pages 12-13
Task group gave 'over horizon' back-up to HK AS MILLIONS of people world-wide watched the handover of Hong Kong to China, the largest Royal Navy force in the Far East for 25 years lay unnoticed, just over the horizon, reports Dominic Blake. Aircraft from HMS Illustrious were within an hour of the colony and Royal Marines could have been put ashore in just half a day during the crucial stages.
which sailors from HMS Chatham, HMS Illustrious and The Royal Yacht played a starring role. And when Britannia, Chatham, RFA Sir Pcrcivale and the three ships of the Hong Kong squadron
sailed out of Victoria Harbour in the small hours of July 1, the task group was waiting to meet them in the South China Sea. • Exclusive pictures from Hong Kong - pages 19-21.
Everyone expected that the return to Chinese sovereignty would go as smoothly as it did, hut the presence of such a large force close by gave Britain some vital insurance against the unexpected. The Commander of the UK Task Group, Rear Admiral Alan West, told Navy News : "The force I have here is the most powerful maritime force in the region apart from the US Seventh Fleet. "As a military commander it is very, very useful to know that you have got something available if something happens that you never expected, and that is what we were here for." "Our aim was to do that, without exciting anyone or making the handover more difficult, and I think we got the balance just right."
Submarine The flotilla included almost every ship on the Ocean Wave deployment, the carrier battle group led by Illustrious, the amphibious task group led by HMS Fearless and the nuclear submarine HMS Trafalgar. American, Korean and Australian submarines where also under Admiral West's command, a first for the Royal Navy, for an ASW exercise which coincided with the handover. Over 120 million tuned in to watch the ceremonies ashore in
The Flag - first and last WHILE the Union Flag was lowered for the last time over Hong Kong by OM(AW) Nick Tarrant of HMS Chatham- pictured above by CPO(PHOT) Paul Cowpe - the White Ensign was raised for the first time over the Royal Navy's newest establishment, HMS Agrippa in Naples (right). LRO Dean Scales and WRO Karen Maloney (right) performed the ceremony in Italy. Turn to page 11 for report and more pictures by LA(PHOT) Steve Lewis.
• BOOKS & FILMS p22 23 • PEOPLE IN THE NEWS p16-17
B SPORT p38 39