emnputt .\.i\.xI ”..l\C The Otus is due In recnmmissiun tn .\1.it¢h .iltcr .i tun-se.ir telit sseic



Causing a

U.\ ill‘) first


N.i\.i| Att (‘ummand C\l.lh|I\hl'T\Cnl since Liking up his appointment 0! I-irst Sea Lnrd. z\dm1r.i| Sit \\'il|i.ini Slaseleg. stirred HMS Hem:-t‘s Ci"tt'xstm.'|\ pudding with .i van-iden aircraft propeller. sisit




ugh! hntutlc




finds himself the contra of the clrcto Pnulogmvoh 1’oi-ifisrnotl time fireworks him that (sound. Lucy (3). llurn party. p .

Ilrt. Kay Smut. I


naval M10 and




hotpor,Errima Jan


Buy (5) and Funny Sonrlooc no-clot


THE FIRST new ]CH_\ In be constructed this century at Desunputt became uperatinnal on Trafalgur I).i)_ tun months .ihe.td of schedule Knmnn as Rubble Jetty heextends into the c.iuse it Hztmnale tuvratds Ruhhlc l!.ink. the new t;icrlit_s‘ in South Yard can aecnrnrrmdate tun Type 22 lrigstes or ships up In -1.11!) inns displacement First In use it sus HHS Armin



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pa’-In p-.,-«p;~'--


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nduabaanaeltam-urIl'tcrvInaaLTalL I...-stratum-aennlhuut.nuwabuRNvR W

'srarw‘ wruhl ,

It. Inc Hardy. u S1-ounrwn lbfl. Bn1uunIav,5a'Ibr|uL the Ad) (Id N7‘!

45 Hamel Clou. 502 GNF (tut


4245“), -outd III:


has Iran and

lflwhduadt-I.lu'IoaH.nsuna|I0-I0-Al). hold

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zl; 3: ta









ERA Flehavxnuho an-ea -norm:-I r-usPruuor-rr.arnusPaotveFIoot. IBIS,

pruauIcatl.txUI-fl'.II'ut-uouavtuorru -unaocpad

cl-Ssnuora aha-mun. asoocualvy as-LS

Lm-a. Rnuusom Estate. shun»

Cleveland TSIO OAK


My from and

ahunatua or NH ahnpa

|lKD40]. H3-Iu one DunnoIlauntnul (I900-44). Pilrcln nouasz, who-no (worst; and Ann U93‘-53) Mr. L llavanaovs 6 Cuunuu Put. Dvfit

i E 2E 51 Jarn8l.re:aAInoau~1-unit:-nriruAri




Zai'u.daohI-vruvwrut D.anlD-a.F.1'.InuIian.I2|onsu'I

L-nod. Gen-vuu PLIO In’, -can he I:


I-Iv Gender: AshtonAvarwc. Rgipng, 3 Brayton 94!’ (D& Cruahn Sac. unhbnoy.

NIO lotlotl (I012-M)



3 3 3.

i r



(tII2«u)_ Panaonttouatl). Sul(V9042). am In Snnmnna hm-uh.








INAVERY spEc1ALwAY... 0.!


u" Que pourwul IR , ~u tan u-Nd an I»-n.,qn VI a in \pf(.§I .eI, urv, tor! a9 vl a



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and gnu 5 run -N; We run mur nus y()u' q ft av-an In (-a‘ non I me lo: nu UPI" I I 5'-IVAI-n..,p wry .rq!r'\ M




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If you are leaving the Services withinthe next 12 months and would like to start a new career. consider GCHQ.

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(il-‘.(L Avionicsis a leading innovator in defence systems is ilh specific expertise in maritime applications. Our Special I’l'()_)L'i.‘lS llivision. based in Welt-s yn (iarden City. is taking Sonar Signal Prue essing technology Into the next generation, \Ve nee(l ambitious.

Inspired engineering prufessirinals tojoin a group developing a varietyofsystems for marine operation.

\Ve need to strengthen our teams at levels from Iingineer. through to Section Leader and Senior Specialist in:

SYSTEMSASSESSMENT Graduates in electronics. physics. mathematicsor computer St. ience. you will have at least 2 years’ experience in signal prod. essing ideally sonar related. Your skill in mathematicalmodelling, systems analysis and design will contribute signilicantlyto the Division's projects. The abilityto discuss line technical detail with customers is necessary.


