w$ Bullseye for Tireless - centre pages
Creature from the Black Lagoon, maybe? - page 25
V< THE GOVERNMENT has announced its plans for all three Britiswrevie "the larges t and most exciting programme of warship building for at least a generation" . Some of the new ships arc already in s submarine s has shown conclusivel y build, with the Astute-clas s assaul t ships that the three existin gNaval Bases will be and the new amphibiou neede d for the foreseeabl e future to sup- Albion and Bulwark well under way. But n now port the ships and submarine s that are in- the influx of larger units betwee and 2015 had called into questio n where service , on order or planned. " . The Fleet is set to receive a batch of they would be based new ships bigger and better than those they replace , describe d by the Minister as • Turn to page 3
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AFTER THE BATTLE BODMIN artist Mike Haywood's magnificent, closely researched painting of HMS Victory in the Storm after the Battle of Trafalgar is to be produced as a limited edition print to mark the forthcoming centenary of Nelson's greatest triumph, the mount holding a piece of original Victory oak and copper sheathing from the hull. Watch for details in a later edition.