fr, i4 -v,
Bosnia fliers in double trouble
UN operations ROYAL NAVY forces Bosnia lost a Sea Harrier in a flying accident and had a Sea King helicopter damaged by ground lira
on the same day.
Both incidents occurred on December 15. There were no injuries. The Sea Harrier pilot from HMS Invincible eiecl" ad safely over the Adriatic when a training mission went wrong. He was rescued by a Sea King hell copter from the Spanish earner Principe do Asturias and was returned to Invincible. Cause of the accident wee being investigated as Navy News was gong to press, and plans were in hand to salvage the air-
craft which wee lying in 800 metres of water. Almost at the same time, a Sea King from 845 Naval Air Squadron was hit by nine 20mm anti-aircraft rounds end eight small' arms rounds as it flew over
Mount lymton
in Bosnia.
The UN aircraft, on its way to Sarajevo to embark the UN commander, LI Gets Sir Michael Rose. took hit* in its tail pylon and tuel tank. It abandoned fits mis. slon and made a controlled landing 20km away at Kisetjk,
UP TO 2,400 officers and men are to be released under a fourth round of redundancies affecting the Royal Navy and Royal Marines.
thc cuts shortly bcforc ('hrislrnas,
Sea Harriers being recovered on board HMS Invincible shortly before one of them crashed during a train-
the Second Sea Lord-iii
niiral Sir Michael Layard, said the rcdundancies were a result of the Defence Costs Study launched by the Governem in July.
ing exercise.
Although the scale of the would be less under the Three cuts, a wide range of eategories would be affected.
reductions than
it is hoped that most of the redundancies will be %olunIarv. but it is expected that rion-appiteanus s il have lo he reteauth to nit-'l branch tart't'
formed in June or July. and the reductions will tkc effect between nest October and July 9996,
A ixi bjI will t published later hut month and in March a sial will be m. leased giving numbers required an each caIcor. Applications for voluntary tcdundancv must be received by the end of that month. Although there may be limited scope this wear for those seeking second open enthe selection boards ase been deferred until Noscnthรงr. Detailed lists are yet In be announced, but certain categoriC'S have hero listed
" Turn to page 15
naval college
F1 1E RN ( 'olli'c's 120-year association with (irecnstch is sd to end under new proposals announced by the Defence Secretary, " -
Malcolm Rifkintt said that following a study. the Arm) StaiTCollege at Cantherley had, emerged as the most appro. and c t-vffeelic site for a Joint Service College. Stall l3iacncit training at KM
'Jwutd .ilsij end. lie said the projsal should he the bases for consultation, and a consuItaIie document would be issued soon. Mr Ritkind said there was a need to find suitable occupants for such an important site" as RN(" Greenwich. Among those being considered was the Drfence School of Languages at W,110n Pail, Beaconsfield. "Tum to page 12
IN HINDU Sara Shigri means Big Ice, a term two Royal Navy lieutenants came to understand only too well when they took pad in the British Sara Shigri expedition and became the first climbers to scale a previously unclimbed peak. The mountain has been named Tika Parbat (Fine Mountain) after LI Paul Karl whose nickname is Tigger and details have been sent to the Indian Mountatneenng Federabon to be registered.
Lea Paul Hart. from the Royal Marines Commando Train tog Centre. Lympstone, and Gan Jenkins. from Royal NaCollege. Greenwich, mined the team as medic and photographer in an attempt to climb Mount Shegn Parbat (23000ft) and one unclmmbed peak (21.10011).
it was after they had reached the summit of the Previously unchmbed peak and started their hazardous ski desoent of the mountain
that the pair cam closest to disaster. ,,We came to one particularly tricky bit that was heavily crevassed and very, sleep." said Paul Hart. "1 was leading and because I was so tired I decided to take the easy and try and traverse the slope on skis. '1 had covered about 60 yards when I heard Car. I I'd shouting. thought dropped something but as I turned around the whole area I had gust covered was swept away in an avalanche. I was right on the edge. so close that the back of my skis were hit and I was knocked to the ground. ft was only the fact that my backpack stuck in the snow that I wasn't carried with
IL.. The snowfield swept ly down the mountain and over the edge of a 4.00011 rock face but luckily Paul and Can were able to continue with the ski descent and arrived back at one of the lower camps some hours later. Earlier in the mission the pair had come face to face with disaster during their attempt on Mount Shign Parbat. They had got within 70011 of the summit before bad weather forced them to set up camp on a ridge at over 20.00011.
Unfortunately conditions deteriorated even further and for the next now days they were unable to move from the ridge, enduring complete white-out conditions and average temperatures in their tent of mInus 25 degrees C. To make matters worse they began to run out of food because porters had had to turn back on the inset ascent due to altitude sickness and at the end of the nine days they had lost over 20kg. In -tOn the meriting of the ninth day Paul and Gafl decided to ski off the mountain but not before attempbng and succeeding in reaching the of the unctimbed peak. Safely back in the UK after their adventure. the fire of the mountains Is already calling them back and both mart are looking forward to taking part In an expedition to climb the Nun end titan peaks in Kash-
sum-nit lakes a breather to admire me view of ese " Lt Can ~ant -i--,-nv.,iu rH.tiaiya.
Options for MQs
iii 'si.ite he I )eleii1 c \ljlc olin %. -.r,itciririit iii rh1 I Iiir.-.t o! _ iicrriiinuis Ire '.e ict.ir Rilkuuid. aulnunurir cii that the rut-ii. haiti h.ink \ai West Starket has hccn engaged to 1/4 niisudci options for transferring the married qtuarters estate to the pri-eate sector alter the original proposals for establishing a housing trust encountered dullittilties. lIe also announced the mIenApril I Much work still reruiauuis to lion of setting up a nest unitthe aim us that the 1)111 will be done before a final decision introduce better housing pea,can be taken about the esentual grated I riSers ire liruiusing lists in orders to prosude an organisation. the I)etetrce ownershipol the married quarlets estate. t onsrderahle untprosed and more etfis rent Itousing fsesutuse iI)lll i to the estate as all cniit sers use. rransler of remarried ion-manage poriance is therefore attached rather than on sungk-seusrce to the deselopntertt of the Iruquarters estate responsibututie--e
to the 1)111 should be a gradual transrtton taking unto astount the best interests of seal) and married qirartr'r'. o rupants
Dockyard trust is formed
HIS Excellency Vice Admiral Sir John Coward leaves the Royal Court House, Guernsey, after the Ceremony of Swearing In, the fIrst dine iin 25 vows the Governor of Guernsey has been a naval officer. The guard of honour was provided by officers and men of the Portsmouth command, trained by the lead achool for RN ceremonial tasting based at HMS Dryad. Parade Corninsider was LI C& Nell Had and First Officer of the Guard was Lt Jason Bagale " both from HMS
Kin 11 110K 1 S%I0t 1 11 aid ltrstuuu a at I rust has been set up to onhunur the work at the 'aict Iornted bs dock)ard workers in I82 ii) tnt and preserse doikiard 4.
I)or k
()Pkual trust status still urn prose opportunities to dci c-lop the original aims of the soiuet and, it is hoped, will lead to the establishment of a dockyard museum Some arlelacts are alread on show in the Appren lice Exhibition in R~thtluw 7 relics will be No. and other dusptaed in the Dockyard SIN) I shuhituon to be staged nest scat in No b " I nder-Secretar of State for Natuousal Heritage. Vusrouni sited Portsmouth fits tort Ships last month, lIe toured all the attractions and ias introduced to nwrnbers of ,till
Sets ice 1)111 as a first step towards corisuder in; the wa% un which the estate is to he nuan.ircd
t, J( )l\ I 'icr iii i-s alt hiri.i;, drui uris tr'.ui'n urus.tuuJirig I i Jjurc I uti her rout MOD I ondori won the (Ill Road I lass due iii; Aretue Super Challenge 94 an etght.da) 7.SOt)krn marathon through Scand.anasra. Russia and the Are tut I ursie The Vauxhall Maiden., j, the.. were known. chose a ni-n Vauxhall %tontere% I It) I turbo diesel during 11w grin; lung test of dris in; espertuM nat tgational s-lulls. %Ianblrgb amid
SEAN flaisul, sensor expert from the Aircraft and Arma-ment Experimental Establishment, Boscombe Down, explains the functions of the panoramic cameras fitted to the Open Skies Andover aircraft to the Deputy Chief of Defence Staff (Commitments), Vice Admiral Nicholas Hill Norton, dunng a visit to the Joint Anus Control Implementation Group. RAF Scamplon. The Admiral was also briefed on recent operations, the internal training programme and UK preparations for participating in the Open Skies Treaty. The treaty is a step forward in relations between East and West and allows freedom of flight, within treaty specifications, over any pad of the terntones of participating states.
Directors' for
fliW, ifltUlSfll lucia.
lines on whush it is currently managed file DIII still as. .,Little icsponsuhuluis for nunarriicrrt arid rilaunirnance (tool
" Lt Paul Karl during ascent of the unctimbed peak, Take Parbat.
W 1111 the .nl'.rrit rut 11w \ns \l.iir.igcrin-iit 'str.itcgs IN f'ii and the establislted practice of widespread holding and controlling of budgets within the MUD, the Institute *1 Dtre-t-ton (lot)) is now prepared to consider senior officers of the Arnted Sets ices as being eligible (or full membership of the Institute. A standing scrutin-e tutnrnutlot) bruciuuug A.B..Pbleuoc% gilt ice will esantune all applusaprocess usually takes about a month alter suhniussion and ions to ensure the necessars status and experience hi-fore successful candidates are then subniussuon to the lot) sesretnlornwd of the outcome b) tars It is aimed at the director letter iatker than the manager and Payment h credit tard or lull membership entitles the cheque for the first ear's subrise Of the unultais MInstO. s& ruptuon 0 I, lot) which is tar, deductible should acI-or all those eligible and tonipan the application lorits. nearing resettlement member. as should the 1160 one-eli eli-c. shup wilt bring benefits in terms lion fee of quafuf'iiatuon opportunit Completed application fornis research facilities and training. should be returned for consuI lee tion to lull ntertibersttup deratuon to tofousel Hugh Sanunsolses completing an appti, adais. Sers ices I ntpluuuent iron form asarlable Ironi the St Network. Room s;s Sers ices tmplo'ment Network (korge's Court 4 New 0i. 011 101 1,90 lh; % (101 I. tax CIA lord Street. I ouudoui U'l 612 S4 11 1) who also hold II)
mensions plan to recover losses
N\V'i NI \V'
Home from the Adriatic - OM(UW) Matthew Galloway of HMS Brave is met at Devonport by his wife Michele and baby son Josh.
lb 4;
_ ,..
EX-NAVY I'ERSONNLI. who have sufkrcd tinanciaL loss as a result of being given bad ads-ice over opting for
personal rather than occupational pensions can seek redress result among those statement Securities Investments investments regulator.
the chief
who h) the
The SIB concluded that some sales of personal pensions in the past took place on the basis of had advice not given in accordance with rules then in forceIn their statement the SIB sets out in detail how firms re... ponsible for sates of personal pensions should res iew their cases and how in any Instances
otmts.selling. redress should be prosided. Meanwhile the Personal liiestment Authorit. a
new regulator) both. is setting up a pensions unit to exam ne cases sold by firms which are no longer in business. Arm of the review sssieni is to compensate I') Potting sicinns of nirs-selting in a financial positron equts atent tO that in which ilies would base been had they not acted on had ads ice. The process will be supetsised by file regulators, and man' people will be contacted In th flrm which sold their pension or bx file
IUU:1;1I4J l.ntcitainers K chard sirtloc and Paris sisited HMS Illustrious to record items for Istilgoc s ,iiiound', later hinadcast on BBC Radio 4.
0 0 0 Cdr Tim Howard-Jones, ex. FAA, is the new Burn' of West Hill Park School, Tltchfie4d. COD AT a sate no Sothcb,.'s last month a copy of Nelson`. baffle plan for Trafalgar was sold for (b5.000. white other Nelson memorabilia belonging to the Earl of Nonhesk - descendant of the adrsirrals third in command at the battle went for a total 0r over (360,000. more than twice the estimate.
o a
The list Tariffs Night at RNEC Manadon balors the collect closes Wili year was attended by over 200 Air Engineer Officers of the Fleet Air
Arm - ÂŁ0 per cant of the branch. U
The National Maritime Museum has begun a special programme of tours for hardof-hearing and visually till. paired sisitors. Tel: 0*1 293 961$ for details [1 II 11
Plans are being studied for a gymnasium in the disused Long Room restaurant at the Naval and Military Club. Piccadilly. U 0 0 A model of the Type 21 fri. gate IlidS Actise. formerly gracing Blackburn RN Careen Information On-ice. now, has a new home in the museum or its affiliated Regiment. The Queens Lancashire Regiment. at Fulwood Barracks,
as a
ziU as
'. tr
of Hoard
Urea seeking information to decide whether further inst-sirgation is required. t he An esplanatut) leaflet, tnsestors Guide". is being disand will he tributed wpdel asailable from public libraries Ads ice Bureaus. and Citi,ens
The reviews will take at least two sears. priority being gen where financial damage has been caused and has had the most impact. The priorit groups include insestors who base died or retired.
A rot iew also he granted on request of personal pension holders. Anyone who lèels tfio a peasiots should contact the Compliance Ollicer at the head office of the pension provider. If there is a delay its or the pension holder L5 unhappy wtih the outcome the complaint can be referred to one of the following: The Insurance Ombudsman or the t tnit Trust Ombudsman. both at ii Southampton Row. London WC 18 511): or The Insesinsent Referee 6 Frederick Place. London LC2R SBT, In the raw of serving personrich, the Armed Forces Pension Scheme already allows personnel who hair opted out of the or elected not to join scheme - one chance to rejoin prosidS that their medical fitness is satisfactors and they are under the age of 55.
Personnel who rejoin the AFPS may transfer into it their accrued benefits from their personal pension plan. They will then be credited with the amount of service in the AEPS which the transfer payment will
buy. Their service whiteout of the AlPS can only be restored in full where the transfer payment as enough to meet the full coltswho have left the Service will not be able to rejoin the AFt'S.
The Office& Pensions Sonets last month launched a campaign for improsed pensions for war and Service widows with a motion in the Cornmons asking forA pension for life for war wit ws and one of at least hall that of their late husbands for the widows of servicemen. " A pension related to his years of Ict5ICC for the widow of a serviceman whom she mar-ried after he left the Se-ice. OPS Secretary Maj (ien Sir Laurence New told Navy. News. We hope this all-Party *Victory Year motion will attract the signature of every Member who is not debarred by convention from doing so, "Our hope is that Parlia-
nient. the media and the public, who were so supportise during the 1489 War Widows rant. paign. will help us to complete this unfinished business."
Court street
MORE than 50 wives and fatnilies were reunited with their partners when HMS Coventry took a break from Adriatic duty to spend Christmas at Gibraltar. They had flown out to meet the Type 22 frigate which left UK in November to relieve HMS Brave as escort to the aircraft carrier HMS Invincible.
tTarlier in December, Coventry had her first run ashore since she left. paying an informal visit to Naples. During her first month on deployment the frigate was visited by the (-rn-C fleet, Admiral Sir llugo White. rendersoused "lilt Iris mci ide
north of the Palagrura Strait. and spent much of her time on stalton and in defence watches just outside the territorial waters of Montenegru. Coventry is acting as support of the ilk Land Forces in Bosnia and providing protection to Invincible and her Den' flight operations. tier task is national, unlike the other two British frigates in the area..lIMb ('timberland and Campbeliown. attached to the NATO forces enforcing the embargo on the former repuhtic Of 'tugoslavi-.i.
medal D-Day NORMANDY veterans who missed recersing 'the coninic. moratise medal issued by the Normandy regional ;governmerit after they failed to meet the deadline for applications will have theirs posted on to them. Some 1.400 ez-stricemen who were unable to make the trip to France for the 13-Day anniversary received the medals at a cere-niony at Portsrtiouih
now not amuse
WHere Nelson fell. -
I'm not surprIsed - I nearly tripped over it ""If."
For over 150 years the plaque, relied on a wooden plinth, marking the spot on the quarter deck of HMS Victory where the Royal Nan's greatest admkal was mortally wounded during the Battle of Trelelger. has been the butt of variations of the above quip. The joke even found Its wiy on flhti - It wit custom-made for Kenneth Williams In 'Carry on Jack', But If has come to be an embarrassment for the HMS Victory Guides who conduct hun of thousands -dreds of visitors around the ship In Portarnouth Historic Dockyard each year. now her $o Cqnwnandlng Officer. Lt Cdr Mike Cheshire, see ordered it be set flush with the deck-
party NEXT years Royal Tournament will take the 50th anniversary of the Allied victories in Europe and Japan as its theme - fin. ishirsg with a huge stint party in the arena which the audience will be invited to join. The annual gamely spectacular will be held at London's Earls Court from tS-29 July and tickets will be available from the Box Office (tel. 071 373 1141) from January 3.
the Jubilee Sailing Trust to to start building Its second 'tall ship', the barque Lad Nelson 2, In No 1 Dock thIs year.
The site between the VIctory and the Royal Naval Museum will be open to the pubic as a working shipyard as a team of professional builders sstio work with the help of an army of volunteers, many of whom are disabled. Disabled The Trust was founded In 1978 to promote Integration between able-bodied end physsaNy disabled --
The venture ties In with this year's celebra" There will soon be another square- Ions to mark the 500th ~~"q of 0* Ilerist dry dock Is Portsmouth, rigged wooden wait alongside the Victory
Ni V. s
Clankv's Corner
COMMON TOUCH i hJ' C heard the i tin tours. possthl read the DOS and rtia be e\ en seen the Roadsho%s but do YOU ktrnss how NIEI4I) Change sour Itfe.'
Engi-neering 'triple-
I)uri tit I 99 the mental ion of Marine Branch Des elopnteni will be gathering pace. taking the branch into a nCss era (no plan interided
for 'oung readets. ERA used to stand lot I:ngine Room Artificer), litre. briefls. arc a its o the changes \Ott
e" the lint 511 Kiaih ii ratings to join undet '.11 RU air in 1ti F teet I .nz S I)'. re hc r i iii I iii iiii
White sante 'sill be delighted. err age ,.-,...,. i..,.,. concerned at lire prospesi be cause of the nerd tot sea espeii. ertce to further their careers II %ruu ate one at' thaw keen to return to sea, consider tit king the hoses on a DPI, to indicate that ou are 'silting to go earls out of ttirri or at sirnit notice.
NFVd rw;nv p
Flexibility this toe. 1hr extra Ilesibilil to fill jobs 'shea the' conic up unexpectedly and, Inert tmportanti~,. allow-, greater scope to meet ant itidi' siduals preferences. Fe's realist that the aillitugnuess to ntiose at less than normal notice 'sill ntil be used to obtained a preterence draft
I lit
lust appictulit L's haS C ioined tinder the tier \11 89) s I oitiinuii scheribe to tijiiu Atlilicet. Alter a. short period at initial lraintitg. t Ml "\ Apps left Sultan Fast Chtober and joined ships lot a \cais training at sea On coritpletton lUte' ictittil to Sultan to continue then apprent icshtps a ii hi a urn. Ft beitei apple. tatiort at the oh lot a tn, It the' are being tia iried (urrrntl sening Nli:tt 't cad Si1-StIlls di' tint deli It oii obtatinting a intl ANtI nutted betiiie tasL kilt d sari must obtain a 1011 Ash hy qnr, April Failure to reach flits stage will Inca,, I hat ou %1111 has e to start again aith the lie's task Rod, arid obtatu pill,' k H arid
oF the Nil NI I)pcitaling t ri titi, ale bcione quatris ing tor s-ate It pa. arid ads anceiuuritt to A Nil St 'See fl( tiKNi lilt 't4 lm tlrhait-.t
%% .icbingkerping qualilics lien' to; .dsancemrnt. Be a' ai(. it or. ate ad ani ed to I 511 51 .suili a hasii_ dale attn soil "Ill September 1, 101) tiase lo gain tire MI b)%% I lot ad an ertieni to A P0. SIt St it "sun Ate idsaned to POSIt SI a :ill a basic date alten Scpteniber I. t9. son ssiiI require tire 5.11 (X)\% 1" lot pto :nrolnoni to I P1)511 51. change
liar lair lii oniipt'tcit rIte i ant itr's iilainitrniatn, e and nail \t)Qt Al 'titlist's %Iakttig the'e changes ssiihii, tIre \tt E)epaitirrent at a shirt. is. Itosseser. a little ionic tow, pies that, it slid'. at lust scene lake as an esarupte a I iii renar Is in, the Ni I' C Depat t nieiir there are Ii ii PO( M11 t at tilicers 1k1111 We toiler. iii, our Al)Qt At % At)(iAS. t'so i.t)it I our kl)I-Rl( u aitd atte .1,1)11111 Alte' the Nil HI) shattge' Inane been itiipleutneuuted the sattie I 'pe 42 "itt end up 'situ lout I PO(M1 I art itt eus cmi' NUt M A1;. one Al)l)l I "I I tune A l)sl lIPS and alit iii sn sea tub a POSit A ithi tie &i)Qt At s t lie ucnnauuting I POSit 4.1 %11 u 'sill be a repiated by ('!s$F\lISl) Who Ibis ~"2]lplrlrd the kl)'sltt hi's oiutse Expertise tic tao I 15)511 kill P Ill,. lets at-u sti.in;e. one hettig tilled hr a tits: sea oh (PO. SiFt and the other in a ( kit M91 t ahn 'sill hate coot ki)%1.k]N'11 pined the nest r 00 usC lit uniak mg these haiiges ship bt ship. l)ialts 'sill Itase to lake rare in l贸lloa a stunt sequence to asoid gibe loss oh r ital espertise stiltiuti a Depai t' nuent. Some organisatious manges a. ill be tuesessaus in the rends tug steps to align rite
WHAT Avenger Fleet
posthumously There Is Cure
F1 Aki or IMAC?
" Fr oil wish to esiend 'sour sea little uu tiurisi get 'our (240 in cant, before sour re lid is notntnated Drafts still be joining to, detail sour relief at least sis months beFore 'our estimated tetnet date ihink ahead and it you are not sure at tOni date, link wilt, 'out
'You dare call me common
Sultan (Dunes. idri Sit HI) the course nitttiber title .i rid ante it of nirost t Diii 5C5 a ill Its the end at hange he Mirth, i_nurse' stir Ii as API It 'It . ADl( I,. APt KIt.. Mill-1 I and M14: ,iIl cease is ill rein ia it an alt ltoiigtu they at ion ton acceptable quattli, man% billets as an ajteriiature to the nra courses % Ill, hi are tuna slioss n on s luenues of coniptettient Alter April. aitititets rid seniot-rate mechanics rtia' 'sell find tluennwls es dialled to one of the twa counts in tot their nest job prepara-tion fleritriclunurirt. t)r et the iiest :ell sea's a niiitnber at 1 Pt) artilr, er, in sea aiud shore billets a ill he rrtiered hr senior tic !:anil, he n'c. .rr:it s
AS the Scheme of Complement rcductiotns take dIet I ill s ariorts areas ii is ItLels thai dtii itig 9' there will be an or erbearirig 01 1 Pt 151 F Al Nil Is. possibh resulting ill a (erngtltetttng I tine ashore betsseen sea drills.
Mecliattics ill lrnbtlr%- fooled ships at the end of their Part II at I l%. Sultan tratuiing Alter 8 ntonths at sea dot. a hick they ribs! i_ompiete a ag task Book. ohnevJ designed lain Paris A and K of the ertilicate Operating and pa" the PQt lot %tL'I 1 ill" ut tt U tfl 10 Sultan toe the nest S1F%lt tarcer (ouise The seleclioti ici f51 or ii I sub-spectatisatiori still take place ri_hen ihe join the roster icr Al,Sll Si
A "POSTHUMOUS" award to the frigate HMS Avenger, sold to the Pakistan navy last autumn. i$ presented to her former commanding officer. Cd: David Durston. The Desmond Wet*ern Fleet Award, for the vessel or squadron which has done most to proj1ect a positive image of the Royal Navy. was presented to Cdr Duraton by Mrs Giltran Wet tern. Desmond'a widow. The ceremony was held in HMS Marlborough at Devonport and was attended by the Aveng erg former public relations officer. It Peter flanbaer on loan service from the Belgian navy Amonp the events which contributed to Avenger s win was a highly successful visit to farmer Soviet nations and a highly publicised anti-drugs operation in home waists. The award, commissioned by Mrs Wettern in memory 01 her husband who was e dustrn gurshed journalist, takes the form of a decanter which must be kept full.
THERE has been change at the top, with Cdr Mike Phelps, the ME drafting Commander for the last three years. being relieved by Cdr Nell Stefanle. With other recent chances the team and eflenslon numbers are now: ME Drafting Commander end WO appoiriter Correspondence ME atehlceus' Setting omcer CCMEALIL)i'CPOMEA(EL) MEA. under ira4nun CCMEA(ML}ICPOM(A(ML} ME Mectuarutca draftIng ottucer CMEM1POMEM4M/14 LMEM(M/tJ. MflCC end LROC MEMMIL)
Car NM Sietanie
Mi Cuistal PttEthpe Lt CS Stan Mautt
2152 2572
CCMEA John Adams
POWWTR CaroM Coatalto Lt Cdi John FIsher
2571 2514
POW~ Yvonne Haney CPOW'tR Pete Walace
2814 2577
POWEM(M) Mica me~ LWTR Mar* Tolan Will Jason Humphrfes
rettn annd eqiulpnireint lilies at cacti set tiutn Ia Flue col. engr oh the ne's Al)Qt'Al.s Dra,ir is no's ndentiftng 'l'() arid PO uit莽c hianics to ttndertake tire Ilisi of the tie's i_anuses arid [Al de-erirished hot. lets. patttcuIanI. at sea I otttses 'tart in, iar to eat. able the lust billets to tue titled eai at Sri at the cud cut lib,: Aui st-ui ion - rate uuuc Ita ii in sslio si-isht to be Lqbii%~deted tilt niat this enltaiis'euiueiii ol ilucur skills should on ake a requi''.r in. t Nti
I tuesc-, tlieiu, are juisl u tea (it tine changes 'shut Ii "Ill iii. teas' iitglt intipac t art all' cif us sets ing In the Nil Branch as the biatnuti is shaped For the luiture Read the 1)1 Is fiRs and alhei initoumntatmoni. .inuf it urn doubt ask "lF YOU are interested in any of the following, forward your C240 to Drafty: all mechanics Northern Ireland and the Falklands. junior rates Royal Yacht service. leading rates - Diego Garcia.
Shins of the Royal Na
Builder Vosper Thomycrott Southampton, Laid down: October 26, 1979. Launched: November 2, 1982- Accepted into service: May 16, 1985. Pennant no, D96 Length~ Beam: 49ft. Displacement 4,500 tons. Ship's company, 26 officers; 81 (maximum) senior rites: 193 (maximum) Junior rates. Maxi. mum speed: 30 knots plus. Main machinery: Two OIym" pus gas turbines (high speed); two Tyne gas hssbkies (crulsltsg); controllable pitch propellers, Weapons.- Sea roll medium-range anti-aircraft missile system: 4$ln 81k 8 automabc gun: 2 a triple-barrelled torpedo tubes; 2 i 30mm BMARC guns; 2 a 20mm BMARC guns: 2 a 20mm ~ikon guns. Aircraft Lynx helicopter.
a-, 'St
- -
CRUISER SIX of the 13 bathe honours awarded to HM ships Gloucester wave won by the lint vessel of the name, a 52-gun third rate built in 1654 as part of the great Commonwealth naval programme.
Her end was as spectacular as her career. In 1692 she was wrecked oft Yarmouth. Many of her ship's company wets drowned, but among the aurvivets were the Duke of York (later King James II) and John Ctiurchiti (later the Duke of Marlborough).
lsaltier n.~-09-war irs5fl but none matched the tame of the first. 'The eighth HMS Gloucester was 4,800-ton Cruiser launched in 1909.
