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2000 £1.00
The Navy's Battle | of Britain
Dolphin's salute to HMS Norfolk as
A ROYAL NAVY warship that grasped the opportunity to shape has global events been awarded the prestigious Wilkinson Sword of Peace. HMS Norfolk has won the honour for her involvement in the volatile arena of Sierra Leone following the advance of rebel forces into the capital Freetown in December
1998. The rebels, opposed to the democratic government, were mutilating, kidnapping and murdering the local population and destabilising the country. HMS Norfolk, as the closest British warship, was sent in to support the government and Commonwealth citizens.
• As if in salute following the announcement of the award to HMS Norfolk of the Wilkinson Sword of Peace, this dolphin (circled) escorts the frigate into Devonport during a routine exercise in August. The rare sight was captured in this picture, and in close-up on the right, by cameraman LWEM John McKnight shooting his pictures from an accompanying police launch.
According to the citation, the frigate's arrival had an immediate impact, and "in essence, HMS Norfolk acted as a catalyst to help Freetown regain normality". Locals saw that the outside world was concerned at their plight, the
rebels were given a clear message of intent, and morale among troops from the Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group (ECOMOG) was lifted. The ship's Lynx helicopter was used to move medical supplies into the city, and several wounded people, including two nuns who had been shot, were evacuated, along with the Archbishop of Freetown. As the position of President Kabbah improved and that of the rebels weakened, public confidence and security grew, and Norfolk • Turn to page 2
Carrier cutaway to be repeated DUE to technical problems, our cutaway drawing of an Invincible-class aircraft carrier in the centre pages of our August edition was not reproduced to our usual high standard. To avoid causing disappointment to our readers we will repeat the feature in our next (October) issue.
• LETTERS p6-7