Page 1



Duncan left in Ne|son’s shadow

awards Condor


colours back


TWELVE stalwarts of the Fleet are to be

pensioned off early as the Royal Navy is

streamlined for the

21 st


The scythe of cuts ilL‘r(l.\'.'~' the three Armed Forces mcams. the Senior Service will lose l.5llll pcrsnnncl hy Zllllh’ us purl of the Strategic l)cl'uncc Review announcul by I)cl'cncc Sccrclury (icufl llnml.

unua w:n-mIstl ',"l\mNlr:1!I l| ;'

l-'ir.\l Scat Loni Atlnliriil Sit .«\l.'m Wcsl said "nlust difficuull l.lL'L'l\l('Ill.\" had been lI'llllIL' in lr:m-lnrming_- the l-'lu.'L'l lrnm um‘ Nllll in m;in_\' L‘ll.\I..'.\ built In mccl lhc cl1;i||cn_u<:> of the lamIlltll ccnlur_\' into one llL'L'(|L'tl in tho: pnsl-Scplcrnhcr ll world. “it ;itlntir;l| lnltl ;\"rtt_1~ ,\"4'rn lllul u lmlutlcc had in IN.‘ .\ll’llCl\‘ l‘t'|\\L’L‘ll “hill tlli: N:l\'_\' wantcil uml \\Il1ll it cuultl ;tll'urtl. .-\\ RI rcxull 12 shipx are In he paid all early‘ to ensure this Sunim .\'i:nicc rucciw-» the hilcch equipment and \\‘:ll".\lllp.\ Clilt,‘ll_\ two new uircrult curriUIN. ciglll cscnrtirig 'l'ypc 45 lIk'\lll))'L‘l'\ and the .-.t:ilc-nl'llu--art computer. informalions and wcupum .\_\'\lL'lil.\ \\l|ich will puucr ll‘lL'lll.


ll '


-H .u_



shakeresulting means Britain's three


up oldest

destroyers HMS -

Newcastle. Cardiff and



are to

_lmmng.: them on

.li\ ll\l



be paid

dispos'l'_\'pc Z3


lti_u.ltu\: HMS Nurlull..

\I.IIlhtIlUll_l_'li and (irzillun. I)L'\pllk' lwing in-.1 .\L'\L'Il }'c::lt~

ultl. (imllnn slur all the l'l'\ tll.mi.| xctlus Ihrlxur-.: llfun'\ l\ tlL'L‘Ulllllll\\llIlltjli l\cln_; l‘t‘t'.lLl\n' \i'lL‘ l\ tlllc int ;i I’L'|ll \\lllL'l1 hut llI(ICl ~I~lcr~ ll;i\L' .lIlL'.ltl_\ ll.ul. I ilk‘ \;n\_\ IN .li'sll lL'tlllk'lllf_‘ |l\ llllllt‘ urunlvtIl1c;l~t|Ic~ lnluw


111. I l1.il tlcclxlnll lllL‘2lIl\ the cm!

-ll ll\l.\ .\'.lmlu\\|I llcrxcll.

lllltlpnrl llic uupimctl ~ucur1l_\


uml Ill\L‘lllL'\\.



\mlllcrn Ituluml l1lk'.lI|\ the thick" Ilunt—t‘l.n~ \ll|]\\ |\.ltrnllIIIg_' lllL‘lC “I” he [Mini nll l\_\ :llll~. 0 Turn to back page llun



of three Type 'de§t_r;oyer:-~to be paid off under the latest Defence Review ’_ r-_

OHMS Cardiff is

andwi Three destroyers one




three frigates to go





,~.‘ .\\.'~. f\'l»\l.'5_ ,.\i l( il *5 i‘ ll!”


'0 ICE









Flatrol1=‘.!l'il%lil J£~‘a._Eri“'({l 'lI .I:I<:e‘fhas

begun an exte'ns dockyard, Falmo




fiat A&P

areas such as the



.‘workto nclude

bridge, galley and

A NEW version 01 Search Scheme Alpha In which divers train to llnd limpet mines placed on the hulls of ships by

attack swimmers can now complete the task in less than hall the time once taken. HMS Liverpool's team (above) pioneered the new technique ever more important under the hei htened terrorist threat alter an Intensive two-day Flag Oll oer Sea Training package oll Gibraltar. —


HMS VIRAGO LOCATED inside the newly established Museum ol the Historic Docltya rd at Chatham. Kent. the ligurehead from HMS Virago is one of the rare lull length standing figureheads to have survived In the Royal Navy. Relatively small in size at just over 4l‘t high, Virago is described as a woman of masculine strength or a lernale warrior and takes the lonn of a young woman with blonde hair and a green laurel headdress striding forward with a lighted torch in her lelt hand. The name Virago dates in the Service lrom the early 1800s with a number ol small vessels.This ligurehead was taken lrom the second major vessel 01 the name. a wooden paddle lrigate built at Chatham In 1842. Just 180l't long and with a beam ol 36ft. her tonnage was 1.059 and she was armed with six 68pdr pivot guns and tour 10in guns. Alter a short period ol local service around the UK, Virago was used the Admiralty from 1850-55 lor survey me Ocean air! then from the early work. lint in the 1660s on the North American station. She was taken out of service to be broken up at Chatham in 1876 when her ligurehead was removed and placed in the Doclcyard's growing collection. ll stood for many years in the grounds ol Medway House belore the establishment ol the Historic Dockyard and removal into the Museum in the early 1990s.

Whites stay sharp in New Yorkers’ view (_'Rl'l'l('lSMnl :\;m.'w|1ilc.sas lacing outdated and out of fashion lot :1 Zlst century llcci has not palssctl the scrutiny of :1 lurclgn



this _\'c;ir mud it \A.I\ time In tlrlcli thc Irupiczil uniform lnr miiiulliiinz mun: ;l[l[\I'Upli;llL' .nml \ll_L'\‘.!l.'SlL'l.i lhc lr.'IditIun;|l rut: \\.i\ .I hlilc


Hill vtcvt nl HMS ln\'Incrl\|c .'|nd llMS('urms.il| and Nut Yurkcrs _i:.nc tilt.‘ lru;-n'.il vtilllcx thc Iilulllils up



Indcpcrnlcncc \\ rckuiil \I\ll “lg .~\|l{1lL'.

~hip~' In


(lcvs giwli lhu upturn ul «carm_u ri_-.1 «it -.‘n\_\ cinlhcx clmw in

dun xshilrx nlnc lllIit'\ «ml durlln: lint‘ luv-d.i\ slop--xrr

nl Ill

I hr nmlurm inuL\ \c:\ \ll.li]‘. not \'.llll[‘ lizcx in.ii.c -.'n'.n .nnli.i~ ~.u|ni~ Itll lhun umnlrx. \.i:.l \k'\\ ‘Iuriwr \i.iun'cn Iiurx-;i|.: ‘K-rih‘\\ Hi-_' v\[I1I|.' l\'~lti'.‘l‘l Jun lmluix "

snltlcdi “It's qurlc .i sight in sci: lurgc numbers at ”Iill\|"I.\.'li|Uf.\all lilL‘\\Ctl \ltl:Ill|_\' «Ill! and uhuul in our cm. 'l'hc_\ stand nut from this

L'ru\\d." .\}ulnr~ Ill rig vu:rv.' given lruu: ruin nn Ihc \l.li'l\\:l_\. rlixcnunl unit) In lllc Slulnc ul |.II‘L'1"l_\.\\L'll.‘will In lllc lrnnl nl lhc qucuc to climb the |'iIl|IlIc Slain‘ Iiirilililig. .|lnl _::uncr.i|l_\ i.li.ilit‘k| in New YnrkL'r.~_ "ll _mu'rc in tin tun .IlL‘ tn::tlr:d like l>.ini;~." mind ('i’() .\1Ikc (‘hilly nl


hm tun |uus.‘|1_ wlnl ynu in lhc lmnl nl tllIL‘ilL‘\. Ill\IiL‘ tun l-I lhc lllcalrc lur ilvc \\u ii.l\ C lwcri lrtuilul IlIt'lL‘iiii‘i\ in-ll." O WHITE COMPANY: Sailors in rig were welcome in New York. See centre pages

talk" Deep


NAVY NEWS. :\li'(il iS'l' ZIILJ 3


with the

H.-\|{()\l-SS '|"|i;ilc|icriiinilc ;i priuilc visit in the Ru_\‘:il NM} .\'uhiii;iriiic ,\Iu.xcuiii :il (iuxpnrl. nl whicli all»: is


sovereign study up

for sale in aid iii


PLYMOUTH artist Edward Boyle is ottering his study in oils of HMS Sovereign


the Van at the Battle of Trafalgar to the highest bidder. proceeds to go to Naval

charities. The painting shows the Plymouth-built Royal Sovereign opening lire with a lull the broadside on Spanish Santa Ana. Starboard of Royal Sovereign is the French


Bids open at £1,000 and should be sent by st to The Editor, Navy HMS Nelson. ews. PortsmouthP01 3HH or email to by

edlt@navynews.co.uk. Bidding closes on September 30.

Hit‘ 'lrun Ind)‘. wliu \\;I.\ Pmnc Mllllslcl’ dlllllli: tli-.lulklziililxWar in N3.‘ wliuii lhu: nrdcr was given lur lhc .suhni:irinc HMS (‘nmiiicrur In lurpcdn ihu Argcnliiiiaiii criiiwr (icncrnl liclgrziiiii. spcnl nc:iil_\' lwu Iinurs ail lhc iiiuscuiii.

_L'.l\‘L'll zi giiiilcd

hy Dircclnr


(llr Juli Til” and

(’li;iiriii:inoi the Truxiccx Vivi." »\iiniir;i| Sir Roy .‘\'cmn;ni. "|..'id) ’|h:ilL'Iiui has |K'L'll il p.IIfiIll ul uni iiiuwuiii lui livc _\L‘:ll\ and llzix ncu-i |K'L'lI .IhIL' in mid llic lIlllL' in \l\Il hcluic."

cxpluiiicil ( 't|i


"\\'\' \\L'lL' L|c|Ii:|lli.‘d in \\L‘l~ uuiic |ii.'i .Il!(| \I\U\\ |lL'l .il| lhu iii\pl.'i\-. .nu| L'\hlI\1l\. Shy look .i wry kucn llllL’IL'\l iii mcrylliiiig mid |lliIliIll_t:hi\ L'II|lI_\L'(l hci link’ with u\ l.;id) Hl.IIk‘|'lL'l luiiiril HMS .-\||i:iiicc. ilir l'l\"\ uiiI_\ milkllimiigh \lIhl1l.lllI\i.' and .l |.'l\l \|ll'\I\l)l ill .I Hlllhh \\'ui|n| \\;ir ll-l\[K' hlhll Shy \hlI\BL'l| p.iilicul.ii IlllL'lL'\l Ill HnI|.iiii| I. the: .\.'i\\'s liisi cu-i \Il|\ilI.'lllilL’|.'lllll|.'hL'(| lll Will. Ihu l\n.iI Mink llll 'IL'i \\il_\ in "

tlic |\lc.iLci\ _\.iii| nll l-.i1¢|_\sluiic ligliiliuuxc Ill WI.‘ mid U-&l\ (|l\mxcrcii and |1lUll_L'hl in thy \lllLicc in N51 l‘0”II\\ll'l_L' Iici \l\ll in iliu [l'l.I[Ch\'I \k;I\ niuxciiiii I Ask L‘lllL'il.llI'lL’\l in liuich un lmuiil HHS \IL'lur\ in .\ct':Iiii| Sun l.-ilil \iu' -\i|liIii.|l Nu l.iiiiL'~

liiiiucll 7\in:uiil. Slit vim ilicn gnuii .\cNiii\ “iI_|1\|lI[l.


Iniii iii

0 Lady Thatcher on board HMS Alliance with Cdr Jeff Tall

Smashig liiie, Nell ’ ,




LATEST ‘Forces Sweetheart‘ model Nell McAndrew raised over £50,000 for charities including SSAFA Forces Help by running in this year's Flora London Marathon.


www. nu v_wiew.t.co. uk


Boat rescued planning by Wave Ruler centenary Itltt college



front-line dunes

AUXILIARYtanlter Wave Ruler has rescued a disabled boat and its crew while the RF ship was on patrol in the Caribbean. Wave Ruler had sailed from


'llll- N.-\\"t"S ottieer tt;iiiitii,t: col lcge eelelvtutes its eetiteu;it_\ next )t';ll. and p|.itis lot it series of high-

prolile eseiits


Anttguaaridsetacoursetothe south tor oounter-drugs opera-

JIll'L'.|tl) Iti place.

tions when

emergency call was relayed to her by the Coast Guard in Puerto Rica. A parallel search pattern was established based on the last known position of the vessel in distress. and on the second ten-mile leg the fishing boat Paul sighted the tanker and

llrittiiiiiiu Rug..il Nut-.i| ('ollet'e IllRN('I. huilt on an imposing hill sule site -Iseilnoluttg l).'irtinoiitli. Ill l)t‘\uIt. \»\-.is opened tor tntitiee oll'i~ vets lll Septetither I005 It replaced vuiodeii hullts wliieli were Iirst eotimitssioiied iti ti tr;itri— my rule In ltltil with the \.'lll|I.' aim .is persists totltiy to truth .itiil edit \ .Ilt‘ _\oun_e ollieers to meet the challen_t'tttp st;iiiIl.irds ot the trout line. l’l;itis tinder eorisitleniliori tor the \t'lllt'll.|l) }e.it iiieliide ro_\.'tl visits. ;t llI_t!l'l ptulile op.-ti tl.i).. .in interim rion.Il Yoiitty (llliL'ers fL‘l:‘.lll.l. reeep ttoiis. it'llI‘llt\ll\. \poriiiii: ll\lIllt‘\and .i ('enteti.ir_\ Bull "Ilse (‘olle_t!t: also hopes to raise I.'l|.tiIl_\ liintls through s;irious :iI.'ltsi lIt'\ met the uiurse ol the _\e;ir ;\ (‘etileti'.ir_\ l'rII]eet lltlieer has heeti tioiiiirmtetl l.t (‘dr ('.irlus l'tl\\;.Il(l\. llie College First |.ieuteti.iiiI and ti pr:-sisioii.il di;ir_\ at esenls is oti the ll»R.‘c'(' \v\t'l'ls1lL' at u M Iv.hrtIiiIutiii.i.tI .ult


sick sailor tlewn out ().\l' U!‘ RN .-\it Slulioii ('tIldiiIse‘s Se.itt'lt .itid Rescue llI.'llt.'t‘|‘lt.'l\ was \\'l'.lllll'Vlt'llto help .i sielt lI\lK'l'lll;lll oit .i Sp.iiiisIi tttmler. Uiiee llte St-.i Klllg ll.'Ill e.trnctl out its l’t'\«'lIt.' IlII\\IlIll.iiitl ili'ptvstlL‘il its \.ll'k' .II .I htisptt.il lll llrr'sl_ ll ton \i\.|s liIlL't'\l to spentl the night .it the l-reiieh port as tlerise log llldtlt‘ .I return to ('onivt.il| too ilitliettll. llie vsmtlier also hit the ('u|dtose Intetittitiontil Air l),i). hut ilesptte ll‘\lll\'lL'll l'|_\iti;: due to lots clouds the ptihlie retii.iitietl stipporttse. 'llie lt.ilinii Air Force teatii. the ltreeee Trieolori, were dis.ippoui|cil lll their desire to Itllll“ oll" their new lI.ilIt' skills, hut rottIr_\ ertitt siieli ;is Sen Kings and Mirrlttis were .ihle to m.irioeIi\ re hem-.ith the loss clouds the eroml htvm-st-r lititl plenty to see .itid do on the ground. including .in SUI? ol the l‘kr;iint:iii .-\tr l-'oree .tlltl all .-\lllL‘llL‘.|n llllhll lll;iekh.'it-5L.


period trtiitiitig till ;i




the South ('o;ist.

W.trrii wilt-r tit;ils the in .\letlxtI'ri.ine.tti were eoiiipletetl lletore the hunt p.iss.et| tliroupli the Suel ('tin;il. She crossed the l-.qti;iIor in .\l:i_s en route to ;\tistt'.i|i.i. ;ttiil lvrtotr she .irtisetl in l'retit.itit|e liirhttlertt you tlueteil zi Ito-hour esereise Utttli the .-\iistr;ilI-.in ('ollins-eltiss siihiiurttie IlMAS lh:eh-.iineu\. 'l'iirhtilent‘s nstt to l-‘retiuiittltthe tirst h_\ ;i Iiritisli suhtiizinne sinee I907 Iiititked the getigruphieal turning point lor the deployniciit The iiuelear-ptmered htlétl sailed troin Austniliti in June and spent zllltlusl lwit weeks Crtissltlt: ti sltirt1t_\ Southern liidtaii (leeaii. hour d.‘t_\.\ otil troiii South Alneai

et;il|_\' opened by




lixeeutive til" the Warship Support Agene_\‘. Rear .‘\(lll1lf:|l Jon:ithon Reeve. A two-lane l'.l‘llll_\'. one for trucks and the other tor trzieked \'(‘l'llt'lt.'s. will utish transit mail tlust lroni the vehicles tiiid dtsiiileet them either entering or lc'.'I\l|'l_1! the UK.




191 rnmi. all Ring Anne Young PORTSMOUTH023 9213 4448 -

order online at



Navy News -The Paper that lives up to its name!


is attached for:


uliere her ereu lioiietl their skills tor the jotirtiey ttliezitl.

A .\'l-IW 'u;ishin;: iiiaeliim-' tor tuitit;ir) w:lttI.'les ill the Seti Mountini: ('etitre .\l;treh\soo\l. nezir tit Soiithniiiptori. \\Ill help reduee the risk ol trtiristiiission ol hltl-h;lIZlXtl\ to .IIkl troni the l7iiitI.-it Ktxigdoiii. Work on the vttish-down t';iI:tlit_\ u-.is eoitipleted Ill seven months tit ll t'tIsl ol (2.3 million. and \\il\ otl'i-


the Springboks. ()n lL".t\‘tI'tl.' Siiiions Town ‘liirhulent. under the eoniitutntl ol (‘Jr :\nd_\' ('oles_ he-udeil north. preling up .ilitio~.t .l do/I-ii l.ttliers and sons ol i:rt:Vl ttiettihets iii (iihr;i|l;ir tor the titi.il leg ol the tleplusiiieiit I Sister hunt HMS lretieli.-irit has ieiotnetl the Heel .tller .I iiiziior lL".llll against

The 'l‘rut:ilg:ir-eltisstitttiek subiiitirine lelt l)e\‘onpoi1 lll J:iiiiitIr_\

Military ‘car wash’ completed


e Thefishlng the picture are {frorri left. no shirts) Seaman Wayne Pryrin, Derek Mctirath, Allan Cartin, PO Graham Williams (white hat) and Seaman Stephen Wilkinson (white shirt)

Submarine returns

HMS 'l'llRllllI.liN'l' has l‘L'|Ul‘flCt.l to the UK from :i tlepltiytiient which took her to the far side oi" tlte world.




O HMS Turbulent returns to


Devonport Oil smugglers targeted bags safety tnvolvedlriaioigitoperatlonto ROYAL


:\t'('ll)l€.\"l’ ]\ll'\‘t.‘IllItln and road s.'|ll'l_\ iriiluilises have hrotight

Devtinport lvm \.llCl_\' .‘t\\;||’l.l.s. ‘lite l‘|_viiioutli ii:o;il h;ise unis |)l;K'l.’ll second .ind ;|lh;lll.lt.‘I.l ti entrillk'nd.‘.lllt|t'I hy the Royal Society for

the PTI3\‘Cfll|l|flot Aeeidcnts lRl.'|sPI\ I in the Ntitinttal l)et'enet: Sector euteizory ol their Ill}! :lVn':|.lLl.\. The Ro.\'l’e\ ;Iv.unl recognises l)I.-sonporlk aehieseiiient in ClIn\l\Ii.-ntl_\ reducing the number ol acetIlents .:t the huse user the past three _\e.irs. .is tletiiietl in the Reporting lll lnitiries. llise;ises .iritl l).iti;:i.'totis lk‘t'tirrent'es Reg.'tIl:ittons l"‘l5. (ltlier lIIlll;llt\r.‘\ sshtelt lime entilriliiitetl to l)e\oiiport's success inelutle the Intrutluetion at ;i health \L'lt‘t'lltl'It.' progrziiiiiiie lot eistliuii stall and '.l l\\||~t|.'!_\ tiitiior tire exercise iniolvini: -ll) agencies conducted at 'lli.iiieLes t)il Fuel Depot in


tntllegalactlvities. Theiointoperationrequired tlieportakriowngatewaytor


the liiiiiiel and

liretiglittrig s_\slCll'I in

.i more I.'fl\'tl’tIlI1l’ls‘ltv

t.ill_\ llIt.‘lltll)' waste tlispossil s_\\lt.'l1I. lhe junior rates‘ lll.‘L‘I|ll\llIlll£llIl|n

li.'is hecn reluthished and other equipment us-erhaitletl. The ship‘s (‘oiiittizuitlinp (lll'it:er. l.l ('dr Peter .-\’\|ott. stud‘ "lhis is ;i l.e_\ llllll‘\ll)flt' in the ship's history. "While I lllll very proud ol the ship and ewited h_\ the liiture. it is. ot eourse. the ship's t,‘l|ll'I[).‘|lI_\' that iiitike the real eontrthutiori In preparint: and hem): l'L'.'ltl) to tight and win. "l'liis day le;itiires them rather than the ship." During the hoiir-long eerettioriy '.t gu-.ird ot I2 rzitiiigs truth the ship was iiispeett-d h_s Rt-at I\tllllIf'.ll Roger loekisood ol the Royal ('o|lei:e ot l)eletiee Studies in I.oiiiloii. "the senice ot lL‘llI.‘lllL'$l.lIlllI was eoridtieleil h_» the Res lerr) .\I;iIt.'. tlie N.'Is_\-'s prineiptil ("hutch ol Seotltitiil .itid l-ree ('hurs‘hes chap» l.iiiI. uhile tnusie \IluiL\ prtisidetl h_\the HMS Nelson Voluiiteer Band. (‘.ittistt-t‘L will now. undergo se'.i trials oil the l‘ll'lll\ll \'l|.'1\l. Lind iii lkeetither is due to jtttll the Royal Ntissk on-e.i|| toree. read} to deploy. ;IlI)\§llL'lt‘.it short notice

Black Sea


l)l~'_STR(lYliRHMS Ne\si".i.st|e htis eoriipleted ti three-week pmgrtiniine ol training and exercises in the lllael. "lite 'I‘ypc -I2 wursliip. due to he [‘|.'lll.| oll‘ in by the end of next year. tool. part in at range of exercises. ineluding ha.rhoI.ir tniining and planning tor NATO litereisc (‘u-oper.iiivc Partner. luiscd in V.'irn;i in


Part III the sea phase. which involved around 40 units fnirii various ll1IllIlt'I\. szivt Ni.-sse;tst|e's l._\‘lll

helicopter on it tl_\in_i: exercise.

lhe -.urer;it't Itude foe sueeessttil landings on the llighl dcel. of the Ul.r;iitii;in Kl'|\’;lL~I.'l:I!s\ trigtile Ul’ lletttian S-.tg'.iid:iehn_v l'ollov.-ittg u ft.‘L‘tIllll;lts\.'lnL'c' llllsslnn ll)‘ the Hritish .iir ereu.



ll'.I\ in Western liurope .iti estensoe ro;iil network. \hIIlI heat)‘ trutlie tluw throughout the




Cardholders signature:

criminals involved in smuggling millions of dollars worth oracltdownon smugglersln of oll out ot the country. to be closed to all trafllc. Southemlraq. lnconjunctionwlththelraqi Wortdng throughout a weekRiverlne PatrolServloe(lRPS) end. soldiers from the Queen's andtheFloyalWelcl'iFuslIiers. Royal Lancers provided menthel~'tNTreiningTeamboarded toring and advice to members morethan Soboatsintheport at the Iraqi customs and otAbuAlFulusandconflscat- Border Police on secure port ed 20 oil pumps and other management while the tomes were

.i iievi

unit it

run-.il h.i-u:


Navy personnel


Torpoint Deionport h.Is tilso won third pltiee in the MOD .-\iinu'.il Road Sttlets (‘oittpetttton the only‘ ll;I\‘;Il pun. "lite estuhlishtiietit


during the \‘t\|l tticriihcrs ot het’ erevt toolt part in the t'l|1l\ll'l.K'llll¢'lof houst‘\ iii! the pctlple til Ill‘ lttu nshlps till the outskirts ol ('.ipe Town 'lhe visit also ;tllt-wed some or’ the crew to support the Welsh nigh}

the seeunil ol tour ’l' l’lKtls to etiier):e lrotii the (till) milIioii llp}:flKk' to her e.ip.'ihtlit). lIk‘ll.ltl my all |l|'|1ZI".|l|l‘ll eoitiiiuiikl s)\lt.'llI. lilting lll the t\orlil's most '.iil\.itieed \IIn;l.l’s utttl itieorponitiiii: other stealth lI’lC;l\Il!L‘s 'lorh;iy was the lirsl to he worked on. and the third rind totirth will he 'l'.i|enI and Tritttitpli. imtrii: lhetii Ittuch til lht.‘ t‘otltl‘\;il power til" the nets Astute-elass l'lI'.|l\. I HMS Tireless li;is L‘;lllt‘tl into tiihrzilttir tiller seveizil vtei.-Ls at sea. ‘tireless \hlllt.‘h spent .i well-pIihlieiscd spell -nlongsiilt: the Rock uhcn reptiirs were earned otit to her propulsion s_\\lL'tlt in lllll reeentl_\ usiteil the North Pole in s'tIlllp.’ll't_\’ wtlll the USS llampton I\

MINI-. t‘llt.IlllL‘lTl'lL'Ll\l|fL'\iessel HMS (‘;itltstoeL has heeri luflllitll) 3|t‘I.‘L'|'I* ed htiel. Into the Heel lollowini: it £25 itiilliim telit, .-\ rededieutioii eeretiion_\ at l’oitstiiotith Nrivail llzise riizirlted her return to ser\'ieI:. \A-Ilh VIl's and tricrids and luriiiliesother -l2-strung sliip's eoriip;iri_v Ill :ittend.'inee. Atrium: the guests unis ;i pan) of L‘l\‘lC tligutlaries lroiit the ship's .Illili;iIetl villttize ol (".ittistoc\ in Dorset lhe lllttit-el;iss tessel «sis ottt ol the trout line tor sewn iiioiiths tllll trig her relit .iI Rtvs_\llI. uhete work eztrrteil oitt itieltitleil the insttilltitttiti

prtle. Around «t.tlttIl .\linIstr;. oi‘ lleteiiee sites are eligible to t;iLe


Card. number: .lTTl7’ll CIT No’ l IA‘JEXp.d.‘l c


the hunt picked up the sounds ol whales 'singini:' to e.ieh other “.i lmel) sound in the very quiet oeean". aeetirdini: to one t.‘I’l‘\hll|.lll. The n.iv;il port lll Stiiions Tovsii was 'I‘urhulerit‘.s next port of e-.il|. and

huse to

Cardholders Name: Cardholders Address:.........


returns to

llll Iss.NoCD

Please debit my card. amount


(Min £5):


i.sorl.in_i: t.ll|_\.

ltiiIi.itties h.i\e ttieludcd the opportumt_\ for sttitl tot;iLe;i tlI'l\Ill_L! .issessIiient with the Institute Ill .-\tl\;ineed Motorists to protiiote s;ite dining: huth inside the h.ise .intl on the public ht_i:hssaijs .iiii.l Nasal “3l\L‘ ('oiiiiii.Intlei ('oiiittit-«lore .-‘ltitltevi ,\l:ilhe\.ss led the wit. signing hiitiscll tip to Like the test.

0 Ships of the NATO Mine Countemteasures Force North (MCMFORNORTHJ are photographed Irom a bridge as they leave Bergen in Norway. Sandown-class minehunter HMS Penzanoe (left ol lead ship) was the British contribution to the group at the time. and she is due to be replaced by HMS Shoreham this month K‘--:rt.i-ii Mire Aha-vri l'<loIr.l Nxweg-wt New

‘.1 it


\ \\ \ \l-\\.\. \l'(il'.\l Ititil


Ships of the Royal Na

Log on the Tyne lNCE llct L‘iiIllIlltssiiiiiiiig; L'L‘l’L'llltitl_\ iii Niirth Shiclils l;isl _\c;ii. ’l:\iic ll;t\ h;ii| iiii L‘\llL'lllL'l_\ liiisy ll llltlllllls .'lI1i.l is rim-. llt.'1lLltin: liir ;i \-.hii|L' Int lll(itt'

Baltic Kore:i..........

Facts and


Class: River Class Fishery Protection Vessel

Displacement: 1.677


Length: 79.5 metres

Breadth: 13.6 metres Depth: 3.8 metres Complement: 30 (plus Royal Marine boarding


Speed: 16.5 kts Flange: 7.800nni at





.1v.‘lI\ ll}. ()iil iil .iiiiiiiii| _‘2li

llL‘l L't‘Ill|‘.t|l_\ Jltlllllll l7ll d;i_\s Ull piiitt-(tiiiii p.itiiil.






ship li.is L.Illlt'\l niil -Lil lm.iriliri_i:s.\t‘\ CH iit l)l|lll'l1I th.it

lllllL‘. the

\\llI\'ll ll.I\L' lL‘t| ilclciitiiiiis lniclt

In .iIri'sls iiitii


.Ill\l tiir

iil .i|lt'g:t'il IllllllI_11L‘lllL'llI\ l‘tllU[K‘.tl'l l'iiiiiii ll'~llL'l_\ lc;:isl.itiiiii.

till .il\uiil \.ttiii.il|_\, tIl.lllll‘k'I\, s;i)s llL'l c.'ip1.iiii, l.t ("ill .\1Il.t' l't|c_\'. .IllI.l 'l'§'Iit' (si\lh in licr llllL'l ll.t\ .'s|K‘Ill .i giant puitiuii i-I llL'l tiiiic iii lllL‘ south west II

.iptirii.irlics .lL'lIll_t' .is







t'.it»’lii."' liiitl lltc \t'\\L'l's liv_i;|\mils .tttil ltL'L‘tlu‘. Uiic Ul tlic lll.l|tll' iiiiiii\.ilii-iis is .i \siirl.in_i: c.it_:.'n tlccls \\lIlCll.illii\\s liiic to he uqiiippul “Ill! \]K'\'IlIL' l.lL'lllIlt“~int .i |\.tfllClIl.lflulu. siicli .l‘~ i|ts.istct iclicl, .iitli-piilltitiiin. liicli_i:|iIiii_i1 .iiiil icsciic “ML. .-\ liv:i\_\' |.'l.I|lt’ with L'.iii.it'it_\' Ii-r I5 liititics is filled to li;ini|lc .st;inrl;iri| ci.iiil;iiiicr.\.


v.nI'LlIl_L! JCCL




ciiiiiigli permit the .sin:il|crcriilt \llt'h;t\1lll spill rcn'ii\'cr_\ lnicliits. ;i l'.iniliIi}: criill hit Ir.'iiislii[inictit iit c;ir_i:ii iiiliind hi fl‘-L‘! until .i \'.lflC|_\ til \\llL‘Clt‘ll uiiil ti.it‘Lu| liizhl \L'llIclcs. lii atlditiiiii In her li\liL't_\ pmlCL'lll|II iliitics. the ship li.i.s ciiiiiwtl \L'\L‘l'.ll \l\ll\ tii putts .iruimil tlic l'ls' .iiii.l |"iin'. .\liist lll‘|.Il‘lL‘ ll.I\L‘ lwcii lhL' (illl1I\l‘\ .iiiil .\'c\\l\ii l'isli lL‘\Il\.Il\. I).iiliiiiiiilli (.is thy liisl In

lhiilt In Viispcr lllHYllt'\t'II|l| il'l\'lI til Ill .\ii1itli.iiiiptiiii lllltlL‘| .l ll‘-k \c.ir .i_-.'_it'iii;iit_ the ship is the lllt‘ iicu l{i-.L'i ('l.iss Iiist iit llllsli--it‘ l'.it:iil \t-ssi-ls Inn iii.iii ic~.'.itt.i ~.:ii.iiil\liiii liir liiiii \L'.ll'\). :t‘.tl2'|\.i‘f‘tllI\ll‘l‘.|ltl|Tl1'\I|ll|\ll|5l1' .Hl\l ( l.ll\\.|\ '~\ ‘\.' llllii" iiit‘iii«i:.il\it‘ ilt'\li‘l|.tlll‘|l\ Ill\l‘i llll:'llkl NI/s \. \\l'l'.'fll '. it.fi.~ '.is"si/.s l‘..i\_ l‘.'t'.'l li.il\\.i\ lk l‘:t's.‘Iil:1::‘ i:i‘|‘--slit.‘ if \


O Boarder incidents:

Tyne has carried out more than 4(1) boardings while on patrol

IllL' lirsl \I\Il by .i ll'l;l]Ul RN iiiiil for 2‘ )c.irs. Aiitiwrp ;iiii| llri\li;iIii .is _i:ii;inlsliip hit the |l'.I\\l\'I |'.|k'C. l'.'!|'llL'l lliis scar. lll uiiiip.iii_\ uitli llL't sistcr sliip, |l.\l$ Scicrii. 'l§'Iic tiitiltituul, .I wcrk (ll st.il'l k'|1‘vClL'\l \\Cil[X|ll lr.iiiiini: .iriititii| llic \UllllI \'l\.'I\l l\l thc UK .Ifll.l lllL'll p.iss;i_i:L* hit .I l0Il_|! v~cclu:nil tii ll;i_\iinm' iii the siiiilh “cs! (ll I-rtiiiisu. 'lr.iiiiing_- t‘iiwrL'i| .'il| .is|\'t'ts iil IltL‘\lt1;\'\c.ip.ilii|iIics.iiiil lll\'ll.lLlk'tl iliil|s.iiiillirii1_usiillllt‘ Illriiiiicnii iiuii .iml :i.'iu'i.il piiipiisis iii.i\‘liiiit* -.:iiiis .is urll .is '..iitiiiis lll\ .iiiil .'tllL'l‘.‘\'l‘..‘-cu-itiscs


\ l-.

\\ \\s\

Ls '..it.': .t|‘.\l!i‘.'t \l wt?

l’l\'miititli Suiiittl. liiii.‘ l1.ii| lliu Iiiiniiiii iit .ii.'linp_ ;i~ lhc iiItii.‘i.il st.irl ship tor the .fll(i.t '|r.iiis.itl;iiiIiv _\.IL'll| i.iu.' (iiicsts .iliii;iril ll1\'ll.I|lL'll multiltlic-mirltl _\.icliIs\.miii.iii |€|li'ii .\l.u'.-\illiiir uiiil ti.-iiiiis pl:I_\Ct /\!lII.I Kutitluikiivii tviliii tircil the ".'IlL'I. :is skull ;is Hzii: (lfficcr Sui 'l'i.iiiiiii_i: Rcur .-\ilinir.il l{n_i:ci .-\iiisIc\. .'\lll\lllL‘l lllIlt.‘\ll\l!L‘ in tlic Rl\L‘l ('1;iss i.sill lw lL‘.lL'llI.'|l iii Iluitiligg ulicii luir iiiiilt‘it.iLc\ii1wr.itiiiii.il liist Ll.l\\ In mi stni tr.iin1ii_i: tliinii-.:li liir tlic tiist Illll\' .it1ct 4| l‘lt\\ iip.'t.itiiiii.il W i"ill‘llll‘. l‘\'lI-‘tl l)I'.t't l\:t.' l‘.l\ ‘lll‘-l‘st'.l li.: t. st :'l-'







\'I‘.l\l\ at the \I‘llllll\ UH lit‘! initii-l iliitius tor the llL‘\l lL'\\ iiiniitlis. llrliitc \\L'll—i.'.IlllCtl PIC‘ .1 (‘liristm.is lillllll to llitttkitlsi lliv viirrcitt lyric is tliv.‘ si\lh N.i\.tl icsscl tii l\c.'it tlic iiiiiitc. \\llt\'l1 tirsl ;i|ipc.irci| Ill l.‘\'1sl till .I I.‘\'—giiIi htli l.Ilt' t|i.il si:i\ciltiir ll _\-L‘.'ll\ l‘|ic scmiitl |'i.iit- iii I82!» \\.I\ ul siinil.ir sin‘. but “(ill tlic n.iitiu."s liisl l‘illllk' liiiiiiiiir Ill I55-l liii st'i\it'c iii the |l.ilIIt' c.itii|i.ii_i:ii Ul llic ( iiiiitziii \\'.ir. llic iuiiiiv iir\I .ippt'.iictl till .iii 1.\1< ll\l.\ Min.-. ll'lLZ.llL‘. l\'ll.lll1L'\l iii IN-" 1-: st-rut .is .: tt.ii|iiti-_' ‘-llll‘ l\ll\ ii-i- ti-i-'1.

lli. iilclttits i»! :l:. \l.i:ii»!is ll’. l\"‘ .i :“.t:tl:.iIil \lll|‘ :".ii.:i.is;il

12l-(ls Armament: tX20mm British Manulacturing and Research Company (BMARC) KAA Gun‘. 2XGener:il Purpose Machine Gun (GMPG) Sensors: X and 8 Band ARPA Radars ECDIS. Data DGPS Loran C. Gyro and Magnetic Compasses. Log and Echo Sounder. Wind Speed and Direction Data Recording Fligid Inflatable


(RIB) Tracking

System GMDSS Area A3 Military communications Ship's Boats: 2XHalmalic Jet Pacilic22 Rigid Inflatable Boats


iisc us .i


Devonport, Plymouth Saturday Monday, 28 30th August, 2004 HM Naval Base

[K‘lllIlItll'l.|IL'll.\l.\' "lyric UI I‘!-Ill \\.'I\ .i \|k'\IlI‘_\L'l ilcpul ship. llii:

Slit‘ spciit llll‘ iit.i)iirit) iil \\'ivrltl \\.ii It .is the 1l.i_:sliip ul RCJI .\i|iiiir.il lllvstr-i\cisi. lltllllt’ l'lt'L‘l. \lIcr .i lniii: mic»,-i she “.is ;\l.it'cil i-ii lllt‘ ilispi-s.il list lll l"!>l. .iii.l \\L'l1Ill.lll\ siilil lt‘l strap ll‘. 1”"

I Heroes of the Royal Navy has been held over until next month.



Royal Navy's biggest public event of the year Ships and submarines open to visitors Aircraft, ships and Royal Marine Commandos in daily display D-Day sixtieth anniversary commemoration The

Historic South Yard and Museum

Information line: (01752) 553941


.iiiil \lt|lL’


Navy Days ROYAL


www.navyriews.co .uk




Smart cadet? Sure that’s my boy! —


icrl'ect|_\' turned out Royal Marine Cadet at Britannia Royal 'av;tl ('ollege l’:l.\.\llig ()ut ccreniony. liastcr Zllll-i (June issue). ettjo_v_ Ll Janette Cooper. Royal Hospital ll;t\I:tI'




No panic on board ll.-\\'lN(ijust

returned ttnm a sisit to IlMSlmiItcilvlc in New York llathottt. I would like to Illitlll. the contiiiamlirig ollicer and .III his crew for hosting l1lt.'ll‘ilK‘i\tll Illc public lnrl.'i_\. -\s an asiatioit L‘IlIl'IU\l'.i\I I was otIl_\ llIIL'fL'\lL'll tt'l looking at the .urcr.ttt nil liourtl. hmsescr C\L'f_\‘ nit-tuber oi the crew I came into u-nt.ict Hill] was polite :ind t‘uttlIL‘r1tts.


tilortititalcl) lising itt lltc I 'S/\

there t\ so much pzttatioizt tlt.tt in)‘ ltohlty is lN'L't|lllIlI_L' more tltllictill. \u I \\.t|'lIL'iI Ill tcv.'UttI Itts .t|VptcL‘I.tttntt tn c\ct_\UItc on Inmrd the lIl\iIlCIl1ICtor lltttltlll the \l\lI such M. rd. New .I [llC.‘l\lllL'. Jctsc_\. l7S.-\ III current times.


Bestsuede shoes I I.l-l"l’ the Roval Nan“ in l‘l7t-I tiltct 23 years itt llic i‘lcct Air Arm. At the time I was servin! with 59‘) Squadron in IIMS large and we rlisemharketl to Ycovilton. ll-cing the senior squadron we were inspected first on l)i\'isions and I ant not sure whether the (‘hief standing next to me's shoes were non-Service or whether thev were less than brightly polished. htit the conversation went as follows: Inspecting officer: "Are they _\our hesl shoes. ('ltir:l'.'" ('hiel: "No sir." Ins -cling officer:“Wh' ) not.


(‘hie-f: "Because my hest shoes are suede. sir." There was a very muffled chuckle and I am not sure what happened to the chief. whether he was reprintanded or not for being llippzmt. D. Webbet‘. (iosport. llants —

Letters to the Editor should always be accompaniedby the correspondents name and address, not necessarily for publication.

email correspondents





this information.

ifi-l»':Z".¥s No. 601

51 st year

Editorial & Business address:

Leviathan Block.

HMS Nelson. Portsmouth, Hants. P01 3HH

Navy lat-k held up by ‘met-try’ Tl‘0lllll'Ill9e|‘S I WAS aboard HMS Troubridge in the spring of I95‘) when. as Portsnioutlt Naval Base duty visit ship. we hosted the BBC team who came to look into the ptissihililiesofa naval


That day Troubridge became Troutbridge and a smash hit was born. By the time we returned from the West Indies in June I960 The Navy Lurk had become radio's top comedy

show. The


‘shi ‘s character’ was a very senior a le seaman. Ned Sparkes. who ran the laundry and was always very obli ing. you needed a pair of shorts dhohied and ironed at the rush. you just asked Ned and he wriuld always say "ccr—tain-Icecc" in a long drawn out way. This became the lower deck catch


phrase whenever




asked. On our return to the UK the BBC invited the crew to a recording and after-show party at their Paris Theatre studio in London. Suffice to say it was a difficult evening for producer and cast playing to a bunch of. shall we “merry” matelots and the halfhour show took twice the normal time to record. Eventually it was all but put to bed except for the closing credits which the announcer continually failed to complete because of the noisy audience. Finally the roduccr came on stage and sai "Lads. give us a break. We've just got this last hit to

Editorial Lines... Telephone: 023 929423 Telephone: 023 92724183

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Pu: 023 9283 8845 small: odit@nsvynews.oo.ult

Business Lines

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Adv:02392725082l92826040 02392724226/92756951

Editor: Jim Allaway Subscriptioris:0239273u48 enfl:sibaauomOmvyna'rrsaotst Deputy Editor: Mike Gray Assistant Editors: Fu:023§2830‘M9 Helen Craven. Richard Hargreaves Imnll: enciulrlosfinlvwews-°0~Ul< Business Manager: Lisa Taw web: www.navynews.oo.ul<

do and then we can writ up and Wil you give get on with the us a hit of hush In unison. the whole lot of us stood u and yelled "(‘er-tainIeee!" Jefts. Plymouth

party. "



Caught running

the memorial service. llow he managed to get the Naval padre and the Royal Marines Band to be there I do not know. but it made a memorable occasion all the more memorable. Thank vou very much. Billy. for all your effort. Sec ill at the 'Illth. Fl. V. 08!. Staple—


I (il./\N('liI)at the picture of the old Albion on the front page of the June edition and said to my wife “Look there I am. marines dashing across‘ the deck.” Then I read the text. ‘'41 (.'do RM 1965" and realised it could well have been me.


destination. cruising along thehotcoast there for and sticky. some time. very H. Fenwlcir. Stockport. was


Nice one,


lWENTto France for the hlith anniversary of I)-Day and visited our own destroyer memorial at llermanville. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Billy Swift for his pan in the organisation of


Gannet IRISCENTLY visited the SAR Flight at IIMS (iannet and was shocked by the state of the planeguard. a Fairey Gannet. I served at HMS (iannet with 8|‘! Squadron in the l9li(isand was there when the aircraft flew in on its last flight. The aircraft was always highly polished and kept clean. It is now getting very shoddy. covered in bird droppings and dirt. and pans are now open to all weather. including the cockpit. It is sad that defence and manpower cuts have allowed this of naval aviation to s mbol tcriorate to thiscondition. I would so est that the Fleet Air Arm uscum recover it before it is too late. I. Winter —

(address supplied)

lllllIl‘8W Ill |lI‘llllI8 THE PHOTOGRAPH of HMS Andrew in your On the Beach film feature (June issue) shows her havtn lust cast off from the depot ship HHS Forth at Singapore in vomber 1988 for the long passage to Gospo HOFIppoaranos In the fllm poster is correct for 1959 no portsldo the gun. small sonar dome and snort mast Iyi short tin. She still holds the submarine record or the longest yment. summer 1957 to Decambar1968. and at HongKone I ndSi during that period ensured thather and were updated In he -

ilatlts same


l)liRlN(i a recent visit to Portsmouth we went to (iiinwharf ()ua_\\ where .1 group nt yntitig men

Iariclosasnsartlarvlswolhershowtngotlhsrheatod.rl itoatsnonmasttoFOSIlsomatiniaaround1949-50.She Tscltumwsrathattrstboatstoraealvsthls.-Ft.S.L.Fry. Weytnouth


women were

the summer sliov. their hasc.



IIMS Sultan.

'lItc_\' were doing .'Iil adntiraltlc job in hotli their advertising and public relations. It was a pleasure to talk with these young people who showed their chosen training. intelligent tIl\L‘u\\lttnand luri when dealing with the chilrlrerfs water .'lL'll\'llll.'\.A credit to the Royal Navy. As an err-scrvirig member of the RN I would like to congratulate these young people and wish them well. M. Hutchins. |..mcitig. West Stts\c\_ comntitmcnt

()I course I am slightly hiascrl. as the RM (‘adct In question is m_\ ll-}c;tr»oId son l.c\\-is. who was

.'lIlL'IltIll'I_|1 my


ccrcnium as


into the Alcsatidra Service.