ONWARDS AND UPWARDS WITH HMS GLOUCESTER HMS GLOUCESTER entered refit in Rosyth in February 1993 and over the next 15 months her lour main engines were replaced and all other machinery was overhauled or replaced as necessary.
was also principal guest at the ship's commissioning in September 19111. An intensive period of trials and training csercises brought the ship up to lull operational efficiency in August 1986. tier varied and demanding commission since then included operations in the (lull of ()man in 1991 and more rcccmttl> in the Adriatic.
The refit. which cost more than £30 million, also included a complete structural tune> Of the ship's hull. She has been gisen a clean hill of health for
at least 20 years.
(iti)ut-e%tcr is now back in acnon again = and better than ever. tIer tire control radars. target indication, radar ban.
Gloucester is one of the RoyNav%'% four "stretched" - the Type 42 destro)ers others being HM ships Man chester, York and Edinburgh whose hull design was kngthened to enhance their "-keepmg and improve their endurance over their predecessors in the class. Huatt by Vosper ihornycroft at Woolston, Southampton. IIMS (Ilouceger was launched on November 2. 1982 by the Duchess of clout-ester, who al
(fling and combat mariiigcnient ssstcnis, were all enhanced during the refit and a new jamnier and decoy system installed, sig. nilicanity enhancing her opera' tional capability Other refit work included gutting and rc'equipping the ship's galley. and niodify ing her accommodation to allow her to take women to sea. It was on March 2 that the
ship's company moved on board and tonic two months after that the ("0, Cdr Chris Parry, joined and assumed command. On June 8 HMS Gloucester slipped from the Rosyth Dock1, begin period of propulsion system trials. Though not without the occasional hiccup, the were successfully completed in
com-prehensive a
August. Trials to prove the fighting efficiency of the many weapon system modifications followed. After a break in Asoanlouth and a visit for the ship's con-i. pany to Gloucester's namesake city, the destroyer resumed the weapon sstem trials programme. An assisted maintenance period in Portsmouth, during which the ship was re. dedicated. was followed by yes. more traits. HMS Gloucester's schedule was then headed by a brief visit Antwerp. basic operational sea training at Portland. a Joint Maritime Course Exercise with
Self-defence 'tose'rangc sell-defence is provided by Vulcan Phalanx, a 20mm anti-missile/anti-air' craft. sts-barrelicd Gatling'gun. controlled, like the Sea Dart and Mark 8 gun. by radar. For anti. submarine warfare HMS Gloucester is fitted with an active sonar set for the detection of submarine Largets.
- 'T''.LM
:' -
-: -
huh ut
other NATO ships and a visit to Bordeaux in April. Later in she year 11815 Gloucester will undertake a sevenmonth deployment. The Royal Navy's Type 42 destroyers form the backbone of the fleet's anti-air warfare form with their medium-range Sea Dart missile systems. They are also armed with a Vickers tingle-barrelled automatic 4.Sin Mark 8 gun, which has a high rate of fire and is capable of engaging both air and surface targets. It also performs welt against shore is gets in itic bombardment role.
a pc}stu,icd p. turi- rut hi-u arid in the iiUOlt art(] send stills your clteqtitvP.O. to th glossy pholograph helping you to build a 'u-Jr arri'. can a ho be purchased indivi&iatly at User 400 bl. k in(] white pholngr.iphs to ORDERS TO THE BUSINESS MANAGER
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The set feeds into the ship's computer system. which in turn provides aiming data for the two on-board triple-barrelled torpedo tubes and assists the controller to position the Lynx helicopter to attack with its own air-launched homing torpedo. The helo can also carry the Sea Skua air-to-surface guided missile. Its powerful radar ex. lends the ship's detection range against enemy surface forces.
IIMS Gloucester has comfortable if somewhat confined accommodation for her company of some 280 officers and ratings. The ship has a well. equipped sick-bay and a well. stocked library. As well as the link with the cits- of Gloucester, HMS Glou' enter is affiliated to the Gloucester Regiment. tier badge. which features a white trident and a gold horseshoe, is demised from the Arms of the city, and her motto is Pr~ - Onwards.
Predecessor to the current destroyer was a 9,100-ton cruiser launched In 1937 and aimed with a dozen SIn guns, She was In the Red Sea when the Second World war was declared, but joined the Mediterranean Fleet In early 1940. In loss than a ynra mar~ In the Mediterranean she won five battle honours but lost 800 men Including two Cot. She was sunk by divebombers in '1941 near Crete, while picking up survivors of ships sunk by German aircraft Co.nrnander-in-Chlaf In the Mediterranean. Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham, called her "the gallant Gloucester" and observed, "She had on. dured all things, and no ship had worked halter or had had more risky tasks," Battle honours: Lowestoft 1665, Four Days Battle 1686, Orlordnesa 1666, Sole Bay 1672, Schooneveld 1673, Texel 1573. Ushent 114?, Jutland 1916, Calabria 1940, Mataan 1941. Crete 1941. Mediterranean 1941 and Malta Convoys 1941.
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chus payable to Navy News. Payment by Credit Card. Please use coupon on page 17
"yaQ, tct -2...
kVV Nl;WS. JANUARY 1995 Options Who's
S1CW NI! '*v. 14G1C A If 1OV1
DEM4 -
SMItiN! family
silver? WHAT has
as taxi druivers'
,lie RN ltile hringin the RN iinitonrn into hue with lit-it ol the Arms and the RAF WSA J. O'Leary. 11515 tmcilphiui
REGARDING The current rcvtcss of RN unilàrms I enclose a photograph of one rig the MOD won't he - the old Junior considering Ratings (lass Ill uniform otherwise knoss n as itien dressed as taxi dris crs. It
autumn of Rosal
taken in t945 at
worn also, similar to the pro. posed new female jacket on itiai
Skegness which as well as being the New LEnIn Eslabltshntent also housed an overflow branch of the Suppl School. then HM.S lkmetrius at Wctherbs. 19s (lass weir t'iobationar Stoics \ssislaflis Jack I)usi junior ratings were "kssistants in those dass so we wore the badge while Stewards had 'OW tin Officer's Steward --- D. ('oldsi ream. Murray. Rernickshirc
when a Junior Rate is ad'ant-ed to Senior Rate the whole Junior Rates uniform is exchanged and replaced with Senior Rates' uniform at Crown Cost =- and With m suggestion taking into account the phasing out of flared in favour of straight trousers - ants the and cap buttons, white need be exchanged. casing eonsiderable cost to the Crown and making both malt and female more aesthetically equal. Since the RN is the only one of the Services in which malc junior rates do not wear huttoned jackets, nsiy suggestion would retain tradition within
NLV' proposed temale jacket is stilt ier\ different to that of the male RN uniform. with particular focus on the buttons remaining on the tórmer Perhaps the Uniform Clothing Committee would he inter-
ested in my suggestion '- that all male junior ratings be issued
with the present senior rates'
jacket with black buttons. as for lentales at present. except that
a dciach3hle blue collar he
LETTERS to the Editor i
shSd ~aye be accornpaWed by elba caTnpatd.nt'i name and Sdrssa,
No, 48641st year
Thames barrier lutE article on the Waluhereri landings iNosernbert brought back many memories. I was Coxswain of M-11, 980 shom it in the picture of Commandos and sehicles unloading. The skipper was a New Zealander. Peici Guernsey When the picture was taken we were stuck fast on rubble or rocks - but a friendly bulldozer came to our aid After Walcherrn 1.('t 980 had her mast cut down and with halt a dozen other craft was tied up on the Thames alongside an old paper factory at Vi aterloo Bridge. [he grand idea was to pull it.. across the river where the iulxran underneath, so that if a Itsing bomb came down it would hit us and not flood the l'ubc' After a month or two the idea was scrapped and we paid oft at - W. 0. BrentKings Lynn. naIl, Reddiich
GaIlipoII in mind 1)111 Galhpoli Association has a worldwide membership and includes some 40 veterans of the 1915 campaign - - all of them well into their late nineties and some past the century mark. Slost of our inembeiship is 11K.11, 11 mimi itinist- who hake a
The RN ended the war with scores of capital ships bearing historic names and they all carried a large stock of silver and other valuables, Where is it all non" Now we are reduced to a few dozen ships and ntany historic names may rioter reappear, is some of it gracing the dining tables of - - or even those Flag Officers of politicians? Or has it been sold' If so, what happened to the monet? Could it hate been usefully used for benevolence or to keep another ship in commission and se a few from redun- A. Otrien, Bristol. dancy" The Royal Navy's collection 01 trophies is currently valued at Cit - 7m and it admnisierad by a charitable trial - The Royal Flavy Trophy Fond Theta have been sales in the past of items which have been uneconomical to maintain, the proceeds being useil in toe up*eep ol remaining items and to purchase new Ito' pInes too, Oew ships, but no further sales are planned. At any one lime loss than two per cenr of the collection re, mains in store, She rest being made available to ships. estab lrshrnents, Naval Attaches and residences. - Ed.
iarilil\ Luiniic_stion ii .1 spec iti. ut general initenest in u1111% which sensed there. individual battles or the campaign as a hole. ltosseser. like itiais siniilai organisations. Little i5 beginning to take its toll and we tia'e instigated an awareness cant paign to ensure that we renijiui a siable association. I am certain that mans Nass News readers will base connec'lions or interest thai qualify them as potential new Members '. IQ9S will he the April 80th annisersary ot the landing on the peninsula, the beginning of an eight month struggle that w 250,tWNl Allied casualties, most of them British.
Limits on heroism 11 was with peat interest lti.ii I 'cad the report ot the lunenal of Gregor Riggs in the September - I actually trained with issue him on the midget submarines known as 'Steeping Beauties AI Staines Reservoir and other places -At the last minute I was transferred to another type 01 nsidgci or I should most probaI Ipc'iationi bty base gone on Rimau with hint. For all the past 511 years I base heliesed that the members of that operation were captured and beheaded hy the Japanese. to learn that (imegor and an Australian sergeant evaded this and drew off the enemy in an heroic effort to let rite main party escape is amazing. In s iew of this I contacted *the highest levels' in the hope that Gresor might be granted a posthumous honour for his hut had a srr unhrascrs
We would be pleased to pro. side further information to anyone with an interest in keeping its memory alive. + J. J. Fallen, 21. Sunnyfirld. 'The Ryde. Ilatlic-Id. Urns .Al.9 5lI?X Graffiti that lasts WITII regard to the painting ol ships' names tin the rocks ot Muscat. I spent some time there sah'-aging a ship for the Sultan and hase first hand information about this.
all the ships' silver? dentanding letter from the Naval Secretary's department to the effect that this was no longer possible. following a decision made in 1946 by the Inierdepartniental Committee on Ilonours. Decorations and Medals that no further consideration would be gis-en to awards for 1939-45 ser-vice. This ruling teem-s to me to reck of unfairness. War criminals can be hunted down without time liniti. but war heroes can lade into history unhonoured -'- H. A. Bennett., Low' en Fancy. tterks
Cherbourg )t -T ( flIER issue can red a tune at tIMS Glasgow, captioned as reeeising a direct hit at Cherbourg on l)-,.)ay. The c-sent photographed June, actualls occurred on 2 1944 during the -Anglo-American homhardmeni of force under the Cher-bourg hy command of- the American Admiral Deyo. consisting of the battleships ISS Texas. Nc-s-ada and Arkansas. the cruisers i:s.s Quinc> and '[uscaloosa and the British cruisers lists Glasgow and Enterprise. All the destroyers were American. but the minesweepers that probably had the most exposed role were all British. The Press parts was embarked in Enterprise and consisted of Mr Gordon Ilolman, who wrote a s-tsid account of the action in his book 'S[-and By To Beach, and photographers It Alien of the Admiralty Press Division. Mr Greenwood of The limes and Mr Turner. a cinematographer. Glasgow n-as hit by a shell in her port hangar which started a fire and caused her to withdraw from the action for 15 minutes to estinguish it. Enterprise, though not hit directly was frequently straddled and both her Canadian Captain Harold Grant and her Iloskins Commander J. W were severel) wounded. The bombardment facilitated the US attack from the land side which led to the capture of Cherbourg, - A J, McGarslGroves, I.smington. giants (('aptarn KM. lIStS Enterprise 1943-4-ti-
The Royal Navy at that time used white lead paint as most of the Persian Gull ships were painted white to reflect the sun. this paint tasted many year' on the rocks and I tt'eliece come of the names still exist. We painted our ship's crest and name as an C"RCTCI%C using bosun's chair and tackles and it's still there A. Coleman, Kirkwatl. C)rknc-
Editorial and Business address: Leviathan Block, HMS Nelson, Porlamouth, Rants, POt 31111
Ed~. Jim Allaway
Deputy Editor Anton Assistant editors: tindy Clegg, Ruth Vernon Business Manager Mrs. Anne Driver TELEPHONES Editorial: 0705-294228 0706-822351 IPonsmouth Naval Base) extensions 24163 and 24194 Business (advertising. distribution and accounts): 0705-822351 ext 24228 Additional direct tine to all departments: 0705426040 Fax: 0705-830*49
Weimheimweil I was vary Interested in the article about HMS Cumberland (Ship oltheRoyal Navy No4b)-tjolnedheroruhserpredecesior 60 years ago in Kong Kong In 1934 after trooping out In the old 'C' crutnr Calcutta with some China gunboat relief*. tiers she in in We]-hai-wsl that year. - 15-it Simmons, Rosyth.
ONE OF the biggest celebrations to mark the end of World War Ills being planned in Portsmouth, main venue last year for Britain's 0-Day commemoration. Up to 30,000 veterans are again expected to gather in the naval city for three days of events on August 15-17. Portsmouth Heritage sites for More than 20 national veterans' visits. A wartime Lo. and local ex-Service organisations are working with the city council to stage the events, the plans for which include a commemorative drumhead service, a veierans parade, a display by
massed hands, and a mitttary tattoo on Southsca
Common. The celebration is intended as a tribute to British and At-
lied Armed Forces, to the Merchant Navy, and to civilians in
factories, shipyards and other calling., who contributed to the victors-. with the outstanding success of the t)-l)a, commcniotati% e events still fresh in their memorics tfu' planners ci the sictofl celebrations are hoping lot a rerun 1)1 that uitiunsph. On one of the three days there ihurlay, August Ii arc plans to make asailable
berly ship, the Lane Victory, is due to visit
the USA for the celebration Besides Vii's, the city council plans to invite representatives from South-East Asian governments who were our allies dot. ing the war. Es-Service people from Britain and overseas will also be welcome-
Accommodation Further information. includin; accommodation details, will be passed to ex-Service orpnisations when it is available. In the meantime any inqoirica about veteran participation should he addressed to Stdne Goldberg, honorary public relalions officer of the Normandy, Veterans Association. tOM Aucia Gardens. Kenton, Middle. sex 11A3 tUE. sending a stamped, addressed enseloN-.
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and the ship's yeomen, CV Timothy Trevarthen (right). After the presentation the Duke helped the yeoman to beak out the flag. The guests then toured the ship and lunched on board, HMS Richmond has been involved in trials in preparabon for her pretimiflafl' sea trainmg at Portland in March,
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Inaugural deck landing by the RN production Lynx Mark 8. THE FIRST Royal Navy production Lynx Mark 8 helicopter has made its inaugural deck landing on board a Royal Navy warship, HMS Montrose. The ship was alongside in Devonport at the time.
'kfL1 I JT UW
1 q
Belonging to the Operational Evaluation Unit 815 Naval Air Squadron, the aircraft was putting the Duke-class fr,gate'i aircraft deck handling system to the test-
Final checks Essential final checks ware made before con- Ship Helicopter ducting SHOL Operating LimitS - evaluation of the new aircraft type.
Th. new chin-mounted radar dome and Sea Owl Passive Identification Device (PAD) can be clearly seen on the helo. Less obvious are Its new composite main rotor blades and reverse diretiun tail rotor, which combine to improve the performance of the aircraft. The SI4OL trials proper war. scheduled to begin Last month, with a lynx from the Aircraft and Armament Experimental Establishment, Boscomb Down, joining HMS Montros.. Left New halo in experienced hand.. The aircrew for the Inaugural deck landing comprised (hr) Lt Alan George. Lt Cdr Dickie Ormehaur and Lt Cdr Mike Sewed.
Turkey Hunts HUNT-class
minehunters HM ships Berkeley . BrockIcsby and ('hiddinglold, the Mine Countermeasures OnCall Force, sailed from Mosyth in mid-October for i iwo-month dcplo)mcnt to the Mediterranean. The vkp1o.rinent was under the diicetron of Cdr Richard RIl (0 of the First Mine (untermeasures. Squadron. ('aIls in l'oriimao in lorIugal and (iibrjllar were followed by a รงndetsous with KFA Gold Rover, which acted as cant. mand platform and support ship for the group for the ~of the deployment.
'I "
Crossing the Mediterranean
in calm seas, the group refuelled hunt Gold Ru%cr, an evolution %ctdorn undertaken b% Minor War Vessels. the ships arrived at the new Turkish nasal base of Aksat, and members of the ships' companies were able to sample the nearby holiday resort of Marmaris. Back to business, and the group conducted the fist bilateral M('MV exercises for six years with 1h- Turkish Na Held ofT, these saw the Hunt class ships perform essrcmcly well, achieving rood detection ranges.
Left overs
More nunes wens- tiituid tlun had ariujll been laid. tire se-," scls turning up sonic kit nyc, a pier totis The group generated considerable interest from the Turkish Navy and there were visits
On Call Force alongside al Aksaz military base in Turkey and dressed overall for
Turkish National Day
by two regional N"rl() cornwanders. Vice Admiral A.dcn Erol and Rear Admiral Oktay Dikk. mid.depiovmenl limited support period (allowed for the mirichunters in lraklion, ('rele. with assistance from Forward Support Unit 2, Rosylh. whose workshop and stores were embarked on the flight deek and in the bald of Gold Rarer. Three dabs later the (XT ships sailed for Exercise Narki with Greek Navy mine-
the ships petsweepers, formed well in unfamiliar walet's and again there were '.isns from ---the brass" - - ('ommodote Richard Moore. ('omrn*dore Minor War Vessels, and ('apt -\k)as. of file (irevk Navy, Gate force On sailing from lraklion the group encountered gale force winds and after hearing to for, six hours continued west across
the Mediterranean Sca to Malap in Spain. Here 30 wives and other family members were reunited with member's of the ships companies. This was a pleasant break in late season warmth for many. although IIMS Berkeley also successfully earnest out an ca. pnc change. The group sailed (ruin Pdaiaga back to Rosyth and on ]rrisal embarked Sea ('adds Ion a day of cscrerses. Christmas leave then beckoned.
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THE Royal Mannes have moved to their new headquarters this month with the opening of a £3.5'milhon office cornplex at HMS Excellent. they will be joined later in the year by the AM personnel branch, currently based at HMS Centurion. and by staff from the Commando Training Centre at Lympalone, Devon. Last year haadquaulers staff from Plymouth, Poole and London were relocated to Portsmouth where they were temporarily housed at HMS Nelson. Gurtwharf, until their new, accommodation at Whale Island was completed.
\ RI 11, RRI'sllI I) titspi.i ;.'U' nihc tot. ..i the 11118 .,ILI.t on t ie.tujn I -hoji.. a) ice' b;rugc. RcIitiin, ha', been opened it (hc Rtnal \tjtiiti's
LI'.C UIU. Ia'i ne
ilic Brue./cchriic Poil kuihor.r priv. ided fund', lot iii r d ispla hi wh no i all 4Ud io% rul CI)lflfliCfliJ r\. During Ihe atlail. the fourth Hjtialiou Ro%JI Marstie' en countered tilt uppaMlion Ironi ihe (icrmans the luamine' loi 119 killed and 234 soundcd iii adiofl for tiih lu V( awarded.
Someret. I
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\I%\ S. J\N1 \K\
in the News
WItLN Miss Fda.'
Kunt retired from H MS F\ccllcnl in 1973 she planted a tree as a living lull-stop to her 42 sears as clerical officer with the Gunnery School. [cnty-onc sears later she returned to see the tree thriving, and HMS Escelleni blossoming after its recoinmissioning last April. Miss Kent posed for a photograph beneath the tree with the Captain of 1IMS
Excellent, Capt Roger Parker.
Ilasing sersed such a long time at Whale Island. Miss Kent remembers mails amus ing incidents. but her a%s(wi;t. lion with the establishment goes back men further than tier ossn 42-..car stint - her fattier a ('lid Gunnery Instructor on the island in the 1920',
POAEA Sargent (707 NAS) has been presented with a bronze mad. at by Education Secretary GiIhen Shepherd lot his excellent work while etudyin9 for a BTEC National Di pioma in aeronautical engi. nearing!. From' a field of more than 200,000 STEC students who qualified this year, only 21 received medals - three gold. sev" en silver and 11 bronze. Nick undertook his course at Air Engineering School, HMS Oaedalus.
Assault ship takes on the world!
ELEVEN nations were represented on board HMS Fearless during a recent NATO exercise and here's the proof (almost). (I's) are officers from
-- -
NAVAL SHIPS Ileautilully presented in a compact presentation hooktei, indexvi.l at the front, Each postcard measures appros 4,13" 6W and is perforated to tear oul easily
Inc PaP uiq 拢4.00 Bwfscs SM Abro.d plan add Sop SHIPS FEATURED usfs Purswi' If M'bdIhid lIsts siaris liSts Ksitd, li5l(hbaa 11515 Wart liSts linwiand Il%is (ia.n lflt5 suguaS ti5t tarts-an listS llluslrtus. 101% \,f.41, 11515 l'srdifT 1151% tn.incjbk lIStS 5tstthweb 11 %11. Tipb
HMS irn
lII% 5trfl
lIsts lhnta
11515 Srt kusI
THE BUSINESS NAVY NEWS, HMS NELSON QUEEN ST. I'owr.s%IOUTH, l'(il 31111 Sin 21 dsp. l 贸tbnvy. ia ps a b ,t.t catd pits.. wy pq. U Tel: 0705 826040. Fax: 0705 830149
in the hot ta
as MOD Fire Services' director is Commodore Chris ('hilds. who has taken over from Air Commodore Tim Thorn.
The Directorate 511)1) Fire Sers ices enconipasscs all lirelighting and lire ,prrsention for the 5101) and is based at K \l Ill gh Wsconit,e JusI in case the Commodore has an, burning questions For his predeensor as he seiilcs iii to the job. he will find hint handy; \ir Commodore Thorn remains al high W>conibe a' Cornmandjnt*General of tinK .F Regiment and Air Con. rnodore Regiment and Seturits liii) RAt Sirike tonimand
Greece UK, Turkey, Spain. Nether. lands. France. Belgium. Australia. USA and Italy. The Canadian repro' sentative wasn't available. It was an international year through and through for Fearless. i Fourteen national standards were embarked for D'Day and Slovakia, ' Luxembourg, Norway, New Zealand, Republic and Poland were also represented. Another international gathering took place on board during amphibious exercises in the Caribbean with forces from' Guyana, Trinidad end Sunnam and the las The Tobago'd 1)5 Guard and Dutch Marines also took part.
'----- Czech
=-& standing-
ceoinson Mn
\ \V t
in the News
Commendatimon for
NK divers
SEARCH and rescue operation in Chinese waters oil Macati has earned a team from the Hong Kong
Clearance Diving iilcmcnt a commendation from the Commander British Forces
on the colony. One of the divers UP(XW Alan "Donkes" Bra, has been presented with his Framed cornntendaiion bt Cdr Brian Mansbridge. RN Superintendent of I)is ing. The learn WJ5 called out when a dredger capsized and six personnel sere missing. A search of the ship's %uperstruc ith lure took place at night. isibi lit) hjmpc-rrd c-s c-n fun her by l hick scd inc-n At..
Quick thinking sailor saves choking child
lou rid
Entangled ri daylight irrullicr lotiiid, entangled in (fir guard rails
Cdr Mansbridge presents diving learn member CPO Bray with his commendation,
Alan Bras then died along the length of the vessel in case more bodies "tie similarl) en. snared. Poor visibility was again a problem and there were the additional hasards of tall. ing debris and suction created by the flow of saier around the
THE LONE civilian
among the team of Royal Navy Russian interpreters for the Queen's visit to St Petersburg (see December issue) trained all his uniformed colleagues in the years since 1988.
Senior Mr Roost Avery was joined by two chief petty offIcers, two female officers, a submariner engineer, a surface navigator, a Fleet Air Ann observer and a
'Royal Marines lieutenant - a fairly represen" isbn CrO55Iectloa of the Senior Service.
dredger's compartments. lhe team sorked tireless]> until all hope of {knding ur' von had gone- Their speed ot reaction in dealing sith this unpleasant task shuscd great professionalism. Other team members 'sere CPOID) Derhs Allan. t-,%(D) Hen ('ari%bright and AB(D) Steve Donahue,
Of the 12 Interpreters at the banquiet for Mr Yeltsin, the RN fielded sight, all of whom trained at the Defence School of
Lon-g~*. Sesconstield.
Mr Avery was joined by Cdr Simon Llster, Lt Cries Karen P~ *M Rob D~*n. 11---% Pat Seakins and Emma Simpson, Lt Hugh Devlln RM and CPOs Andrew Ross and Michael Bell
QUICK-thinking by LMEM(M) Michael McAllister saved the life of. young boy, a fellow passenger on a holiday flight. As the child began chokHelmNch n'enoeuvre, senaldye to the fact that It can be lag on a boiled sweet hIs parents made frantic but futile efforts to deer his aMway end were owlog very dafleeet Michael, who he based at 'HMS Sultan, fried to disledge the steel by holding the boy upelde down and stepping Sn on the back, but that also failed. He then employed the
dangerous when pasfoaned on young eh~ end once again siepped tin child on the back. It d the bitt The snet wg dislodged and the boy could breath noniselly again. cbons earned Michael's hint a Commendehon horn Flag Officer Portsmouth, Raw Adn*al Neil Ranldn.
ALL five anti-submarine warfare awards for the best students on operational flying training with 810 Squadron at RN air station Culdrose have this, year gone to members at 820 'HAS. Dudley Pound Prize for the best new obsotvat, and It Mike Ryan was presented with the Nunbumtsotme Trophy for the best Observer on ASW operational training. LACMN Richard Shaw won the Hibemla Cup, having been judged the best aircrewman undergoing ASW basic flying training.
Lt Paul Jones, who joined the Royal Navy as an air engineering artificer in 1985 and transferred to aircrew dulles in 1990, won two awards. He took the Admiral Sir Dudley Pound Prize and the Trophy, both for his skill as a pilot. Lt Gavin Richardson won the Admiral Sir
SIMONSTOWtI REVISITED -9th February 1995
Back copies of Navy News
Still time to book on this visit to South Africa fine or Phone: Keith Renn'e
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AFRICA NOW The Coach House, Wragmlre House Farm, Cartlsle Tel: 0228 560446 Fax: 0228 562360
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JOY'S ROSES a aowns
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flTJTV' 010 en tJLTJJI asuru Dr Simpson signs tne visitors' book on board HMS Lsdbury. watched by his wife and Lt Cdr Smsifman.
of the General Assembly of the Church of MOI)ERATOR Al Scotland. the Right Rev Dr James Simpson. paid a visit to Maritime HQ Pttreavte and Rosyth Naval Base.
