Navy News DECEMBER 1993
• HMS Avenger escorts the ruststreaked Poseidon into Portsmouth after she was found to be carrying three tons of cannabis resin.
TRIDENT submarines will carry a maximum of 96 warheads with the same firepower as that carried by the Polaris boats. Defence Secretary Malcolm Rifkind said last month that each Trident submarine, which had the potential to carry 128 warheads, may in fact carry 'significantly fewer' than 96 — though he did not believe it would be in the interests of the country to be more specific. Savings would not in any case be great, since warheads cost hundreds of thousands, rather than millions of pounds.
Negotiations Mr Rifkind confirmed Britain's readiness to participate fully in negotiations to secure a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty and called for closer coo p e r a t i o n w i t h France on nuclear matters. HMS Vanguard, the first of the Trident boats, is due to go out on her first patrol late next year or early in 1995. Second of the class, HMS Victorious, was rolled out at Barrow-in-Furness in September and is due to begin contractors sea trials next year. • Vanguard simulator opened —see Page 33.
Season's greetings to one and all HOME thoughts go out to a total of 18 warships and RFAs destined to be away on duty this Christmas.
ANTI-DRUGS operations involving British warships and naval helicopters have together netted narcotics with a street value of £87 million In the Atlantic, Type 21 frigate HMS Avenger provided the long arm of the law as naval personnel and Customs officials boarded the West Indies registered vessel Poseidon laden with three tons of cannabis resin worth £7 million. Meanwhile in a separate incident in the Caribbean, Avenger's sister-ship HMS Active recovered an estimated £80 million worth of cocaine from the sea. Avenger was called in to help Customs investigators working
under the codename Operation Dash. The frigate was assisted by fishery protection vessel HMS Guernsey and tanker RFA Olna with Sea King aircraft embarked. They tracked the Poseidon and boarded her 700 miles south-west of Land's End.
Prize crew
OUCH! THAT'S A WINNER "NO PAIN No Gain" is the title of this picture which put PO(PHOT) Paul Cowpe among the winners in this year's Peregrine Trophy competition for Royal Navy photographers. Paul, serving with HQ Royal Marines, took two prizes — for the RM Portfolio which in-
cluded this picture, and for a similar photograph which won the Personnel at Work class. Overall winners of the Trophy were members of the Photographic Section at RN air station Culdrose. Their work and other winning entries will appear in our next edition.
Armed forces personnel and Customs men were p u t ' o n board the 930-ton ship by Olna's helicopters while the Avenger provided a prize crew and escorted the West Indies vessel into Portsmouth. Six men and a woman were arrested by Customs and held in custody in Avenger until the ships reached port.
Even the Poseidon's cat, nicknamed Mogadon by naval personnel, was taken into custody • - to be put into quarantine. The arrest of the Poseidon was the c u l m i n a t i o n of a lengthy and covert Customs operation during which the vessel's movements were tracked She is t h o u g h t to be the mother-ship which supplied 2.7 tons of cannabis seized at Littlehampton on the South Coast at the same time as the boarding was taking place. Praising the Navy's role in Operation Dash, Armed Forces Minister Mr Jeremy Hanley said: "I am delighted the Royal Navy was able to assist our col• Turn to Page 3
HMS Campbeltown will be on patrol in the Gulf while the fishery protection vessel HMS Lindisfarne will be at sea in home waters. HMS Active as West Indies Guardship will spend Christmas in Tampa, Florida; A r m i l l a Patrol destroyer HMS Glasgow will be in Penang. In the Mediterranean, HMS Invincible will be in Malta; HMS Sheffield in Naples; RFA Olwen in Suda Bay, Crete; RFA Fort Austin in Trieste; and RFA Sir Geraint alongside Split. SANCTIONS HMS Southampton will be with Standing Naval Force Atlantic operating UN sanctions in the Adriatic. HM ships Newcastle and Dumbarton Castle will be on station in the South Atlantic while RFA Diligence will be alongside in the Falkland Islands. Meanwhile HMS Endurance will spend Christmas in Rio de Janeiro and HMS Hecla in the Brazilian port of Maceio. Armilla Patrol support ships RFAs Bayleaf and Brambleleaf will spend the festive season in Dubai; RFA Oaklea will stand down in Port Canaveral, Florida, and RFA R e s o u r c e will be employed on Operation Grapple.