FAG END OF BLUE LINERS BY EMPLOYING a series of price rises. the_ Royal Navy's Blue Liner cigarette and tobacco concession _is to be phased out, and will
finally disappear in l99_l.
The decision by the Admiralty Board follows a number of reviews but. as a result of the latest. it was felt the medical evidence against smoking was now so overwhelmin that the concession could no onger be
To take account of stocks already held and contracts placed. it will continue until the end of I991. The price will be increased progressively, with the first increase taking place in April this year. followed by further increases in January H390 and January I991 to bring prices much closer to those charged for proprietary brands.
Amenities The move brings no saving to the Defence Budget. and all money raised by increases over the next three years will be used cxclusivcly for the benefit of naval personnel through the Fleet Amenities Fund. Contributing to the phasingout decision was the ltnowled that. while it is sad that in: itions die, in this case it was the beneficiaries of the tradition who were likely to die. ln addition, numbers of habitual smokers have decreased. Medical evidence available to the Admiralty Board indicated that of l.000 young people smoking a packet of cigarettes a day. six would die on the roads. whereas 250 could die prematurely from smoking-related diseases. In these circumstances. and iven the responsibility of the ard for promotin the physical and mental well- in ofnaval personnel. it was ecided “there was no other proper course of action open to them so far as this unique and outdated concession was conccrned.“ I Turn to beet: page