Accompanied by his wife. helen, Dr Simpson toured the underpound headquarters at Pitreasie before moving on to IIMS Cochrane for lunch. In the afternoon the visitors paid a call on liStS Ledbury. a Hunt-class mine countermeasures vessel commanded by Lt Cdr Laurence Smallman.
h' James Barry to give
early for Valrtt:ittr's 'flu 1 )L1IJ.
shape and comfort,
1) latch 2011
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N4TI(h%.%l. StAt. 'S 5 IIORWO %F'FFIL.%S t1/4,SIM1ATtON lIt) 9, PARK A%ENIl 1: %%T. KIX%%OHTli, N1-nM;llnLMlzsJztNiThflKINGDOMI TIII11` iX: 11109 373157
Y Nl\\"
Options 49 From l:ont page eliot! wuold l made to roirrintise the need lot tedundantres as a result of' the proposals. and once a final decision on (reensich - and other sites = as taken. there v,ould be consultation on the impact on staffing. The present buildings at (ireenteh were designed as a nasal hospital 300 years ago by Sir Christopher Wren. fly the mid- i9th centurs seamen's selfare was pros ided bs oilier meant and the Royal Nasal to College was ieh trot Portsmouth lit 1873, The Roal Naval Staff ('ollire sts tountled in 1919,
Extension for Railcard scheme Railcard extended
Ill! ltgt11S whenie has been until the end of March 1994. The Association of Train Operating Companies has arced to conttnuc the v.uem for a further sear beyond its esptrs date of March tl this scar r
Outside _
Jobs market is still fragile say RFEA
Leavers' answer
TWO former (11,05 ogle of whom was nude redundant by the Navy - have found the answer to earning a living outside: train other people in new skills.
DESPITE AN ENCOURAGING downward trend in unemployment. the situaliiw remains fragile, according to a leading Services employment organisation. I he Regular Forces Employment Association reports that Service and civilian redundancies are continuing, with 30,000 ranks and rates leaving during 1993-94.
Of those, 23,000 were cligihle for assistance from the RELA. set up in the ISSOs
etclIer "S Freesias
211year round6y
Past from Quernsey
to help ex-Service people Our owaCaersgruwnFne4ai toanyadd~ inthetlX down on their luck. More Boxed andwith smeaeo(your uwoonacard than 12,000 of the leaven did register with the Associp I of them
"-r I
I [ióó-t16 I
ation. 2.300 from
the Royal Navy or - 456 reRoyal Marines for help for at least
To: M. Fkiehrr, Ruu1e'Carn,StSampso
Gtwrnscy, Cl GY2 4R6
S. . . .
able ho, NI.
Owquecocbsedf -
" " " I " I
The RFEA is a registered chants' whose services are available to personnel who have served at least three years Of those who have been mcditally discharged for no fault of their own and have a satisfacor character tory good
Plrwrdtawheckofchcque -- - - -
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Car insurance
a second time.
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your premium over £300?
Elipble personnel may return for help as many times as they wish.
Royal Navy personnel
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The Association's work is free to its clients and to employers, and is earned out by offleers gieally placed throughout Britain. Annually they assist more than 10,000 es-Service people. finding jobs for half of them. Other problems of re-adiustmerit to civilian life are tackled by the RFFA who work closely with The Royal British Legion and the Soldiers Sailors and Airmen's Families Association. Service people may turn, to the RFEA for help any lime within their final 1*0 years of
40 employment
the working through Chamber of Commerce, and I " Call through direct contact with the I personnel staffs or companies. The RFLA represents a link between employers and ex-RegLLOYD'S Wars that has been built up ulars over man) years. Local contact UW'dt$C9fi U " addresses for the Association -may be obtained from unit re" settlement officers or local :1 Idle-boom * - - - -- - - - - - - - p I phone directories.
Sandy and Dawn Saunders ... pub success.
FROM SUCCESS as an ME senior rate in nuclear submarines, to success as a pub tenant after a two-week course - that's the story that former CCMEA Sandy Saunders has passed on to Navy News. Sandy had beans Category Sandy. "But the moat imporA wstcttkeeper in HM subniatent feature was Us oapomnat Repulse. Revenge and nily to make contacts in the trade from sit pans 01 the Splendid, among others. Du:UK." ing his last two years, at HMS Sultan, he and his wile Dawn Sandy and Dawn are now tenants of the King and Castle decided that they wanted a Inn at Stroud. Gloucester. career In the licensed trade. shire, and within two months Sandy's fIrst move was to, of taking on the pub the pick upasmuch goodtraining as possible, opting for a fourcouple increased trade five fold. week resettlement count run S Herron House Licensed by Herron House Licensed Trade TrainIng can be conTrade Training at Lancaster. tacted on 01524 843263. They had been running Meanwhile a course for courses for the pub trade vice people wishing to eater Set-since 1991 following an Initlathe licensed trade has star~ five by the late LI Cdi' JIm Smith of HMS Drake. "t The Royal British Legion "The course covered everyTraining College at Tidworth. Details are available from the thing I needed to know and the two-week work ezpecIcourse co-ordinator on 0151 357 2938. eec. was invaluable," said
BRIEFINGS designed to help naval leaven take charge of their civilian ltves were so successful in October that a new series of talks has been arranged which will take the message to a wider audience.
As reported in the October edition of Navy News. New Era Training provided the briefings at establishments at Portsmouth and Portland. Now the training and management specialists have planned a programme which will reach the Plymouth area, naval air stations and the Royal Marines in January and February.
Jeff I-lards, who left the Navy in 1992. and his colleague Mike Kelson who was made redundant. founded ITALIC' the Interactive Training And Learning Information Centre) at Ilehester. near Yeovil. Somerset. Official opening of the cenire takes place on January, 20 from 11.30 to 1430. Jeff gained a BA degree and Advanced Diploma in Education Management while he was still serving, and has since completed an MA degree course with the Open University. Computers Jeff and Mike train individuals and students from companies, and offer computer courses, business courses and speed and accuracy courses for typists. They aim to offer a resettlement course through the Armed Fortes, for those who have been made redundant and for others who are seeking new skills after a careen engagement. ITALIC is being backed by the Enterprise Allowance Scheme and Jefl'and Mike have applied for an es-Sen-iees busi' ness loan from The Royal British Legion Small Business Advisory Service. "We aim to paint a hopeful picture for people concerned about redundancy and show how the harnessed influence of a number of different bodies can turn a possible rntstery situation into something more possaid Jeff, t)etails about courses can be obtained from Jeff on 01935 840965 or from Mike on 01305 26094,
brief inas'-F The briefings, run on behalfof Cdt (live Lewis, Naval Resettlement Information Officer at IIMS Nelson, are on the theme of "getting it right first time." Subjects covered by the programme include the identification of goals. building on confidence. developing communication skills, interview techniques and stress and time management. For details contact Cdr Lewis on Portsmouth Naval Base nt. 24254. or New Era Training David Platter on 01705 353303 or Marina Web. ster on 01705 255479.
Cash flows in Adriatic
WI lEN not on patrol during then deploy ineifi to the AdriatK the ships Company ol IISIS Nottingham were hard at work raising money. (or chariiv
for the Sand6eld Itnil at Notl7und-raising neaR included a sillage fete, flight deck horse tinghani ('11% lkispiial racing. a sponsored i0O I mile "Mike fill--- relay around the upper deck and a SPOnsored
The actiities £l.*_3 raised durint: these went tosiad the Nnt ni thetingham ship's Newcharity.Appeals.
beard.growing competition:
A ROYALTY cheque for last sales of yea'rs Pusser's Rum, made out (or £41,105.27. was presented to (he Second
Sea raised another £00 to help hii lord. Admiral Sir Michael a nebuliser at St Niaty's I°'P Layard at RN air station tat, Portsmouth. 'file Pt is Cuidrost
KEEPING Me fj ftr land is chairman ol Liskeard BrItIsh Mean Foundeilon, Mr John Spenc., who accepted a cheque for £15730 from LPT Paul BallInger, WWTRs DeS Fagen and Wendy Duncan. Ben Lercombe and WWTR J Lisa Woods, The leans raised the money S by taking pan, with swimmers from HM RsIe4t, In the British Heart Fogandafton Burlme~ at Lisa Park LM~ __ Cenfre
tf rave fellow loses by a whisker
orpntsatton which acts as central fund for local ChJFILIe' in the Nottingham area. Meanwhile a dari marathon, organised by 1.511351 Squ'hb
Sins raised in
Drake's hearts of gold
beard after having
IISIS ('otlingaood's Russia Club, to tins liritton. rugby club raised £1,000 for the Submarine Museum. tINtS for the Blind AssoGuide t)otphin, Ciosport. Hants The £60 raised from the ciation by holding a chariR P012 event was added to the .hip's disco. charity chest which will be o c o 1) &3] between lIStS Brase\ af0 707 Sqn, the Junglie Sea filiated charities. .A cold arid blusten day did King training squadron at Itonot discourage the RN Prosost sitton. took part in a 155-mile Staff at Churchill Square. lIesponsored cycle ride to ('ulIensbergh from applying some drose and raised £500 for the old fashioned elbow grease durSouth West Children's Hospice ing a charity car wash in aid of at the long Stay nit at Victoria Infirmars. The ear wash was Barn-.table-L) Ct Ii the firm of mans events which 306 Sqn. the joint RN'RAF the prosost staflhope will raise squadron based at RA I. Wy ion. enough money to buy a TV and base disbanded after 2k '-ears games for the residents of the of operations but belore doing hospital. so made a final donation of £401. raised during a 24-hour Sit children. accompanied by 10-pin bowling rnaiathori, to their parents and stall front Bascraft Way, tiodmanchester, York hill Hospital, spent a day a unit which pros ides respite ON behalf of Devonporl at the ('Icde Submarine Base, a care for children with severe Field Gun Crew Capt Sisisit which had been arranged learning difficulties mon Goodali and Lt Cdr hs the MOD Poller at Faslane Li Mike Waythe present a Li 0 who base adopted Ward 7k A team of runners front cheque for (2,5.43.90 to Mr the 5101) Police raise mones of the Graham Parkinson IIMS Ark Real raised oser each month for the ward and South Devon and East £1000 for the Ron Pickering regularly organise outings for Cornwall branch of Cancer Memorial Fund by taking pan the patients and their íantities. and Leukaemia in Child' in the Great South Run Derek I Li hood Trust. Ibbottson. the third man ever t;u Brittot of the SubmaThe it money was raised to break a four minute mile, rine %Iurum Gospori, has during their annual charity sponsored the team oser the taken part in an 1130011 pararun from Seafon Barracks weekend of the run and gave chute jump in aid of former to Plymouth city centre. them a few helpful hints on members of the Royal Nas Added to the total were how to complete the distance. Nat' ho and Merchant donations from ships and 0 0 1] on the Arctic sened ('onsoys. establishments and the Anyone who would tike to Money raised by the ship's takings from the sale 01 make a donation should send a company of lIStS programmes at this years Westmin-ster. which totalled over cheque. made out In The North public nnj,
di-vided r
£8,000, has been shared between four charitable organusauons. Westminster Boating Race used their donation iobuy 71 Aa
'Abde Chelsea and Steqmtns;lesc; Hospital base furnished a
counselling room in the chit' drens ward. St Andrews Youth Club used their windfall to buyweihtiramtneui. '1 men. anA LL cs,rninsier 931lm?r sation hatebought equipment.
RO7tWttiLXi km 1 lrZ ken - to urn asS wenn Uuii all MSVts. iannhsuS or
rim cu~viurol who, have
pss sa'xt U) Grti BSSn anjitit "W &~ tub
ra'rnrne & Iwatilt This rrcogrusion is in the trn o( 114E VOLUNTARY
591ViCE MAL a
mtttussst nzslal in aS tullxmrked siMs iaStcd CitakJ Awaitis to t&-.r
. L
, arrta, r
yj hast scn'ed in REGULAR ARM It:
FORCES. IERRflJIU 1.,z OR RESERVE FORCES TIIE MERC,iWflLE MARINE, POLICE flRE OR Mfl)ICAL SERVICES you amclçit. The kali =a-rraial nuv tt ~-rd s' itstçp&t onanblutrtthttowatiza
,-vy r
tided box. A stisa mini*ac is also astk
souvenirs THANKS to the at foris of the Royal Naval Wives Association (ANWA) in Hong Kong four charities have received an unexpected windfall. Every year the ladies of the RNWA try to beat the previous year's target by selling souvenirs of the Navy in Hong Kong - I-shirts, mugs, plaques, umbrellas - but as the gemson gets smaller this is getting harder to achieve. Nevertheless four charities close to the Association's heart - Victoria Playgroup, Ham~ Playgroup, The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust and The Hive - have thIs year shared HK$7,300,
PARTING was such sweet sorrow for II MS Brave's. ('P0 Terry (ri\ when he shaved off lit,.
been attached to the saint old whiskers for the past 12
Order by phone or complete the coupon below and send with your payment. or credit cud derail to: CITADEL A%VARDS PD. BOX 171, PLYMOUTH. DEVON, pill
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inhere -Ppit"'Dk) Rink Period of Senior 19 Signarart
tn t'nsicc4r I encIa,e my cIeq aanJflJIaaAe payable to (iamSrI 4u'arth fl.ce jemmy S'isaMcaii/MauerraS annual (It] OtT CARD NUMBER "r' 1 FUFIJ txt'iRynAi1:.,{l1Illl1_
N ;V\
%~," i
t Wise on DxOj-ljlrv~d~r-~
summer wine for Manadon
~u 1be- r s up as 707 goes front-line 31
Tilt'. CLOSURE of the R\ Engineering ('ollege, Nlanadon, announced last June. will begin next June and is due to be complete by the end of October when responsibility for the site wiN be transferred to the Defence Land Agent. During summer and autumn certain courses at the college will be transferred either it)
IIMS Sultan. lIStS Coilingwood or to the University ol Plymouth.
On Slay 12 an Open Day will be held at Manadon for all and civilian personnel who have served there. The college grounds and buildings will be open from 1400.1700 and tea will be asanlable in the Gymnasium heiwern I tit1-I600
Those wishing in attend should notify RNI.(' tsr. 81354 so that security passes can be arranged In addition a series of reunion dinners are being held. The dinner for mess member's from the 1940s and 1950s was held on November 14. Others will be held on January 14 (l960s. Januars 21 IL90s), Februar. 18 tl980s1. and March It (19"1. Production of a range ol memorabilia is planned. including engrased glassware. prints and a eomnienioratise book. For social and memorabilia information. contact (~'dr S. ilaines on 0752 553740 ext 81354. Dci Osant 2*3(94
A ROYAL NAVY Sea King training squadron is to get a front-line image with a number change in February. To reflect its increased involvement in operational tasking, 707 Naval Air Squadron is to be redesignated 8,48 NAS, the initial number "8" denoting a front-line unit
Ilowever, for the pinof and pay poses allowances, the unit will rea second-line squadron, and personnel drafting cycles will be unchanged.
1982. and again for the Gulf War. Formed at lIStS Siskin. Go.,port, in 1Q43, 848 NAN wasoriginal1 equipped with Asenger torpedo bomber and reconnaissance aircraft. During the 0Day campaign the squadron flew anti-shipping patrols from Thorne) Island,
The squadron is equipped with Sea King 51k 4 comniando-caring helicopters, and its new designation resurrects a
Pacific Fleet
cornsquadron disbanded as a
Embarked in ltMS FormulaM c- in September 1 1144. 848 was it-suned for the British Pacific V arriving in Australia in \1.nch, Later 84$ Asengers t :ic involved in operations nst shore targets and air. :a. on the Sakishinra Islands, Disbanded in 1945. the . .dron was recommissioned 1452 and equipped with Ut%kii1d helicopters for anti. orist duties in Malaa. Disbanded once more in 1956. the squadron reformed for a third time two sears later to be the first British' coniman-
support helicopter unit 'ii t'r6 Ii u.;n brirfls in ised
AIM of this regular feature Is to give a general Impression of new Defence Council Instructions affecting conditions of service. In the event of action being taken the full original text should be studied.
do support helicopter unit, seein; service in Cyprus. the Far East and the Middle East, After a brief period of further disbandment. 848 reformed in 1964 with Wessex aircraft and was engaged in counter-terror-tit activities in the Aden Protectorate, The squadron gained Battle honour's at Norniands. Oktnawa. Japan. the Falkland Islands and KuwaitIin the Gull War). To mark 70?'s redesignat ton. a format eeremons and sers ice of dedication will be held at the squadroWs base at RN air station Yeosnlton on February 9. An informal lunch will follow for squadron personnel and guests, and there will be an evening function for officers and insited guests. Officers and key senior ratings who hase served in 707 or 84* squadrons and who wish to attend should contact the implementation officer. Lt (AT P. 5. Belding on lIStS heron est. 6456,6013 or 0935 456456/456013. DC1 RN 204194
j5f -'to ç
NEW nasal identit cards are to be issued h Starch 31. As reported in Navy Ncwss October edition, the new cards ,n corporate a digital facial image and signature and can carry encoded personal data Collection of data for the cards started on November 1, Data capture points are being set up at major establishment',,
Get rid of your 1.-plates then ... and
commanding ott'pcers (it ships should arrange a date for data capture at base ports. A further lxi will detail card distribution pohry, card issue and re-issue after the initial data capture phase DCI RN 212/94
New ID cards issue
294S tscU
Training move Fill. Directorate of Foreign and ('uinmunwealih 'I raining has moved from Fort Southwick, near Portsmouth to Barham Block in lIStS Nelson, The Directorate ts responsible for managing the pros isinn of UK Service training fox all overseas military personnel. D0 General 2*5154
Volunteers for Potion VOlUNTEERS are being sought to take part in studies and tests at the Chemical and Biological Defence Establishme nt at Porton Down. Service personnel who solun. leer wilt be required to participate in tests of chemical and biological defence equipnient They will earn up to 1251) additional pa before tat. In special eases this may be more == but could be less for shorter studies. Ten study periods ranging from one to three weeks will run from January 9 to March 31 DCI is 76/54
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TOOTHY smiles in HMS Excellent as the Second Sea Lord manages to use a specialty provided set of gnashera to open a new dental surgery by gnawing through the ribbon. With Admiral Sir Michael Leyerd are (l'r) the Captain of Excellent. Capt Roger Parker: WDSA Kirstie Fletehen head of the RN Dental Service, Surgeon Commodore ID) Ted Grant: LWDSA Jo Russell: and Surgeon Lt (D) Julie i' Fenwick who provides dental treatment at the establishment, v t. "-.-
plivancernent change for WEM ratings
A TASK force set up by the Second Sea Lord. Admiral Sir Michael Layard, to examine the concerns expressed by OPS/WENI ratings Weapon Engineering sub-branch about their career advancement prospects during warFare branch implementation. has now reported its findings. Slain recommendations
elu address the ()iPS.\VESI surplus in the forthcoming *To remove the perceised adredundancy round. vancensenu cap on OPSfWlcSls 5% a consequence of reducing LII and N-) by programming the sue of the Navy the nun). protessional qualifying bet of advancements and proto run besond 199* and 2001 motions in all branches and all for as as a rernpenisely. long ranks and rjรงs moil ins's iiabl\ quirentent esisis and Ioiuiarthgt be reduced, the rundmsn of the OI4WEM The task force emphasised branches auth the aim of oblhal they could no! create nea taming adsancemenis within or additional advancement of all other the spread opportunities but that. subjest branches to the needs of the Seniec. it *lo reduce the numbers of should be possible to manage the am,fare branch ratings the transition in full warfare recruited for one .cibI branch implementation m bile two ears and allca more oi's at the sante time maintaining Wl?1s 10 cross-train into the aarfare branch in the place of adsancement opportunities for OPSiWFSt ratings, new entry ratings. [hew crossFloweser. rosters will contrainees will progress through the Navy at the speed of the tinue to vary in length as the new entrants thcs replace. requirement. premature solun. marking time in their rate if re- tary release rates and other quired but aulbout loss of Si.ale economic factors change, inesitablv there will be some COPS, A pa if qualified Due to loss WliM ratings who will not be recruiting number , will be riceable to satisfy their full career essarilt small and selection will almost certainly be required, aspirations.
Bridport renews, old friendship
AN invitation to visit Brldport by the town's Mayor, ClIr Roger Draper, has further strengthened the already strong links between the town and HMS Bridport, the Latest Sandown-class mlnehunter to enter service. The visit at the end of last year provided the opportunity for the Mayor and a group of follow councillors and members of the RNA to spend a day at see to witness -'their ship's capabilities (See page 23). In fine weather the Mayoral petty were given a tour of the ship and witnessed a flying display from one of 722 Squadron's Sea Kings. Alongside at Portland visits by the ship's adopted Sea Cadet Unit, TS Keppel. The Royal British Legion, 8ridport Veterans' Rugby Club and Bridport RNA renewed friendships made during the commissioning in 1953. After being heated to lunch end a 'lot" by the RNA, a game of rugby against the Bndport Veterans followed. Supper with the committee of IS Keppel concluded the weekend activities before HMS Brldport sailed for a sea day for students at Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth and for operations off the west coast of Scotland.
Calliope tunes in to wireless award -
TYNE Division Reserves unit HMS Calliope has scooped the impressive AMA Mountbatten Wireless Award, proudly held here by R02 Andy Richardson and WRO2 Michelle Kimber.
They received the 204n-hlgh silver troร ty, on behalf of the unit's consrntrnlcetlons department, from Countess Mourttbatten. Originally sponsored by Earl Mounibatten, the trophy 'Is annually by the C-'LnC Naval Horns Command to
Calliope celebrated the occasion with a supper at their Gateshead HO attended by Flag Officer Scotland, Northern England and Northern Ireland, Vice Admiral Chris Morgan, by the Lord Lieutenants ol Northumberland and Tyne and War, and by the Mayor of Gateshead end the lad
Memories wanted of reign of Terror
tilE 'tERROR Club, which pros Wed recreational facilities to thousands of sailors and other Service personnel visiting Sembawang. Singapore over the )ears has been refurbished by the US Nasy. While the new been taken on by the USN. who swimming pool. tennis, volleynuoderuu and will pros ide facrlihave eonspletels refurbished ball and basketball courts a'. tics for visiting sailors a link the old facilities ']-he new camwell as a large pla ing held with a itfi the past is missing The t'1e' has a modern club blouse. floodlighting US Nan is. iherelore looking
Se-critics complex
bulia which would hase pitde of place in the renamed Terror Club and which would be suithalittiarked s-ru's'. w ably inscribed tn'.tuiutcd tit 1992 a the and During the club was situated at contntcniu'ratusc award HMS Terror and with the doasatlimble u' Iltc-e mesh sure of the base it wj5 rriosed to woiu,cii who h_usc gusc;i the docks ard club. ;ultuahle scrs icc'. to th During its latter years it was lfrttt'.lu Coittirtibuiss calth iii Mrs Jenny managed by Ramsay mills, the lease for the' premises peacetime & hostilities
T1 1 E1 G L' N*i:RA I
The tease for the old dock-
yard officers' club and its ad,urunmnr sports field has now
Anion9 the Many guests who attended the reunion at the Victory Club, HMS Nelson, was former naval airmen John Foley who travelled Irom Australia to celebrate the branch's anniversary.
JOBS TO GO "Frcm front page l-
basing to take reductions. These include non-iec nit-ian ratings mho base %cr%cd between four and II ears. artilicen and technicians - especially those who have scrscd S-lU tears. submariner SIFAs "ho do not have nuclear pro04'. 5'.''''' pu 51011 cases.. medical ratings except operating department practutionen and those who are commando qualified; QJIHNNS aho are not operating theatre specialists: and certain groups from the Rosal Marines. Redundancies among ollicers will definitely be required from among captains of the seaman. engineering. supply. instructor and warfare specialis.ations. and Rosal Marines colonels and lieutenant-colonel. Other categories include certain groups of junior seaman officers: engineers of the rank
Concluding his announce. mertt, \dnuural taard said there were no plans for further large-wale redundancies and any future manpower imbalances would be met 'h% and sensitive usc ot normal manpower controls,'
Mayor of Newcastle.
being paid b' the Rosal Australoan Nav 'until becembei 1991. since when the club has ceased to exist.
SKY 1995
of commander and below: Junior officer' in the Supply and Secraiariat branch - escept barrusteis. cost management accountants, and SE) stores and catering officers: rtscducal ofliccrs of the rank of surgeon captain and below: and ('areas Sers ice lieiutenantk
the RNR comma department which attained the highest standards in the preceding year.
FORMER rinvzut pliutoyraphers Ciali4uin Eniber and Len Allan found themselves in front of the camera with LAPHOT) Spider Webb and LW(PHOT) LouIsa Baverstocic at the 75th ennlversary reunion of the Royal Naval Photographic Branch,
since 1939. & whose
'crs ice- iii titans ca'.e i-use gone
\tct&'ts (if all regiil;ui 1/4 CWi5C
foicev or cttu:ill support unit'.
Rosyth visit
DURING a visit to Rosyth naval base Minister of State for Defence Procurement, the Right Hon Roger Freeman. was given a presentation on
the Rosyth Minor War Vessel Operating Base at HMS
Cochrane. After meeting with trade union representatives he touted the base and then made visits to Babcock Defence Ltd and to the Hunt class mine countermeasures vessel HMS Ledbury.
LVS. .J\NtAK't
Or lions tuiPrrrtn
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"What we wanted was the bouquet - not bucket!"
Standing joke falls flat
IT may not be a very good joke - but its a very old one. The raised plaque on the quarter deck of HMS Victory marking the spot where our greatest national hero fell to a French marksman's bullet has been there for 150 years. the "Here tell- it obvious rejoinder: "lm not surprised - I nearly tripped over it myself!' But now the present generation of Victory guides is fed up with it - and the commanding officer has decided that the commemorating the Navy's pride should be set flush. worn a bit thin - but would Nelson Maybe it himself appreciated it? Well, yes - he!
says - prompting
ship's plaque
has have
bly would have. Notoriously vain though he was, he was well able to take himself. loire The most famous story about him him makinfirmities ing fun of one of his many when at Copenhagen he put telescope to his blind eye he unable to see Hyde Parker's signal Guided tours around great institutions depend the wit of the guide to lighten the ponderous litany of events and statistics associated with them - any lecturer worth his salt on any subject knows the value of a humorous aside that will stick in the listeners mind and act as a fixative for the rest of the intormation he wishes him to retain
was saying to recall.
against has physical his
Oddities have their value here - the Louvre is popularly remembered for the fact that its most famous statue has no arms: Pisa's Tower would hardly be memorable if it wasn't leaning: and what would be the point of the Blarney Stone it you didn't have to bend over backwards to it?
Study teams, get mixed reviews
but quality will shine through
"MORE cuts on the way" has been a popular reaction to the Independent Review of Service Manpower Structures Careers Terms and Conditions of Service, Well maybe they could have started by pruning the title a bit ... Strong scepticism of the true motives of the team led by Mr Mtchacl Ben has greeted their visits to RN units over the past few months. They themselves report &,.M similar message on ever, occasion. with womnes being aired about "overstretch": overlong rotten for advancement; reduced promotion opportunities: and difficulties with Warfare Branch development. But white acknowledging that the appointment of the Review itself has provoked alarm, they are keen to allay individuak' fears that they will be wont oft when El'.. all over.
