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MARCH 1995
Drug-busting ship gets Royal finale
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D-MSTING RUG worship HMS Broads~d was bohn giv-
on a Royal welcome for her return to Devonport after seizing £70 million worth of cocaine in the Caribbean Princes ktadra, who launched the ship in 1976. was p&snntn$ to cect broedsword on Starch 2. Just befoit- ilw Type 22 1vite entered i)nonpon for the tail how as an RN vs1. After cmbarkin in PItnouiti sound to meet mcmters o( iSe s*p\ cornpan. the Princess was to remain Oft
board .ntti the frigate berthed, c-tn v-
arára ti-c sLpi spsrnolstilt , opinti to b4 iseesdl &(oic the for uk i thIS
Rre.ôwtnts sustnsrsl anstaup opcratat addrd an Sr is the sh.p\ biut-
s-*ççf SO rlt-iutItnt 4I4 is an ls pt"-, tent tin asi (r'cadt s( lit 4'1 COtflQii'% flf( P4(PMW$ a rousing end raccanal 'st-kong 4i# itt snail akigisietsP.ku eaminga V4'ftlongpas
PAY RISE SERVICE pay a to an Average f 74 percent -just 03 per cent untier 0m cir.nl rate of inflation. 11s new soisty package. rewu.ntnd-
ud by the Am~ Fortes Pay Raves may, Sns. Gos*cneenl and sat tat attics front
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When the ship man *All] at WflL indtn dtflMitHT*%awidta %(tIt her a lka'u Zulu rinsige thU ItJTniZIJ Of tSC dcuj has Fin ur31 censrSt,ct drkçht at the ra 3tcflt
Hi$ a rnacw pairni 4 spcnfbnai had be, Intl droning 151$t twin into the 'sister ' the irrsatd islands iiQ miks is t of IN frugal( flue tnp,rrtdaintcl'Kt% rats'and sortiri siti ttvo$ui pate~' *Voads'.ucd niMe turf kit red test %Icammhllc boo t,.4% ficIL.Oplirg '&,4' Htnadsada'4t1/4l'('oiGuss,-
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Rites of betatefl 23 and 21 pit cent s*S'wu$ffi"daft rawf,rAesonsa. ..rvc. to betaaa (21.11 and tait POt wilt get bofsfln (50.04 and (5th, at-. and WO* *41 utcst.e (03 ($5 SI lot ." uncrtrnmad ttfllCtl+ Laiatsaants -' retain ' s. hue new dependeg is seniority, 14 ran lot Captains RN atg bfl*' £121.47 and £157.75. Am q accepted sir pfl Sons oft. so~ Reisnes . . . -thaRwAdtruvSsgeta3.fl percent "° 31$ and Admois avid Adm#olt of r~ 75 0 fo we. s.taas k+.d-ru page 1
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Helicopter search
KtnadsMatds tatl titaiiahs S1 a i f'i. M Na.a i'arstuØ.a'sent iA'usc .öd
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