The salariesoffered will rellect the

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early responsibilityas a Manager oras a Technical Specialist is encouraged. so

To take the lead in sonarsignal processing complete the coupon or send your career details" to Mark Smith. (EEC Asionics Limited. I-'RI.iI;'P()ST. 26 I lydeway,Welwyn (iarden City. llertlordshire ALT BIIII. Telephone Welwyn (iarden (lilylO'i'0i'l 32851 1. Please quote reference (IA/85 406/ ms’ -

I’1oMarL Smith,(EEC AvionicsLimited.__—l HIIEEE POST. 215 Ilydeway,\\'el\s yn (iarden I I (lily. /\l.'r' 3IlII llertfortlshire I I I I NAMIE I I .»'\I)I)IlI§SS I I I I I I TI-'.l.lE l’Il().ViE —————————



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coupled-tiirerayhocariaeiynuovonue |oeeHorl.WEU(O19O


tieciziiiaizis was



First and last FIRST purpose-built coastal training cralt lor the Royal Naisiil Auxilkiry Sersicc l‘l.'t\ been named XSV

L.-\ST of the (‘Ut‘tlI.lnL‘t'.‘-el.t\s i-l tssin-screu nasal tugs has hovied \t.'f\IL'C .it Portsmouth


The Royal Maritime Auxiliary SCTVICC sesscl Ciinlidettt has been placed on the disposal list alter a career which spanned almost 30 years. Iler task has been taken on by RMAS Povierlul. one of the new Adept-class tugs which are run by it complement less than hall that of the 21 men which were needed by the Confident. On the tug‘s last day in senice. more than 40 former senior pilots bade larcuell to the vessel by boarding her for a final trip in the Solent.

named at ll.\lS Vernon. Portsmouth. by Mrs Priscilla llatler. viii: iii Rear-Admiral John Barker. ('htel til Stall to the ('omm.indcr-in-('hiel .\'.i\.'il Home (‘ummansl .‘CS\‘ l-’.t..imple is the second oi a Class M N ctalt being built for the RNR and RNXS She will he used to train ereias from the'l"t1rtsmoull't. Southampton. isle oi Wight. Littlchampton and Shoreham units. The Ttitlt. sessei


Salmaster launched Sl':(‘().\l) til .1 nevi Cl.l\\ til three mooring and salsage sessels lot the Royal .\l.iritime Auxiliary Sersice was launched at Aherdecti on Nosember l2 RMAS Salmaster was sent down the slipssay by Mrs Kathleen Walker. wile oi the Director oi Marine Scrsices (Nasal) The 2..‘.il)-tonne sessel .ind her


Hall Russell Ltd




Open wide for business KAI’ (itbr.ill.'ii's estt:nsi\cl_\ mosleritised dental clinic has been iillict.ill_s opened by the enmrttanding u”ts‘l'|'. .-‘\ir (‘ontl'I1tVt.ltlH.' J M Pack The clinic is stalled by Royal Air Force and Ruyal .\'.is_i personnel under the ilitetition ol Surgeon Lieut (D) Rob (ilcnnittg llis stall includes Wren l)Sr\s Daisy Smith .iiid Karen Hudson

largt‘. out



K ellington 30 not out THREE CHEERS tor HHS Ketllngtononner 30th birthday. Her ehip’e company. led by commanding otttcer Lieut.-cdr. Tony Deviee (right), merit the occasion In traditional style ae JS Marti Illller and Car. Tony Fleher. Commander Third Mine Countermeeauree Squadron, cut the birthday cake.

epetl with Sueeeit Dtvleion RNFI beeed In Sborehem. the Ketllngton urea accepted beck into the Royal Navy eertier tt-tie year and prornptty iotned IICIIII on After a

I‘-toeyth. arieienasvprepertngioratongreflt.

The Onyx Formula

SELECTION oi mouthwatering cakes baited on board ships oi the Fleet helped to raise money at Middleseii Committee's centenary lair ol the Soldiers‘. Sailors’ and Airmi-.-n‘s Families Association. A heartshaped cake lrom HMS Boxer A


-uilgeil the

Tea with the Commandant

bows out

eiiercieee in the Baltic. Baeed at

Another Boxer is Brazen type all heart HMS BRAZIEN has added .'I Westland WG .'l(l helicopter to the "types" that hase landed on her lltght deck. The WC} ll). a Cl\lll.iIn airi:r..ilt similar to the l._s nu. joins the (iarelies. Army Lynn. Scouts, Augusta-Bell 2l2\ and (‘hinooks that the Brazen lt.ts .it.'ciiittittud.ileil






llF.RWlCK. the

Rothesay-class lrigate which was brought out oi retirement during the Falklands \Nar. has finally paid oil alter 24 years‘ senice.

The Berwick decommissioned at Portsmouth alter her final deployment participation in t-Iiierctse Ocean Safari and sisits to Sweden and —

.\l[-Z.‘-' from HHS Onyx were the guests of ()n_s-it Race Engineermg ill a Formula Ill! race meeting at Donnington Park. They watched the esent from the Onyx hospitality suite and Here given a lascinating insight into the complex iiiorid of motor racing


She entered senicr: in l‘)¢il and her career seemed to has: come to an end when she vias relegated to the Standby Squadv run in |U.'s‘tl. But two years later she returned to duty to help bridge gaps leit h_s- the N.isy's commitment to the Fallilands

taking the salute at the passing-out parade and ceremonial divisions at HMS Raleigh. .r\FTF.R

Commandant Patricia Ssaallow, Director WRNS. had tea with Wrens and members oi the Women‘s Royal Nasal Reserse.