'On the question of pensions. the position of ioday's Servicemen and women is clear - existitig members of the Armed Forces Pension Scheme will continue to serve under the conditions and expectations of that scheme. Any new scheme will be for new joiners.--They say there is no disguisin the Review's importance an potential impact - but its aim is to ensure that the Navy can continue to recruit and retain the right quality people for the challenges it will face in the early part of the next century. In this context, it has been looking at how people will join: how long they will serve, in what branches and in what ranks: where they and their families will tisc: how tong they will spend awas from home: how their pay
is calculated; and what extra costs will be reimbursed. And it has been collecting much of its information from source - through visits to ships on Joint Maritime Course exercises, to Rosal Marine Cornrnaisdos in the field and embarked in amphibious ships. to earners in the Adriatic and to units ashore in Bosnia and Northern Ireland - even to a dived nuclear submarine. Said Mr Bctt after a visit to the Type 22 frigate PINtS Boxer on operational sea training oft Portland: "These visits have left us very pressed by the calibre, professionalism, ethos and education of today's Servicemen and women." His final report is due shortly. Meanwhile the Rating Corps Study Group announced in Na" y
Turbulence 14
Nelsons best-known memorial has his slight figure incongruously perched on top of a gigantic column, making it the easiest of targets for pigeons - another standing poke against the hero. 'but one he has had no trouble rising above.
has little enough to laugh about in cuts, change and uncertainty - and
The Navy these of
in its
News in July has now reccised 4,000 responses to a detailed questionnaire it sent out to ratings and other ranks of the RN. RM and QAKNNS. As it was becoming increasingly difficulty to support branch structures designed to sustain a Navy twice its present sire, the RCS(; was asked to review manpower so that "the operational and structure , components are met by an efficient cost-effective and flexible structure from 1998 onwards. It is not looking into pay, pensions or tn-sen-ice conditions of service. but is investigating ideas relating to such aspects of Service lilt as the number and mix of uniformed skills and branches; the rating and other rank promo lions and advancement system: career development and engaç-mcnts: and drafting harmony and shore time. It ii due'tO report in August.
So the guardians of the Immortal Memory
the most splendid shrine to should remember, without embarrassment, in trio words of the Rev Scull who held him in his arms as he died. "setting aside his heroism, what an affectionate, fascinating little fellow he was.' And raise the plaque on the quarter deck back to its original, if slightly dangerous prominence. Cordon it oIl, if necessary. in the interests of health and safety - but don't let a that has lasted well for a century and a hail fail flat.
*Independent view - Mr Michael Belt sets his sights on the future from HMS Boxer off Portland.
This team, too, has been consulting widely through visits to - for ships and establishments the moment Commodore Malcolm Shirley is grateful to the many respondents who filled in the "(ret comment" box in the questionnaire. "We are very aware of the 1evels of change, turbulence and oncertainty facing the Sen-ices at the moment and do not wish to make things worse," he told Navy News. "Indeed, we hope to be able to draw together the work of other studies. particularly the Independent Review, to minimise the possibility of there being any shocks ahead, and we have been working effectively with the IR project team to this end. "We are all uniformed members of the RN and RM and don't want to wore any 'own goals'!"
I \'.j
Options udent's operational
1111117= -11r, 111, L 1
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BRITAIN'S FIRST operational patrol by a Trident-armed submarine was imminent as Navy News went to press. HMS Vanguard, first of her class to enter service, was armed with her ballistic missiles on November 25 in preparation for a deterrence patrof of up to three months.
After six years in build and two years 01 intensive trials, Vanguard was or schedule for her inaugural deployment, the course of which is one of Britain's most closely guarded military secrets.
- '-
Once at sea her aim 5 to remain '100 per cent invisible." said Cdr Peter Wilkinson. commanding othcer of her pen crew and the first CO of an operational Trident vassal.
First Sea Lord
The vanguard class are capable of carrying up to 16 Lockheed Thdent 0-5 missile! with a range of mote than 4.000 miles. Although each missil, is capable of delrvening 12 warhead! Ia maximum of 192 in total), the Government has stated that **Ch boat will carry no more than 96. For the submarine's short journey out at IFaslene to the armaments depot at Coulport, she was joined by the First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Benjamin Bathurst, He had a grandstand view of attempt! by Green peace protesters to block Vanguard's progress by means of floats with trailing wires intended to foul th. boat's propellors. The wires wile cut by Minis' try of Defence police escorting the submarine in rigid inflatable boats, and Vanguard proceeded without further incident.
Victorious sea trials
The boat will initially rotate patrol duty with the two remaining Polaris submarines, HM ships Renown and Repulse, while Vanguard's sister-ship HMS Vi%ortou continues, sea trials. Of the other vessels of the new class, HMS lant is due to be commissioned this year end Vengeance in 1997.
Pictures: PO(PHOT) Al Campbell
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---A hË&#x2020;
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. the Missile C*ffipa~ard.
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days at sea a year - no Ibsdforadraftriot
SELDOM less than 160 considered ~going. Which tends to give the
Ne to ~~r~ that
To me .1gM orIginal howenr St been added an
serving in a University Royal Navy Unit Is a cushy nunthef w#h one drill ~* " week end a hit of
RN presence on oxford. Cambridge, Yorkshire. North-
recruit-ing on the side.
URNUs coins under he Squadron, tothe sint growng dof 1=T~07 Snout ol the Royal Navy. Formed blowing the demise & 11* Tenth Mine Countermeasisel Squadron on March
ii was
W~ and Sliminghr - and -with the luanflen ol the ITS ux -were bonded oini from the RNXS.
So now the Squadron boasts 12 Archer CUs. patrol craft, two Loyal Class Fleet tenders and. as at beet mondt. HMS Orwel and the nevlgsVon trading slap Nontieda.
sum~ a.w amr up baited at any one time -
WI *MW the
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*MW~ W~ d via~ by FIN v~. UNNUS have c~ *Wow~
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students tomorrow's leach en buesteswnen, pkticisns
Royal Navy
vie nniwe awvn In general and the
Students are introduced
the of navlgaIs am aasnwish*, lectured on the vermin facets of KeyS life end yataly learn that fee-
r._fl to - the RN then That
There use wide range of sea
often called teen
for fleet
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ter eecdes he orURNUaM { is a welcome
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J~- and weekends0~ at 5~ andm. c~land-based -deployments.vessels are also at' Competency URNU HM .asuch Frfor . r I a y- -a" commemoratlen and regularly conu. . ins Officer of the Fleet Ineaercleestequlflngasanu fr;. Oxford URNU notesornowiytyNaval of #m my - Mosthavebile - ,. fl' , andthe meteoric rise Navy knoafedgeandsoafeona etthetTSlspreolofthelival. :r'-7 5P how" CO - is on this role," seEd U Cot :r - - - 11 ttro flnnunglong coastal cmm" flareas ~ pass~is &H~ m a I al the more ouely wec*S Inafar horn urtheard .1 that to CO llowever. - - - "-, - .- .totallyStty hasbeenf*iad-endthatitrs moreolachalenge-WISdI . . - - -. - -s S Ic
Hopefully the process does not stop there and the word is then - Vwou#totn the conimunity - and fan
my*! "vv to me.
running the vessels attached there are over 700 people cur- in partaciflr.
level ~'ay
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At YourLeisure
Options -N
?sl(JS'I' mosies to do ss children base a tendenc lean towards cuber the tv or the miserable: ssrl: scrubbed. Disnes.-fied hr.i:
muses. etc. all go en distinci penonalittes (cute, helpful, psychotic) and all looking as real and plausible as the latest in puppetry and animation techniques can make them. But hearts and minds scarcely enter into the proceedings. and it's hard to imagine that while he was finishing with his dinosaurs, Spielberg wjs working on the pre-production of Schindler's List, an account of dcccncs and huntanit enduring alongside the berserk sioPence of the Natt death camp-,. lithe film needs a reference point, it might come front Storm lanieson in her introduction to Anne Frank's dun, where she writes of the sense of "stupefaction that there esisted these vast slaughterhouses for people. and that to a number of her fellow human beings, sending Anne Frank to one of them seemed a natural timing to do."
singing chirp> songs, shivering. poverty-.%% riukc 1 urchins fishing a dead out of the dustbin. (Jrati:t ingl%, the kids in War of the Buttons fall into neitheT these categories. lbs is a tale of gang 'sari on the junior league scale I youngsters of two neighbour County Cork villaga hate lx feuding wilh one another longer than anybod) earl member, and the him, in tin
dy-adventure mode. detail'. Progression. escalal iiir
conclusion of their tr;rd1L'r conflict.
Conundrum Writer ('olin \%cll,tiid (*har ots of Fire" fame. vises several welt-turned gnettcs dependent on childi thought-processes: e.g. tin nest discussion about deadly an insuli "tosspot" the realisation that no one .l. ally understands what the ss.
means, and the later. thought-out solution to
And to city-centred audience' all [bat sun-drenched scenery is a tonic for the midwinter bluest The Career of Spielberg demonstrates, for the moment anyway, that you real(if ly can win all the his last two films -- both nuts available on video - Jurassic Park accuniulated %a'1
Captivating not twin,': the young st.iitc of the 0 on cJ ik,' Jiuti,'ni evoke tilecirorce t, at LiliLdiloOd without overplaying the sentimentality. amounts of rnonc tar hint. white Schindler's List secured practically even award going And yet two more conirasung movies would be hard in imagine. 'the dinosaur picture is pure fun-of-the-fair excitement. sen, vation, amaientent and a cry of "('ome and see the monsters," Its is that irItile basic
Screen Scene disaster ow vie take so nit- totriristic, high-tee achies cntent fan island full of genetically-enginecreci pre-historic heastiest, introduce the hand of fate (de.
sign laults. a tropical then gleefully show, the whole set-up being reduced to smoking rubble. There are several not very engrossing humans on the scene, the most interesting ot whom tend to get eaten. Hut the real stars are the virtually tinpronounceable, nai to sat tin. spellahle velociraptors, gallinsi'
With his portra al of the totin red. torturing camp conintandant. Spielberg tries to get beyond the stupefaction, At the same time, and charactensticatIs. he contrives to find. even in ihrs contest, a reason to reject despair. via the character of Schindler, a rather spit-like opportunist who at first casualts and then passionately sets about plucking as many lit es as possible flow out at the murder machine. By ordinary standards probably one of the most harrowing pictures that lfoll wood has ever produced. But for this subject ordinars standards scarcely apply. - Bob Baker
Naval Customs & Practices
Price £4.75* UK Jr
inc P&P or £5.50' for surface mail abroad '9arr .#' "eel' ri no- 'a ' ! .
Available from: Business Manager Navy News. HMS Nelson, Portsmouth P01 3HH. Tel: 0705 826040 Fax: 0705 830149
o"ce' - to ,i2-O")bat"o olow' ' .,'r
dard work The Squadrons of me Fleet Air Arm (AirBritain £36) oats comes in large format.
Each squadron. front or second line, is given a career history with tables of its aircraft. ntosements and commanding
Identification Appcnttmces cuter 12.5.5 stations, aircraft carriers, pre-war Etights. aircraft and helicopter. carrying ships and IAA stone frigates. ibis time particular attention has been paid to aircraft markings. which will prove invaluable for the idcnti' fication, of phoiogoaphs Available from 'Sir -Ho nan-i Sales Dept. S Bradley Road, tipper NorwoM. London NE 19 .INT.
it o*o-e,ri 0'. -
ritrOtitNO THE ANCHOR 'on .a'oor4e.r jOse-ce Tˆc* 'S'..'t'At'QNfl "0" -trued tu. CC. tO OtOW t'act'q rta.s At!' a -,"- .,avnssi," 0521 fs',ra - 'c-.-' t5s axi*' jt,t4jO To . " 54 .tsrte was 'o t*awu -fli. Cab.L"1 '-j- r,'O.e'
Keep in touch with the present arid remind of the Senior usell vices fascinating past with this unique pas.' Year Gilt,
the original photographs reSturtisant placed Ray and Then Ballanee's stan-
rrcnE ','Em,cr'.c 't r'g. 9 *y" 4 2' t,'ttN tISCWiQ re' 4 isfl t .',r, to nsa.M4Ch btt S alt,.' wdr ,Nhc,A - '-'a'ces a'c one" w'U' a
MESS DECK it a., Oar', Q' ilrten U. nWst sat ',/r"Med s.th a *9 00$ i*, '.aIflud as ott. itt.to .4 %h " .rd uaart..d iio't.a ita4 if. ti iM be c'O'siqd IC to O"V. to $4 IeC*i*0OtT or 4sø n ..'.a row"~ ~"~s wt's p'o.ad ac. we's 0l 5.5. '0 "O "nda'o
practices of the Royal Navy are so much part of our culture that their original meaning i often overlooked, Navy News Calendar 1995 gives the background to some of these that have become part 01 our heritage as a maritime nation - set alongside a dozen fine colour photographs of units of today's Royal Navy, now said to be the most modern this country has had since the early 1920s,
FULLY revised and updated to 1994 - with most of
The language. customs and
Squadrons revisited
g"4t41 ij,ft'gt,Ø$! A'' Sti)"tJ'.ti4 '.DOt*,OI -- 'epkcOOOirotoflt,sd4' .0' tag tjOt
" 411
ea dog on his last leg
4t Your Leisure
THE great value of "oral
history' has only lately been properly appreciated - almost too latø to preserve the ac-
counts of
World War I.
Those skilled in the art of weaving assorted reminiscences into a single trabse - Lyn MacOonald It a notable example -
i know We value of careful editing. The R3ja1 \arl
.tfziuum 8ooA o[ihr Batik
of cAt.lllantic largely succ.eds her., thinks to the work of the museum's own
Head of Oral History, Chris Howard Bailey. Choice of pictures is occeiionally unfortunate alongside the many grim tales Of survival against the odds are photographs of the rescued looking mostly relaxed and cheer. ful, though this naturally titifiss to their indomilable spirit.
There are some real gems here that might otherwse newer have got into print - such as the story of one redoubtable old re tired American master mariner who returned to the service to do his bit to help the UK ('the Old Lady"). His Chip was torpedoed and he was picked up half dead from the water. One of his legs appeared to be frozen solid. so that his rescuers assumed rigor mortis had already set in - until the leg was found to be tin and stutled with dollar bills, representing his life savings "which we dried out for him in the boiler room. and handed back to him when we returned to Liverpool." Published by Alan Sul- JFA ton, £18.99.
TOO WARSHIP 1994 (('onwa Maritirn, £26) is strong on e-arI. rits t1 jsiation, with studies of the long-lived IlP Argus the world's first flat top - and the Canadian-manned escort carriers 01 World War II. But the earliest of all attempts to explore this dimension or warfare .it sea were the kite- trials essay ed around ihc turn of the century. The firs ndss to interest itself An man-lilting kite-s. as opposed to balloons, for aerial obsrsalion was the Russian. Lt Nicholai Schreiber's bos kite system was tested in the Baltic in 1903 and officially reported both safe and ustlul but work was uspe-ndrd q "lc) "1:11 ike outbreak of the Ruso-Japancsv \jr and nut rsunted thereafter
Buffalo Bill the ko%iil Sj tried nest, using kiic des eloped b the Amer. icani atlation pioneer Sjmul Eranklin Cods no to be confused with his unrelated Content.
porar lib ilIijfli Fredciivk "Itulialo Bill" Cody. whom he close-h re. sembled and RAhosc career had mans curious parallels with his own. Initial RN interest centred on the use of kiics for hoisting wire. less aerials and Cody's sstcm was -spewed. originally lasourahls
carried out in AuusI i'KI with the battleship ElMS Revenge firing on a camas representation of a torpedo boat towed by a desiroe-r were probably the first application of the technique against a floating target.
Iepons indicated that a morn' accurate estimate of' fail of shot could thcreb be obtained than from a control position, since the kite observer would be clear of the smoke of his own guns and prohabh able- to sec 05Cr that of the encm - but the Admiralty once again turned a deal ear. Cost may, again have been a factor. with a set of kites priced at £1,000 - but their Lordships' refusal to adopt nsanlilter's does se-cm misguided. gisr'n the slate of the art ol a' lation at this time. Re-fore sees long, though. air ships and aeroplanes - particular. seemed to he offer. ly scapliines ing a far better option for te-(OilflJrssaflcc at sea. Cods, too. turned his attention and taknt to the development of his own aeroplane designs. working closeis with the Arrn at Farnborough 1k srns killed in a -crash in 1913. - JFA
Hot potato . 1-his; series 01 tri,ts at Yr hair bland and IIMS Ve-inon and at se-a from the dcstroser Siarfish sas successful - but then Cody asked for £21.000 for his pale-nt. a fuse year contract with an annual salars of (1.250 and an extra (2,( at the end of it and the Admiralty him like a hot potato. dropped You could almost hc built a for that sort 01 nionc' in destroyer thaw days Interest resiscd. however, in 1907 - probably owing to concern over the growing threat posed by mines and submarine', and the kite's potential for aerial detection of lh same Further trials also showed its %aiue ill spotting gunfire. those
pub1irh 'a the U.K iO ec bike yw. 2. Thirty spscieioi ,eSV. ic'boejc desip nado and four foctip lsageac dcpwteati 3. Full~ w'ietie;
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- -. - -._----'---- - .
your bookfront.. I. The bps ~-~mm
A Cody kite- gos aloft from the quarterdeck of HMS Rev.ngs on September 2, 1908, the observer suspended in a breeches buoy. The destroyer HMS Recruit is in the background.
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'-V "
-aDuring the 1920. and 1930a the Fairey Flycatcher was the Royal Navy's standard tighter. This *mad aircraft served on all the Carriers, and was also flown from shod take-off platforms tilted over th. gun turrets 01 capital ships. ANTHONY i. Waits' superb survey oh' the Imperial Russian Navy is now followed by The An Illustrated History (Arms and Armour £1999). based in part on his twoRoyal Navy volume Guide published user 20 years ago.
The titles of both are some- Having said Ihat, you could "Litting tackle- was neser what misleading, The first pse a better remen usedmany ...Ryl15so hardly hope to find had view' of the modern RN within ruptures and there were so only a brief resume of the RusWrnc to E*c&ibisLodqe Prcu of Ldüa volume nor one in few lit men ashore (most sian nays between 1700 and a single really tDreEX 9) able-bodied men has ing been the middk of the 19th century which the need to coser a wide 44 EJti Road. Loa, SWS lTD. for the Napoleonic and was mostls an album of of technical conscripted developrangeWars) that the Nas'. wa5 forced merits and key events is batphotographs ot the last halfilMh (k's(,lis. thr Iliji Ii.i to start issuing trusses." anced more easily by a leavencentury of ship- dcsclopmcnt ?ll. Ideal hi hdasurpnsc preseni under the l'sars albeit me-ticVidcn docu rtiu including all gets of off-beat detail and Maps of key battles and cant. human interest, aspects of (iAN(,E prior In riciTwi, ulously annotated with a we-l)h paigna and an unusually varied of operational detail. ithin1. NELSON 11A1 L, 1 4.1 selection of photographs in HILL. SICK t sk rlR llVl Rwhich aviation. subntarines E D W'i'S. (; li IsltMs. The' second as like-wise inRupture - beginning out of SPORTS Flit-PS. If sRBO(.K ci and other elements of the complete On(. uear"rrkinjC hour of modern naval picture get their consI-nience with the age of thus we learn that the coindirevtcd b% Jt)lfN Produced. Ixnc;. due, are packed into this book moncst form of injury- in the photography and thus tile RoyLAS. author ---11MS mull to accompany 34 features in at Nasy's siory here- begins early years of the Oas Britanon m duien" S 5 F. details t)ougtas after the era in which it gained rica was rupture, suITe-red from just 250 pages - a minor masHouse. Soseetha. Pcnmarth. Cain the suprcrnac that was in ljsi he-ass uerpiece of design as well as nirnellis, t,. Kedruth. ('oroiatl manhandling of - JFA sheer readability. TKIi b\X so tong. equipment.
AND THE SEA tir',' [:,t, op ~1 i-J ailiMfoàflJ,i hvs' iron, our huge, \caci N. FISHER NAUTICAL Iluntiwood, St Itrlrna I.anr Strait. hassock,, Sussrs BN6 551) Tel/la, Or,i 690273 This iiiunth 1LtIL4,.tI HOOK: BATTLESHIP AT WAR (Coward) WAS 6 9 NOW £8.95 Aa fe-ri, #x B M Tot: 01579 343663 Fai: 01579 344747 stT,i) tOO OtJP I UU Use Of tiP.rB0Or(4'rhiOS
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At Your Service
Calling Old Shipmates an." 01 flcp .'. s-cs .\,Isor SI .S'oec.inoa SIMS Guam tscastss' Ft Anattas 17 w10,o Cast Baear'pion t'na,ant, Harts AV'Y'I (At*444 Warns CPO site Q35 300 tnt'. 070$ 4P7745
;.ran (Plot~ La4tst SW Mct'atl .loth rWtymot.ih Dots.iJ A8 tIito'd ntswovwt Uancrara.i CR0 1.0~-%, S.j flGa' 1C0'.rtvyt U Car bseyç* Wrutard P.':stctI LS I'o:,a. 55511 PIptaltoir. U Vutssc!44t1 and band MaCCIECIIVI 'sty
has, lion, Sit, Dunc Notion SIll slaps gurn. RS.nstn and Darvç' Fr SB Toga*j Gscnfwd (141 01752 365934 ao,.aC tat to rea/ from 044 aPe
}tStSHsmd(1142'44)C A tBiyiW4 an'., 74 8a'tyteds SaaLcvd Bran... :,i,t CM? tU 'c 0371 SSOe06 asia st IC "41' "cr04 St5VJt43, a' * 0idn4, J4.fl4t5 54 Ua0**y -
lrnna9s-cl csa*.s tic; scat' try~ St Gear;.'. terrific, G.spo.t, end
in str.eta'fl a's aW fiGy 1OYC0 Pleat ~of Appl.teaf. Pa Seat (I643C Miecat'r 2* Rat~ Rd Last 4an, horace' 176 25aa,ad a. to hfly rn 114 $l'!tatat SIMS Caratil tttSiflj Mist Armytrcnq a'l & WA JoAn tSlsstO*t A!flliiiCflQt Ii,t4s CN.tbafi 64 Ctat St. Cr.ct*tlaI. N Sussat POlO ILL 'srtOtGrt9asWW4t yfliday party Sc'. I'S ts.isDS.dt' F'-,&" tad *S4C -. F'Yi ow t%çn'aln to am~ ;~,1 nor al. 1~ a% p"$~ in IN
Naval tircipti go-tatcas Anton Guru' ten, Rsaey itt no. 1t424S )1V3 632)944 sosM3 55 10 I*$. Item O4 '.' ea'tcJat Sbc.. Asc'*u, Reg rau Jyras rd A' Ma1ms attic i.e. &qs. o a rA,'to"c '-S .51' M$ Aato&r It$4l'43 (.56 °yo.j: *3 Hu~.C-.~. Lsrgrwy. Carl tt,r* ( $,,afl,g. it'. 0323 76*os.t).C,'., As to Inc Itn l trQnia*tu HMS Rtrsn9i. 1531 tsr Ross 74 Yarou RI LSI.."4 r.sja. 61/413 C.'A s-'d .55In P*1' Srcr si4tralfl rot' r' ,o, cryy 4re ,so Son. SIMS Amanog. 1544: '#' 0 Utters' Ir 34 Maeco o. Coaloece Karl C170 2SC woJd iSs to reat 'so," oC
SIMS pltattsr tan Sans M.,no Ti tk0IS0S SoaSnucOCCaraoatMa 4!' 4 ,'-tcsflg V* UK dri 4.JSIIS4VW0'O54 arC nCsiAd rAt to "itt up 0d INC maist atc may Os allre'g We 'ssˆ'iØi We FewQOIW' FIMi t4Mtf0t2t&L.SIaw.,JSy1S4*Mr B Ron 20 5a.est rto,1na, 5tari Rd Sea ,,r~. SMtI55 IPt? 't to hai/ horn UN Id RA ØtWt4 ate .444 am"C .55. 11.5 SSiC nfl 104144044 aS ii Lu Haste JuSy 1041 by a SIMS Lt A.ctny. Itlir Sob lereu. I? Ma Way (ant CranIsad Wait Sunlit RtIt iOD (Itt 034? 32300,1 .o,.n ss To tea'. tsar' Dc.ry' Scott aria stenO *411 hi'I 11 rIMS R"'n5 ˆw lhty, ass 04*11.1 to L-ccI AchIiy ad '4Y5 W IsrTPQutil Bay nosCtrrt'5' 27EV .td 275W. SIMS St Ges. 154$, counpest.d cant HMS Gss.s, 1645 5."
i(( no.ra
', S'-.v' 17 Yap. A.. salty L.DcS 01431 Pi ac/_I It" *0 '4V !'o- era lc/ a ..4 105 *1 Q',.-/ j" ç.'c-j14-S a' Sayer A41-4 C.'ç4 O" atarI. Mo.gar' G.sqory ~Ion
I .
