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(Navy News DECEMBER 1989

will travel

Have funds



Based on a £150,000 gift

been a success since it start-

ed early last year.

from Naafi, it is administered

by the Captain of the Fleet who assesses eligibility and size of loan. The scheme concentrates on ships and submarines deployed far from home, with priority for vessels on operational patrol. Ships deployed closer to home are not covered. Of total personnel who have used the scheme, about 50 are officers and 950 ratings and


Royal Marines. Nearly 50 ships have participated- 18 of them Annilla patrol vessels, Representatives at the winter meeting of the Sailors' Fund Grants Committee unanimousi to a grant of £40,000. and the subsequent meeting of the fleet Amenities Fund add-

ed £10,000. The decision is subject to Trustees' approval. sure meetings heard that if

they received a higher priority bid for funding, the sum could be repaid over a period, and if demand fell off on a more permanent basis it could be returned to the funds. The committees also gave a financial boost to club, recreational and sporting activities in many places. Grants and loans agreed totalled about £625,000 - details in January, edition.




NEARLY 1,000 single sailors have now taken advantage of the interest-free loan scheme which helps towards air fares when they want to fly someone of their choice to overseas ports their ships are visiting. So popular is the scheme that extra cash is now required to keep it afloat, and two naval funds have agreed to come up with the £50,000 needed. The scheme - which opcrates in much the same way as the publicly-funded one for married men - has



Tammy's triple crown




AFTER winning two major beauty contests this year, 19-year-old Tammy Brown has gone on to the

hat trick to become the Royal Marines new beauty queen, Miss Globe and Laurel. East Midlands girl Tammy, a model and sales consultant in the clothing industry, won her way to the title from a total of 7,000 entrants who took part in contests at five UK holiday centres.

Some gain likely Ion

lodging allowances

NEW formulas for Lodging and London allowances for Service personnel have now been agreed. They come into effect from April next year.

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Recognising the wide variation of accommodation costs across the country, the two-band Lodging allowance system means that rates will rise marginally for some people in l, don, but fall elsewhere. However, because of a 'mark time" system and general updating before April I, no rates will in effect reduce and some will increase. A general increase dating from last August will also be incorporated, Another new feature is the introduction of a restricted rate of Lodging allowance, excluding the accommodation element, for single and unaccompanied people living in property they own, and for one or two others. Rules for claiming the allowance have also been reviewed, and the types of accommodation concerned more tightly defined. Transitional arrangements will protect people who might otherwise be disadvantaged by the The aim in the changes to these allowances has been to increase the domestic options and make service in



MOD more attractive. So, married personnel who wish to serve unaccompanied in MOD living in single 5crvice accommodation or on Lodging allowance, may do so without jeopardising Boarding School allowance.

The new structure also gives a bet. ter deal for people serving accompanied in MOD, who will continue to receive some reimbursement of daily travel expenses even if they have moved house at public expense. This will also apply to single owneroccupiers. allowances apply to MOD and associated offices in the London Pay area, but exclude Northwood and RN College Greenwich. Negotiations over both the Lodging and London allowances packages have continued since results of the major Review of Allowances were announced last year. Their outcome is officially regarded as generally very satisfactory, with some worthwhile improvements.

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