Navy News NOVEMBER 1992
Contingency Force to have 'sailor appeal' .....
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A NEW Naval Contingency Force will come into action in 1994-95, as part of plans to put ships at differing levels of readiness. The Commander-in-Chief Fleet, Admiral Sir Jock Slater, has authorised the new force to be tailored to provide readily deployable naval units to meet any kind of challenge. This new concept is the result of the reduced risk of major conflict and the consequent increased warning time, which have obviated the need for maintaining "the highest possible number of platforms at the highest possible state of readiness". It will operate to fulfil the most important national and NATO tasks in tandem with a programme in which, as far as possible, all units will be designated as "ready" or "alternate" — the former kept at a high state of material and technical capability and assigned to the NCF. Thus the "ready" ships will carry out NATO and rapid reaction force roles as well as nationally directed tasks while the "alternate" units will conduct less intensive tasking or be undergoing maintenance. "I want to stress that modern and older ships will go through these categories within a normal pattern of maintenance to achieve a balanced opera-
tional programme," Admiral Slater told Navy News. "No one ship will be permanently assigned to either. In many ways this arrangement is a formal rationalization of the way the Fleet has been programmed over the past few years, in a time of constant change. It will allow work to be taken forward on tailoring the Fleet to meet the diverse challenges of the '90s and provide value for money." As announced in Navy News in July, the Leander class frigate HMS Andromeda, which completed a £25 million refit at Rosyth last year, is to be put into a state of "extended readiness" after next June, sealed and dehumidified to prevent internal corrosion. Her fuel and ammunition will be removed, but all her equipment will remain in place so she can be recovered as a fully capable vessel — not as part of a "second division" as some have suggested. Though no decisions have been Turn to page 30
Vanguard makes a home run
ESCORTED by the offshore patrol vessel HMS Orkney, the first of the Trident submarines HMS Vanguard made her way to the Clyde Submarine Base to begin her trials (see above).
Cheered on by Sea Cadets from TS Vanguard at Walsall, the 16,000 ton monster was towed out of Barrow-inFurness before steaming through a
small armada of Greenpeace and CND protestors in the Rhu Narrows as she approached Faslane. Defence Secretary Malcolm Rifkind commented: "The Cold War has ended but we still live in an uncertain and unstable world. Now more than ever it is vital to retain Trident." In answer to a Commons question, it was stated that consideration of the options for future arrangements for refitting Trident submarines was continuing Cheered on by Sea Cadets from TS Vanguard at Walsall, the 16,000 ton monster was towed out of Barrow-inFurness before steaming through a