%4iu1 4
nM As~ 1164754 3dm
tyson. aS
Landis St AV* 3t41 V.tot3 A,flwutj ia to t'eas fro- Old IN0Marel SIMS Attn., Far test FAA rnct 43
Mass, 11564.541' Rca Cots 137 baa Rd Conn,sh s Cubs bassde. Cray'? Cr'S 1P6 Itt' Or2sa 01*21St *0.44 as to trusa Room strata,, a paracsr Gaco-s rIcinot. sOn PtOdy Dutca Dot. Moss sea Jots
SIMS Iuaron, Pus FRO Sn' Man (155455)r Ron Coca 137 Gus Pa C~ t, 0s.y. Oaaiat. Cia'$ Cr'S 5P5 (RAM 0241 5iflt5 50.4 Ma to 'set' Irons Old r. niiyn sn pm#a' Jack 1*011 Sari tttw' man P.M Piston inn Mo... Jan G'asS and Sot, hard. 705 LCPIL) Pba LI lets Lt Cm *J S PdsroIon Ctoesmassr 11 Cru.st.ttoa Grate Caste.,,,, Qrc 04-7 ISV itt' Cr raea-jrar $5m'. aOcaO Ma to mw tram P0 A LI Tarries SIMS Auston. 7 go MaiM: C 640*" I'. '.'a,wscs C-os. R.,c',-san tr't 04' , . 40: ', 7322 52'0' I Over
IM .ns 4tng O'o V 5d Dubs o St tis"nlo" &3' p , ii yeq5; qoaGi2 3,1,1 "as iso nanitd r"ocl'ae-'s ci tact a' Cr'e nataasr'ps tasari 0..' ".9 V's $açorWoHØWiardresa ."ç1nvs to lily *P0tOO'.s's assc-ss'on c' at trstmtec 0' We sos cr'oa"cs lIME CoRps. 252 Class. Sense Oust' Ion. 154611; Ctntusfl lIar 7 '!led Road No*~. Analcntd, ken 7424 WIN acr4d to trust ron anyone also tarred *it r~ two~ -xi,~ Boy To' C~'" W4 04*1015 aVG *15 5it1 0" a.WC,na* Ot SF'oflsy - Fee 1951 Marts brett lanes Nash: P U t4a't' an S Trio Cross Wmnrctcos Ca'ctei*u' (ties C07 $00 tsar 0206 527449) said tt5 .o tssat Pica, an1cna also WwsQ tar '-* Cool" and 0'."%t441 at a's flo,au Mar' tt it *941 a-Q4d IS HMS M.usablaus. Nt-nba-ten: Ut P Mr'sp Hart Pont 36 Wears, Road. Lows' loft, Sutton t.R33 716 (sat 0602 5611112,651 atad a. to star Stain ant~ aria sarvurt .sar 'n "s Acing latnetosary Cn..t (C sard iIq4) uq'.n 0,1521 u) doli* I/to IC i-arcs tab 1944-July 1915 ."lo 00 at"* . a'.d KM slaps Seetian.. Alan,,, Aturt, To*~ and Sal,atti (*521-441'. Met coin-CV
BLoo1s ; -
PuntS da.Is irons I oqasalt tn as add(es,s I .1's"t BIN). Boned a4 .. tit a tibias." nunptete auth plant Ic-at. frutar sad ait' 0*5 tti.ev
---a card. tl(lf\l'.fl Bt(M)%IS 111111. 0HS Sf 110551K I tR%t FRill. t'flffl)K5n) IKUnI III:rOI$ts £13
Nit Dstu6i'9n Cant tq eta t r.' ,,So * 5'S to tirata nc', lies" ir' rs'i.a' cr.'.'oc'c'ttr, ill P-ttrrV onfsrsaary 13 contactW A Wr.g?'I tt (award Pd. Hat"~ Watt S/cs 543 550~) 40t two Cans Gloss Contest Ass. (SIM$ ban' bit): T o'rnn,er',r V's Sem arwr,e. tart' 0 V-u oss a' '.05*5, Cn41 Kii'* by u'992 00 Fai5 13 194L7, 09 we ssioeat,otr my be roi&rcq a mn~, land runerribaftes wv-caon rob 10 II Dean hour Stan TsyW, to' Sates, Roan Wart. Nail, Was! M'stnanas Wvi3 300 10902 533tØl) tituS Bwgaa 1*347) As *4 'iotd Nts.r neat OM~ s' Inas. Ostadt trans 0 Burt ant' 313 Ortidy Rd Ducsnaa Sasa.as Tree 572 Øftj 0712 2410721 ItS Attire nut laO Vat nail tsuran', on Saps 1517 sstta to S dsstru'tud Coasaci Ce T'ns,aw Ran Ol3OS 775110w nsufl,tarsraa usc/starr, 0n 0,21 429 242* ) tnacaMa: .4 ted a Pest uls' at Ssfl'*ss on Much 17. 19 Dataa (von F on 0725 514570 SIMS Rebut, Punish &I. Tokyo INS: A tell lu&tCtn a's a.5.411 aI Carlo" on'Sn an' March 21 2$ Dstats Ocr I 5~"r on 02,26 1,145740 Ma)attitCat.donta Alan tilt Soya IPDtn.:t't?iiata&sdtustSuoOrca',dn',A Oft may 15 Data J" Dvok .0,1f, l,' The So.* CraiWA? 611 it' 0025 7I6I09 ' ', IIMS Pr'nbtsttar' u , '1 5 . ." at c' a 74" nciac lnt C
' nut', tm ,'CJe'tltlt..4Mt!'etti 'v,,,", S''r.tct':l'i 'n"t4'a',rIS,Pt&"4 s,.3 Ce 0.....5- Ot Ia 653 aos.ue .4 ri r' t' ''i, . IQa'. (,' 'a, ' ,*s"c'nt Pr'' 7a74 or, c- Clii an.' Aro'ç LaCO"; Slo' a' lat'r'n islaniy* 13349: Oau P,tc,,s Prcotagraphs soold he 54k steal Ste Nasty and OM ste Baa bTCn,c,attd torus., 3 Ntaconat Ppm la's na Lonnon Sadalt rsaattch' flc"a'd Tay'44 01 '5'rn joti tran 001 906 flS't. Saud M to t,tonntbnltar A,c-,,t Sands. W455*454 Irs.' "am i/ny04'4 *1.0 11b5 Ol about osa 5tf73 tilL list Q974 2566411 SOuSI Isa to SIlty and the in winch s'is'y no anqsi tear Icon, stcyar's .1.0 ma hate utnoen '.ot,as 555 (ne Beau~,.,[ P'r' Bradford eta' RNXS Jotutnut, lainbar I' F H 0arn 1 eat sirotrac as eta 0-Day optrastms. ad Coo.' atena Saqa". Pan aes Want PC F Cta'.s *toto maCalt "eta tie So G.an.oa9an 5512, *oud Isa -s cooy 01 ua slat t$a545 Corwnarnoaatcva War MaCat psys .taan$5 Ptst'nbe I PC San Otwoc Her" 5? A55.4 Capt A. llsdgs'a stolen seed: About Atari PI/kilo Pools 5812 5053 Itt' rate n't so Cad Alitada' Hadgs GC 5202 5155341 said dii to tsw torn any' ns'.uts Itt-Mn 'd 'us truousa arabs's woo lcd MW aita nsr'sr'.bss P0 Ban Dine. who is., soto 't' s,as pleimnitad 50 111,1 i row~ Sgt F Sa. 14 Squateas 1936 isIs StOMa' V's HO0Q4 4 ly"59 50 'sac., cloat. P'q 1.00 n'-C' bat A ttt Wpoongicas. s4sc' 0051 out 01 tht agc,slt on Juni I, &$40 5-04195 artaiast 0', "r'. 5'.44 5 l55'y 15541 UN alstsata4 Psitan. knra A 0 Rosa. rp SPit ,i pr.pa-.d to tntard 5* ow's 49 Plerccat Rd Daglenans Cleat RUB by n',arctsng the pore pap tot n If anyotrs 3W. sndsd Vs catnaSly and toaSt photo snoas in* aratsaboun at rn. saotd yiphsatVsgrew" oSSsˆgItD A u(rcet p'nsa contact it t SI'QQI SQiP: io and As s rna1, t,cn re aosa a t t0S',si ce 0343 412,61 0.1 a3$5 pass 04' to 'atat,.,t HMS, Qe, The vj taoSQ conenr.1. NM alwt Buff~ end CItswclt*, Aw ma, at RaThs" a's o'sPItfl9 to eutsOrsla Ft~ 35.4 ~At O"a Id PI4CI/ Ceoava SOt!' annnrsa' o' VJ day ad "LOS (and 75(0 APIS, am,S au to cr1501 OW 4..s~ .0 feature pecrtwnanlty Anyone nsaws also 'rat'ied *01 bin Paisat Sad 'rr, has s-S'S i pt1Otoapil S'Strta Or tnancs also 0-stt s,sddssv, a' Aug.'s. wacal n'sray 01 tree Oa,5 al C~, *v SIMS Anton, 1345, and Osaritary Mantrali :o-tact 0 flaoas 62 sto'ts Ca'rao St. I U &aract1 7dCts,rrct,Cyre L10404' Pe" Go-timed Lt33 55* ta' 0155 Ce*tti', C"en'saa Cr'2 tO) ntSl 0244 612311 by 3604474 so,hd 555 a pA'ctopaatm or cOl HMS p,flan ant 5.513 Atqusts C53t V Rattassonc SC (asln'ocd RI D_----C cs,nsdpn'Iacflslsç He s.OddettCMaFO Pear fin/n an 10nr4 aito brats or* earn Wa,, 3artanntla.sç 2194 Sov.tn A'.' , rt a pns. sIr Q,/'V.aty n'.aeoat p,,,n.'sg togae.' st'o'e riser. a-s c' oc'. wi Op-arias Stan.,. san Ocaan, s'.os a'no ao, '.4 tO Nay' 'cr u 1544: it Were at* t", t,rt'ng 'atas,a:t Of alto WvaC .4 01 *44 art' a'. "tt ar '.'rot t WI Cv.'v o' Saney rsi'O said aeecooaat to 'sat* an cotrnecwon. err' 1 -OR to hr'o.r "-crc a' Wit htSa'lrio'ats Cautter Crc,,,.' HMS Outban 5ay44 an ac cn,nstlanca* /1 we-.Ch he Vat Tn 545 it a's sn. pan us 5* tshaal Star, Sagapas it lu-roan OcsenonFsts lat III? and and.c St days at a Goose sry 14 1944 Wwass be"; trip oft Staid Baser at 1944 pjSS .r_ot,d to eofll*;t Tttiae Bans, PC Sot 365 5* M.cnsat j on Sea 4266 Raouot.c 01 A.g.,sla *005 14't 45 One doas Apt~ Lr$ ScrIP' Al," "91 O'Dty aiOn9I dir X>-4b" Dates art? .'r 04-t'sbon DtpOOn Itt ie"4rcqt on a', SIMS P5d,Wut,a. Ito sItIp at Lads tutos. taut coat, 05 Prance May 1945. PssaascP'r etto sntTundsV CI 13' toarn 'oqusst* isc*llacI.oni Contact SIMS Sw: On Jnrs II t9Ia ar Ca A S napt unaper WatnPgnd Past 0t'ca !,cr's'nai 15.23 003 ecrpa" as mo Q94a '0349: "4 7,'CO"*" 55.02" ".9 V.5 Ir5nts sit, 5 i'a' t' I 7"c,tI's a.'. heck HMS Magpaa and 5/-249' flsserz'em .rtç. It-at' t W'-v51, 'st,rna",jai o Ijonoals nac,,.sli .acoe4cy,)rs 53 547 Ac ' a 7 tn-oa'e4rft or it.,
r ! We INt'S a'n','cr,ad a', 's' qas'ed r ccentaet t/n D 'F sCay, 134 AsIa-cent PC! Wercsslsr WR3UZ (tag 0905 73793) - nor Sara'. oat one 04 the it wrnias t,t Pr' HatS SIsttptlsa, illS: Pa' rnwiqton Ca'Cos 0uicrt FIos4s, 1 Wins bad' Mini. At.ru'lqto#. t4Ol VajtIttrSbnO 54563 5044 n rasaarcrs,g Ut, rang a! HM Itan.psflt. it ISIS ott Mimics Hod s_ito *ticis told kncnarsn own usa*0444 as to P555 ROOM anwru *-bo "I %m-&l to No as nu tsoisI .15<11 Putv may, No" ~d it~ 04005* 01 sect's $resalcna o. trot,, Isle OttV ecutas Laiwas 10 Ps, Ptnese4 ton I/oil ~be us. tegra 01 ts5Sty itch can ha pest to We ocean and I r postddu, 5tS nsc person atw ' story 5o4 Pant VIctor Alamo: Mit Cscs-a Tnna 55 Vosloon Are, iiOr'.nl,o'n wa-st '-"01. TW342Jlual 061 57241001 tot/Gaily tar iron snyt'. eRa Moat of 5* tamer., aontn at Irate Vctat Aasna RIS eel qtasu: Gent's Stetaru Qooo Pa::a P4aoa'numlo 12. 41100 tiIndvta tI cljn, .0.1154 Quid to taco 1~ Army W4a disGust Ot 5t'5'. .sO.'W"n"tsO'abes trudans NW RN aat plaonan SIMS Adamant Car.lcctt, lIlt. .i Starts 33 Swam Rd ~~r* Ker,'i Ut 10 I 53, eotrtd tat 50 tS' r0' t-ny0"s 500 IS a bar 04 We AN Ovr'n9 *9IVW at we tt"s ntr.cr ,**Mad an a't<is s's o'tto aar Of W" ~1 ~ afar" on 5.5 a-rIco bolt s,in I si.onra'ta p'opat t.itDsn"rlsO tin a c'ata Ronald V 0. Edpar 5' 0 (çar 2 cey Las WS5Ia4Q Sactc'o URIS 3&it worn isa to tsa' h4'r ancya'.'e tro 5,0*1 OS t. lsre Ro-'ato V C Fopar I'. Art p110*0' or EVVS 210 ~ 2~ and Would r~L he 'ritornranon aown no lam.' s nsaa, CItes t4M a/spa Srasnla. Mann and Cong. need: It 11051ev 1151 0705 S25071) wotii i5 to P455 lion. an,ot'cs arc 715040 &57q5 Ion t-ss abc'.a "treonid than
R~ Chow~ tpo~ 01 oh to PART omc.(lwr.41): (stWTR Ls* ttan Vii Sir The fcod Lute ltaotsans Nt War, lIsle Stilt 2AY tat 0279 77 150*0.44 Ma to Rear from P0 we" Vanvs Raa Uasa4sa "' Joan '.5 Harnunond wren Wrustat bent, Seal Wa"Oa Swat and all* dl. C0 Wti.a't 1511 (vIM. S,au 0545" van PC'tot~, Pet.' Gatatr.a asS Ssrrard Varsa Woe.; Ted Chavrion, Men Cot, Irate Franen am Ants.' Row-.-" at was *$A~ Curty Mass, Tarry W*~~ Jaca N',,rn I/to br, ace' o,e4rs ot naw'qn at Pull 05.00 SIMS vg" tv pay, Q~. OW. C.. CPOWTR Jacs Saason, P 'suM /96495 171 36 S"a3i,h.tott C4tu4. Mss~ Cat-~a ACT 7607 AuttiaM a Itopaig to es-i ma UsC as., *""&*~ stan Iesto n'aai ,p ar,orissi-Wnar' n.CP0WTP6ntBs7., silo ,'oatc .it sro.n '.eng r, (45W4t a"M uarr"a rats ii nsa Roy.' Mayan. flartacris SIMS 'St Vateant, Anton 94 [nn. My IS, 1564 Am Sr'.o' PQ So. *42 Dta'ac A9c/I IYa'a" 31532 C-,t.,.d A.'ˆ* ac,'t
'dip'i..,.r. £15
I'l I tM. sF51)
I-. 5%
I rnslo'.c t'tte'qo.c/P.O. 01' &.. ... ..
made pasable to 4. or urtli Ilk~
Patron lies- Majesty The Queen
AlSO. tic Offian' Chasnabic Rind SoósI tdHosnbç. is open *o all Smug and Retired Cammsnwnd Oman of the RN, PM, WRNS. OARtINS and the, R n Panted is 1425, ARSOn pusan pajnc is to st Members racludung memben) with van and bwnrtca Ilasowy Mceten (the eaton ce, from the pnnce.th of Ia asS ebab tiaraS LI ethitos, ahcren, their n a aced (ajar the financial ads aatagaa .1 .tce&rthip fnetabIr exceed the annual subsarputon 1110 pet Misuse 01 £150 lot fAr) sad include 'Haste tnnbase lCOCIOut cash passea tush stortpc and anS Late AL~uta~~ And compct.ttac con%caPcia$ tnt AS M.ebsrthlp sn up to £30 pet yctr 'Itgal & MedIcal ('ans,ha*$s.. ni (see at tnoqrabk salts AT~Dftcanta of up to 33% in a aide taage of acxsucca includiag instance. nsscl. mcducsI. pcactkry. a innand man more A List at Members ard * Year final ste ,nujd, and AR'.0 crgani'a kcgruaal Secial factions And map holidarn, a list ni nscaebcrs macWade thu would like to each~ hears foe habdayt 'Serial Iattaheetlasa Mail ndirectl.sa S'4ards sod inJure den (or sale 'a.ARM) credit card. Fur mcmbcnhp apç'lrcat.oo font cnsplrtc the (i'lk.w,.g To
is CS
rca at*ys'V' a... 10 s40" a".'re'tan4 reason it Cue' Rotcra,,rr' ''aInratait It tintala Ps ,yor,as ,envsac r sea an Ca dt"i. LOT7 Waist Pan, Prsnoa.a. ttacs P1 Pa-4190e P40CC5 Chat tan' Pets tma', Sot. Crnp-on Al =l=alom asS 540,,,.' Putunat NMS Sasitu (1551541' Mac Itoa,te 51 Caine Si (n~. 'Iotsno"snr SGIS 3GW stat 0773 7~b, wood bib* to t~ lion' o'.d tl.0t'aWa as ttflcutsl Sin~ Snow, test trean Pons~ ama, east Mavian Jones edo's at Ostron, s ptp miser leçns Ceneoi SIMS Suttot 11641'4S1' P Pno'i Is Grss'.vse P.ik (It CIatIon Cain COIS iL! (St 0265 421233) naiAd *abet~ from esASs Sacy 'Full and 3 Laia'aut SInks 4* A/vtsos Appranlcea' wtwr,tns sotia she to how 0%, N (I Barraaa 6 V F Barrow J S F Ssj V 5 P Cons 0 Cooose I Darn SI Glen C I4anin C) S SIstoeri, 3 lay L 3 Va5. 3 MA5,A to 3 PPaS1, P WPwssi 3 ( S Stcrss,C P Tutnlar.M L Warn asS A U Watt Contact Goat Ct. 7 Harrst,atd Pd. Oraytor' "~,In P06 inn çw4 070$ 3553531 tars A*tantugs. Wnouontsuoc Docks, Aviwasa: ja'" staoo Ill Roy Crascsst ~Cod elena Stows. CIA 3ˆ2. Caned ncsttd A. to ret' 111O 00 SIMS $ahahuay ($542.4,4 Mae (Lelwry, Lar-a'C Rot, Con~ NO~" Cr4 745*'c, Wilt 9trta 'pip Ia' 07s4 e2S57s a-oslo 1* to N04, !,C-, o'bd ,.,p 75', "sits 'c pa'hC,'t' '5
,'SA K
" .
,n ( j VJ\
C P4ISC,,.-5' P slo(*tnt Uoan SIMS
Daswç Wcsrrd Oar Curtsss tram HMS
27' 5
. Pier,, ad v't"'slss st oaniasa' Pant &" West Bi;s1 tla't' ama JOrcn Ma'r,-. a,. ft vs. en * na,,',c/c NM api SanSI, Csa,sr, Ftanq,aa,d. Got ttort, SIartlund, t,a.sdguatd, tslworltt, Satsnaat, 'ty'nano and wMnay 41541-44)' tt ay t'ra' wttd -, rot..- us Coast Gnarl tuIis'r i'd ta 'sot a"ssCp "s"'cbtt 05 5* Cutlets Attia*.otc conhacl Jun 6rins $3 Gem~ tans, taOs 1517 ItS slat 0532 737743t - rq.ytsst /t y555 ham ii P,ruuoo'Ooçt. as Sap~ amen
I. Si. P. Coontbcs RN. ARM), 70 Poycba*cr Terrace.
I.uadon W2 3'!?. Plate send mc details and a membessbip application Form.
FIFTY YEARS ON, A LOOK back a the wsrtkns oprflons of the Royal Navy half a century ago this month. The focus 01 the war was Shifting 10 the Eastern theatre Opera' lions to Cleat ff44 Japanese from Burma relied heavily on support from the sea, and Royal Marines Commandos enhanced their tone record, The Fleet Air Arm pounded Japanese installations in Sumatra Ub00ls Were Still operattng In UK Coastal *01515 but, With modern craft emerging from the building yards in significant numbers, they achieved only limited success. unecs - V's 'St anna nati brista n cr'a P'tc.pat 0*5555 ausd tarn pteis as Vs. eti 3. Assault on Akyst.. Bsatra 3r4 Corn21: AsSault on Rants 15i4114 'dIICdoRM tstartd H'.! slreia Aitt, Paso Ftannngo iPiPis pate it at oçaILlsrttupiean Cattle Naosr Pethlatos, il-ants liii t114sftaji.sr Napes Prasos Ot,aan [Itabaur Raps Reopen Roerwstocent 'Once Stascayrns N$5'4 an4 $0a, 'nt srn.ps t4n,,$ ad 4,tqctontnt "''o~. Patbra'ot, Radon t'to Ra sans ti tty Ott thou Roes 4 At tiWa on 04 uutnstst as Pa.sq.a'a'i ti'a'nan &an,atna, 15,5 Sos's oat 657 2?: Atl4/t on' u(a.'iqjs 5sfitrtiI 3 Con' "'I/toO 0.940+ CIV'. y!py ,5n'rn4 1,4 Na' 507 591 1770, 1334 1534 1534 15.54 MV '5" P1 Ln401a59,jDr5 Ir'4oslat*4 VCW'ous bada tIMYL I 416 Slit 354 555 597 A'Vr5ut Stack Pr~. Caiuor S-"o& and 21,45 Coo PM So,;"? a .'1 scan" char 0esl'O's't 04 P.s 2S5 atd 27Th 1'ygs cant 's"s a' Ft it, Arr'os.nsn Ir, S S An-'atbovt tano"qs be We VS Fotct-r 'on orates; p'a aO.arca .-ma 5t0Cac5 , t "Ga_s Cute Pnsn tests 5j 24: Peas,,' a surst- 0'. a',;Ma AuslraM. Wtrai.tsr'45 Gateevan. '," cosriaa. Parting I'AA sort 520 $19 Sb? a, 4 Ws"egc 'n anundorl 647 594 tYPO '530 153.3 534 *574 7 0patttornt n Karagnan Roar, 64jns.' 19111111 54-4 sty is'pi unoonussnus nasSau ,r,,t sti4s Jianfla alsO Naroaca HMM4-5 tItrianoja '/tltottut k/SQ Cr 76t , 529 V Arcousattt Sacs Pviro. (ca'yatuy 'C I?: tint taSnaass Keg~ nia'ia by 'rars oaswouint a' r', 7'5 ad 27w' nose,, ue'n Cotta Atsaui on lJ,aaon 6,irr'a Iil.lt Tsr.c t,eaat Cs*n arid Lt~) Rear, 5- 5tt Jtflt I'd **a'.Isada tuOUL 12a5 S,,oararasi SI.4Gy ltd Jetty A.nn Sat i!r,flJl 454 a7 Coo At.' ad I Coo Arm, PRO,---we saib"aaee tanctflfl 0,ercanstas, laitetoad 04' 170 104 35 Pj4 Mod it I'yttsy n5r'<I Cast,' a(a'1ll altis at lives ttlatks Spuc'a 's"'.'s t*'i. LI 1051 01 A c_dat at say 15", Batte ol tta-raa US~.- 41fl.954 ,5r5 t 44 10 Gtt'0 r "In is"- mu one's- bait. at sia arias bsitd 'SOar HIM slsps Stqs Meal, A'asanu)5m4154n ~"I A~~sat arid Tytst tans a II?? oIl Cnnou, Pa-on Cr'ao,.j uniatto Ba.'ru Dim yhçs Am**,, Itirra. Nuacara *5' '4155Trns'a esoonearns. twt44 $tr sn a'son Po4Ce, Pads' N.rria a, c,laBt o i'm C'moa To~ an pn trtjS R604 Soey acat ienoq trn.q Out 5o,4 '.5044 29 S.c is is on Pasvang A rstal C' Is Hint Jr4'5 A*50t5t1 HIlt tOC Crag oc*tanaan 05 74 January n}a PAR~ sad Suanrig sans U,462 31 :A rrsrvcnabta oat. for 42 are 44 Con' mm, es aPt ttecnAan.%tr Punt.sI5 Deta!ft'.t1 ena'Sos PM to' Site pan is sit t'angaa ,i%u5 Crcc"rnsi ssra it, tj-997 Oft Rota It"' RAM i','Dtt'sn.'s Paceu sq 'eust ., Car"paap' ''sir':.' S's r'scI'ct", ri :'.rt"a'r a' 'T'ats'i Stir, Aunt' Navy Sty Up Day
2 u.rsct plc/'9 tn-I-' , Crtra'tr 17 C-sian u,t114 t49',as1 (It tna-cnc-fls ltd tondorn 741 'O'D Hats Dater, 1543 A tanan.on *01 505" van. mi'ss.at sAC tre'4u ad Ce hall at Uren 0.1St iron, 41,; 544n45 Macsay. 54 Macraw Place. NO- Farm Lot's, kcstsas noes Xii 7(0 LIT e'ld Lardltg CraP Asast at nod mae aras,.at /aU'%On Cl Saltdakr. Suuus. On May B' 12 DaIaay at Sit aasOC'&tOl std rwatenw Ms Ore~ ttttr Clod non 59 Reytoas Rd tos' 5aII #3 OM is4 0473 110???; HMS Am~ Ass.. s'S 5505 V'444 SI~In itt-on on we how a! W.oItI is Oct D.lan ltp.tn tar,, Saayar. 4 Vca.a Rd~~- LaOs t526 SIMS Laandasr se Sold Us 12th retest, a1 5*, Royal Flat Cite Monet 5s baton, PO", Pry.r,c,nt or Ata 5 bateau on ban. "5' *10,4 2Sa HbdlnQjØn P4 Stosa Ptyos. our'. P42 CPU list (752 5e2973j SIMS Wnodondps Nina, Matit...ooast Calrtota,alCn (I %5'STf Iw.-e. ./nçrtsatat 'i,4 10 a. n'St"9 10 slatS a tssr'-O', d41'dsd Co"ltCt 0 S's"oa 0. 0953 11207 SIMS Otecauns 41936 41) sal Pe'd a'.. snrtsaar Isvfts% at We Royal Pash Clt,C Qa .05*4l0r1 ad'. Ma1 147* bsiaat Iran. (ts,a (.ant, 3 tast Vean Pa, Savanons konrt 15413 Jott ila'. 0732 a55454t SIMS Dscu.tuswe Ann. at Pod as 53'd a'unenwy on~ at Royal FA~ c;'.e Dero-oan on Apil It If. Grads '.'cnnsstoanp 3ConnntaaCton (rat-'t1210. U 2PA tel 075? Ptrmouttt 754 Halls Watelarta flat as inc conaetailnuts) n's hood lIst Ward 'ssr'tot" 51 tInt Royal Fec a De.ourpart mc Match bra-e3 *,em Ray Wtniw.gion 1 Ovnt ttt.aCh I45a Ct%flnjttie Rd tanvan GsI 1.14 lIft 5r5'. OM *2 Cdl PM. MT SIcken 11599121' n 4nO tea tIed man al ~ "&A FARM ~ 00~1 P~ on May 27 De. lean han P A Nuns. 26 Iaotkwds Way. Ptttroos Wa$4loo,is mets P07 50?, 1110 01705 2624771 IW4S lions: will stod nsa' a'VMad utistn AI lbs Royal Sates SIccrna D.C Paulamoos, on March 25 Dean Worn Rag Gad. 5-nit, 20 ttarns. Qa, LoRan. Sour~. Ian 500 3Ps e' 0105 302927p SiMS nor~ Caplaut (0) Xl S t {15'4S1' The unni.rg DI 5 1551 cannv*. MW." Its Sunganor. ttflr'ds' s.'d ths usrd at re, S.wsd World Wansell ala ptacs at FtOt4aIsanI at $.w$nt.t Sans s a a for are-at to 3o SS'RerI. St Tatnjr& Pan. dot. AM~ k'n91 L y- Noltot P(36 Fail Minelayer* Lean fSoullt teal we. ts.sI Pettier it it Branctil 's t 64an Lug.on CAj4t Diagarri Pd, go-" ton. LaO0n on an 31 Oate4n ft~ Ps1 Maca, 49 Wang Pd rIOteCIS NP? 9111 t 0603 374524 HMS Slain Say Alien m r~ ~era, Ilk~ at a's no, 5'. $aaor s Plan's Csao Pons~ cas Usnch a Dean horn GeaR N.grsnasØis 744 G.'a He Coda' 009* t$t'sS '44'0t'nd SIartS HPt 3s,D Itt' 0442 634051 SIMS Was'nacs "c cya'*cban *411 tnt 450?' v"nr'sa"p CI ni', n7yn5 aI ttVs ROyal Chairs. to War-It S r*.~ For " traits 's-I Os 'ad "c via,~ on Much 242$ Data -t "on' A 3 Cola' II Vontagits no Wane-c. Cv3a st NM, Iacli Sean Attn n° 'o'd lt alsn'uum 's'.r'-on at Pa:~ 0' 50442123 Oota,t hoer, .JaSwc ,nmtUn 47 A*bu'y Ac I'iastc'r At~ bayou' 10t2 INS SIMS torn. (1642'44t: Wt; tsfl'4 a tss,rion on *Aa'Ct 21 25 Ocu:r Iron Pen 5o,cl on' 0707 295453 p. La-s Os's" 0373 Sˆ24'
IT WAS back in 1918 that Bs)l Hensby (bottom right) and his fellow Signal Soya from HMS Battiam stepped into the studio for this group photograph. Almost 76 years have now gone by and Bill would dearly love to hear from any of his shipmates pictured above or from their relatives. Contact him at 5 Segrave Close Weybridge, Survey.
Time to raise the flags
4 ----'-::---'
"-- -.
SI N I L tOhitili t%siflfliflg niicrc '-car ago. 13<-shill-onc'j branch now boasts 1 IS tnctirbcrs and has jlrcads dedwaird its standard.
S's -aF
(is ci201) slicpitrnit-s and iiCsi'. ahi<-fltktt die scm .rc in St recrs ( hurch, conducted to lime Re's John 011011 1 hose present included R4r Admiral SI (tilI'mn. president So Area. Miss Kj% Warrinigton. Sat iuncjl ( ojiintl niçr.iticn - acid the tkput SIjor Al the pjrade sthiith lolIotted there "crc 24 standards lepresentifli hranche's iii the Ala. the alute being taken h' Adhratirh curt-is on the ltritli S1nicda i' hit- mouth [go the SIt'rni:d Rt-smanuramut. Silk. tile I oii:liIçs IlenItill _mmccl tel. 0:1cc-. net In. cccl.