Low level Oberons Dl.'RlN(}

their alltltated tossn of Milford llasen. olltccrs lttim HUS Oberon renevied ties viith the RAF. llying hour sorties tiiith 79 Squadron which included lowlesel bombing and .'lCl’ttl\.tltL‘\ .i

H“! to


The end of your Naval CCIFGGF

For more than 50 years, Airwork Limited has provided technical supportdnd training services for the British and overseas governments, international organisations. scientific bodies. privcite industry, civil aviation cind military and novel duthorities. The Airwork Limited workforce is cipproximotely 3.000 and consists

pdssport to stdrting an interesting civilion coreer with O successful (and internationally your

renowned company. If you ore planning to leave the Navy in the near future, why not make the transition to civilianlife grddudlly by writing to Airwork -


Apply in writing forfuriher

£6 J

lympstoness NAVY NEWS. DECEMBER 1985

in third

CTCRM Lympstone won the Navy Cup for the third time in its history by defeating HMS Cochrane 3-2 in ii storming final at the Royal Marines training establishment. '

Although both sides attacked frequently during

the first half. it was not until the 50th minute that “NE l'hil Kay broke the deadlock when he eonserted a near-

post flick by llolton from at


Cpl George long throw by

John O'Connell. Twelve minutes later ('T(‘R.\l went further ahead from an identical set piece. Sgt

Paul Dilon providing the final touch this time l.i’T Jockey Stewart brought (‘ochrane back into the contest with a well-taken goal before Sgt. Dasid Sharp made it 3-1. running on to a fine throughball to score from the edge of the 18-yard box. \r\‘tlh four minutes to go Cochrane surged up field with a fine run by CPO Whisky Walker. and from the resulting Sr.-serin corner Ml-I.\i Joe cracked home a fine right foot


A sporting atmosphere and a fine contribution by referee I.ieui.-Cdr. Graham Knock. taking his List match. created a memorable cup final. John O'Connell received the magnificent trophy from RNFA chairntan (‘apt P. F. (irenier.


Bracknell are the masters .\ll.‘(l£D fortunes were !'l[\Cfienced by the Navy volleyball team during November. After notching their third consecutise National league Disision .1 win with a sictory oser Bristol Whitefield tf‘I HMS Dolphin, they were gisen a tough lesson by flracknell Cpl. Stese Chew and r\E.\l Al liienlthorn demolished the ilristol defence as the Navy took the tint two sets 15-7. l.‘--5. and despite seseral substitutions also took the third l5—8. P0 Mark Pridmore made his return to first-team action alter injury and two close-season knee operations. llracknell specialise in low“, very fast attacks, and oserwhelmed the Nas) 15-6. l$—lll. lS——-.'l .STRO.\'(3 SID!-If) Nest match was at \N.irt:ham Dorset against Essex in listonians. another strong side. It developed into a thrillingfiscsetter_ which the Estonians eventually won l-lv—lb. l5—7. 15-9. 13-15. l5——13 They quickly reached 14-6 in the fifth set, but a remarkable nasal recosery brought the score back to l4—l.'l before the [istonians won it on their sixth match


Three wins and two defeats lease the Navy comfortably placed in joint fifth place in the disision.

flocgjf Meanwhile. Navy manager Lieut.-Cdr. Chris Brady has chosen a squad of 19 following a series of trial matches. Notable absentee is POPT Tommy Johnson. the Navy's most capped player. who is at sea in HMS Ark Royal. NAVY SQUAD ‘I'hoaa.induAPPAhouicdtConi-ig-ioitid..AFPA&vuiSi&'Ii.CclD.¢ar.I UC4iirirIl.|l'£P.Kn.lilCJlIelitl CTC!Ill.LMALOr'fifWh$fl.LA£fl P

moron). LSA 1'


Whtlohould. Lioui-CG



.CalT i).


Lo-0, LPTF


.ttit-iiIitiIi|Emt.I..P1Juu-wt{l'tyIJIQA Ilanrrl Uri’. m(l2%IUvAPP I I nub).

Results of the trial matches were: Susseit intermediate l. R.'V'(A) 5'. RN 2. Cambridge University 0; RN(A) 6. Cambridge University Falcons 0, Oxford University 0. RN 1. .\lNE John Rich and LFT Fred Pickering scored in Navy goals in their 2-1 win over the Universities Athletic Union. the first full representative match of the season. Kevin Maddocii. who scored

goals regularly for the Royal Navy and Combined Services. is now scoring them for Dutch second division team Willem II. who are fifth in the table.

