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Nav\ News JULY 1990


Paul's French connection This Crazy gang could set anyone on the road to Rouen — but the Royal Navy was there already.

. English dancers from the famous Crazy Horse Saloon in Paris briefly adorned HMS Nottingham's focsle while the Type 42 destroyer was in Rouen for the VE Day anniversary cele-

brations. Their presence also helped put the ship on French TV that evening . . . The visit was set up by POWEM(R) Paul French — whose sister-in-law Paulette is one of the dancers photographed here by CPO(Phot) Charlie Gerbex. • HMS Nottingham visits Narvik and Normandy — see centre pages.

PROMISE OF POWER New helicopter contract goes out to tender

TENDERS are to be invited this month for the award of a prime contract for completion of development and initial production of the Royal Navy's Merlin variant of the EH101 helicopter. During the defence debate in the Commons in June Defence Procurement Minister of State Mr. Alan Clark said, "The specification against which we shall invite tenders calls for the production aircraft to be fitted with the Rolls-Royce Turbomeca TRM 322 engine to provide the extra power needed for the aircraft to fulfil its mission effectively. "Work on integrating that engine in a development aircraft will now proceed."

Hurricane ship honoured

CRUCIAL assistance provided by HMS Alacrity in the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo, which devastated the Caribbean island of Montserrat, has been recognised in the Birthday Honours. The Type 21 frigate was carrying out duties as West Indies guardship when the hurricane struck last September and with RFA Brambleleaf in support she arrived at the island the following day. Members of the ship's company worked round the clock to restore essential services. The Alacrity's commanding officer, Cdr. Colin Ferbrache, receives an OBE and her executive officer, Lieut.-Cdr. David Goodman, and Lieut. Thomas Elliott both become MBEs. CCMEA(L) John Balchin and APO(SEA) Alan Stewart were awarded BEMs and squadron aviation officer, Lieut.-Cdr. Euan McNair, was awarded the Air Force Cross. For their role in providing assistance to the islands of St Kitts, Nevis and Tortola, Capt. Jeremy Carew, of RFA Brambleleaf, re'ceives an OBE and Third Officer Michael Jackson becomes an MBE. CINCFLEET Commendations. They are: CMEM(M) Michael Adams, RS Stephen Winder, and APOMEA Mark Edwins. See also story and picture, page 17. Full Royal Navy awards in Birthday Honours — page 22.

Earlier Mr. Clark had said it was more than ever important that contractural arrangements for the EH 101 were put on a sounder basis. "Work that has been in hand to prepare a new overall performance specification for the helicopter has now been completed." During the two-day debate attention focussed on the wideranging study now going on within MOD on future defence

needs, over which intense speculation continues. Referring to what he termed the "Options for Change exercise" Defence Secretary Mr. Tom King later said, "It is obviously the opportunity to make some changes. We are going to respond to the new situation in East Europe and the Soviet Union. But in other parts of the world the situation is remarkably unchanged." Asked about claims of dissension among Service chiefs, he said he was "grateful at the way the Service chiefs have re-

sponded. They have been involved fully in this exercise. I was warned there would be internal fighting. But I would like to pay tribute to the way the Service side has pulled together. "We have tried to get away from inter-Service rivalry and have one overall Ministry of Defence approach." During the Commons debate Mr. King stated that he had said in May that inflation was costing the defence budget a further £350 million in the current year. The forecast of expenditure now suggested the problem was likely to be worse than that. In train were some shortterm changes at the margin of the defence programme to reduce expenditure. In considering short-term measures they had, where appropriate, sought to have regard for the emerging picture from the Options for Change work.

Great dames THE carrier HMS Ark Royal, one of the RN ships visiting New York lately, sails past the newly-renovated Statue of Liberty. — See also feature in pages 8-9.

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