Royal Navy. Uuecn Royal Naval Nursing

My lanii|_v and I were very impressed h_v Lewis‘ earnest and perfect efforts at saluting the

Queen's ('olour on the march past. lle demonstrated utmost respect

obviously recognises the importance of what he has learned during his past two years with the and

Royal Marines Volunteer (.'adet

(‘orps. Portsmouth. for which credit must be given to the hardworking volunteer instructors. Lewis is currently a member of

RMV('(' liand playing glockenspiel. I include it picture or him in all his rcgalia for Mr and Mrs Pmudman and other readers



off Sultan


Berry Head recalled

lllli I)ISl’l.'\Y of cap tallies Ii)‘ ('adet Richard I-‘earis of ‘IS Zephyr included one from my old shi lIMSHerryllead. served aboard her from I946-ilt while she was in the Reserve Heel at Sheerness. It brought back a number of memories. At that time I was a Leading Stores Assistant and so wore a different rig and do not of course have a tallv. I still have my gold hook rather tarnished now. I fear. Good luck to the Sea (‘adets in their M. J. Parsons. endeavours. —



NAVY NEWS. .-\lI(ilJS'I'200-1


Sho wing the flag WI-. WI-.Ri: up etientirziged h_\- .\l. l'.trrnw”\ letter (June ix-ittei regiiriling the White l‘.l1\l_L'_ll. St ;\ittte'.~ ( huieh. l.Illlt..‘htIll\L' hats worn the White I-tixigti thllil 'fC£l| pride \lllt.‘L' l7_ii. lung Wiltllc the Riiyitl N;i\_\ \\.|\ grunted exclusive use in |.\’h."t. A let in the Act ul Piirltzinienl iiliiwieil St :\nne‘~. In L'llnIlllllL' tn \\L';tt the I-nxign and \M.' are menliuiied in ()ueen's RL'_1!lI|iIIIttl]\. In |t'|HlIL'l il:i_\-. we vtete .i iriml} ihmxe \<L‘£| itiuri. tut \hI[)piiiu on the Ri\L'l lh:|fl'il..‘\. lhe \\'hile I-itxign l\ mini jlllll uhm e the itmtinil .tiii| l.'£|li he wen Iur lll3|i1_\' miles. In the i‘ilh century .-\i|mtt;i| _\elxnit'\ wile nwited a house ;id];tei:ttt tn the church .ittil Vhttx kiiimn in hlnc reiutlairly “HF sltippeil there. As the resent Reetui lam aim 1%.? entry lit HMS ill) ex "l'i ft." Fisgiitil tutti l|\ well ;i.\ hcittg ;i llII.'ll'Ii\L'f iii the I-isgstril Awieiiilimi uni privileged In he ;in msucitite ntcinher iii the ('h;ith.'int \.n:i| ()Hlt”I.'l\ .‘\\\tK‘l.'lIlttil. My dltll_L1hlL‘l IN line in p:t\\ utll oi HR.‘\'( I);ttltItiiut|i Ihls r\ll_|[ll\I We plllL'h;I\L‘ nut Wltite i:It\t_t.:tl\. l.‘.il .\ hit. Iriutt Ptugnls the l|;i_i: ni.iitei\ hut they .tte L'\[‘K.'ll\I\I.' lur uii liihl l~ml church. I uni .'Il\M|_\‘.\ open In :Iil_\' legal anti Nine sit ' ‘L'\IIt)l'I.\ its in sourcing

Haaknn's happy return


THE JUNE issue carried the sad feet away from the quayside where the story oi the evacuation by HMS historic event took place. Glasgow of King Haakon VII and the As you can imagine. the city was full Royal Family of Norway from Molde of excited expectation, the crowds in June 1940 which must have been ecstatic in their welcome. The Crown Prince. members of the a terrifying experience for all concerned. Government and leaders of the

In June 1945 I was a 19-year-old Airman stationed in Oslo and was privileged to witness the return of the King, Crown Princess and other members of the R0 at Famll as they stepped ashore soil lollowing their on emomed ewe "1 the UK_ i was with 3 membe, 0; me gays. Norwegian Air Force on board a ship of the Royal Norwegian Navy lust a few


rhi.-ni. “Rev


l.imclinu~.c Rectory.



Letters to the Editor should "°

of our


andaddmss, ,,o¢,,,,_.,,,,,,,;Iy for publictaion. emailcor-

Resistance all welcomed their King home. Each speech of welcome was met by deafening cheers by the gathered crowd. A motorcade followed ""°"'9" ‘"9 5"°°"°’ bedecked Wm‘ me Norwegian flag and photographs of the Royal Family. back to the same palace the King had tied from five years earlier. L. B. Marter. Taunton




pricing on new



respondents are also requested to provide this

i I





FREE \liiil Order




Vernon at Portobelio MAY I add zt innlnute In your item in the Slith :iititivei2.;iI)' Mill\‘L'l'l||' iegitriiing Adinttui Ventutt.

Picture twice. I of my own. The picture. mien on May 22. 1945. shows








\\.tIk'fk'd tlimti


'gritg".' .\r1)' Itile lttlhet dug: up ;i ittei.l;tIhim in hl\ iiiiektitgltznttxliiie _i::tr-

iien .'ihnut till _\'c;tt\ ago. viiiieh \Hl\ struck iit hunnur ul \'erituu'~ xietnr_\ at i’urluhcl|u. l'.iii:iittu in I730. The nh\er~e il:t\ it lhiee-qit;itler length purtruit nl the .'\tl"'IIfil| and the inseriptinn "'i‘hi: Hllllhh glory ri:vi\’d i\_\ .'\dll'IiI’:tl \'i:ntim" while the I’L'\Cf.\L' ctttlles the legeiul "He took Pnrtuhellu with .‘~l\ \hl[‘|.\ only" and the ihile Nuventbct 22. 173”. There is it -t_s-lised l'¢..'|‘il'L'\L'lIl{tli0llnl the item-i|_\' lurtilied ituttmiir :it the top and the six British \\;tT\ill[Y~ heinw. J. Berrecloth. Duittiee.



these items for \a\_\ \t-\\\ Rt-atdi-r\ pleaw



quote rt-fw (l'|s' iml_\. please

call for 0H'r\¢':I.\ delit er) i.

i i I

The ships in Edward Vernon's squadron were Burford. Hampton Court. Norwich. Princess Louise. Slrafford and Worcester Ed —


Just two of over 200


.‘.'.-".".;-‘\ :.".‘:.'."i"Ii'*."i-‘.

pruducts from:



We also hate SIIOPS ill 12 UK lucutiuits. ittcltidiitg: P()RTSM()l"l‘ll Tel: (1870 905 5090 www.nautica|ia.eom (in the itisturic tioekyztrii) Nauticaiia Ltd. The Ferry Point. I-‘erry l.;inc. l’l.‘t'.\l()l"I'll(iii the Sheppertun-iiii-'l'h:iini:s.TW I 7 ‘DLQ. linglund. Bzirhicztit glitssxwrksi





\.\‘s\ .\l \\S_ .-\l (it 51 foot


Helgfltg Hands

News in hriel I ARK ROYAUS big-hearted 7 Romeo Mess have raised over £1,000 for the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at St Mary's Hospital in Portsmouth. Mess members chose the unit as their charity back in the earty 19903 when one at their number came into close contact wtth the unit, but thisbond has been kept alive due to new members‘ past and present links with the St Mary‘: maternity wards. Money was raised during the carrier's return from the Gull Conflict last year with a camel

racing night as a particular highlight in the lundraising catendar. I .-\l"ll R

I Midlands youngsters enjoying the Solent

tandlulitiei-s all at sea A WEEKEND at sea In Portsmouth was arranged for 18 people trom the landlocked Midlands, giving them a to experlence life at a not-much-seen sea. Among the highlights tor the youn sters was a setting jaunt around the solent in the tall ship Ftoyaltst. where they climbed the mast. steered the ship. and raised and lowered the sells. Organiser POPT 0 Shittingtord said: ‘The weekend was a great success. Some of the children had never been out ot the Midlands." He added his thanks to W0 Parr ot the career Acquelnt cadet Training Ottlce (CAOTO). and all the stall who had helped make the weekend memorable for the children ot TBlTIWOt1l'l.

The Royal Navy & Royal Marines Children’s Fund Patron: Her


llnnr-nu Luna

the Queen

3» Itlfvtl‘

Home is the premier chamy [or Uhildzien ot the Roy.il Naval Savitrs haw: providing L‘lIll'tlJIl'IIt.'help to t.‘l'iilt.lnrnnl bee-t-i supported [or over one hntdrnl yan serving and cit-serving personnel oi the Ruynl Nu)‘. Royal Marines. The Uuwn bs lhr chantabk iunds. originally as Aleunda Royal Naval Nursing Sen-icc. iI'ph.iru,gcs hut nuts in vi'.1_\s afimignxc the ltvrtlrr WiImrn‘\ Ro_\;tl Nu al .‘iet'\ict: to prev.-nt thy riculs. such as ‘(‘lIIVl\_ lvotiics, sgtcul ttccds t-Lt.:l'Ilt\ht'rrrit\. holiit.a_ss and in l.l’Kll' own homes in timrs

and the rt:-4.-ncs oi these torccs.

t.unt|y (fl\l\ AIM The Royal Navy & Royal Marines ('hi|dren’s Fund

('oruideration oi every ctreutmunce is giwn swift and syriqiatltctic attention by pcuplc who undcnund the ditlicultirs oi service and ‘catering lilc. Applications can be made at any time. Those seeking assistance can contact the olliec am.-ct [or an appliclion loan.

l‘tI(llK\l lnvm The RN k RM ('htldn.-ri's lltt\l and The RN at RM ('hildn:n's



Royal Navy 8: Royal Marines Children's Fund

it I

'l‘w_\'t‘ord Avenue. Stanishaw. Portsmouth P02 8l’l-I

TWO of the ships taking

part in this year’s Aurora

deployment turned their

transatlantic mission into charity gold. putting their hearts into cash collection. In 'l'y e 22 frigate HMS ('ornwal stiilors on board set themselves the tough tairget of

racing the ship aicross the Atlzintic ilildback by ntezins of it rowing machine.

Midwziy throuvh the chullen 'c. utgztttiset ('l‘() ):tvc ('hi.shti nt said: "'llic rowers tilt.‘ right on line zind will almost certttinly finish successtully to raise around lllttlltl tor the ('orni.sh Ilcttrt l~‘ound.'itioii Unit." "Hie team ot fill keen rowers from the 22 lrigtite will have covered l-.tll)|tm in their ambitious plains to take on their own

turbine-powered engines. shi&'seanwhile amphibious

landing shi




HMS Albion. at lL':tll't whi ed tiwaiy port of their

long-tli.stiinee crossing by belting million kilogrtimmes in )ll\l 1-1 hours using ltlkg b:it.s.

over one

The net result of their strongitizin eliorts lt:is beeti user t..\.tIlitI

r\pptntatnnsarii1retrrraluhtuIillirtri.rtlri.\Irs \l \ “J1-'tlL.|ll4If .\Ir- l \ivuth1t.lit~.iiLhe-nah-it-unlvsrt-inc lcl it_‘|'i!h\IHu






Music from the Ceremonies of Beating Retreat and Tattoo 27 historic recordings. the best of the

Royal Marines. Included are Siim-cl. ( ‘rinioml. Jr-nualt-nr. Land of I lope and (.iIor_i'. (.'rrm'n Intpi'rt'ul. IIt'ur1of()uk. A l.i'Ii- on the (lcmn ll’ar¢-. Hy Land and


‘ _




Across the Pond on a slow row .



‘Billy the‘ Kidd takes his tum on the rowing machine while HMS Comwatl conducts Replenishment at Sea with Rt-‘A Fort George e cpo

Sm. Rule Ilritunriiu. EmhIu:orrt'd I)rtmi.i'. Mi*i*hruii'.vt'rl Injuntrjv. Samhre t'I 1"!/il.\’¢'. The (‘upturn (:'cm.'ral. l’i.rt'mint N -Ixmt. Night/all in (‘amp and many more. This (fl) brings together the majesty and cxccllencc ofthe Band of HM Royal Marines School of Music under the baton oftheirdistinguished first Principal Director of Music. l.icutcnunt Colonel Sir Vivian I)uiin.

compact Disc £12.00 (UK), £15.00 (overseas) incl p 8. p Make cheques payable to Esstney Collection

Eastney Collection. 60 Mayford Road, London SW12 8sN tel: 020 8673 6157; fax: 020 8772 9545; Email: eastneycolaeotcom (most major cards accepted)



l):ime llatinaih Rogers School in lsybridge and the ('l;iiri: llousc llospice in the w:irship'.s ulliliated city of ('hestcr. Des ite drtiincd energy levels. (‘P0 ave (';tvill. one of the key people behind the event. said: "All members of the team worked extremely hard during the 24-hour 'l.ill;ithon'. "l’hysic;t|l_v and mentally it was drttining. but we hrid ti good team who encourai ctl czich other through the tlil icult periods. “We ttll knew it was going to he ll:tl'Ll work. but when your ellorts tire in aid ol good causes then the etid result is well worth it. I know we wouldn't have ‘.tt.‘l'tlt.‘\’t.‘t.lour turgct of one million kilogrrimmes without the full support ot the shi i's mmpziiiy." lut the nnipliiliious ship's com-

pany lift.‘ not pliinning on resting on their ltiurels £IllI.'l' till this b;ieltbrcakin work. and have plans in hand or further cash-raising eftorts to top up the money in the tundraisin pot. lloth and (‘omwall have been ptin of the large maritime Task (iroup ll|\'tIl\'t.'tl in the


anipliiliiotis .'\lll'.IlIL‘L‘ otf

exercise Rzipiil lltc ctuist of the

United Statics. Almost o,tltIt) Ilritish Senicc men and women tool; port in the exercise. along with forces from the US. (';iii.idai. the Nctherltmds. Ftttncc and (ierm:in_\'.

Bulwark puts the boot in .-\$.\'.»\l‘l.'l' Sllll’ l|.\tS tiulw.irl.‘s crew put the boot III to loc.i| litirrow Cl‘l.tt'llIt‘\ belorc setting oil tor her new southern home in

their ssutLiii.ilcs was l.iiil law. with .i sttokc. tllc l‘lI_u.'Ili.‘s ll'l lliitcgiatcd |‘ro|cct 'lc.ini) lll .\ll)l).\l‘l‘L‘)\\l|<Kl set out to show ill ic.il terms their .i|i|in.‘ci.itiiiii lot the s‘.itt‘ .ittil teh.ibilil.itioii ptnsitlctl |I_\ .\otithrttc.itl llnspitul \\'()_‘ 'Simidgc' Smith. ('l‘() '.-\rt'.i' Scutoii. \\t)l (‘ohn ling ltlltl (‘l'() .\d_\ (l.lHlL‘|'llL‘l paid .1 c.i|l on the t'.irc llllll to presettl ;i clii.‘i|tic lut ifilll to help the unit. I A TEAM from class LOIMMW) 26 at HMS Colttngwood set out brush in hand to transtorm a local church. In a short space of time scaffolding was set up and the Colltngwood doone at

gooderssettowtthawt'llrepainting the church window panes. The parish chairwoman declared hersell delighted with theworltespectattysince most of the con regation were unable to clmb scaftolding

and finances were short tor


I Tllli SIENIUR rtiles mess tin 'lypc -ll HMS Mztnchcstct spent their (‘:irihtie:indeployment at the end of lzist year rtinning horse but :illfor good causes. races The Rowutis Ilospice in l'urt.-imoiith hits seen their cutters swcllcd by [Sill due to the destroyer's lundrziising ellorts. I ms11=iuc1'ons from Drake Division at HMS Raleigh have handed over £200 to the Friends of Torpolnt lnlants school. Lt Tony Case said: ‘It is —

OPOPaddyDonohueandPO Blllyconnor

Paddy and Billy go on the run

TWO Scottish-buseil

sailors pushed themselves to the limits running the lidinburgh Mtinithon. This w:.s the scconil time that l’l)(l)) Ptitltl) llontihiic nl IIMS l'enil\tol.e illltl l’(l(MW) llilly ("minor oi" ll.\lS Ncptiinc li.id lilt.'l&lt.'t.l the long-distatice run tor their tt:.\pt.'t'lI\’t: clitirities. the Meningitis Research l-‘outidzitioii illlLl I)ovtn's Syndrome Scotlaintl. I-'..'ich ni;iii iicttcd user t.'t,IIIi tor their good i'.itIscs_ with L7!!! coining lrniii tlic guutl will .iiItl kind licurts ot ll.\l.\l'cnibrol.c‘s ship's ct-nip.-iii_\ .ilonc. this j»e.ir‘s run \t'|\N the two irnprtnc their iritlivitliitil times by



extremely importanttosupport

the local community and we are very proud of our close links with the teachers and pupils ot the school. "The money will help purchase a new climbing adventure trame for all the youngsters. includi children with sensorydlsabll es.” I IN A NEW first [or the (iunnct Search tiiid Rescue tSAR) I-light in Scotland. the unit has been invited to tiikc part in the Kicldcr tliiillenge. the liitgcsl uirporntc etcnl in


In wliul is described :is the Krypton l:ilk'lt'Il’ meets ('r}'st;il Mzile. the liorces team will go head to ltctid with l27 other tennis lrom the I.‘t)I'pul':lIt.‘ world. llic Search tlllll Rescue lcéllll Alt.‘ trickling the ph_\sic.il and nichI.il llltlll\llIp\ lot the sake of the .\l:ilcolmSurgetit llospicc. it churit_\‘ llltll supports children's ctinccr cute in the cornmunit_\. lit ollcr your support. contract the lettm ;tl



‘llieir foothiill tetim titl\CLl £151) for the l‘|.'it'row ('omiminity (iyrri th.it rositlcs c\ert'isc therapy for pulp c with mental health issues. Although the team netted it good perfonnitnce hit their charity eoffers. it seems the pCl’ltll'lllt|llCl.‘ on the itch Wits not up to scratch but lusing 3 ti all .st;t_w.-it in not] hezirt. )lhcrs of the ship's company ltll.|l1l.l:IlIl.'\lllll£|lZllll1 sill-milelrelt in the (‘hiwiiclt to sponsored milk the idctil wziy to gather over ifilll lot the ship's chtiritics. The team were joined by four metlictil stztll from the ship's lltltl ted hospital in llishop .-\iic'l:ind who were considered most useful in treating the many blisters won tilting the WiI\'. -


lltirrorw -

I The Field Gun Crew showed local schoolchildren from Keyharn Barton Primary School the art ol fieldgun-racing


.\.:\\-‘Y .\‘l-.\\'.\‘_ .-\l‘(;l;'Sl‘1(II-I


URN", IIII3 WBITBSI patrol boats II the west

Tllli l:Irp,c\I Izalhcrlllg nl snnlcnl HiIlllIn_|: hnals III :I dcI::Idc Inuk placc III rather \l(II'll\_\‘ was In I’nrI.\nIuulh dIIrInI.~ Ihc sunnnct cxcrcisc pcnnd. 'lL'chrIIc;Il(IIHICUIIIC3 nlcanl lnur nf lhc I-I Archctvclzms vc.\\-cl.-s nrIgIIIaI|y lincd up for mu: galhcnng had In pu\l[‘K1nI:lhL'ir cnlry InIn HM N:l\’3|| H:I.~c. lim III II! Ihc vcxscls II.~I.:d by the \.'III\I:I\II_\‘ Rngml Nzn-III Umh [l3RNl.') ~.IIll madc aII impluxxlw ugh! as they \.'Ii|I:d paxt RIIIIIIII Iimcr In |nrnIaIInII. Mam" nl IIII: L‘I;I\\ arc haxcnl clnsc In their .l”i|i£ilL:ll|lIII\L‘f\ll_\ unns. hul g:IIhctcIl In l'nrl\mnIIlh piII'l-\h';l_\‘ I|Irnu_I:h llII:II aIIIIIIa| *"'~"*’*‘*‘I-.:II:h \'I.'\v.'| Is L‘ICWL'I.l hv Inc Naval pL'l\nnncl. aided Ivy up III II xludcnls. HII: unn L'Y'~lncs‘ \Ul"|lfl‘lI.'Y htcalx‘ Ix Il'~L‘d In Iakc lhc rI\\\ xallnrx In sca nn L'\cn‘I\cx .IrnunI| IIIL‘ l K. III smnc L'.'N:\ \I|’CIl.‘hlIl_1!;lL'fII\\Ills: (’h:IIInI:l. “'|TII: '~I 'hI (II Ihu \L'\\Cl\ cumln Inln |’nrl\I'l1(Illlll \.lIl| wax ||\lllL‘ LI Trish Kuhn. ('nIIIIIIaIIIlInI: ()lIIu-I nl HHS 'lrackcI.LIIVIIIIIJIICKI In ()\InId'\ uIII\L‘I\XllL'\ ‘‘\’n: .'llL' Ihc largest xquadmn III (III: Rnyal Na\_\' and ;I.~. Ihl\ has been xuch .1 Ian: L‘\'L'IlI. II'~ hcvn a hI_I: tl-'l\' Ill lhc ~IIII.'IdInII\ |II~IIIn." l‘k'\IIIIIl II;IIIlILa| aclI\IIIc.\. IIII: hnaI\' crcu-I aml \llII|CIlI\ Innk part III a xpnrls l|§I\ hclmu









,_ '


snII cI|*I-I I .-_." I

hc.'IdIn_I: hack In sea.

.R°“9h9’5" Not the m'd’A"3’"’c-but ‘he _


entrafice to Ponsmouth Harbour in mid"

Jul’?-u F9‘-"A"Ch9"'Cl355P3370’D0335: ’9d by HM5 7'3‘-‘*9’ ”°'99"°””d) ‘'"'d "Ms Blazer, brave the grim weather

F those in peril on the se

|’I':¢un.- P(')(Pho(I (idly U.IvI“.

Belgium's chock lull III warships IJI-VI )Nl’( )R'l-IIa.~.cIl 'lvpc 23 fXl_|!:HL' HMS .\1nnIInsc IIIIIII.-d \.'L'.\\cl'~ IIIIIII IIIIII: uI|IcI I'umpcaII llcclx in tin: HclI:Ian pun nl /.cchrII_I;gc ll)! lhc (IIIIIIIIVK .IIInu;II Na\'_s' l).'I_vs L"-'L‘lH. lhc Ilm-c~I|:I_\ \l\ll In Ihc( !I;IIIIIc| Irl rnundcd nil a hmy pc.-ruxl [nr lhL' Dukr class \hip_ uhnch ha». cnnIplI:IcI| L'UL'I\\l\'L' Iranlung nff



..“.t_.“_ “wk” L,‘pm_'m_h mm

l_,Nu minim ,' Ch,||M‘L_mL_ l‘vIInII III ()|X'I;IIu-IIIII Sc;I‘lI.III\III1:." xani I\‘lnIIIImc'~. ( ‘(J ('dr .‘\‘lI(l;U\\ Wchh. "\\;-arc Ilclighlc.-II In ha-.I: IK‘L'll gI\1'II Ihc nppnrlullily In .~.hm.I.' nfl “mt

5/\".()RS III IIIIIII.-hIIIIIcr HMS AIhcr\InIII: led an cnInIInnal Inhnlu In tIs|IcrnIcn lml al sea.

III the entrance In the Humhcr. cu-v.‘. Icd hv ('0 l.I ('dr Richard PL-Ih_vhrIdgc. L‘:l.\1 w'Icalhs adrin In .'I pnlgnaul ccIcnInn_v car"C" "M ‘m ham" "I m“ “ml ""h'"“ mm"

Inunny (pu1Im~d 11;,-III).


Ihv ‘-hlp and L'II]II_v a \I\lI In /.cI.'hnIIQ:c. .\1Ul1l1II\c uI|| hc nn xhnw .II Ihc InnnI|I”\ cm! III Naw [).'l_\.\ III I’|_\-HIIIIIIII |u-.>pII_I;¢- I9) \whcn sln: will hr pnnnIIIng I)t'\'IIl1p(I|'l lIIIcrciIIIlly HUI Int Ital) as purl III a II:I\';I| I:uIIIIII: xuppnrl IluInnn\IraIInII. um" nl Ihc |III:h|n{|II\ nl Ihc IWII-hllllr.Ill1[)hIhlIIlI\&l\\£lllIIWhIl.‘h\N'I".\‘\li|}!C|.1C£lL'h .l“(‘flllKHl nl Ihu: shmn. '

'I1II: ~.I:n'icc was the |aIc.\I pan III a public rclalxulls push hy lhc shi affccIinII;IIc|v knnwn as the ('ra/)' A lhl: wnri: nf Ihc FI.\hL'l')' PrnII:I:lInII Squadmrl. l1Ic ship npcncd hcx Ilnnn In lhc puhlic In l.uwc~.IIIfI at Ilx annual fcslival III suppnrl

lnfiighlighl -













nl IIII: l‘I~lIcrnIaII\ MI~.sIuII. whcn Mill pcnplc camc nnhnanl.


Laflmmmo ._


Glbb r”g

Mabnb to leap of! the eon-mgn chic omc” In Aarumumhs Gulkflmusquaru "crabs." down the skhofme banding '33,‘, £137’°"h° Mind



W y

HRH-N hm-IcI~. past and prcwnl y.:aIhI:IcIl III l’I_\IIInIIlh In In.'II|>. Ihc :"1h;|l'II'lI\'k'f\.'ll'\III lhc lnrnIIn_I: III" *3‘? .-\\\;IIIllSqII.II|IuII RII_\.II .\LIIIIIL'\ lhr IILI—sIrnIII_- .IIIIpI'.IhIuu~ llllll pun IIII.'\ lIn\cu‘I.IH. |.'IIIdIn_I: rum and RI_I:III R.IIdL'l\ IIII H nIIIm.IIIIII: IiI'IL':IIh‘ .IIIll\\£|\Tl1||1|L‘\Ih;|\gd «III |L'\\|lI\\III lhc I-.'I|k|;IIIIl~.. [B III-.I ( ‘(L I I ( ‘III lwwn SI-uIh> hv-'llIII_\IIIII. was _I:IIc\l -.pI.';IkL'I .II IIII: cxcnl III I’|_\'InnIIIII.


Um‘ wcck |:IIcr ~.hI: was .'Ilnn_I:\IIlI: III (irIm.shy In NH pun IIII.-Ir annual [I.'.\Il\‘H|. IL‘-



111:: «mp I\ lhc uII|_\' Hllnl-t‘|:I\\ lI1IlII.‘duh“ mm hm ‘m Kw“-P“ I:n||I:cII:I| Ihl.‘ .“N)|K'l’hII) lrnphgr zmardcd In Ihc vc.~.wl makIII_I: lhc mnxl nIIIsI;IIIdInI: mnlribuunns In the .~.qu;IdruII III xuppnrl III Ihc I)cparImcIII [nr I-.IIvirnIInIcnt I-nncl and Rural Alfzsirx (I)!-I!"R.r\). (‘revs cnnducl mnrc man 50 hU:IYdI|"I_L‘,.‘~III Iishing vcxsclx per pulrnl.

dcpl“?“'.d "‘.h"'“

4 '





ll'H‘|l‘. riri1(vi1i'11's.i'n.iik

\' \\'\' NI-\\'S. .v\t|(;l‘S'l‘ 31111:

Peepie in the News

:.v._q Tn‘

am 5‘

0 Kiss my Klass: Musician Myleene is welcomed aboard HMS Glasgow by OM Jamie Rushton (l) and STD Ben Goss

Myleene adds 3 touch of ltlass


FORMER Hearsay star turned classical musician Myleene Klass dropped in on HMS GlasgowastheSecondSeaLordthanked her for her support for the FIN. Admiral Sir James Bumell-Nugent invited Myleene. who rose to tame on the TV show Popstars. aboard the Type42destroyer for lunch to meet crew in gratitude of a concert she performed for Royal Marines on exercise in Norway earlier this year. The musician's dad Oskar who joined her aboard across the was a diver in the RH. including singapore and Hong Kong with H sKent.\l'ictorlousandArkRoyal among others. “When I was asked to support ourboye,l]umpedatthe chance. Dad was in the Navy I would like to thinkthat someone would have done the same for him.’ she said. Besides touring Glasgow, My|eenetink|edthetvorlesonAdmiral Bumell-Nugent'e piano at his official residence. Admiralty -




O 'Hmm, maybe it wasn't a good idea to try the nutty dance... Shorehams OM Hopkinson strug gles on the aerial walkway (above) but not as much as Diver Fenwick (right)

A walk in the clouds and the Italian job, net hiniii. .\|u111t- li.1~cl11_ \lii11l«.- \'i:rltl‘.'ull .1111! .\l«i11lu ('i.1|ci.1. \t1t'i lll1|lL‘lll;tI1 rm-1l.1)\ .1|nm\I utl'l\I.tItIl\ an inn‘. 1.113.111 trniu lvrtaiks Kn: xlccp. lnml.1I11l Ihu local mini I11: L'\|X‘tlllltlll with .1 pntldlc In lli: ~c.i... x11t.1I1m'~. "l \CI\t>l'|k' 1.21.1» -_:clt1I1_1: lllr: h.11I_t: ul ll .ip.irl Imm t).\l Jiilut \'c.ilL'~ ulm tnunil lIlllt\L‘ll i111l1c\c.i111i>rc 111.111 111 lIl\ L'-IlIlK'.u \.l|tl |l;1I. "It \\.I\ .1 ;,:rt'.1t cnil I11 .1 _l'_lL‘.l| c\|\v.'1li— lltltl .l|ltl u-:'rc .1l| l1\ul.i11gtnr\\.1r1l In nut iicu cl1.i1i1'c tut .11l\crtturc

S/\ll.()l{S tunk to the skies ;1.\ the crcu of HMS Slimeham tllllillctl their ship fur :1 week at ;ttl\'Clllttl'1)ll.\ trainHill.

The ltigltligltt Ul 11 vicclt «II ti:.1Inluiiltlilltt .1ct1\1t1L'~ .1u.1_\ lriim thc

.\':i111l:i-A11-c|:1~~ imnv: L‘Ulllll\'l~ll'lt.‘;t\~ IllL‘\ \C\~4.'l .1111l hcr lmrrtc Ill Purlsmuuth \.\.i~ thc lll1|3tL'\\l\L‘ .11'ri.1l .1~.\.'1ull u-ulxc .'II the .\l0ur\ \Lil|i:_\' ('u11i1tr\ l’.1rl\1I1lltt'.\ic\\ l'1)lL‘\t. l't1l HHIIL‘ tl1.111 tun l'l\Illl\ crcu ~tt1i_1.:L'lL'd nwr .'1cr1.1| u.1|l.\~.1_\\. \lllllL‘lL'tl tlt|\\l1 ;iurI.1l ru11'.\ '.t_\\ -llltl mcrc.11t1c \.tl'ltltl\ 0lV\l;tl.'lL'\ 111 the sky .-1-. thus triud In ;1\iml \\\.tItl[\\_ .-1:.:.l .:n.l 11!:;‘.>~' l1-.'.I;‘\ (11111 .x|

t1.iit11n:t." |i1 tho: l)nIni111lc~.

cwn l'lltllL' slrciriintix ;t\'t|\lI\ \A.1~ ulixil in 11111: i11i;1i1hcr\ ul Nc\u‘;1\tlc'\ cit-vs




t'l111lilx \\.:~1l1.' 11'.--~l~lr.n1.1i:;\;I.1:1i1l tl1g'.I1l\.'It ::;iii::» -.x.'c». .|!l'-l\'tl .11 wi1l1.11-..'111: \::--l1‘l1.m1 .:.-11 \ l1.itIni1n_\ Illltt" lhc .tr.'tl\tllL‘\ isq.-.111. \.t}.'« u1g.111lll.‘

Best hope none of our mates see us in this lriends (I-r) PO(MEM) Gary ‘Bram Jeavons, PO(MEM) Richard 0 ‘LET'S


‘Taft’ Hicksand PO(MEA) Darren ‘Smudge’ Smithpose coylyfor the camera as Talland his wife Claire celebrate 10 years of wedded bliss. The trio Brum of SFM Devonport. Taftof HMS NB and Smudge of HMS Montrose headed with their the Milford Haven as partners, Sharon, Claire and Emma, to Hiclrs were blessed. We won‘t say who sent thepicturein, but the donor assures us it will come as a shock to the three petty officers: “The lads thought no-one was watching, but we managed to catch them on camera. They'llprobably kill me if they see this in Navy News, but it was too good an opportunity to miss. We're sure none of their mates would pass this page around the messes -





ill ';I1'

i.\L'l and lixcciitivc ()tlii:i:rl.l (‘hm Bmscn. with ‘'20 i.':intuull11gi:1I l1il‘|£ttlL.\ running aimlessly thruu -h ;i wurxl trying in shunt L‘1lL'll nmrv: cun1mnnl_v kmrwn :1.» painl-




lurch ctcu n1i:r1ihcr v-an giwn ‘Ill ruunils In 1liwh;1t_1:c which tho;_\ tlItl\i\lll1 .1pl1~n1|i;1ltl1u11x:h lllC_\ lhclc uiiriml I111! In _L--.1r1;; up on .111}nnc and ItIlllL‘t :1 pasting.


0 Peak practice: Newcastle: crew pose for the camera scaled one of the lesser summits in the Italian Alps Alter two days of cxcrtinii. Sl1uri:h:1m'.\('() I.t ('dr Mark Hunnurzity l.lCt.‘lllt.'l.l .1 gcntlcr :11'tivit_\' was needed In l.'tlll't[1lL'lL' the bond-

EFFORTS to save money and with it the environment in the Portsmouth area have been rewarded by local businesses. The team overseeing the Royal Navy's environmental and conservation work beat off competition from 45 other major organisations and businesses in the Hampshire and the Isle of Wight to take a regional award for the Senior Services —

ttlni-ia in ecelsis .v\l'l IR 111‘! t\.\u_\c.'1r\i11 the Rntul \.1\.il I{«.'wr\c.li:;1t|1I1_1:.‘\'11rv.' (iluiui .'\tlL‘lllIlhl|ll rliirriirril tlhU|'t')


1lc1l1t'.1t1ni1 In the 5L'l'\lCL‘. I he |c.11l1i1_1: ll.llltl. \Cl\‘lIl_t: mlli \11itl1v\i-u¢l\ R\R unit ll.\lS '\\i|1llIrt'.\\.1\~L‘lci.'lcd .is thy

tnri11.1l1u11\|vcs1~.11luruttl1i.'p.isl if lt1«IIllll\.

Ishc lI.1\ .1l~.ul\cu11 rc\\.1nlcil \\lll1|ll\' llurl-cit l utl \'.1\.1I lxuxt \u.1rtl I111 hcr L'\1'1'pt111I1.1l


:11.|ui|111_-;l1c1 ll|l\'l\I.'lllIIlt|\~\lIll

tall.-.1-_'_u.-x uliichci1~.11ri:1lll1u .!.zi:l11u!l\\l1t-11.1111i1l\.1tt.1.kt‘1l lttlltxll l1Il\\‘~ in thy luuu Ill .\l.1]:1r .1!-l\.1l\ii Ill |i.1qtl11l1r1Itr1st'.h} inn-.: thc l1\ cx mt \\(ltlIltlL‘tl llrilixh \



‘green’ policies Organisers of the awards

said the RN had surpassed its own and government targets in the environmental field. Among the RN 3 achievements are reducing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions by one quarter in the past nine years, using -


sunlight to light buildings more effectively by day. conserving rainwater, using solar en-

ergy and other initiativesled by Head of Environmental Policy Phil Wheaten. ‘Its a tribute to the Fleet as a whole and every RN establishments valuable contribution towards complying with environmental policy,‘ he said. ‘My message is: keep up the good work further more challenging targets are on the way.’ The Navy looks after numerous sites of environmental and scientific importance, home to rare birds, bats, floraand fauna, such as Horsea Island in Portsmouth which beyond being one of the homes of RN diving is also home to rare pyramidal and lesser spotted orchids. Besides a plaque for the award, the Navy received a cheque for £500 which goes to the King George V Fund for Sailors. -


tlirci: m:1:l..\ in La hpc/in 1l11r1i1_1: :1 hrczik in zititi-tcrmr npcriiliuiis. Well. more the Min than t|1.' hills. 'l'\.m_1:ru11p~ lrum HUS .Vt-uc.1-.ing. lli: l.ll.'t.'ttlL'tl ;lLl\L'l'IltIl\'\i\.l\ tux thcin l_1 ('1|r lliiriiinrzity wt Al l1'L'£l\1111:.-r11;1dc.'i l‘L‘L'-llllL' tux ('urt1i1.1. tin: hunt '.1mun1l the Smith l)iMn\. \~;tl;lIl_t! l|I\ t'n:\A .11 tits: L‘t;ii.'l. ul the \LTtIlMl tnr tllc ('1mitii: ‘lent duwrt In sltull uriiurul the ru|I1r1_1: rc1:iui1. l'\u'|u' uttlurs It'll its ll'l'| ll.'I/ with the 'tn:;1\urt-' countryside Sluztn :ind('l’()(i;1|!lv_\ ll.'t\L'\l\llll1tl suitably hidden in :1 puhlic hnusc. While Shnrchzim vms cnjn_\'in_1: ttlL'KT|.\Cl\'t.'\in ('It1q11i.' lcrrt‘ Int l-.\lhl.‘ delights ul suuthi.-rn I-Irigliiml. pcdiliun lt;1li:1n Jul‘ m-Kc nu ul.'.i (.‘lL‘wtllthL‘(iCl.lltll¢(it1lll|tKtlt1l7:ltl- wlicrc thL'_\‘ gut tlic titlc Imm tor cd .~.tr:1i'hl tor the tllll\ v.hcn thv.‘ thin‘ (l£t_\'\ ut L'lltltl\Il‘l_L'.. llIhIll_L‘ ;1n1l vi.-ncr:1h c 'l'_\'pc -$2 llC\tHI_\iL'Y spent r.'ir11hlrng.: .'inni11d tlw RtK‘n.'LI I)c_1:l1 —

We are all reeling somewhat QPBBII...


lt‘.tll18.'tl th: :1rt ul thc ‘\i.1 |1‘rr.1t.1' 1715.111iIt11\111:§l.11lil.'r~.1It1l ~l.'.' mi. :11 ."I.i11*.l~;i .1ru111~..l sh: 111-1:111 :.1Il‘.~. .1\ tl.‘\1'|r\p.'1l In ll.1l1.1t1 \t'i il:.'1~i11tl1.'.\ii\~.lx1i111_1: \\ \\ I lLi.l \\c.'IlllL‘l ;»1t'\c11I.'1l the lll\l .11ti::npt til scgilc .1 Ullllt in--11:1t.1I!1 timcrint-_ uvcr (‘urtimi nu the tint iliiy til the cxpctlitiiiri Cltlll|ll'Igl_\' titlctl Alpine (icurdii: \n the .-.'1ilun 1.'_\'L‘lcd timuml the rcgiiin. 'I'hc \\L';tll'lL'lL'lu:irc1| on day tvm In :11ltI\\ the .~..'11|ur~tut.1cl1lcll1c peak. llic ascent u:1~. chnllcngiiig ;111il “

.1l tum-x

L.'ltfCnlL'l_\' ncr\i:-\~'r:1ckir1g.

rc\i\;1nli:tl with \(Ifl'Il.‘ tvrcullitiikiiig \tL’\\\ uf tlll.' Alpiitc |;1x11lsi:;1pc." \-'||tl l.t i\rul_\' l.ci\’crs. "'l‘hctlC.\I.‘t.‘llt \h':t\ .1 hit quicker :1» it t'llll5l.\tL'd uf sli1lin_1: \l(|\NIt ;1.~ti:c[1 \lll\\\ _L:llllL‘_\i'lll1tlllIt.'llrunning dnwri tlic scruc sliipc tn the v;1|lv.:)' llnor. "I-ui111;1i1)ut'tl1ctc;1r11tl1cweekcrnl v.;1s tlIIL' ul thc inmt cxciting :1111l crijiiviihlc t.'\[K'llL‘llL'L’\ :1! our l1\'c\_"


we \u:r1:

O ‘This really is the silliest picture I've had to pose for...’ Jack the Cat loolrs non-pussed (sorry) by the award of his Good Conduct Badge from Devonport Captain of the Base Capt David Lamiour. Jack was rewarded for four years’ service when he took over from Crusher the Cat or 'Top Cat’ as has fondly remembered in keeping the vermin at bay in the Camels Head area. Jacks Divisional Officer, MAA Jan Wills. recommended his feline friend for an award. ‘Jacks proved himself to be a very active member of the rat-catching lraremity, purrforming his duties with turvour." said Jan. "Hes clawed his way into the unit and never one to pussyfool around, although he pmturs ;i catnap by day to conserve his energy. the Duty Watch staff don't always appreciate Jack3 late-night gifts of dead rats and mice and the occasional pigeon by day. Despite this failing. Jack purrvides excellent service. " Riglir. rim! '1 i-iiiiiiig/i r.1i'nri'iirlrrr_g- prim jiiriirir mm r' if. —


NAVY NEWS. AU('iUS'l' 2004

The best things GIIIIIB ill tlII‘B8S l-‘OR yuung Silllttrh I\«l:IrliII I-'urtnIIc and l.:Iur:Il lllll.‘ and l.ts Stun: (lnll l):I\'cTllttnléllx

fnrwziril ;I gI:nI:r:Itiun and um Stun: was Ctlmmixkltttlcd. flyrii.-r Il.\lS ”CflIlt.'\tu l.L'£llldC|'-I.‘l;l\\ ing with 2414 NAS and SI‘) Ni-\S III frigzitc HMS ('lcop:Itr:I.No longer |'rcstwic|n hclurc .\\Hlpf|ll'I}! In the ll1CfC\\'£|S only uni: l.'l)Ull.'l.'Iii‘ ~cr\'iIIg. ('nliII ltKl2I_\‘ l'Inltl\ the rank .\‘lI.-rlin. of lii:tItcn;ml In tltc Sun (';ItlI:l lli.\ hrnthcr l):t\C hzn zilm ~cr\‘cIl czircur: IUJUIII the RN. l\” nI.ILc up .I Il'l|\llt.'.lll.'III l.IIII» ("urps and works fll lirit;Inni:I RN(‘ with SI‘). iu:IIrrcIIllywith 34') NAS in :I Sczi King Mk 7. Il_\ InL'nIl\L't\ uhu haw llUlllll.'l.l [hr most recent vziriuiit. .\l.IlIll‘L'l ()llL'\ with pridc .'IlIll and l\ mm :Ihuut III cm] \L‘|'\Ctl thcir n.ItInn unilcr lhc the 'lhunI;I.s' :l.\\4'|Cilllil|lI Wliiti: I-.iI~i_I:n. with the hclicnptcr :I.\ hi: I .\ll-.\1 I-'nrtunc. \L'f'\'Ill_\1 III tun I:nn\-I:rt.~. In Marlins. l|.\1S \'.IIII:u.IrIl. ltllltI\\\ Il.'IIl 'liI mark the cm] III :In and ghllltléltl Inln Ihc SI.-niur .\I'r\iu'. crzi. :Il| lhrcc 'l‘hI>nI:IsI.-s tnuk In thi: skits in uni..\c\\ n.‘I.'HIIl l.tlfl.I. w\llII'\ III" l);I\c'.~ tiII;I| npcr:I|Il\l [‘.I\\k'\l IIIII ul HHS linII.'II ll_\'lXl_1! training unrR.Ilcu'lI. lKL';ttl\ thc p.ItlI \\I\Hl llt:\Il1;l.\lk7. lI_\ «Lu! l'.IIIl .I \.|llUl’ In thc ''It mix f:IIIt;I\tic tn II_\ c.IIl_\ "ik ;IIIIl mic: R.t(llL'lL'. in ll1L' Sun King: ;Ii:niII. \lllYL‘l'lll_\\\Itl1 [L1ll'I|l\lllPll.\1S C\pcI.‘t' II)“ with In_\ um |_\IIc. \lunI l’ic\ llLl\ w.I .11! in \IIn\_" said l'lIni1I:i\~cnhct l‘llIIItll1;t\|l1_L'\L'l\L'(l III pusinr. "l|\ giunl In sun‘ \(l1_L:L‘Y lIllL‘l\ lllf _\L‘.Il\. .-\IItl (hr lllt!l|l£|\ |;,m.|_\ O A Hine career choice: OM Laura is sand- that the RN has gut such h.':\ c .I lItll_l[-'~l.'Illt.lll'l_£ ;Il|iIIIt\ W'Ch9d b9fW99n mum 83V and dad Paul. 3 _I:I>Ixl vnluc [min lmlh lltr: Thum;t.\.c\ and thc .‘k::I Kinp,\." Iur Ihc Sm KItl_L'. llm-.II II) dull f°"m9" SW70’ A.» for ()M llinc. cuntinuing .-\hIII .Ind hix xulls Stuc and hi.-r training :It HMS ('nl|ingvI.-nix] as II II.‘L'l||liL‘£llsupputl ut'tiI:cr. l).I\c, .Ill tltrcc ufwlniiii hm c tlimn All thrcc I-‘nrtuncs zippriiprizttcly in Filfthétm. sh;-‘s ;ilrc:IIl_v lived up Ihc \I2tl‘v\£lfl liclicupicr. .\l£IH|I1\‘\[X'L‘I;tll)'l|£I\.'l lot In In L" met up fur the tithh ;InnI\'I:r\.'Ir}' In unc f:imi|_v truditiun. .v.-rving in III thi: Nurrrtrirtdy lilnlllllg\ and ;In thc hunnur guard III hcr puxxinp. in up It‘. cmiilinnul nicmuriztl -»cn'icI: zit (ir;IIId.ul \\'IlI. 3| Luliu upi.-r.:~ p(!|’iIlll.' III Raleigh. Iikc \i\lt:f and lilrickpuul ccnuuiph fur the man dad hcfuru hcr_ Inr. was IItI:ntIIitlI:Il III tlcxpulcltcx whu l'IL'\'L'|' rcturiii.-d {ruin l-'r;Ini:c_ "WI: Iirc fL'i|ll_V proud uf her." In: his work with llll,‘ rcd lwrctx .t\ The 'l1InmII\ f;InIil_\- Iicgzin their \.'lld .\lr\ llinc. .\.I\.I| niintirc support lI.'I|\Ul'| .IuIl tics with Sea Kings h;II:|>; in N70 "Hull! girlx sprung this run nic III v«.I\ |C(.Ill|.'llI!lll1L' Kurcnn War [III whcn l.t Alun 'l'hunI;I.s took to thc thc |II\l [cw _\u;Ir.~ and l.:Iur;I l1:t\ xcniuc III IIMS (Jpp<IrtIIIIc. skics trialling thc then new S<:.'I l).Ill ('ulin. an clcclricul InvlIClPL'll xcurc :I hat-trick fur nut’ -;II:nIII:. ~cI\cI| lhi: RN ltlt nc;IIl_\ King .\ll;l at (‘uldri-m:. t:IInilyf' .‘v() ycurx frurn l‘lfi,‘~. fnun thc Arcliv In thc Horn of .+\frii.';:. from car-


hand aboard HMS Albion


.‘i().\ll3.nf:I\\;Ittlt\l1ip|lMS .-\|hiun's tIlt.|'~l c\pI:ricItu:d \.'IllI|I'\ Ilcviilcrlto chip in \~hI:n they Ill\Ilt.‘L'tlrnuri: _\-mitliltilcri.-w In-rc sliuwiiig signs of cxh:Iu.stiuII Iluring

cwcrciscs of! the l,'.\';\. A tc;IIII III’ '\clcr;Ins' \tcpp1:tl in In taikc II\'i:r tho: rcplcnishmcnl at sea prugrzimniv: fur .'I lLl_\'. giving the yuungcr cruw :I Il;I_v'~ ri.-st. With niurc than I34! _vI::Ir.\' cIr~ ['Dt'flL'l1t.'t.,'lK'l\:\L‘t.'Ilthem the \.‘lllt)X\ and Rilynl .\l;IrInc\. the Zmcicnt In;Irincr\' wcrc Isld hands at lhc ‘v\l.‘ll-IL'hl.'SII\4.'llnI;IIIncII\n:. "l kiiim llI;IlIp(l\p\£.'Y is tight ncrnxs the .\;I\';Il Sun in‘ but I h:I\c In say I was .'I little xiirprisctl vihcn the hIItt'I.-r pin -ml mc tn l.|fi\'L' thc mriclif" \;IId \ "() 'liin_\' Iinimcxx. .-\|hinII'x RU\‘.'Il .\l;IrinI: l-'IiI:I:IIti\-c \\';Irr:IIIt Ufliccr. "\\'c haw tn In:ILclhc nimt III the pcupli: ;I\:Ill;Il\lI:and lhc hit! that thc \hL‘;tIlIL'f\\;Is c\cs:llI:IIt was .III .ltltlt.‘\l lmiiiix." rcccnt


0 Sea





(Above) The Thomas family, (left to right) Dave, dad Alun and Steve, and the helicopter

tied with their careers and (left) Fortune favours the Navy: Dad Colin, grandad Will and son Martin so

A illll well done l_\]1c 1.‘. lI'l;‘.:llL’ ll.\lS (';mIphcllImr1\~I:rc rcvuirtlcrl Iur their cflurlx In thc _I:IulI;Il Mir tIl'l tcrrur duriiig lhc shipk fL‘llH'l1 In the Miilillcl{;I.~l IIII patrol.

