MARCH 1999
Crisis on the Yangtse
NEW LEAVE rules are being welcomed as giving Service people a simpler and more flexible system of time off. Changes in the way leave is calculated mean that from the beginning of this month all personnel will have the option to take the equivalent of seven weeks leave plus three bank holiday long weekends.
The new allowance replaces the old system by which Service people were given 36 days' leave including weekends. Now they will have
30 days excluding weekends and public holi-
days, and in effect that gives the option of a third week in the summer. The one week's extra leave which was originally granted at the discretion of commanding officers has now been incorporated into the new system. The improved arrangements reflect a Strategic Defence Review commitment to move to a common leave allowance for all ranks across the Services. Among the changes is a better system of seagoing leave. Previously, officers and ratings in seagoing ships were entitled to one day for every 30 at sea, up to a maximum of 12 - but including weekends. Now the 12 days will be purely working days, exclusive of weekends.
PAY: IT'S 3.5% THIS YEAR'S Service pay rise means that most people in the Navy will receive 3.5 per cent - with some junior ranks receiving slightly more in percentage terms and senior ranks up to Commodore getting slightly less. In the face of hard lobbying by the Navy Board and other public sector groups, the Government has decided not to stage the increases, which will take effect on April 1. • Details - page 18. "Overall this is a good package for the Royal Navy as we head into the next century," a spokesman for Director Naval Service Conditions told Nary News. "The recording of leave will no longer be seen as a black art practised by Chief Writers and Mastersat-Arms. The new leave allowance is much easier for the individual to understand, simple to calculate and allows for greater flexibility when planning personal activities." He said the new allowance was better than that which most civilian employees enjoyed in the public and the private sectors, and was an improvement in Service life. Under the old system public holidays had to be • Turn to page 18
Chatham takes world title HMS Sutherland, with the icy expanse of South Georgia behind her, heads homeward as the last dedicated Falkland Islands Guardship (FIGS). The standing deployment - which has been running in one form or another since 1982 - is now combined with that off West Africa to form Atlantic Patrol Task Group (South). As Navy News went to press, the group comprised HMS Westminster and the tanker RFA Oakleaf, currently standing by off Sierra Leone. Atlantic Task Group (North) is made up of HMS Marlborough and her tanker, RFA Gold Rover, in the West Indies. Meanwhile, Sutherland was due to return to Devonport later this month after taking part in a NATO exercise. Picture: Cpi Damn Garwood RAF
IN A MOVE designed to heighten recognition of the River Medway's international role in naval history, Chatham Historic Dockyard has been re-named 'World Naval Base'. The new name was announced on February 22 by the Chairman of the Historic Dockyard Trust, Admiral Sir Nicholas Hunt. A spokesman for the dockyard said: "World
Naval Base has set its sights firmly on becoming the most thrilling entertainment destination outside London." The new name will be used only for the tourist attraction. The address of people who still live and work there will remain The Historic Dockyard, Chatham. • Chatham Navy Days preview - page 12.