Invincible aid under the guns
THAT'S M'BOY! A WINNING picture in more ways than one, this photograph by CPO(PHOT) Al Campbell helped HMS Neptune Photographic Unit to win the first prize for a portfolio in the Royal Navy's Peregrine Trophy competition. Al achieved the sepia tint effect by printing on highgloss paper normally used for colour pictures, while the charm was provided by CPO(W) Quarters Administrator Lynne Walsh and her 13-month-old son Steven. Turn to our centre pages for more of the Navy's best pictures of 1994.
LWREN Audrey Stevenson meets a group of Bosnian refugee children during a project by aid teams from HMS Invincible to reconstruct a wrecked school near the front line. Under continuous threat from shellfire, officers and men from the carrier have been working in the heart of the war-racked country to get the school back into operation. We follow their efforts in our latest report on the Navy in the Adriatic in page 17.
THE BIGGEST and most sophisticated survey ship ever built for the Royal Navy has been ordered from BAeSEMA by the Ministry of Defence. Weighing-in at a remarkable 13,000 tons, the new ocean survey vessel will be comparable in size with the assault ships HMS Fearless and Intrepid. She will be built around the most sophisticated echo-sounder available — a multi-beam device which requires a large, flat-bottomed hull as a platform. The new technology will, however, dramatically enhance the results and .efficiency of the Navy's survey work by transmitting an echo-sounding beam up to 120 degrees wide. This produces a single, three-dimensional image of an area of the sea bed covering — for example — 60 square miles at a depth of 5,000 metres. The as-yet unnamed vessel will be built at a cost of £40 million by subcontractors Appledore Shipbuilders Ltd at Bideford, Devon. She will be more than four times the size of the ship she is intended to replace — the 30-year-old survey vessel HMS Hecla.
wide, including areas remote from normal shipping lanes. Her hi-tech equipment will make her capable of on-board data recording and precision navigation. She will have oceanographic and geo-physical sensors.
130m length
Queen Mr Major outlined the Government-sponsored commemorations which will form the nucleus of hundreds of events to be held throughout the country between March and October. The end of the war in Europe will be marked centrally by events on the bank holiday weekend of May 6-8, with final victory being commemorated on August 19-20. The Queen and other members of the Royal Family will play a prominent part on both occasions. More than 50 Heads of State and Government have been invited to attend the official VE Day events in London where the themes will be a celebration of 50 years of peace, reconciliation and the benefits won for the youth of today. Hyde Park will be-the focus for the VE events. May 6 being dedicated to veterans and their families. The day will culmi-
Power will be provided by two medium-speed diesel engines driving a single, controllable-pitch propeller giving a speed of 17.5 knots. She will have a length of 130 metres, a beam of 21m, a depth of 14m and draught of 8.3m. BAeSEMA — equally owned by Bri• Turn to back page
OUT OF SUN... HMS BROADSWORD cuts a dash in the Caribbean. The Type 22 frigate is due to leave the sun and return from duty as West Indies guardship in March.
A NATIONAL campaign has been launched, in tandem with this year's victory commemorations, to . acknowledge the debt of gratitude owed to those who fought for Britain and the Commonwealth in World War II. Entitled "Tribute and Promise", the campaign was anounced by Prime Minister John Major at a press conference in London last month. He said the Promise was a reaffirmation by the voluntary organisations that the caring companionship will not end with the special events. "Our commemorations to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of the war will give the nation the opportunity to remember the actions and sacrifices of those who won the war," he said.
Importance Announcing the order in Parliament, Defence Procurement Minister Roger Freeman said the new ship would carry out systematic hydrographic surveys in the world's oceans. "This order recognises the importance to the Royal Navy of a continuing specialist hydrographic capability and is part of the Government's plans to replace current hydrographic vessels and equipment as it becomes necessary." The new vessel will enter service in 1997 and, despite her large size, will have a complement of only 65-70. She will have an ice-strengthened bow and is designed for deployment world-
Victory events to have caring theme
Picture: LA(PHOT) Mark Misted
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