Eli' "
ill be file RotI AlDen lijil tildli, ol Another oci ion when %I3n"Ill proide djtd' kill be p.ii3ded .end pos i njto io the h1 .rg.iiii uhe next da . if tonlil ui- ,id and i plris ill dednc ncdoubt. they ,1I flioiii age do the A'oci-JIion proud. One such exciiion n to e in Pilk on lji i AI Iiidi I judji 1. Ii c ççii in lied, in 1hc
Avid staged 'pet r-
\1.. IijcI l'ji It'i hti OiiiC ulit}ijDk' d ti' ia uhii -cuts 1ournjuiicul
I tic- high csieCtn in Whitii hr sljtidjrd twice.,, arc held is ,eth lcd 11% dim '0
retell cd floral (iii gin I uigiISt)uI. l)ir, lm OI iii I 131.011
Ro al Tournament I FIOIIfh tier 'l is tiLe ieJd ei-i liii. ;i. he his extended, in ill' I! 11011 to ha' IlLe 550tiJti01' sljiidds pjrjdd on juI% to
on O loDen
Brid part
mine host . .
MEMBERS of Bridpo;1 branch join officers and men on ]he locsIe of HMS Bridpoil during a "magi. car day or board. The visitors, spent a .y at sea in the mine counter. measures vessel when she made a goodwill call or
hi flarTie Sak town Thanks to her commanding officer. It Cdr Sean O'Reitly - at the front with Mayor Roger Draper .- the guests spent " day at sea watching helicopter displays, and discovering
no* modern mines are deactivated. They returned the splendid hospitality when Lt Cdr O'Reilly and the ships company joined the brunch lot a Remembrance Day service ashore. It was held
Unique setting for standard la,.-tug-up in
OU-%cn-oid l,rd (iipci of' St MAWS. 14r1%uol. the p1citdid ,.citing br Rite 4 ol %0. Area standard. like RCN, Kj Kiecr. rca thap1iii. j ntrd h% AidideatOfl Yi,itIiatiis oiidurrd file service. attended b1/4 130 ship 11131-c'- led b ATCJ puctdeiii Stiipmac iIosaid icilciics the La'.i Post ;acid Rc%cii!c 1111-.
souudcd h%
bugle.. t
'i,iSt0fi -si,pei-.\laic c'a I .4d I unit acid allct tlic -sr!SISC 1*1 bran& ii entertained ~i,iltii, and pnc'tc The ( hapri ot St MAW, fine resliit pl31.C 1111 nrc tiipidj,d the hapri jthia 1 lhoijsj rids of isilor s. .i rid is I 0111% IIIIC iii ih
is the ctliis,. oiii11inI1jILt
1/4OliiIti S
11% of 0.11. pro thu 0iilt0O
hi' Itt_mit I s.n-s 131J11 ,11 01 11e 1 \ A 011 10 'hi proj irs ,u .mt bi.n l.. t Sn. I .!. ' iris lot the generous supprit
gis Cli
i (hr dedi. mhtoti at 1
I sws I Ak stjiidjid \\ 1111o lii,-...pport cspc ,ills Ds niatcs of flrm.ntrc-e bijnnh. ii i,iilit.eh Iii' dc-ill,Jt;T,nt t.tutl c t_.ei p.
Ludlow It--: CJ.i:.,:
iisIi liii ii SS JIlttit li al () 'htpniaic-. n clii ;i ed b (in displa; siaiidjid
I he 'ci ic 04' uitil th n-lie c, (tIia.d 'slij-.'
Ii ,, It-jp!atii. and the saIrt: ml the limil~,11-pi,m Iii, Liken (apt Jim KJSIIe. the (.cot,,: .1 Sci icl.mt' o otirpaiiied h iii Cr
I ruin. it -Alter uh teremonic.hip. hiatt-s Afforded built-1 uceep lion at scInt. lt the giLests induded die 1r I Iiristoplirr <;ttl MP. and nierubeis of the local radio station Sunshine 955 uIiu sponsored gibe stan timid A lhj.il. %OtI to all thu g.msr tiJp0iI t-speialI Sliipnitc Shpil I a .sacd. the lidis sCntitlii .iiid tiiç .i.rid.mc ii hearer
cr1 "cc It
C 111411
set in C 'I' tine r, litni. Ii of Si John the Iu mngclist. ktci n edition at the Nw lduiton 01 the Bible skis prescnied. on hehilt of (he' hrinht. h' chairman, Shipmate Stan iShirii l anon right. To S I S cIicti. thu .ondut-td tire sc-rsi.c-.
Cork k.legibber% mourn the loss of
apt Paul I. hrmsssc KS he(d)
a lirls'.
orkei lot .iaaI
StonCi' in live area
I)imiciig time Second lahararld at he st-,st-d in ItSIS Sbdit-l. took p_ri-I 111 gibe C%Jkkijtlolb 01 " ICIC. And sa. toipedo officer iii lIStS Jmniji1j when thu S,hjcnl-corsi wjs 'uirmk star, The %,A% ( ill Ahem tin
It Peel
liNt ., Final
dim in the Isle at Stair jilt-lid-rd a 'ncr i.e and ssit-alh.l.t-, mg . ereircoin organ istd b I ticbiant ii iii lionout at t apt )"lilt
ri'rnnr'c,,lrI 01 lISts \ ict.'r% and f:c.i1 ''at4Eiuif Shajisnian,
Sidcup I Jt' Trials I iSiii'T K\ acrid[. iOmtlicni, of liStS Klljst stj mit tqru,Lcilir is iii" hrmrich
and .IJ
flock to
9'4:i M \ R IS U itOih ami 'i'ar of VT. $)it,. arid VJ Da. ihi ar l0IflI .S to b a ' tniage on for and an ctrcmcIy bu one parades and crmonic tor hipmai. espeerally the standard
I 551 'tR\
-s the tIit jt public
St 't%'
1318-lfl( harge of
the Ko'.,ni
I c' tort \,m. _ lire last British o1h.'n to hold time post.
Redruth &
C It) icpta m staittlj:d b:;r time hranh had Pin implicit) w ii Cli l he 11,4111C of a chur.lm .oidte damaged jut-u. during a set'. i.e It is no'.s re-plan cd b a nest siandmid snhrish wjs blessed in
SI Anidues'. - ( hun in bt tile Re Ruth I he uric henri a
lkedi uth
challenge BECCLES branch is not slow to accept a challenge, but to take part in a boat rice covering- a distance at almost two miles is a daunting prospect To ensure they survive, the branch has enlisted the help 0-h the local- Sea Cadet unit to man safety boats and heir necessary administer reviving agents such a$ rum. Fortunately the race Ii not due to take place until August. so members have plenty of lime to gel into framing and- show The Royal British Legion, which issued the challenge the sluft 01- which they are made.
t II I )'' i'.i :. lJlnIc',anIni. 1 tnltlCn p: cc-, 'tiiipnii1C -'cli I onisd3k at I ku le% biantli tool the arm.iCull moult- OF St James iii Spain and .tallcd Ir,nt Ronsess jilt-s in the Ps rent-es to the cathedral of' Santiago de- I aili-pust-cium Ihe' 400-mile trek stlii.h lie onripletcd air three merk.. rinsçd iiiounl3iijs, s tricjrds _msi plain', and scoodhartds will. on ci ititIrl stihis nil llui,nij',lCmiCs 10'n hilt'. Arid tori'. Intl.
at St Mary's Church alid conducted by Navy chap. lain. the Rev. Richard Buckley, -A White Ensign from the ship was presented to the mayor II will now hang in St Mary's Church.
Picture: Dorset Evening Echo-
biatmoti to uumjnl, (tic airnims ci stars of I ral_mlgai It "j% attend ed hs p-cesnnhlcl iii KS am: ,station I umldnos- jun Ii n'iids Ii: ihe anna Blackpool & Fylde (user IOU shipmates repre senting branches hino-nigIioiit So 10 ea mttriidt-d a spen at sers Ice at St John's (-I birch to mark the 40th annnt-isar% at the Commissioning 01 liarbttmnilt 'St tilt- st-u \mc. rmiid,i'. ted hI juiuii Km. Iramd licipes hi_air I: hapl_uin tile lillpac,%b\c L11, pla'- 01 stand_rids mu, hnidctt horn our-n-c c\"s.'m .4s'.nm _,t:ni:is
ciiunttur OPERATION niPmuut .. -P_mtI 9
nu h"bsrn a'. 5 d(J I11. (b P"(J M40 5~&L~ apsoik RuItiJtm COOrOyt, gal Of AllantIt-. Op Toch wtd m.1r' in tn- fats ccl ,''.'tui (.k,!, c Oi'-'n. In_no', .Vr( Lilt Ire ,,OUR x N.V.T,C, BECX HOUSE. ESCRICK, N.YORKS Y04 6JH (0504) 128239
Plymouth 'tICulitLers 1:,, :c-d ,, 'c- cii .rc: at tim' Rotal I tent t Itch in lint:: Oni iii tiLe I ud M_rnnim . their 10k it patron. And the I ad'\1J%OLe5s. I he guests cmi. kid aiim limo mnig braci.- ii pit-side iii done' Mi.Itjeh Juhr*su'ii KS ciuccnihcas at the RSh amtnl 55 K NS 'cnsonlitmoris And n-epic sefltjtit cs nt Sjiljsii hiatt, bs tIrnim \'t .m ic ,n_ii liamnitc_, Taunton I cc niciciinidmiig Out-, II'cl\ -5:1 Kusjl. apt icc: I ummn;hr,un nsa'. gimesu at honor. a: tILe hiarin hi". I tatalgat don. ales, deli;iiiniig 'Jr plilates k.. RE! iii it c%initt 01 lilt- oil board In apples iaumori 01 Ihcmc 1O;),-\ccs i.e to Ilirbrink Ii utl_rtes R Shirt ii. i,,Itamrmiiari nid K P_rmn e% - I '-ii C".lI_rmi hit_itt I cseie pre-'eflIe'd "- mlii Itt,' dims .mig It'.' cn'eimihc'mshmp c'- cuing. SIt-orDers also .mtlenidrd a st-i' n.e in bite I tilled Kior in " tttirch. condo.ted tis the Ken Roman Kick 1h,nmiinhi arid aura siandards ,'.ere pardd
A wide
range of garments. badges, eic available
Contact our Navy Rep;Rachel Creek c.. beg
Freephone 0800 616889 Free catalogue available
Ports-mouth,Ilants,P04 8SY
ri ill
Rodney Road.Fratton Industrial Est.
log ")
MAIL ORDER from she e )
r L
Individual garments with YOUR ships crest can be ordered from the ROYAL NAVAL MUSEUM TRADING Co.Ltd. No.9 Stote,MaIn Road,HM Naval Base, Porismouth,Hants,POI3PY ,'c Tel 0705 826682 for information.
'FWS. J \Nl
CHILTON CANTELO SCHOOL i.ov11. soii;tsi.r u:I: (0935) 850555
I t-rinlv ke (
Prep: fL289 Senior: L402
thuitir4 i)(fl (lIi(l Icx1rcii:Iq .1 i 18 ijeW 01(1
u alli I. .r\hr ii FM ui S I 'rJiip .uid .i . ph i rd.. i. j(ii)ii AI tts Ihir *IH)hr .1 1'.a115e jrridh i iau,liuiuv * I i5pWft o 11A vl' k)erJr, * iu.tl i d' ! icIiiii lit liilir, * I hi l .iiul.i d ..nd: :, 1.11 Prospectus and further details may be obtained from War nate: School. Church Street. Warminater. Wfltabre, BA1 2 8 PJ 4 Tel: 09R 213038: Fax: 0985 214129)
r1r:u ---A
Ku ~1
Embley Park School A gr9tUEtr rc.vrv t: tilttllUdrv,
Independent (o-vd Da)JBostdink '--4-hook Prrparalur: 8II Senior.. li-IS lwre pupil. athreie"
Romsey, Hants: Tel: 0794 512206 Fax: 0794 518737
FOLLOWING on from the successful Action Pack programme launched into schools four years ago, the Royal Navy has announced a further support to PE teachers. More than 96 per cent. of secondary schools take part in the Action Pack programme and, as a re*.utt of extensive research among teachers, Action Ac rogymnastucs" has been produced to enhance and develop the original programme. Written arid devised by practising teachers in association with the British Amateur Gymnastics Association (BAGA), the resource aims to meet the needs of teachers and of FE pupils aged 12-15. In addition Action Acrogymnastici offers a range of extracurricular applications in areas such as after-schools actwi1ie. gym clubs and leisure centres. Many of the gymnasts involved in producing the programme have represented Britain-: the materials therefore cover routines that can be used effectively in schools through to international level. The comprehensive package comprises a video, a teacher's guide. five posters. 35 pupil activity cards and 4 Sample merit cefl,fiCit. Available from spring onwards, one pack per school is free on request to The Royal Navy Education Service, P0 Box 94. Poole. 'Dorset Will iDA.
& iL:&I)IN(;
We offer:
in a Caring. iJillil) atuumplterc
At hli Ro.il A1ik.Likll.i .ind AlticlI Si liuuil c pros ide .t happy- and slhic rurirrinincut arid an excellent standard of education kir girls arid lxs between 7 and 114.
Founded in 1751%. our S& boot is managed 1oinih wilh Surrey F.dticaiion Authority And it:ctjttini4)d.Lic, 500 pupils Entry is usually (x1i cciii ad 12'
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FilIphasis is plcd on deseloping, i.hildrcn's individual qualities within :m lrjmewcnk of a gtwxi 'ajndaid of eijucahion. Our lees are iucred t, Ow Sericc's Boarding School allowance and include the provision of School uniform
developing the individual make us an increasingly popular choice in the West Country. '.1 vrisrics SHO'i1.
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For furlher ,nfotmifliun. pka'ac onleci; The Admissions Secretary. Foundal ion <il licC, Royal Alexandra and AItwri School. Gallon llmsk. Reigale. Suneu R 1l2 OTW
Eel- %Iemsthani (0737t 642576 Fai: (07171 6.42294
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BOUNDARY OAK SCHOOL Ruche Court, Wickh.am Road. Fareham P017 58L. <)l*XA1IO-%l NUl*KYrrvd PItt l'APATOKY'IkX)1, r pul9 a kS ctms l Is içds a8 BQLJ4)ARY OAK 50-lOOt. lu Fi5 ~~bad $5 1S l 51* t'ca 1918. 8o.'id&y O ales day ,ø~g liv toys (3-13) id e ax! lldiç fl ao$ Ol 2y bdfi (7.1f) Sm e no. apid (3-8) rusatog u mene to ki 'Decals Cl me 5cfl's nwiy escaIS teitea aid 01w Ostals vldtsg Malei.c and Scticdashps nsa be orsaried by tphYiQ IM a free fWOSf*TSA toni Fie Hena9& ii ne iots 65 by W*vi (01329) 280966 or Fax (0 1 3M 8276%, ft~- 0Sc1ioci Trust t
East Street,
G.S.A. INDEPENDENT DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS (Aged 4-16 years) Entry: to infants by interview. To Junior School by assessment and examinabon, To Senkw School by Common Entrance. For vacancies contact: The Bursar (0329) 282356 A ;rigusi'eved edtat,cw1& ChiiittibIp ;nir
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St in over 30 acres in rural TiichIidd Village - three minutes from Junction 9 on the M27
Eiucelknt Academic and Spiwirog Results. * 11iriing Full-limc Ek>mding Section * Purport..built Music School. epirn(c Art and CDT Ccntns * Two Fully Equipped Science I. ttiorali,riec ind Cirnputt-r Centre * Full-sue MuILi-PUT~ spell.. ftill * 2S-mire Indoor Swimming Pool * Fsciling Dramatic Productions Farihr information and prro;irr-aus/roni thelleadmaifrr'$ Sccresrzrr WEST !lll.L PARK SCHOOL. T/TCWF1F1J. FAI?EIIAM. i'014 4RS Tel: Oj29M235h (kri Charity 307343 (1i5t to rdirutzir i-hilrtrrn)
ON BOARDING EDUCATION Choosing a ooa:ong school is one 0! 1h molt clue..! declions you mall. as 4 4rsnt hi hsr.hor, important to u-nd.rtaks C3iIfii* ICICCICh and like 9000 coy" to Sniull Shat true SChOOl will be suitable hot your child. You are ,-onqly 50500 to talk miners OvSf with your Educituon Officer. Most Education Centres also hays a rings of flsiplul publication,, and some are now equip with 5 led phi mpUi.r program~ wtliCli 4 a volt~ aid to shordrsting More apec.airar -iCvi and comment on ~Ate can be -obtamnd Irom eu S.rric. Chuidrin, Education Authority. Schools Advice Section. which maintains a comprar*rnara Dank oh ui'fOcmabOri on bolrdrig ,cnoolt, Write to SCEA, NO DQAGC, Worthy Down, Winctustar $021 2RQ. or telephone Wlncl*etw Military 2933 (0962 *67933
Servicia familiOS find St John's a particularly isiderstnndWig, suitable hoOl; hot boys and girls from three to thirteen.
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lpetxlen160,1 drng and Day School For Boys and Girls * Members of ISAL/ISISJBSA * Continuous education 2 to 18 years * Entry possible at any age * All staff fully guaithed, mainly graduates * G.CSEJA level Courses * Small classes * Traditional values and disc~ standards * Good family atmosphere * Sensible uniform - reasonably priced * E rtensive grounds arid playing fields * Fully inclusive fees - aprxo 90% covered by BSA Ay lot The Admâulogia OM~, The Hall. 0*. FtnboQuOh. Stowmet.t. SIJIVOIk. 1P14 3EF (0445) 74479
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Liverpool John Moores University ot JMI r; c irn.rt1 to ,r
Senior Laboratory
Technician Rat: flsc succoask cavoase w w'ot1 imn, me School 01 Cnganeetng AD457 and TeC1'flOIOQy Managomon and wid have art active ro in both £ I 1,27l.devuIocng anf nang (ht' Schoo&3 Mantime Resoatch. Toachvig £14214 and Con~ Loiatonos. Die. w include the operation. ~M~. ff~w~ and PaW Systonu SimiAloc and ropes 01 the Scfloo('i Computing Soda. and=.:dwith the Schoors acadamc staff in the devolopmer4 01 nc*s arid socid1od expotvner* and re'$oWcti utirk. Catkia1es n be con~ eru With oicolleeit oonrusIjbtn skins. hAve IOd 1r~~ 1 raCt oxzia) in Rad. aid Mavaa1%zd Aid Et~. arid must he Sinvialot Arpaa, ~bed so al least HNCHNDin EsmciIecsrot'.c Enginncrtng Closing date 2nd February, 1995. Tel: Please quote reference when applying. 05)231 Further particulars are available from: Personnel 20 Services, Liverpool John Moores University, Rodney 051.231 House. Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5UX. EMAIL JOBS @ LIVJM-AC.UK 35(14
* individual tuition within small classes
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Please ctflLIi: ilie Admissions Secretari, The Rual School, Ihimpstea& 65 Ross*n 11111, London NW3 5UD. Tel: 071..7947707 A RM.ud01wIy Wab' Vw aa1,oVV.t5rs C151*ç10*L
oLJ Ik u ioier 5ômc Ihinp . a oid<(th..i * ($. 50% of~ Boirding t1oy (.I' .i .nd the mwor on .nd durr, ot Scivicr Fuim1s 10 *wwo . timc rnu* k Jrni *A wn .t our tadm Crnuil.c alnplaic of cc * A irk (1 dncipIm hut i% firm h* k~ly * A .1k aid cPuJntugcunuIum * it my *ocd acaikmk a4 tcdt * c, .a)lh o e cauIa a11t in ijai. dace. dran. al. nw1. Ibi ~ins, in * Out SUN~p UfIn .i)d.hs i dhiiagWdtd rr.d o iniUflr 6yICIc boy' aid xirIL * The painCtsh aid link bd.ecn tI 5eiict id ivior Schook oflhuliuiIy aid facil4lhultf rcfnI cc~ bcten nothrrt aid itIcr tidsn both Sdiooh * (.ka *W IRA V11. said IC0KT..,., 41i (19'15) .hkh mh1k cwIwt to ROMSIY. . Sha 1on1aUtgh Alah. Mini haiew to Kent and moth to 5.g.Kk =A aid Hrahm. Airpisti id London Viu Stanri a Iincd .iili Ii-sad cainj "rely hek, All m'ti
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HO(1UWS CALL. Br & ppar with rhaht Iy .75 RRNC pt.t-ii on"* asia W, A. INGRAM ASSOCIATES LTD. UnIl 27 JA~. i6 Grand Union Centre, 335H Lad broke Grove, London W10 5AX BRNC created iliva' plated flia. Thibla. - ---------------------------------------------114.75. Th elide ia.50. Cuff liak. 13.25 Zkpço tlgtar Please send me full details about how to obtain Zippo lighters .. TVAMLGAR L$ Pin. Art Llaited Editioc r~ 0&OQ engraved with my whip's crest Iftfarat*oc) 11-framed .ocd aa-e. tar ?urt (ple BRNC TAX (Pa'u £3.00. ROYAL NAVY tiE 17.10 NAME ................................................................................... ocJy) LAM BADG WMte ewd. Navy cvw, Roy.l Mizlaat BRNC. Sailor, BiitaauL., 9tab$n.r. RN Anchor. WRNS, F1ilp. Crowa & Anchor. I ADDRESS ............. Lu, Nay, Unbee Jack. BC Goarv. Ccu srh 11.10 EM Band BBIIC Now re*,.., "That. Entsrtalnmoct Tap. 17.18 CDLI 1.56 - Pete. ctes VAT. Pm. Peek( .14 I_ - .. i I. 'rDrTIAL AC(,73 BtC'. Ci*w a.i -. uAxrasW.riH, DEVON TQS 08.1 T.l e III Fa1510107016 d
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It! Ob'#. ckIlI I A 55* 5151 R01 liii 51311 DIN(, tOLlS. flLS *SMXtA RON
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ooks dish up recipes for success
COOKS and Stewards of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines showed off their culinary and presentational skills at the 11th annual Salon Culineire held at the Victory Club. HMS Nelson. served as a senior judge at The iwo-das Salon drew c-n with tong gold and tour silser A total of 24 trophies were awarded with over 36 prizes being donated by 25 different sponsors. the most presiigiOus of these going to ( K Richard Earwicker. tIM" Nelson, named Young ("sik "I the Year and awarded the S -All Cup for the best junior entry overall, " POCK James McCarthy. HMS Illustrious, awarded the Pns D'Honneur for the best entn overall Clan 57 Senior Cold Buffet).
tries lioni 2 shoic c-stjhhshmerits. including IRIS Rooke and HMS lamar (Hong Kong). sis ships. Iwo submarines and a combined team from the Royal Marines.
the competition is open to Sen ice personnel and civilian catering staff and is di' ided into Junior and Senior classes depending upon esperience and training. Man) of the young cooks and stewards, who may hate joined the Nasy with no previous cookery training. success in go on to achieve international competitions such as Hospitality, at Earls Court. London.
" %1/4 s U) Joanne Carter. IRIS liisincthle. named Young Steward of the Year. " UK Keung Ho and LSTD OLWant IP,HMSTf "' the sivcii . UIJS and sent !. nairrnan ot bite judges Crib% yar was Mr Brian Jones. senor instructor officer at the RN.. School. respontable for the implementation of National Vocational Qualtficanon for nasal cooks and stewaids I nsinentt qtialituett in Brian has udgc the Salon
and packed meals,
This year. yet again, saw a pantcularly strong team from IIMS Tamar who came top of the medal count with eight golds. four silvers, one bionic
-' e" *H.0t gold. sulvet and bronze "This .'..'-.,j H' awards The Hong Kong estahiushmenu sent a am~~ than usual but managed to ache-va more 4o then ever.
" LCK Stuart Somerville. Retinue Staff, named leading Coot of the Year.
cook and prepared dishes, cakes, pastries Inns
Demonstrating the most upto-date techniques and latest trends in food presentation the 1% competitors took part in serve events as well as preparing static displays of pie-
Hotetympta (now tiospitalits from l987-l94 and retenth returned from France where lie was a member of the British team of chefs which won the Banqueting Gold Award. He was most impressed with the high standards achieved .11 this year's Salon and l, the cl torts of both ships and esiablishments to support the conspetition despite the demands on manpower.
of met it
lIStS lilustitnus came sesooct
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Address STEPPING Into the limelight at very short notice provIded. golden opportunity for Mne William Cremin. (above) Com" mando TrainIng Centie. Lympstorse. to gain top honour, when he completed in the Young Cook of the Veer section at this year's Salon CuNnsfreWhen Lympatones original entrant dropped out the team were determined not to let the Corps down and so Mne Cm~ vokinteered for duty only to walk off with a gold medal. With two days to go before the competition started he work on his menu of chicken breast stuffed with sisal' lots, fresh herbs, garlic, apricots and platacchio nuts served with a symphony of pan-fried vegetables, followed by gratinsled fresh fruit on a sabayon flavoured with Grand Marnier. and only managed to complete his final run-d~ with 24 hours to spare. The Judges were so impressed with his work that, along with A,Ci( Richard Earwlcker, he was awarded the coveted gold medal. Mne Cremin originally served six years as a stores assistant left In 1991 to work as a security guard. Dis4llusloned with life Clvvy Street he re-enlisted, this lime as a cock, and completed his training in September last year. of the kitchen Mine Cremen When not working in the to work up a sweat welghtlltting He is currently the Avon County Senior Middleweight champion so anyone considering contplainlnq about the standard of his cooking should think on this tough marinel long and hard before
Postiode Icc I'd *
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FILE LI iRE of underwater sport and adventure ssill this year keep the Navysponsored Sub-Aqua Diving Centre bus) leaching skill in depth to almost bOO Service personnel.
The centre at Fort Bus-isand on the coast. >eI the only three miles from heart of l'l)nioulh - is celebrating its 25th year and is ices one of to joint training establisltntettts run, by the RN. the other being the Sail Training Centre at Gosport. Hank...
NAlmc,I, S1 Super qu,clitv. vihite sscat'shin
£12.95 UK
Nile'.: 22w to
Ice. l\ I
£4.75 UK
SurtaceSlail.\l'i .1
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From The Business Manager. Nasy News. HMS Nelson. Portsmouth Vol 31111
outside t. K ;iasnicicl I'. iii (iteqite.Intcrnational Stones Outer iii £-slerllnj for pa>nieni b vied,! card please see p.iye t 7 kit Lead,
"'I°'." m& liLJliIc lvi Sacs Sess s 1ev ovikis
be niadc h
to such
escetlent dis-ing
of courses at the " t)etatls JSSAIX are contained in iSP 419. an annual publication cc loch lists all ads cottirous training courses run b) the three Sen tees. It includes application form.. and is normalls asailable hoot all stsirts offices, In case gig, citilictilt~. the Jss ix' c-art be contracted on irs:' 441''"
ttic \,,rnnd ativl ssitliin CAS'' reach v't sonic vi rite best dill itir. sitt" ott the Souih I oast Dos isarid sc as once the Hut nIt Sub- rtoa lob's national headqLtarters and, as 'cell as tire JSSSIX. viviss houses a conintercial di'' tog school and an establishment for research into di'. ing illnesses.
£13.70 Surface Mail Abrit.iil
1', tGF
All the facilities combine to make Hosisand a popular espedition base for Ser'siee sub. aqua clubs, csçwciall'. as it is so
Best sites
ll! logo on trout. lra(lnioital cr-ts
rgh cuffs and
Built in the Pith centun to protect Plymouth Sound loiit French attack. Rite fort never sasc action against uttem. lcnta its arnioured casemates which inn' housed colossal 1X-ton gulls. butt a peaceful purpose as the l)ising Cenire's olTict's lecture rooms, stores and ..utufli modal irin -
standards, student's cgl;t)~ isle benefits of espcritoced and na-tionally quatilied instructors as cccli as the most ut-tic-tlatr equipment. Accommodation and meals are free, and the are taken to and from disc sites in fast, rigid inflatable boats.