SOl.»TllA.\lP'l"0.\i' .\l.\-"E John Rich bundled his way



skippered by Cpl. flugler

three defenders to score the second goal for (‘ombined Sersices in their determined 2—{) win oser a talented young Southampton FC Xi at Aldershot on .\‘oscmber 5. Earlier. Cpl. Tis Lowe. also of the Royal Marines. hit the crossbar with a header. The side John O'Connell. and included LPT .\tac .\1cCarthy Combined Services are due to meet another Football laeague club. Wimbledon, at Aldershot on December -1 (I930 kick-off). and a fortnight later. on December Ill. take on the Belgian Armed Forces in the openins match of their Kentish Cup challenge. last won by the British team in 198-8. The Kentish Cup. which also insolses the French Armed



recognised by FIFA

and is beliesed to be the oldest of all European cup competilions



HMS HERON won the 193s.‘ Nasal Air Command soccer festisal at HMS Daedalus by defeating Osprey l—t). Gannet ti-—l. Daedalus l—Ii and Seahawk 3—().

Ilxtvr-on DECEMBER 30 low! Due


Barrage of goals earns Fleet an historic win

dotondlng championa. the Fioyal Marinas. 0-3 In

their aomi-final.

Fleet’: success was mornorablo In that It wu the tint such win tor a Float team in nearly 50

years. and only the third in

long history at the competition. The only


other occasions on which the

ngtoorriahavowon prestigious trophy





Fratton Pant. and In 1926 when the Atlantic Fleet boat Portamouth command. ciao 1-1 at Fratton Paris. Until 1946 the competition waa known as the Inter-Port Cup.


(Dubai. I..P'i' R acorn [Dotti-ii.

“NE 8

AB Scott hoods the ball on tor the lurlilng POPT Tommy Johnson (No 8) to smash home one at the two auporb goal: he scored In the Fleet‘: 4-1 victory over Portsmouth In the Iinai oi the intercornmand championships. it was Fleet’: third tourgoal tally In the tournament. after disposing at Plymouth 0-1 and Naval Air Command by the canto margin. Air boat Scotland 4-2 In the quarter-tlnala. and Portsmouth but the


Marathon men retain trophy ROYAL NAVY runners once again did themselves and their Service proud in the tenth annual United States Marine Corps Marathon staged in Washington DC on November 3, in almost ideal conditions the Nasy retained the Victory Challenge Trophy against the US Marine Corps. although it was a


close thing In a competition determined by the aggregate time of the first three finishers. the winning margin


Culdrose in line for cup record CULDROSE


bidding to become the first established


nlng. boating

reached their aocond auccoulvo final by R Condor 9-7. inthoflnaiattho onDocombor4tt-ioyaraduc to moot HHS coiilngwood. who scored three tries In the last 15 minubc of their tie against neighbouring I-ills Sultan. Hold 3-6 at the interval. Collingwood ran out 3-6 winners. There were several clone-fought games in the final etaguotthoNavyCupcornpotition.aithoughH|l5CoiIingwood ran riot against neighbouring HHS Dolphin. The aubrnarlnorawent down without trace. beaten 47%. AREA FINALS Cuidroco defeated BRNC Dartmouth 16-3 in their area tinai. while condor accounted for I-this Neptune 19-6 In tho Satiand eliminator. New Zoaiand Combined Sorvicoa iooitod more than a bit useful In detecting the Army 37-6. and were sure to

provideaomotlro-worltatortho Royal Navy Road on Novombor27(1l3o).



NavyroproooritativoI‘iaturwotaisothoNavyto the Floc-

tory against Cornwall on December 11 (1915) and to stirbiton against combined London Old Boys on December 1! (1430).


just I5 seconds.

Best indisidual performance came from l..\lf-Z51 Mick Derrane (HHS Nelson), who sliced more than seven minutes off his best time to finish in a splendid l75th position overall (out of 101]!) starters) in Zhrs. 29min 23sec.. and picked up a trophy for the third military runner to finish It was .i particularly fine effort as Derrane has been ashore for only \Il months. “NE Gordon Manderson (Comacchio Coy) finished 33rd in a personal best of 2:31.-Ii. and the scoring was completed by team captain Lieut.-Cdr. Brian Dasis (CINCFLEIETI. who had a disappointing run to finish 43rd in 2:33.42. Remainder of the team packed well to finish within 15 minutes of each other, Only

casualty was MNE Paul Brindiey (RM Eastney). who was

forced to retire at [7 miles. OTHER AWFARDS Confirmation is still awaited from the USA concerning other awards. but it is likely that the Royal Navy hase also captured the Military Open Team Trophy against athletes from the USA. Canada. France and Puerto Rico. Team members also took part in a lllk road race on October 37 in Arlington, Virginia. The race. oser a



Woodin (iI.\iS Temeraire) finished 39th not bad for a —

command championship: (NI!




‘mil:I: E






Ix—IoZ:@vho2|.aa.uuawa--n-o. he

Podboiiz lit




formed (Women's)


netball squad was chosen after trials in HMS Dolphin in October. and tested themselves with a fixture

against Swathling.


of the

strongest clubs in the south.

