Navy News OCTOBER 1990
for a close fit
SHAV Remov ensure a close fit for anti-gas respirators has become a familiar sight in the Gulf. On board HMS York (above) POMEA Stephen Brown wields the razor, while shipmates behind the masks for the photograph are MEM Chris Shaw and WEM Dave Sutherland. Meanwhile the forward ready loading crew (above right) go through the routine of preparing the Seawolf missile system for action on board HMS Battleaxe. More Gulf pictures by PO(Phot) Stuart Antrobus in centre pages.
Brilliat future!
( STRENGTH of the Royal Navy's contribution to the multinational naval force in the Gulf continued to grow as warships and support vessels headed for the area. An extra destroyer was allocated to Armilla patrol to provide, in the words of Defence Secretary Mr. Tom King "the flexibility to enable us to maintain our contribution over the longer haul if necessary." HMS Gloucester, withdrawn from Portsmouth Navy Days, sailed from Portsmouth for Portland work-up before heading East.
Early leg-up for SPECIAL Duties Lieutenants are to have earlier chance of promotion, as the zone is now to run from 5-11 years' seniority as a Lieutenant, instead of 7-11. The move lakes note of the feelings of many SD officers — particularly Lieutenants who have nol yet reached the zone at seven years and have applied to leave early — that 10 years as an officer is a long wait before Ihc chance of promotion to Lieutenant-Commander. The move, which it is believed will be an incentive lo retention, will nol affect the promolion chances and career prospccls of those already in the zone. Under the new system, selections will be made in February 1991 for announcement at the end of March. As previously reported, General List Lieutenants may now be recommended for early promotion if considered suitable.
Later two other ships of the me departing ships and wish them next Armilla group, HM ships well. To maintain the strength of the paBrazen and London left DevonHMS Cardiff was also due to sail port, also for spells at Portland irol for the Gulf early this month — a before sailing for Gulf duty. partieularly swift return as Ihc Type Hundreds of families and friends 42 spent the first pan of the year as an were at bolh Portsmouth and Plym- Armilla ship. outh to wave emotional goodbyes lo • Turn to back page
THE Wrens-at-sea programme takes a major step forward this month when HMS Brilliant, the first Royal Navy frigate to have a female group as ship's company members, is joined by 16 WRNS junior ratings. Already two WRNS officers are serving in th< Devonport-based Type 22 frigate, and a third is -joining. The ratings involved are volunteers from the Communicator, Radar and Supply and Secretariat specialisations, who have taken a variety of additional courses to prepare t1" for sea. Next ship to convert to mixed manning wi the carrier HMS Invincible (late November be followed by the frigate HMS Juno (n December), and RFA Argus and the frigate Battleaxe early in the New Year. Work has been under way in the ships involved to allow privacy of accommodation for male and female personnel. All women joining the WRNS are now liable for sea service, and some RN sub-specialisations previously not open to '"" will now be availa
FLYING TRIBUTE TO TARANTO THE 50th Anniversary of the Battle of Taranto will be celebrated at HMS Osprey on Wednesday Nov 7 when about 80 aircraft have been invited to take part in a flypast and display sequence. Celebrations which will include fireworks in the harbour, ceremonial Beat Retreat and a Mess dinner. Guest of honour will be Admiral Sir Julian Oswald, First Sea Lord, who will be joined by some of the men of the Taranto task force which launched the Brilish attack on Nov I I 1940.
This strike by 20 Swordfish aircraft on an enemy fleet in its home port involved a daring two-wave, night torpedo attack which was pressed home with determination against a heavily defended largcl 170 miles away. Later photo-reconnaissance showed thai the aircraft had pul half ihe Italian ships out of action. At HMS Osprey next month members of 815 (Portland) and 819 (Prestwick) Squadrons, two of the units involved in the raid, will join other aviators from the Fleel and air stations to pay tribute to the historic feat.