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Navy News SEPTEMBER 1991

Straight upl


Job losses may be low,but

THE first firing of the Vertical Launch Seawolf missile system using a live warhead has been carried out from HMS Norfolk in Cardigan Bay. Its target, a small radio-controlled model aircraft, was successfully engaged. Vertical Launch Seawolf, fired from deck-mounted silos, is a rapid reaction close area defence system against missiles and aircraft. It is planned to be fitted to all Type 23 frigates and the new auxiliary oiler replenishment vessels of the RFA by the mid-1990s. • A missile leaves its silo in this dramatic shot as the weapon is fired from HMS Norfolk.

DESPITE use of normal manpower planning controls to meet the Navy's new lower strength target of about 55,000 by the mid-1990s, the significant change in requirement from 62,500 — and speed of implementation — are likely to result in some officer and rating categories becoming overborne.

Stiff fop value

UNLIKE almost anything else you can name, your 20p-a-month Navy News has operated a price freeze for the last fiveand-half years. Now a series of rising costs have caught up with us and from October the price has to go to 30p — still comparing favourably with large numbers of newspapers and other publications. The paper will, of course, continue to be packed with news, pictures and features. And it will, we are sure readers will agree, remain outstanding value and essential reading for everyone serving in, or associated with, the Royal Navy.

Russian roulette EVENTS in Russia led to a halt in plans for HMS London to make a commemorative visit to Murmansk to mark the 50th anniversary of the first Arctic Convoy. Together with RFA Tidespring, the Type 22 frigate had a role in what were to have been the first RN/Soviet exercises since the Second World War, with veterans from several nations invited to watch and attend ceremonies in North Russia. Whether the voyage and exercises would be revived following the collapse of the coup in the Soviet Union was not known at time of going to press. • Right — the Kirov Class cruiser Kalinin was earlier photographed in the North Sea, in company with HMS Brazen (see also page 8).

In redundancy measures which may be needed to correct this, total numbers are not expected to exceed 600. This will be achieved largely, it is hoped, by voluntary redundancy during the period late 1992-94, although some compulsory redundancies may be necessary to complete the programme. Reductions would have been higher but for the number of people who left the Service in 1990. This has helped eliminate the need for radical changes and large-scale redundancies. The position on future manpower was outlined in a signal to the Fleet from the Second Sea Lord. Those affected by the redundancy programme would be mainly senior personnel, both officers and ratings. Factors which determine branch structures are being carefully managed to ensure that promotion prospects and career progression are being maintained for the majority.

In the case of ratings, recruit8 targets have been adjusted to reflect the chan e in rec ulre g l : ment, but this has not altered m

entry numbers for those in shortage categories. Second Open Engagement quotas have been reduced by 12 per cent and Extended Service engagements will be shortened. There has been a reduction of about 10 per cent in a u t h o r i s e d numbers for promotion to WO/ CPO. In the case of officers, recruiting targets, inter-list transfers and extraction rates have been adjusted and the opportunities for extensions of service and acting higher rank will be limited.

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20 per cent cut for RNR CURRENT strength of the Royal Naval Reserve of 5,900 is to be reduced by 1,200 as a result of detailed consideration of unit and branch structure. The Royal Naval Auxiliary Service is to reduce from 2,850 by 150. Key roles of the volunteer reserves will remain unchanged, said Armed Forces Minister Mr. Archie Hamilton.

Streamlined The aim of a tri-service study team which will examine the mix of regular and reserve forces will be "to develop a defence-wide manpower structure for the period 1995 onwards matched to forecast tasks, reduced readiness requirements and extended warning and preparation time. "This will provide a foundation to develop more streamlined naval reserves capable of meeting their future objectives in a cost-effective manner."

Broad view on Us TECHNICAL problems involving first-of-class diesel electric submarine HMS Upholder featured in a report from the Commons Select Defence Committee, which commented on delays involved and responsibilities. But the MPs also said that the Upholder boats were likely to "prove to be excellent submarines" and suggested it might be economic to procure two follow-on boats in addition to the four now planned. See feature "Holding Up" — centre pages.

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