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• Helping hand - Chef Mark Shepherd of HMS Sheffield comforts Julia Elvin on the island of Guanaja. RN chefs have a secondary role as first-aiders. Picture: LA/PHOT) Steve Wood
A ROYAL Navy task force led by HMS Ocean has left the Mosquito Coast of Central America after a harrowing mercy mission in the wake of Hurricane Mitch. The helicopter carrier was in the Caribbean for hot weather trials when the hurricane, thought to be the worst Atlantic storm for 200 years, smashed into Honduras and Nicaragua. Latest estimates are that 10,000 died
in the storm and its aftermath and a
Gulf ships at high state of readiness
HMS CUMBERLAND peels away from the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Elsenhower while working closely with American task group ships in the Gulf. As Navy News went to press, a Royal Navy spokesman confirmed that British warships in the Gulf were remaining at a high state of readiness following Saddam Hussein's apparent backdown over Iraq's non co-operation with
United Nations weapons inspectors. The coalition ships and aircraft are at immediate notice to use force in the event of Saddam's failure to honour his latest pledge. Cumberland, whose Commanding Officer, Capt Richard Leaman, is the Royal Navy's task group commander in the Gulf, has also been exercising with the region's navies as well as enforcing • Turn to back page.
further 10,000 are missing in Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador. Around a million people were left homeless and with little food. Coastal and riverbank settlements were inundated with floodwater, and many of the thousands who died were buried under mud slides or swept out to sea. West Indies Guardship HMS Shetlicl<! was one of the first vessels to set people ashore to start saving lives and repairing the damage - and the task was daunting. "My tirst-aid teams and I were the first relief workers they had seen," said Surg Lt Sue Davis, who went into Mangrove Bight on the devastated island of Guanaja. "Neither words nor pictures could have sufficiently prepared us for the scenes of total destruction and human suffering." The Type 22 frigate rescued Isabella Arriola Batiz de Guity, a 36-year-old Honduran teacher who had been swept away and spent six days adrift before she
was spotted by an American aircraft as she clung to debris 80 miles offshore (see p!7). Ocean was diverted from Exercise Caribbean Fury, an Anglo-Dutch amphibious exercise, and became command ship for the Navy's rescue efforts. Operation Tellar. Also involved were Roval Marines of 45 Commando, RFA Sir Tristram - which ferried Royals and Dutch marines from Belize - RFA tanker Black Rover and Dutch frigate HNLMS Willem van der Zaan. From Ocean, Sea Kings of 845 Naval Air Squadron and Royal Marines Lynx and Gazelles from Ocean, joined Sheffield's Lynx to ferry teams and supplies to villages swamped by the Rio Coco, the river along the border of Honduras and Nicaragua, which was running 30ft higher than usual. Members of the RM Assault Boat Squadron ranged up to 50km upriver to distribute supplies and lend assistance, while medical and work parties were flown into isolated inland villages in the jungle. • RN mercy mission - pages 16-17
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