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MAY 1994

At home with the Royals


Estate agent Nicoll Kelly (21) has found a new home in the hearts of the Royal Marines, who voted her Miss Globe and Laurel 1994-95. Nicoll enjoys skiing, aerobics and all sports, so she should have no trouble keeping up with the lads when she joins them on Arctic warfare training in Norway — which is where her predecessor Amanda Johnson has just been, (see page 8). PO(Phot) Paul Cowpe

The Sea Harrier from HMS Ark Royal shot down over Goradze last month was the first NATO aircraft to be lost in combat. Pilot Lt Nick Richardson of 801 Naval Air Squadron ejected safely, was looked after by UN monitors and later returned to the ship having suffered only a few cuts and bruises. He had been accompanied by another Sea Harrier, directed to the besieged Muslim town where they were cleared to engage a tank firing into an area close by UN forces. "In order to avoid collateral damage it was necessary for the pair to fly three passes to identify the target," Ark spokesman Cdr John Jacob told Navy News. "On their first pass the aircraft were engaged by a missile believed to be an SA7 which both were able to evade. "But due to the desperate situation of the UN troops they pressed home the attack — and then one of them was hit by another missile. "The pilots of both aircraft displayed commendable courage and professionalism in their continued attempts to carry out their mission, despite having come so close to being shot d o w n on t h e f i r s t attempt." Prime Minister John Major had earlier been flown on a tour of British forces in Bosnia by Lt Cdr John Snowball, Second-in-Command of 845 Squadron based at the Croatian port of Split. Mr Major, who was accompanied by Defence Secretary • Turn to back page

D-Day souvenir books by the dozen are now on sale — but we're giving ours away. Parts 2 and 3 of a unique record you will want to keep follow in our June and July issues.

• HMS Ark Royal escorts RFA Sir Tristram, loaded with armoured vehicles to reinforce UN troops in Bosnia, through the Adriatic — see see also pages 17 and 26.

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