(‘RI-.\\ ul

Degrees at happiness tor ntticers 'l\V() RN nfliccrx h;I\-I: lclt (';InIhriIl3.:c Univcrxitg.- with ;I grczitcr IIIIIlcr— xtzimling iii the wurld. Tun kCL'lll}'~€llfllC3lCd[‘lll|Ct.'.\ arc :I\;Iil;Iblctn RN pI.'l.\0llllL‘l on ;In MI'hi| |ntI.:rn:ItinnII| Relations cutlhc. whcru xtudcnlx .Irc tiuighi inti.'rnIItinn:Il law. Incliiding I\\lIC.\ xuch us thc l.‘.\' Security ('uunci|. world. l,-‘Sand Middlc l-inst politics and l".urI>pc:In lIi\tnr_\x ‘ITII.-_\' must ;Il.suvmtI: ;I _‘5.t|tltI-mini ;Ic;II|cnIic lltcsix. lllix \u;Ir\ _ur;IIlu;Itc~ ut Ihc cuursc. zilniigxiilc l’tlllCL'!\ from thi: R.»\l". .-\rrII_\, unil .IrnIcI| Inrccx at the l'S. (';III;IIl;I and (‘hIn;I. ucru (‘dr Richartl King. uhn xpcugiliscil III the RNX ml: in thc _i:lnh;Il war IIII terror. and l.l (llr Sluxc 'l;Ith;im. Vtlltl lncuxcil hi\ \llldlL'\ tin :\llii..'Il clliirl-« In will Iwcr .-\r:Ih l1t.‘ill’l\«luring: ( )pcr;ItIIIn lblic.


Mun: llI:III §t|.\.'II|nrs wcri: p[t.‘\t:lllI:tI \Hlll Il'It.'(l;Il\tut thcir part in ()pL'[illll|ll \’crit:I.\. thc ltlll-IDI Céllllpitlgll III .-\fI:h;Inist;III. hf; ('nnIIn;IndIng ()ttiI:cr (‘apt Rm-»cll lk-st. l'u.n \t.‘;tt'\ nlt [mm \-"crIl;I.~. lhc

l)v.~\IIiI;'xIrt-Inixul warship is cun-

lIllullI_|: thc mir tIl'| lcrrur. this litmin \tIppuIl III" ( )pcr;ItInn ()r;Ic|I: III

the lmlitilt ()\'L'.'Illmth lhc .-\lliL'Il liixk l-Iircc lfill ciisuring rL'm|II~ IIuII:IIIc~ IlnII'I |‘'Illt\L'l1_\‘\L'£l.



,.;.I H()Mlf.\'

fur lit-ing

\\\\\| \\\ \l(.1\l .‘II||1

H H II .Ilrl\


()\'.»\|. ?\;I\_\ and Rnyul .\1;Innc tum.-s dcxpzttcltcd In hunt ;I hnsnlc l|l\.IdL‘1' out «It ;I cnunlr_\ '11..‘ has ille-

I:;I||_\ uccIIpIcd‘.’

Snundx IIM |Il.c Iltc hrxt ( iII|l \\.II

\..;I1Ih.IIHII\1IIm-l!Iuu>rIt|I\l u.I~ ]‘]IX\\'l‘ I‘\l'. «II! [in L.|\1\l|1\k'.| I

|‘\wIh1I-! 1h. 1 HHLAI \LIh\ HI. .\II lI‘I\\\I-i Rut-III.I lI.II|


lx \I\\xL\|Hum Iln Irtuullx r1.lIlIIIl «-1 k.I1XIIII.I .Ix \\|()\ Iwtuxt R.II\IJ \”l.IlIL\ part I»! t|II' R\ '~l|H|lIltl .L'[‘|I'\lt1«'!1l. uxlcII.IIIInI [\.l\l\. \HII*l.I Ic.ulIcIl l|\ .EI \


HI. ‘i‘\HH),' \[.I'_'L'\ -II \LIruI.I \.I1ur..1 :2 ‘IN III-In!!! \uII \


(Above) Little ducks: Commandos move In formation along the waterways around Camp Lepoune in the hat!-light of early mommy and (left) a green beret pauses dunng a mght-time assault. (Below) There 0

was added urgency for this year's sandcas-

Troops dismount from a truck to the sand, SAM rifles at the ready.






[\nr\Il|I|l1\ .I~huI.. lllllflyqfl l’\III\I.In .Ind \lI1L'I|g.|H hunt‘-I L.l”\f\1Ii‘HLl tutu ~l.I|kInL' ‘h\. Hnluxh Inns‘ .InII I.-II-_-III «~11 Hn II.-I.-IIIIIII.d til-uh .».’ I.rr«-tut ~III.I.L 1\<I.II\ /Iplnttv.‘ IVH'Il'l.1"I‘IIII. ~IItl.I.. \I~.- -If!\h-ll. \.t‘HI|Tl.\ um. LIIIHI Il|"‘|'»! RI \ \I-_:II~ ‘I1 fur .I~u.I|1\ In. I\ III-.' Int. |‘~ xx IIIII~ I-1 I‘


.|”k|'I‘-\"\1h.I”\ ‘III |itI‘.I~lI IIIIII '.:\ ;‘.Y\-|lIl1\'|IJLL p.II1 III Im |.H/ ~' .IIIIpIIIhI.~II~ ~‘4‘[ -,-.InI.\ .In..- rm




\II-IIIIJ I \III Ru\.I| \1.IHHL'\ --I 3 ( ~IIInI.In.l-~ |£II~:.II|t ]‘|l.I\ ( h.Il l.InL\ III III: Rmal I.IIIk ..II:.I ‘


I\II-xnlul Itn 'c_InIInIl

[‘ltH\h «:1 Hit .l\\.|llll um I


;\.-um .II.'.I

HI. .


\I~lrI tIIu.I!t~ H\1\ \II1hcIl.III.|

I .'I. .\t I\.\_ In.» \. .-II Ih. um I»! H1.’ I I. .3 nt'.IH\ ‘|' \\'\\\‘|\ Int h\ H\I\ In‘. In. IN‘. \|PmI1l .lH\1‘)L\'.Hl





tle contest.

)l1\|n\t H.I\

nwd lhy \H.InHt Hutu‘ Y.'\'hl'|lIll|\\. III


.'IV\\|llL' In

\|lHll”'."hK-maul lI||1|lI\l\lI|lI|jII'.,‘ cl.-- \I1.Il IHI lhc pry-t|.I\.sII .I\\.|lI][ ll1IL'1ItIL'\|.I\ the urn" nt lhr |.InIlIIIL' v.shI|g- lhu I.IIIl.nIcn U[\L‘f.tlII|TI\ .-nIh.IIi.u| lI[\||H ||\I.\ \|hI«-II mm! In HUI lI\C|l In l1In' .II \a.'.| Hun" .IrIu~~ the II\L‘.|lt. III-.' gtrtlltlxl Itnnps \.u‘n' put .t\}lUn‘ .II thc l’\ |\.|\L‘ -It (lunp la.'IcIIm' I-> _I:cl used In thus L'I1\lI<lItIllL‘lH. vhltlrh \~.I~n'I c.I\\-. c\p|.uIIcrI ("Apt JV” llIuIII.I~ n! H dll Iidc lr.uImIg \\.|\ rn.u|I.‘ cwn Inurr \'h.t“¢'l'|_|.ZI!lx1 hL‘\'.Ill\C nl llw hc.1l. IIIIInuIII\ and Irtscclxf hr .u|«|cd

Pictures: LA(Phots) Dave Husbands. Kelly Whybrow and Darren Macnonatd

\I \L'.I lhc L.IH|k'l JIM’ .IInphIhI I‘U‘- I.I~k turn‘ \!1lp\ \\.ItI|u| -Ill .Il [.|tL\ II->In III. luH1l.ll| I .III.niI,III


“Fortunately. the training has been outstanding or 'h°°"n9' .3 3 R0 3' "W109 “"9” “Y 09° ° °‘-'7 9'-‘Y3 “id "'3' "9 hm "5 be" “Y

h3'" “'9' “"07” 3"

he C°'P3-

. BIDUIOIS ifi amnadas: The White Ensign and Stars and Stripes appm-




lItn'L‘\ rullcd It'Iln

Inc spcculls ticuscd h;IttlI:tIc|d .II"(‘umt»;u l'nv.n'. under the rum» prieteiyffysidt law umhrcl .ml .IIr ‘#8560 0" 8 wv In P““"dt'l' ?v\ AI and Hut‘! raiding craft -'\" -'\"“ "4""; cr\ and 5-17 N.-\.\ Lynn and liatlcllc hv:|ti.‘UplL‘l\, I-hm-;Ird fllf mntrnllcn on Ihc ground guided R.-\I- and US .\lIInnc (‘nrp-s Iurnp ]C[\ mln thcxr l.Ir'ct\; lhl: ;IllL'f;I“ unlc.I\hcd .1 ml! nl

h\L‘.Il'ldl l.l ’1Illnrr|II.'Ina.'. _\\|t.‘;l['I\1Il\.lII\‘||l||ll'It: Inmk LI\I.‘l-‘L'llIl|L'\]







‘-5. I.

.\ .I.

LI.Ih r!


Um «'1I|l\


!I.I« l\.;n In



Ivh|t'.1I\.-. .11 \\I



!IIIH1cI tin‘

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overcome. some were not.

but either way a wide range of lesson: was identified. It I that It goes without 3;." tam“ g rtence and In the main en|1_ l"‘P‘""""'7' ‘h”‘ ‘“"'* "E'ntltcztnl I-cnchts Int turthur l'nItcd St;Itcs and l'|\' IntI:r—upcr;Ihn|uly It u..I~. In good fk‘\U|1 all round I)-wun-[Inns Int the tnrccs IIImhul xx.» grutttutl In |lC\lIII:IIII\l'I\ .I\ \.Iru.-d .I\ Mmpurl. I-‘nn |..llldL'[ILII-:. Purl ('.III.Iu-r.'Il l1t.,‘.lf In \.»\.\'.—\\ l.IIInch snlc. .I|lhuugh \.II|nt\ nlI\\t.'I| .I Illtvrvll IV} .I Nru ()flL‘.||\\ nI.Itlcr u-I huurx JIM] \cvI \nrk Iwc lhI\ ntumlfs wntrc p.I_I:c~). MIII-: _L!YL'l'(I la.‘rch hrarrlnt nil nn I'\crt'Iw Ur.InL'c Hrcak. .I uIIn|\IILIIIun nl ~L\ III\In_u. .'|IrIIhIII_.; .IIIIt dmnu









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IF YOU are looking for a bit of a breatherfrom the rigours of work then Tokyo is not the first place that springs to mind. II is :1 city which keeps. ynu M'ke Gray reports from Japan on ..n your toes. ll huflling mix of l-Z:IsIcrn culture WNW huhnx


IIIIcrII;IIIuII:I| IIIcg:Ihr:IIIIl.s lI;IllIv.' the xlrccls III llursh hllI\l\ “I "'-"W “'h”‘' .'-'"“'l‘‘‘'‘¥'h'-"-'n“|unis) dIllcr\ xpill nul til‘ tin)’ rL'.sluur:lnl\ \\‘hIL‘lI lllll: .'~h‘.Iduw\‘ u||,_.\.w;w5 h‘.m...lm \-iudm_-I‘ L-Hr‘. tying the c|cg;InI slIiIIk;IIw:II lhullcl trains). lluscs. l£l\l\. \II|m'.I_u .IIIIl trulns wv::Iu- through the -;lIIIII-ml. k'l£I\l\U|I1’ ‘h I h M i _' I“ ‘



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hU"“"l-'}‘".\~ _|)L‘lcnec —

I HMS Exeters deployment. Pictures: Bufden


IIIIIII Ihc II\II;Il rL'|I'nIII.'\\ mund Isl IIlliI‘I;Il lunclmnx and



l‘.vcn(l.'I_\\;Il\L'.l :IrI' |c\\tll It rvspttc

nIwIII;Il. Z|\ Inuuh III the \lIIp's lIIIsh;Intlr_\ and Illlllnl III;III:lcIIun\'c IIIIN he I';II'rII'Il nu! In Il'.lll\lL prL'p;Irmg 10! Ihc lK'\l hIgh—pn-l‘Ilu: pun \'l\I| “hilt '~lI|| m;IIIIl;IInIn;,: lhu: lctnpu ul Ir;IIIIIn;;. ultcn l'IIIIng In c\crcIm.-s Iulhmlhc \]II[H'Il'VI|lIlIilhl!Il|:l\l|:\ Ont‘ l~‘tIIIl|'l stuck In tho 'wur|\ h‘.lfd. pl:II.- lIIIrd' phI|ImIplIv and licudctl III lhc llanks nl .I'\ I'h;Il|cII_I:III;: truk took them In an mv:nIII:lII lIIII. IIIIIII when: lhcv Ic~IIIIIcIl lhI'It clunh ;Il l;IIII on the .\iIIIId.I\ In he IL-wmdcd wilh '.I g|II-




~—unnsa: ‘Jl -l.3U;uII.. "ll was ;Ih\t|lUlL‘I_\ ~|'::cl;u:ul:Ir." and l.l 'l'ux|I ('lI:Itlct)I'c. Ii\L'lL'r'\ l)cpuI_\' M:ItInI' I-lnI:Inu:cr ()lfiI‘I:I'.


"The linul Slit) llIt‘IlL‘\ Int" IhI;I\ccnI \\i|\ UH ht'|uldt,'l\ and I:IggcIl Inch ullh ;I ~|npc IIl'hcluII:cII 5-llund 70 degrees. and the temperature was /I.-ru.


_\I1u could not set a lhmp. "It Is ccnainly nuI LI clImh lur lltl\'lL'L'\. Ihuugh Ih0l.l\.|lId\ ul pcnplu: In.Id-: the Iuurnu:_v up In Ihc cr.III-r."

lhc ISI {kill}. |cI| h) l.l (‘Ill (i;Iu't|IlI-m'\. IuInI'I| li\I.'lI't In KuII';I. ;IIIIl IhI'Ir lvnct lllllL‘ ill the Ru_\;I| .‘\';I\) l;InnIIIIl I-l ucckxl |I;IIl '.IlrI:;IIl) IIILI-n IhcIII In \.'I:IIlIm~.lnck. MIII ()LIn.Iu:I.the l’hI|IppIIIc\ and BIIIIII-I In L'lIlllC. Ihc l.IItL‘t IIIL'lIIdIIII: .I muIl;I_\ jllllplc \lII'\I\-lll (l|l.1!\l'. .-\IIIIllIct g:IuIIp «II 22 lIc.IIlcIl up (IIhu: ll;IkIIIIv: :\;IIII-n;Il l'.IIL. .InIl .I|llIuu;:lI ¢!IIuI!« I)b\(UlL'd .\'lI I-IIII IlIc\ I.'ufl\t.IIL‘tl lhL'lH\L'l\L'\h\ |cII1.'lhIlII:II |I\'I:\ Iv. \L'\l:‘[l II-an lli|Yl.|-h‘IIIlL‘\l IcnIIt1I:\y III’ black III Hllphllt spnngxl and ;I ~u:IL III ;III nnwn il n;ItIIr;I| hut ~pnII;: ‘v\ht‘l’C hlll|lI.l£l\' \IIII I\ Ihc fl'([llIfL'llng. l)I\IIc\|.InIl"ll-l.\--. nut lat lmm Ihc xhIp'~. lx'I1h. ;IlxI> loulltrctlnvn lhI' upenILI. ;I\ Ilid \0ll'lL‘ \t'lll|(l\ \I|II|VPIlI}{ Sp:-rtxlly lI\(lII'l.'\ “ctr .'u't:nnI:cIl lm Ilia: ~IIIp\ tug.:h_\ IL'2llII ;InI| thrcv: llIl‘ll. IIIc|udIII;: ('0 (‘III Aridrcu Rl‘|.'!-I. |\l;I_\'cIl Int lhc llnlish liIIIh;Iu_\ I.'III:lIc! tL';IIII III II x.IIII—;IllL'clI'Il III.'III.'h .IlIhI>uglI Ihc n.II:h_\- Inalch fl.'\l.l"<.'d In J I:un;ulI:Il nip lnr Hm: Inl'l'II:I:r I-udct. who Ilcw III IIIIIII the UK. Ivluycd nxghy llll hI\ IIN Il'.I_\ InJ;Ip'.In and nut t|.'Iy was on lht: plunu: IIIIIIII-, nur\III;: ;I hmkcn VI-rlsl.






(Right) Members of the Chinese People's LiberationArmy (Navy) visited Exoterln Shanghai. Hora MEM Chris Mulvcysliowsonoofthochllnwunwhatitwouldbolikoto bee Royalflavyflmflghtor


0 (Above) The C0 oi HMS Exetcr, Cdr Andrew Reed, showed Rear Admiral Zhang Zhannan around the ship in Qingdao. Here he talks about the 4. Sin gun system O (Lelt) Sailors from HMS Exotcr visited the Mekong Delta area of Vietnam while the ship was in Ho Chi Min City. Here they see how river people live in a backwater of the delta

Tokyo otters 'I:|'_\l(I.lA


hriet respite 0 Sunrise at the top of Mt Fun lfl Japan the stunning view which in the small hours of the night by a party from HMS Exeter —


hm ll t..-:


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OHMS Exeter approaches RFA Grey Rover torareplenishment at sea (RAS) in the Pacific while on route to Vladivostock in Russia

0 (Above) Enjoying .1 soak In .1 hot spnng bath at Hakone In Japan are (from left) Initial Sea Training Officer Lt Cdr Gareth Jones. Navy News Deputy Editor Mike Gray. SA Rob Ellis Jnd SA Janms P.1rson.<. O (Riqhtl Deputy Logistics. Oflica-r L: Karon Recs and CPOCA T.al.' Llmw.-llyn t:h(-CA tlw <)u.mt-V. .i/id t]U.'lllflf).‘ ul

lrpxh nI0vi.si()n«. .45 lO.1d('(I on to the .~.I:r;.~

0 (Above) LMEA James Punton places a cap tally on to the grave at a Pow sailor from the wartime HMS Exeter, buried at the Military Cemetery In Yokohama, Japan. Standing is the Commanding Officer 0! the current HMS Exeter, Cdr Andrew Reed (left) and MEM Joval Durham 0 (Right) HMS Exetert Lynx lifts off in the early morning sunshine of the PacificOcean while the ship was on passage for Tokyo. The airrralt was preparing tor winch transfer practice from the destroyer’: to'c'sIe








the reward for .



stiff climb .



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0 Manchester: guard of honour lines up in the city centre .-I-


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Detained RN

personnel Ireed by Iran I'I( I” I RII_\.I| .\‘.|\\ [k‘l\uIItlL'I .IIII-~II-II by Iran III |I'|L' \v\'-IIL'I\ ~I-p.'If;IlIII_£ lhI' I'IIuntI\' IIIIIII II.'III uclc

II:|I';I~cd II!”ll\\IIl_L{ IcpIc\I'tIt;IIIIIIIs IIIIIII Ihc “IIlI\II (lIl\L'IIllI'IL'IlI. ‘IIII: lI'lL'Il .'I mI\IuII- III \.ilI(I|'\ ;InIl Rny;I| Marines .IIIIl IIIISII Ihrcc \fl‘|;III p;IlIIII Im;II\ III-rc I|cI;IInI:II II) IIII- Ir;InI;In ;IulIIIIIIIIc\ us .Vuu- I\'I-In \IH.'l'|l In prc.\\ |:IsI rnnnlhz Ihc I!;|IlI;In\CLIIIIICII [IIIIxmls IIIIII \ll‘:|_VL'd imu their IcmIIIrI'aII w:III:r.\. I)I:II.:nI:c Minislcr Lurd Il:II:h xuid lhc pL‘|'.\v0lIl1Cl IIIIIJ nut I'rII\sI:I! Ihc hnrdcr. hul had been "Iun:IIIl_\' cscIIrIcII" Inlu lt;InI;In \\iIlL'r\. "WI- Imvc Imulc rcprcscIII;IIIIIII\ III lhc (ilIVC|'lll"llCI||III Iran and HIV! tnzldc It I'|L';II that we do nnl I-IIIII-I:l .'I IL‘ClI|’Yt'lll.'L‘III" Ilns Iypv: III IIIcII.IcIII." III‘ ;IIlIIcII. linI;IIII l\ £‘t|I'IIIl'IIlIIl_uIII III-_I-Imulc wIIIIIr.InIIIrII1c Iclurn III III: Ivu:It.s IIIIII III:-II cqIIIpIIIcIII


E.‘!VI ‘!I§,’2I‘I.I4‘B’§IT1.*“I‘Ilf_-‘.'-.’FS§

Iedbyflagofflcorscofland.NonhornEngIandandNorthern Inland, Rear AdmiralNick Harris. The RoyalNavy provided the guard at honour at the official opening of the ‘Bmwald, the Isle of Man: parfiamont, in a centurios—oId ceremony:


adnsimmatfauwaIa finance, -£5

Oflsooncmcdufiesthlsmonthwomsubn-Ian‘norslmmHMS Wgllanl and senior offloom from Scotland and the north-west.

Replica modcl hand cast in Illctal and hand painted. IIInuIIIv:I.I on a wtmdg-II plinth I6" K II" with brass nanlcplatc and hand nude gift box. TIII: nmdI-I n1L';l.\lll‘l'.'~ .IpprmI'in'I-.IlcI_\' I3"

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Angel; III Jflautali-4_:Ifr.:z:.:'='v:I-,I'ILII -

me me.«y.III.= mug,



,a.«I=.I:r.3:1B.I“.1!1I:I I.I I.£-I'I'_'—‘.Il5'

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IIIIIUIIIII.IIIIIIIl.III\‘\I\.UlII.l\It'II.1III In. Hnwlcr. $K\'I'RI".X ITI). I'.uII' Huusc. 25 I’ar|I Rcusl. Loughhnrnugh. Irimslcnhirc. Hi] I Zlil) III: (H 50‘) .’._§_5.‘.‘JH IJI: OI §fl‘} 1105 HI !‘fll.II|: .IImu|cr<-'5|-uIn‘\.I'IIm \K"cb: www.\IIIIn'\.I.onI I’II:.Au: Jlhm up


15 ILIH III! dclivrn

I’H()Nli FOR OUR I"RF.F. (I()l.0lIR BR()(3HURI-'.


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Mi|lB'8 8 IQPUB IIIIB illl‘ BXIIIIISIVBS tflfllll |)|\I R\ llnni .\'i-ulhcm |)i\|n_L' l llll Jmlr with our all Ihc rrnIn.snl~. nl ilil lcr ~. i.:nI|\.n;:n .I)Z.lIl‘|\| Ihc ILIIIUH when liIr.‘\ hlcu» up .I liupc \~.immv: Inmc all

.l:~r\m-ll ul

‘aw and \.I'-


mllx murrnl


‘in n.'\pl»mn'\ :r

!ik' ~vr-1n.Im i‘ .-llcr

Annual Funny B80









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.'P-r rvonl .1 comrriorrvornlmfl Dlvluuo will hnvunvodml Fleimni-soI'hmrIos(.n-.wv-OI






. Bxrn pfinodz Tba Ggrrnan parachutg ming gxplodgs of!



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‘lic haul




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Ofiverynowarrtry tothofioyalflarhnl -oMear'orrInita-ivfl rucolvelfnhuooay

Art Group: -.r~.pmr.~« .m- vi-.vh~‘ wuin .wv'. man-v-.«~u.,.-a-. vurw-.1 l «--2-..n~ I R.-mgr ‘wt-(flrmlv-r )9 A-we-tr-.l'ar ‘lmw r. mm ..-nun E. .n Llu "an ‘,..n-.1 .'-p RN51 ‘$«'I- ,x.|r.n3-- '41‘ n'\--v- in hhl k


uldpriurrt-daycapr bilyofscomrnnndo Br1gndo.thacorpa'

bdgedafhobooidei raplacealheaxbb


prodrcodbst cenlury.1'honviaod parrrphlltuvhiclnvil eloobeglvenlotho




‘AAA "wuvnhr-<-. up av-vrrrmv '4- mar :.w lhurrh "~lN'\II‘ '51!‘ .u ‘R1 M..u'. r How L hr-apsarlr L\\"LI‘ ..ury J:-now; P-.v*v LII

L321‘ W13!" “'94






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'r.vr' Apr-' Wivslrvlw ~.w.-m..u--

R1” 'm- '\-lI-


HIS Sc-vile J Luna mou I34 Io 'r—'.iu-lS7 "(I1-r.\!-W‘-vi VA '. Fl---: 1 “' ‘wax iii~\H\-W \Lii\(I‘* .'4 Uc-1-f-‘-,' .it "ill 1. » r1lorrv'..n wl 4A5 -\~t'un'u- In ark-ml who

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-.-an-. can Rrunnv xu-uv :.v'\i~q- IV’ .I4

Auiucation llmuloirnrun I9!-nut: ICCI martian «met lhon 46 have cloned VIhal auwmxnuulmflimnaurnmw

rrurlaixu May Am lur-oslonnawocmoomumiov-unuu IX Duluth Ifll-C2 Soolirq any at l-I

me last reunion -n


me Iblorn ontsoam nl lhrs lrnr


I38 Constance Aaaociwon R7! I

DTI III55I gum -‘ml

u: gonna '.ln‘t'-1) Lomuv and "\fNV'I(; assorulnr awn: .inr\u.nI


r_v .|v.nr uhnn .1041





if Ej lum ‘vurhlrvi '1-val M iitry vi--:1-'1 :v-nor .o...I.




rn.m...;.-4 ll"I\l'a'l 1.


,.i.: m.--.

-i.- ,.ri1A(:nur.Iv Ra an

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or mud



\'a-ulq-rrio.-1 _-not nus fauna: '4-0--II: .











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sqhJI'1It rule-n ‘vi-w



llI‘- -nu!







HEY Lold N-Iflfld lntv.ul.Iv

--in is .im .-as» 9% Cup: Isl-.iv unt.uc: l .|uVl-!\u- '.i-4 0l'1."£ .1 ‘M54

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Show Woods Bunnv Burrmvs Tptry {rev Jorvnnri Drmpe

J:-fl moon Hon PHI!

:~)(uuu- Nadir Boas rn-aver! new Hun It-ncvr iiorrtuartlnt Vharioltwreic andbani Invader




Aqwt-Luv Av:-not-r .mI1AnlAqorIsl



,.~n-ntry -n. rr.vi¢l'tu¢-uwnsw -«Ll l unLI Ova Muichioon RNVII





unurr l.-.: .u' HI’ A.-tn, vs «MN -.4 i~n1.Iu' '93

:n.m1 .1! run rpmv





(Win.-n In-taevnl ln run Iran-.

(Lonucl Hahn Pen


OIPIB 612676

adult lharuuimi-r-Invanurnhcuin Chniun Po-1 DMI-an was Pam unis! he one! no Purl Orvuonn I an Bapy can anyone «plum ll’!!! Pnm


CorIaclDJBdiar.IaGaruvrICuIo0ewv LeunIruormn.LE?5PO Iuraeuahru-1| A


wavlorooovoracacnaol uroyflarracuoa Anaall. inched av ma Rcwal Haw In

lhn Cuimoui

OFbsingonthedeciroHorrnerHMSSvvalow.nouvthoIrl¢hNavy‘sLE ion. herCOLlCdrPaddyHarkiri(right)andacoleague

CiarI'sperticistudy lhepaperoltheflflatllumblesflavybays. parionatthelour-daywalshmamfineshowisbolievedtobethe first visit to Swanuabyanlrish ivarshp. Staroltheshovvfapart from!hefonnerPaacock-clessvesseliwasthedltlb-lonliner Thewbrld. 1'heRNRandRNAheldstaticdspllysendtheLIaneIli branch ofthe RNA nveruhosledin Cierak senior r-atermess»

Navy News on tape

Navy News

available free of charge on tape from Portsmouth Area Talking News lor those with is


amrq) WWII


lh»-. .p.i.u- ~mr)ul(! he 51' n-'


Ehkrmruo ()1 I0 GIN KV r-m.-I rnrwr '\i'n¢1¢nfMvnrl1nvr‘ at Furl N.Ir'u)-lair)


lfiloaaoulmuua-In mmw-u ml()r)lIrn-r\.mr1.1«‘8m1-v1.Iau.|r!i)trru6-main-u-hr-lctvlunv-1 cnnkv-I2 ‘BTQM-h

(inonr-lam unrrxrad ll'IVvnv\1l-.ll1&Ifl()Dy1('@[uh.A-.\rvlv'new ma uaal


Lhr M Inn U®r Dov: am




.-n' no

sanoouoney exam Boa-3-mu


' Spa:-r '.)m.-«, not _I"'.7‘W .i‘\ to .ir.<‘:-;\! -‘I -seuuenl. mwlice mil have !'J be p.i.<1 ‘V is l."n'.'

Irumznn-..'h¢flurn aroalml

mwwu.-mus Vnar:ivI-mo


La-nn.-m Ihnnorra Kan!

Barn-sr..upi-I-loan sum-numsea EneSSIJPQ Sod’:

an-.is om


"mu .1’ woo .0 at :00 ‘CI .zr-.. .L\50(5-WU‘

"«m-rrric me-





-.1. «Ag, J4




Metric:-nruo be-nofiu -nrludt “Iain uadr rl-uminu xru ludnng -

RACnu-mbenhrpatulper Euroora-uaecouv Arhnu <okx.riIuYoarCook AIi1toln\ouIbun'rum-as vru




lusoyvadnohonlrmbyucun mum!

-Froellrnncullagalandpropany amen






r\omflpI'ial£|S) -U|adIlIn&flCihh\l"h6i

-idrnuchmon ..


T0: lllllflfilllfSflllllll, IIIO. TI Pollliilll In mono: Ni ii? hmwwe-a~v.Innnaru.:~—mc--uup.:p¢uha:vvhrm

1|! :3


I l

to Forces Personnel

Personal Injury Claims House Purchases Wills Family & Matrimonial Problems Couns Martial

Om: Lid! umrn nrovue in cu'riuIuIonurnaIoIhnSoas()peravurIImoi


(‘ya-uaanu (‘-ravciCa'Iac!Junes bilivw W3-Id Dlhv Nvbflord Karl IEZOGAE

Phelogwncu Fiaiuqyulr-iiarnnnriain


fillers I) lawn‘! lo-nu

-Auouau Gruruuuy

naaoamrum «pi,

‘-‘uulnrnoorl (Inn

Decermor) Narnoia qfiooiornou-Docornneo Sac-ah r()c1::u-rllecurribrn -III Costa Rica we in Seplorrinn Io rnbbrab I-\ 21:! pl -rvuqmuv-Mnnuu-dlobnoslsioril-H lhr nomylormao nuqa Inarv AI awn 1

rant-\ arm rnbrorvcln rofltxl Mr 0'“-H

uni):-4-Iznvvornniv-rvuruun AA rnairnanu-Ice personnel I3-45

p.u(l-lm Mlverlisirxq





lreqr lo nmu-romf1'\orr.r.iI arc) ns.al*3ns Ilm-15 uer!.|-mrq In CDlII(l\vl‘(1t.I| -avnrk book-. Jlld I)Uh||(‘.lI-')li-. ‘gr ;‘>'l'\ilI _.m Qr‘r1 up-,x-.n .1»; »r


moyuv-iuc1hnq:.nrvoum Geoilvurarfpb





P&RflMItI\alhP8v Saw-u-nrvncu r Wwlnfli-Atfin n:.usoprruonn1ard.1l\« .. 4.9.»: n zrvn -mover nlrsin: in me RN

cnnvqu-uI'Nav.u5Iaos.uLe4h Soolana Il.my(v\-Ir1ous .nrrv1hng.I&Jll1tncI.'JI.lU


lhe nqm in


-an Sl'¢'Vl.t'

evmul e<lIl’-3n..rvyrIc-w-. so all ll you am «.w1:2ir-J. ,«n-.:r -iivlvfr -r\ u-ml email please -nriufle your lull .l(2llr\','S‘- .Inrl li-mm \o number I Rounmns .ux>e.u in (iille order and rt.--:;.n,~sl1 ‘ ;. JCI? .Il" entry in .1 par lvcular I-all-on «*..|nnol be qumantt-ml I Plr.-nso -.r-ml in R0lJl\lOl\?c .-ll It-.I-.l lm-.~-- rmnl-'1\ Ir-""9-.il.iIy lourl :w-l'.vrthe rnonlh ol the even! I lhere may be A m.-lay below uh‘-In-. .|CDQi"If Jue 2-‘) me .o|ume 01


1951154 Liovvvri-snacvi Far hul ilonuct Tun r.n0'.;‘5.‘66¢6!\-lorotrudJun.)

HMSSoum.vmIor- -do:-wrvoaaaCPO-n


I Ylw Emtor



Specialist Legal Advice

Ialllqs nmu rum-rrtrer nwv Pvfinl-. vumaornacrflcscnwnalieaa Bamxuoa HI(xNlII'yPropcI P0801254 W.|B\r}|ut:l

--rs .Il'iI

r-,po\-.I am) , .l(‘1IH'"o'-(‘Olin The Edrlnr Navy News HM‘; N1-I-..>" F’nrE'.r'i'nu!h PO‘ JHH

request.-. I Enlrvt-S

ii isg?i.

LouRNV(W)RLflI% llarvvone -s.I'I|IIInmgia:I-pln.|ancu1.n:1VIhart|.'.‘7



: 3


At your Service entries


3’ §

mahp|b<xrl.|cloye~utu|eRNporIoI'u-I nourish-oaurnohonrtrdllornonorid

difl‘icultyreadingnorma|type.Contact0239269(B51and leaveamessogewiihacontactrIurnber.NospecialequipmemisruquiredIoplaythestandard90-rriiruucassettes I Nnln

5i i



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nfixulrvctnruurallfullnn Ndntslhul Iorrlund .vv-

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The Association 0

.-v '

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far Har—rhl pl} cantataflfllH73! 5% I13 TB.‘ (1% Jlflll

In addition




"v ‘ea "Lam armies and

r'." -oou

"ole an .: Jar

’-'Q.l'fk-5‘ 7'





.n-rub’. ‘...vn«..-



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um-‘Y-C‘ as in» .14 ‘ac VDJCOL."





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.Il.£CI"-""'(flJ3l'.9 no







HHS Eatlhourrle !‘

rhwvuwnov RAJ? H'.~'-ll





_ '

in» Trecam M5136 E’ Sullr baa:-ov'=<

Solid. Boyd 3111103 IE5)

Fnm-u.-r vrurroerx .m- nvnod in conlatl Barn Jul-N .ll 36 Hot Aw-nun Hi-.nd1.Innn Yawn


lxnnuurrutistlflsuwnr cum










Seaway oval :00 have no Irv Yni.irLfirl-iriprrnau-\.|rr-IaoI1t.:k>\'ycni‘.Il'\ Rein-m planned .1! Cnnnvh in: Ann 2006





vrlh lhe

A u





-.,.,.._,.,._ ,.,.


Lumndv lot 0147;‘

82346? if Loch Flfl Aaaocialon I004-IT 0-avouuvwnm-7uyouan qeunioucn


""5 ,.


Babbacombe. Torquay The Naval Reunion Specialist

.r~Il-I ~..rxp-i 'um)x.v\)vr.nrv-








Imam ‘-Purpr -'.-mar‘ -Vim. M-we


CorIar:lJonnnv Lonny

.‘l‘I'V~ r



,._, "

ml-i ~'v\ rrnwl .10 ‘'04_

Aw. ‘-'.I-1.1 ‘..




.;ruuruh.ri-w an-I HA5


Mn 'rvrwnlvu~_ '7' "VII HN

.i-l.rr- 'r‘v' Pl ‘Am-



.'.Ih.m _1l sunmille-(I Mr Int‘. -‘'nm .1 «mm! JM)fli"M' snc '"'4' Lu Ln! can .|rvvonr awn: l~ uurr W1-'im.H rmuuy-K rrunn .’l who-to nun ‘ Mr» (.u'r-17 .~\.'. mu-





\..|w? ,‘ 30 \-4-puwnn.-v '-mu .|lor 'm'"-. In rm I-'uI"~«: 2-.

uwravr-q ..n-nun: "-r>'\rTin‘ .'.I-1- x.|'I- il“ »-‘ '0 l‘a -I "vfv-L



i -4-u-sq







mi! Hmr-in

Aircraft Amllcov I" Aporonlleoa H6146 -it-u~-4 '\L"‘



-hknl .u-l ‘AA




the 2-‘-(Rh .v\r-veuurv 0''?!‘ run

-imprvl -ul.|l

«mm mm mll ‘r\.nAar' .1: '7n- unrxvv-txv 'Iuu*.4~ Mr»!-i -' uru-!!--(1 ‘r.-v Agni N1-n -nrrrmq-r-. gonmr imhlrn ‘uni WV!‘ F-'1-at: ‘v 'u-- ~“l it





MRS Cauenera Ana-cianon

calling 0/dSh/janrafes 1 Irhu-‘In Aaoooluiun Rooroflufiv fll'uaboIIr-Ioundnloosauvlowrndimlhe

same lot L,oe-C-riulrq

(H-in -Mk-u

pm n-my

April 2005




September 2005


-"0P|'9o(uur riirnwln


-<1 ..‘|IP‘







‘- ‘slur

pr- »ar. _--cu


run than mil IF

Viv «mm: M {hr reunion and coniacl Mike 814- [Soar-larv. (H924 RH"! '.r~I iv-mo hard r-man-I .-r urlrl lnvona on‘ at-(Kiln nun


‘-.3-:4.-\ Nu-rm






lnioffiofilbh or Drake shonbaaod ndatlllahrruvnls in loot ‘onward in Mint!) lrnm vnu Coolant! Fro-Ll Mayra‘: lei

were with


.1‘. "iv



Iruovrnulrounnrilrornuavw-I5 "you



I-05 Alhium IQ?/I4 Ca-nmieuon


tuna 01 Lil K4-nl H-Lhld





Par-dmomnaaeuniori February








February 2005

riirm-r .~l IN 081 Hnflnin-. kaanr-.nx\v~ ml he held xi‘ Onolatv "4 .41








"mm is.‘ --1’-7 -in Jun ---4 --'~ I35 Glory Anoo¢ul'u:iri A llth Carri-r


858! 5693


Mine-mhrmrr-Nl-‘I 868771


kv um:-nu: unease conur. Shnonr won: in -ma! A051" -t(Ir.v<1UhA..1-uonoi-u‘n ul or 020




VH8 Llflifilreun-on a lo tau pun: -I n'..uomon0cIooeva—9 Arwnmuwnururvm

.1ro<x'rua.rreI?5Ohorrr\Hcou'rv or me Imwoman .1 Mm 'uwvvNI'Il(:Ir@c(Im of canine! Mac on 019% in-Mal or emu





Susan Div-coon RINII A man -


Odour-r BI1 Dania lmrn J Sonia Isl 0130.“ 8-uwfinuo-rrui '

Hriuay '1I\ Dmrxxilh .‘o-11.11-I -\-I u.wv- 9-'V\.uv -rvvx .’?‘Of‘fr‘lr-Irv-luv" .x- r.-:

HIS Forrrndaoio Association '5" 1-i.v\a>n -1- \l~{)l1"YKl'" 1 ‘ .1! '.'v‘ [)4-oruflutw 'N'6tI1- -Inu-- I'-u-v'.~y-:uu- ‘-I.u- '~vw- ‘ivw min

fllnlllvuiillnlrruaulldfulhen Aaeoeidlon 66mArv-vernaryfinnuxiu


September 2004

"x_';L'~' -.|IlL'L’! .i1!i"



rnntact Andrew Glnmvua M Htnvmo-0





'-i .l\'

C1 Dulivfw FI% I101!»-46) Annual iutuoriaumlrocamflouaumuxu-roe lcmuay lrum October 1-4 Contact EA

RovuFieolCIi.o Hnrnasmnara Devoruon

August 2(X')4





Doui|lrornFIoo\h\vailonm’.'i92'356manr 'NnrenmO1.'a34?2l?55

In In-: ~c.mnl

inc .l.un.u'nl nunc -1.21 mu-' ..~umm ..x nun: ‘mu \'mi \'.i“.«>n.ili.| -...lx'i'~ In I'll. R\

July 3|

is on




October 2004

Ponnrnoum Fluid Gunner: Aaoocidon

li'k‘ Ki-nl u\.|\l Hui tlk'u"~ .| pzuul ihancc lhr exploxn v nnln.mn- ilnpm.illl.'.Il‘|| lruin llunca |~i.md Ill i'I\lY\lll0l.llilu I" Pl‘ ikixk in lhc ‘rm: man Hcinr Hm. .i~ the hu_yc (i(' |'HlIC lll.l\ nnl hr lhr unis \‘('.M“\ \k'\I\l' --n the" uunlvnl l l\illl|l' in-.u Hui \.Ir.|h Lurk‘ lmulnl Ill lhc p.lr.u Ilulr nuns‘ Ill lwr nclx Ill rhr «null ilI'lll\ l|' Iul\ I3 in iltllc mun" 'h.n: ~-\ ?|uur~ lhr: VIN _‘ lt'.|fll h.ni NTII in-.11.: rlw ll.|V\k‘I \A.Irm'd lhv .nimnn


At Your Service July 2(1)-1


Na-to um .v' .V'|'I>ufl" armrrw on-rlr-n.v\ :-mpnr vnr-'h.|n-I MIN it want) 'Y\l'('\.IV| .




-nun mm in ‘nu:

ban.»-. ‘r-. favuxvn-~,_




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6'-vi‘ xru-am‘ (’<-nucl I-kw nrruyx vmnu

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Wilkin 9

Chapman Epton Blades


Ilictory's magazine I‘BWI‘ltBS \\\ \l \\\_ \l (il \l .‘‘l“1

ul Il'lt'll'.lIUl‘\'Ill'lt'.\.t'U.

ll.\lS \'|("l‘()RY lltlx tlpCllL'l.l llL‘Y lltlltl and grziiiil iti;ig_';i/iiic In piililic lll\[‘lL‘L"llllll lnr tlic llfxl tiniu. Sccniitl .\'i:;i |.iirtl Vice .-\tlniir;l| Sir JltlllL‘\ llurnc|lNllgclll iipctlctl lltr: \L'Cll(In\ UI lll\ ll;i_-_'~liip. tlt.'\Clll3IlIj._' it .i~. "lllc t'lllllllll‘.llltlIl til ;i _urc;it iuiirliL'_\' \ll'lL'k'

lhc npcriiii-.' lll.lll.\ lllL' uiinplc liiitl til .lll ull_L'IIlll;! lL'\lUl-IlIl'l'ltltillctl mi lhi: llcclk lIIll_L'\'\l xcnirigg \\.ll\lIl[l, nil “lllkll ‘XI pct will I\ nun iipcll lur \it'\LirI;_[.tK'.tl L'l'-lll\lllL'l‘Ilrniit l'IIfl\IllUtllll h.‘i\L' lL‘L‘l.'llll_\ uiinpli:Ii:tl r'\lcrt~I‘-c tmrk llll (hr Iv-II '-1l'L'.'l\. The huh! I\ ti large lIlL':l hr:ni:;it|i the iirliip ili:i.‘L. iin whicli Nclxnn ihr.-tl TllI\ \-uiultl haw hold the \hip'\


contemporary dress in the newly-restored Grand Magazine of HMS

O Sailom in



l‘r.tuI'r- POr'PHO7'l Gary Diva-5 r?SU

Itlew twist to powder mon BYS tale AS VlCTORY'S historian. Peter Goodwin has exploded one oi the longest-standing myths of the Trafalgar era the plight of the ‘powder monkeys‘. —

Traditionally. powder monkeys have been seen as young boys. aged around ten. who carried gunpowder around the ship in a chaotic manner.