Tel: 0705 826040 has: 0705 830149
The m,nnI
naal siaftl jug'
niented bs an Arms and in RAF, instructol. pros ide scç'ek long training courses br all let els of trainers. now beginners to 11w more esserieneed doers scekin1 adsanced qualit'ic'a' onus item the British Sub. Aqua Club. [beer is taught in the class. room before students go on to master specitic techniques in the sea taking pan in open-wa drift discs. cc reck ilises. search and.recoser) eserrisc-s or tinderscatcr n.i'. ig..iiion ratting taught to US \(
Pool sessions at Fort Bovisand play an important part in the
training of novIce divers.
the far Comma
\f''.",. lNt\l'fl
FOR Taunton.-based 40 Commando 1994 proved to be a year of contrasts. The first few months saw them completing a six-month tour in Belfast and taking part in exercises in the UK and. as last year drew to a close, units were spread tar and wide across the globe.
Regiment RA. an integral part of 3 Commando Brigade of which both units belong, men from the mountain Arctic warfare cadre, and drivers, chefs and signallers from the Unit Support and Headquarters Companies.
Men from A Company. led by SW Ski Pears, deployed to the Adriatic for three months as part of the Fleet standby rifle company. The team were there to assist the Royal Navy in their boardings of merchant vetsets in accordance with UN embargo resolutions. At the time of going to the party had Conducted over 40 boardings as part of Operation Sharp Guard, with as many as four or five taking place each day.
Curry Trail
Last month B Company returned from Brunei where they had taken part in Exercise Curry Trait, an annual event designed to teach the men how to operate in jungle conditions. The exercise also included teems from the Commando's anti-tank troop and mortar troop. a team from 29 Cdo
Intense heat
The, first week of Exercise Curry Trail was spent against the intense heat and humidity and attending lectures given by members of the company who had been in since June on a Jungle Warfare InstuCtors' CourseThe company's training culminated in an eight-day final field exercise which started with a landing into the jungle by Huey 212 helicopters of Number? flight of =Squadron Army Air Corps. The helicopters are newly-arrived in the country and the Commandos are believed to have been the first troops to use them. This was then followed by a series of river patrols using Gurkha-driven lest patrol boats, a forced march through a 1,i(' swamp. which took almost eight hours to complete due to the denseness of the jungle, and a company aton an tack enemy-held kempong.
Q .59t SW Pears, of A Company 46 Coo, briefs his learn for another boarding.
on cornplehon ot the exercise, B Company dispersed for some well-deserved rest and recuperation in such exotic peace* as Hong Kong, Thailand and Malaysia. Meanwhile. C Company completed " deployment to the Middle Fast (see Oecem bet issue) taking part in Exercise Sandy Wadder, leaming the many skills needed in operating in a desert setting. Headquarters and support Companies were not idle either with Headquarters providing the support for the company deployments to the Middle East and ftninei, providing cooks, signallers, drivers and vehicle mechanics. essential backtoorn boys the needs by fighting companiesFar East Support Company provided manpower in probably the most Oar flung of the world with men in the Middle and Far East, troops in Canada in support of an Army exercise and men from the cornpany supporting their fellow Marines in Kuwait.
At one time of Me year 40 Commando had troops in just about every climate, from desert to jungle through to temperate, end the prospects for 1995 look just as varied,
" A riicrnlnr at A canipiny i'upicl ropes on to the flight deck during Operation Sharp Guard in the Adriatic,
Five weeks after B pany returned from the heat of Brunei they were preparing to their skis for the winter deployment to Norway other members of the Com'forward mando were to visits to the Caribbean the Meditetanean.
*,?wine Ew4irrs
', SLIt
\MlttiX 'J
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)t .l/t- \I'tltflX 2 Fr C ,i/I ,\j'l'tlti\ ' la V( ,,'.,n( ç'r..hi Will) Kt-auiirul handmadc Jiips tiadgrs, indi.idualls cast and handpaintrd in 11w traditional Vuwr way which art then n)')untrd in a shallitM tin box. xla'red and framed. NOTE'.. Alt frantinx uwalenab used ate wand and brass and cuatplrled rra4v to hang -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a4 CSun,1-t 'c,siu,, sian -nc 1t-M,. rgvtunt.I4cp Mn use NSiIC tNat1sbtpatJasca-nc.Iittiis.iuknc sn.4t4-AP I I tatty we cas in. tta.k' this S mi ttiIa a.sii ii %,'MA repute a Sass rfapw plc~ ,n.t.ak y.an W11 *&c miners turürr -dli asit at rank- We wçpl, thqn ittirlait el)cltsrmyb-s'suts I PC(dr----------------------------Id --------------------------i'itICFS: srvti A. £82,00 I SfltJ3 It. L15i%J f7f Wftil BRASS CORNER) I Sr It A D It D c 0 Sl'YIJL C. ffltK)itlkA%S ItAQI1S (Si I P*P(tt)tIK. -f2t)t)Vt¬ltSEAS I lies, to~: HtaiapIs SlurvtAae Srmpls n*npktr nw rsaja, 'waste at sawn a-sib tS I safl Tidal nakand L tvtn,tIx&s ls.fuc-. ,nsk- 1-,r,al-k, lii Madatw t'twr MarnMEPIL-ttkFFkMlrIt&ˆ'JkcorloR RC) !itl, IM)RTSSt{)FTlt. Jtk%t '(U Sic'. ttI:e171111 677127 At-%0 AT: JAII 111C111 0: VRAMFRS. 162 VA.S~V " Mnt' Ilcil Brunei
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WALL PLAQUES It End Cc4etwd rim aid iit& UAPJO PAINTED ON OARBASE ANY DESIGN ot T$7ai;O6948fl2 £1995 , £1.30 UK POSTAGE Woo Baseball Mats. Tin. _______ 0! VT QUANTITY DISCOUNTS FORSix OR MORE Eake(dnS ____ tJ REGIMENTAL SUPPLIES pq tSr: ad Jumpers-. L~ WIRE OR SILK AW DES6NOR 0~ Pewats, Megs r 1 j 1rr 9 PARK STREET wa9 TW CLUB, FE~ALOR Y" OWN M " IL-friLl ad N&OhIs, Spirit bags ' LONDON SE1 9A8 QtW4tNi ' " ., Jag/Tint _Suits_S 'bell _Sulti__ 11U44 5M' Prr Larns*a1 wt i .s t'rito , Tot 071-403 3983 10 '-' "' s CAP rkuEs. RUlER &dflOtG, &DSLMS CAflSETC " " i~m fm A S PROMOTIONS IMIicl!i PAP . ~is - tuu size an sc 101 alsME S mackNots. Lslt Fw Splaa Room 35. Ot quotes and prim kst miniature, mounted lot wear. 4 CDt's LoØdontflSfl 49 DEREK AVENUE. HOVE, SUSSEX n*ET.slnD;roa_ ~or badges, bunons Ms To~~ 001423 3233 8N3 4PE. TELL (0273) 416138 and _heraldic wall_plaques. Fox: S1 Sal 72W lOG FQ4I COIOtQ "AL ~9 ~4 c0itIcl VHS TOTAL iaflwOQflOelt&WR$%edX)fl4llM MARINE ARTIST RCESTERSHIRE ____________ flLICO17t3) tow FAX: sane REMEMBER THE ANY SHIP. SCENE OR MAL SERVICE SETTING PROFESSIONALLY iosix* and nsntaisu To Advertise GOOD OLD NAVY rfljmjA.gr PORTRAYED LMBRO1IWREI) t 43. $1 04 ~ .4t$ t*31I$. ii rP L ro ;3rc. Rind Glen/Lisa IAN FRASER (ox RN) .crtars. csoo. tc GAL wnc* cTh:s r4 Peical Nn BaiIa Ora SWIiAThRS. SWEA1S%IIRTS 25 0~ C~ LˆC~ 37A Ch~ Road _____ POU)SIIIRTS UAIXW.s fl.*Sçconswfl.yFs B.wivn Wan Oil *La Besslon NQlflQh NG9 1 EH cˆej ws b~ TSMa.OI57T$$31$ 1 0705 822351 PRINTED NO*T1N $v44 I-lusetl 1EESHIRTh SWEATShIRTS >
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HAND k%tHWt)Il)EREI) quality wire and silk thread badges for clubs and assooattons. Send design for sainpk and quote. Shah crcso anssg Ma? Pod box 160. Gurat$Ofl)0(Pakttoan) AGENTS RE6UIRED.
'THEGOIJJ1IJIEIAWECONPA%F" The publishes's of Navy NOWS MINIATURE MEDALS (kM YOre mint Radgn %V e can pa CannoT accept responsãbslrty Srsnd %S%sr Sa4n tlLW M~and1.m "wd~ 5~ for the accuracy ol any Item cap 5~ re them a,2aauasMisyaitsi7fr place ___ CS Saud Kas advertisement or for any RW.GIMENTAI. Ties. Want tladn, U War filar lla*'s U %k., Ita leJçn ,j' ai 11,46 losses sulfered Cufflinks. Buttons. Medals. Can FflstttielibSMphqMs anV eriisçIaycatnisisrseag by TEL WhtrCaabt 1111,00 rw'i,stsntws,nr Badges, Milstaria. £1.50 lot list. readers as a result. Readers 0762 NH), LIt Belle Vuc SP) h~ Cairncrnis NOW are stror4y recommended to tDcp. 872672 cj FIkY, s. %orks 5014 9110, %tnW%,r.L1liilriLI-ch(cflc.di make her own enqiiines and 514a1lloldtn (3,00 MINIATURE MEDALS )NN) seek appropriate commercial, CIAND-EMBROIDERED Wire and r.,i.:msenr Pafluiç Snevice & LIOCOVL'sThYROAD, Silk Thread ltadgei. QualJt)tdeIivrly 0w .tr C legal and financial advice SAE,laP"',r,lLtst HI 1(11*1W. guaranteed. please send desins fur beboffi ending any money Ol II l)alrticinlflrisr Toad Hall. Newton Feints, l.EICLSTI'.tSlllItEl.EIOZIIP price and sample t. lNfl RaT Shins. (fldham. 1.anesol,2 )ll'J entering into any legally UNUMITEI),POBos 1274,Sialkot/ T(01455 239262 Telephone: Tv1/}as 070684664$ t*scing_agreement pta _mit Pakistan. Fax 0092 432 5i4997.
SELL r unwanted items through this a2n. Just £10 pewnotes your rna to almost Y1 million readers. Simply flu in the coupon on Page [7 or Tel 0705 1126040 CALLE4}NS FOR SAIl. Victor), Honks line, Vasa t.acli appfl)s 41t lone, FuU rird sails. tic Superb eshihitton quatiL rnodcts. Please (of ~re &ta,ls 071)5 571464. NAVAL OFFICERS Dress Nol's, JIi hID JIon, wióin Oflen. Tel: 09'14 ˆioo$ 000Mstofill? Wh1 nosadscritwmfl the Nas News accommodation page. Phone (flet, Of tausren On 10705) 826040 or las (0705) 830)49.
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D~ C top ci *4th cAtar s4 .-aJg a' a ml Jsni&y 1, I9 *UflN1 At C ?MW kx pwit
Jejrti Ck* iwawl thai p.na'Wi Do ntwcod Dokxs
9. NiI tMEMM)SMj - AIfl,, 6; POWESIR) Msfth.ws, MCC. FURO PO(W5U) -. i1 . ti& LO&l(WSM) - 31.1.2, Peiwnc.vth. tzI 253111.~ 11 any POWEMIR)(SM) - In (3. I I S2J. Nil: D*vttoô't of Pt#lfl WO LWt*RXSM) -360. 1: PO(UW)SM) CI. MLWMJ Todd. HMS IM*tni.#. WI twoO
NA, PO$S(S&t) - 304. M I.5A4SM) - nt 0692) ttá; POWTB(SM} - In) Kjg 1Q92).
lot &IT
Dettrço1 shç not otp4ot
09 Mr
LWSWCda,CO4AMDyOcRvtnl h any safllwn &sft 6725- WA WWTR SSfl HMS WMTWX. Sit. 196. WO r*Q9 c' my Poet~ noen tai
PY tn.
AuTi~ WW~ 04 7Q QflA - 0. F SScnn (ffiflcin) **1 kwwm t~ to ~9 1;mny PETTY OFFiCER *RT)tICt$I ? HMS C~~ W~ D6~. T 5 1 Ca~NayS J L rai Dew' rbOttId IITng ancs _sa1 s,.samtata ocr*i pp.
WE~) M. "his BqflM. 'ysnod Ptjrrn.t tnc babe. i Otfcmts i, Nonrta To CPI -C. W. Siroth (Orys)), 0 C AS(S) i*&5 rost çO,aic HMS "_ s, 111.15 Dryad, ca Mwn (OryaQ. I& J tIyictwga Ulaôgt0. TO A~(A) S. .1 &S' 4SJsUStS). cc~ any Ower W, Jan wa ocç' I any p. Rally (Dra3). TO *CPTIU - 0 S MacMan (SOC C. r.2um VCJIO 0000 9' Sh 'SQl 0OQIQyM9 r 1.570 Crow. lIMO be~. oe CN$0 SCU) owouwcAmn onov RO1(O) NlO's*. 1414$ Butter. cyaIed nor. wa na TO AO'OA - P M. Itopo (*lfl0 PT AN litca PC4IW4 fl North W4 awcç RE0*JLAThSO &J ', AN _ Ode), A J U KCat (Dial N. A, ctnsi lot sn PPpvijth SZCgi Doll. TO CPOCY - a.i 5*reatou )POSNNS) III ,c, P. C. Pryor (tkak$. .1. 0 .(Barar). 373. Nd; WS'ft C* 14115 ROeL*XJL Wt reop tie rotter laSos49o Doen{ce beSO P0.146*) SC& LJ: 1,1451)) MACUI Snooki HMS St Vincent S. C SIJICMIO (Otike). Illoxeti, & SnarI (StAin). A W.bI POACWI 412, I, PCA[M(M) - 377, IS; iQI $tiy PryttflJth 110)10 the n.Jlt*t 04 P401 to cor - i ii. 5hçAyrfl 1r0 COUMCCH ts ozi 216 9M 16 I4oth, Weini*at, fli' 139,5; WSA 1414$ zckwxad cLing L&E.MçMI -446, ID. F'OA1)M(A) 1nov91). 0. A. WakoFeld (O'Olt) W0).QIi)aC rIMS W~ a) May. yy )L!4a. Baae),a& LA~) -465,5, POAFINWI) - 254,13; 4) SIOIfl 01%0 WO IWOP *0 ConSOler 0A1 cYflit *IAPOII ENGINEERING BRANCH I9AQ9j (çn,Øaote'i), 14. 0. A, Jerwo Nil: LAEAI(WL) - 511. (1. POAC = Ott, )ll. CCSEAUL - In) I, .1 MW~ Vsth, RU POOlS, ICVP Sac' TO CPOWEM(lI)'Ha~(Ro00), (TrociCfiaM) CCMEAEL - In! (IS 7.93) Nil; POWREMR) - 297. MI. LWREN(R) °t(QlDeec4r.HItlSWwnor. on 6464 mnl1~*773l1 ox!. will t~ J. a Snth (t.rctpai) TO cPOAEA(Wl4-J.&B&ntslflercni Nil; drafted IIMSF*NitflS1AatWISaCOl0' CCMLAIIL$M - Ink .115.7.93). 224, I; POWRENRS) - 472. NIl: WA W?% S P IIc4naQe (829 11.7 221). S. HaleSt oon1)Ot WOO ItOO Dole. - 364 Mi; P0WflVT swny nw scnzTA,uRt CCME#ELSM - ink 29.I0 92j. I; IL, ' Twa 22 FLT 2141, W, S, MnerlDaedalin).W. ISIS - 156. Nil; CCWEAA-141 PIt CCWEAWIIO-k!I 385. P411; POWRtN 0) Tanwd, 11145 LAttarne, WI CNE&4c5)fl,on,00WliMSOtso,.rt TO CPOCX - P. 14. 0 SoovanI (tear. - XIII OPY - vt Ill; L*flNCX - mm kg 66220 anoa 141.1$ Yc'K 11 M.WI 3*9* I7. 11.92). I. CCWLAA1ICSM - ml ~II lOll), P. MeCaflA Ildemot). ,). W. 14 P.'Ty - A. J. Smith To°2UoAtL ;P0 *l) Ri*Sn, 1114$ kitmç*1(ttwe IN:' any Typn 22 Cr 23 :37 &13), Nil; CCWEAWDOSM - lot (18 2.93). N'!. POWR&143T0 - 97j. 1 (Nelson), 0. R. MCXSOy (to~). (P4440011 - 233. 141. PCWRENSA t.WRENST© toll) Dotol II RU Poole lot InSI9 clan u WItlew, 11145106*9.4 low* dull). TO CPOSTD - A viSOy (Plsm*ne). 31197). 111 CCAEAM -14111.992). Ni. -K. K. I3/4%4 (*20 (5009. TOCPOAEA(M) CCAEAR - IM (1 9 93). 111, CCALAWL 781. 1; LWRENSA - In) (ISO 92). 6. luçcOIXL ot 7220. li'OoVb IfiSIOW. 00(91 oil 23341. W4 tecç l TO OPOSA - P. A Rr1s ((WA). J. any Oe'CiflpoiI or a c St~ (*45 SON). lot any Vi 1.9 91). N POWRENWI'R- 721. 114. LWRENWTR - Devon tally 9141 ytar. WI t PfrmnAi chaR. NP, On.ey(641 Sqi), C. U DesTO CPOW4R) - 1. P. IIIMCtIIonI (614 - 721). L; 18(EW)f ml (11)6 &17j. 141, P0WREJ4WTR(O) - 384, pen~ ttCi DCII. ti &.s9, 14415 DraIn iS. 0743 872W. *C.OO).A. J. Caoçn (t.Sah!St), 0 soNk Pi. K~ (WI softy = will 7 In) 114, LWRENWTR(O) I.POW. lIStS WO area, flat 1,110(W) 11,1 (II t2]. 6, P0(M) 141115693). 15(R) lyW, No1Irçlwn stop iwcp lot any P9'larloum 1.44 TO CPOWEA - & It Deity (Ott'9' RtNIOLTOC - Itt, 114, LWRFNM*TOC - Ice ant Rotyt-bascd Iwo 42. *111. r5992). 112. 15(11) - It) (163.t3t. 8. 01n, sp,AHral c) 5. IJUo (P-~ Snd), A ,) it!, lIt POWRENPNQT - rn. iii AZ(S) Baaw HISS 111.i I'M *W09 Ice A54R) O'Qoiis.fl. 1CAAIS) NP' 1712, rOd) - 302. 3. LS(RI - In) (159 92). 5, - R.C. t41605g (Sm. Ynconu. McSitIrinon ("l0á). I Wi4*on'$mo'ry TO CPCMA ml. ?. tWPN' PU(S) Ml 415.692). 3, 18(5) 101 P'DWRENAEN)N) BPPO492. duelled 1114$ Dluan0)Usth. aIry 20t'O !C0144leted 51119 14 Heruai 2. W. (Cfrwie). 5Ch04)tdm) (C112*9Od). C vow~ 101004). iS ls'wiy. C'fl Sl.çgcol Um 4'!. WI Swop lcx any i'cnwnost.oasau 0. i13 1057) 5, P0(0) - 312. (Il. 1.5(0) AEM4M) - i-rI, 7, POWRENAEM(R) - "1. TO ACPOWEA - A. .1. llvl'lc"l (10111. 0. ' (RUM hails) rnti ha; PO~ - II ((311.92), PS, P44. LWRENAEWR) - 358. 2. POWREN 25791. dahtod RN chalky Poem. 11145 Cob~ (CWIA Pcclsmcrvth), .1. P. Rena 54Jt4iflfl4 5pfi LS(~ - 128, 144, P0(SR) - 319. IS, AEM(WL) - 151. 1, LWREICAEWWL) - tan,flMsth.WIawOphYOAyPcclainOvth d0ttT'L*r fiNS Dour, (lol 0752 P14, 'Iii, POWRENVIS 527, 14. LWRENthere Dew. drafted RN ea stolen Portand Is Il Mcflaai 30f. NA: PQ($tA) -379. Inc. 772511) TO CP0(SSMxO) J )9o~. 15(514) - P. Aenlys (RUN Plyin' CPWT 70 POCY - £53, I; IRO('I) - II?: P4,. P00)5 575 - ir (779 97), 7; LWRENITEL - 154, $10 WhSl.n.*.l4. 1011$ An~. WI 4.prt Wa leop tc' any Deocripoil cia. wv), J P !,tlçndv (FIPIU 5* oca). 0 P. Brayohaw (RUN Nails) Clflnae beto. 734, In, POPS 142. POWRENWA = 7*5. NA, LWRW*A 5w94) Ice any AN lor TO P0(T$SA*) - P. A I' slier (2i) 281.1: POWR[NUIITO - 265. POW. TO CPOM1.M(L) - A A C. Cisg iS3.LRP0°h9,N2 P5vOduOC'iy Dovcnpotl.O*ted 011960. 180(01 Steele. PiuS IUW'. duSted RE~ = 195, UJ. LWREPCSA - 2*2. C04.IMW Shots (C0ce05r4) it nn. WA POMEM(LXOS) - ml (3 Il 92). 111 'pIoyY'3 or nom. (Naphare) ACTING CHARGE CHIEF ART1F1CER LMEM(L)(0S) - Ink (16 3 93). Nil, Pi1.POEN(O)-lnl(13.7.93). N&WI(G)MAOROObeIIS.HMSrFWItfltNl Stoat' stop for "ny ~MWcv Ptalwtifli Slip MET AM ,&111M AtJTIlOfllfl was kw'sd by, Ca~ Re Itt 18.204). Nd. P00*4 - 77. ML twana Canada oat 36W), chaNts) IONS cx slat baia 571.7, LME*S$0SJA(O) CS! Oe*trsig in Decotroer Ic' we loSiaa'9 10 CPO(kI4) - .1. 1 JennIngs - lS, Nd; IMA(0) - 101, 1. Sl(Q$G5) - 172.11 . In. Ralcc.efl'r n Al WW ,=~ any slip or LCX 8041gM. HMS West'. WS (Dees)aJ1. tairçs 92 be ecssiao 10 $ceg C.'wge RU 1410)405) - 87. 5, P0WtM(R$QS) - It) Tile RISC Dates qtctno 101 CA 10411040 ovus'balto 11*0 0eøo." CItI cWot. xwcçi for ally fl mm-SEA oo.NG BI 01 1411$ Footless, clratisi 1 9271. t4, LWEM(RN0S) IM (111393). 1110 loeCeing cstgc.rin. rcti WOK ~kg, 1510191 - K Y0a19 (Osoto4 TO *041* - RId Jones (116104600 ')"' 70 CROWSID ' I POCA -, 317, Mi, P00(105) £1144 no s.S.'r4iat.oa VOl 810 rtt 14145 IMi'dflIi April WI atop lot ny IflOt PA~ C Sct4, HMS Pceti 10 CPOWWTR - 5. 4. I(end&iCun = II accordant, with 19'0'0 5414. LCS4OS) 180, 7 P0510(05) 531.2. ills, ate ipplso 01/31 ;s s stop 'or any soxitwen td ACCWEA - P. 1/no (Cantudge). ~,all 1181066 Ctmaptew 1 LSTO(OS) -In! (15892) M2 POSA(G5) 180(0) Wattle, C Sc6004. 04145 Ocang. PotStIIQ CE boil purlened POWREN QA - Itt (16 1293), Nd; a. nt 542, &a AN cM901y lest '4l. 4; 15*706) - Itt (16 6 92) 19; LC 11145 APII. oil, PUWTR(0S) - 161. 11r 1W'T'R(OSJ In) POWREH TEL - 732, *14 14145 Sultan in March. I'M cons~ any In sccorQatco toni 0OKRNJ 3U93 an otao, panxt4a'Py a Pcnsnnuth Mao base 562 due O'C*Sa3taa. 77(1 92). NI Ice any Ptwlsnafl. slIdre base at th P044* - 171.3,1.44* = ti (135 91). 11; QitiltOd birdIe 1*190441 row appear on Rot Nowea, tort Snitch pad 0573 8'* RN roslout Wit. 33*403), otaltoC ii$AS Moecaytme op F 00(5)4544)40) - 175, WI, 15(5)45*!) -315, '°27 12 P0(15)4544) - 106, 141. 1.5(75)4544) ft should be noted 91a1 WO raflar of WA Ci3nl4vr PI Porlvro.c91 01017 Sq., 1)14 ad 1la1 Ysoxi chief Oldest 133, 3, P04tS(SMp - 389. hI, 180(544) 81St issued n the lemalo cateQoSs are LWWTR MtGOw*'l. Pic'1S0n1 CIrce, (OI 0535 *40561 ott 54174*-17y. 't'a sanD ElmI; nil. red lot PC'-t~O' 125, I; PQMEM)L)(SM) 135 bat advanced horn the 'lrnsale there 11115 CrrftsdOli. 23*2/2456, 1s09 any Plylnocmlfl Miph 1104 Irte any otheu Pcutsmooth sea chat!. UOSO(LXSM) - 1*7, d. IOtlZM(MX51i) -lP%t1'i Deçcloyng, ci n relil flt 009CM I (13. Po POCK(LM) o .wowSt null pco4t Ce bt'e'o ?e $1 LWT*SM) i be ~bed to ISa ct0til 01 tri lnx. Nd. LCKISS) - 62!. lO POSTO(SM) 49i. 114. LZTO(SM) 3. P lIt rrsana itiM ixnonS are avn& n - 1341. ML LAZAW DatoS 1#V*91 POA(AH) 0%. l.a. MaC OItC 0100' a9WSt aatn Cl S* t9 I0A(ITOC) - In) II LA(MLTOC) - kit tO'0'1 Mt rw j28 1.91). Ml; POA(PHOT) - 450. Nil; çtc4w*l. -
bids .8,10, Slot, Aged 71 ILl css.ao. Eatts. ssvvos' 1114 alIen wisp! p. s StWTCItI, (4 1' ' IllS 1 ' Deedalus. Condor, Vutlure, Sirius, arid 11:-ri 7$ Vt .! 14 tn', At'141c,i3 4Ji) 74. S.C.A. Lifl*41. d'-" lAS). Warrior ' -" 01st aede('''.1 MiS. P0(R) 0. 4. kitIiIend1 14145 Ooka CUP, F. Andnon. c"ALi. 531*5 yrJtjJ [jet' t.1 of Pcxsszrncth branch (1NSODA Slips a' LI CS &.Lt. Grease, ativyd r 1414 t:,: II. Pal aM 5031. Llenjiet of- Sc 11115 5&ln mC .1. kIt 001,1MW Sitore, Volsem Assotsabon Aged 70 c*iow lion lXAe. Neuscot. Hoed. flastni trips Cc4nsanoe, Jamaica, Burnntajn, .n.i s.n'sc.a. r.S? 754 6046n ol be' lolcyeorg nit-nOun oi SlvopsMm, Ua:ctios1ct Vengeance arc De9a.x4. 69641 33 LI Cch0,0.Oiswxt. MDC050. sorted us Ut A*eMaa Aaanruws lint been to. .1. tealsit, GC.Sacred as AcIng Sjtl seth 801*1. NAVAL *5500*710W 411 slipe Glint Echo. sad Cnwth. K Rflflet (5414$ SgwnoO. Cago. Land Dtspsi( Section et I910wtientie sat 17 PA Heynni, Served in HMI alapa The 60etha nraporled of ow Poioevg (Wite. SC/SIdPS). A. Nab. OS Band Scunpes enstipoect to u4xne Irnato' UN's. BulTsl*ri and Orktn. nI unespecaud nine Untollunalaty me 11*14/4). CM A. Llatd-NoaId served Ii NO.1 alicia ca -AS Gus Lays, tanned A. TL~. Schn'as'ttate nil Dratars l,5Q cm) isis eaptoorte 0*tcdlatwl W4 " '9" IL4t1 arId Socnvwes woes scelso tinder S%t* ei.POFA& P*-~. ' Corncieni 'TA' PSAS'*3l P. $5441001. CU sims) in a iMCXSSZIO. es.TeI flip rct,ale PIU$ 0. 50Ol9. flAIl. West [nIx, tea ~my hr,msed. Both no 0 lx-CVO Hat~. n Nil al Monliota. I1005. 554101000. 7I. too. Sript AQ4 ,'wen~ II CC Na Ifs esSOt,. Air' P's ckrls C.vqaa 1935. to Ils'ree tastsd' PVtaSNi4. t*l 000la. and fill LIP: Patosit 411418 193046 Slip, usysds tscoyery F,ation *e Oc retnO OM War in rLS Nfltfl GIl -Id MAtwck. A9od 75. Iw1( arid 14Cm cisel at 0 Day laxings P3)18111100th 0410 Rosyth. ca~ oh srned luaaSrs art nwse. as saved in 0114 sh.yn P. Wit Otudet eh'PO(TS) Merritt Cl 9c fl1 fl-I$,, Itaserips. Srmqsx Capt 11.8. we~, 54 ' rta$OWT. *940 Plttemers. Kuni. titan, MW~. 4u$. HISS 5111 VOMIsIS Macnon ace! of I's Celia. 1(0400 00.04; 7 Dty. Series) it 11115 nw Woeo RU.staccatO bose' Dmnloy WA Sigwood. Fr~-l, end Cwactor ~al )9As%oPst000n 41*104 000 Q5COlDI19 Cts) and 01111Cm. Served Chiatham 1947.49. Shs 5105.40 lJ51lottl Pr. ' 51190 I? sal Dpi. h/Si the wail. cit in :.nys II, 65 LI Cdt 4. Stetson, sorted 15 1111 ehpa m*d. Sfl ft n Lt~ 14401. A1d corrmw4 o4 14115 OMIe's, it was otsliSt Drxsle 1I S waS Detrch klftOPd. MW~*. R000ctOo. Itt. Sr 04 rw 1Monk .CWon AnocMbon. . cad 5'. oItralan penrctxj TI erw 45 Conanart 1982.1954. kid Relict. e"'d ILW. Wewe'ei. ea'P0(LTD), servos) 1935Aced6l , rsrwen 10 presrsae9elJe41 rvrsginii 0.0.5. CaSh, Wsis*st and Icemely 47. Shçsa idle Onalca, Macha, Iron Stag Ca R. Vs4sso-4asee, 8111/h SW - C~lb Well, ~of P~~ Pymoutft SlIps wickylo (ndoenxatsto, Drnssxn 910DcAs liarS )qsd fl. lotir dnvoywl 5l'1103Wt59 Verwd, D.uara. Mascctl 514 Pictactor, LI CS MA. SØr, htMl tiparnee Pill~- WailSi, ntman10d IL*o Al Iiii5 SoifltlaIr0100 slØ lu.ww.40 lIt $410. this 19147. FIts last &p*~~ (191~ #900 15, 019.1141)5 000co7i. THE LONGEST aMny nwm Was or cixmr',n) ci the netncoys Dtflttx P.C. War, Ittnwitn. 59 , Ii Ca~ (0) Strr ttr*Aa 114 walk (fl1' bet of the Rays) Navy has __ 421'. LoweSt, Wtss (Stateitsid): rcn, ,_ Its) C3¬ or 1563 sood 75 of PIUS Roya1 Arth's sal RUPYS Assocsetwi. retired otter a career span' Panskiça K. PhAse. RU. sorted !'' M*OCiC' Wit Nennws, saPO. tarred $936-fl six decades. 1,'etrLrer ci em R0S Moot Intl Diana rmlng .dat De'rç,nskse, lenseo arid Vo. . Mass. UM* #W and 0.19101. sOrted 5 Slsçs Star Assccuetcxrs A1e41 73, WhenCPO Gunnery )nslruc' 1941-47. Saved in Rcnian Conwoys ins) wai e 4. J. Ksriott, DSM, ex-CP0(109. Saved . $*lOtVl o( 1541W o4 to Ri'tSA toe Roy Sms))ey joined the C. 5w41. Pceltvncvth, Aq.d 30 )WS or CaAIOI, Sans AIWCI, on Ut 0.0%.5 J. discs. Bemnpram [a'tJoined Ut Service in October 1945 S11. 74&t and Crc 'Nit.). saned flu'y or 1912 AM g Soccaides) to Ut Dan's)) Nury (or mU years World War Ii had been over 1961.85. 53,ps Lnd)$timufal Anne. ASS CIATION OF RN OFFICERS o WrC'l a 9* RN Aged 33 Porn, Puricheslon, Victory, Sleimoic, flu only a matter of weeks; Britain u CS 1.0. B#oett*, Wvod asqpo. Fe'sbos, tan's, 1Mtne Codnolanl, ton) 1101hk$,. P144001.1.5. stUl had a vast fleet in the Far of~.Firth. Chests Vctcxy arid Duke at ,h'rci'19 mat Osx and Isris. East, and battleships wore , o. 8. Iatuleedown, ex.LS $qevd on Li CS PI Reused, &~ .ft 1414 ships 1'201115 and Dorsnwo , among the capital ships of;" 5415 and Mjra casso,'s Slice "15/3 14,1/5 Maxice, Lynx. S4~**. c NA/SI mac-care (00 1942' pj 1~ CbOdhr~ ~1 LS4 4( J.Thn.as, great navies. caoge 46). seuved 1940'58 Slaps ncAale Malaya CS. 4, Fattest slips docIle co 5.5. Droflaem,001. tuned in 1414 C04 Roy, who retired on h/s 65th Kenya RWWI Matins. Roiyth am 5 54fl0 slips Hansaos. tfl'le, D*9wC*. Wsl4cae, Siore Manages, taslana birthday on Boxing Day, was 1.1 Falcon, Vre'erstlu and one of the test of a rare breed *4145 Cjvaboa Asswsras Shn acils Ran Ad~ B. Sryssi. CD OM OW, cek (alt COOS! Cc~. MI )Wvar, Wren, Decoy and (rhino Man sanes) in 5dM slaps t.niSe,, scArwores of ratings known as "promton tensed or ~Aft~ Nosy r' 1.52 sIs) 14901 ccrnunasid, flo-& Oak, DIAL R14Ssaeur. ea'LS Setsed 1943.41, 5.5 Ised men." Under 1964 rules, srU 195(1, 0 Patton. Soaru'. end Auxnrssn ILriy Mends S the Peneimace Asscxaabcss. those who had completed 22 W. 1badeM. Ot'L$lK sea's U~A4AtrAM---- ------------------------------------------------- .,li _,,.sI I-
