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Navy News DECEMBER 1991


Letter heads Navy News willies All its rMd«r« a Happy Christ mas — •• do lh* ship's company ol HMS Invma ble. whose whit* halt spelled out a seasonal message on the way home from the Mediterranean. On duly this f e s t i v e season are HMS Bvmingham. Sheffield and Hermione (Armilla Patrol): HMS Jupiter. Dumbarton Castle and Polar Circle and RFAs Grey Rover and 0*nence (South Atlantic): .IMS Avenger and RFA Oakleaf (West indies). HMS Alderney and Jersey (Fishery Protection); and HMS Starting (Hong Kong contingency ship)

•Mail ordJeredby numbers TO EASE electronic sorting ol Royal Navy mail, all HM ships and naval parties are to have three-digit BFPO numbers. From next Spring these numbers should be used to ensure quickest acid most efficient despatch ol mail. People ate encouraged to use them from January no they are used to the procedure by the time H goes "lrve" on April 1. In February the Postal and Courier Depot. Royal Engineers. Mill Hill. viW take delivery of the electronic letter sorting machine and associated equipment which will enable letter mail to be sorted automatically. The ship's name vrti still form part of the address — only change involved is that BFPO XXX vwl replace BFPO Ships For example: RPO Buoy L. 01234S6J. HMS Afloat, BFPO 499 The list showing the number allocated to each ship has been distributed throughout the Navy and will be published in our January edition.

Wrens go on gold standard DRAWING closer Mill to RN Mylc. blue-badge Wrens are going gold and red.

From April April I WRNS

;md WRNR officers will wear RN gold laee. including executive curl and insignia, on their uni-

form, while the ratings will wear gold or red badges. I he IK* style has been approved by the Queen on ihc recommendation of the -\dmirali) Board.

Exception (•'or a transitional period Jan. I-March 31 cither blue braid/tedfn or gold i;u«.' jjold or red badfcs m.i> Iv worn. The onl> exception .ifiirr April I is ihjt ratings may continue to v.ear blue badges with No 2 uniform until Jan I 1993. subject to availability Full details of the changes and of IMUC arrangements will be published in IX 1%

Buffet royal The Prince and PrincMS of WalǤ will officially open the China Fleet Country Club at Saltash on December 5 and attend a buffet lunch for gsietts and members

REDUCING requirement will mean the loss of about 400 officer and rating posts in Phase 1 of the Royal Navy's redundancy programme resulting from Options for Change. Personnel have until January 15 to submit redundancy applications.

Portland pictures fit the bill SURGING purposefully through the waves off Portland Bill. HMS Edinburgh provides an impressive picture taken by LA(Phot) James Gibson and part of the set entered by HMS Osprey in the Royal Navy Photographic Branch's annual competition. The Portland base took the Peregrine Trophy for best portfolio and the HMS Edinburgh photograph also won the Maritime Trophy for best ship or aircraft picture. A selection of the best entries in the competition, and fun results, will be published in the January edition.

The need is lo lose the posts of about 30 Cap-

tains. 50 Commanders and 320 Warrant Offi-

Some redundancies may be forced eery. CPOs iind P< K In ;i mevoge to the I kxl. the Second Sea Lord (Admiral Sir Michael l.iscsayi Uid. "It i% hoped to ai.lin.-w the reduction i

through iiHliMihi.il applications. H o w e v e r , as it i* essential to rein in a proper halance of skills seniorities and experience, some compulsory redundancies ma> he necevsary." \suli a rraiMIMM m inv.il sirengih to ahooi ssmm n\ 1945. the ami is tn iriliin . ' . . i Ix-jimps in Ki'.h the shorl and r . v l .irn term v» iti.u slenijlh nuKrKt the loquiKnicnt. with a satislactors spn-.u1 of apes and i*-nn>ruic\ This means it Mill tv nc\wsai> to include in the pi"yonintr ofTiccrs jiiil ulnif» wilh sipnilkMnl lime lo vr\i- ;i% well .is Ihcvse rvcarer rvlircnKtil. II applicants in a pjtlitubi ulC|!or> aie piedoniinjnlK those wilk .1 shn.i nine l<< verse, il mj\ It nct»svm M reject ihor applu-Hmrs iinil nuke rcdund.in: "il ,-rv >ilm ru\e J sifniiicjni liniv UMM.IIIIlll|( l<» H I ' . '

I he I'IIM luo |I|UM-X i>l i'i. pru|!r:ininie ju- pUiiinoJ l<ir hn;inn.ll \ e j r \ IW^-'H .nut I WW4. jrul irk-rx- m.i> be o«c or more follow -on phav;^ RixluiKlaniv is tetuniKxl as liilllpulvorv K-IIICIIKMll tut t».'lll

applicanls and nnn-applic.inis win i .in- soli\icd Irx- tv-nns invludi- .1 sptM.il t.iiin|vn\.itKin |M»ir\nl (up lo IX ninmli\ |\it >k-ix ndiii|t on »eais to wn> .MKl or scars ol XTMIV piscn) and. for tlxne uuli .it IcaM i _ V iinme• Turn to p*ge 17

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