15‘ 700 a year for standby men
Bllllllllllll Blllllls lllll Ell-Slllllllls
SUSSEX RNR Divlaion were tpggtgd to tgygry ch[|.[fn.. preaenoe when a very ahapely Santa paid a call.
l-IX-RN RATINGS now In the Royal Fleet Reserve are to receive bounties 0! up to £100 when they report "all present and correct" at a mobile reporting unit which will tour the coontry.Thenewsystemolannualeheelts otters a big llnaneial boost over the present arrangement, which involves only a limited postal questionnaire. The Government announcement of the new procedures to improve the readiness of the Royal Fleet Reserve explained that from April 1 RN(RFR) ratings will be required to report annually to the centre within 50 miles of their home. Nuiiihers involsed are about -Lilli, mostly ratings who have carried out service of more than 18 months, but less than I2 years, and who have a reserve liability {or service mobilisation. This on liability normally lasts up to three years. It is emphasised that scheme does not apply to RI)_\..ll Nasal Resene or to pensioners, and that
the the
RN the
Rl-'R(R.\l) arrangements remain unchanged.
Aim of the ucheme, Ilhlfh has l't't'CI\€tl .-\dl't'llti|ll)' Board is to collect up-to-date Il'llIIf'l'Yl..Illtll'1 \IlllCl‘I will enable the .\'.i\_s to make better use oi the skills and experience asail-
charm CHARM and informality during the comrnlaaloning at Portamouth ol HMS Art:
Blonde Kerry Ilaaltett donned red robea ot office to bring to rnernberaol HUS 8uaaex.Yutettde cheer which will continue tar beyond thia eeeeon ot goodwill. For eo enthralled were the "up-. comp.” ‘"3 W. V...‘
that they hair! 06090“ N’ 00 Ilaa HIS Buaaex. Twentyear-old Kerry. who rvorka at West suaa-ea. la pletured iirtth her new tana. tnciudng the executive ollleer oi the ton eetabilahmerit. Cdr. Nevlle Dutton RNH. She la nour looting torvrard to gracing many at the Dlvlelorra '""°”°" M mu‘