Swathling's teamwork and experience brought them a 66-41 victory. I scoreiine narrow


reflect great the untried Wrens’ to

credit on outfit. The squad to represent the Navy this winter under playercoach LWren Joyce Walden is RPO Wren Di Lemon. Lwrens Helen O'Sullivan. Donna Stearness. Julie S ‘nks. Claire Pauli. Pauline .ast. LRGN Tara Henderson. Wrens Jackie llodgkinson. Di Taylor. Wendy Carmichael, Elaine Reynolds. Dawn Bessie. Trisha llynd. Di Stanaway and Cathy Hollis.


on course TlllR'lT-Sl.‘( members of the Rh-‘FA Referees‘ Society met in HMS Centurion for their annual refresher course. The afternoon session was led by Wimbledon manager Dave Bassett. who spoke of the difficulties encountered by referees and professional soccer players. Potential referees should contact Ports-oath (TO J-out Otter (Ilanlu 23!“ or (T0 (‘hm I‘ (HHS CanJan Howe bfldfl 4U). NAC (Cuidroie 2.116; :0O\)_ scnugng W —


John (‘iontnn (Nepliul 6276), general RNIARS chairman Laeut -(dr 0 R Kn-ml (Royal Arthur 20.‘)

course. was

Lieut.-Cdr. Dasis in 32min. -Slvsec.. closely followed by P0 George Gilbert and l\I.\iE Manderson. RN runners titted sesen oi the tint nine places. including the first Inc. and team manager Sgt Woody won


Re!‘ (P08713326. 13. III R Foch! (00 C60] 3020‘!

Run for money prize of 52100 has been put up by


Sportsman Travel for


seven-mile road race to be run at Stubbington on Sunday. January 5 In aid of the Children‘: Ward at RNH Haalar. Dotalia an available from W0 Roaowoli in the Portamosrth Cornrnand Sports Office. I-this Nolaon (oat.




at,‘-‘fr-9 U"'8"l:’|f1?‘fio‘vO.:I‘IDr_-.uP‘P.u‘.- ‘pure.’--'--I;

lnspired Navy ..










-ans. -





too much for

Fencers off to the East


THE NAVY fencing team entertained the Hon Kong national squad in HM Nelson on October ll-l. winning the men's epee competition but losing the men's and women's foil. A Navy team is almost cer-

tainly travelling to Hong Kong in February for a return match and to fence against the Combined British Forces Hong Kong

with both senior indoor and outdoor tournaments, progress in the Navy Cup. continuing success for Inter-Command United Services in the Hants-Surrey regional league. and an emphatic win for the full Navy side under new management. writes Brian Lupton.


Pride of place must go to the Navy side which defeated Loughborough University 5-2. They built up a 3-0 lead in the first half through two penalties from AEM George Turnbull (Daedalus) and an open play goal scored by AEM Paddy Moffatt (Heron). The students laid seige to the Navy goal in the second half. but were thwarted by a

brilliant performance from 'kee er POMEM Steve Iintic nap (Daedalus). A couple of goals by POFT Steve Richardson (Temeraire) completed an excellent start for this


busy few weeks.

Navy side under the charismatic leadership of new

Lieut.-Cdr. Alan Walker


United Services are still undefeated in their league. Alter wins over Fleet and Met Police they could only draw but a 5-3 against victory over zpsom kept up their challenge. LWEA Jon Smith (Collingwood) went on as a substitute in the second hall and made a bit of an tt'ttpl'c\sint‘l by scoring four goals. Subl.ieut. Paddy Logan (Daedalus)



ingwood pitch. They were clearly the best side on view, winning all their four games. although in the opening game of the tournament the Royal Marines scored the first goal

after a bad mistake in the Portsmouth defence. The R0 als. with MNE Shane Lovatt (R I Poole) outstanding. beat Air S—-l in a cracking game and drew -l—-I with Plymouth to emerge as the surprise side of the toumament. Plymouth scraped into second place thanks to narrow wins over Scotland (J—2) and Air


As ever. LWEM Terry Spinlis

the sharpest forward on view and ended up as top scorer in the tournament.



OUTDOORS Outdoors. the Royal Marines took the title and so qualify as the Service‘; representatives in the West section of the national club knock-out competition The Royals drew with Plymouth but won all their other games. including an eticiting 2-1 victory over Air in the final.

Second-placed wins.

Air had three

lost to Heel. who only ether for this event and inished a creditable


('[)R. Robin llasstrei: (l"() l'|_vmouth's staff) lvcpt the Navy colours flying in defending his veterans title at the Combined Services individual squash Cll:tl'Tlplttt‘l\f‘llp\ zit \\’;iserley SC. Frirnhani. on November 17.


in the final llawtrec defeated (‘apt Robin llriiad (Army). who had got the better of their encounter sit the litter-Services liiutnament ‘there were no other nav al deeds of note in the individual tournament. which was sponsored by Natocars Ltd Of sortie styzntftcancc has the defeat of Capt Robby Robinson (Army). an unusual occurrence in Service squash. in the open competition by (‘pl Dave Clarke RAF. Robinson has dominated the tournament sitice its inception two years Jgu (‘PO Stewart Walters (HHS Sultan) was selected for the Combined Services team which played liscorts at Waverley on November 18.

