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Looking I back on I SO years I in the I •'jet age I

INSIDE: SEA HARRIER FA2 CUTAWAY IN POSTER STYLE J^ i-j*i^ an 8-page supplement on the post-war Fleet Air Arm



Major event for the last of the Polaris submarines page 15

Invincible and Illustrious break new ground with awards over Bosnia

FOR THE FIRST time in the 30 years that the Wilkinson Sword of Peace has been awarded to units from the three Armed Forces, two Royal Navy ships will each receive a sword.

MARTIAN LYNX. . . .. ./s frte f/f/e of this unusual study by PO(PHOT) Roger Littler of HMS Osprey. It has been judged Best Colour Picture (from the Best Portfolio) in the Royal Navy Photographic Branch's annual Peregrine Trophy competition. Actually the colours are all wrong - the photographer got the effect by making a transparency of the negative taken of the helicopter flying over Portland Races, so that the green water came out red and produced the Martian surface. Don't miss next month's issue for more winning pictures from the competition.

Normally one sword is presented to a single unit in each Service, but this year Messrs Wilkinson Sword Ltd decided that their Naval award should go to the carriers which last year played a vital role in peace enforcement in Bosnia - HMS Invincible and HMS Illustrious. In an unprecedented step, two identical swords will be presented to the ships. A Ministry of Defence spokesman said that in community work ashore, the men and women of the carriers had contributed to fostering a spirit of peace in former Yugoslavia by demonstrating that the Royal Navy has a human face and is a resourceful, committed and caring Service.

Dangerous task In the Bosnian Muslim town of Bugojno work teams from the ships took on the major task of rebuilding the local school, a dangerpus job for which they were equipped with flak jackets, personal weapons, and morphine for emergencies. Several times they came under fire, and most were confronted with the appalling human cost of the war - something which seaborne forces do not usually encounter. • Turn to back page

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