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Marines cool it in African hot-spot Sierra Leone reports p-19-21
JULY 2000
Plus adventure tickets offer - p16
RECORD AID FOR CAREER CAREER prospects of every sailor and Royal Marine will receive a boost this month with the issue of personal development records (PDRs).
during initial training. Reserve personnel will receive their PDRs through parent units from late September. Each PDR is essentially an A4 ringbinder with pockets for various forms, certificates, appraisals, and floppy disks. The onus is on each individual to keep his or her PDR up to date and effective, Originally a Navy an d RM although help will be available at both departmental and unit level. Among the elements which can be recorded are roles and responsibilities; educational, vocational and extra-mural courses; membership of professional bodies; S/NVQ accreditation requirements and resettlement provision. The concept has been welcomed by civilian recruiters, who stress the need for job applicants to "sell themselves." During initial research, one commented: personnel will receive their PDR, individually addressed, "If I saw this, I would describe the person as from the middle of this month, and there- organised, interested and career-orientated after packs will be issued to new entrants - those are good qualities."
The independent market research showed that the overwhelming majority of employers sampled saw PDR as an impressive document which, if correctly used, would help individuals when seeking civilian employment. The issue of PDRs has required a logistical operation of some complexity. Total weight of material plus packaging is around 70 tonnes, and because of the bulk of the order, it will require 1440ft articulated trucks to deliver all the packs. The paper alone amounts to 21 tonnes, and was taken from sustainable sources.
Walney to home in on the South HMS WALNEY will be leaving Scotland in the autumn when she changes from the Clyde-based Third Mine Countermeasures Squadron to join Second MGM Squadron at Portsmouth. This picture of her was taken as she passed through the Rhu Narrows to return to the Clyde after her second deployment to
the Mediterranean in six months. On board was Commodore of Clyde Naval Base, Commodore Richard Lord, who had joined the ship for the last leg of her voyage from Devonport to Scotland. Walney will leave for Portsmouth after a sixmonth refit which began on May 2.