Navy Cup quarter finals, Collingwood came from

P()IlT‘S.\I()l'TlI Portsmouth convincingly. beat

Naval Air (‘ommand 5—ti

Inter-(‘ommand squash




held If'l ll.\tS Daedzilus and HMS Sultan on November I and 2. thereby

championships breaking on



the event




ln the preliminary leagues. Portsmouth beat both Plymouth

and the Royal .\I;irines 5~tl_ while Air defeated Beer and

Scotland by the same margin. That meant Portsmouth and Air would contest the final for the fourth year in succession. Before the final. fifth and NIH! places were settled when the Royal Marines beat Scotland -l—l. and l’ly1'nouth beat Heel -l.—l for the third and fourth places. Only two matches in the final stretched to more than three ames. third string CPOPT Hall (Portsmouth) overcoming Lieut. John Troon (Air)




who fourth.

NAVY CU!’ ln the

3—2. and fifth string CPO Robin Young beating Air's LAEM Ginge Farmer 3—l. Four teams took part in the Under-3 com etition in its second -ear. ere was a high srandar of play at both venues. HMS Cnllingwood and HMS Sultan. a omising sign for the future of 'av-y squash. Portsmouth won the competition for the second time. with Heet second. Royal Marines third and Plymouth fourth. .

behind to beat Sultan 2-1. with Jon Srnith again in the goals. In the west. RNEC Manadon beat Raleigh 3-0 thanks to two goals by Sub-Lieut. Alan Porter. On




\\'OMF.A(H) Rick Pitts (FOSM Staff) was awarded his grade 1 and Sub-Ueut. Ian Bryan (RNEC) his grade I at the


Army Inter-Corp-s champion-


in October.

ncvvconicrs to


Navy boxing have reached the national quarter-finals of

the NARC contpctitioti. SEA Ouenton Shtllingford (HMS Raleigh) and SF./\ Dale Randall (HMS f)olphin). Both got through on walk-overs in their final area climinators.

Shillingford. .i cl.ivvis‘.il lightweight. and Randall. ii n.itural llyweight. go forward to Now


Peterhorough on November 3|). where they were due to come up against the country's best under-I‘! boxers \\'li.\I Harry Redden (HMS Manchester). who won the Ilampshire NABC title. was unable to travel to Milton Keynes for the Southern Area eliminators because he had no



coaching support. Meanwhile there has still been no appointment of a botiing coach to lead

.Navy‘v New

Year assault on Iiiier-Service. Combined Service and ABA honours. The three-day rule scuppercd the Navy‘s Chances of taking an under-I‘) team to Dereham for their annual future against Eastern (‘ourities ‘With the RN the


championships taking

place ]l.l\l

before the Detcham event. there was no chance of the Navy fielding a squad based on their new novice champions. Nevertheless, the future took place and produced a wellcuittcsted .‘—.'l match result MNE Dave Robb. the Navy lightweight champion. had his first outing of the season and honed his way convincingly to il points decision over Eastern champion D. Augustine Robb never allowed himself to be drawn into a scrap by his strong opponent. and countered with

close-run RN Women's table tennis championships in HMS Temeraire was won b Air and Scotland by one male from Portsmouth, Lwrens J. Turley (Daedalus) and 1. Drew (FPU). and Wrens A. Wilson (Warrior). G. Bell (Seahawk), N. Clarke (Vernon) and C. Priyangani (Sultan) were selected to form a Service A

CROSSING eworda are the captain ot the Hong Kong national teoclng loam. Jororno Kc (left) and the captain of the Royal Navy team. Lleut. Alan Large (F0 Plymouth).who met in HHS Nelaon.

two members of the Royal Navy polo team, Llout.-Cdr.

chrlatophor Iilorgan (Submarlna School. Dolphin) and Lleut. Richard Baa-on

(Fleet Engineering Staff. whale Island). travelled to

India for three weetia In October and Novornobr to loln toreea In New Delhi with two players from the lndlan Navy. Flrat teat was to Iurvlvo the local food and driving. before two low-goal tournamonta. the Baroda Cup and the Prtthl Slngh Cup. enabled the vlaltora to get uaed to the heat and the qulrlta of aortic of the


Maln conteat was an exhibition game against the Indian Army. The combined naval team fought their way to a 2-1 lead at halt time.



team up

in India with Cdr. Johnny Slol. IN. scoring both goala. But the Army clawed their way back and despite some vallant defence by the Navies, won the day by four goala to three. A trophy was proaented by the wire of the tndlan Chief of Naval Start. Between matches the two Brltlah ptayora were able to visit the Ta] lilahal at Agra. Jaipur. and the booutltul house boata In Kaahmlr. and pave the way tor further