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you know 'AWivi" has b"n he4ping lhe m~ and Did Nib f~ 1v since lam ~ a~ hot to W~ thern W& 4* ---Pub ~ rho e~-~ as n~ go thye ~yard 9~ - pm~. To~* flicat a W. tkov~t 1. P~, Porl irnouffi. R~ti, %~ and SI Bud~x proy~d& mob~ llich is TV, W"~. 5~. bacimjr~ am fhn~~ fo~it~ Ify tne be~ C~ bbr stailors can gm. a or jim ~ wn% computer gin the Ak~n#f wA No wilyp In 4his m~ firorn h~. Whw you n*at h~ a run af. " rm Uhre c" MW in yo4j r port a try? Faemy sc;:ornn~odalicm ka ava~l.ble M ROILyni. Irel: 0383 41:37M*nc;zlmo at Po~ Tel: OM 021.46 TM RER )a to~ by 9Ms, from -11. publiclo Picati~!~e:p E-,R t help you. my nol ~".ie us a f~ mwth the Give P~dz.a tlbmgh As You Earn Sch~? Foe mwe d~[% nng 01 MS 29~ or Write to
Tric C~eneral secreR~;ry ROYM Sailorit Rest.k 5 st G0"4" oussne!,-. Confre, 81 C~Qet ~art, Pon~th Pot 3f-Y
further 10 points with a compe tent display of place kicking. The Navy pack winked impressively as a unit in all aspects of play and came out winners. Forced to defend resolutely towards the final whistle, the RN held out for a well.dc.served 25-16 win. Greater concentra(ion and effort to reduce numerous and repeated penalties would have rewarded them with a much greater margin and, incidentally, relieved the tension both on and off the field.
Development The Navy 1)21 season con. tinues this month with a final development match at Portsmouth against Bracknell on January 8. the Inter-Service match against the RAF at But. naby Road on January 14 and! the later-Service Army game at Aldershot on January 21. The RN representative side the British Fire Service at the Rectory on January 11 Iko 19001. oxford University at tIfley Road on January 18 Iko 1500). Combined London Old Boys at liurnahy Road on January' 25 (ko P9(M)) and the Cuvii Service at Rurnahy Road on February I (ko 14001.
Canadians Armstrong.
chase as iLS Sibbo Sibson, ball in hand, makes his run. Behind him is Cpt Bob i'n LA4PnQ1) Amay M*q
played Oxfordshire. their stron' gesi home competition to date, at Rurnaby Road. The swell-cstablished and reputable counts squad approached the match with confidence, having beaten RAF Youth convincingly. Significantly disadvantaged in height and weight through.
out, the RN team compensated with a tpical hard-working. determined and highly encouraging performance. Played at a list, open pace. this entertaining match saw every point - and the kid closely contested The Navy scored three tries through back
row AIM Laity. wingcr Mne (hue and debutante centre Moe Morgan. sihose irnprcs' sist individual try immediately silenced a question from the stand as to whether the Navy threequaners could run raighi and score. AR Kearton contributed a
EV ---S.-
Eight straight!
THIS year's victory in the Inter-Services Sea Angling Championships made It eight in a row for the Royal Navy, whose elite sea fishermen are pictured with Capt Tony McEwen, chairman of the RH and RM AnglIng Assoclatloa The Individual competition
further Senior Service glory; CPO
Seen Houston was fi CSgI Steve Knight AM was m~-up and CPO Rick Wadbeer finished third. The event took place at Selsey.
Blinded A call has gone out from the St Dunstan's War Blinded Sea Angling Club to other such clubs throughout the Service. They wonder If any would consider hosting them for a few days sea fishing. St Owtstsn'e Is a emil club, with a dozen members end on average
nine participatIng, plus to bUy-sighted helpers experienced in looking after the Mind end disabled. St Dunstan's would provide their own can~ and it would remain wIth the group at the venue. "We are not much good at beach casting or pier fig~ but take us over the 'tier' and we will match any&W," said club secretary Mr Jock Carnochan. II your club Is interested In helping, contact Jock at St Dunstan's Fishing Cub, tan Fraser House, Owlngdean, Brighton, Sussex 8142 785, Of' phone him on 0435 883366 after 8 p.m.
DETERMINED to do well following their disappointing performance against! Cambridge, the Royal Navy nevertheless made a poor start in the match against Oxlord University and were two goals behind after just 12 minutes. wrftn
Lv Cd: Jim Desks.
But they gradually put their game together. Alter his header narrowly missed, POPT Ian Smith made no mistake with a line shot five minutes from half time. IWEM David Longhorn (CoIling. wood) made an impressive debut. He forced a corner and took the kick himself, from which Smith headed powerfully home to level the scores at 2-2.
Not possible
The bitncsc or the Navy team began to tell as they scored three goals in the last 12 minutes. Mnc Let Aston (110 and Sigs Sqn RM). LAEM Nigel Thwaitcs and I'OPT Glen Young were the scorers. That gave the Navy a 5-2 victory, a scoreitne which had not looked possible after the lint 20 minutes of the game.
Another university, side provided the neat opposition and again the Navy found themselves 2-1) down early in the match. POC4 Des Mercer was first to score for the RN in their game against London University. his first goal for the senior team. Glen Young had contributed to that goal and shortly before half time added a goal of his own, when he headed in a deep cross from OM Geoffrey Holland.
Beyond doubt
It was slightly against the run of play in the second half when CPOWEA Steve Johnson scored with a perfect header after a well-taken corner by POPT Ens Barrett, The game was put beyond doubt when Young scored again with a good shot from the edge of the area. These were much-improved but the Navy will not be able to count on recovering from two goal deficits in their South West Counties Championship matches against county opponents. The side then made their first visit to Blackfield and Langley and the entertaining game ended with honours even,
at 1-I. The first hall was goalless and the home side went ahead in the 75th minute. Ten minutes later Mne Lee Aston equalised, scoring from a narrow angle following a free kick on the right by Barrett. Both sides played attacking football in the Navy's match against the Amateur Football Alliance at Old Bromleians Ground, The game ended in a 22 draw. Once again the Navy had to pull back from being two goals behind. Their scorers were POPT Steve Riley and ('p1 Terr Price. both of whom scored! with fierce headers. The Navy's display of determination earned them the draw, but they will need to convert the chances their attacking play creates if they are to achieve the victories they deserve. In their opening match of the South West Counties Competition, current holders the Navy took on Cornwall at Bodmin, wrists CPOPT Richard Rnd,
Cornwall settled quicker. hitting the crossbar in the opening minutes, but didn't score until the 20th minute, with a header passed keeper White who had
slipped trying to cut out the cross. They were presented with a second shortly afterwards, when the ball slipped from White's grasp leaving their forward with a simple tap in. Changes made at half-time brought the RN back into the game. P019' Uaigh scored with a shot on the turn, buy Cornwall immediately retaliated, regaining their two goal advantage. Final stove: Cornwall 3 RN 1. Next game in the Competition was against Wiltshire at Melksham and again the pitch was wet and An early goal from POI'l' Glen Young was disallowed. However, disaster struck when LPT Willetts gave the ball away just outside the box and in an effort to win in back dived in when it would have been more prudent to delay the player. Wiltshire's penalty opened the scoring and in the second half defensive slips allowed them to add three more. Final scorer
WIltshire 4 RN 0.
- iS v 0's 5*' Fm~WI J*'sSy MOSS 405 *5 0,1mM,1 R, kO iSiS. 25 r NM ft~ 5* vast itS i.e 140.219 v(*o, tSWCC) at &ry ReS to i500, 30 v Smets tSwCC, at vie's Teen Ft. to 100 $cnan flat net -. eeiw eW isรงpc'i from iv4As v.oaon to' the Som.
mm m~
" Latest: Combined Services 12 Australian Combined Ser vices 9. Report nest month.
Sport (.
Support at any or all of these matches would be greatly appreciated.
os nsct sporfl%d
team brought their season to an existing climax at the Inter-Service and ASA National Matters! Championships, held on successive weekends!.
The team, comprising a mix of s.ervksg and ex-S~* per. son_I totally dominated the former event to win for the thkd year -, A small RN squad went to Sheffield for the MA National Matters. The focus fed on POAEA Nell Tall, making his debut as a master. He took olid medals In the 100m. I 00m and 400m freestyle events and also hi the 200m Individual medley. As a bonus he took bronze In the lOOm backstroke. Another notable parlor. mance cam from John Kantson (BC), with three golds and] a bronze. Anyone Interested In Joining this winnIng team should' contact Peter Stephens on 0705 727131 (buelnees)/!832007 (home), or Ron Kimber on! 0329 231237. DURING her visit to Massawa in Eritrea - the first by a Royal Navy ship in over 20 years HMS Heeta sent in her football team to take on the Eritrean Navy side. The match took place on gravel and sand in one of the hottest places on earth. Even at 7 a.m. the visitors found the it. heat blistering. though. they won the match 4-
HMS OSPREY's field gun team defeated 7 Battalion REME's team convincingly at Do~ In Germany their annual match staged to eonthe raid on Taranto. mernorste
FOURTEEN student pilots achieved solo status during a course run by Portsmouth Naval Gliding Club, based at HMS Daedalus. The course attracted 23 en trants. both Royal Navy and MOD personnel. The Gliding Cub will be running similar, courses at Easter and next summer. For further information contact it R. W. Crokeron Manadon est 81348.
Marines beat bobbies
Led by CPOWEA Nigel Buckley, the experienced Portsmouth side suffered problems in front of goal. Scotland never gave up heart even in the face of some very unflattering scorelines, while Plymouth rarely achieved what the young squad had hoped.
LAEM Jim Moseley
A TEAM representing the Royal Marines Boxing Association beat a team from the British Police ABA in a charity contest at the London Marriott Hotel in Grosvenor Square. The event raised funds kit. C/Sgt Paul Clements for the teams and for the was the MC. RM Museum at Eastney Results - light heavyand was attended by the weight: PC Michael Fallan Commandant General RM, bt Mne Dillon Jones (40 Lt Gen Sir Robert Ross, Cdo); welterweight: Mne and sports personalities. Jamie Smith (40 Cdo) bt Leo Managed by C/Sgt PC Sean O'Sullivan; Toms and coached by Sgt heavyweight: PC James Rickie Miller, the Royal Bowen-Price bt Mne Andy Marines squad were preLane (Cdo Log Regt); midsented with the Eastney dleweight: Mne Mike HarTrophy by General Ross. dy (Comacchio Gp) bt PC Cdr Malcolm Campbell of Andy Stoten; heavyweight: the Metropolitan Police PC David Butler bt Mne the Best Boxer presented Chris Walker (Cdo Log of the Evening Award to Regt); middleweight: Mne PC James Bowen-Price. Dean Edwards (SEME BorThe evening was a huge don) bt PC Leigh Ratti; success, providing an exlight-middleweight: Mne cellent opportunity for the Steve Whyte (3 Cdo Bde to boxers participate at a HQ and Sig Sqn) bt PC David Odongkara. top-class venue against skilful opposition in front of a discerning audience. " Right: In their special The Corps' presence inlightweight contest Mne cluded members of the Stewart Donley (CTCRM), RM Band Deal and many in the red corner, bt Mne NCOs resplendant in mess Mick Cowley (CTCRM).
THE LONG-awaited artificial turf pitches at HMS Temeraire were the setting for this year's Inter-Command Hockey Championships, held over two blustery days but boasting some outstanding play.
It soon emerged that the title' was to be settled between Fleet, the Royal Marines and Naval Air. Then Fleet, who this year boasted a number of high-class, players, went down 2-0 to Air Command and it was apparent they would have to settle for third. Fortune had it that the last game of the competition was to be the final between the Royal Marines and Naval Air. Both went into the match unbeaten and sharing identical goal differences and predictably the game was hard, fast and skilful. The Royal Marines' cut, thrust and run-style sharply contrasted against Naval Air's more controlled and structured play. In this tight contest the single, first half goal from AEA Rattler Morgan, playing in his first Inter-Command, was enough to give Naval Air Command victory. It must be said, though, that AEM Richard Potter had to produce some fine saves in the Air Command goal to deny the Royals. The Indian Air Force Trophy was presented to Air Command captain CPO Mark Ardagh by Capt. Crawford, chairman of the RN Hockey Association. Naval Air's outstanding day was capped with the award of the Man of the Tournament Trophy to LAEM Jim Moseley.
AS reported last month, the combined Royal Navy/Royal Marines marathon -team were outright winners of the prestigious Military Team Trophy in the 1994 US Marine Corps
I Marathon, held in Washington. Team captain Lt Steve Gough of HMS Sultan, received the trophy from Vice Admiral Michael Boyce, RN athletics president.
I 7 ,/ 7
Fresh talent
Picture: LW(PHOT) Penny Taylor
FOUR semi-finalists emerged from the 12 starters in the Inter-Unit Volleyball Competition held at HMS Nelson. They were HM ships Collingwood, Daedalus, Seahawk and Neptune. The strong Collingwood team, pictured, had a fairly leisurely 3-0 win over Neptune, while the Daedalus v Seahawk game proved more of a battle. In the end Daedalus just had the edge. Fresh after a long rest, the Collingwood players retook the court to face a tired Daedalus side. Their skill and energetic pace soon told and Collingwood won the match 3-0. The Collingwood team comprised Lt Hall, Lt Black- I burn-Jones, P0 Page, LWEA Ahern, CPO Stephens, LWEA Reynolds, LWEM Dickins, LWEM Ford and P0 1 McKinnon. Meanwhile, the RN men's volleyball squad have lost 30 to Priory and to London Lynx, beaten Weymouth 3-2 and beaten Varsovia 3-0.
Naval Air Command, in blue, try to block Plymouth.
FOR THE first time the Royal Navy Basketball Championships have been held in Scotland, but the home Command could only manage fourth place.
Portsmouth won the event and Pompey representative CPOMEA Richard Cutler was judged the tournament's most valuable player. Runners-up were Plymouth, followed by Royal Marines, Scotland and Naval Air. Lt Paul Dunn and LPT Jan Kingston were thanked for their work in ensuring the smooth-running of the event at HMS Neptune, while Mrs Vicky Sippitt and Lt Andy PeI-
low were sterling scorers/ timekeepers. Lt
Fellow of
though in future he may be helped by Richard Cutler and Mne Paul Usher, who undertook their practical examination for the Grade III referees' award during the championship. Trophies were presented by Capt Rees Ward, chairman of the RN Basketball Association.
Results were as follows: Plymouth 75 Scotland 55; Portsmouth 74 Royal Marines 49; Scotland 56 Naval Air 47; Royal Marines 50 Plymouth 65; Naval Air 65 Portsmouth 66; Naval Air 59 Royal Marines 66; Portsmouth 67 Plymouth 60; Royal Marines 67 Scotland 6; Plymouth 74 Naval Air 47; Scotland 48 Portsmouth
\ 1 Nl\%'S. J tNt! \14V 19'h
v/arm smiles greet Ark 's royal visitor
FRIGATE DEPLOYS DOWN UNDER rOE rype 23 frigate HMS' Monmouth, in with a " iipport vessel,company will visit New LLatand later this year, breakto; an 11-year defence standoil caused by the country's position on nuclear weapons. Ever since the former Labour government banned foreign warships which: might be carrying nuclear weapons neither the RN not the US Navy have visited' the country. The UK, which has a policy of neither confirming nor denying the presence of such weapons, made it clear in 1992 that surface ships would not routinely carry nuclear weapons. WAS Monmouth, therefore, will call in at New Zealand as pa-ri of the Australasia '95 deployment.
OVER 500 members ol HMS Ark Royal's ship's company, together with their lamilies, welcomed Queen
Mother :dunng her
to the
The visit marked her long-standing association with previous ships bearing the name Ark Royal which goes back to the Second World War. She launched the present ship in 1981 and her predecesor in 1955. In addition to being patron 01 WAS Ark Royal. The Queen Mother has recently assumed the title Commandant-in-ChM for Women in the Royal Navy and this was the lint opportunity for her to meet Wrens under the command since assuming her new appointineel HMS Ark Royal, which completed second: seven-month deployment to the Adriatic, has been decomnsissloned and is being kept in a state of extended readiness. She will undergo refit in 1997 and return to service early in next Cs
a major
Freeze frame in_Antarctica
Ratings check the wine 11,,t
FOR THE FIRST time in the modem 'Royal Navy, junior ratings are being allowed to consume wine at sea as an alternative to beer.
7 JOIN the Navy and see the world... something OM(W) Coates has certainly managed to do at the tender age of only 17. The youngest rating on board HMS Iron Duke has only been in the is enjoying his first foreign run Navy for ten months ashore in South Georgia. As the Type 23 Cold Weather Trials ship HMS Iron Duke was snow during her visit to South well-prepared for the ice Georgia to resupply change over the resident garrison. In company with RFA Grey Rover the Royal Regiment of were ferried to the island to relieve the Royal Irish Rangers. Iron Duke's helicopter was kept busy re-stocking sale houses in the mountains and! provided a visiting film crew with exhilarating views tot their new MAX wide film format.
to the second half of the 114h Since lkccnitier I all stilors pints of beer or cqui%alcnt. centuf) the tot measured as over the age of 1$ hase hero while (Pt I'. and W05 are much as a quarter of a pint. able to buy. 1(j-centilitre bottles limited onl at the commandThat, with an extra allowance of wine front N1i, each bottle ing officer's disereticin. Drunkof a gallon of beer. may, have enness is, however, an offence counting as a third of a day's maximum 'allowance of under the Naval Di%ctiplinv accounted for the Nclsonian sailors rolling pit far more alcohol. Act. hlefore the change. junior than did the motion ofhts ship. Alcohol allowances at sea in rain' daily, allowance was resthe Royal Na are set against irrtr.t 10 three cans n( beer it." Inrlorn,,n,l n( wt,leiv "nn Now individuals can opt to ing sets of rules in other navies. substitute each of the 33f1-milliThe policy of total prohibition litre cans with a bet bottle of in L)SN sthps is ell known and wine, closely mirrored in Norwegian '[he new regulation is an wanhips sshcrc the only alciithe ti acknowledgement by 'Navy, that wine is increasingly lk)puofficers -- and then onl when tar among all young nicit and women, whether Scrs ice or thecivilian, RN's pre-wine edict of omit litre A message from ('-in-C' Fleet of beer per sailor per day. Ill German ships there are no limannouncing the mot' recognises the changing taste and the its imposed on off-duty drinkdesire in the Fleet for an altering. although drunkenness is native to hi-cr, but stresses that strictly ss'rhcilcri, there is no intention to undermine the privileges already held by senior rates. liar 1115 WOE (J S i'S is at sea are aii(ntcr) tsii
hol cottsurnptton allowed is their are aloncsidc. Netherlands follows Theships
Subscribe Navy News your copy delivered
Wine tanks
MINE countermeasures vessels have found the wreck of the Second World: War submarine HMS Vandal. lost with all hands in 1943 while on a training exercise off the Isle of Arran. HMS Vandal, MM a crew of served' on another submanne grave and Flag Officer Subof the came class,! made a marines, Rear Admiral Roger 37. was last seen at anchor off Lochranza, in February Lane-Nott. Intends to lay a positive identification. The wreck is now being wreath over her position later 1943 but then disappeared without trace. treated as an official war this year. In June this year a tenrauve tentative contact was found by HMS Hurworth in an area where local lithe~ believed there to be a sunken submarine and this contact was checked by the minehunters HMS Sandown and WAS Walney last month. The images they obtained were verified as being HMS Vandal by the AN Submarine Museum at Gosport, where Gus Brilton, one of the museum's researchers who
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wine producer base wine tanks in Iheir siops and share Germany's policy. In the l:rciich navy each niatelot us allowed a quarter-litre of wine with each meal except breakfast. However, a spokesman for the French service said that their young sailors iended iii nrc-Icr beer and soft drinks to their Country's most faiiiou', pi igiuct [he Royal Navy's accetitancc of wine may, he regarded as a refinement, - especially in the contest of the Scn'iee's hisioiy. As recc'ntl a 1971) each sail-(A sas atlinctt a free tot - civic -ci gti t Ii 111.1 poll of runt, VT)
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in drops DI-Sill TF being many flutes from home during the festive season, the ice patrol ship LIMS Endurance entered into the Christmas spirit and welcomed Father Christmas on board. One of the ship's red-nosed lynx helicopters proved a sLtitable replacement for the rednosed reindeer and flew Santa. laden with presents, to the ship. 11w age-old tradition of making the youngster person on board captain on ('hristnia', t)ay, was duly fulfilled by t?year-old -STI) Michael Mackit who relieved Capt Alan Phillips of his responsibilities. During Christmas and New year IIMS Endurance operated in the Antarctic Sound and next month will enjoy -a brief period in Punta Arenas before returning, once again, to the frozen waters of the Antarctic"
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" HMS Vandal, lost on February 23 1943, Pij*siad by Pusy Mew 10,15 Me.ws, Pr8nanam, wa ray~ b iswucrsaum PutIiZw
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