Broad look at shore support
THE first detachment of Wrens to serve as full members of a ship's company are settling down in the Type 22 frigate HMS Brilliant. Fourteen junior ratings, drawn from the first group of Wrens to volunteer for sea service, and who have undergone sea training courses, joined the Brilliant at Devonport last month. On completion of operational sea training at Portland their ship will be available for tasking anywhere in the world. Capt. Richard Cobbold, commanding officer of the Brilliant said, "The Wrens will enhance the operational effectiveness of the ship with their specialist skills." A batch of about 75 WRNS personnel is due to join HMS Invincible as part of the ship's company in late November.
THE smaller Fleet envisaged for the mid-1990s implies significant rationalisation of shore support, it was stated for the Government in the Commons in October. In answer to comments about the Fleet Maintenance and Repair Organisation at Portsmouth, it was made clear that a study into the future of the FMRO would form a "useful input" into a broader study of naval b a s e s , d o c k y a r d s a n d other s u p p o r t facilities. "We hope to be in a position to make that input by the turn of the year," said Defence Procurement Under-Secretary Mr. Kenneth Carlisle, adding that he understood what had been said about speedy decisions and the need to avoid uncertainty as far as possible. Responding to comments by Portsmouth South MP Mr. David Martin, the Minister spoke of the need to review ship refitting capacity generally, and the Portsmouth capacity in particular. Since introduction of commercial management at Devonport and Rosyth in 1987 there had been a steady decline in the core programme of refits allocated to those yards.
Pictured are five of those who joined the Brilliant. From the left: WRENSTD Catherine Ward, WREN(R) Tanya Luffman, WREN(RO) Debbie Funnell, WREN(R) Melanie Sharp and WREN(R) Helen Smithers. Meanwhile, below, WREN(RO) Wendy Clay salutes as she steps on board to join the ship's company.
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BUSY JOBS IN POLL POSITION A TRIBUNAL has ruled that an HMS Sultan marine engineering artificers' course member is technically a student and so liable to pay only 20 per cent of the community charge. In what was seen as a "test case" which could affect several hundred ratings, the sailor appealed against Gosport Borough Council's ruling lhat he should pay the whole charge. Later i( was said that the tribunal decision could result in the Council losing £270,000 income a year. The case advanced by the rating for the reduction was that he was on a full-lime course of education at a "relevant educational establishment." Fareham Borough Council had already accepted thai some trainees al HMS Collingwood were liable for only a fifth of the charge.
ABOUT 20 RN and RFA ships have been involved in the British contribution to the multinational Gulf force in a month when patrol work has included several boarding incidents, one with the firing of warning shots across the bows of an Iraqi merchant vessel.
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Eight RN warships and four RFA vessels were among the Gulf force as
Navy News went to press. In addition, four logistic landing ships of the RFA were involved in transporting Army equipment from the UK and Europe.
On Armilla duties were HM ships Bra/en, London. Gloucester and Cardiff, while on passage home after their Gulf stints were HM ships Baltlcaxc. Jupiter and York. Three Hun! class MCM vessels had arrived in the area, as had their support ship HMS Herald, and the forward repair ship HMS Diligence. RFAs involved included I-"orl Grange. Orangeleaf and Olna. The RFA logistic landing ships carrying a wide range of equipment, including repair and recovery vehicles, lo support the 7th Armoured Brigade were Fa Ik lands survivor Sir Tristram, the new Sir Galahad. Sir Bedivere and Sir I'ercivale.
Meanwhile, work was taking place at Dcvonport to adapt llie aviation iraining ship RFA Argus for Gulf service. In the Gulf of Oman in October [IMS Batlleaxe fired warning shots across ihe bows of the Iraqi cargo vessel Al Wassitti, and Royal Marines from the Batlleaxe and HMS London hoarded the ship. US and Royal Australian Navy ships were also involved,
Diverted In another incident in support of the United Nations embargo, six Marines from HMS Bra/en abseiled from a Lynx helicopter on to the freighter Tailnuir, which had stopped when ordered. Parlies from US and RAN ships also helped in the search, and the freighter was later diverted to a Gulf-state port.
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TOP UP FOR TWO GULF of Oman top up from the tanker RFA Olna (centre) for supply ship RFA Fort Grange and the Type 42 destroyer HMS Gloucester.