But will Naval city keep her? AS HMY BRITANNIA makes her final tour of the UK before decomissioning, the Naval city of Portsmouth sees itself as a front runner among the contenders bidding to make the Royal Yacht a heritage showpiece. Britannia, which left her base at Portsmouth on October 20 to begin a month-long voyage around the British Isles, is due to decommission on December II and will not be replaced, the Government has decided. The paying-off ceremony at Portsmouth will be attended by the Queen and other members of the Royal Family. Commodore Royal Yachts, Commodore Anthony Morrow, said Britannia would be involved in an intensive series of royal events in each of her eight ports of call, culminating with a visit to London to coincide with the golden wedding celebrations of the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh. Commodore Morrow said: "Inevitably there is an element of sadness about this last trip, but it is a proud end to this ship's life." Options for Britannia's future are being studied, including a £10 million plan by the Flagship Portsmouth Trust to open her as a
tourist attraction, based with HMS Victory, HMS Warrior and the Mary Rose at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. Portsmouth City Council leader Leo Madden said: "Portsmouth is emerging as a front-runner for permanently housing Britannia for the public. As a national monument and an international tourist attraction, her ideal home would be in her home port of Portsmouth." He said the city was world renowned for its maritime heritage and it had the experience and expertise to maintain the ship properly. She would complement the £86 million Millenium Project plans to redevelop the harbour. "The people of Portsmouth have a strong emotional tie with Britannia, and many of them have been associated with her over the years," he said. She would be berthed near the Victorian ironclad HMS Warrior and funding to preserve her would be raised by public subscription. However, Portsmouth faces stiff • Turn to back page
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• SPORT p42-43