But records show that these ‘monkeys’ Naval slang for something small were not the young. mistreated boys that everyone perceives them to be. and that the operation was —


! 7‘ I‘



sophisticated than

commonly believed.

Everything else the Royal Navy ol‘ the era did was so well organised that the lacts just did

not add up for Peter. He says this system simply would not have worked. as there would have been damaged ladders between the decks making it a very slow and dangerous process. His research has revealed that boys aged 12-19 ‘boy’ formal rank was a helped pass the powder in a human -

chain to the guns. using sailors who were not directty involved in the fighting. Ships‘ standing orders prevented young boys working in or near

A ‘powder man‘ nominated to each opposing pair ol guns monitored the cartridges. held


fireproof boxes. making sure that there were only two bags at powder at any one time. and that no sparks got near the gunpowder. The youngest sailors would also have had a ‘fireman’ role. damping down loose gunpowder to prevent explosions. in

xtlppllvx .ll \L';I Int tltttri \l\ ttlntllhx .ll .1



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lI.|\ In-cu t'lt‘tlt.‘tl tn: \ l\IilIl\III ilk‘ hiiltl. iAhii'h ll.l\ lvccn p.iiti.ill_\ Iillcil with \hing.!lt' li.ilI.i~t .tl'ltl l‘.lliL'l\tn prii\it’lt' .'l \L'Il\t' «it uli.it ll xuiulil hair lK'L'll hkc ltl .\'cImti‘~. liiiic llir lI‘.!llllll_'..' l\ hilt .I It“ \iIi.'i|l l.ll'|lL'!ll\ xuxpcmlctl lrnrii the hC.'llIt\ that L'lt'.llL' .I liiurlty ;ih_\ us

l’ctL't fiinxluili.uinitiii un \’ii;lur_\ u.hti tlL‘\I_L'llL'(l thc tli\pl.i}. tlC\-Cflhttll him the |\.i|l;i\t xllinglr. ultcr liliic .il \c;i. miiiltl hznc hcuiinc .r xcnnux hc.ilIh li.i/.iril tlllC In .i Lack Ill \t'Illt

tigglitl) p.i.'l.i:il\[1.lLL' llc lilltl «it .i \ltt|l I'll \\llIL'll.1 k.ll' pcnlcr and his rimtr tllL'tl .t\ thug. uric li\CfC()l'll('ii) the ll.lllIL‘\ III r;tt lticcux. lcaltinp tar lllltl duinp ‘llic rciiiii-:itctl puiiip huusiiti: llttx hv:L‘n L'llI\\-\{'\'Ut)nL'tl tn \l‘ltl\k tlw IlIlL'TllIl’.ciicaxilig thi: Iuut til uni: iil l.llIIIlI lll lllt'

\'iL'tiirj.\ lIl'.|\l\.




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cannon would be disastrous.

have been approximately 90 men and boys involved in a system which persisted until world War II. with the nimbler boys passing cartridges from hatches to the gun crews. Records show that there were procedures in place to ensure that cartridges were







going to the appropriate guns Mr Goodwin said a 32-pounder cartridge ending up in a 12lb

Report by Charlie Cooke (Work Experience)

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| Go Online @ www.navynews.co.ukI

it it


V.v\\ \ .\l-\\'.\. .\l til Kl Jill: l”

Severn strikes it very lucky

FROM Nelsons first attempt at a left-handed

p.ilr-il~liip |l.\l.‘s 5L‘\L‘lll.IlL‘I1iIl\l.IlplI\ITIt.!l} (ll.‘l|l.!lllL‘l.l ultct .i run nl _L'U4Kl incl. ('Rl'\\' nl

signature to a tiny set of sixteen paintings of

clouds. From maritime clocks to oil paintings a! men of action. All of these can be found in a new exhibition, Bequests to the Nation, running until September26at Royal Naval Museum the in Portsmouth: Historic

Pm.-n-, L»1iPm-.i

.IlIll lint lL‘.'I\l xi-inc hunt mull. .intl tlL'lL‘fn1lll.|ll(lIl. 'l ht Ru ct-cluxs xlllp l|iI\ lvccn ;m:mli:illhc .lL‘l\t.'_\ ("up Int llcr CllUll‘- in ll\l1L'l'} |'llUlL'L‘llllllt.llllIt.'\ Jlltl llL'l cilntlx In nuxc thi: pmIilc ul llll\ unsuni: arm til the RNK —

rcpcriimc, Aim lL‘\\iII(lL'tl I\ H )i .\1I-..\I i ‘Km \\'i1ltin\nn. ulm um lwcn

Dockyard. Covering “the diverse nature of Brftains military heritage, capturing images

. valana parking: (Lem Somerset berthedagainst the magical backdrop of Grand Harbour and heard (above) ‘Have you ' the one about... OM Kershaw shares a joke with First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Alan West

of courage. watchlulness,

poignancy, exploration and peacekeeping”, the exhibi-

\lH}.'lL'tl out l\\ mu \\’utxliipI'u| ('nnip;iii) nt IllIfIlL'f\us thi: RNK L'l.Ill\lH-llltllll1t.'}C£lI'.-l-litNCIIIIIT r.iIiIi_t: \\;i~. pickctl nut Irnm zill


tion features historic arte— p facts and line art nonnally hidden away in the MOD: official buildings and residences. -us the first public exhibition we 've organised. Charlotte Henwood. Curator of the MOD Art Collection, told Navy News. “its significance is that the exhibits are owned by the taxpayer. and this is an opportunity to show what they own. Among the hidden treasures now on show is a painting of the dashing Cdr Wyatt Rawson leading elements of the Highland Brigade at the Navy/Army operation at the Battle of Tel-al-Kebir in 1882 (pictured above). Now computerised, the fully up-to-date records of the huge MOD collection have come a long way lrom the days when they were laboriously recorded using a card index system.

U.»-tr, ll"«:'\





xllltltfnlx un tlic l'i )i.\1I-.\li \|lI.IlIl\1ll_L'cuiitw. .mt| cuinx illll plux .IlI L'llLIl.I\L'tlIllL‘(l.|l {nun thc ( nInp.in_\_ ()\ll‘t‘-‘i \liIk .\l.iut'1L'\\~l.i ll.I\

L"-L'i1II1i|lL'Il1t|I1t.'_\tin xpcml. 9.5.1!!! in lw |liI.‘L‘l\I.'. .tllL'l \Hl1lllllL' the RV Spi-tt\ l.ultctj._ llc tn:.ilcil.ili .t.\ \illplll.'IlC\to .i think i.il rust

pnu") in u.'lclii.ilu

\L'\L‘lI1l\ on p.tlrnl .|l [\lC\L‘lll ~hu'~ lll llll iluu llhltc Ih.m Iliil ll.|\\ .i _\L'.ii lI.|\IlI‘.1l.'L'L‘lIll_\ \I\tlul ‘siinilctl.itiil.ll.ittlcp«ml. 5u.ni-c.i .im| I .ilinuiitli and limtcd “ll \ |\|l<‘I\ \\llL'|l ~lIc v..i\ npcnnl to lltu public .|l ( '.ilci|imi.i l.iiI zit


(k)nights l'lll

N.-\\'Y'S tnp mun tlioppcil in un ll.\lS SUttlt.'l\Cl \\l‘lL'll shc p.iii| ;i guntluill iixil In lit-_' ‘( iuni-_'c (‘zine i\l:intl'


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\I|lll|ll‘.' lntlr nl





Ihc \lIilillo.'

l.l\l .’suini.'i\cI hull. -nut In-in hut xzxtu (ii.itIun in tlic (iull -ll thc l\‘j._‘,Il|Illl'lL1 ul lhc ninnlli .l|l\l l‘lL“£'lllL'\l I uni; \ct\nc (iinul tumlmt lllCll.|l\ In H)‘ \liii.ini I ll.tlllIIll .iml '('li.irli." ll\i‘i‘ill1l.|lll .inil l \l \ /.1. \\c.il1lt.ili \lt.-i .1 him -it (ui.in.l ll.lIl‘I'lll lllll tl'.g \l.i|l: \l.tlllllllg‘ \lu~cnm. ll|L' .i.£nn:.il [|||I'lL'll .\«vinc:~;t ~ I U f kll l).1\|tl \\--n Jlltl thy I~l.in.l'~ «.-nun lKHill.ll\ uilicci llii-.'_('.ittncl

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\.iItl(Xlf.'\\i\H."\\'Climl.-.!tL‘.Ilpt’I\lL' in iinpr-v\ni_u lltL' .llfL‘.ltl_\ \IIll(l .itIili.itinn l\L‘l\\L‘Cll \l.1lt.i .inil Ihu Rujuil \.i\j.. 'lhr \l\ll .i|m I|ll\'lL'\l ;in c\ucllcnl upp:~ttunil_\ l<It.illllll1l‘t'tiIl ilk‘ L'lL'\\ in inn-I .\kllllll.tl \\a.'~t .iml tinny miiiuaxgllu.ii:1t'tl l\‘.\|{ in .: l.tlll.|\ll\' liu'.itiuii.' \u\\ Ill Iii." (Illll.\i|ll1L'l\\‘l‘-\lll nut we lt-:2 iinnic putt «it l)L“-I|ll|\1'll lvctnic l)ctuit1l'ci. inst in lime in! ('l1n~lm.i~.


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NEWS VIEW Sufi sailor who kept his faith I

he 300-year history of Gibraltar as a British fortress exactly coincides with the presence of a Jewish community there. They have been interdependent since 1704 and Gibraltar today is a tapestry of faiths and cultures. where Jews. Muslims and Christians

together amicably in 21 Society that is a paradigm of tolhave lived

and coexistence The new exhibition at the Jewish Museum in Camden Town pays testimony to that spirit of harmony as does the example of a remarkable Sufi Muslim visionary who has cited at 87 after a lifetime spent promoting inter-faith understanding. Pir Vilayat lnayat Khan sewed in a Royal Navy minesweeper in World War II (he was one of the few rescued when his erance

ship was torpedoed



His tolerance of his fellow man even allowed him to finally forgive the Gestapo who tortured and murdered his sister Noor. Under the code-name Madeleine‘. Noor was a radio operator providing a link between the War Office and the French Resistance until she was betrayed for money by a lllefld. He said he eventually remembered the words of Christ on the cross: ‘They know not what they do." As leader of the International Order of Siilis since 1956. Pir Vi!:iy.'ilbuilt on the legacy of his father the Indian l'l"lyS'llCHazral lnayat Khan. founder of the movement in I922. encouraging lollomirs to practise their own farms as they explored Sufi mysticism while showing operi-niirictedriess towards other beliefs. In the last -:0 years of his life l‘.C hosted an annual Congress of Religions to promote understanding between them His t.‘l(lt,"5i1?\'.)tl Pir Zlil lri;tyatKlt;tri_ti;1s been designated his SLJCCCRSOT

Corps qualities


expected. the Sea Cadet Corps youngsters with exemplary discipline. smartness and style for Navy News’ 50th birthday lunch party at the Whitehall NTIRELY


Palace Banqueting House. Each year they act as ushers, street liners, guards of honour

general assistants at countless civic ceremonies and receptions throughout the land so we were delighted to have them lend their special cachet to one of our own. Somewhat unusually on this occasion though, their duties done. they were invited to join our guests at their tables and here their performance rose well above expectations. Unlazed by distinguished company that included the current C-in-C Fleet; a former Chief of Defence Staff; another former and



First Sea Lord; a whole raft of officers. serving and retired; and the naval attaches o no less than 16 countries. they displayed social skills and a maturity way beyond their years. For this. much credit but not all. for they are prime examples ol their own people. their own generation must,go to their officers, who clearly have the happy knack of bringing out the best of their qualities. It is a matter of regret that today there are fewer and fewer of their elders who are prepared to give up their time to help make these young people the good citizens they aspire to be. —

Still making waves, 50 years on :1 KI.\'(i' star

lli Ll l 'I-.'.\'

.»\lcx Ferns

and proiluiscr 'l'cil Childs ucrc thi: ziinnitg gucxtx HI .\’tii'\- i\‘i'ii-i Sllth hirtlid:t_\' lunch. held :it the Wliitcliiill I’;il:iL'i:Billlt.|llL'llll_L' llouxc. S[3L'i|kllll.1 tut‘ tilt‘ First Scti police Iiircc. t.'Ul‘1'll‘;llllXl_L' tui(’omnt;inilcr-iii-('liicl' riiiixtn. |'tlr;lt.’}'. iltiig tr;it't’icl.l.iird. l~'li.'i:l .-\ilmir;i| Sir Jiitiutltoit iiig :iIl l\'l|ltl\ iit L'Tllt'lll'lillll_\ llainil siiitl lllL‘ ptipi.-r hzid tl.\L'll to lillt.'l_\' on the tipstirgc im the '‘;i pu_~llll.)Il of pri.:-i.:tttttlL‘llL'i.: Ill lti_i:lt suns. lltc lllilfllllllc milit:ir_\' pri:.~.x" "Tlicsc iirc irohlcins thzil .\ll1\.'C it» iticcptiiiit in I95-1 iintl liicc us. llll I reckon his now hail ll fL'1llll..'X'.\'lllp wlticlt \‘l.\lt)ll is .\llIfIlll_|L to conic truc cxti:ni.li:d wcll In-yoiiil lllitsc \'illlCll ix thc Il'lt\.\-l .~;iti~l’)iii_u in thc ;ictu;iIl_v si:n‘ini: l{o_\;il lltitlg |'tc tiiuiiil in my Ntny. torture." said Jim. “'Iliough its prime function 0 TOP TABLE TALK:Former remains. as ttlwuys. to report rind dcliiilc the current iIL‘ll\‘IllL‘.\. Chief of Defence Staff Admiral and issues of the: Senior Scrvit:i.:. Lord Boyce and Sea Cadet Sophie Andrews share Navy it has l;itt:|_v spread its remit to News’ 50th birthdaylunch top include ti hmtid rungi: of mar- table at the Whitehall Palace itimi: intcrisst so thtit. worldwide Banqueting House (below). todtiy. it :lIlf:IL‘l.\‘ matny rcatlcrs Right: Making Waves star Alex who hiivc no direct conncctiiin Ferns with Cadet Thomas wlt;it.siii:\'i:r \-.'ith thc RU_\‘(ll Woods Pictures CPO(PHOT)D.1ve .\':i\j.'. [‘I:l.\l or present. "It is ;I sigttilicztttt lllL';t\UI'L' of Coomos .‘ll".(l Trevor Musto.-i .\'in'\ .\'i'tii' sttcccxx lltill ll ix priilttiltly rcuil li_\‘ ti ltiggcr pctL‘k'I'll(I‘L'L' iil pciiplr Ul.ll\lllL' tllc wixiiig .\';i\y lllilll L'\L'l hcliirc. "lit llitit ii:~pi:ct it is p(l\\lhl)' ltIlltlllL' .'I\ ;iii ill-lltlU\L' iiiiirntil ~





.'\tllllll.'ll liiiilil ciiiicliiilcil h_\' iiiitiii; t|t;it .\'iii~i ,\'t‘|\\ li;id fL'l.'Cllll_\ “till it\ tltiril l'l:tin l'.lll:ll\lt (‘tiriipuigii uuiiril. "l’|;iin hpcilklllg is “hat the .\':in need» ntori: than ever in putting its iitcxstigc llCTl.)_\.\' in ti mirld iitcrc:isingl_\' iitfcctcil hy

jzirgon and hlind tn sc:i scitsc (Hillin rcgiird to jargon lllL' i\:i\y i.~. as guilty its most. "So I wtirntly ilpplillltl .\'ui~i.'vt'H'.\" effort in sprctidiniz the —

word itt its first Sll _vi:;ir.x and look forward to it l.ll)llll.! thc Silnlt.‘ in thi: next Stl." In wclcontiitg thc it:iv:i| tittzichi.-.\ of In ciitititrius (Ill of which htiil l'L‘L'Cl'|[l_\' figured in the pages tit" i‘v'iii-_\- Ni-ii-_i liditor Jim Allziwiiy recalled that when he first strirtcd working for thi: pit er the tlii.-it First Scat Lord .-‘it mirail Sir Julian Oswald outlined it new :|p['|l'U:IL'll for thi: Rt|_\’Ill N:l\'_\' :l.\' part of :1 gliihtil —

il.'Il'lI'.Iltl l'V\'II(‘I\'.\'.l't".ilk

i\'i\\'\' .\'l-.\\'S. .-\l'(iI'.\I 2004 ll

Eaglet lands distinguished

visitor tor

centenary IIII-

mi-st \L'I'llllI

I‘.!ltI .i


icscnist xisit tu _\Iutw\siiIc In


pail-tiiiii; s.iiIiiis Ill thu IZHIIII-\\L'\I LI.'IL'I‘I-IIC lIl\'ll llltlth I‘IIIIIlI.l\

Caribbean-bound: Richmond

0 ‘I never thought I would see this...‘(Left) Former soldier Jim Kane touches HMS Wakeful's treadplate. watched by fellow survivor Geoff Kester (right) and RN Museum Director Campbell Mc-



Dukes swap roles in drug


("RI \\ ml II\I.\ Riyliiiiiiiitl arc nit IIlL‘|l u.i_\ ucst in take up iliiig:-hiist iIl|I|\'\ ti-int sailiirs |I.\I\ \Ii-iiitziiiitli





Ilxc I_\t\' I‘ III_‘_'.|IL' ii'til.i.cs IIIl.' I’i|.it I». IJt:'v.c.is1Iic R\'s .\'.i:tIi \t|.iii ‘it p.iti~-I sIllI‘_ .idii’t} '\\IIi\II '.\lII t.i'sc II\'I '.Il!\‘lt -li the I|lIIII\..lIIL' stxisuii in thc ( itlII -Ail \Ii'\i.u III .I \.tIlL'\I pit»;-i.iitiiiic, RIt'IllllI!IliI is sti-ptiiii; till .it Ili'iiiiiiiI.i. I'Ii>riiI.i. J.lIIl.lIL.I. \Ik'\Ik'l'. IIt‘ItIi:. II.itI\.iiIi|~. RI \ lIIs&'IlI, ("tilt-inhi.i and \'i'Iic/iicI.i uhcii nut hi-lpin_-,~ |.iu L'III\\[(\'|I|\'|'II .i;:t'ii.it-s in the \s.ir -in drug: II.lIIlL'Itmg.‘ Ii_\ si'.i Ilia: \\.IIL'l\ ut thi: ('.irihI\'.in lL‘ iii.iiii .i hutI\'d iii tIlll_:..‘ Illl1lIIll_tZ aulis II). “III! IILIII) ul thi: IIIt.‘1.'.lI\lII'I\I;lII\'us IL'IIIL'lIIi) \l'Ll I\I|lIIItI lur the l'K Ilclivir ilqnirtiiii: tor the ('.irihI\‘.Ill. the ship hiislcd lhc diikc attcr \\Il|s'Il\I|L' is Il.IIIlL‘lI. I tic Iliilwul Ricliniiiiiil |i.is Likcii a 'u’|'ll llIIt'lL‘\I in his ship \tIl\'t.' she \\.is I.lllllLIk'\I ll )i:.iis .ii:ii. .i|IIii-iigli his I.|sl \ Isil .iI\n.itiI \\.I\ stim,_- Fl) tm\m|1s .I:,:l| "llic Iiulw tuult .i great inti:ri'st Ill our ri:u'iit .icti\itii.'s and \\.I\ p.ltII(l.l|.iil_\ Iu‘i.'It In I.I”\ ahniit our iiiipcnililli: iIcp|n_\ ll'K'lII.” said It Attil} .\-Iasurt RIv.'IIIIIUI'I|I is due h.'ii.'k in I’iinsiitivutlt in I)ci.'ciitI\cr.

IIC IIBPDBS honoured at


'I‘.\'() World War II heroes who iiphi-Id IItL' tincst traditiuiis of the R51 h.iu- I‘CL'lI Iiiiniiiircd at tlti: Na\_\"s .‘.Isl(\:l1lut}‘\\:irf:itc scltiml. Rear Admiral Ruhcit St \"iiit'i:iit Slicihrnukc and It ('dr (icrard ltuupc lmth carncil thc \'icturi.i (‘nus Iiir .ictiiiit alim L‘ and I‘L'_\|‘I'ItI lhc call it! lIIlI_\ in tlic lrci;/iti_i: iiiirtltcili \\.iti.'rs. Rinir .'\\IIIIII.II Sltcrlirixilsc \llk'kL‘\\I|lII) held «ill a siipcriiit (iL'lllI.llIturcu as c.ipt.iiii -II |I.\IS tliislim lll Ihc ”.lIIIL' ul lhc Hal» i.'llI\ .\'c.i .it IIiL' L'IltI iil I"-1.‘. sliiL'Idmi: .l \lI.II i.'iiii\ii\ III the pr-wcss \\‘lli|ll\I\ \\|‘IIII\IL'\Iiii thv LILC .llItI '.'IIII‘i‘l.lI|I\ I‘IIII<I\'\I. i\Itcr!'r--i-ls.‘ \«‘lII|Il|3\'iIIIltIlIL‘t'III1L'i‘.tIIIL‘l|III|I rhi lI‘.t'!LI‘..IiIIII'I\'I'l nun‘ \.II\.' I he E~.itt3.- u.is _: tiiriiiii; ‘)l'IIII :it lit; \rtt:t' .'.imp.ii-_:ri .iiiiI I\'\I hi IIIIIUI

kitty his

\.i-..ii i'i>ttt'ti.ivttI.': \-Iltl!l.tI I l'.It I\’..;iIt'i I 2 I .it Is'- -'1‘. \\ is tmsllttitltiixis i-. ttxu;-ii:~.'iI I\'i st‘-".iz..:'t'~|'.:s i.iItiIi‘Z II\I\(iii-'.\'.\ut:1t Iht'i!t'sti-v\t': gI'|.tiI 'iIlItt'(ii't ::t.i:: .ItLl\i’ \.liii-r.ii I gt .i'. thi"III\\Il‘IiII\ \ '_ .t|Is.lIIlI‘.ll','I| mt l“1l| iIi;‘;'.': '.\.is s.\c.'t'i_\ tI.lIII.l'.fx'iI til-imwiiii t.i;~si/uil and sank. I.lL.|llL[ .iII I‘llI ‘I nl hut tins. III\IIliIlI'Il__f I{ii.i;\'.\\i1It I‘.\': |It- \\.t\ .i\s.irtli'.l Iiiitaiit hi-.:h ust l‘.l|IlI.l|\ IIl‘IIi‘.'.I {‘I'\I~\\.lI .|IIL'I thy dpstiiixiis siirxixnrs zutuixiitcil the .l\Ili>Il\\IIL l‘. IIIk'_\ tact." iIL'k'kI Ilillll I i.'ii~.i.iri piisuiici -it ts.ir \.llllI‘\. Iiiitli iizciis L\‘ltl.l'.[L‘ is iniutiiisctl ti: thy Slturliri--ikt‘ and I\'iiiit‘c I‘I- .">.s .it II\I.\('1‘iIIII‘_:‘ \I.i\<‘.I_ i\II:. ;.iII‘. i‘;‘.'ltL'iI I‘\ IIlL'll lI.|II'.'iIIt'I" I .:.!'. I).-_'I\_\ .i:ii| Iiihut \I||IIt'll\-Ill..iniit:‘.i‘.iti:.'.!In thy \I.tI‘iI|ll2\‘ \\.iit.it. \".t-I-i‘ st (1 (\II\ \iIt'.it: \.i;i.x' xi.




i'tI Hi

siiilt' In.’

Murray (left). (Above)

The last known photograph of Wakelul and (right) Mr Kane in his Royal Tank Regiment



soldier two of thc I:i.s‘t-Imuwii !s'lll'\'I\‘('il’.\' of the sinking of thc dcstm_\'cr IIMS Wakeliil in May [U-ill have cninc l':ici.'-in-l";ii:cwith two rciiiiiitlcrs iii’ thc fateful ti

ic.ii|\ \.iIcI\ tcrricd out

'\1|IlIIl."I\ liai.'I.

Ilritain int


ditinn iii built itcrns can he stalviliscd. “\\'c iscrc assiircd that




The tnrpcdu strilii: I‘IULL' the dcstruyi:r'.s hai:l; shi: sank in IS scmnils. allimini: just 35 L‘\'L‘lII. cri:\s and a Il.'llllIIlII On board II.\IS Suiitliaiiiptiiii of .suIdii:rs lilllc In in l'iirtsinuiitli .\la\.'il Ilasc. tnrincr L-scape lI’tL' carriage. urilinarv si:ani.'in (iciilt ls'i.-stcr. |Ii:r \uci:ls'. I_\Il‘|i: and 3'3. Jim I's'ani:. 85. ii isartiiiic in litlli: more than rugiilar with the 'I2itik Rcgiiiicnt. Sll {cut of viatcr uff \\'t'fL'JIhIL‘IUL’\:Il'llIl'IL'IIIL‘\\1lI;CIl.lI's the ll-clgian coast.


lt'i:;id|‘II.'ili:and h;itIgL'.

Rcciivcrcil in Niisciiihcr last }car from the st-aI\i:d I3 milcs nil Antwcrp. \\I'lL'I'C \\"aki.:IuI is an ultii:ial war )H3l\'L'. the two arti.-f;ict.s arc nuw un iIi.spla_\' in thi: R0_\’:lI Naval .\Iu.scuin iii I’urlsniiiiith'.s Ilistnrii:


\'cr_\' happy in sci: Ihcm. partii:u|arl_\‘ when _\'mi cuiisidcr when: they have hccn for so long." said Mr Is'i:stcr. "It vsas a great surprise to see Ill'M' Vct..'II-[‘IIC\l.'I‘\'C\I IIIl.'\' arc." ‘I'hc iIc.strn_\cr \»\:ts It'll’ vcducil in thi: small liiiiirs iii .\la_\' .0 alter rcsciiin_i: ahniit Mil trumps trnni the I‘CJlL'IlL‘\ at Iiiinkirk‘. slii- hail .II"I


alt‘ It'l IL“

all) good


ditiiiii. and will last." Mr Katie could mil \\:III to lunch the trcadplzitc as it was un\i:ili:dlu him in Smith;imptun‘s ward

p0.\L‘l.I a danger in shipping until s;iI\';igc exp;-rt.s






last _vc;ir rcniiiwd ssnuldscctliiss." about Ill fuel «it he said. her supcrstructiirc Q A young Ggofl x9319, "I was very without daniagini: lucky. lvias taluthe iiitcgrity iii the war grave. cn ahuaril late at night and ciidi.-il As wart of this .\.'|I\;l ‘c operation. up in a hold at the rear of thi; ship. With: uI's htidgc ant namc lali: "I \s;i.s .s|ci.-ping when we were hit wcrc rc.si:iicd h_\- divers an arc by the torpedo, There was a hugi: in rcniarlvihlv mod cnriditinii. as cxpliisiiin. thi: singli: light hulh N:i\‘aI .1u.si:uin Dircctnr ucnt nut. and cwrythingziruund us Royal (‘ant hcll Mc.\Iurrii_v C\pI:tItlCtI: “as .snta.shcd." "1 ii: iiaiiii:p|atc is hrun/c. whicli ‘rapped by thi: lug. Mr Kane was is p.irt|_\-uh_s it siiniu-ilsusscll. \\'i: trccd when IIlL' ship |'UIIL'lI and hc ha\i: I;tI.L‘ll siiiiii: ad\it‘c trnin tlii: L'I1LIL'l.I up cliiigiiig In the rails. l-cMar} Ruse 'I'rust -in him this mir- fnrc cvciitiiall_v hciiig lL‘\CIlL'lI I1)‘ a —

ulialcr trnin II.\lS (iralliin iliciscll siilvscqiicxitlj. hit and I‘1t\II_\' dainLII£ClI In .1 tntpcdi-I and Il.|Il\IL'I'lL'lI in :i criiss-(‘li;iiiiii.-I li:rr_\. "\\'.iIscliilsanlu in .i tun sccniiils. and I iittclt \\UIlt.IL'fhim I got out «it II'IL'YL'.“ .\Ir Kane added. .\Ir Kcstcr was itiitia|!_\ trappcil h_\ his tcct alt;-r IIL‘ hail ]lll1l[X'lI nu-r \\'akclul's cripplcil hridgc. he slid into thc water and was picked up by iI\I'II1|II\L'\\CI. thc (‘iInitiirt. /\IIl.'f he had hccii ahnard mi 45 minutes. shi: I00 was SIIIIL II;ii.II_\ injured he was also pickcd up I!) (iraltnn's V~Il:IIL'l and was traii.slcrrcd In tlii: (iraftnn licrsclt‘. But his inisfurtuncs \i\CIL' not l“.crA With her .st'rc\s.s and riiddcrs nut nt action altcr also lwiii_i: hit I13. :i tiirpcdu. (iraltiiii was si:iittlcd. .\Ir KCHICI who L'\L'l'lIll£tII_\‘ held the rank ul Suh I.l was traiisfcrrcil in lhc dustruycr Ivanhnc and L'IIl.IL'l.Iup in I)m'cr_ "But my had hick lnllmsi.-d inc." hc cxplaincd, ":\lti:r IIII'l.'L' iitiintlis in hmpital. I fL‘IuI'lll.'l.I to m\' parents’ hiinii: in Kent. 'I1ic house was humhcd. -

IIMSI .ItZIL’I III I ncipiiiil is |ll\I.II‘lll|iII1L'I.lI2L'\It'L‘lIIIL'Illl I{u\.i| \.i\.il I{L'\k'I\L’ .l\Il\lI\ .illt‘r I‘-iitsriii-xith .l|ItI I niiiliiii sct\ in;.: .i IIl.l'.I\' .1rt'.i ul\cllllj.‘_ I11\lIII\'Il't I iti:I.iiii| .IIIlI Vi-ith \\.tIc\ I’iiitic .\Il\II.l\'I iii Kciit. hiiriur .iij. Rear .\diiiii.il RVR. tiiiiiul s.ii|nis .it IIlL'II piiipnsc-Iiiiilt IIL'.lLIL|lI.III\'I‘-II IIll|ll\\\tt'I.|)|‘\h lur thu Ill‘.1IlI‘UlllIiil u'ti.'iiiiiiiics iii.irkiii_- I’.ii:Ii.'I's IlllthI‘|IIII\I.l_\. I'llllU.' .\It\'h.iuI [l|lIlL'tI IlK.lI KIILL ll|I.tlln‘\ IlI(IlliIIlli:I iitil I i~.'tilcn.int -it \li;ist'f-siilc \I.iii \\'.itci\\i-itli. (-kIIL' \L'I\UIt I(c_\tIiiIiI\. I 'iII1I> lllI>\IHIL' \.i\.il R\'\L'I‘-U. .iitd( apt .‘itcplii.'ii litmus. Ilircctur I{ii_\.i| \.i\.il Rt-sris cs in iiicctiii-.2 I'.It.1IL'I l1l\'II.lIItI\\iIl't!L'llpast and picsciit. .\ttt'i iiis|ict'tiii_t:tI1cuti.iiiIiil It-iitniii and ship's -.'UlllI‘.Ill\, Ihc |'iiiit'c lm-L tlic ‘-iIIIII\' .II .t lll.lILIl [Mist I‘\ tunic than .'.l'llsut\iit_i_' .tiii| lniiiicr .\.i\.iI tcsct\ists, iitt'IiiiImy \\ \\ II sctctatts. tlic RiI_\.il .\l.iiincs llaiid and tuiiiict cit-is iii


close combat aboard lloean R( )\'.»\I_ .\I.'irincs almaid I|.\I.\' ()t'L':tIl van prcptiic IUI I‘.|IIIL' \\IIIIl.' lIlL'tl ship slim.-s tliriiiigli the VCu'I\L'\ ;tlli:r .'I \Ii|It"||I'IIIk".'lIIcnltillal siiiitilatnr was titled. The militar) Ii.is hoiiglit ‘*3 ‘disinuiintcil clusc mnihat tr.iini.-rs‘ lur |IlL' .-\|’l"Il_\' and curiimanilns Iii allim

trnups In practise ground tiglitiiig

\'ItIll1tI h.'IIIIl.'II\'Il.Ii ‘I'|a}crs' can train with ii Hillct} ul iiilaiiIr_\ ucapiiiis agiiiist in



Tlii: _L'llI1.\IIfC an lll\'l\II'|Il.' lascr at targets on \(I'l.'l.'|Iand the siniiilatiii i:a|ciilaIcsthe :icciir;icy til the sliuutin_i:. hasi.-il on 'c|iiiiaIic L'utttItltiiIts' such as truss wiiul, “'l1ii'.scstarI—nl-tlii:-art siniii|ators are the hcst in the isnrld. Tr:iiiiiiigstall can call u xiii a range ul i:nml\at sccnziriiis Ill train

Ii .-Ip

UUTIIIKI'r\II.)I’C:lCIICXIICI'l1CI}'I)IgII standar .s hclnri: IIIl.'_\'}{l1tlI) tuliw said I)clt-iii:i:I’riii:iircincnt tiring." Minister l.urtl Ilach. iitivciling the l." I3in .s_\'.stcm.



I'I{I( i.-\II II\I.‘i \i>tlivIIs has II-IlI thc I'It\IItlllI «it lI_\itij._' the IItI;_' IUI Iliitaiii .tI this _\i.';ii's ptinciptil it-It-l~r.itiiiii UI tlic sca Iiti.'~l IINH.

0 One

Navy cut for the better: Admiral Sir Jonathon Band per-fonns the honours at the new Leach building with a pair of rather large (but ineffective) card scissors

|)[L‘\\.'\I ii\t'l.tII. IIIC 'I\t‘u‘ 2.: \\.iiship thy ltist ml in Iiiikc-\'I.iss '~L’\\i'Is I‘ll|II hit the I{.\ s;\—.'itt si\ .I.l\\ lll thg .\II.lI'III\ I‘.\l|llt' -it thiItcitcli \.i\_\ hit I iiii-;\."s l.ir:t'sl

ltibbon development at Excellent


Iitcsl Illlli .ilIt.li'li‘iI 3.1”‘) ll.tiIlIIt\lI.lI s.iiIin_i; wsscls IIIIIII in imIlilll\_ .is null .is xsatsliips ttnni .i IlU\I III L'UltliItl\‘\. Hill In tllL'lIIttII'l -inc millinii iisitnis. Ihc IIIIII.llI_\ llI.IIlIlI'|IL' t‘cIt'hr.iturn is siiiiiI.ir Iii thy Iiit.'tii.ittiiit.iI I-.'sti\.iI ill the .\c.i Iiiistul lll |’nit» siiiuiith the tint I\ III Still‘? in iii.irI. thy |\i.'ciilctiiii.iI I‘I 'Ii.it.iI_~.:.ir I‘1lII|ll.IllL‘\\'lIL1l.IlliI-.‘I\\.IIC I Ill\ siiniiitcrs j._'.lIIlCIlll‘,1IllIIlk'\I hail .iii own ;_-ti.'.ilct \lL'lI|IlL'.IlIL\‘.is IIIC I\\ii \IItctI \.l'-Ii" .tlL' \L'I\'I‘I.II' in: HM scars in lhc I'IIII.'IlIL' ("niuIl.lIk'. thy riiiIit.ir\ .lIliI PIIIIIILJI iiii tit-rst.iiiilii1-.1 Iwtsuxii tun iiatiuiis \\IIILII ri-i Lx'IIIlll|i.'\ I‘.'Ii\ls' \\LIL .lI iiI;'j_'tIl.'.tiI\ \.iiIi‘Ii. 's\.|_\ ii;\':i tn ‘. :.ii.'s{ii1 2'2.’ at t.“..' s:\ t!.:\s ml thy 2-.'s!i\.i'

O Funnel of love: Deceptive perspective in Brest harbour appears to give HMS Norfolk a second smolrestack.

“\\t- .tlL‘


haw rcpI\'\I.'III\'\I IIi\‘ I{\I\.ii \.iy\ .it IHLWI Illl-I .III\I in |\.|I‘IIL'llI.lI‘ in lime |\I.i\ til .i kt‘) IUIC Ill t'niiii1ictitur.it~ lll_L‘ thy \'t‘lIIL‘Il.lI_\ .it thc \tL‘I1IlI_L'I'I thy I'ttli.'iiti' ('iitiIi.i|c_" s.iiiI .\iir\L‘l\


lulkk tt'.'ciil|\-.i;ip«~i1itt-it (Tl (Rh I).i\id|5iiii1s I|'tI.I\ th.-zc l\ \IlI‘l1'.‘ LI‘ l‘P\'I.|' Ilitll “.1\\.\ ll th; IlL‘llt‘Il .ii:iI Iirit ish \.i'. xi." : ::iI.iiI} |iI‘.'I.II\' "







\l\L‘\.|lI\II'llIiI\\'I.IIIt|I1\.III1llll\Ilhc -,-_IiiI\.'

iiiiitii.iI lL'\I‘\.'\I is lmiii HI thy Il.1Itll.tI Ilt"~ Iwtuccii iii.iiiri.ts .tII\I .l Iuii-.3 .llItI zlhtstti-nits \II.lIL'iI hisliirx \iItli~I'r. \\lII .|‘_'_.lII'I I\' on sin-.\ in ili. I‘l.tI‘Ilt. hiit mt liuziiu IIIII .II \.is\ II.i‘.s in I’I'.'ii:--iilh Iu!~.\.'\ii \ii-_-'.is: .‘\ .:i:tI ‘ll "I hit

I III. licait I‘I tltu R\'s nt'\\ IIL'.l\I||lI.lI tcis has I\".!llll in ix-.it atiur the lust sl.iII iiiincil in III\' I L'.l\Il I‘lllI\IlllL‘ Il.lll1L'iI altci IIIC \iIlllll.II HI IIl\' I I\‘t‘I ‘»\III| IL‘iI IIIt' ‘.'.is_\ \IllIlI1'.‘ thc |.ilkl.iiiils \l‘IIIII\I .it II\I\' I'\.cIIcnt priuiilrs .1 pct iiiaiicnt I‘.l\L' hit ('I\(' |'Ii\'t \|IIIlII.lI Sit I|'II.lII‘.\‘II ILii:.I‘s stall. uhu InniI\‘ctt ‘\.lIIL'I\'(I.|I'1'IIIIlIthc I’i~:tsriiiviIlIt aria: until ll-\‘.\ Ill Iittliicii-iis liiiililiiijgs 1‘A!l“1|.|I|‘-‘IN I?.c liist stalt ‘.4: iiiusc iittn lhu \1"IiI‘IL'\ i-Ii IIIU ».i»iitIi \\\-st sill; -il tIi.' I\I.lII\I \\cti‘ Hit‘ IIzisittL's\ scixitcs st.ilt_ :i:.|i rt‘-'isti\ .!IIII iI.lIi\ \s. 2 .!l‘Illl'.Ii_ "ll \l\tIl.'.lt I\’\ ;\':su:iii.'I Il.l\t‘ I\\lI‘I‘i\'.I lhv .





I|.l\L' Ill.lll_\ ILII‘;V‘v Il-‘lll\ it: II\'Ik' in p|«.i~.iiit suit:-ziiiiliii-.' \tIIIlll.lI ltariil \\i‘



.,-IiIi‘iI "It I\‘t'n .i wt) h.i| IL‘ll'__‘Ill‘.' Illl'.\'\\.II\' \\ It.il Il.|\ lsqcn iciiiail-..il-lcI|.i\ I‘\'t'll tin‘ \l‘ i-is-:.iI:.u:i i-ii .iIl stilt--. \\lIIl|\'il1VIt'in-r'i.ii:;.' ‘.\\‘II hi-.'i‘lItcr “nil. I\".'.l|l nti lht‘ silt‘ in I i'l‘:i:.i:\ I.isl _\C.It IIIK. III_I \\i|I I‘-.‘ i‘Ilt\‘:3I. npciicil. ii: I.lII'lL'l uviiiiiiissi.-tart! II: I |.. ti~.‘\'.' \s part «-1 tlic \II.|II'.'\'\ iii: \‘- I‘ .' Isl.ii:.I_ '\i!:iiii..I \|: \I.ii'>. \\I|‘Ilf.lI II.:i..I i!.'t‘..:x I'i.ii Ill\1s‘l|I\!i> \;\i' \uIl2I|I.:i (Ii'll.L'III II.lIl'|'_






\.I .-;\-"I."



('.i|‘l I!.ii \I-'."'.iIl. ]‘l~'lctl \4‘



I \‘





\ s

\\\\\i‘\\\ \l (.1 \I jinn;









thanked us fur what we are doing f lh‘ Antcricanx am: uttcn

of adnuranon and M01 huldlng irritation in Lewis :;i:c t v . ‘ r L ' : 3 ‘ 4 : ¢ :i : “t?.l ' I r1' g “II:;l l I ::| i r .\::f Cl’llL'. Greenstem’s voice. "Which u..,-;.i i\'uvy ;.r.- ,1... ''I feel very hunuurcd and priv- tmm'."' um: Ncw Ynrkcr znkctl :5 ilcgcd lu he able in look around grnup uf ('nrnv»;u|l and ln\inciNc'\ "N." ‘_"""‘'d ‘”‘_'“'“‘ ""5 yuur umrshi 1." hu said airs hu in- *-'"-'“ 4“ “I spcctctl lhi: .'c:I Halrriurs lined up !1"f_‘.“'"‘ m_‘' M,f"“_°.."' "‘h"_'-" on HMS |nvincih|c'.-s High! UCCL. ”‘_°d‘fML’-‘_;\" U‘_.'"'vl '_“-Iloln; ‘m:‘ "m .





was a















. (mam) How happy 8,‘ we to be ham? 11,}; happy! S8,-10,5

“,[,',-1,’: , ‘ } f i ’ ; ’ , g °, ° , ’ " , , Z ' , " } , ’ , ' , ' , “ , $ ’ , ' ° , fl‘,-"es squam -'


of the wo,-,donce



cm, cmsyoads



::".Pp‘ , ’“(l‘_‘' '\L['‘ _ \_ml‘_cf\_' !“'“‘.:.‘¢_"‘ ("“f’_“r"-“‘"“!.“' VIII“ .‘T‘.~-J-“Um "



wish yuu _\:u_\\ would







flnnuwnufodadolmeuigflbgw =i'.‘1':;‘" '





Sewn _\c;ux ullct lhc tux! Hfllhh lI;|g~.hIphcrlhcL| In lhr unu|liL'I;i| c:|piI.zl nt lhi: |'Il.‘L‘ V‘-urlil. HMS |n\Incihlu dnclu.-d .1! Sq“ YnrL\ I‘.InlmI\ Pic: .\'.\'.'icmn1 iillltctl Iw tnuutc HHS



H" W‘

“ H I“



W mm” "‘M.}'h"‘ ' L “m.|mm "Id "mi



In pclmfl W“"“_x.m '1 ('uttm.il|;iItd I".-\ |'iIrt(icUr_|:ctunll\ ““"u'm_: 'm_{;‘.l-\ L.nn lllI'_L(lllLn”1L- .Il til I .‘\.:“C ‘:1-",“,L."E "W "M: “I Ant“H\’1wrIt_u|)um“.





llcrc, u-hc‘n'

|IlIL'l\ tlucknl hnm:uiu lhc lxtclvlu-ml an: tIu“H “mm In ‘M ‘fit mm“".\ "M: ml" mm“ “PC” ha imldw‘ I” \.H_\ and tho.‘ guml mil. in .\I;iI1|1;iltun Int Ihc huzlu.-xt pruhli: Inn:i_un pull \l\l| ti} "fIII\h V\'.tf\lll[h tlm ccnIur_\ .-\mluh.1t .I \ml' .-\~ .||l c\-:u'i~< l\ dclcmc dIpllltI\.It'}. as an c\L'n‘m' In IlL‘.1I‘l\ .iml nnnd\.u1d .n .m cwuiw in lL'lL'Il|lI|H .uul u.-muIinum_ \\ M h.\\ Ix-t-in 4| lL‘\||lIl'|l|IIH:\llL'L'L‘\\. .~\hu.m| lnxmclhlc. |'IT\I 5c.| |.un| .-’\tlmir.iI Sir .-\l.in “cs! .mil the MIT’ nct \( (H apt .\L'I| Munwlll huxlul s:rc.'|t
















mirlil lc.ulcr\ tn-m lhc l mlcnl .\.a.



‘”".~m“‘ " P""'m:'

Nmhc” ""1"". "W “um ‘pun.