NOTTINGHAM A lT':A.\f of four golfers from HMS Nottingham won the 1935 I-leet championship by one point from HMS Mercury in a hotly contested competition at Southwick Park. Twenty-four ship and shore establishment teams took part in an event which usually sees the ship sides trailing some visiy behind the shore-based players Undaunted. the Niitringham

winning team effort. with their captain. LS Andy Thompson. coming a very creditable second in the individual competition. Others in the Nottingham team were CPO Hurray Sileoclt. R0 .\l.ir|i l.ester and CK Tornmo Thomson


slinging contbiriations to frustrate Augustine's attacks. I..\lf€.\l(.\l) John Fletcher (Defiance) showed more promise and determination in overwhelming Dereham's highlyrated A. Kerrison I-letcher took a round to warm to his task but then pursued his man relentlessly. doubling Kerrison‘s work rate to get the judges‘ nod l..\IlE.\I(.\l) liamon .\li‘(.'rory (Sultan) was involved in a very slnstc contest with .l. Cissell of Dereham Alttf. who after two even rounds was disqualified in the third for persistently spitting out his gumshicld. Of the Navy losers. AEM John Yendall gave a brave performance against T Murphy. boring well enough to take the first round before losing on points. Ilis grit and determination earned him full marks. partiuilarly as he ended the contest with a fractured hand.



.\lliM(l.) Steve Forrest (Cialatea) was pulled up by the

referee in his second round. and .\lNl? Scousc Hilliard (Centution) in his first to prevent lurther punishment. First experience of civilian opposition for many of the novice Champiiins ssas due to be agatnst \Nestern Counties at Shepton M;-llcii on November "1





ooar.h0r&II—-XTD Mia-a1I1(|§lIu

Ixltlnruusaaiscxariln-cI.jr—R0 P lama-.a(P*nuIt.M£A Fof!l|‘ot1I)fIae 3 Iv-r—Iscra cvaoninsliutucu Ooomtseartraez Dye-eIIor—W€|4l 5


Squash HMS Seahawk beat HHS Heron in an all Beet Air Ami final to the RN Women's inter-

establishment squash tournament in HMS Sultan. Thirteen teams took part in three preliminary lea ties. with HMS Vernon and IMS Neptune joining Seahawk and Heron in the semi-finals.

Ply flshlrsg A Navy team came third in the Inter-Service fly fishing competition on Rutland Water at the end of September. The Royal Air Force won easily with a catch of «lo trout weighing 58th. 4or.. the Army were second with Ill trout (2l'llb. 7or.). and the Navy third with 14 trout (l8lh. H01.) The event was sponsored by RCA (Services Division), who paid for the boats and presented tankards and prizes. Membership of the RN and RM Angling Association costs only ll and details can be obtained from Lieut.-Cdr. MJ. Piper on MOD Main Building eiit. (H12

It-oo posters Sports bulletin posters


available free of charge from Sports Bulletin. Narocars l.td..



and local clubs.

table Tortola

scored in the first half. Portsmouth once again won the indoor Inter-Commands. lay-ed on the excellent Col-



Univ (Pub) til POWEM wolin

Wylds Road. Bridgwater. Somerset TA6 -lDG.



A RN.\lCC team of sis riders took part in the Royal Marines motor qcle championship trials on the .\ll;‘.\'l-I ranges near llosington. Dorset. on November 3. The day-long, three-stage event ssas dominated by a very experienced team from the Royal Corps of Transport. Representing the Navy were l.MT.M(.\-I) Pete Cushing.

.\fl3M(M)lletty Tlettarn.

l,.\fF.l\-Ill.) Alfie Marks. ('l’0W[iA John Bod-iworth. LE-ZMliA John l.ongden and .\ll€A Al’l' Richard Whttewood

'l’¢aIalo folaaala A combined HMS Sultan(‘cnturion team dominated the RN \\'ornen‘s interestablishment table tennis Lh.lITlPlsIfi\h|p\ in HMS Nelson last month. remaining unbe_aten throuithout their pool and in the fll"|.ll stages of the competition. ll.‘vlS Osprey were second and Il.\lS Seahawl. third The inter-establishment badminton honours went to another u5l'1'll"lfIcs.l side. ll.isl.ir—l)olphin. who beat HMS Drake in the final in HMS Daedalus HMS Cochrane and Il.\IS Nelson reached the semi-finals. RM. Plymouth and Thames sum the inter-group badminton tournament held in HMS l).iedali.is. Air and Scotland were second and Portsmouth third.



Field gun B

Froonrrontpego will be nominated. but there will be an opportunity for the individual whose work or family commitments clash to request a change. The letters will give about I0 weeks’ notice. There will be 3-3 nominated locations of Service establish21 Navy and ments or units l.‘l Army. To minimise disruption to the units chosen. the reporting routine will be conducted In a custom-built container vehicle big enough to can'y out clerical and kit checlts. ‘Die new system will apply to all current and future RFR ratings. except those with less than a to serve in the Reserve rom April I next year. and those exempted from recall. These exemptions include eople in occupations like olice. Fire Service or Merchant

teams to go?

