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Naw News OCTOBER 1997

Plus other cash prizes totalling £200 in our JOKER JACK competition

Liverpool at crisis island

uncan and first Trafalgar, ; page 26

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Navy days centre pages

• HMS Liverpool off Montserrat the story of the destroyer's ten days among the people of the island, as fears for their safety grew, appears with more pictures in pages 12-13. Picture: PO(PHOT) Jon Garthwaitwe

BIGGER aircraft carriers with more warplanes and greater strike capability are being seen by senior Naval officers as the most effective replacement for Britain's Invincible-class ships, writes Anton Hanney. Although the three Harrier carriers have given sterling service over the past two decades, the Royal Navy's senior staff are keenly aware that the ships were not specifically designed for the operational role they are being called upon to fulfil in today's world.

'Bigger is better' belief by Fleet and reconnaissance roles. Although the British carrier-borne aircraft provided only four per cent of the Alliance's air assets there, they flew eight per cent of the total sorties. The lesson has been well learned. Though the Navy do not want to go back to the steam catapult - they foresee the ultimate replacement for the Sea Harrier as a joint UK-US VSTOL

Women in subs a long way off

WOMEN are unlikely to serve in Royal Navy submarines for many years to come, Navy News has learned. It is understood from senior Naval sources that although a study into female sailors on submarines is progressing, no subAs long ago as the Falkiands War, marines in service or currently HMS Invincible was proving the need planned are structured to accept for flexibility by launching Harriers on women crew members. strike sorties. More than ten years Plans for the new Astute-class later, the class's primary contributions vessels are so far advanced that it to NATO's sorties over the former would be difficult to convert even Yugoslavia were in the strike, patrol them for mixed crews.

Conceived in the depths of the Cold War, they were intended primarily as the nucleus of a task force to combat the Russian maritime threat - a job they have never had to do for real.






IE NEWS p89 • BOOKS & FILMS p22-23

aircraft - hearts are becoming set on an increase in carrier size and greater Joint Service "operability". "The ship should be able to operate the number of aircraft that could perform any task," says Deputy Fleet Commander, Vice Admiral Jeremy Blackham, one of those convinced that bigger is better. "A larger ship would be capable of embarking more aircraft and would therefore be more cost-effective. "Increase in size need not be very much more expensive - HMS Ocean (the new helicopter assault ship) cost about the same as a frigate to build. The cost depends on what technology and weapons you put into the ship, not size alone." His view of maritime air power is that it can often be brought to bear quicker and nearer the target than land-based aircraft, it needs no bases, it can avoid bad weather, and can be mixed and matched to the task in hand, using any dual-capable aircraft. The need for the Invincible-class to pack a stronger punch is emphasised by the plan to extend the flight deck and stowage space forward by remov• Turn to back page

• RNA p33 • SPORT p38-39

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