1iiu»it|i1;_' Hlllhll l ' L ' . IL‘ : II.\n 'u.\ \.|ir|~. It nulfui. \.|Il U [\' ” |l . I.Il “ ,‘ \l|‘|‘ l;‘L‘l\H\I\’(>g|||l\ p{"‘ _ "‘ ~ T"|"~ ‘ L I _l “I ‘mm, ‘_' "'1" 3"" _"-;“m_“\‘.'\ .i‘“‘_‘“_I ""1 ‘f '"'(1'‘If“ mu" ‘Hm’_‘_;l_\‘' 1 "fl" Fm k lumum “"m|\' up kn”-m'”\ I I } ‘W‘“””‘"‘:l:“:‘:”“' _I‘' ” 2''“, ‘I"’:":‘ LIIICUIIN



m“ I


“ L ‘N “


Um: Ihu \ ll’~ h.nl dcpurtcd. \|1Ip s minp.m\ hmtcd-vnhnun .\un:ru.mx. must hI\.'.'l|1L' l I\ l‘.IL'\lll§V But Hm .‘\!L‘H\l<Il1 «-1 h.|lIJ\ .t(1l'\\ th. \Ii.nm. ulgml.-.1 Li: l\"n|l1J in.“ kltllhuk‘-4‘. .hxc.' -.-rc. hul|~ \\l1.':.'\.-- \.I|lnl\ ~.-r::..: -»:::..:~ iml uiilim :.ink~ .iIi-.. »\\2l[ ll‘. \.~.\ ‘I--ix ‘.h\\ nut; li.m.’.‘, . State of jndepend. l-‘I l!\;‘tL|\\g".L‘l\ Hull] "‘ "W ‘“''-'t' '~~“~]* once: Dressed overall July 4 celebra- '''’‘‘1‘‘‘'''‘'‘ ‘‘’‘‘‘-‘| "‘ ”” luons HMS Cornwa” J-'|l"|'l| 'ln”“|\\'“h”‘ rm (above '9") and HMS “H” mmm at Pier of 88' one ‘"779 ' I l "H "79 9'93‘ ocean "”9r5- 1' H [oday me be,-1;, ofjux- "\\c Imw ltccn lnuilnl ‘"‘w” m ‘"_“ ‘ML ‘"1095 Cruise Ships »







'nVi"c’b’°_(’e") home

I.1“[IEl;‘.§;"I‘x“' ( !' [ :' f li\ I“; H\|§. 8'!“ ‘



shake your hand. buy you drinks. buy you lunch, rush you to the tram of the queue. invite you to watch baseball just bump into games._You people In the street and cannot do enough tor you. l'(J( .-ul llA1‘Ilk-\. ur HMS Imimi 1vl.‘. ...l\1c_l "\ im I-»c.i|~ lmc um Imul in tin (tr/i. \.l‘lII"x'X1L‘T.I”\ (I14: p\'np'|L lt.i\.' l‘.'\'n L'\lM'tlKl_\ \I.|Hl'| .m.l r:i.'mll\. .m.i in. lklkl n|IL'\ h.nc



















that IN lunrx St l u.uc. tll ‘ Shim ? ul l.it\crI\u Ihc I'mpm: .\I.at-: llulldinn. _Hlcan--cwxl~.n|urs,lhL'ir\um|\cr Uncx rultl-:.l. crcaxcnl. .I lillli; dim-. \UU|:t1IL' Imsl-. In thru \llI[)\ “|'\i: nnlx haul .in In-m\ xlu I \ unc xunnv .Ip;t.t|LIr nh.l'..mi. -in '..'u.ln| duh .'uII1..'--~.t: I .|nl1'.. .':1 ‘

















mm ~.

" mm H'N




laid. mm., ".111. M“ ! -. ‘ I H "H X’ \‘.. Wk “' z i. Pl H lmm l|II|llL‘l1 r_l.x1i-.cl\ '‘i;.: 'v-. ‘.n:.:l Iv.l.:\ \ "1 ‘ ’ 1' I ul1|'\\.;'.-~ ‘ “ .' !\.:.i~; \u:~\:.i I !‘.'g‘It\lL.'I1t.ii'.5 I.im|m;‘~ In I 1-. “ .-. H H .-.. , :\.'.5 -.\iX.". Ill.’ |'1~‘.). .11! .: .:.'».~ ..»nxt.m‘. .i.n|-. n.'..~~i1-. I-I .--inlu: .m.1lI.'. Jr-‘la Ih. \m.!:..i" ".-mat .11. ~:.'1':m ;'|.nl ‘:lIL\ .:I\ ::' Hnl.in'» -I x\.»r|\l :\.I\\\_l .ii'..! xh. lt_;Il|l\ I-II tlic MIIHL |‘lHpt'\.'. 711- ltL'c.Inm .I\ \\. .1. ..'\Zv!.'l||l.'\l .\l.iun-cr'. “\'l\L‘“.| Min ..1Inc Inln \_ Y“ R ‘I l H “H”: _










tins‘:-.iI1.1'\I:l:Evli\1Iilu1‘: I'll: ”.'lI1|\h _

l.i~L1ult\' .\Ii (it;-ciixgdll. uhu hm:-. tniluvcl-'n \l\|IlH\ In thc uh" as ;I .\pplc (IIL'L't\,'[ \\.l\ p.ittmil.irl) mu-I--vnal '\\.- .uc llnlt-Illlcd and Ihllllul lh.it _\utl miulc! IE1 Ux hunk .imum| Iuh . IN .1 ‘”"* "" "‘- " ‘ '-"“"‘ "" “‘-1"'”~-"“'*' “"“~' 5\'l"t"""~‘l ”~ ht .I\|\|L'xL *


unit »\.minp\_

\P1.'\:l.t| "‘l‘“"‘,'.

“C |I.’nu\m'l1uuml Iiciulilmittx, ‘Wh limit _mum mcn .m*' ‘‘‘'m'‘'“‘ 1'" ""‘ ""“""‘-’ “‘ "W '““"" “'”' ‘”‘ '“" “ ""‘ "*" "‘ “" "“"" "’ -""" ““""‘ '” ""‘” """*’ ""“' (lll {IN L'\|ll(HL'\ HZ UH» \t\Il. "* -' W“ *"-'“'~' ".‘ '~‘”" ‘"9" .IllLl \N1Ill'lL'lI Hf Ihn RII_\.Il \;l\\ .IIltl "*“‘*' "W =\““'“''.‘- l-~'''* 1*“ ""‘ 1"-IN‘ H WW" M‘-II‘ |'clIm' lh'~‘.\"t' h“"" ‘’F‘'‘'‘‘_






ll l I’ _

Ll. /LJ__.‘._.









I ‘

DAMN that Saddam H ssem. And Manon Brando dip. Iomats son on a bike. Th , d ,~ of second‘ and 3 press con,e,_ once held by the third {ho was cycling from the Old World to the New to promote intern:itional understanding) ensured Press coverage of the Flux visit to Manhattan was not what it -



have been. But thats not to say there

covaragel Far from it. The arrival of the task fo’ce been sufficiently by New vbncs awesorneanay at media —adozen TV stations, thmo times that number of radio stations. and thrae daily newspapers that most people in town knew 0! was no





O lt's like the lourth of July... The spectacular firework display along the East River in New York which traditionally closes July 4 Cele-brations and (right) all that glitters: the stunning neon nighttime mctropolis that is the Manhattan skyline


ll’: \


7L‘ 7‘







7% I


l___.5;L /'/ Q,








C3:-|e'ra5' vfollowed InvincibIe's CO Capt Neil Morisetti and C ".5 C ,3‘ ch HA wereagskézmtg n-"S ‘fig the8 tsh -




n asoon.

be” and open trading 8' me American Stock Exchange. The floor ported and traders applauded as the Naval party made its way to the bell. The Royal Marines Band performed four times for US breakfast television during an outdoor concert for New Yorkers newspapers invincibles wv 04' shot (reproduced above) and the New York Post trotted aboard to see the carn'er‘s '0Den for visitors’ day, but perhaps the strangest and most high-profile coverage was the sight of willow on leather as Invincible: crew -


\ \\'\' \i \\.\. \I'(iI'.‘sI .‘l|-‘>3

I A moment Ior reflection: A sailor pauses for thought at Ground Zero

in}: vs

lrom ABC News. the camoras came down and the next thing you know they're tilting the ‘and lina'ly' slot on the Six one

O'clock Nevis.” explained In-

vincibleb Air Engineer Otlicer Cdr David Childs. -‘us the oqrivalent 0! appearing on BBC national news back home!" Cricket on American TV?Now it we can iustpersuade them to call soccer ‘football


nu u I.‘ II

II on 3. -a



.00 also n. ‘J

-rm ug





The reason W y... ON the rooftop ol Ladder Company No.tOs fire station. a dozen crew from Invincible and Cornwall listen intentty to Lt Matt Donachie.

Caps solemnly hanging limply in theirhands. theystare down upon Ground Zero. the

site at the former world ‘trade Center. There are low better vantage points to get a grip of thescale of devastation wrought here on September 11 2001. Images cannot do it justice. Words cannot do itlustice. The site is immense. This tire station is literally a stones throw from the Trade Center. its crews were among the first to respond to the tires spreading through the twin towers. Six men never retumad, their names engraved in a simple bronze plaque: All gave some. some gave aIL "By all laws, this station should not exist. Lt Donachie. station commander, explains to the sailors. “The whole site was a raging inlemo. There were huge metal chunks of steel and concrete all over the place. Its a chilling story he has told countless times. but this time he adds: "We really appreciate what you guys are doing for us.’ Hes speaking of the British "

0 (Above) Crew of Invincibleand Cornwall pose in Battery Gardens at the loot of Manhattan island with Anthony and Maureen Borsollas car, Iittinglypainted in :1 stars and stripes livery. The vehicle is dedicated to the memory ol their daughter who died of cancer. (Left) First Sea Lord AdmiralSir Alan West shares a joke with dignitaries from the United Nations on invincible: flight deck

-;lI‘!"U"|‘C’II ._.... —-.

'l .nu j—...

played cricket in Central Park. "They were spotted by some-




man at-



people in general, and especially theirArmed Forces.

That dreadtul Tuesday three years ago has scarred the Big Apple physically and mentally. ltisa verydr‘l'terentNewVbrk from the one last visited by a British flat-top. This is a nervy. edgy New

National Guardsmen practise drlll, mair annoured Humvee vehicles parked up amid hot dog stands and street traders selling lake brand names. Even Liberty is restricted. The statue, that is. No longer can tourists climb to the top or the uitimate symbol at theFree Wortd. Since September 11

2001, that privilege has been



the site of the tom-ier World Trade Center, such wariness is understandable. Once there were t6 acres of devastation here. today there are 16 acres of building site. To the uninitiated it looks simply that: a vast building site, a gigantic concrete and steel hole in the ground. Few building sites however are adorned with as many Stars and Stripes fluttering in

the summers breeze. Fewer stillif any are dominated by a

simple cross or steal, crafted

from the ruins of what was the Wortd Trade Center. There‘: a determination among New Yorkers to still call this wasteland the Wortd ‘ltade center. its markedthat way on maps and many signs. Subway trains still run to or through the ‘center’. Andjustas in life, so in deathand now rebirth the cornerstone of a new skyscraper, theFreedom Tower, was laldon thesiteonJuty4, watched by Admiral Mast the ‘center’ remains a major tourist ‘attraction’,outstripping many museums. Sightseeing buses scurry past, pedestrians read billboardsattempting to explain what happened on September 11 and since. And so it is not surprising that the crew of Invincible, Cornwall and Fort George Ialt the need to come here. In the past three years. the actions and deeds ol the Royal Navy and Royal Marines have —


pretty much been intertwined with what happened here that late summers morning and its still unresolved aftermath. And maybe thatsit. Maybe, to paraphrase Kennedy, every sailorand green beret can today sey: ‘I am a New Yorker.‘

‘I \\\\\l\\\ \I til




Sword story

BOEING Chinook HC2s of 18


flyin Royal of

irom HMS Arli the Kuwaiti coast carried the iirst waves of Royal Marines to land on the Al Faw peninsula. From Air War Iraq [Pen & Sword Books $216.99) by Tim

is straight to the point


Bus service


MANY films about the Royal Navy in the days oi sail show oiiicers wearing the wrong sort of sword.

This contrasts with the care otten talien over many other details ol costume and. says John McGrath of the Royal Navy Amateur F r,-ncing Association. there are few eiicuses for this carelessness. Unlike the Army. where patterns varied with arm and regiment. the evolution oi naval swords is really quite simple. he maintains in his booklet Swords for Officers of the Royal Navy he has drawn together the various strands oi evolution oi both the sword and its fittings. The slotted hilt sword of c 1780 (below. right) was popular with (i”ICer§ of both the Navy and the Army. It was a simple hanger with a curved single-edged blade. Usually quite plain. these were i)i.1CllCa| lighting swords. many completely Undecorated. matting ll impossible to say whether the weapon was naval or military in ~




to ewer officers now purchase their own swords. drawn from ith a pool provided for ceremonial. rely on weapons 2004 sword .1 new in H.500. the tinot £150. belt E290 and another .i case 2250. reluctance to spend so much money on what I5 now a ceremonial item is understandable. female officers are more inclined to buy their own than their male counterparts "perhaps this as an


purely interestingly.



tant stage in the recognition of parity of esteem". The booklet is available from RNSOS. HMS Temersire. Burnaby Road. Portsmouth POI 2H3 at £4.50. A history of Navy iencing irom 1733 to 1948 is to be released this autumn. any proiits to support RN I CUTTINGE : Swords of the Georgian Navy (L-R) 1&7 Pattern with pipe-backed blade." 5-Bail Sword c 1817: 1&5 P.-ittem. Plain. a small weapon; 1% Pattern for the Civil Branches; iaos Pattern. Plain. standard size weapon: 1815 P.-ittem, Decorated from the Honourable East India Company Marine Service: Slotted Hiit Sword. c 178)


TO MARK Navy News 50th birthday The RN Philatelic Society has issued a special cover containing facsimiles of some of our classic front pagesand sl ned by ltey figures o the ‘s tamlly, Includng ‘Jack’ cartoonist Tugg Witlson and our founding father. Vice Admiral Sir Ian McGeoch. For details tel Lt Cdr Fred Evans on 023 92 817771

British fortress, Jewish haven

PETER Caruana. Chief Minister of Gibraltar. opened a colourful new exhibition at the Jewish Museum in Camden Town on

July 5.

it marks 300 years of British history on the Rock and of Jewish life there in particular. which cover: its whole span. Among the exhibits is a collection by the Gibraltar painter Jacob Azagury OBE (1389-1980) whose works have never been on display outside Gibraltar betore Included is his huge can~ vas Los Oividados (The Forgotten Ones). a disturbing image of refugees and —

displacement inspired by

the evacuation of some 200 Jewish civilians to Madeira (still more went to London) intended in World War it more as an allegory of the plight of refugees everywhere rather than a state merit on conditions at —

Funchai .i See Newsview. page 20



SHEP woolley s new CD Life in a Blue Suit is available from ARDPEA Productions. 7 Livingstone Road. Southsea P05 tRS at $10 plus £2pp. Recorded at various loca tions including HMS Excellent on "bad old Whale Island" tor the Gls Association. it

includes his own composition Up & Down Laundry Hill. "Laundry Hill is a place linown to almost every bo who passed through HM Ganges. the Royal Navy's

training establishment at Shotley Gate. Suffolk," writes Shep in his part


sleeve notes. ‘For the slightest misdemeanour boys would be sent. dressed in oilsltin. gasinasli and any other type of uncomfortabie kit to double march up and down until their instructor thought that they were



Sometimes the purging tooli quite a while the bastards" —

Laundry Hill


\;\\'Y \'I'\\'.\. \l (il'.\'[' lllll

lllllfl IIIB man WIIO




real sense. he






"navigators naviga-

Having studied


in Paris and astronomy at Oxford. he was probably the most educated member oi the expedition and so It fell to King to write tor the Admiralty the third volume of ‘A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean undertaken By the command of His

for Majesty making Discoveries In the Northern Hemisphere‘. This forms part of the basis of a fascinating study. James King RN by John Bolton King.


available Escape



I*‘E.-\RI.ESS & lN'I'RI£l’II) tttttivtrsrlmtll lull, lr-utt Ihctt Inttldttti:

ztttaick ;l\ :\i'l.'.L‘llIll‘I;I c|:iiittcd'.' ()t \\:t.\ shc :tcli\'cl_\' Iltrczttctttttg ilritislt lurccs in ihc :trc;i'.’ l’rc\tuttsl_\ \IlI\\\ll nn tltc .V:tIitut:tI (it-imtttpliic (’It.'ittticI lrnm


the Belgrano I\ mm :t\:ti|.ii~|c ttll \ltlL'ti ll)” {I:.‘Nl l'\IIt_t: \Ul'l.ll .ttltl it tcttIuit'I_\» tll‘lCl£|IL'tl \llI‘il'lL'l\II\It'. tttttlcm.-zi

I1.-...- .111 i: an N...

availablefrom the South West Maritime History Society at The Holt. Exton Lane. Exton. Exeter. EX3 OPN lor £9.99 plus

522?: authoris e


retired char-

tered surve or who served with the RN R in world War Ii as did his lather in both world wars. Capt James King is his great. great. great uncle. Many others who were later renowned explorers accompanied King on the expedition. including William Bligh. George Vancouver and James

Burney. Admiral Steve Ritchie. Hydr rapher to the Royal Navy om 1966 to 1971 has

said: “James Kin was a fine h a difficult man and dealt situation admirably."


Iltc l‘Kil\





it! I

and ~ur\'i\ur~ ltnm Imtit \ltlL'\ ill tltc t.'nitlIIi.'t In Ir} In :ttim:.-r Iltc pit//Iitig t tlL‘\lltlll\;tlkltlIltcr ll‘il\\Itlll. hut tw.':ttiuti and l‘ll.‘l ;trnt;tmum, mm mwlut dug.


RI firth!«nthpause -rec Eu

Mt.-Imse Books (ref: NNI St. Tltottus Place lily.Cambridgesltire.CB7 -300. UK MELBOBE


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Capt James King




tltxwttttttttuti-ttttt_c .tI I‘-trlun--ullt Ill the Ilhl tit-mac ui tlic .‘|\I t'cxttur_\ Ilicrc .trr Nil lupin qu.tltt_\ pix-I--_t-t.tt-ltx ul thc Im\htp\. IDl.'lUI.IIIl}E ntnc Ill cnluur il.trd tuck Illh lull mlour l.Illlli|AIt,‘\l dust jacket lcalurtngt .t ixmrntliccnt in-u mm at il.\lh' I'r.trI.«n (lnlcr rum, tit-n‘t mm tout i.'h.1nu- tn hu_v thn untquc hunk Price £24.00 + p&p. ISBN I ¢l)ll’.<07 o

'~""'“'-" "“?“"“-"'”“ "“”"5_”“‘ Iitttl lhcrciurc lI'lll‘lllll‘ll.‘ Iunc




A('I' ui war or wait crimci’ 'I‘hi.<. is thi: question that surruundctl the ntml cuntrnvcrsial cvcnt til the I982 I-Etlltlands Watt: Wits lhc cruiser outside thc


Ih \t-il \Ir( "art

Ilw Ilf\l ttmc ill.’ t.ttt~ct~ -It tlw \.tu



ltttcrttuttuttnl, The

I.\'IlliI’I-‘..\'l)I5..\"I'($F..\'l-'.R.\I. I’L'BI.ISIII-'.R





Astronomical Observer‘

very diftetant pieces of artwork lust released as prints. Buccaneer strike Force internationally renowned aviation artist E. est. signed by the artist and 11 Buccaneer pi ots and observers. is at £125 plus £7pp. Tel 01225 444929 for data a. Andrew Wing's humorous take on the Subrnarlne Training Tank. marking the Gosport landmark s 50th birthday (see 33) is just 227. Tel Stoke Gallery on 023 9252


many ways the most diflicult part. of the voyage remained to be sailed. After Cook had been killed by natives of Hawaii. Capt Clerke of Resolution's accompanying ship HMS Discovery appointed one James King to be First Lieutenant oi Cook's That summer the expedition a sin tried to discover a North est Passage and its adventures continued along the coasts oi the eastern extremities oi Russia: oil Japan: in Macao and up river to Canton: Java and Kraltatoa: and than home to England via Cape Town. In the meantime. while heading south from the Berin Sea. Capt Clerke had died 0 consumption and Lt King took command of Discovery. At the start of the expedition King had been appointed to Resolution as ‘Nautical and

AND tow


URING the past 200 and more years most of the many books written about Capt James Cook's third and final great voya e of discovery substantially end with Cook's deal on February 14, 1779. Yet more than a third. and In


htnt Ilnnr II? 3'.‘ \'-:70.-I.» Ntmtl









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l\’l\'l1’.Hll 1'_\'m- W.'1'. ( '0. NA’

N.»\V‘r' NEWS. .-\ll(illS'I'ZIIH


Noficefloard I-0| I V Wills. CTCRM. June 27.


arooroadnesandnonhseaatxnrdcarro. runestontisstancurrlrenutd. on Salutrhurta battleship ave

n Efi Fom°ubet M ay aged 89 Cdr Erroll Bruce. Served mandor A11:



Royal Sover



1930. In cruisers ornwatl and destroyer

Bonmcit and Wished took part


operations to



British merchant interests Ou Stooand war. Submanner 111 ..t «goon, commanded Trrurn and First lJ0|l1I‘lI'|M'|l cruiser lesqow Bristol May 10. aged 90 Cdr h Boyce. Sen-or stall electrical (11‘hcnr_ Ftoala mass 0' mines. openhrst °°" o W to June 6. through. get convoy



ctoaredmosd-relm oituary 92

C let Wren



Edward. E:

WFINS e Culorose. Arbronth. RNR HMS eras Leeds. tilornbur WRNS Assn. HMS Cores Assn 60 June 30. L1 Cdr RN Pepe F0fl'1'W.1l secro Club Athletics road section Jo-nod N as Airmec


l:oySL:arnanB19.’ 18.s-1a>rv13dl anch. becameor-11 aqu ting a



Marshal Last ntrnent First a l.1nu1on'ant at HMS ullan. the marathon era 01 Jim Peters was :1 the top tour UK marathon runners and broke world 30 miles track record Awarded lilo 0! RN Amateur Athletickisooat-ion June 28. aged 50 Shtpurl ht Lt Cdr Oennla Regen. HMS E Royal Arthu F0 1 rsoa nemgt, T-get Ma 31. aged 79 L1 Cdr A. (Tony Flelda. Served 1950 1988 Service 1 HMS Swrttsum. Pembroke. Tamar. Daedalus. 820

winch. Cavatnoi. .



60 Year: On



R1.-rm-tiibr.-rirtg our 38 S|1ip111.m-\ who lost rhcir li\'r:\ whcn 'l'1iLkcrt11n' w.1s

1urpcd11r:d 1:11-rmttc In l{u\.\i.1

Agedfi lG(lVl\)Jl:kIot'1.Tel (TO) 51.1%: Rers.

crutch Service: 1950-53 Servedn

Aurbchs. Tlfiln Aged 75 0 (Tall) Buretl. U4 (E). Shropshire Brl'1r:.h. Service 1954-57. %vea l'I






Denrrent HMAS mayo’ W .Am2tmm.hw76. Cdr John Shes Lt

induced HMS Vanguard and HMS President 75 Marchfi. Lt Cdr 1'1 Jrn 8rend.Served1941-T7 President or L8‘! and Landing Craft .

A.-mocaataorilortsyears LST319asoar1 Ilandrngs at North All1Ca_ Sicrly.


Salerno, Anzio and Norma

included lndeln and An: Royal. RN Arr Stations Nuthatch and Heron. sloops Snipe and Sparrow and tranrung establrshments Raleigh and 82 Colnqwod Mflfdfi 23. sub Ll Colin I-lorloclt. at HMS and HMS on HMS Loch ado. HMS Zulu and HMS Art: 66 at June 6. .

S11 perr1ght.ICP Norman Poulter. Served in Sussex. Shethelc. Protector. Terror. Victorious. Hermes June 15.a9ed 78. CPO Wllllarn (8l1ty Mttct-1eIL Served

11,9153-191;?‘ more HMS6aT19er. at. July 21.e9od PO ncart.

Doug GranL Served ro0rr1sdurI'1gWVlIll..)u 5.&9edB6.. W0 (MEA) (S ) Celln Price. Served n 5 Lion. File. HM Subr-1-tannos Courageous. Warsprte. Sovereign and Trenchant and ashore at HMS Sultan. Dobbin. Neptune. Vulcan andDNS‘l’Greenvnct1 J1.1ly11,a9od5B IlEA( tsldney Fisher. Served 19501983. 11195 Included Theseus and Newcastle Aged 75 Cecil Denton. Atgerrnes Association Fancy February 5 .

Association A’rrnos y6

Ian “Benton” Brown. Served in Aircraft Handler Branch 1965-77 February 28. Llonel ‘Dln9er" Bell. Served 1928-1945 HMS Ma in HMS l 11. HMS Valiant, HMS Shropshire. H S HMS Vernon. Shoreham, HMS Southarnoaon (sunk on Malta oonvoysl and HMS Coventry Former pupil at FINHS Greenwich January 15. aged 91 Jack Arthur Beedle RM. Served H S Ballast 1945-18 Juno 9 ‘meme: Hougtrton. Stoker 151 Class

liy V35-l. H.111.-111s .\1-.1. .-‘trait. .'\111:11-it 2.’. l‘l-1-1... 77): Survivor’:

Peter(T1rn)Heeley. StoresAs:1stan1(S) on HMS Unicorn August 1949 to December 1960. May. aged 74. Wren Writer Phylrs J. Oum (nee



Illctrounne. Secretary!-ttstinqsbrartch. Comet. Served1952-61.St-res Oceut. Forth. Hermes. June .e9ed67. Joan Br-etttrvrelte. Associate member

WelIe11eldbrar'4:h June 4 JJ. (.1001 ) L 1'1. Laughton branch. Area 5. Ex andeurvowwtt servroo June 13, aged 78 Steele. Founder member Certnsle and Destruct brandt. Leading tetoreohrst Served 1939-45. Ships Included HMS

Howe. HMS Orion. Coastal Forces (MTBSI. Arctic convoys June 13. aged 85 Sydney Cyrll Ford. Harlow branch. Stoker Class A. Served 1942-46. June 6 Wren Nancy Reuttltt. Bndqend branch 77 June 23. Charles Roblneon. Stolre-on-Trent and Drstnct branch Served1r1HMSM1Ine 1942 to 1946. Ma 27, agedfil Allred (All) undere. Cwrnbran AB. Served ww11 December branch 19-43-May 1947 Snnscndude Loam tnsh 11'-tussnan convoy) and Squirrel May 14. aged 78 George Merterern Carshetton branch CPO Servednnwwll June12.e9ed86 Lee Martin. Atoenham 5 District branch CREA. Serveddu WWII Ships" HMS Aldenham and H SEastor\ Juno 6. need 80 Connor O'Ma1ley. Atdenham 5 Drsrnct branch. AB Served during WWII Ships HMS Tuscan. HMS Ketantan Juno 6, aged 73 Emeet Maher. Basnloon branch. Mame Served 1942-45 (Burma star holder]. July 6. aged 80

Scytn11an.Seneechd. taly-Ho Acid 69 (John) Ooelng. AB 31 London

.1 .1

(RN). 1949-19671F1NFl).Juty

I94 -1

16. need 91.


Cameron). Served HMS Goldcrest. Fleet Ma1l.ondon. HMSAmbmse (1942-1945) June 8. I906 T9



Russell Thrower.



Cdtl1|PBuIocI1ABE;Cr1PCu1'nn¢IUr1. CdDTNelsorI‘.CdMSm4h



Lysanoer. Manned







(John) Cameron. CPO Elec arena: Served It Pandora. P814,



A1-1n1lrelettheFIeet Lerdtttrl-Norton. Forrrierctuetoloelerioestallarrdsenior mrltaryolfioer in NATO aliance. Served I1 banrosrups Malaya: among


Centaur. 751 Served HMS Ballast 1943-44. g1MS 82.): HM5 Hal Sq.1edron(R 9339000). February 7. Far) Mattamfsnd Seahavrtr Frederick Hobutt. RM 2A Served HMS8el1ast 1949-51. June24. HMS ".5901. HMS" Beinosa. nus’ Kenneth .ABRPt-lII.Servedor1 Hatr1:1shIu.HMSAb¢el. HMS Ballast 1944-46. June 26. HMSKon1.l.al1erlwot1red Leonard (Jan) Pltrnan. Telegrapnrst .1he Navyandmrrth HMS Unicorn January (WT2) "m"'%i June23 090668 wt‘ Served noyat °.&.°°"'°°‘ ‘£9 .e9ed rrgysrr-19r1;noya1Ausr:nnu1 Eric Cook. Stoker aboard HMS Unicorn 1964. Ship: tndudod HM

Brrtch 5erv1oa1943~45 Senredn H32.

supremo. Soy! fleeces VJ(l-tervey)Dutton.CWEMt0JGosoo11

Ser-vean.1'r1errnopytee.Re-verioe. Ot'rshu¢1t.Tec1rcra1'1.1eredo.Narwr1el. Brunch

Roroual. Tao1r.Ar1r:hor1te #00067

A1Ar1gua)EIg1e. AB RP

Boyce. Served Atnkanoer. Bermuda. Nigeria. Bellepheron. Pernbroke. President,

Cdr H


Beltastand Ll CdrPDerI1R LtCdrGLEddle.5erved.Nor1o111. Watchman. Mountclare. Walchtul. Tornatu and Prutomel .

Scotttnlt Branch

S-ervroe 194345 Serveon varnet44451.

UoshoH45l N106 rs

‘I’J(Terr1|Shettocti.LS1o Essex Branch

Seneca 1939-45 SQWBGII ‘letrarch. tried. ‘lhresher. Pmhsart. Tarxum Vamorre. Taiy-

Yherrnopytee Aged 86 JAN tBunr1y) Wlrlrl. A8 LTO Ho.

Enter Branch Sennoe1942-53 Servednn 00:.

P555. Yentalus. Trurro. Trucutent.

Bey. Raleigh. Upton, Alert. Terror Morgan-Gllee. Served: Hornet. Mauritius. venqear1oe.Glendouer.JackdawAnina LICdrtlARameay.Serveo: .s1



Cod-ireno LI Cdr C P Maicstono. tr


Lt Cdr C F P


Sparrow. Vernon.






lherrnopytae.Stygrm A0008?


tT1m1lIaru1. PO EL Chollenham

Branch Service 1962-69 Servedn

Floro1.1a1,Therrr1opytee,AI1ar1oo A9ed61



LtcaICRSoottO8E;AtCoIDJStevr-art OBEMC.L1CdRDwausO8E.

Sports lottery Jur1e21:E$.00O—L0l4lBuahnell.HMS CH I) lean. HMS Ne1son.1:t,5o0 Chatham,[S(I)—LIJWdel'1.l-IMS Nelson June20:E5.l!)0-0IIKSoett.HMS vanguard. £1,500 LOU K Hell. AFCO Br1slul.L0MDFoo!d.lC1lSMorIroee .1 :1: r:s.ooo— |IneKStuobe.C1’CFlM. 1:1. LIKI-1ecIihern,HMS Terneraire, €500—CPO|lEADPIenLttMSSutr1erIar\d Ll C& J Kerr. HMS July 10: 115.11!) —

BDCptJMcGleleh. ACPOIIEA I Raleigh, E500 P80011000. HMSEnmrance 17: £5,000 J CPOIEA M Green. HM 0oubor1.E1,5® OM J Fallon. Nel1on.£1.5o0—



HMS Lancaster. 12500

;\’:1\'_\' 1\'c\~.'x



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igzn. DOUG!) party Cor1tact.0795fl 203 LIIEII (1.) Lane orboerd HMS Enrrule BFPO 281. New-castte-based P2000 Interested in sholunrt drafts 71110191477


Collins. U510 Exeror 3 laernardl Taunon Branches. Service 1943-47. H43. Vengetut, Totem Aged awed E J R (Ted) Turner. Tel Australia 3'Branch E'l5'c‘an5“u'2.°1...“’?c'»°=‘“o'¢‘3°°’° B A




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Swap drafts

NAW NEWS looks back through its pages to recall August headlines of past decades...

I|~lr'.1~c rrlcr In the I.1h|r uppuutc ta-r pruci St-ml Ihc untlplr.-l1:d turrn .1nd p.1_\111cnI




Ylih. I \\‘11lllt.i like to .\lIh\1.‘l'lhL‘ to




. sweeping along at a rate of knots: HMS Carr-on, River Class mlrresweeper, pictured as she causes a

few waves on her trials In 1984.

40 years ago

30 years ago

20 years ago

llI(illl.l(ilI'l’$of tits: Lomlun ccrcnmnics 111 commemorate the tcrccntcnury of the Admir:1l'.s forerunner of thc Rcgimcnt included :1 Ru_v:1l Marinca ;1r:1d1: through the ('it\‘ of .undun. with colours llvin 1. bands‘ playing and hfl_\‘t'lflCL\ As well as :1 rcvicw by the Ouccn. and :1 Corps dinner at the RN Collcgc. Grccnwich. thcrc \\':|.\‘ also :1 thanksgiving in St Paul's C:i1hcdr:1| and :1 huge rcuniun uttcndcd hy the Dukr: 111

l.()Nl)()N'.s Mermaid Thcttlrc arduptcd the lrigirtc of thr: \ilmt.‘ nuntc :11 :1 ccrcntuny in (‘h:rth;1m. To mark the adoption. ship and Ihr::11r1: cxchtrngcd hclls. The theatre hzindcd rwcr to the 3-hip the World W:1r ll sloop .\1crr11:1id'.\' hull. which hard hung in the thczttrc for 15 In-:1r.\ ringing nturc than six million people 111111 l1t.III1 pcrlurmunccs. Set 111 he carried hv 111-: new lrtgutc throughout her $cn'i1:1: lilc. thr: hcll was rL'r:r:i\'cd h_\' thr: ship':. ('1). ('dr Ionics .\1cl’l1cr:.

HMS ('»\RR()N. second of thc R11.-1.-r (‘lam niincswccpcrs. put un zm ll11[11't.'\\i\'L' turn of speed during trials. Tltc Rivers wcrr: the first clan of ship to be dcsi ncd exclusively for Ru_v:1l .:rv:rl Ru-.scn'1: usc. Dis lacing $1111 tons and zrrmc with :1 -lllmm ll-ul'nr.\ unti:r1rcr:1ft gun. they h:rd :1 .\'hlp'\ cunt ;1n_v of 311, T 1: (':1rmn would rr.-pI:1r.‘c IIMS Vcnlurcr :1.~ the Scvcrn lliviuimi training ship.





'tI.HL tt‘ll.'lt.Il(.l'l'\'Nt'lt'.\.t

\-'\\'\ Ni \\ \_.\I'til \l 3.0111

Royal Naval Association

tlonlei-ence_grz_itis hranches'1flehne'

ZSI. l‘BtllBWS the H88! \l ('(i\l)


l.iiiil Sir


.\u;'eril ivrtni-leil .tlI enter!.riiiii:-.' llllli ciiiiipri.'lieri~i\elt'\lL'V~ til the Ru_\.r| .\'.i\}\ rule ti-rl.i_\ .tI|tl iii Ill.‘ lllllllt‘ tt'l|tlll«llll','|lt‘lL‘_‘,'.tlL‘\ that "‘;~.-.' rent:-1 the l'l\' ~.ti.iil.-ti} mlL.|Il'l\'ll In ~..-.i, |‘l.t\Il]'.' the iiiiic t4"-lllll_\ \|\llt on the l|\l ail tr.ii!iii;.' ltiiiiisll



llt.‘ I.titil .\l.t)iIt --l l'Urt\titnttlll. (‘Hr ltlllt lll.iir. .ilw .ltllilt'\\L'kI the ".|li|l'lt'tl \itlplll.IlL‘\. ‘-heluiii1Itij.' .rtiil rL‘\t.'.ilttl;_' tli;it lllt'lll In tlii' i. it} i.-_- ii...i .|ll't'.ttl} Iilleil Ill im R.'\'i\

'"t'*“l‘~"*'"l' -'I‘P“~-"W" .:.Ltilll[\.Ill\illl',‘t’ltt't|llL' '

“""' “'”'

i-h»\.iik-..i \.“» ,.\i|m,,‘,i tum. \lt:\i:.ill_\ \.lltl the Ll|t’t|ltL‘ in-iilil he lv.iiii.e«l Ill \ltIttl lIltlL‘t' .

Tllli R.\'.-\ took l\\'tI itiujnr .\lt.'p\ lt)\\‘it|'tl\ \UL’tlfltlg its .»\wiei;itinii'.~ Iutiire (ll Naitioiiul ('niilereiice in P‘_’_flhllttitllll l“”


“‘]‘"L'‘“'‘1 lh" til "\\\tlt_'l£llt.' .\lL'ttthet!s m‘'''‘”‘‘

lttiltliltg prixttttitix us

hr:tltL‘li tilticerx. and their ;iccept;riice will allim L'l'lllttt\t2l\l|L' ltlt.'l'lll\Cr\ in _k .h 7“ “M l L“ l‘-"““' M.‘ '" .\lll.tll llr.Itlt.ltL\ .Illtl tlimi with L‘lilc'tl_\ iillit.'L‘t\.



hm‘-H.‘ |l.m|”.n .









The lltxt llll‘lltIlt_



[1KlI|1tt\L'|l l\_\

Peterborough and District


ii} Letchworth and Hitchin. \tl}§;'L‘\lt.’tl that the i\\wcI.itiiiii'\ rules and li_\c l.I\\\ he \t‘I.‘lIlll.lL'l.l

.iiiietitleil "tn allim .'\\\tK't.1lt' Heiiilierx ll. be elecleil tin Hr'.iiicli .\l;tin (liriiiiitlteex, prmtdeil thzrt the llttljlltll) Ill the ll'tt‘ttIlX‘t\ til the ('ritxiInttIee cnnccriieil ;iie lull in

|.ite .\leiii|-cix" .iii .tllIL'Il\illl\‘ltlllII‘i l|Illj,'_ the ntiiiiher In f‘tI [wt cent Ill the uitiiitiitlec \i\.I\ tlL'lt'.tll.'(i lt1llI‘\ltlt'tlIf.flllc‘ itiutinii, S.’.\l Inn: 'l'rilil\ \.|Itl tli.rt ".-\xxin‘i.ite \lL'ttll\‘t\ .ire .i\ kHll|ll1|Ilt‘tl.t\ we .tlL‘ In .i.'liii'\ ttt_‘.' lite _',‘tI.Il\ ue xet Smite ll('lL':.'-|lL'\\[Vtlitl' tit itzirx tI\ t‘l prixstltlc titntl‘-Ltllttlt Itl .~\\\IvL't.itt‘ .\lettIhet~. .ttitl the tent til lii\itt_:‘ rim triil til their imri tl('\lIll) hut tIliK'f\. "

lltt'ltl(ltllf,‘_ llL‘l;'ttItlI llt'lL'_)YZIlt’ Rn}

lliiskiri. ~.iitl the iiiiitiiin uttered ;i “lile|ine" tn \II1.tllt‘X llr2Ilk.'lk_'\. l-iilluvtinp the \ucct:\x iil Mtitinti No l. ;i xecrintl iimttiiii ti»ri;:tii;il|_\

liriiptixr-il h_\ Warwick and \C(IIllllt.'tl l\_\ COVGOUY. hut nttieiiileil ii) the National Council. ii.-ictnl ts) Wigston and DlStl'iCII -.\ .t\ \.Ullk'tl “llkll \\lll .illim \\\U« i.ili' Meiiihetx. "ultti It.i\e uittIpli‘tt‘tl .tt le.i\t tine _\e.'ii'x ttlL'IttlK'l\i'tl|\ Hi the r\\\l)L'liIIlt\l|.in he electeil ZI.\ limiieli tltliceis. other tli.iii (‘lr.irriii;iii and Vice ('li.iitin.iii. in their lir;iriclie~. S/M .\lL‘/\tt;tll_\' \.iItl ('tittlcti.'tlu' hurl “.iil;ipleil the r\\\t|L'1ZllItIltin lace the Iutrire 0IlIL'l\\t\(.‘\\ e |'llt_L'lIlli.i\e lieen in deep tiiiiihle -l\\l| iilltct llIUllt‘Il\ \kk'l'(' tL'|L‘L'tL‘tl "



i~iiipri~.e¢| Ii)


mite. tn xv‘. iiiiiiirtiuliuii

Woking \tIl|_l'itl

the tee I-l |.ilc i\.i_\.il\ic tut .\'li-iiilvetx .it [till until the I.'lItl Hi .‘l)tl‘l_ .iiir| the other. lltlttl priipruetl iitintiiil \tll'\\.LlIplltiil\ tut ~eniii-,- Ru_\;il .\'.i\ y tllt.'ll'Il1L't\he \et at fl in iirilei ll) txiuxt tlK‘lIlh(.’r‘-illp limit the current RN.



r; I‘


Sad note at start of business

).\'l'l'.Rl'..\‘(‘l'_xlgttlul tin .i \.Itl note. it uh -'\\\t\'l.II|t|tlt‘ii-xitletit Vite .\iliirii.ilJtiliii Mt .\ti.i|l_\ "xltt


:'lIll:.'trlll trite xliiiriihitt‘ lirr jnvrtt \[X‘L‘I.Il .ilteiitruii" in p.i_\in; tribute in l.iIe Deputy |‘ie\ttlctit Rear

.-\t|tnii.il Jr-liii ltell. S/M \1\-'\ll.Ill'\ \.'1|tl£Ill tiitltcntitiii til the lII_t'lI l'L'!'.ll'tl in viliieli .-\rlriiir.il lliell mi» lieltl urine .‘tl the l‘.\L‘l'lI|I\t‘ .\leetin;! til the lriterii.iIiiin;i| Nluriliine ('ntiIeiler'.ilinii.‘-\iIL'tt the l'rt'\ltlr.‘ltt. .iii llaliain i\tlniir;i|, lioniitiieil .-\tlinit.il liel|\ iiieiiiiir) ;itirl elptrsxeil lttx uitttlttlettc ex /\lltlti\l Ill) llt'lt‘;'1IIL‘\uttendetl the ('iiiilen.-rice. “Hit 1-! t tilI\I.'t\'L'I'\ .in IltL'tL‘;I\t_‘ mer l;ht _\e.ir Ill 34 ..tI'Itl-1‘ rt.-specti\i:|g.~. liihn |\ti\\lhl_\ the llH|_\' RM eurpunil iii Ii.u.e iiiarle the izinl. ril .itlitiir;i| Volh t!L'lI\'L‘ tar he_\-rind the


nht;iiiiitir- degrees in l-renclt.

itiatlix and l.i\~. and ilL'|Ilt}Y as the

ltlt("s l‘.tlIlL'S|ll|ll| Secretary. ;r nieiii her til the Pulite (‘uiiipl.iint\ .-\utli--iit_\. .iiiit ;ippe;iiin;.- nu nutiiei Il|I\ other l\1I.|lt.l\£|l"|tl£lItI1llIltlCC\ (hi the Stiiitliiy til (linteretice in-ekeritl inure than lttl sltinrtaritx were parzitleil in what 515! Mei\ri;i|l_\- ile xerthed ax “.i very \l!I;Ilt iitiirch-past" vilticli tiiiii. parltt‘lp;llIl\ lriiin Arlriiirulty Rixirl. tiitii ()ueeti Street iiitd lltttlltjlll Victory (lute itilri Ilie lllxtrirte l)rI.'k_\;tttl. .-\ t'lllllL'll xen tee U\.t\ held in .»\t .-\nnc'\. letl h_\- the Axxi-ei.itiuIt'~.

Iieul_\ -uppriiiiteil lli-nnr.ir_\' ('li;ipt;iiit. the Veil ll;iri_\' ll.titiiiietI. ('li;ip|.iiti tn the I-leer.

