Manchester in Ireland
MBE for
'Jack' creator
page 19
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Electronic diving sets take Navy down to record levels
NEW HI-TECH diving sets have been developed to make the Royal Navy's mine clearance divers the best equipped in the world. The new sets will almost double depth limits, and a trials team has already broken the RN record for a self-contained dive by reaching 86 metres.
350 fewer crew for new LPDs ENTRY into service of the two new assault ships ordered to replace the veteran vessels HMS Fearless and Intrepid will mean a manpower saving of 350 officers and men. In announcing the £450 million order on July 18, Defence Secretary Michael Portillo said the ships, of similar size and capability to Fearless and Intrepid, will have a ship's company of just over 320 each. The older vessels have a complement of 550 each, including 50 officers. The new ships will he designed to have 20 per cent of their accommodation capable of female occupation. The order has been placed with GEC Marine, and the ships - to be • Turn to back page
Red sails in the
Eight of the electronically controlled sets will be delivered in February, and eventually the Navy will have 240 of them. Known as the CDBA (Clearance Diving Breathing Apparatus), the equipment has been developed by Carlton Technologies Inc., an American subsidiary of the British aerospace conglomerate Cobham pic. Using the sets, Royal Navy divers will be able to deal with magnetic and acoustic mines lying on the seabed as deep as 90m. The depth limit of the set currently in service is just 54m.
Superior The CDBA is derived from the standard set in service with the US Navy, but experts believe that new developments have made the British variant far superior. The Royal Navy divers operate under strict safety regulations, but the present equipment is modified from an oxygen design which entered service in the Second World War. Following a c r i t i c a l • Turn to page 9
This picture was taken during trials with the new diving set, and shows the backup system developed during the tests.
A BOND Super Puma helicopter brings some colour into HMS Somerset's sea trials as it approaches for a transfer of Flag Officer Sea Training staff. The Somerset has started her Part IV trials after being accepted into service in May. Earlier she spent a weekend in
Falmouth after a shakedown period. She then undertook two weeks of preliminary safety training under POST before returning to Devonport for the commissioning of her weapons and sensor systems. Somerset is due to be commissioned in September and will resume her sea trials in October before becoming fully
operational the following month. Two-year-old Robert Markland has became the first child to be christened in the ship. The ceremony meant that Robert, the son of CPOMEA(L) David Markland and his wife Susan, became the first to have his name engraved inside the rim of the ship's bell.