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Archbishop and the Navy's peace role

Starry time for Cardiff

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Pirate who made the biggest killing


Private ownership plan for 60,000 married quarters

PLANS TO TRANSFER the 60,000 married quarters in England and Wales to private ownership have been announced by the Defence Secretary, Michael Portillo. If successful the Government proposal will result in the sell-off of several thousand surplus quarters, will speedup the improvement of Service homes, and boost the Ministry's funds. The transfer was of "tangible Mr Portillo said interested benefit" to Service families while parties that qualified would not affecting the terms of entitlebe invited to tender for the ment for personnel and their estate, which includes more families. than 9,000 Navy homes. Sale Charges would not be affected could go ahead this year, and MOD would continue to be although no specific time responsible for managing the scale had been set. estate through the tri-Service In a message to the Armed Defence Housing Executive Forces Mr Portillo said sell-off which had been created last year. depended on a good price being Mr Portillo said more than available and terms which "satisfied the interests of the Services." • Turn to page 16

'More settled times ahead' THE ROYAL Navy is busier today than at any time since the Falklands War, tackling more operational tasks with fewer ships and fewer people, the First Sea Lord told the Service in a forward-looking Christmas message. The situation would not our heavy tasking causes," change, said Admiral Sir Jock he said. "Nevertheless our Slater, but he would rather role across the whole specsee the Fleet and Royal trum of activities is vital, and Marines under pressure than no one should be in any under-employed. doubt about this." "I understand very well the He was proud of a Service personal stresses and strains • Turn to page 9

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