I More RNA news —

pages 28 and 29

(Above) Standard bearers parade on Sunday morning in Portsmouth Naval Base during 0

the Association's National Conference weekend 0

(Right) Socond Sea Lord




James Bumell-Nugent and Lord Mayor of Portsmouth Cllr Tom Blair outside Portsmouth Guildhall with Association National Chairman SIM David White (loft) and Associatton President Vice Admiral John



vNWV».l1£<tV',/n‘_"W'~. c::.ul-< C:





Walking Stidr

Indispensable lot

recreational ramblul Hidden within its hanrltr.-, this cant: rziiiiriingly t2()|IC(,‘(IlS .1 phial; perfect tor

McAnally (right)


Hcturr“. I‘()l'llt)l')Gary lbw".

isitor from Cyprus lifts recruiting prize l:()RtInt..‘ rlelegtiti: it long trip to I’t>t'l\lllt)lllit wax wrirtltxsltile as she liltetl illl trwtird lrir recruitment iiii heltztll til" her h|'llllL‘ll. llelcii Hall. -.eeret;irji- Ill Cyprus limricli. attenrleil

0 Cyprus branch secretary S/M Helen Hall with the recruitment award for large overseas branch


the ciirilererice .'Il the tiiiiltlltall and \\.'l\ tlelipliti-it when her branch was n.tiiicd :t\ the hexl recruiter ;IIltIIlIt.!\I the large lI\‘L'[\(.‘.'.I\ t‘|f:Il‘It‘ht..'\. ('yprii~. nnw ll;l\ ISU It)t‘lIlht.‘t'\.«it which ti? are tiill tllL‘llthL'f\ and that hzul been :lCi1lL'\ed in ten than Ztt lINIt‘IIl|\ since the hrarieli ciiriitiiisstnrietl. in Uetrihcr 2()tl2. Another acme hraneh iii lL'fl1t\t'tl reeniittnp met the [taxi year mix ;i ttir-re ltlltllllul uric Plymouth tiiiik the liriggs Dirk tiir lziri,-er hninehex liner in Illt'tlti\‘t\I. ziriil the triipliy isax collected on heh‘.i|l iil llls hr-.iiicli by SIM Arthur (iutteriitpe The Svmrtl til" lliinuur tor the i'\re.'i which slimtetl Ilie greatest inere.'i\e in tull tiieiiihen ‘went in NO 4. itflll National ('h;umi;rn SIM l)2l\'Ill White zicccptul the prire. ‘Hie rexult W.‘I\ perhzipx llll '~tlr]'If'l\L'. as both l’l}'ll'ItItlIh hraneli iin-tl Nu -l Area until. the l)tlllt|Uf\ in 200.‘ .'i\ well. 'lhe llrtggx Rune liiivil ltir \Ilt£Ill hnincliex (letter ili.in .10 lt'|Ct!'|hI.‘I'\] with the grezitext tIl(tt.‘;|\I.' in lull tiiettiher\hip merit In Bridlington. vi title the equitalent hrtinch o\er\r.';tx was Queensland in .i\u\tr:ili;i ;i seeriml \I.K.'t'('\\l\'t‘ win tor the /\ll\\|L‘\.liilliivi mg.iiri tmrii Purl Phillip liar. in Elli}. While the pines and ttiiphtex uteri: hemp haiiileil iiul. tun hrunchex were [1l'£'\L'llll'll with (iiiltleti Jrihilee (‘enilic.ite\ tit.‘rrkin;: St) _ve.'ir\ in ('ttntIlli\\iI)l'| the 1 ht.-in-.' Morecambe tlt l-im.i\liirc .inrl Btandtord iii l)rit\et. -


int nl


sonitithing to keep you

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(he-:ueipi1iU¢roNiv1Ne-srourovvpy-governla oroenouruserhellp:y«u«tuihnadcL1(_i«qxri1nnl-cI'utrt:nr1()rdein{St¢d-gr-6 in-no-rll(t:.u\t ()vbrwy--rnrrq (ve4t(u6')-Imulbfibroutpanic czrihrirpginnmpqvl Flmwmrr cnmrlio-uni-orarrudwrI|i-ova:-iipralsoayapivdnhny

\'.\\\ \I\\'S..\l’(iI'.‘\'| _‘IiILi



Royal Naval Association


grant is


for visit

,\lI-..\lltl~R.\‘ III l-larrogate and District hniiieh thnuplilthey Il:ItIIii tle prmpeel nl xisiliiip luiidoii .lIltI llti‘ IIIIlI\t‘\ III I’.iIIIuInL‘n| \IC\p1lt' IIlI' I.l\I they were Iii\iIeIl In the e.ipil.i| In I’|iI| \\IIIis. Ihe Il.xirup.iIe .InII I\II.iiI'\h<\ii-Iig.-Ii \II'. .it the hI.im'h Ii.il.i|-,'.ir Vi;-III Iiiiiner -.\Iiieli '.h.l\ IIL'I|I .II the \\ Illlt‘ II.irI Iinlel Ihe uni -It tr.i\eI .uiIl .icI'I-iiiiim iI.I|Il‘II \L't'I|'lL'lI {II he -Iii! -II tL'.I\'I1

‘.ll1IlI\'.".\I I)\>llj_‘ I’IttII|ItIl. IVI'.Ilk'Il \£'\ :I'l.ii_\. ‘~l|j.'_‘.’{'\Il‘tI .lI| .ip|\IiI'.ilii-ii \.l‘III|I Ix‘ iii.iIII' III -\\I\.il'I|\ III! .-\II. the I nlII'1_\ -.~i.inl~ xelieiiie Tl‘! IlK'.II :,’IIl|I|V\ III the IIe1ii:IiI nt meiiihen, .I ;.:r.im ul L3I..i‘1Iu.I~ Iii.u1e in the hr.iiich in un er the ti.i\el .uuI '.ii.‘eIIiiiiIinII.itmii (mix Int H \hipnl;Ile~ and their \H\L‘\ lot ;i l\»\i>-Il;|_\ \la) in Luridun A I1-riIl'Ie.IIe which aieeiiiiipariii-II the grant \\‘.l\ prcxentcd In the brunch I‘) the .\I;i}IIr of the Hnruiigli nl II.ll’I‘H}:;lIl'.(‘IIr I.in (i;iI|Im;i_v. The \IlI]‘IIl;lIL'\and their l.‘01‘lIP;ll1 mm .ilI llmruiighly l'l1|tI_\'l’tI them \{‘I\l‘\ e\peei‘.iI|_\ their "Inlere\tIn;: and IiiInriiI.Iiue" tnur III" the Ilnuwx nt l’;Irli.Imeiii "'|'ht' \'l\|I }.'.I\t' iiicuiher-I .iii Inxiglil into him (Fm eriiment uurks .l\ \iIeI| .|\ sievuiii: the \PIt.‘l'\lIIl>lIf\ III the 'eIvIrIilIvi\ III pu\iu'r'," \.IllI .1

Ileliplilul I).-lie

Rum business STOCKTON-Ol'l-T905 ~t.IIu.Ii: \

Falmouth stalwarts for Wisbech IIBBIIIB I0 call It 3 day member award

':.-III .l..>iI‘

lI'..' lIi.i:i

Ii .«"Illl|IIIl'.' .il'.I I'..rx .‘I-\.i| win‘

In tI'.«-;'xiili- II Is: Ill\ I'IIl'II\ It h..im Ii piewriiiul Inc with .1 lIL\.IIIIl'7 .-t I'Ii~\e:'~ Ruin

.\'IIIi'.\Ir\'I'I‘. Neil \'ir):II. ~l;iIiII;irII heater III the Wisbech hruneli lnr the p.i\l I.\' _\l‘.II‘~. II.l\ I'X‘('lI hl|l||||||'l'lI

'I'W() higIiIy—re.specieII incinbers of Falmouth hraineh have IIeciIIeII in call it Ii Ilzi} and retire ;il'II:r iii:iIi_\ years of

t‘\'«'£'IlII\ viitli the .i\IL.inI nt Iwixiiiii \n

.-\IIIiiir;iI Sir Jziines JlllI_L'lll\_ tlie hniiieii I‘f('\Il.It‘IlI. I'I:I\ IiIIiiIIeII nu‘! LI\IIIIlI;III|I in ('I>IiiiiinIIuie ‘l‘nn_\ IIu3:_-.: RX .iiiII S/M Iluruld I'|iIIIiiimiii is lCPI&I.t'L‘(I .l\ hiuncli L'Il;lIflll;ll'I h_\ S/M I't‘lL'r (ilIL'\.



(RNA Deeside branch chaplain. left) and Rev Charmain Beech (chaplain Cadet unit TS Tuscan). with standard bearers

0 Rev Paul Varah



tliI' lIiIiI‘~

III‘ III.-.iil.eIl

to Sea

Deeside remembers


.'i.iiii.«-.iI:i i:.! \\I||.IiI xiippnil IIL'\\ iII.|IIIll.lI. \‘\I ('iiII'~, .it .iII

-',I' I:



wine is

lellim plI\UIlL'l\. Neil \h;I\ ir.iii\purl~ ed In .I cattle truck In ;| POW eiiiiip ll'I (is-riiiIin_\ and fnreeil to unit. suiiie Illlk?\ III null lIIlllL‘\, other IIlllr.‘\ nii



u.i~ .t

llIOlllIl\_ (ierin.iii \IHl’IlIIll|U|\'f\lurk euiilml .inII, \\IlII


.-.E 'l- IV.-‘I11.’





I‘I- In.iiL the reliieiiieiil III S/.\I I'hnnips.uii. Min \{'Y\l't' .i~. eh;Iirin.m ii-r I5 3.;-.ir~.. IlI'~ iv.-llim \I'IIpll'l:|lt‘\ hunotirrd him with Iile InemhcI‘\hip an .iw;irII. \'.|ltI .-\IImir:i| lungius. \AI|lt‘I\ gave him I.'rtr|nn0t.l\ pIC;l\lll'i.‘ in present. I".i_ving lnhute in I'll\ eh;iimi;in. the outgoing Pft’\ldl.'l1I uud: "l‘hniiimu has been :i pillar III‘ strength during I1l\ time :i\ eh:IIrni;iIi and Ihe hrzineh vmuld not he what ll l\ |lXL|)'. but for Ill\ I:l'l'm1\ S/M 'IhImipxnn. In repl_\. \.'lIlI how iniieii he IIJNI l'fl|l|}l.‘lI hl\ lllllt‘ ;l\ chuiriiigin Iiiiil Iimi lurtiimile he ‘s\.I\ lll h.-niiig .'\tIlI1II;|I Jungiux .l.\ hruiich |Wl‘\IlIi(‘lll Imexliiii: (‘Iiiiiiiiudure Iiiigy. the iievs [\I'('\liIt'I'II. mih Illx \t'.lI Iii I|IIli't'. \IIinii.iI .Iuii_eiii\ .l\\lHt'\I Ilk‘llII‘\'l\ IX‘ \\.i~ iinl III\iii_<,: II>tI\'I'l '~5lIIl the hI.iiiI'Ii I‘lII i.v..I~ .-uiIIIiiIiiii;' ('uiiIIIimInli‘ III~-.'-.' ~.iII| Iii‘


II\I.\' Iii-III-uiii -In \I.I|l.i ('Iiii\I-3. -IIiIie~ ‘.\IIt'Il the ~iiiii '-\.I\ II|l|\‘1IIK'iI IIIIII «uni. III lune "1-I.‘ \1ier mi Itiilll'\ In the .\.Iler he ‘.\.I\ plt keil up In .I IIn~piI.iI \Ill[‘ .IiiII eiidnl up In .l piixuiiei UI ‘-\.ll I.IiiiiI


.I~ .l

(i.iii;.'ex i\n_\.


»I-.IiiI.in -gunner

|n_\IIl sL'l'\‘lI..'L'.

\I Inc \I\','lIII|'lItItI\ Il.I\ retina! ‘


I\I.iIi.'Ii II-r lhe '-\.llIll '-\l‘IIilllI(‘ I'\IriiIIrI! IIIIIlll1 II.-.'

SOME 200 shipmates and triends ct Deeside branch attended a Battle oi the Atlantic remembrance service which was held in St Mark's Church. Connah's Quay. The service was conducted by the Rev Paul Varah. RNA Deeside branch chaplain. assisted by the Rev Charmain Beech. who is the chaplain oi the local Sea Cadet unit TS

Mark Tami. MP lor Aiyn and Deeside. and Cllr A. Shotton. chairman of the town council. During the Service a new Red Ensign. donated by a wellwisher from Deeside. was dedicated to the memory of the men and women of Deeside who served in the Merchant Navy and the Mercantile service. Following the service. refreshments and suitable toasts were the order of the day at the Deeside Naval Club.

Tuscan. Branchchairrnans/MGilbert Butler read the Naval Prayer. and the Lessons were read by

the f‘.l|I\Ml_\'\ nr hiiildiiig \lIt‘\. .-\\ the RlI\\I;lll\ .iI|\:ino.‘riI Il\\§;Il'lI\the camp the ]1fl\-liDl.‘l’\wen‘ turret! in Iii;IrcIi .tl-Hl_\ truiii the ;|!t‘£l and in I‘:-nliniie inurehini: lur rnIIph~ ly four months Those who lell Ill Mere shut III] the riiguisiile. espeeI;iI|)' the RlI\\I.lll pfl\IIllt‘l\. The tuienl iii.in'li. \Al'II~lII|I.'l.liiieiiled. eiiileil tui .\"I\I Neil .InII .i lelliwi priwiier Ill B;i\.iri.i. \»\Iiere lIie_\ v-ere I'\'Ifll.'|ItI»(‘lI IUI iiiiie II.ig.~ In .t (SI-riii.iii I.|\I\ IIIIIII the .iiri\.i| III the l'IiiII-II .\'l.ile\ .\iIiI\ .IiII| incinutlcx ul I|I\ I-tIIe.iI Ii.iiiiil \7'\I \i'II In IIll\ .I.i_\




\ RI'I'UI\'I -|| 71.; iiii‘.I' .'.lIllnii .-I \Ii»\ \. nil i.-tern-It in .I lice pi.IiItI-

hliih the .\Il.InIIIz .Iml \I.IIl‘iI III.Ii ll I|I\r|I\\‘iI lllI‘lllI\‘l\ -Ii :Ii.~ l'!II'~h.iiii I‘K.lII\II :ii I.I\I. xii‘ uI‘.'c .II\>iiI ‘ll IIIIIL'\ Hill. :I '.\.i\ the Cheshunt I‘T.III\I'| \\IIluIl ‘-\.l\ iiimlu-II In IIIL‘ I'Ieiiinii_\

.eieinun\ In in.ulI the .|llIIl\I'I\.lI‘u «II the Ii.IllIe III


members oi the

Royal Artillery

Association. RAFA. Burma Star. the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. the Merchant Navy Association. and the Parachute Regiment, along with civic dignitaries.




First VC honoured

0 Sandra

Smith, wife of

CHARI.l>~‘.S I.uc:Ls. recipient of the first Victoria ('m.\s, was honoured hy shipnuiics in Kcni on the Ifitnh Iinnivemiry III" the action In which he wun his aw-.ird_ With the xlandzinls III Maidstone. Paddock Wood and

president Geoff, with the

Passer‘: Rum decanter she won in the raffle at the RNA Conference Gala Dinner at the Guildhall. Portsmouth, With her is SIM Maureen Favell, wife of branch secretary Lon


WIIEN X/M I.eii I'.|\‘t'II AIIHI IIl\ uilr |\.|ItI ;i \-ml in the .>\\‘nrn Inn lnr .I Ilnnk im 'I'r.il;i|y;ir[by in N8.‘ the Ilziy lite} mm»eII to Kent I‘l'\|l'll Siillnn whzil e;iii_ehl the landl1"| Siirre} ImII'\ eye \§.|\ the RNA lie his cu» iuiiier Luis v.u:;iiiiip. 'Ihe |.indInriI. ('-cull’ Smith, um .iii exAI’() Sinker and (hirigcx hn_\. .Ind in no time the ~enI\ ui.-re \n\\'l'l tor the euiiiiiii\\mnin;: in M;in‘II INS-5 III the

Tunbridge Wells


Baltic on June 2|. I854. during the (‘nmcan War, With "gre.-ii cIIn|nc\.\ and presence of mind". he picked up the \I'K'II .md ihrcw ll mrih-uiil when it In\l;tnl-

ly exploded.

His prnrnpi .ietiIm and I"f’.I\t‘|'}’ \£|\‘l'(.I iii;in_\ Il\l.‘\. '\Ilh0lll.'II the \'(' \v\.l\ not IIIHILII I_\ inlmilueeil until |ti5l'i'.imI i.';iIelleII the lnlluwing )l.‘.lI' the L'YC.'|IIl\I1 iii the iiied.I| u..i~ tIl'l\L'('I h_\ ()LlCL'l1 \'ii‘luri;i herwll the lirsl .m.IiII~. were inside relru\pI:L'Ii\eI) In uuer the recently -eniieil (‘riIiie.in \8'.i.r. ('I1;llIL'\ I.ll\’.i~ \ .icIiIm~ [1lt'II.l!t‘II those III’ the tint \l‘fll) \"(' l\_\ some lhrcc IltlmlI|\. I.uc;i~.'». \r'ielnri.i ('rm\ can mm Ixthe N;itiIm;iI .\I;inliiiie xcen in Miiseiiiii. (ire-.-ms KI].

|II\pI$I_\. they

.iltended ;i xen use ul lL'lIK‘iIlhl.llK'Clll .\.lI-rrvmrili ('hIin:h and \|\lIL'lI Ihe ).'F.I\l‘ ni ('h.irlI-x l.ne:n \\I'K'lt‘l".'ilher Noel .\Ie(‘uiiii;ichie g_'.ivI: it short uddrcn ('I'i:ir|e\ I.Ut'.|\. who ;iI.'hIi:\'etI the rziiil. oi RC4]! /\l.IllIll".|I and died Ill I‘D|-3. um sening in the eqiinuleiil r.inL Iii .\Iid\hipiii.iii In the p.uI1I|e \IlI.|f) IIMS IIceI‘.i when u lise \heII, II\ liise liming. lundnl nn ihe Ileel. Iliirmi: Ilie huiiiharilnienl nil" the I-!u\\r.in lnit .il B(|Ilt.'tI\llntI In the

Birchingtorvon-Sea hrurieh.

SIM Sniiih mm v:t'\‘r.‘\ ax PI'L’\l~ Item and SIM I-';i\'eII ;i\ seereuiry. and are the List III the thunder IlKllIIX'l\. For the |7th _\'C.'fl the hranch will he in cunllicl with Margate branch for the Rune ('nlt'.ige Trophy. the [mic tor the .lflI’lll.'lI Hat and Trap imilehes .in IIIII Kcnlixh hull [.':ll1I(‘ which most pl;i_vcr\ lake sennusly. Ihrehinittiiii lead the \(‘fK‘\ I I-5.

Naval Quirks










The mystery ship in our June edition was FIFA Derwentdaie. which was also known as the mv Halcyon Breeze. The winner was Mr David come. at Scarborough. who will shortly receive our £50 prize. This month‘: mystery ship is a fleet tender l'rorn the 19803 with a particularty masculine name. can you name her. seen here with ocean tug Robust in the background? Her pennant number has

been removed from this picture. The correct answer could




Port:rnouIhPOI aflncotmonegmrig




ttfloreltunorieeritrycaribenlrriitied. butphotocooteIcInrIotbeeceeptod.Do


|ooe:nooorreevondencecu'ibeerItered intonndnoentryretnu-rled. Ttiewilierwflhearinoincedhoil

Octot:eredittcn.Thecorrioettttenbnet ooentolllav-ylvews errntayeeeerthet larriflee.

|"""--"""""'-"""""'I MYSTERY PICTURE 114





It'll'll'.IItl'|'\'Hl'|l'.\.l ‘ll, HA

.'\'r\\’\ \'l-.\\'.\'.I\l'(il‘S'|‘Zlll-l

Veterans returns to k

Watch is reward for A||an’s hard work

\II \I|{II\'\I-IY--Ii.I~I.II..!I1II.III.'.I1I In’



:‘lI"lllI|.I\_'. '











‘.\.tl|l"Il III

-.\.'3.II1II.' York I’1Il\iIt RI'l.lIfI|I|\ llt‘I:..'I \ \I EEUIIIIIIKI II.I|I.i~ \.IIiI IIl\' \l'«lIItl\ \$r'l.' 1iIIpruII.Iit:l 1.»: Hit‘ \IIII\\ I-'. .illI'ttIuI1' lIi.II \‘."\ t'\llI\'III l1III1I IIl:' 1III>i1iI'iII lI1.‘\ I‘l'.lI'\Ik'II II=I‘1! .Il1t r.IlI IIl\'1l Ill\l IIIlIf\ u.I~ IIlt' l.I\In-.- -It .I ‘-‘~IL‘.lIIl .llI\I IIlI\ \\.l\ I1-IIII‘ .II Iln‘ I IvIIIi1IIv1ivw.I|l|1 IIllII\I| .|lI\I I t'im'lc:\ mt-III~-Liiir tlIt- lit-.iIIIitIIl \1IIl.I ”.t\ .

llicuit'.IIlI\\.i\|.iiIIInIi1uiI1-II)III II\l\ \i>tIIt. II.\I\ \\.iIxpIl-.' .tllII lhi‘

I Hill Ilicll III the I|I't'I \\Il\‘ I|1I'II Ill lIII' -.II11iiII1IIII11_: \\.lIl'l\ [In l\I'II1~.' lIIIlUiIlli.\'lI In IIlt' \..II.I| \II.I\I\t.' IIIIIII \IlIt-iI~ ('.IIi1\\II|x..IiiIl HrIII~|I (‘ui1\Iil.II ~I.lII Illl IIII‘ l\I.lIIlI. lI1L‘ '-t‘lt't.ItI\ \At‘ft‘ llI\ Ill'\l ID .illI'IIII .1





O The British and Commonwealth war cemetery at Suda l‘.IIIiI'tIr.il .I1iIl ..I\ IIlt'\ were the uni} ( rctt‘ VI-It-1.iiI\ lL'ptl‘\L'HlL'|I .IIiiIirII; IlIgIiII.iriI'~ .irIIl IlI'lt'iiu'.ilI.It'hc~., Ilwy virrc Il'I\lI(‘«I l\_\ Iiric III the I1I\Ilup\ Ill I-I111 IIIt' \l'IIll|I UII|L'l'I\ .II ;i Ilultct lhc iiI:\I Il.I1r ‘»i.I\.II .I'\II11p|c pct

l-c.iIi1itiil"1lI.in|I\;'I\IiiI-ucrciiiiiiii ill]



ill (I.II.|I.I\ IIIII

.lll\lIl|lI .I

\IlII.Il'l_L' Int'nII-rI.I| k'|'ll\l\llllt' III .I I.Iij.'t' \{|l|.lIL' hlnck I-I ~lIiII«: lii[|pI.'iI In



\ltIlli.' himl



\IL'll'l.llI\ Il\lk'lK‘lI .t\ .'|

told the


I|lL'.tI ijllllkll III

liuui. ulicii the l\I;ll‘ll.I \h;].\ InI:m11i tI_\ .\'.IJi~, the n;iIiiI1i~ v.hiI.'li i.'.'iiiii: In lIlL'll .iItl View IIW I'K. .-\Iistr;i|i;i aiiil .\'I.-u /I.';i|;itItI. and that the iiicinivn --I Ilium‘ uhu Ilictl hit their Irwili-Iii \»\I'UIlI III‘ lt’\t'lL'tI Iur t‘lCltIIl\ IIII‘ t‘i:rt'i1iiii1) i.'IIiIt‘II \\1I|1 IIIUU

.\II-..\IItI-.R.\' III‘ Dorchester hiiiiicli an III‘_u;I1IIxnI .-\It'\;1tItII‘;i Rl'l\t' I);i_\ L'llIIL't' llllll IllIIiCltl\'.llIllt'1ll'I)Jinic.


\.tlllI\ HI pIi|i||_\

IIIIIII .IrI .iircr.Itt

lX‘l.|I\ hciiig; Ilrnppi.-II

"lliitli .\lit'h.iI:l Iuirririiztiiri IIW‘.lllL‘Il ~i:t'rL't‘.ir}I and I. .ilIiiIIt with ni;iiI_\ iIlIk'l\. \\L'lL‘ ]'Ifl\IIt'_I:t'iI In \Il;In' !III~ ciiiiiliiiiial iiiniiiriit vi itli the Ix--viilv --I ('rt'1I.'." \.|llI Ilt'r1I.iril, Ishu .IIlIlI-II tII.II the trip vi.i~1ii.iiII' Imsxililc IIIIIII.-r IhI' IIl'll'\‘\Rrtiirn \(Ik‘lIlt' I5i'rii.irtI \A.I\ .i RiI\.iI .\I.itIlic \t‘t\

ll.\l.\' \-\.ii\I1Ilc .II III\‘ IlII|I|lI\ Ii.iItlI' nt ('rctt: Ill .\I.l_\ .llIII Juiic |‘HI, uh;-ii lIl|‘IL' II1.III lI.IIl IIII: "ll \IlI|lI].' \||IcII llhllllllllt‘ I|'I\\' ‘v\.1\ lI.|lIl.IL't‘|I I-I sunk irpiil-III_-,' lit-iin.I1I ~u.Il\IvrIII- lll\.l\lIIf'| Ii\Ml'\ .IIIIl t'\.I-:11 .IIInI' IIl1|ll\.IlkI\ .II .-\|lit'Il \UIlIll‘l"Illllll llic part III Ilcr.IL|iuii and \||l'll III};







|Il.Iu- in

III Ural‘

I‘:-Ilrclv.-II lIliI|lI_L'Il IIlt' lvr:iIIt'li\ l-lug: l).i_\. Ivl utliicli I.’-llll \\.l\ IIIi1I;iIt'I| III :\lt'\;IiIdr:I Riixc l'l.I_\ III ciiwi cxp-:1i\c~ .i1II| tni IIIC .-\lt'\;iIIIlr;I Rim: I):I_\'\

twin I-I lliu lll\'IllI\'i\


III\' li'IIIlI‘I\IlIlll'III .i1 HMS \i.'IsIv1I.Illt'I \cI1lciIil\-I I(lI"~ I “I” hold our _‘tiIli rciiiiii-II .II the IMIII: ('lI.Irlc~ HI-tcl Ill ('lI.IIli;iIIi tui Iiiic )t‘.lt IIIIIII I I.iIIII.i iiliat l\ Ii.ip l‘('llIlI_L' .II I’Iiit\IiiIIIil|if' \.lItI S/M .\lI:it'cr. \\lin will tic it-pit-xt-Iitiiig llic I-I-IL-r.IIIIIn .Hl|I \I|l|l .I\\I|\'l-lllllll .it lIlk‘ l1i1t'iiI.it1IIii.il I'\‘\II\.lI III the Sui iicu _u~.Ii in PtIf‘l\lIMHlII't. II-


.-\ IlIrlIlt‘tll-l5llI.w1Il Inlxitli .-\I.'i:

( ‘IIriI.‘L‘rii I)Iirt'|iI‘slt'r and the I)I_L'h_\


SI-iI\IIr_\ RI-nin :\ppt-.II

(‘unit Ix .I lt'\Ii.IL'llII:IItinnitti-r t'IlII(Il£'ll vlliu Il.l\L‘ -.t-xcrc IL‘:IlI'lIII)_'l.Il\.'tI\IItl_\ amt li;IIl IlL‘.|IlIl. IIIIIII thew local t‘h;intic» linu['|l'l|\ItIL'(I support lnr Nzniil l;IiniIIL'\ In the puxl tioulds III I)U[CIIL'\ICI' pnwidctl xp;icI: III their \Illfl.' window tnr It tIl\|‘lI.'t_\ to pruiiiutc the Flag l):i_\

siirprixr \-lI'rI'I-1 .II tlirir II.\lS Vclmii Ill



‘~[X'\'ILII .'lP[X‘;lI Illl'ltI.



IlI.I\I\ uvli‘ I‘I'|lI‘1‘\t‘|I tiv II|L' (_)Il\'t'H .III\I ilic xllip lItt'II 11Ic1Iilx'1~ III\(' In I--.'i~l .\'/.\I .\IL‘I\'k‘I tut iiiiiiniii: the J\\‘~lkI.tIIltIl .I Iltt'lltIk'f Iit IlkI-I-IIci.IIiuii III V;I\.Il .-\\\1K'l‘.|III|l'I\ III: lllv.‘ |‘.l\I 35 _\l‘.ll\ "Alter the II\.l\I I u.i\ prt-st-iilcil I-.IIli .i Riil-.-\ \\.lIL'I'l III uric Iii Ilir lllt'l|lI‘l'|\I|'l.IllIlIcctlu1IIlI.iI I lI.I\c |‘IlI In." \.||tI N"-.\l \l.-itcr \I IL'.l\I II1iI' IllI|lIi.' Iriiiiiilti \AlII I\.‘ .II .I Il1ltt~Ii'II1 wiiiir II\\llI\.’ Ill hinltl

0 FOR his sterling work as Cardiff branch Public Relations Officer. SIM Peter Evans. an ex-LS and Royal Marine. was voted Shlpmate of the Year for 2003 and awarded the Tom and Joan Davies Shield by fellow members. He is pictured being presented





.IiIiIII.Il IIict'liII;.' .i1 I'itlI\lIli|l.lIIl Ilivir \A.|'~ |tIi.'III\ In t.IlIt .ihuiiI I|1inti_I: tliu _‘*Ili sucli Iiiccliiiir nut Il'.I\I II'Il‘ l'\pII|l|\ III .i inniihi-1 UI wti'i.itI\ lrulll IIIC \s.ittittIi.' t'tiiI\L't \i\IKI I|.ILI Il.l\l'II£'lI tn .\t';IiitIII1.i\I.I .II the I'iiI| III .-\prIl III rI'I'cI\t~ ll'lt‘|I.|I\ lnini lIlt' '\’Ivr\\t-I:I.Iris. .IrI~In_It lrnin llii‘ fL‘\I.|It' (DI the Kiiig .ii1tll'rI-mi l’r1IiI:IIII .\Iirvi.i_\ lrnin .\InlIlI' III I‘!-ll). A Little was IH,'ItI IIIIIIIII: .i hrcult .III [Ill/L'\ iiwrc in pri-t‘c'I'I|iiIi:\ I|ui1.iIcIt .II which pinnl Ilic .\l.i~II-1 t'crciIiIvIiIc~ S.I'.\l S.IiiIiI|i:rx III .\It‘lt'l'l I.lI.t' Ill\ lI.‘qlIt'\[L'\I IIIJI




III\' ll.\lS

ti-I I|fl:.IlIt\(‘l -\Il.In

charity day is




:\\\A|\'liIIl1l|l |I.iIl ...‘,





BUY ANY 1 YEAR £14.99 ANY 2 YEARS £24.99 ALL 5 YEARS £39.99 '

O branch chairman Osborne outside Goulds of Dorchester with (from left) Hayley England (D by Court). Wendy Hilton (Age Concern) and Margaret Allardyce Goulds)

MP takes salute at l|l3|'DIl-I138!

Birthday bash for Bromley

r\(‘|IUR('II\cr\Ict' and patziilc. tiillnwcd h_v a \l)l.'lIII t'\cnI til the LIIlt..'fll0Ul'I. \k;i\ l||')!iIl1I\t‘d II}: the Tliurrock tmiiicli III I-'.\~t'\ Ilic I-writs “ctr ntlendcil Ii) \I‘IIplll;|I¢‘\ lmni Frinton and Walton hruncti. wlio hruiiglil their \I.'tlI\I.lY\I. as did the rcprc\t'nI.Iti\c\ til the (I|':I_\'\ RII_\.i| -\1r I‘Il[t'l' .'\\\lK‘l2IlI()ll.InIl the Rl|_\';II llnlixh I t'I'IIIn llk'IlltIlIl).!Ilic I)i1nItirI. ~.t.i1id;irI.I \ntiII-I-.lII'tt' III III(' rt'_i:1Iiii Iit Jill \IlIpllllllL'\ ;inIl lIlL'lIlI‘t‘l\III Iithci L‘\'$l'I\lt'(' .I\\l\'lLIIIl|l\\wt-rt‘ iii .|Il\'|l|IIl||L't‘.Ax v.t'rt- lIIL'lllI”Il‘l\III the Sui ( ‘.II|i:t ('urp\. IIII: \.tIllIt' .II the iiI.irI'h~p;i~I u.I\ l.i|u'n In MI’ \1iIlrI'u \I.II'L1iIl.i_\. “Iii! \i\.I\ .IL'\'Ulll[‘.IllIt'II In (‘Ilr Illll} I‘l\Il, .\I1\ RI|\(' Kiilx viiiluv. III ('li;irIc\ Kirk US“ .IiiIl \('lllUf iiiciiihcr S/.\l JI11i('lIri~Iiii.I~ IIlt' p.Ii.IIlt' lIl.Il\Il.lI\\.l\ .\'/.\l \IirIn.IIi l.U“f_\. who l\ \t\ll'I.lI_\ Int Ilic lliiiiriick hr.InI'li

A GALA celebration. enjoyed by all including members of Thur-roclt and Ialdstone branches. markedthe 20th birthday of the Bromley branch. It beganwittiachurchserviceatwhichs/MAla




with delicious ‘eats’ in branch headquarters. TS Narvik on Bromley Common. The celebrationscontinued well into the evening. with dancing on the Main Deck to music by popular duo Terry and Thelma. who quickly brought people on to the dance floor. Members meet on the first Friday and the branch always welcomes new recruits further details from SIM Bob Puttock. the branch secretary. on 0208 462 4184.

Launceston go


To mark the 50th anniversary of Novyflfiwlthisyear we are stunning to put all out back numbers on CD and DVD opening with the past 5 years, some of the most momentous we have ever covered. -

/Vavyllbivswasfounded III 1954 piimlv tu

Command. Within a few months its success to cover the whole of the Service

Today it has at least a uiiaitm til .1 million readers probably many more as we have plenty of evidence of how a few copies may he passed fllbllnd whole shIp‘Ii C0fl'lpaI'\l0S, mi pat -

communities and eiii-Service associations

who use its column to keep In touch with present devirlopmerits and old sliipriiates.

through hoops

Forniriii enilnissir.-5 and Press Izoricspmideiits scan its [).I(_)L‘5, regularly pidiing up items they h.'ivI.- l'lI|55(.'(I through

S I‘ I’I‘. IRU(' SI.-.1 (Ink-tx .II I';1ilstim

I\I:i1i'titt'I| li1i.inI.'i.i||_\ lriiiii \III 4 .-\rc.I\ .iriiin;il criiquct Ill:IIL‘II.Iirgaii Iwil hi Delabole tiI.IiiI'lI .II |Ilt' Iiiiiiic III hr.iIII'Ii l‘lt'\l(It'lll Rtxir .'\lIlllIl.!IAlec \\'t'Ir.







Falmouth, Portland .lltlI Exeter. ;iIiiIl_I' IAIIII I)L'I.'II\|'lIl'. priiiiikil I-«I IL‘.IIl1\_ IAIIII


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Scatarers' treettom is priority tor Princess

.\.-\\\ \I'\\'S. .»\l (iI'.\'I' IUIH


P-clure IJ1.-.1.w'oort Prior Sector:

Tllli I’RIN('l-ISS Royal. I’riiicess Anne. spoke out against os-‘er-zealous‘ interpretation of tough new maritime security rules‘ at the aiiniial meeting in the Mission to Se:ilarer.s'. “It wotild be ltard to overestimate the importance to seafarers of shore lease after weeks‘ coo 'd up at sea. even if it isjust or a few lioiirs." the Princess told her audience.

Spanish fiesta

places the opporttinity to get ashore is being denied them. This is particularly the case "Iliit in

in the US where.

for Cottesmore miiir.-hunter IIMS ('ottesmore has enjoyed a brief l"A!s'l.z\NI".-ll/\.‘s'lil) siesta :it the Spanish port of Vigo. 'Ihis was the first foreign visit tor the mine couritermeasures ship after an intensive period of operational and training activity. z\ngIo—5panish relations were as wzirnt as the weather when the ship‘,-. company enjoyed some TIIIS YEAR'S RN Volunteer Hand Iiestiyal. held around well-earned rest and relaxation in I’ortsmouth'.s (iuildhall. brought the historic town. the usual hard-fou -ht competition 'lIic \i.\il had a more serious side when the commanding offiamong the ten The contest saw IIMS Ileron cer. l.t Roh l’cdre. accompanied ttet the winner's lziurels for best the Ilritisli I)efcricc .-\ttache tocall oscrall performance. along with on the Mziyor of Vila varcia and lay liesi iiiarcliiiig display. Sultan .i wreath for I-I Roya Nasy sailors claimed the title tor best I)riini htrried in the Iinglisli ('ciiietery. Links between the Royal Naiy .\Iajor, Vr\'I'IIIL' Nelson offered the best l)riini I)ispl;i_s'. I)r;ike's soloist and Vilagarcia date haclt to the excelled in their eompetitioii. and l'ltli century when llrritish war\Ill[1\ aiicliored in the nearby (‘ol|iiigsmod's ('oiicert Iland out.-\ros:i I-Estuary. stripped its rivals.



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STI-CPS are being taken to improve the life for Service personnel and their families‘ in the Plymouth area.

A multi-million pound contract has been awarded to Falcon Support Services lot’ lhc creation of en-suite single living accommodatioii in the Devon in base. In total Ltittti of icers and ratings will heiiefit from the new style tttL‘\s arraingenierits. due to he completed in .Iaiiu;iry zoos. .-\v.;iy front the base. the Nasal Personal and Faniily Senice


vI.| nur


(NPI-3) have used a f5ll.t)tKl grant

effect the relocation and transformation of a Plymouth community centre and prc-school for families of RN personnel. An extremely tight deadline ol just four weeks meant the Naval team had to pull out all the stops to ensure that the work was completed on time. It is Iioped that the newly combined centre will bring it closer corrintunit_v focus to [lie Widewell estate. providing a much needed joint facilityfor families. to

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ttt.irtj. \t,‘.ll.lIL‘l\ .it't'css In .t Cllttpv I.tlll is '.rt.il|_\ iriiport.irit tor their ucll~Irctrtg. and Ill suirtc cases it t\ litcr.ill_\ .I lilcliitc." She stressed the help tli.it the \lrssitrii Il.ttI ptmrtlcil .itutiritl the \\I‘IIlI to struitilctl and .il\.intItIitc«l




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stories will be allowed into the museum Irce of charge.


cossactt hero makes his mark

ARUN District Council in West Sussex Irate unveiled a plaque to comniemoratc the W.'Il’IIl'ttL‘ home of :i Item of IIM5 ('orss;tL'It. l.t ('dr llradviell Turner was the lirst person to board the iiif:iinoiis (Scrman prison ship. Altriiark. After the capture of the (ital Spec. rescued .sailors told lltat sonic Jill ot their lcllois inariners were held within the r\IIltl:I!I;. Alter .i tense encounter. |l.\IS ('oss;icl. forced the (iernian ship

agroiiiiil .'ittt.I it hoarding party begaii the search for the sailors.

.-\Ilcr a I'IL';ltI-Ill-IlL‘&ltIwith the L'lIL'tt‘l_\' that let! tour (ictttttttts dead and others isoiittdcil. the .-\lirii;irl.‘-. cress tlcd ashore IL'.t\Itt_L' lltc llrrtisli \tlIt|l\ to c\plore .irid tliscoscr SW incii \'Ilt[tft\¢Illt.'tI III the bowels ot the slllp. .\ Ir.'\\ tl.i\s .iltcr this heroic reslurrtcrk mic :.i\c cire. It ('dr l‘tlIIl to his d.iiiglitcr I'ti|Il.I .it lltcii I IlIlL'll.tll'l|llltltIltllllti. the site or \lLltIL'll lltt\\ ls-.';rts .r blue plaqttc.

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A NI€W interactive exhibit at the Fleet Air Arm Museum in Yeoviltoii invites penile to become part of the III£("s ‘copies’ War. Visitors can either add their own or access the recorded mentoirs of veterans of I) Day and World War II. gathered together by the BBC for the I'eoplcs' War

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The Princess hi 'hIightcd the recent story of :i ussian sailor who had been arrested and deported after usin ' a telephone box yards from his s ip before his papers had been checked. She added: “I Iopefully this is an extreme case. nonetheless. many crews on ships berthing in US ports are not allowed ashore." She accepted the neeessit for increased security in all wal s of life. and that shipping could not be distinguished from other areas. She praised the International Maritime Organisation. a United Nations shipping body. for its swift of the implernentation lnternatiortal Ship and Port l~2icilitySecurity Code. hut feared for over-/calous interpretation ot‘ the new rules. “It would be sad indeed if the peirplt.‘ we depend on. and who gisc up so much in the way of an ordinary family life. to luring us so tl\Lltt_\' of our daily needs were to hautheir lists made eseri Ii-.irdcr." She \\.'I\ concerned that the new rules niiglit also restrict the access ol cliaplziirts to crews. \.I_\lllt:I “I-or

service lite on the III! in ttiiz



Pclhaps not sur-

prisingly bearing in mind recent events. security is particularI_\'



FAA Museum lends an ear




O Govomor of the British Virgin Islands, Thomas Macon, inspects the guards escorted by PO{AWW) Dobson Picture LMPr-ott Jat:ti Russo!

following an accident.

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Islands 'l'III'I ISRITISII Virgin Police Force sent out a call for help to Type 13 IIMS Monmouth. The I)e\'ot1port-hascd frigate is on deployment in the ('arihbean involved in counter-drug openitions. but was glad to lend a hand to the local police for a different

purpose. A I2-man guard of honour was supplied to take pan in the Royal Salute to celebrate the 0uccn's birthday on the island of Tortola.


Nr\\’Y Nli\\'S, Al‘(il7S'l'Ill)-I

l{.\'l‘.('l"l'lVl-I .-\ssi.st:ittt. llti: |.ictili:tt:itit |*'orttti:rl_\' Kttowti .-'\.s Scratclt. was clcariitg out his drawers. ltaiviitg been deleted. That is. his hiIlet'.s been deleted: he's still ()K.

By Cdr Simon Thomas, Deputy CND


Atty \s':i_s. he discoveretl :i ('oiiitiiis.siiiniii;,' Booklet for

ll.\1S ('eiiturion on October to Ill’/‘ll any oi _\oii inititites still out lllcrc'.' Made titlt'rt'sliii_u tt';lI.lll1}!. l

htned l‘.l)S/z\l'T’Al\K'Nl) telephone ilircctiiry to scc hots many we have £I(.ltl'lIl'll\lCtIll}I tixlayk -l|.5lIl. but lost lhi: will to lisc on page 5 it! 4-0. Shun :lll€fllItIllspan it's me ape y‘ knots

I also discovered that the

PCK stall (Processor Controlled Keying) performed. on average. some 13 million key depressions a month.

lhou_L'lil. and il h.ippt|_s tliseneil me lriini doitip ;|I'I!ill'lIH}: remoli:l_\' conslI'\it‘ll\l.' tor




ripening [‘|;lf2l).'KilPll‘

large. still large


riiodcrn oflice hlocls" Iit's and it's still an iillice hlocki “A lat cry liotii the ship iil that name in which Lord Atison sailed routitl the world in the lllth century" ljiou don't say) "Although the estahlishriient can ltardly hope to parallel the heroic achiesenienls ol .-\nsiiin‘s itten. it has ricin.-nhi:less sortie iii the most vital laslts in thc Ro_\.i| Nas 3.’ today" [how very lliitteritigl ..

Ship's ('ompany


was over

.-ilvoiit ti third uniliimied. administertrig over 70.111) naval personnel. t then started to rot up the com-





tar lewi.-r

today. so I guess we‘s-i: rooveil on. And that's it. really. Moving on. Port Dralttnt: was ri.-placi.-d hy (iencral Service l)r.iltinp

I957. and HMS (‘L-iiluriiin was established at l.ylhe Hill House. a country estate in Sumey nice work it" you can get it hoovenng up the rest of the N:l\'_\' between I970 and in

I980. Have

gone full circle with the Waterfront Manning 0lt'ii:e.s'.’ In I957. I was just getting to grips with Noddy and Big-liars (nearly we

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cracked it

I can't say. but I doubt that there-‘s much res.enih|anci:_ The WM()s have a very locused roll: in the local miisenieiit and trianagement of personnel. not just junior niti: squads. and are a vital pan oi llaniiony and ellicient deployment. As for llrally. "Career Managetitent 5! Us" for all the noncomtiiissiiined Naval Service. and integrating the ol‘t"icer and rating/other rank corps by Branch. as trailed hy ('Nl) in June's t\sul.'. is a key step l'iirv«.'itil. And it's not just a \.‘ll\l'lN.'l|L' clereise. as there are fewer distinctions between the two sinictures than you might think. In deployment lemis. for example. iiver the last couple of years an averagi: of around _\S per cent ol the rat int: trained slrentzlh was on MTA lRll’t but. particularly in the Wiirfarir ltranch. many nlTieets can he at sea substantially until their late 30s and nowl


‘He must be demonstrating ‘penalties?’ on


llllti. much

nology changes





ol the tcrnit-

go ilralts and

in come

liir everyone.



the process ol retitliiig all ileployers as Career Managcn. so what does career management rncan to the RN r.itiniLlRM other rank corps‘? are


Actually. it means as muchloyouastotheoffloer

oorps it you choose to make it so. and it‘: a two-way commitment that needs your active engagement. OlTtccrs routinely enjoy ti personal. regularly face-to-lace. relationship with their Appointers sony.


when the Joint Personnel Administration (IPA) system comes




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Ztlll are cspaniling their Outrt-acli to take in the more reroute outposts. A lot ol that coiinselliiig may well he ioh options and :i\';iil;ihilily(the DA til Rl)('i\l. hut the system is their to provide as much (‘A as you need. 'I‘hi:re are lots ot opportunities out there to he scircd you can niakc W()l in your early thirties and you can he ptntliotcd to otI'ii:er. via either the Upper or Senior Upper Yardiiian schemes. hL'lWC¢n the ages of 17 and 40. So. even when you reach warrant ()lTicer (‘loss I. there are both graduated employment challenges and lur~ ther promotion opportunities. Aim higher than you think you can reach.

The slicer tiuttihers gaiiii: precludes doing L‘\'.|\‘ll) the same tor ratings/()Rs heliiw WUI. hut lcl's Iiiol. what is ;iv;tilahle to you. zit Accepting that it good deal til" hustness is i.-oiiducti.-it at the watertroni for ]Rs. lhi: varioiis media are there for everyone to exploit telephone. cMai|, l)Pl-'s. ('2-ills and the Regional Draitting and (‘tire-ers :\dvisi:rs (RlX'i'ist. I)talt_\' talks lll customers personally and has .is coiiiprchcttstvc :1 programme as possible ol rmitlshows and clinics: to the naval air stations and major establishments. Arrnod with laptop technology. the Rl)Ci‘\s who have counselled around 40 per i.-ct-it of the trairied strength each year since October


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SETT for 50 more years Charity N/t’

nun‘. mitjl'nt'tt'.\’.t'u.

.\'.-\\'\' :\‘l-'.\\"S. .-\U(il ’.\"l' _‘ll(Ll

Arctic expedition in fol-ehoatfs

frosty footsteps

FEW people have set foot where Lt Cdr Mark Hankey will be trudging this month. Apart from his great. great. great



O HMS Charity in action during the Korean War, Edward Boyle

TRAINERS at a long-established Naval landmark in Gosport are used to working under pressure quite -


Since 1954. in their sate hands. every potential RN submariner has had to undergo the rigours of the 10-storey. 30 metre (100 foot) deep Submarine Escape Training Tank (SETT) before they can qualify.


