Navy News MAY 1996
THIS MONTH'S free 8-page supplement features the newly expanded role of the Clyde Naval Base.
Biggest gatejsince '48
In October we will be marking 50 years of RN aviation in the jet age with another special edition. Stories and pictures from WAFUs past and present should be sent to the Editor in an envelope marked 'Aviation Special'.
EXERCISING WITH IVAN Pictures of excellence
"NAVY NEWS "has long nurtured a reputation for fine photography" "A very busy tabloid style newspaper, packed with stories and pictures. It is very professionally done and has to cater to a wide variety of tastes" "Good value for money" "A classic example of the power of pictures ... the captions were just right. . . cropping was spot on. . ." "The most interesting newspaper I have judged in this class" Some of the comments of the judges in this year's Communicators in Business Awards who gave Navy News a Certificate of Merit for Picture Editing and Awards of Excellence for two photographs by members of the RN Photographic Branch. LA(Phot) Terry Seward scored yet again with his stunning shot of Wren Tracy Hall engaged in firefighting practice at HMS Excellent (March 1995). Meanwhile CPO(Phot) Al Campbell's sepia toned closeup of CPO(W) Lynne Walsh and her baby son Steven (February 1995) was singled out for praise among the Best Mono Picture entries. Navy News has now won a total of 71 awards in this competition (formerly the 'Editing for Industry' awards) without missing a year since it first entered in 1972 - a unique record.
JOINT EXERCISES with Russian and US warships - the first of their kind - were hosted by the Royal Navy last month. Next year more may be planned off the United States coast. As Navy News went to press HMS Gloucester was preparing to welcome the frigates RFS Admiral Levchenko and the USS Samuel B.Roberts to Portsmouth for a five day visit before heading out for exercises off the South coast. Exercise RUKUS 96 was to involve practising boarding techniques with RFA Black Rover in the role of a suspect cargo vessel. The Royal Navy has taken part in joint maritime talks with the two countries since 1988. Said an MOD spokesman: "The Royal Navy is delighted to cooperate with Russia and America in the field of maritime endeavour, especially in areas concerning humanitarian aid and United Nations embargo operations. "We have been involved with academic discussions for the past eight years and we are now getting to the core of naval business." Senior officers of the three navies were to meet to discuss the exercise at the School of Maritime Operations at HMS Dryad. Meanwhile the three ships would join in a commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the foundation of the Russian Navy by Tsar Peter the Great - who personally studied shipbuilding at Deptford
in 1698. The Royal United Services Institute in London was marking the occasion with a conference on "The Russian Federal Navy: Its Heritage and Prospects." • See also page 3.
IN THE WAR against drug smugglers HMS Brave hardly gets the chance to demonstrate the full power of her formidable punch. Here the West Indies Guardship pulls an Exocet missile from the heart of her arsenal for a practice firing captured on camera by LA(Phot) Chris Brick. See also page 11.
Tanker stood by for evacuation RFA GOLD ROVER spent a week off the coast of Liberia last month, ready to evacuate up to 200 foreign nationals trapped by civil war. The 12,000 tonne fleet support tanker provided a communications link and a valuable "backstop" service for the evacuation, which in the end was done by airlift from a US task force. Released from the operation on April 17, she was due to arrive in Portsmouth on April 25. Meanwhile it has been announced that the first female ratings to go to sea with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary could be ready to take up their billets by the end of
next month. Six women have been offered posts as Catering Assistamnts and are undergoing Sea Training at the Seamen's College, South Tyneside. They will join the RFA with the equivalent rate of Steward and there will soon be other vacancies for Communications Ratings, Deck Hands and engineering grades. A spokesman for the RFA told Navy News: "We will soon be advertising more sea-going posts and men and women who apply will be judged equally according to their merits."