NUMBERS of men involved in the Royal Navy‘: field gun competition are being reviewed in the continuing scrutiny of manpower levels, and there may be some cutback in the years i986 and 1987. But. even if changes are made. the plan is to preserve


POST Al. CHECKS For economy reasons. reservists living in Northern lreland. the Irish Republic. Isle of Man. Scilly Isles and Scottish lsles will not be summoned to attend in person. but will carry out a series of postal checks initiated by the Re trar of Reserves in HMS enturion. On completion. they will be sent their annual bounty. Those attending the reportin centre will be paid their annua '

completion of the routine cheque in hand of £100 or £80 (special and ordinary class respectively). less on

deduction at standard rate of income tax. There will also be reasonable travelling expenses. This is a big boost over the present postal bounty. which varies between £25 and ill: a year. A team of live ratings a and three leading CPO. POSA will o erate the rates scheme. led by '0 Buck Taylor. who has been involved over the past year in developing the new procedures. —


MANY good projects have blossomed because of a spot of financial fertiliser from the Sailors‘ Fund. But in deep November its Grants Committee members were slightly taken aback at being asked to help buy baskets of flowers artificial ones to brighten

the meal-times of shorebased young sailors. With a hint of suppressed minh. the meeting heard

hoped to spend £1,639 on these artifical flowers and plants "providing a more relaxed atmosphere for the junior how HMS Sultan

rates to dine in."


drinks machines. And so. alter more discusston. the bid failed. A week later there was a second chance when the "let's brighten the dining hall" plea appeared on the agenda of the Fleet Amenities Fund. But again it got the thumbs dossn. For most other applications there was help some of it substantial. This included aid from both funds for further modemhation at the Royal Fleet Club. Devon rt. and the Royal Sailors‘ orne Club. Portsmouth.

Grants list and report will appear in our January edition.



change now seems likely. One of several options is that the 8 teams (three learns of 18 cacti) would disappear and. instead. each A team would have nine reserves.

As well as the importa noeot the public the safety is being kept closely in mind in the review with the need to ensure that the hazards inherent in this toughest of



It is understood that a number of countries have expressed interest.

are not


PUBLIC RUNS Should the 8 teams go. it would also entail a new arrangement for public runs before the tournament. A possibility is runs at that stage between the rival commands. The continuing popularity of the field gun. both in naval circles and among the general public. is well appreciated by those conducting the review. The main competitions revolve around the A teams and, should the final decision be to drop the 8 teams. it would not be for the first time in recent years. They disappeared in 1982 because of manpower needs created by the Falklands War. Meanwhile. one field of spectacle where manpower constraints have now bitten is the RN Display Team. just about to dis: pear following the maps atablc decision that savings would have to be made.

accepted Into aorvlceoarly next year. HHS



20 proposed remedy hanging baskets on pillars. three wall displays and three extra large macrame baskets. Cash aid totalling £1.13‘) was sought. The

IN ANSWER to a Lords question about the possibility of ll.\fS Hermes becoming part of a museum proiect. it was stated for the Government that. sshile no longer required by the Royal Navy. the Hermes had many years of life ahead and was being offered for sale abroad for further service.



perhaps with the aid of cashraising Space lnvader or soft

But the matter was taken more seriously when it was ex lained that the large new I was a "bit barmlike." Although hrolren up by screens. there was nothing to relieve the ceiling voids and large areas of plain walls. Said an advocate. “The lads see enough of four walls at sea and want to see something different."


ct.-icle of the contest at the oyal Tournament. Although no final decision has been made it may be taken before Christmas some



bounty directly


Thlrd and largest of the Batch 2 (stretched) Type 22 mgaiu. the Bravo has been bull! byYarrowaat Scotatoun. She la the first ship to be fitted with tho HolloROYOC 59” engine for main propulaton and the new lightweight Soewott mlaalto system. During trials the ahlp was crowed by Vanessa‘ personnel and a small number of the Bravo‘: ahlp'a company. Between them they raised £32‘ by various events tor the Prlnca-aa Loulao Scottish Hoapltal tor dlaabtod ea-servicemen.

But the virtually unanimous view was that the Sailors’ Fund wasn't the right source for the cash. and it was Sultan try .1 bit more sel help





send us your Christmas list and we will mail them for



From the Business

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Navy News. HMS Nelson Portsmouth P01 3HH

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disappointment. t We regret due to the escalating cost of staeonery additional cnveloposcannotbesupptedkxardatsoltessthantacopiese are




now to


THE llghta of Llabon glow around HIIS lnvlnclblo as the carrier talus a break during busy and many Traln. Involving many Royal Navy ahlpa among them stator ahlp HIS llluatrloua —

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Published P‘)

Na», he-s. II M 5 Nelson. l‘ntmn-such. and pnnre-I by I‘--rnnaiuth A Sualertand .\e-spa;-rs pie. The News ('enIre. ll-l-ea. l't-nanourh PO! 95X

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