Around 2,500 submariners a year are currently trained in the tank. which was commissioned specifically to teach submariners escape techniques in the unlikely event ot a submarine accident. Instructors (all submariners themselves) undergo a threemonth training period. followed by a continuous development programme of up to 18 months. “We teach them a technique of breath-holding.so they can, it necessary. move through the water quickly without causing bubbles, which would completely obscure the view of other safety staff." explained Officer in charge SETT Lt Cdr Bob Mannion. Students start off making ascents from nine metres below the surface. graduating to 18 metres where, once the pressures were equal. the lock doors were opened at the demonstration, and the submariner emerged. exhallng all the way in the warm water to the top of the tank which can hold 150.000 gallons. In a simple. but chilling display of the effects of pressure. the bag from the inside of a wine box was floated up. compressed to a third of its



“'l'hc Rosscs wcrc polar pionccrs. liravc mcn anti now I will havc :i grcatcr utttlcr.\t:uitling of what lhcy wcnt through. "lt is tlangcrous. 'l'ltc wltolc party is going to hc part of the food cltttin out tltcrc. Polar hcars tttay look nicc hut lhcy ltztvc pttws thc sizc of tlinncr plalcs and rcgurd yoti as it sttttck. so wc'\'c licctt practising our wcupons training. Thcrc will i|lW1l_\‘.\' he a scnlry on


Scasunctl advcnturcr Dom Mcc. ti rcscrvisl in thc Royals and

will tread in his ancestor's footsteps in an expedition to the Canadian Arctic sctt-ran of an llllllttsl sticccsslttl ltitl in row lllt.‘ l’;ti.‘i|it.' and :t tltorc it

sticct:ssl'ul slog aroutnl the Arctic icc paxing the way lor this suinntcr's cxpctlition. is in chargc ol lltc utottllt-long csploration. Ross‘ csploits h:t\'t: largcly lvccn tl\'t.'f.\'ll:ltltlt.\‘t.‘d liy Sir John

l-‘r:utk|in's ill-lttlctl cxpctlilion to liutl lht: Nortlt-wcst Passagc tit.lci:cntlar_\' roulc to thc l’acitit' ayoitlittg tltc ('apc of (iootl Ilopc two tlccattlcs latcr which cntlctl in tlisastcr. "This story tlcctls lo lit: told fully. Ross and his crow-‘s cntlcux oul.\‘ lcavc ntc nunth with admiralion." said l)otn. “'l‘his is truly tut ltisloric t:vcnt." 'l‘lic party l)om. Mark. (‘pls Barry Camphcll and Craig ilaslam. ('/Sgt Mark (‘mu-ll. Mnc Cronin and civilian historian Susic (‘ox is due back in Britain at llic hcgiutting ol' Scplcmbcr. --


()\'crc.1.s't skics failed to stop thc two hookcnds to this year's F:Ls‘lanc Fair or the crowds lll|'iling up for that matter. Thc annual puhlic window for the people of Scotland to gain a lilllc insight into the RN had tht: town of llclcnslutrgh hurling and a local charity very happy. 'l'ltc nalurc of the work down at UM Naival Iiusc C lytlc anti thc lintitalions of the site itself mcan it cannot be practically opcnctl for puhlic show. So thc I-':ts|:inc Fair in ncighhouring Ilclcttsliurglt a mix of mini Naty Days and town gala is tltc solc opportunity for locals to scc thc ltasc via plcasurc crttiscs and a ferry limit to ll-.\lS (';intpht:|town. this ycar's sisitor opcn for tours. at uncltor itt tht: —



Hankey, who


broke the water. flattened. in

recalled: “It was a difficult day. “You know it is going to be painful on the ears. and. against your instinct, you have to breathe out. It's a classic case of mind over matter. “There is also, of course. peer group pressure: no one wants to be the first person to opt out." The equipment has changed over the years. he added. with constant improvements in design and techniques. And safety? As someone said on the day: “wiu-i all our training, it's more dangerous driving out of here than being in a submarine especially in


O Lt Cdr Mar'k

l'l‘ opened with a spectacle in the air and closed with one

original volume. gradually emerging unscathed at the surface. Another. incorrectly compressed. rose rapidly and

re-qualify periodically.


.\lark joins a Royal M:uiucs—|ctl cspctlitton liack to thc fro/cu \\:I\lL‘s ol (':nt:it|i;in Arctic \\l'IL'tL' niorc titan lTIl ycars ago his torcllcar. c\plorcr Sir John Ross. sougltl thc laltlctl -.\'ortlt-wcst |';iss;rut- in min. A \t.'\L'Il-slltllltl cspctlition is n:turnin_t: to thc ltiutl ol titt:\'una\'ut. thc Iiist ilritish c\pctli— lion in llu: rc_t:ion sincc Russ anti llis ncphcts Sir .l;uucs ('l'.itl>. Ross uctc tltcrc lroni l.‘s'1‘l-RI. 'l'hc cxpctlilion Lllllltlsl incl with tlisastcr. Ross‘ ship \’it'l-its .'llIll hcr cit-w at-ic Iiappctl Ill pack icc. .-\ltcr llucc yc.ns. thc) ;ilv;iiitlonctl lltc ship .'itItl ltckkctl Fllll ltlilcs :lL'nIss tltc mtstcs to rcuclt lltc opcn ‘cu lwtorc tltt-_\ wcrc llllLIll_\ rcsctxctl. Thc c\pctliliou \\:isn't a total tlis:tslcr‘. ltcpllcw Rl.I\\ tlist'II\ crctl Ilic tu:u:nt:tit' .\'orth l’olt-. which was nicc. It's a story Mark llankcy kntms \\cll. lt‘s in llls lilootl. hut tum htwill c\pcricncc sonic of thc lt:utlships his lotclicars cntlurctl. "lt ls tl:iuntin_i:. hut lht:n:'s thc zttlvctiturous spirit in Inc." csplainctl tltc rcscryist. wlto usually ovcrsccs lltc Royal Navy’s sprawling official wchsilt:

Thistle draw the crowds



ll.\lS (‘|i;irit_\'. illustrating an incitlcitt in wltich sltc thus intolsctl tlurint: thc Rorcan War. has lvccn prcscutctl to thc Royal .\'a\:il .\lusctnn in l’ortstnoutlt liy \clcr.-ins tn-m thc ship. l’.iintctl hy i-'.tlwartl iioylc. lltc picturc rccortls lhc ;ipprt:hcutlin_t: of :t ltlilit‘-l;l_\'lllt: junk tluriin: tltc lnchou latttlings in St:ptt-iiiltci l‘l5ll. 'liIgclltcr with it portlulio of ittctnorahilia. it is ltcing put on show at lltc rtutscutit us part til’ its Korcan csliihilion. "\\’c wantctl to portray soniclhing tlillcrcul to the usual ‘guns lilitllllg.lilootl zuttl guts’ .\:t\'a| picltircs." saitl yctcran (‘cc Ilarroltl. Thu coinntissioniu_i: ol thc painting and its tlouzilion lo tltc uuiscum arc thanks to fortttcr ship's contpany mcntlvcr (iortlon "Jimmy" (irccn. llarry l-'.vcs. cs Rl-I-\. apart from training lhc firtishctl product. wilncssctl thc incitlcnt conccmctl. HMS ('liarit_v stc:unt:d l2(i.(llill milcs during tht: Korczin cztmpaign and carricd the I-Impcror of Ethiopia to the UK in l954. hcfort: hcing sold to thc PilklfililnNasy in I95‘) and being sunk during thc Ittdia-l’:tkislati war.

The admiral was among those who witnessed a demonstration of escape drills and breath-hold techniques at the SETT's Fort Blockhouse location to mark its 50th

where they ascend using an orange immersion suit. replete with its own dedicated liferatt another of the techniques demonstrated on the day. The Second Sea Lord. who had his first experience at the SETT in 1973 and, like all his fellow submariners. had to

painting by

.\ i’.»\|.\'l’lN(i ol tlic


uncontrollablefashion. “That's what a person's lung tissue would look like: no nerves around the lungs." said Lt Cdr Mannion. Ultimately. students are taken to the loot oi the tower.


at museum

And that includes the Second Sea Lord himselt. Vice Admiral Sir James BurnettNugent. who went on to command HMS Olympus and


0 Second Sea Lord lflce AdmiralSir James Bumell-Nugent (centre left) watches training at the SETT Picture’ PO(Pnotl Gary Davies

ittlioitiiszat: j®i|iiéS ‘ii i ’1”i‘-;'il':‘,«‘:3?l’*‘?t‘]l il§‘ MINEHUNTEFI HMS lnvemess. now due to be paid oit in the next two years. visited Bangor in Northern Ireland for the recent D-Day commemorations. Members of the ship's company joined veterans and the local RNA to march through the town centre. after a drumhead ceremany. The warm welcome from the local people was reflected when the Naval ship opened her doors to visitors. attracting some 3,000 curious folk to see around the Sandown-class mine countermeasures vessel. A highlight over the visit was the unveiling of a commemorative mosaic. attended by the American Consulate General Barbara Stephenson and Invemess' commanding officer Lt Cdr David


llite's shot-t lite not lorgotten

.-\l.'I‘ll()U(':ll il.\lS Kilc's sail carccr in Worltl War ll lastctl just two years. hcr atloptctl town of liraintrcc has kcpl hcr ntcutory alivc. This month sccs tltc unveilingof (I conttncntomtivc plaqtic rcntcmbcring tltc II7 livcs lost when Kilc wus sunk on convoy tltttics.

llraintrcc District Mtisctini is kccn to hcar front anyonc conncctctl with lhc ship tylto would lic intcrcsting in attending tltc cycnt or provitling ntatcriail for an cshihition on this loss‘. till _\-cars hcl'ort:. Conlttcl Antlrcw Gltttlwcll at Braintrcc l)is'trict l\lnscutn on (H376 3252()l'i.


Thu: lair is far from a local cycnt. lntlcctl. much to the chagrin of sonic of Ilclcttshurtzlfs l.\'.ll()tI rcsitlcnts. ‘out of lm\nt:r.s' lmggctl nt:ut_\' of thc |.5llll placcs tor thc totir houts ltc:itlin_i: oil to (':ttttphc|towii and tip to I-‘aslanc hclorc thcy had a cltancc. It's

of the importance of the fair to the community that just about every hotel and guest house was booked up. helped a little by hundreds of visiting sailors from NATO nations. in town ahead of a Joint Maritime Course. a


lt would lit: L'£l.\_\' to scolf at Faslttttt: l-‘air compztrctl with its higgcr hrotltcrs. lltc ltttcrnalional l-'cstiv:il of tht: Sea in l’tlrl.s‘Itlutllll and N:t\-_\~ pays‘ in l‘lyntouth. lint that would he lltilllg it a grcal tlisscn'it-c. Bcyontl pumping ntoncy into the local ccononty it also hclps a local clizirity. i’roccctLs from thc cvcnt will hclp the Children's llospicc Association of Scotlaittl huiltl ti

0 A bagpipe display at the Faslane Fair for sick )'tlllll_t'__slt.'l'.\. ltospicc '|ltc lair ltas

Picture: lAlPhotl Brian Door: .\~.

cnjoy lhc hast: ltcrc's not L'.\l.\iC.l as long. So tltc l:iir's i|l‘t|l|l —

alrcatly prnvitlctl

l§2ll.lltlll for thc ltospicc. no-:cctls from lhc Zlltll cycnt :utt ltcsitlcs

nitincy raisctl this Junc. lhc charity is tltc -.\';oal lv:tsc's choscn good causc for thc ycar. l-‘or sailors thc show is a rsuc chzincc lu show off locally. Whcrc clsc uoultl it lit: fun to try on a nuclcar rcziclor or scu .\lli\l\':Ilsuit. or gct closc to Stthvcrsioit. tlic V'l\o:it-s'h:ipctl mlml warrior‘? 'I'hc only lhini: limiting tht: fair'.s succcss apart lrotn thc atlmittctlly gltmi Scottish wcztlltcr was logistics. 'l'hc silc occupictl hy thc show is stuall and thc boats running out to (’;tnipltcIlown atttl along thc loch to the hasc could only carry a Iimitcd numhcr of passcngcrs. Still for orgttttiscrs anti Niwill lt:atlcrs. it was :1 sticccss: tltc \\'L‘(llllcr luilctl to sto ) tll.\pliI\‘Shy a Lynx. u Scarch-and- csctic Sca King and thc Flccl Prolcclion (‘nroup Royal Marittcs. "Pcoplc hcrc arc conscious of thc hasc. hut lhcrc's not tht: link that say I’ortsmoullt and i’l_\'ntoulh —

slrcugtltctting links lvctwccn us .u1tl tlic cotntuunity." saitl otitgtmig N;I\';Il iiasc ('ouun:uitlcr (tit..Iolin litirlcy. Fair organiser Cdr Bill Jones ‘Mr Faslane Fair’ added: "The aim is to give people a fun day out and show them what the FlN does in Scotland and tie the event in with a Joint Maritime Course so there's a lot for people to see. -


“llul it's‘ also ttltottl tltc personal touch. 'l1icrc is onc _\'t‘Il|ll_LZ Iznl in a wltcclcltair from Bcllasl who has liccn trying to gct to thc fair for ycars. Utllul’llllt(tlCl_\'ltc cannot gct aroutttl a sltip. so wc got hint into thc liasc and crcw from l|.\lS Sovcrcigtt chattcd with hint." lt‘s' lhosc louclti.'.s‘. long aflcr tltc tlisplays lay the p:ir:ttroopcrs' lcapout of a llcrcnlcs to opcn tlic ing ltur and the Rctl .-\rrtw\.s' scrcatuing through thc skics to close it. which people will particulzirly clicrisli.

.('(l.HA' H'lI.'ll'.l1(ll'_\'Ill'\l'S

NAVY Nl-IWS. z\l.'(il.'S'l'BIXH


iaCfiCS Trafalga for Dunan first’


.51; be

l-I,\'l'year the world will enmniemurate the Zllllth ;iniiiver.sary ul‘ 'l'r:ilalvar. the nitist famous battle of the age of sail. art the Royal Navy will mourn

the death of Nelson. it'ri'Ic.\'

llut anutlier battle took place eight years earlier which anticipated the tactics til‘ 'l'ralali:ar and also prtitlttcetl :i

stuniiini.-, s'ietur_s'.

"l his time the ailiiiiral. Atlain l)tiiieaii. was mil killetl and lived lnr aiintlier seseii years. His death lunlt plaee Z0“ _\'ear.s ago this iiiivrttlt :\tl.llll l)une.'in \\.i\ hunt in lluntlee in l7‘~| in a l;tlttll_\' ut inert'li.iiits'.inil eiileietl the Nat} irt l‘1I-. lie was .itlr'.ietetl ll)‘ llie pussitulits til iii.'ikiiti: large ariiuiirtts til lIlUllt.'_\ llllt|ll_L'll I.iLin_e erieins ships, tsliile at the same time _i:.iiiiIlltj liurtutir .iiitl glut} l1_\ \L‘f\lIl|: knit: aiitl etiiiiilr}. lle l\ei:.m llt\ eareer |llltlL'r ;i telluss Se-it. (‘aptairi Ruliert l)till. ll'I the lttiiit lnr lhiitnie l’riiiee ( 'harlie alter the Battle at (‘ulltxleit like lll.Ill_\’ luvslaiitl Scots. ilie_s' hail nu ssriipatliy tor the Jaenhite eatise l)niieaii was taken up its tlte future ;ll.ll'Ill!.'ll Aiigustiis lseppel and tlistiiiguislietl himself at the capture «it llaiana in (‘uha lrnni the Spanish in I763. After that his eaieer V~.'I\ niiieli interrupted. ssillt lUl'l_|: perm-tls nl li.ilt~p.-n_s .Illtl hunts nl sickness. In l"‘I5. as .i sieeuulntiial. he tools tli;ii_ne til the .\nitli .\'e.i Fleet l‘lK'l’iIlllI}1£Il‘lIK‘l£;lllCHlthe l)iilL'h ports the llnteh liatl l‘L‘Cll enii< queietl l\_s the tt'\tIllllIttll2lt_\ lteiieli .Ill\l vtere miss their allies lii .\l.i_\ l“’" .1 -_'re.1t :itiitiri_\ \s.is lll pineress .tl the \uie Ill llie inuiith (II the lliaines, t\llL‘lt the seaiiieii .lllt.‘lll[‘lC<l tn iiitpruse their L'iIt'liltlii!l'ls,l)iilti.‘.tlt \\.t\ -il\lt_t:L'tl lti euitlrc-tit the lt'l‘L'l\ in his msii ll.l_L" sl|l|l_ the .-\tl.tin.iiiI ".\l_\ |.uls_ I am nut in the smallysl

.le;_1iee appielieiisisc tll .tll\



h.i‘- e in uviiv lenipl.itiun,' he lull! tlieiii twill) lliuiiiell l .i~\tite _\Hii I \\Hllltl iiiutli rather .iet|iiire _\-viii Ins e than "

iiieasnie sun ll'l.l\



iiieur _s-ntir fear. I vsill v.itli my own haritl put ln ileath the lirst man who shall display the sli_.:htest sign «it rebellious enniluet." He asked it any man was prepared in dispute this. (lite eame lttl'\'~;ttd and l)urte:iii. sis feet luur inches in height and lll 'nt;in|y and athletic lurrii‘. grabbed him h_s- tlte eullar. held him met the side of the ship and said in the erevv: "My lads. Imilt at this fellow. he who dares to tleprise me of the eninrriaml of the fleet?" 'l he lllllllll)' un tlte /\il.irttaitt tsas suuii settletl. tliuiigli it ssas seseral weeks ht-lure the rest til the lleet at the Nure retiiiitetl in duty. In Uetuher at that year. l)urie;in »s.is at Yaininutli with llI\ Ileet when lte reeeitetl Itevts that the l)titeli lleet truiii the nasal liase at the 'le\eI ssas tint. ll)‘ the lltlt lte vtasnll tlte Dutch enast with a tleei of lh small and uhsuleseertt ships of the line and supporting lrigzites Vet)" rmieh the ‘seenntl team’ of the Nat)". which hail lieavy eummitments elsewhere. —

equal rtiiniher ul l)uleh ships was \l_l!lllt.'tl sailing alnni: the mast it

‘Inse inshiire rtear the nf ls'ampertluin or

s'i||a_t:e ‘('.mipertlmui'.

l)nne.m. I_L!ltitrll1l.‘. the ii.'isigatitinal tliiiieers til the sltallnss waters antl the eiiriserititirtal n;i\'a| taeties «it past llL'L'.lllL'\.ordered l‘lI\ tleet llllti 4 lie.ttlluri_u attael. in tun tlistsiuris esaetls the same .ttt;tlt_L't.'tllL'lll used h_s- Nelson at


llie l)iiteh hail .I repiitatiuii I'm hartl liglttirie .Il'ltl ;i hluutly hattle ensnetl. l-sen .i liartleiietl irteilieal t\t.'is‘litiuiier etiiiltl euiiie eltise tn \lL"l‘.lll. espeeialls when he \\.t\ sliurt—h.iittletl. like the stirigetirt (ll the .-\iileiit_ "\£irtel_\ miixritletl iiien ssere

Victory at Camperdown. 1797- but Adam Duncan (right) was soon overshadowed by Nelson


the aetiun." he reenuntetl_ “'l'he sshule euekpit. tleek. eahins. wing berths and part of the ezihle tier. together with my platform and my preparations for dressings were L‘tt\‘t.'fL'Ll with them. So that fur a time lht:)'s\ete laid on each other at the loot of the ladder where tliey were hruuglit down “.\lel;niehn|_\‘ cries lnr .-issistaiiee were atltlressetl in me l|’tlf‘ll esery side lis smuntled ill'Itl t|_sini:. and piieuus ninans aiitl he\~;nliii_i: from pain antl tlespair. "In the mitlst (If these llgtlnifslltg scenes. I vvas able in presene t'tt)'st.'ll mm and enlleetetl. anti CI1tl'It'.t(lll_£ iii nl}‘ tllllttl the sshule til" the sitiiatinn. tn direel tits allenlititi sshere the greatest .Illtl ntivst essential ~ei\iee\ etitild he pertiiriiietl. “Smite with W0tllltl\. had llltlCCtl .tl'l\l p.Illlllll. hut slight ll'l euriiparisun “till the ilreatlliil enittliliuit Ill iilllL‘t\_ ssere must sneiletuits fut .tssisl.'ittse." l leseii Ulll til ltu l)tilelt ships Ill the line were eaptiitetl. llie llaltle

hruu_i:ltt tlussn trnni




has an




lliiiish lllI‘t.tlL' when the “at \s.is etiiiig liatllt elsewhere. It \s.i'~ the must \lCCl\I\L‘ tt;i\.il



sietur_s- in the age so far and a step tms-airtls the principle. usiizilly attributed in Nelson. iii annihilating the enenty. There was natiuniil rejuieing. l)unean was made it Vi.\L‘Ulll'll. was shtiwereil tsith 'ilt.s from eurpui.tand Parliament lions and siitetl him a pcttsiiiil Ill [Lilli :1 year. He lL'llfL'tland huuglit the estate ul (Zinipertliissri near Dirritlec. where he tlietl. Unlike Nelson. he hatl tin ll:iir lnr publicity and he fought only one major hattle. .\'el.stin'.s star began to rise lt.‘.\s than a year later with his great vietnr_s- at the Nile and l)unean was snnn tisi:rslt:iilmM.'tl. llie Rnsal .\';i\y has neser quite turgutteii him. though. Seseral hattleships ssere l'l;lI1IL'tlafter hint user the years. lnllnssetl lv_v shnre liases in Sentlmitl.


.JBorn and educated in Scotland, Brian Lavery IS Curator of Ship Technology at the National Maritime Museum. Among his many books is the much-reprinted Nelsons Navy. the Ships. Men and Organisation

ABBA BJBBN AGAIN FOB BBAFTBN ABBA tribute band Bjorn Again highlighted a show for the ship's company of HMS Grafton in Muscat. Oman.

Combined Services Entertainment. the official providers of live shows for the MOD. also included comedians and dancers in the package for the Type 23 lrlgate hersell currently starring in the new ITV RN drama series Making Waves. Shortly after. HMS Somerset relieved Grafton as part at the Royal Navy‘s continuous presence in the Arabian Gull. assuming patrol duties in the rnulti-national maritime coalition effort supporting the new Iraqi —


CSE is part of the Services Sound and Vision Corporation whose main aims are to entertain. boost morale and help in the trairiln of British Armed Forces around the globe. SSV provides them with radio. television. live entertainment and cinemas. And as the live entertainment arm of SSVC. CSE produces and organises around 43 tours in year amounting to 140 live shows performed on military bases and Naval ships. Among the top pop stars who have recently performed are Geri Halllwell. Steps. Claire Sweeney and Liberty X. CSE produced and organised the llrst live shows In Iraq and Kabul and routinely send out others to Kosovo. Bosnia. the Falkland Islands. Cyprus. Oman and HM ships deployed throughout the world. Picture LAtl‘l»lOTi Amanda Reynolds


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For further information and an application form (CV5 alone will not be accepted); which should be returned by 12 noon on Monday 23 August 2004, please contact Succession Planning Associates (Tel: 020 7235 7676 Fax: 020 7235 7142 Email: John.Smith@SPA-uk.com),the MAlB's adviser, or for an electronic version of the job details and application form, visit the website at www.SPA-uk.com Previous applicants need not re-apply.


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ADULT CONTACTS: Contact Mag for adults only. |.()()() colour_ photos to choose from. Approval copy sent return of post from: MATCHMAKFR (X.l0). Chorlcy. PR? -138 or 0l257-183335 or Iuren@ndultl'un.co.u|r


wwiiuia v_wiew.i.co .111.‘

New lacilities illll PBSGIIBPS

Carriers’ order

postponed to pertect design

l)l-.$l(iNI-.R.\‘ will cnntniuc marl» lli_L' oii llic liiic dcl:iil.sof lhi: N;is~_.~'s li‘|‘|l;It'L'lllL'lll ;iiri.'r;ilt uirrii.-r.s for up to l.‘. niorc months in '.I hiil to \.l\L' liiiic .ind iiiiinrji iii l‘ItllllllI'l_x:

the \llIp\. ll.\l5 ()Ilt’t‘I'l l‘liI.'ihi:lli ;inil l‘iiiii'i: nl W;ilc\.the ‘\iipct—C:IrtIcr\‘ \\lllt'l\will ri:plaii‘c thi: RN'.s misting lt:i> nl Ark Rn_\-;il. llliistiiniis :inil

Niiv_v's senior ofliccr performed the honours as


lmiiicihlc_ \hL'fC due to hc iirili:ri:d |\_\ thc (ioicriiiiiciit this suniiiici. ltut l)t.‘lL‘lIL'L‘ I’iocuti:iiii:nt Mitii~li:t l and Ihiish \All(l lhc ilcsigii ~i.i_.:; i-I tlii: iiiiilti-hilliiin poiinil piiiiccl \i\.'I\ hciiip i‘\li.‘nili'il &t\ spviiilitii: iiioiivy on pcrlcctiiig Ilic i-viiipln \llIp\ in the [NL"|.'t|ll\Illll'linii


the (iiinncl Search and Resciic unit in Scotlziiid wcrc ciimniissiiinctl. tishcriiig in 2! "CW Cril.

pll.'I\C ‘-\|lIllll\él\L‘ iiiuiii:\ in thy

li>ii_i: iiiii.

l)clciii:i- litiiis lliiilus and HA]-

viniLiii_L- on thc ilcsIi:n it! tho [viii ships which .tlL' lilicls iii ilisplncc tti c\cc\~ nl ~1U.lll| liiniics .iiiil nirr} lhv: punch ol the .-\tiglo.A\lllL'l'lL‘;|l|Joint Strikc l-ighicr. l.iiril litich s.'iiil ilcspitc i-\ti:niliiii: this design iissi-ssmcnt Pll£I.\(.'. this .sct'\'ii:c l.l€iIL'\ of thc two ships _‘tIl1;_inil 2tll5 fCfl'lillllL'(llivicd. "Sp:-niliiig the right zimoiiiit of .\\\lL‘I'll\.IIL‘

tuiir -'lIlll IIIIHIC)

iii lhc .'|.\\L'\\fl‘lL‘l'll pliiisc i:i\-cs ii hcttci unili-r\t;inil~ Ill}: til tltc ti:i.'hItii';il.'II'|tl siippl_\ —\IllL' mks at .l proiziiiiinic." thc niiiiisicr .iililL‘il. llii: liii.'il ilcsigii .'IlILl cost iil Ihc \ .iiricis it l\iiil_i:ct ol Ulln lt;|\ hccii .Illt|\'.'|lt'tlli-t tltc \i.'ssi:ls. vtltlclt “Ill lw Ihc liirgcst zind |lll.l\l potciil sitil.ii'i- ships hiiilt lot lhc RN will he thi: MUD zit lhi: i.'nd of Hit‘ scl



At thi: pi:;ili nl construction. ;in i~siiiii;itL'd llI.lIIl pcopli: will he woiltiiig on tho L‘.'Hfll.,‘f project. with sliips-;itil.s on "M: ('l_vik'. 'l'yiic. Soli-ni .iiid I-‘nrili .i\\cltll1lltlgll'It.' ships \\ ltich will hi.‘ hiiscd in l'iirtsmiiuth, Work is ;i|rc;id_\' iindct unity on ll|L' ciirrii-rs‘ ziir ilclcticc escorts, llic lypc -15 ili:striI_\'i:n-. tltv lirst of

\\ll!L‘ll.IIMS l).inni:. istiiliingshiipi: uii thc ("hilt .iiiil in Piirtsriiiiiilh.

support laicilitics lor

Ho's l.lll'll,

new-look Nottingham? I-( )l.l.()WIN(i an lli-month l'L'p£lIl prii;:r.iiiiini: \lIllI['ll('ll'|l;iIic.ul ol |lllK' HMS Nottinghuiii has Iomiully hwn ;:i\'i:n thi: nod oi ;ipprm.il to n:turn to llii: llcct hy ('ilri: Dick 'l‘\~iti.'hi:n.('oiiiinoilon: Portsinoulh l'l0lIll..t. The 'l‘_\pc 42 dcslmyct prrlurrditI~ri‘r mi rrirrit in: l'nuI.i hi‘ IAlI'linH Don Hivuprr is ilcscrihcd hy Portsmouth l1‘[!:llf organisation l-lcct Support l.ld ll'5'I.l as uni: ol the most capable: ships in the l~'lv:ct lollowini: hcr Clbiit iiircrhaul. rii:i.-di.-d ;llICl hi.-r ni.-in-l'at:ilciillision with Woll Ruck. oll l.oril linin-

Island. Austr.ili;i. in Jul) 2lli2. Sinci: her mum to Portsmouth in l)v.-cimihcr of that yciir. thi: ship's niilar. miiimunicaiiiiris and sonar cquipmcnt have hccn brought hack in orilcr. darnugcd cornpiirtmimts havc hccn nrpaiirril and :i ll'|.’l)0f in-crhaul oi the \(.‘Cltnns

hcni:.'iIh thc -«l.5in pun tzitlccti.-il hy hcing suhntcrgcdl has hccn carricil out ('onimaindin1,: Ufliccr Stew llolt. dcltghtitd at the suirccsslul outcome iil two months" sczi trials. said’ "Wt art niivi malcn:Illyin in position to limit the llccl zind l zini looking lorwaril In Icavinp: l‘l\' \h;lIl'l'\." I-'iillusuiig :i ll".IlflIfl[.‘,pcnoil tor thc ship's l‘|l'\h '.'7tl—plus L‘lIl'llp;|ll_\' during the .iutumit. .\iottin;:li:ii'nwill hr n:;id_\ tor npcnitions L".|fl_\' tl'I thi: new ycsir. he iiiklcil


l'itsl Still l.util .‘\llI'I'llf£|lSir .-\l:iii W;-st v.;i~. giicst ol hoimiir .il lhi: l’ri:stv~icl.-hiisciltorniiilinn. unwiling ihc .‘\tl.tllll litrv: liiicil liicl tnsl;tllzition which pimidcs lllL‘ '_i:;is' to liccp ( iiintii.-t's tun Sui Kings ri:.'iily for cnii:rgi:iicymissions. With thc cs-tzihlishmcnt ‘ilmhiisin.-d' and its lront-linc ;inti-suhmzirinc wairfzitc squaiilton gurlc. it would he i::isy to hriind (izinncl ii slccpy hiicltwiitcr. liut. \.'I_\‘.\ the unit's senior melctiriilugist zinil occiiniigtiiphin. Ll (‘dr /\n_i:u.s Scull l)iclsins. lhc cstiihlishnicnt l('lI'Ii’lIll\:i lii-i:l)~ outposl Ul lltu RN. sttppiirtitig si:.iii'h :inil I'L'VL‘UL‘ tlptlilllltlls nvi:i ;i i;ist .iti.‘;i ltiittt "CH Nuts to the lslc ill .\l;iii. out lwjiiiiiil lhi: llhll ciuisl into lhc Alliiiilic and ciist to thi: l-irlh ol I-iirth_ (iiiiinctls i:ri:w were caillcd out 2-35 timi:.s in 2lll3. and thc icm i has not let up tlii.s _VL'£If2 earlier I is suinmcr. oiic ol the So.-ii Kings vats tori.-cil to mnlic an unschcduli.-tl landing iiftcr ‘J strilic ti to thc iii. lut hlilllL'9- ltitm ti clill iici: ;L\ ctcw tricil to liwicr ii rescue team to it liilli.-n climhi.-r iii Lzingdzilc l’c:il.s. lhc Sczi King was rctumctl homi: slung undcr tin R/\l- (hiniiuli heliCUPICX’. l'l\‘L' crcsss an: stiitioncil at (inn-






O Just dropping In... A search and rescue demonstration by Gannot‘: flight at the units May ball





iiiic ill ti:si.'iii:

;i|w;ij..s lC2Itl_\‘ lot upcrziliiiiis I-I houtx it do)‘. 3i‘i."t l.l£I_\.\

\v\l’1ICl'l .i



i::ip;ihilitics ill thi: tciini l1:I\'L'hci.-n cnhiinccd hy night vision goggli.-.s hcing primilcil. which illhl missions cui1sidcraili|' although the inclcnicnt Scottix 'l1'ic



WL‘£lll1L‘l' iloi:s- limit IhL'll' usc. New infra red tcchnoli is hcing littcil to R/\l-' search on rescue hc|imptors and it is hoped RN Scat Kings wil so receive the kit. "(uinncl is ililfcrcnt thcv: dil_\'.\ ‘

hut \'I.'I'_\' niucli iiliic illlll ucll.“ \.‘ll(l l.t ('dt Scott Dickins. "'llic cstaihlishniciil t:ii*i|itii:s him: hccn Wlll|tlI3|\Nl‘l :ind tlii: illl“ licltl fticilitics him: cliziiiizcil. hut thc scsirch and ri:si.'iii.- llight is C\trcmcly wt.-ll uscd.

"l)i:.spitc the high level ol ctiitioniil tzisliiiig. the lliglil


to tmiht:



li;i.s gtciil clliirt

to support thi: uimmuiiity llyiiig \'t.sil.s lu luczil VL‘llll0l!\. iitlcndztncc ill giiliis. Wc'vc cscn hccn iihlc to -

support i-oii.v.-wiitiim cflorts in thi: l-Eisliinv:


iillirwing l)i:li:nci: l-'.s-

iiitv: rn;iiiii_i.:i:is lu inoiiitor

ilccr iiunihcis lroiii \.intiii:i:point." me


toil and



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' O ‘You're getting no (Lott) A Swedish fast patrol vessel chases of! an MOD Police launchsimulining a terrorist attack in Garoloch and (above) crew of Turkish frigate Gediz man the aft mach!ne~guns


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of lhc liirgcst ;inIi-Icr- whose normzil taisk i.s to siilcguzitil lhl.‘ l‘1CCl lrom such iittaiclts. :is last ror i:xcrci.si:.s stiigcil in UK wutcr.s. .\WiIITT|.\ of Rigid lllllillllhlc ho:it.s whillcil iiroiinil thi: w:itcr.s. Boiils. jct .slil.s and other l';i,st wliilc Sn-‘cdish l:i.st piitrol crzilt did lvcst to tend all the iiilirincs. ctzilt wcrc scnt to iittiick .-\l- lhcir lhc grccii hcri:t.s chosc the Rim lied wiirsliips siiiling out of HM niirrims. lending from tiiircloch Naiviil liaise ('|ydi: to test thi: ll1ll‘ll'lL' I-'ir1h ol ('l_\ilc tit ;itl;iL‘k. reaction of saiilors to this waiterAl ju.sl Zlll l'l1£'lYL'.\wide. there": homc thrcait. liltlc chziiicc to tzilic cviisivc aiistion of Royzil Muriiics the l‘l-:ct Pro- hurt. it’: illl iihout ti:.sting how :ilv:rt IN

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;hvq.mp:ynnvioNmNc-iiouconou-yovonnluvot¢1~io«u4vmrLKpapn1«imhcmn¢ubyCr-cquohannniawflomoraralknwigve anvontlhin OdoruyuIub7(IvoiC1o«S-umtllhroupl-noncrnia-go-impapl Fbaviwtrernnilnuiruaxlidwrfhnoiiawiipwllnuysiudrhv-<1


tcctiim (irnup zind MOI) Police guvc N.1\'l‘() .s.'ii|or.s ii Sill|1llll'_\‘ li:.slast atsun in lhc threat putsctl tsick crzilt as the viiirships .\:lllL'd oil on r:xL'ri:i.sc. Siiiu: thi: dcsitstziting zittiicli on the USS (‘olc oil Yi:mi:n lour _\1:;irs iigii whcii siiiciilc l\0n'IlK'l"\ hli.-vi 4| hilli: in thc \I(ll' itl lhc ship and Lillcil nunicrniis cicu, thc ';is_vriilllI.'"IC tliri:;it'. .is ll is kiiimii. oi lctrutist .'ttl;ii.‘lis hits di.'m;ittdi:d llti: .|llL'llllt|Ilol llic \mr|il's iiiivii.-.s. I\ll1.l\4|il.\Stl is ;ir.\hip.s gut lii:rci.l iii .\i;otti.s|i viiiicrs for thc liirgcst Joint Miiritiiiic ( ‘iiiiiv: yet liclil. |:itini:z.s ilcciilcilto throw thc kiti:ii:n siiili ;|l icsscl-. ilcpiiitiiig l-';i.sl;inc for thc hi: -inning ol the‘ c:tcri:isc.


Diitch. 'l'iiik.s. llriton.s ;il| su-ic nicnziccil h_\' thi: I-‘l‘(i.

crew :in:

manning ll1L' guns.

“Ships iirc oltcn Icstcd in anti-

;iiri'r;ilt or iinli-.surf:icc wiirfzirc. hut sinci: thi: ('oli: zittuck warships hiivc hccn .\l.‘L'll its rtiori: vulncnihlc to these sorts of last ho:il l’illd.\.“ ciiplaiiiii-il (‘opt Aiiriiii Fisher ol l‘l’('iRM. "lib not entirely realistic. Attacks like this are very hard to simulate in an exercise environment. In the real world. the Swedes wouid have run over or rammed the fast craft.“ ‘nu; L‘raii:|tli' ol lLl\llI| tnilllc inilic;iti'il thv: v».ir.ship.s \M.'lt.‘ on thihiill. “lilciitity .\.oiir.si-ll’ iinnii:ili;ili:ly or vii: will shoot." "What iirc _\iiiit iiiti:iitioiis’."' The comniiinilos in


goudi.-il thi: N/\'l'()sailors with

gt.-.sturcs of dcliiincc its the Swi-ili.sh

piitriil hoiits strtigglcil to liccp thi:m

chuck. Water cannons poured dirwii on tho I-'I'(i 'tcrrorists’: crw.‘ in untill;i.sh £|llTlL‘\l ll|L‘ll’ l|I.‘ll\‘_\' m;ii:hini:gun.-. at the ho.-its swurrning around them whili: their ships /ig-lagged :is host they could in such narrow in


This N.-\'I'() crL'w.s hail hccn warmed to export iiri :itt;ii:li ii.s they lclt P.Lsl:ini:: they were not wiirncd ilnl)lllL'l'iiltzick wiis to he lziunchcil l;iti:r during JM('. The results of hoth will hc £|.\\c\\(.'tlh_\' thi: cuiirsc


"Wt-‘tc ti.-sting ships when thcy art ;it tlicir iiimi \IllllL'f$Il1lL‘ vilicii tlicir victipons ssstcnis Jlllll .~i-ii.sui.s czinniii he htoiight to l'K'£II' :ig;iiii.st soincthiiiv so sniiill. I':i.st .iiid iminociivrzili c. W;|l\lIl|h iiii: ll'IllL'l'l lllutL' comloiiiihlc iii thi: op;-ii .si:.'i." s.iii| (lip! Philip Jiincs. ioint ditccs liit iil lhi: J.\l(' slzill. "'l1iis is one of thc must ilciii;iiiiliiig Ihrczits to lllL'L‘. Wt.-‘ti: .’I.\\I.'.\\Illp, him \Kl'll cicss trzicli lllL' tcniiiists iiiiil rcspiiiiil to them itlltl VCC \\ll.'Il Icssuiis wr I‘1|fl learn." ~



NAVY NIEWS. /\U('rUS'l' MN 39

Illustrious start to a new lite H ‘S l’ill'C_\(|lII.1L'la \lllp Inr [I l.\'ln.


il il

:ll,lllll| lulls.

nu“ unr-

\\L'll_'ll\ In


lltll Glut! (ll ll.\lS lllIl'~IXllilI\ |llIII'llI\C llIL' 2_‘~\c;Ir-nltl uircrull (.tl'lIL'lwill lK‘ l\.ih.‘l_\‘ Ic<.'ii_i:rII/ltlilc lrnm the ‘l u~I_\' uliicli lull Purl\IllI>I.IllI lnr RtI\)lll tun Iczirx .I_L'll. I ll.L‘ an .inn_\ Ill .IIll\. liiimlru.-Ila til L'lL'\‘lllcI;III\, \I\clilL‘l\. (l|K'l\\-lltl \I.Ill. plnx \.Illl\l\. .irc wl.iIliiIlI_l: nwr Illc ll.|ll\l|\ .1‘\ shI'\ _uI\cri .1 |lL‘\ll lx‘.i\L' UT lllL‘ lI\ nnl lm'rc|_\ .I c.i~I: -it lIl'tIIl.IIlv Inn: hm \\(.l|‘X\ll\ \\\lclII\. .u'cniiI» ll'l||\l.lllll_l_' Ihc .\lcrlIII liclxunplcr .iIul III; UR‘! ll.IlllL'l. r-.-\.ItiipIri_u ll1\' IIll.‘\\L'\.|l|\l .I lKt‘\ll lick Ill [V;I|lll II-r ll1L‘ \cIc:.In nl llIL' .'\l',Ill.lllI\l.|lI vniilllvt lllll\llllllI\ l\ ;il\n lIcnl_I: Inrncil min .I '\t'L'l|llll ()cc.ui‘ ll hlicl.-up llll IlIL' In<tIcnI;IiId hclimplcr mmm.Imln txirrlcr l 1l\l_\'\ pririmr} inlc U-Ill tI:In.nIi .l\ .I p|.iIInrin tnr lllc lump Icl. hill I.Il.IIII; IIII l‘\l.|ltl he: nun lL'\\llll\ Iinln '\lL'll.llI|‘~l.lll.‘lll\l \li« ll:-\.Il'\ x'\|V'.'l|L'llk\’\III ll.III Ill; ..niIcI will ll.‘ .Il‘lk' In Iwllcl \I'I\n' .I\ .i ll; lump[i'I x.lll|L'l .lll\l \|VllllL[l‘I|.Il(l In; _I Rn\.Il \l.Il|IlL'\dlllplllltlllllx .I\\.tUll. Sn \\ll.Il «Inn II I.Il.c In III.ilL‘ \llI'l| .IlIui.mnn~" ‘Hill Inns Ill \‘\]I.Il|!III\‘l1l .tllll lull wcrc \lll'1'K'\lllll Ilir xlnp nzcliiilmr licr xln IuIIip' llllflll duk I.IIIip and lllL' hnuc i_'c.ir \\lIt\'l t--I lllL' ;In_'IiIc\ L(L'.Il l\u\ I‘ II thy \llL’ nl .I ~nI.il| mII.i;:u." pninlcll Illll l.I ('nlIII Rn“;-ll, .-\\ll|lllL\ .'\Il l IIL:IllL'L'll lllII.'I.'l l. l_.T||lI link pl.Ilc~ ll\L‘kl in tic ilnun .iIrcl.m III ll1t' li.Im_-.ir .inIl nn llIL' Ili_~_-_hI Ilu it l'l.I‘-K‘ lwcii tcplacctl In .iu'nIi1IIm.l.iIu III; \1L'lllll\ .tllkl (.R'n llIL’.l\lL'l lll.Ill lll.’ll ivrcil .IL'uIlllll2U\l.llll|ll \'\L'\\I|I~|I »:\Ir.x In ha-us.‘ R--ml \l.Illllr.'\. \I|l1l||l$.'lk' mill Illyn llcr_i:cII kit |\.I_u~. |i.I~ lvcun

0 Roof with a view: WTR Karen Batehup looks up from Lusty‘: hangar deck through the aft lift towards the flight deck. covered with tarpaulln and metal sheeting

ll |llBlll0l‘8 Ill lll‘l9lllIlieas

IF you don’t like the colour scheme, you know exactly who to blame. Lustys crew have WTR Karen Batehup to thank for the colour scheme applied to carpets and walls in the messes throughout the carrier, one ol the personal touches which will make the ship feel a little more like home on those months-longdeployments. "Ther'mpor1ant thing‘ is she’: not battleship grey on the inside as well as the outside. said Karen. “Admittedly there wash? a lot of choice. It was this or grey. And if it was left to the blokes. she would have stayed grey. Its part of the revamp process with teams from Babcoclr. carrying out Illustrious‘ refit. that crew are being consulted (within reason) on what they want to see in the ship. Savings made by the firm during the refit are being pumped back into Lusty to add '


lI.'I\c \[X'\.'l.Il nicks lnr lhc ~|\.Irc p.irI~ .\lcr|m~. Ilcul. .im| cli.In_i:c~ In llIL' lI'l.II.:.'IIIlIL'\.Inil l|ll\. "lllc InipnrI.inI Ilitng .'il\nuI lltls lclll I\ llL'\ll|IlIl\. In lllc pa»! \sc'u' |ll'~l uipcd \nu lllll\llIlllI.\ I\ (lL‘\l_L'l'll.'ll In he .I llv\ililo.: xlrilu.‘ xuiriu-I." cxp|:iiiIc:.l luck llinnixnii. \lll[) iii;iri.'n:cr Inr ll.'il\cnclt.lhc lirni wliicli l'Ni'Il\ llll: _\'-lltl .-iml i\ carrying nut the ri:\';inIp. Wlicn pcnpli: lull. .ihnuI Lusty :i\ :9 nun \llI[‘I. they nil.-:in ll. lliu nul-

lVl|'\|ll‘.‘\l. .‘l\

these personal refinements.

\I1lc nI;i\ lnnl. tlic \.IlllL' ll\'\lklL'\ .I nu“ lhinl iIi.i~.I Inr ncu cninInunlc.ilinns lnl I. lll\I\lL' xlln"- lK‘I.‘Il slrlppcil lhnc .InIl _-_'1\ on .i licu link

“when I joined I thought ‘A ship in relit it’ll be really dull.” said Lt Russell. “Far from It. There were just 47 crew here. but there was a great buzz about the place." "Just ulinul c\cr_\ cnmplirlnlcnl has luid wniullillig t.ll)!lL' In ll. Wllcii pcnplc scc hcr Ilicy will wt: .1 ncvi slllp itllll they will sci: whcri: lhc lIlIIltL'_\' has gone." l.(lM lfiirkju‘ l‘.ir|:in\un is morc lllilll happy lllt.‘ catrricrfx NIIJCK in Rmylh: lic livcs in Ilic town. A vclcrzin nl Ark Rtlylll in rclil £tl\u —

hf. l%.Il\u»cl. ha." innxulnl In\.Ilii.ililc

\'.llllL'Il -nil hcrc \.l\\

lll.tl In!‘

luxxnllx "l lll-Illk III In _‘II llll\l.Il\L‘\ In \rk_ but l mu in» --II iiI\ npcrx \‘lIL‘L‘\ In lll; '._'ll\\ \nIiIc.iIII.IllI|1c lIlllL‘, inn cninc up with Ikli,‘.’l\\\lllCl'l ni;i_\ xccrn \nl;I|l lull ll'lL‘_\ can .lllL'L'l ll1L‘ Um) pcnplr Inc nil lIn;ir(l." llv.‘ \.iIIl. '\l' M .\lIL‘ll;II:l ( inllliill. IA llll fll\(I ]UlllI.‘ll l,usI§ lrnm Ark. utldcd: "lI'.~ IIICI: In scc uhul it lakes in bring it \lli]\ up In \PCL'll. lincl. in Nnwnr hcr \llL' didn't Innl. like :i ship licr hull was still rcd. Nina. \hl:\ _i:rI.'_\'. -

which I\ inipnrlsiln." Nina hack In the: vmlcr. with crew ll\‘ll|).!ulll10;llll.l.u\l) i\ in the Cllh-

snnar so tar tor Westminster —

.-\.\'()|lll'.R \lll[l rcziclimlcil lllI\ riiniilli III Rmylli t\ l_\1x~ 1.? tin: ulc HHS \rVL'\ll'llItl\IL'l'_\AlIl|.\L' crcvs l'I:|\C .'il\n [tI\I nlmcd Illlnuril .'l\ _\llL‘ CUIIlc\ In llll: cml nl :i Nlllhlslllllitl tclil ul lIL'l mm. Wcsliiiiiixlcr will he the lllthl Lltplllllt,‘ in this It» l)ulu:-c|;i\~. walrxlllps v.licn \lII: l'I.'lutll\ In lhc Iuld II! III: Flccl ill Ilic cml (ll Ihc ycur ;illcr lllL‘ |l\'t.'Ylll|lll :il\n cnnduclr.-tl

ll) ll;ll\cucl;.


