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Naw News MARCH 1998

Don't miss our museums guide

Navy watch on the melting ice


Plus £500 in cash prizes with our Joker Jack competition page 14

Two-stage pay rise NAVY pay will increase by between 3.75 and 4.2 per cent this year - but will again be introduced in two stages, the first being paid on April 1 and the second on September 1. Junior rates will receive the higher percentage award. Living expenses are to rise by 3.5 per cent, and food charges by 1.5 per cent. ~ Full report - page 11

• HMS Invincible launches a Sea Harrier in the Gulf and (inset), the Commander of the UK Task Group, Rear Admiral Ian Forbes.

BRITAIN'S Naval force in the Gulf was primed and ready to take action against Saddam Hussein as Navy News went to press. In an exclusive interview with us, the Commander of the UK Task Group, Rear Admiral Ian Forbes, said his ships and aircraft were well prepared for joint bombing tasks with the Americans over Iraq.

Why we're going up

Speaking in HMS Invincible, Admiral Forbes - who commanded the aircraft carrier for the bombing of Serb installations in Bosnia in 1995 - said that for weeks his warships and aircraft had been operating in the Gulf alongside the carriers USS Independence and George Washington. The British force includes the frigate HMS Coventry and the destroyer HMS Nottingham, which have continued to enforce UN sanctions on Iraq, and the supply ship RFA Fort Victoria. "The task group is in a position to deploy what is asked of them," said Admiral Forbes. "Operations are intensive and focused, with our Harrier GR7s and Sea Harrier FA2s conducting business alongside the Americans on shore and in the carriers." While recognising that the American force deployed in support of the UN weapons inspection programme was huge in comparison to Britain's, he said that the Royal Navy and RAF contribution offered a significant offensive strength. "The Nation brings to the table a task group offering offensive and defensive air ability, with Sea Harriers equipped with AMRAAM air-to• Turn to centre pages • RAF at sea - page 19

NAVY NEWS is bigger and brighter. Over the past 12 months the average size of your Navy News has risen to more than 40 pages packed full of news, features and readers' services which keep you in touch with the Royal Navy present and past. And since the beginning of the year, your award-winning paper has broken new ground by bringing you full colour throughout. Production costs have, however, been rising unavoidably, and we have to adjust the price to maintain and build upon the unrivalled quality that you have come to expect from us. So, from next month, Navy News will cost just 10p more - yet still a bargain with more news, more colour, and more supplements featuring special subjects and events.

First women COs THE first two women to be chosen by the Royal Navy to command HM ships are due to take up their appointments this month. Lt Sue Moore is to command HMS Dasher, and Lt Melanie Rees will become CO of HMS Express. • Seepage 15


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