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Navy News OCTOBER 1992


Marines to buy quieter, more efficient hovercraft

THE Royal Marines plan to buy hovercraft to move troops and stores rapidly in amphibious operations.

French frigate firms up AT a meeting in Edinburgh, the Defence Secretary Mr Malcolm Rifkind and the French Minister of Defence, M. Pierre Joxe, reviewed progress on proposals to collaborate on design and procurement of a common anti-air frigate for their respective navies, and agreed the way forward for the next phase. The new frigate, whose task will be to escort and protect maritime forces in the Atlantic and elsewhere, will be equipped with an anti-air missile system of the FAMS (Family of Anti-Air Missile Systems) programme. The ministers have agreed that the UK and France will continue efforts to realise a single joint staff requirement for the ships and their weapon systems, and that the countries will work together to achieve maximum commonality in design and specifications for a common ship.

Exchange A preliminary joint project office is to be established in the UK this year to manage joint activities, identify critical milestones and ensure all avenues for collaboration are pursued. As soon as practicable, further personnel will be exchanged between the project teams.

An invitation to tender has been issued for up to four new diesel-engined hovercraft, capable of carrying up to 16 fully-equipped troops or two tonnes of stores. They will operate from the Royal Navy's amphibious ships and will be able to move from ship to shore, and over land and ice, at speeds of up to 30 knots. Hovercraft companies in the United Kingdom, France and Australia are being invited to tender for the work.

Fan technology Modern hovercraft using the latest fan technology, diesel engines and composite aluminium design offer greater speed

and flexibility, and can carry a greater payload f o r t h e i r weight, than conventional craft. But the Marines will still need conventional landing craft for moving vehicles, equipment and the m a i n body of personnel. Hovercraft for the Royal Marines were previously tried out in service during the 1960s and 1970s. However, they used large quantities of fuel, were noisy and heavy, and employed aviation technology w h i c h made them extremely expensive and difficult to maintain. Modern technology has largely overcome these major drawbacks.

Boat people Submarines home and away — • Top: HMS Trafalgar in Nelson-style rig as she becomes the first T-boat to go into refit at Devonport. Left to right are AB 'Otis' Reading, PO 'Mac' McDonagh and AB 'Sully' O'Sullivan. • Above: HMS Trenchant alongside the forward repair ship RFA Diligence in Mare Harbour, Falkland Islands. • Left: HMS Oracle 200 miles west of Ireland, handing over a sailor with a perforated lung for casevac to Shannon. A Nimrod from RAF Kinloss provided Top Cover for the Sea King from RAF Brawdy.

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