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News JULY 2002

Taste of adventure for rescue teams in 'Sorbet Royal —


Bandit's back for some fun in the sun! -P2


Nelson on tour 2002 - p39

Absolutely fabulous day for Joanna and Frank Ab Fab star Joanna Lumley joins Cadet Frank Gillette of Stoke Newington unit TS Stoke to welcome the Queen to the Golden Jubilee Awards ceremony at the Royal Academy of Arts. See also page 12. Picture: David-Ellis


AS THE withdrawal of the Royal Marines from the campaign against terror in Afghanistan was announced last month, ideas for rapid reaction forces of Reservists to deal with what are now being described as "asymmetric" attacks on the UK were being discussed at the Ministry of Defence. While the Royal Navy will continue its patrols in the Gulf region, the changed nature of the security threat, with the deployment by terrorists of chemical, bilogical, radiological or even nuclear devices against the civilian population could, it is argued, involve the Reserves taking on an extra role in home defence and security. As part of a "new chapter" to the Government's Strategic Defence Review, Reaction Forces of around 500 Volunteer Reserves could be established in each region of the UK, able to be called upon at short notice to help police and civil authorities in "an impending or actual crisis".

The Army's regional brigade areas would generally be used to this end - but there might be areas, depending on the numbers of personnel available, where the Royal Navy would take the lead..Individuals, who could be from any of the Volunteer Reserves of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army or Royal Air Force, would remain with their parent units and train as normal for their current roles, but would be earmarked as being available for the Reaction Forces if required. Tasks for the Forces could include reconnaissance, assistance with mass casualties, site search

and clearance, transport and communications, the operation of water and feeding points and control of movement of large numbers of the public at the request of the civil police. "We do not rule out being faced with a situation that requires the compulsory mobilisation for home defence and security tasks of Volunteer Reserve units in the role for which they regularly train, at the same time as or following an emergency that required the deployment of a Reaction Force." Reservists are invited to send their own views on their employment in home defence and security to The Director, rescrvers Forces and Cadets (Reserves Consultation), MOD Room 711 A, St Giles Court. 1-13 St Giles High Street. London WC2H 8LD by Friday, September 13, 2002, or by email to: drfc-consultation(«<defencc. mod.uk. Command of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan has now been handed over to Turkey. The Royal Marines' withdrawal, comprising 1,700 members of 45Cdo, was set to begin by July 4 and, subject to operational demands, should be complete by the end of the month. In a statement to the House of Commons, Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon praised their crucial role in securing Afghanistan's future. "The drawdown will enable us to rest and

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