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Bright Star
desert storm
Four pages of festive fun in our" centre section
pages 22-23
Legoland and 'Peter Pan' HMS WESTMINSTER has been chosen as the BBC's anchorspot for their live TV coverage of the advent of the new Millennium.
The Type 23 frigate will be berthed at Greenwich on New Year's Eve during which broadcasts will link up Service families and Royal Navy vessels around the world.
The Tele marathon over the New Year will also include an interview with the First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Michael Boyce.
• HMS Westminster- TV cameras will be on board her at Greenwich for the BBC's Millennium show.
Westminster chosen as host for TV show. And Year 2000 task group to tour the British Isles
An estimated one billion viewers across the world will witness through their TV screens the Royal Marines Band Plymouth's Beat Retreat ceremony on the Hoe to mark the old Millennium's last sunset on the British mainland. The performance is planned as the highlight of a spectacular celebration there. The Navy's contribution to the celebrations has been scaled so as not to impact on operational commitments, nor to unduly disrupt its members' own plans for spending time at home with their families. But, says a Navy spokesman: "The Millennium celebrations present an excellent opportunity to raise the RN's profile, and full advantage is being taken of that opportunity. "Many, many requests for support for events have been received by the Ministry of Defence, and a central committee has been set up to co-ordinate those bids." For the past year a Naval working group has been planning participation and deciding priorities so that the RN programme will roll throughout the year in a huge range of national and regional activities. In May-July a round-Britain deployment of Royal Navy vessels - UK 2000 - is planned, including at times an aircraft carrier. Built around a Joint Maritime Course exercise, the group will conduct a co-ordinated series of port visits and sea days. In support will be the RN Presentation Team, a Royal Marines band and recruiting displays. The Navy will also be playing a prominent part in the Millennium Youth Games, which, after the Dome, is the Government's second priority celebration to mark the year 2000. Grand finale of the games will come on August 17-20 at Southampton's extensive Outdoor Sports Centre, with accommodation for 6,000 participants • Turn to back page