‘I111: lii-:iIc ix hcing lillcd for Merlin lhc third Type 33 In l\c ;iLl;l[‘Ili:I.l(lltc Ilirctlill rL'« lllitllh grnuiidcd :il lhu: mnnicnl liillulhlllg Iin Iiccidciil Earlier this year). as well :|\ it new Inrpcdn rnllnlct-IrIc.'i\llrL'\ '~_\\Icm. cxltil liuril. \PLICL‘ In carry .1 lull L‘0l1I[1lL" tncnl nl Illl trim. qulclcr :nr mildlIinnilig. and llL'\\ ZIIX7 ~.nn:ir_ Wcslminslcr ix thc lir\l RN \<:\v:| In rcccivc 2087. u ‘dippinpf wnlir which has it grcailcr rungs: and x\ hcllcr ulilc In wnrli in Illc cm'illll1|T‘|<.'nl\ll1L'llsl ('cnIury l‘1CCl is npcruliiig in clnscr In shurc lllfln the wide cx iiiilscs Ill’ lllL' North Allnrilic llll.' )pc 23\ ncri: nrigln:il|_\I.lL'\l ‘llL't.l lu \l.'l'\'L'In. lIL‘ rcsull nl .i|l lllC\L' cliuiigcs IN Ih.il ML‘ haw ;i mirld—hc;ilIIig .IlllI-\ullIll.'IlIl"|L'\\;Itf;1rc \llIp lI\ wt} i:\ulllI_1:." \JllLl Scliinr \'.'i-..il (miccr l.I ("alt llln llL'|lf).Voll1ill.I\ nu» liundcd mcr cnnlniulid In Ilcu (‘t ) ( Ur '\l1lll'L'“ Ilcllnn. ‘Em? l\ .I stunning piccc nl L'||llI[!lllL‘lll lml ll lli|\ In he l.I'~k'(l |'i‘\|kIl'l\llll_\ lllc Nan) is xpcmling .| int n! Ilrnc unrklllu \'-Illl c:n\irnn|||\'lll.IlI.:\pclI~. In L‘Il\lllL‘ lh.il llll.‘ Ink In (ll.|l'l|l\' lilr l\ miiiimi-u:d. .-\I lll'llL‘\ “C “Ill Illll UVC ll lK.‘C.'IU\L‘ “C Ilnn'I mini In liurni lhi: environmen! we wnrlt in." llclnrc llnoding up the dry dock \hl1lCl1 has hccn the ship's hnmc lur munlhs. Wc.\Imii1.stcr's xpottull‘ lady Sally l.ivcsa_v scrawled a perMlllill lflC.\‘-ilfltul gixlspccd on the '

\l.I]:L'\ nl Ilic rclll Ill: l.Il¢.'\l in .I o.'iIIIllIlllUI.I\ Inn‘ in \\nI'l». hcunli .II llI\' \.Ilkl Hllll ll\l\ l)lL'.I\lllI)Il1!lll Im;

ll: \L'.tl\ .1130.

Rclils “Ill cnlllilniy nmx’ lllllxlll lllh li.i~ l¢.'llll’llL'|l In llll.‘ Inlil n! Illc llccl; ;i\ \un \r'wi \»u:nI In pic“. li.'ilx'ucL will the nilllrnct In murli'.IiIl dcslrincr HMS l‘.klIlIhl.ll_I.'_ll and minchunlcr HMS Wuliu-_\.

Habitabllrty on land and at sea has long been Jacks gn'pe. Its difficult to make fundamental changes to a warship designed

than so years ago and built in the mr'd- 1970s. But even small tweaks will improve the sailor's lot. Extra 240 volt sockets for laptops. phone chargers and the like. Longer bunks (we're getting taller apparently), more TVs. video and DVD players, even extra fridges in the messes, all make life better off more


Oh and lkea lights. Yes, after all those years the RM is finally gettingridofthatmvfulchlnu.Gonetools thehideous flowery pattern whlchusedtoadorn seetsandsofas.

ARE YOU OUR MISSING READER? Over 250,000 people read Navy News each month... but we know when there is one missing!

IS THAT YOU? OGoodluck.Weinstop... HMS westmlnstefs sponsor Lady Sally Uvesay sign: her shlp with Baboock Marine managingdirectorJoe Reilly and CO CdrAndrew Betton before the dock was flooded up hull. Slllll and L'ri:Vo' juincd l..'lt.l) 'l‘hi: lngzilc was lhc tirsl In Irizil l.l\:'L‘?-l|_\'. who liiunchcd Ihc lrigiilc clcclrniiic cliilrling and has become Ill _\‘L'£|l'.\ ago. lnr Ic:i undcr lhc ship Ihc lint nf llli: l“lccI Inhc equipped hcfnrr: the sluiccx. un.-rc npcncd itflll with Ihc fully-inlcgrzllcd Wl{('l)I5 Ihc dry dncl; iuvm lillcd. xystcni In guidc her around Ilic "II is |n\'cl_\' In zscc lhc ship cum5t.'\L'll Scars. Iillhnugh pupcr charts will still lic ciirrlcd as Ii b.'u:L-up. in_i: un su qiiickly .\l1L' ruully lnnlls 'l1ic tlllm nwrhuiil l\ duc In Ix: \plCIl(llll .|Illl I'm cI:rt;illl lllul i:\'ccuniplclud this autumn with WCslr_\nnL' will L'II}iI_\‘ Innung l\;u.‘l. nu —

lxulrd .’inil rclurnnlg

l..'ld) l.l\-‘l.'\;l_\'.


wn." \.iId


’l‘lll' m_\lll and rI:.'llII\ (ll tllc ll.1llllc;il “Ullkl .inIhnr l'.iIrIck ()'l*In.III'~ I.‘rI:;ilcd l\ c\plulcd with .I ucckclld dciliculcil In llll: urilur in Portxmnnlh llistnric l)nck_\;irIl. Russell (‘rim-c'.\ hlnI.‘khusli:i Muslcr urul (nnimurrdrr has gwcn ()'Bri;in'~. wnrk Iin cs l.'ll wider audience. but the duckylird hmlcd wccl:i:nd.\devoted to his novels long hcluri: the big screen lnnl intcrcsl.

li;indI:«l haick In the l-lg-cl in l)v:ccInhcr.


T‘ ;;'l* .i,1l’.Ll.W_ri«.13 U l ll .1‘


-\ cnnccrl.



)'llrI;In \ mirk. I;Ill.\ and \l|\{,l.l\\IIIll\.ilmiiI Illc N;i\._\ nl lllc (l£l_\ .1mlthc.'irl nIuriIing;I\cIiI:ir— ing lIluL‘Ll\Il\lcl.as \\cll as diniicr nhnuid HMS \"ictnr_\'. are all lined up fnr lain. of lhc uulhur hr: dicd luur ycairs ago between October I sind 3. Dcluilxof the wcckcnd. priccd 13.15 pct hcad. from Trcvur ('ar~ pcnlcr on lllfl 9272 7583. Iruni (


Declare yourself to your local newsagent and reap the rewards. Go on go NOW! He's just ‘round the corner... ~

to’ sent you!

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V4 r

Sea Cadets



in hard sell to


0 LAST unit visited by Cdre Roger Parkeras Commodore of the Sea Cadet Corps was Portsmouth'5 TS Aiamein. Unit Chainnan Lt Cdr G. Palmer presented him with a T5 Alamem crest while the cadets gave his wife Valerie a bouquet. HMS Alamein has its headquarters at HMS Excellent. Whale Island, where Cdre Parker was previously Commodore.

PO Martin Mayger (above) of Twickenham Unit was one at six c adets selected to make a presentation to an audience of London VIPs.

MP5. teachers, police.

councillors and youth workers were guests at a special evening celebrating London's cadet moveheld at HMS ment. President. As well as their own personal experiences. the cadets dwelt on the educational. sports. personal development and leader-

‘First class’ Sharon her reward gets

"A FIRST class czidcl who


dcscrvcs this award" P0 Sharon Hay of \Vi.lfi'Lillglllllhaiscd TS \";iiigu:ird Tl..'L'L'I\'L'\ lhi: Lord I.iciilcn;int\ ('i:rlilic:ituof Merit tiir ( Zitlcls —

lriim (‘iii _i.ll"l'lL‘\ Cropper. Input 1i§t'i.i.l\\|llilL'|' i[ii.ilil\iiii: c\.iiii Iii ht.’ r.iti.‘il i’L'll\ ()ltit'ur. §ii.iiii:: I\ .li\l‘ .i \[H‘f[\\\l|H'|il|'liit ll\ii\'.\\.llilL'l‘lIilll\il‘I llL‘li‘.lii.1|\L‘.i ~i.tc il\1‘”‘.Iil .i:‘.il miiiiiiiiii-.1. \il( '~\.l\ tlic i|i\I tziilut Ill ht-i

!:[1!l1l‘['.|I”.l\\|i]\i\\ir:”‘}'liiiiliiii‘ \



ship opportunities that the SCC otters.


has been a Sea Cadet for eight years and talked about his Duke of Edinburt h Gold Award and


I _








VOTED best overall Royal Marine instructor in the country. Sgt Steve Foster of Hastings unit receives the McCarrol| Trophy lrom Col Paul Cautley. Honorary Colonel Royal Marines Reserve.




with Bermuda

cadets. "What We enjoyed most is the responsibility. gain-


Comidence _a."d 991' ""9 ‘he 'e°°9"'“f’” “Pr V°“' hard """°’k- Smd is P'3""‘i"9 3 M3"W”‘ Wh° career in the Royal Navy.





A LARGE block of wood was the sonicwhut unusual parting gift for Deputy Arcai Officcr (Southern) Ll ('dr (iniham Black :i.s he retired to run xi village Post Office in dzirkcsl Wales. As hi: had cxprcssctl :in interest in trying wood turn~ ing as :i hohhy. the staff also handed over :1 luthc and other tools plus ii u.\L'illi book of —

iii.~.truction_s, llc then

l>i.'rric.\ and



cri.':im send


off in

the mirdroom of the dc,stro_\-HMS Bristol. iilongsidi: cr which the C:ltit.'l.\ had just hi:|i.| their Soutlicrii .»\ri.-ii Pulling


t.tEl.‘lBERS ol TS Rebels racing squad receive a cheque tor ‘$1.000 from ex—Enginc Room Artilicer George Kirby. representing Colchesler lirm Essex P.l.'ison Regalia Sales's own Cltnrilablc trust. The Rebel Trust supports the operation of vessels tor

disadvantaged youngsters

and some London areas. to learn and be trained for prolessional RYA offshore and powerboat





NAVY NEWS. z\U(illS'l‘.‘_llll-I 4!

Sea Cadets


Andrew has an honour for Alfie .»\|).\l|R.»\I.ul lhi: Suit (';ulr.'l (hrpx the: Duke ul Yuri. usilul .\'c\-.|1urn unit lll l\'u.-m';i\1|c nx purl til it trip In the Nurlh l',:l.\l.

l|t' Inul. llic uppnrtiiiiily. tn pic \L'lll lhu .\'c.i (lulct Mctlnl In l.I ("iii -\ltiu .\'nupxnn lI'l lCt'n_):llllI¢ll1 nl lnx -Si unlvrukcn _\c.lr\ nl wrxicc.

I l( tll

.‘iiri1p\mi;niiIt'tl .\t'x\l\urn

C.I\|k'! ill I'm,‘.. xnmul up llin-ug_'lI llic l.IlL'\ .nul I1li.I“_\ lvi.'¢.iin-: .l (lsdcl lnxuuuli-I Ill I‘ih.‘~'. Ht‘ wis pmlnulctl Sui» l i»:ulcn.inl lI'| 107-3 .im| l.icnli:n;inl Ill |‘l7h.iml nml

.'n .1

pcnud .t\ ()Iliccr-iii-(‘lI;iritc \\.l\ uppuinlctl lll curnlnnml ul

.illcr .I

hr Nculiuni in Uctnhcr l‘l7.\'. llc rc.-In;um.-cl Ihcn: tnr tun )L'.|I\. |‘L'II|_:; |'lfUll'|lHL'|.| |.it'ult-mint ('uImn.'uulcr Ill l‘l.\'-1. I 1 (‘iii Sinipsun Vi.l\ In-lrumrnl.iI Ill lhs: lurmulmll «II Ihc Vnrlluimlwrlgiiltl I):-.ttu'l Him! 5l.iln-n, Lilcr thy l)cI\\ rnIl1.iu'.:l1 Hunt 5I.itmn. ul \\lll;'ll ll: In-u.ililt' l'iIllL'lp.Ilupon rclucim-ul lmnx ln~ unit.


\u'cl.crIi| and must nl |li~ hn|u!.i\~ In lhc ll.lIlllllt‘_ nl tuulclx lliciu Pruicc .-\mIrcu .i|~u .w..mlctl .| pL'I1l'l.|lIl in tin‘ cuncnt (‘ti nl .\’c\\l»urn. I I ("lit ("hits .\I.'itIliL*\u. at ”'lL‘ un1l\ lll rcnigriilinil .It'lIlL‘\\.‘lll1'l|l\mcr lhc p;i~I \'i:‘.ir_ .-\iu1 hr Inutlu ”L'\[ l)l\Il’I\'l (Iulcl plL'\L‘llI.|.llilll\ In mu ('.|t|cl I‘;-It) tilliccrx .\l.irtin Suns lmni .\'i:\nhurn (‘.u|cl (lit-st Ill Lard .\'nrt|uunl\cr|.mtll .iml l.iculcn;inI'~ (Intel .-‘ulilcj. l.mun (Box: (':n|n-I Ill '['_\nc Sutilli.

‘Turbulent’ were rough and ready YOUNG Officers at Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth helped run a Sea Cadet and Combined Cadet Force camp there. writes S/LTSimon Shaw. I was the Coordinated Assistant Divisional Officer of Turbulent Division. which was a mix of 40 Sea Cadets. CCF Cadets and Directorate of Naval Recruiting sponsored potential otticer candidates who were there to get a taste of the Royal

Navy. My cadets

made a banner which they took to any competition we took part in. including It's a Knockout and other sporting events. At the end of the camp I and the other assistant divisional otticers promised the cadets we would get a picture of their banner into Navy News so here it is. 0 Left to right are Young Officers S/Lts Simon Shaw, Martin Ormshaw, Phil Clarke and Matt Ryder. —

O Lt Cdr Alfie Simpson receives his Sea Cadet Modal from the Duke of York


ORNCHURCH and unit's

canoeing are pictured (oppo-


team site top) after their triuumph at the Essex

District The





Victoria Docks saw them carry oil the Senior Boys and Girls Doubles. the Senior Girls Singles and the Junior Boys Singles and

Doubles plus the overall winners trophy. Eleven other units in the District took part. The crews will now compete against the rest of the teams in the London Area tor the chance to quality for the national regatta at —


Meanwhile Northampton unit did well in pulling.

powerboating and canoeing

Area the Eastern Boatwork Combined Regattas. The Senior Male Pulling Crew narrowly won their event over Newark and


will now represent Eastern Area at the National Competition to be held at Birmingham in September.

right) who ended up overall champions after overcoming extremely strong competition lrom ten other units

Northampton canoeists some 350 cadets and 150 in silver medals the gained officers and statl were in 200m medley and marathon for the weekend. while the powerboat han- camp The first day's weather -

dling team and the girls was a mixture ot rain. wind pulling team both gained a and overcast skies. but this third place. the latter tieing with Newark and Bedtord failed to dampen the units. The junior boys cadets‘ determination and pulling team are pictured they achieved impressive times pulling their heavy below. Stars of the Midland District Regatta were TS Sutton Coldtield (bottom

ASE boats over the hall mile course on Powell's Pool.

www. mt I'_I'm'w.I'. I '0. uk



\|'I|-R snItIe IItIIIltetI'nt results. the RN's I.IrIIIIts Ruglts I.C.'lgtlL' \ttIt‘s II.IIc put III \Ul'llL‘ sII|IIl perI--rrII;InIes III the IIIII-up tn IIe\t IIIIItIth‘s IIIII'r~.‘II'I\tI‘es L'Il.|IIL‘lIf.II.'. llI-- RIII.I| .\l:IrIIIes Iel .I_I::IItI tIIII\I'II Inn slIItI1_L'_ Ittt IIIL‘ I‘{.'\I lI’I'I'IIIIeIIt. tIt.‘Ill(|Il\I‘llII_1'_ the III Is i‘-II $eIeI.I| III the eurps sIIlIIIIIII IIIII hit the Sttnttner tIInteI IIII’I- sIIII' Surttersel \'Il>.IIIgs. .IIIIl the In.ItI’lI litttess IIIIII g.IIe the ~_'II'etI Iwrets |1tIIIeIl \lI.II IIIL'l\l\t' Iuttntttg IIIIIII lien .\I;ItIIlI'. NIIIIIII I LIII. I'IlltI III;III~IIl-the-III.ItI*h 'l;Itr Russiter kept the .'IIl’II\L'II I‘nntInII III\ nu the |I;II‘k IUUI. Ihe York |IItertI.'IItIIIt.'I| ‘K .II tI.II'teIl ntnre th:In III sIIles IrIIIII IIL rIIss the glnlve. tIII:|ttIIIrI_I.: all three

IIII". lttelt III the tuss IlIIln'l I;IInItI the N.II_I "s l'.T‘ erII'LeI sIIIe


O England found their kit gave them a distinct advantage... (Left) An Exeter crewman fights at‘! the attention of two South Korean sailors and (above) your eyes do not deceive you: the scoreboard at Suwort stadium records an historic English victory unfortunately few were there to witness it. —

Pt1t.Itr.'!I POIPNX) (loit Bufdfit


|'he RN Inst their ttrst nI;ItI'h III the .-\rIII_I. hut reemereIl III IleII.-.II the IIr.ItII|e_I Hullttlus ;InII I'.\sI:\ I-els ;InI| sttttee/e Into the Lrtuek



lnlI'r~Ser\ tee IesII\.I| hIIsteIl h_s R/\l- I \hrIIIgI- this II'.Ir. Winning the IlV\\ II.Is enII'I.Il IIIr ttIe s.IIlIIIs .InI| RIIIIII .\l;IrIIII~s Iteltltng sI\ new I'.Ips hut the_I |IIsI IIIII IIII huth III'I'.IsIIIII-.. Ihe AIIIII IIIse|) e|eIteIl tn h.It .IIII| Iiesptle I'.Ir|_\ lItI:;IktlIIIIIt_elIs IIIIIII \l:-\ K .'\|II|llI\ tllernnt IIIKI .\Ine R II.Irket II-I‘(i RMI. .-\rtII_\ I'.IpI.ItII I. I{IIr l'('.Irltn IIII .I h|IsterIn_-.3 XII IIII III tI.I|ls .Is lIIs \Itk' I;IrI up .I tIIt.Il III 253 ;III nut. .-'\II.InIs hIIIIleII IIIIpressIII'|_I, IIlIlItI'r;IIIng the kite Itrtier. Itntshtng with 5 Int U IIII ‘I 5 users Ihe I.Ir}:eI was nnt Itttpnssthle .ItIIl Ilesptte .I \lt;IL_I \I.II‘l. ().\I (‘ I'I'rI net (I‘.\eterl IIIIII Mne z\ Mnrrts I('I|II I ng Regl) Itntehed up rItns .II .I k‘l)Il\l\Il.'l'lIrate But wlien IIII-Ir IIII LI-ts tell. the -\rIII_I sIIIeIl III[I|ll_|.'I| tlIe Ietttgitntttg RN Ie.IIII, IIIIIIII IIIIIsheIl IS .Il| IIIII .IIter ‘I-I IIIers. t)n II;t_\ lwu, the R-\I~ put the RV IIIIII h.II .Ilter IIIIIIIIIII: the Iuss Ihe N.II_I neser re.I|l_I gut IIIIII lull stride III .I r.IIII .|III.\'IL‘lI rII;IIelI, .IIIleII h_I It IAIIIII II II} HMS MIIItIrIIse's .\lI-.M J RII‘h.IrIls 'I'he RNR tIIt;Il III 154 III-II-r lIIIIkeI| eIIIIIIgh .InIl IIIIIler the lluel. IIIIIrIh'|I-Isis rneIhIII|. tlIe :ItnIIeII sIIIItlI TL'.!(I|\‘1.I the .IIlIIIstI:Iltarget III US IIII -III IIII-rs The) nIIteheIl up the runs wtth I2 IIII-rs .IIIIl I-Igltt IN II'kI'ts III \p;|I'l‘ lhe .-\rtII_I hehl IIrt III the IIII:r:I|l title with II entttprehenstse IIeIe.It III the R.-\l' IIII the third and IItI;Il Il;I_\' III the I'h.ImpIIInslIIps ’

IIIII st:I ‘e.

IIesp;IlI‘hcII Ireneh sttle IICI I-1-II. IhI- RN \lIIntpe IIIIVIII



up ;Ig:IInst the (ilztsgnw Ilulls III the quarter Iin;'|A 'l1Ie s;II|IIr.s were II-.IIhIIg It»-I2 Into the limit minute. when the Bulls were aw-:IrIleII II IIIIItrIIIersI;I| penstlty ;InIl seIIreIl ;I \Ull\I.‘IIt‘|I try III sII:ItelI the m;ItI:II. the tI\t.‘I.III winners were I'I West |I:IIIes sIIIe I'IImpIIseI| III tIt:ttI_\ Sn» per I I:;IgIIe pl:I_I-grs.


I-\(i IIIglI_\ Is lIeenmttt_I: II staple diet In: Inttttgstets III the Alrietm IIIIIIUII III I'g.'IttIl;I th.'InlIs III the eI Intls III lhtts, Inelutling N;II_I sIIIIII.III I I |).'IIe Jones. |'he .\I()l) :\hlIeI'wIInIl-h;IseI| I-tltI.‘er. ‘IIIIII eII;II'hes tIIe RN |:tIItI‘s

IIIIIIII sIIII;IIl. |l.IIIlL‘lI :III etght-sIrIIrII_' Il'.lIIl whu spent ;I IIIrtItIglIt III the l'IIIsII_I:en_II tegtun III the (IlIlllII\

sIItIpIIrtIIIg the spurt. Ilestttte tetttpetattutes III


IlI.In 1|! t". the rII_g|II ;Il;IIets en II-ur.I_I:eII 3*" _IIIurIgsters .IgeIl eight In 1.‘. nnne III \I\Illlll'l II.'tII |I|.III'I| the _I!.IttII.' ltelnte III Like up the


'IhI‘ \‘ttIIl'll|II'tIltI|'lw.-Is .I eII|IIIIrIul ;IIIIl IIIIIs_\ tIIIIrn.'IrIIerIt hetweert L‘IL'I'II IL’IlIll\ \\'.IIL'I1t'(I III .I I'urIIIIIs .IlllI Itself. IIIIIIII III InIIIe th;IIt ‘Ill pentple It sttI'I’eeIleIl I\c_\IItIII the IIIIIII-st e\;IeI't.'IlIIIIIs III the eII;II'II \.\.-I \.IltI I t Jnnes. Ilte III_L-III e\perts IIIItI.IteII IIII .IIIII hulls III I'_I::InI|.'I sehnnls. ;IrIIl the It:IttIIn's I.IlIIC\ squ.'III was pre-

sL'l'IIL‘tIV|III1ilIIIIIIIIIKIIIJIIIIIIIIMS ('IIl|IrIgwIIIIII. while RNAS YI'IwII« IIIII prIIIIIIcIl shirts IIIr nlhcr |IIe;Il sIIII;\ l-IIIIIIIIIIII: this _I*e.'Ir's success. the lI|1'_I‘_\ lIuIIs hupe III return :InttIt;I||\ III Iltllerenl p.IrIs III the \.'l)IlIlIr\ Ill stItI.';III the I.I_L‘ wIIrII

Geordie ttunltoat is given plenty

to en over

.\I\-tIIIIes RIIItI.IIII:Itt RI" I:h;IttIptnns I’.tI'tII RH‘ tIrIIseII l.'tt Inn sIIIIII_g IIII the IIsIIIII_II p|.'I_IeIs III II'tI'I.III IlestrII_Iet HMS Newcastle Ishen the ship stIIppeIl IIII III the I‘-Iuntr) lIIlfI|1_L! her .IIItt-term! I|I~


RIIIn.IIII;IIIs. .I seItII-pIII~ tI'ssIIIII.'I| sI|It.'tII. II.II| [7TL‘\-I(llI\I_\ with l.I>IIIlIIn Irish III tIIe eI.IppleII III-Irteken ('IIp, and their expenllte


prIyIeIl Ill h:IIe the edge


the s.'IIIIIrs_

Despite the HJAS seIIreIIIIe .Ig;IInst .\I'eweusIle the game IneIe;IsIIIgl_I Ittrned IIIIII ;III e.IIlIIhItIIIn III;ItelI the RIIrII;InI:IIIs praised tlIe (ieurtlie (iunlIII;It's te;IIII IIIr


pIIIIICllIilfI)‘ tI:tI:IeIIIIIs tttekling ;InIl _I:-:ner:I| .'II‘IIII_\'. tlte \.'lIIUf\ In turn IDICIICII up IIIIIeh-rIeeI|eIl experierice IIII Itnpentlirig tistures. ‘I he III;ItI:lI was sIIIgeIl III (‘unst;Int:I when the 'l'_Ipe 43 l.Il.'\Il(l_\'L'I IIsIIeIl the putt Ilurxng ;I hre;IL In I'\eII‘tsI.' (‘II-IIpI:r;IlIIe I*.Ittnt:t In the IiI;II'II Sen. p.Irl III .\IeIIIL‘;IsI|e's \h|(Ik'I _‘tItLt III.-;IlII_IIIIeIII supporting \,v\l I I III I-IIsIIrIIIg termrists IIII IIIII ItIIII.I' lv_\ sI:.'I .IrIIIIIIIl the MeIIItI:rIIIIILIIII

Itot-ea success tor HMS Exeter BRIIISII lIIIItII:I||Itt_g \‘IL'It)ries IIII lnretgn .sIII| are still rzttlter more rare than Ittttsl lztns II'IItIlIllike but at least HMS I:seter's crew h:IIe reIlressetl the II:Il:IttI.'e sIIIIIewhnt.


II.\I.VI .\lnrtntnItth. \shIIse II>ntI'I;II|ers IICICAIICII .\IIIIII.\Crf:tI s ‘tttlL‘rn;IlIIIII;I|' team the \'II|I.';IIInes t:IIIiIeIl 37lst In Ilte IIIIIIIII III gm emirtg I\(KI_\' I-'|l~}\ l'..\eteI's te;ItIt IIIIII ;I lI\Ittre III r;ItIIet Itture Intpustttg stI!rIIIIttIlIItgs_ .-\llL't IIIC

Ihe :\.III







the Re»



the SIIIIIIII SIAIIIIIIIII. Senttl. ntte III the II-IIIII.-s hit the ltllll \\'IIrlIl


sIIIt;III|_I'-nIIInIkereIl l’() Izddte Wuretng spurtsntett (yes. we knuw he prelerretl IlII:I'I_\‘ (iII;Ils lrunt

.IIIIl IS I-I:IttL St.'IIIletIIn l_\es. we Lmwn. IIIs t;IrIIIIIIs n;IIIII.-s.Ike's Irish) e;IrneII the Iiesttujuet .III hI\IIIrII; I-I IIetIIrI. the ur.IIIII sllII'tltIIl(IIll_L'\ were IIIII Inst .I tII.IIIer III e\I'epItnIt.tI III-s|IIt;I|ItI IIIIIII the hnsts Ihe ItI.ItI'h III.Is st.'II:eIl III nI:It|I the ItI~ ‘IIIIIIIIIIIIII III tnIItII.'tl| III I\IIre.'I III i\.‘-I |I\l.\ I'I\IlIL'. |IsII Is.Is the '.1tllII\ p.IrtI .InII the |tII1h|IIItII.I.I\ III the R\l-.-\. I he lttst lI.IlI -a..Is pI.I\eII with the I'snre.IrIs III their It.IIIItIIIII;tI elIIlIIIttg .IrIIl the \.II|nts Itt White I'rnIIts lt.IIlItIIIrI.II s.II|IIr I-sltttts. III the seeIItIII IIIIII IIIIIII It.'I|II'|\ teIerteII III nIIIre IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lIIIIlh;I|I strip. with the Izleter Ie;IIII III'e:ItInt: I'll] I-_ng|;IIIIl Youth Squzul strip IIII~ II;IteI| I3_\' tlte lzngltsh I"r\. Ihe prue was It Ill.)pIl_\' IlIIn;IIeIl III’ WesI|;InIl Ilelienpters whu huiltl tlIe R.\I"s l.yIIII ;IIIer;Ilt. I'IIIIth;II| was Intrtxluced III Kn-


IlIIeL_\‘;IrII wnrlters. whn het'I‘tI'IlI.‘ tIIIrIgIIcIl hs IIrItIsh sIIilIIrs lIII.'LIIIg h:IIIs IIIIHIIIII IIII the jetties. When I-'|I'ItIg I~Ish lelt behind some re.ItI

hulls .'IIIIl hnnts. lIIIItlI;Il| IIIIIII IIII III KnrI::I. SI\ senre _\e;Ir\ later. It tetIt;IIns the II;ItIIIII.Il spurt.

Il1eIIn_I:ItI;I| I\;I|I .ItIII hunts Irnnt I'I_\'IIl_t! I-Ish .-Ire III the .\IIIsI-IIIII III

I'\|(III‘.III .II SIIIIIIIII \'I.II|InttI. tIItIIeII III .I ll1IIIL' IIII-IlI'rII p;IIr IIIIII, IIIIn;II ed III I-.\I.'Iet’s( l’( l ( I;I\III I'CL'IL') I'.Ir|IeI this Ie.Ir. tIIe KIIrI:;IrI I'.-\ presentetl tlIe R.‘\‘l-.r\ IIIIII ;I ltIIpll_\ In Illt..‘I‘IIl)r_\‘ III the e\ eIIt. I'l;II.‘es III the shins ltrst te.IIII were hurt! IIIIIII .Is lII.'IIt_\ crew were eager In turn IIIII Im the Inn III such It

stunnirtg setting.

Ihe KIIre;In I‘.-\ eIItetIIlI:II tlte ItIIIte III tlIIIL‘IilI\ us well: I’() l’hI| t'upp|es seIIrrIeIl up and IlIIv.II the line all gatme ;IsIIne III the reII:rI:e‘s

:I.ssi.stanI.s. I Turning Japanese. p14-15

They judo, don't they?

llll l.IrI_-est I'IIIItIIIgI-III III RN |lI(I1| |I|;III-rs III t;IIIe purl III IrItertt.IttIIn.Il ItlllIlI.IlIll‘IlI\ helpetl the Ilrtttslt I ntees In .I pIL'\II_|!I\|lI\Ittle .IttIl reIlIIllL'\I IIIIIII .\IIrllI .-\IIIerII'.I with .I stung III |IeIsIIII.Il I'IlL‘tI;IIs. Ihe RI|\IlI\.I\)\,\'llLItIt.'||IIlIVIl1CtI with Ihe RI\I- .InIl Iiritish .-\rrII_I uttIII-I the tl.I_I; I-I ‘British lIIrees' In .ItIenI| the .«\;\.I(‘.-\;\' lIIIIrrI;IrIIeIIl lIelII .II |IIIlt.IlII In the I'?\.-\ .IIIIl the ('.III.II|I.III ()peII .II:rIIss the IN.IItIL‘I' III Iittt|ItI_I:tIIIt. (IIIIIIIIII. Ihts Is the lust Ie.Ir IIII: RII_I;Il .\;IIs has ullI.'IIIIeII wtth such numbers. lhe te;InI. eIIIIsIstInI: III semnr I.‘n;II'h I’() Pele l‘IIIse|I. I.‘II;II'h (‘I’() I:III ('l;IriI. I.\I\'I-..-\'s (’lIIe .\II;(iItII: :mIl I):II'IIl Kelley. .—\I'M J;Intes ('|eIneIII. (‘pl Juhn MIIIIIIIII. .\-Ines ('hrI.s Sherringtnn ;InIl RIeh:IrIl IIIII :IIIII l).\‘.v\ Vicky |’:IrsIIns. The tIIur party set up eump III the Ni:Ig;Ir:II":IIls:IreIIIIII pre-tIIurn:ImeIIt training priur III the AM('.-\N. II'hI:re lhc stttndztrd III enmpI.-IIIIIIII \h'Il.\ Intpressive. with many players trIIm it hnst III eIIuntrIes whn Will he :IttI:tIIIIn' this _I'e:Ir's I )I_I'nIpIIs In Athens part. l’ertIIrnI:Inee III the UH)‘ was uttIlIIulIteIllI' by Al-LM ('Iement III HMS Sultan who fnught \"|II'|nII_\'. Imc light lusting am InI[‘IfCS.\'l\'C III minutes! llis prugress III the gII|II mI:Il:Ilwas halted by tw-II ()l_I'mpIIIrIs representing Uzheltistttn hut lnntes eIInIp|eteIl the tnurnttment wIIIIIIng ;I htunlt: nII:II:II.


turesanatmeteinmid-fiightdcrrirwg this hsatHMSTen'IeraiteirIPortsmouth.tt -Portsmouth




‘l'lll-L RN (iIIlI (‘hum Imnships III S:IuIttIIII (inlf ('lu ‘I IIII the IIIIrIII I)eI'IIII eII:Ist prns-eI| III be it severe test [III :III the plztvers. In

benign weather the IIIII Saun-

Ilillieult test. but with gttle fIIrL'e witttls .'lIII.I lushIng r:IIII. sIIr\II-III was the ke_I III IIIII euurses




I-'Itt‘I--sI'IeII eIIrIIpI:ttIIIrs etI|n_IeIl l'L‘I;tII\t.‘I_\' e;IItIt wI:.ItlteI Int the hrst tun II;IIs. WI:IIItI:sII:I_I II.IwneII with I.'tlII

;InIl Ier_\ strIIII_I: IIIIIIls .IrIII

.IlthIIIIgII the

I.IIns \\L'llI


the IIIIIII strI-II-.:th lIlCYL'Il\\'lI III ptnI|IIeI.' snttte III the must IIIl|t\.IIII L'l|lltIIIItlll\ Innst III the pl.III-Is lI;IIl I-set I-\pI-IIeIII'eIl WIIIII rcnI.IttIeII LI sI_grIIlII'.IIII l.II'tnr IIII 'I’ltIItsIl;II but the gmls eIenlu;Il|_I IIIIIII [III_\' .IIIIl .I line surIIIIIet Ii;II was I.-nIIIIeII III: the ItII.I| IIIIIIIII



new judo superstars: The RN team poses before competition across the Atlantic


breed of

sueeesstul .‘\l“l'lt.‘I'IC£In tnttrnztmettt. .'I II:II."s recIII'ery was III-eIleII lIet'IIre the team |'flU\‘l.‘(I h:Ise eump III .'I new lne;ItIIIII III (':In.'IIl;I. Ilere seIer:Il IIIIJII eluhs III the regIIIn ;ItteIIIlI:Il‘light IIIghIs' with the British planets. and gIIIIIl exp-.-III.-III:e was g;IIIIeIl III‘ all print III the tIIItrn;InIent III IIur|In_gIIIII. With the success gzttttetl Irnnt the tits! tIIuIII;InIeIIt. the te:InIs luught .»\lter


eseeptIIIIIaIll) III this one.

Mute tIL'IIIlI\ IIII RN JIIIIII lrnm Pt) Pele I'Irwel| ‘i.‘I.\.‘.'_‘ 152.‘. II: (‘l’() IIIn (‘lurk ‘LIN! IISIIF.

AMCAN UnoI-- 73'-n

Bronze AEM C11-vrI


mus Sulan). Unour 90IIq Masters

Bronte CPOCI.anIIMCtAPonsmoImI,

0vert00Iu;NoInoe—6oldIIheShovrIIgInn (Caol.oqRoG).BldTumlI¢BfllIIbrrIouorIoITeuIITro|IhheB'mrIFoII:os Canaaonopen L-yuoqiumvm-slvv LWEAI-teleyttiascol-nquooI1I.Bronze LWEA Mcccnq (Con-quood). Lntyttaoqrit

MasIers—Go|d LWEAKoIIn/(CoHIqInood).

Silver P0 Panel




Iocx1rItIatdI.LIqtItHuvyweI¢II—GotdCPO Gold Cum Loht Honwweqftt Haters »

Shir AEM CPO CI-an: Vliddevnuwtt Gold are ShorCIo«II.~rII Itoavvmuht —

Sobct IfMl't'| Bntvsl‘ Forces Imrn Ivnduong cm-II PI.-I»-.-II .II-In Mr.GaIrII In. canuun Natryn! C-«tut TI.-.3-r -I 4


III the IIIIlIIIIlII.Il L‘\L'IlI. l..\I.»'\ Sentt (itlhert Il).\II(' l-IIrt II|IIeLhnuse) sIII'eesstIIll_I reI;IIneI| his title. the shuts .IlIe;IIl III I.MI‘.-\ :\l.IIlI'I'l lI;IwLIns ISIIIIIIIII. lhe Iirst rIIIInIl prIIIlueeII II gIIIII| Ituniher III suh-HI _seIIres. IIII*lIIIlIng (iIlhert's 7| IeII:II put) .IIIII JIIL‘. eh;InIpIIIn .\Il{M Mike Setterlieltls II /\\s;|l|II (irnup RM] 72. ('I’() I-"red MCII\’tl)"\ 7-I \h‘;I.\ Iery ereIIitIIIIII: although IIntIIrtun:Ite|y he had III withdrztw utter I'IIIInd 3 Int uper;ItIIInIIl rI::LsIIns.

RIItInIls I .ItIII 3

were ;I


h;IIIgIrIg IIII I'Illl.I I:IIrIsII|IIl;ItIng. I-ev. pI:IIersIIthet than (iilhett :InIl Il;IwIIIIIs III:IrI;I_I:eIl III keep their


the ',-‘Its. tiilhert went IIIIII the linztl IIIIIIIII IIII: shIIt.s ;IlIe:IIlIII ll:IwI.InsIIIIII e\-eh;InIpIIIn Lt ('Ilr I).-Irryl ‘o\"lIItehe:IIl III III\ IIIIIII Nassgnll I:Ienl eight shuts lIehIIIII ;IIIIl Setterlieltl lI|II;II:l;_ An eseellettt IIIIIII rIIunIl III perteet I-IIIIIlItIIIns III;IIle IIII .I [wilhnxse r:Iee with hnth le.IIler.s sentmg .I \ll])t‘III II". I itlhert In.'IInt.'IIIIeII suites In

IIt\II\L‘IIll_L{I1IIIIII-Itlllitllti. In the II.-.IIII \III‘hk'[‘|I.|_\ eIeIIt. the ICNI |tI'IIIL‘II .t se\etI'I_\ \»\I'.IhctIL'II sIIle IIIII-uI:tI -Iper;ItIIIII;II L‘UItIII'|lIIIIeIIIs .IrIIl IIIIIIIII-s, su IlIe_I lI;IIl III IV.‘ t.‘tI|'|IL‘l\I with lhIrIl pltree. I‘IIrI— stIIIIItIh prIIIIuI.'eII .I set)‘ strung

N;II;I| .'\tI ('IIrIIm;ttII| IL'l.I \;II_s I*:Ipt;IIII It (iII_I Nnrns I75” \,\‘-5', r|usIlCtI h.IrIl but t’uIIIpcy's strengtlt eIettttI.'Il|y Vcllll the II:t}'. NM‘ IIIII _I:;IIII Iesenge III tIIlI‘iIIg the lIIteI-(IIIIIIIIIIIIII .\l:ItehplII_I IItle IIIIIII It g.Il|.'IIIt RII_I':I|s teum. :\IlI'|l|tlfiII nnne III the nIIn-eIInIm;IIIIl te;InI IIIIlIIIIIu;I| Cnlttcs nI:IIle the third rIIIIrIIl eIII. the prire IIIr te:ItrI.

perIIIrnI:IIII.‘e went III I’() Tex Aserj. |(‘II|IIngwIIIII.l). 'lhe mm-


quuliliers greensnmes event IIII.s III-IIn by l.t (‘III Tnnt Suddes (RNR

('IImhrI;I) and l.()M Neil Dickinsun



RN cricketers Ilil\‘t.'suIfereIl more cancelled m;ItI:lIes this se:IsIIn th:III any _\’t.'iII In recent nIenIIIr_s-. Al ICIl.'sI hull II I.lII1eII games have been e:I|lI:IIIIII. sn It IIIIme game I v:IInst MiIlIlleseII I'l‘>s II-:Is -ngerly ;Iw'IIIteIl. nnly Iur plII_s‘eI ;Iv:Ii|IIlII|it_\'III II'll\lf:IIL'the team. The N:IIy IIIIII the hiss .InII Invited MIIld|ese\ III lI:It. .-\I-..v\ Keith I\tIilnI\ lllernn) :IIIIl l.I'I‘ MIIIL 'IIIIIgnIIII IIIIIII I)ulII:) I'I0\h'IL'(I es

-eI:Illywell :IIIled hy ‘v'(:Il.'I'2ln('I’() ‘.Iu| Ii£tI\IY§f.IIfl1IIInt‘,II1Cvisilnrs III

I07 all


/\|tlIIIIIghthe target was well

within the RN’s much. the tnp IIrIler htttsnten never re’ gIII Tint Ilurt gnittg -IInl_I- skipper I.Vl()I) l.IIntIIIII) with .II and I.t ('Ilr I’:III| Snellirtg (l'\'elsnII) with IS |IIIIkeIl eIImlIIrI:IhIe :tg:IInst sIInIe qu.I|it_I s IIIIrIer.s. ;IIIIl the RN IIIeIe skittletl I I7. '



-.rwii'.lirti'_\'Ii<'ii'.\'.< ‘o .rrk

NAVY NliWS.l\l1(illS'l'Zlll-l 43


await 1,406 0 (‘llllil-' Petty Oflieer .la.s'on Srivwer will make Forces histon" this autumn as the first l;rIllSl1SCl""lCCnu|n[U lilklfpurl in what must he the toughest “ICC 0" "H: Cm-[h_ ‘






The senior rate. hy day on tltc opet':ttiutt.s' staff of the (‘oinmand" ”'."l'C"l"'*‘rhlrcc Ilo M RNAS Yeovilton.has been picked with 30 other supreme endurance alliletes to take part in the Decalronnian world chrinipionsliips in Ilawaii in November. l)cea-lroiiniari‘.’ Well. a single iroiiman race is .i 1.4-rriile swim. I l2~rnile hike ride. then runniii_i: a riiaratlioii_ -

Jason and his lellow competitors will he expected to complete ten arid tltey're expected to do so in under ten —

days. 0 Only another 1.3m miles to CPO Jason Sawyer receives a bit of encouragement on foot

Somerset easily see all Naval challenge

The chief petty ollieer is already a seasoiied eiidiirarice ;ith|ete. coming in sixth in the l-Iuro pean Douhle Ironmart llltra 'li'iatlilon ('lianipioiisliips in his ll-3'! a_i:e group. The race. at i\eu|cii_i:lIacli iii .-\tis~

stroll in the park corripared with the l)eea a ~l_H-iiiile 'dip‘. c‘_u'i.‘lc for 324 miles and it duultle marathoii to linish. Piece of cake. And :il| completed in 30 hour.\ and seven miniites lty Jason. who lives in l-lxnioiitli. What keeps :iri athlete going in such an endurance event‘! A fearsome training regime includingcycling lrom home to work on occasions ta llllv niile round trip). e\cn:t.se helore and tria.



'l1ie whole event. with hack-up support. is likely to cost around US Sltl.tl(ltl more than £5.Stlll so the ('I’() is looking for sponsorship. Anyone w-ishin_e to support e;in e-ni:ii|him -

]il'\tlII"1 xumerj.l\rii'r_i'n_uA |ll‘l.i5 -15571-l. at

l{.\'(il.\"l".l{RS lrorn HMS Sultaii hit tltc dirt as they raced aroiiiid l.oiii:nioor camp in llaittpshire in :i I-l-hour ol'l'— road scraiiihle eoiiipetiiii; with the rest ul lltc .-\riiied l~'orces. l-'\ercisc

Hiiliirriti: Help

l.c .\l.iris-st_vle race aroiiiiil .I live-inilc (nurse In il.iv .iiid iii_i:lil is airtted .it inipro\ rm! nll»rn:id ilii\irtg.: skills in the l'llllll.il\ .is well .Is plttlllttl rue the spoil .tlltl l.tl\ll|:! iiioiicv lttl cli.iril_\ ttliis _\c.ii (liililliiic.iiid a

\lllt_\ L-iuttl (.ttt\L‘\l.

3iilt.iii's ti-iiiwtiurie tc.irii wii sisteil or II lee lilackliiirti .tll\l l \l \ .\l.irk 1 rr_\. plus ll \llv'ls ll.lll'lIllI|lltl (R-\l-I .iiid (pl \1itk l'.irsor1s II.-\). also liased .it the

(iosport tr.iiriiii_-.1cshililisliriicrit


0 This Harleys streets ahead: Sultans team around the mud-soaked track at Longmoor

ll\l\ l':.'\tili'ttl \li ( ‘.i.'li.iiirit' _lI|ll\'\ \.||lL‘tI into I iimliirfs St K.tlll.|[t|]g‘A\ l)"\ hl\'lll1'llllt‘l1llllL‘ it‘ “ll” iiitle ( iliil\.il(ll.tllt'll'.TC vaclit race wtitcli she lt.is l‘.'v'tl \.'lL'tlv'ill1‘l lltv' l.lltIIll i.itc rcscrnst li_\ \l.|\ .i w.itcr \\l\‘lllI\l wurkiiiit lo: \li.l K.-ii! \\.it.-i lit-lpsill-iiriiilici lm.it l\tin.it'liiwitli\llt[‘l1l.llt.’\ttlli| l -viiil--ri s iluckl.itttls \ tleut ot l.‘ ltlL'llll\.!l \.iclits. ‘.'.‘ll iii lCIlt1lll.llltltll‘~[3l.It.'Illt.Zlllti-rirtes. oil .it seven ports isr.icrti:'.irottritltlic;1ln?'evi.itlicI.-reale.ipcs.sloppiiie


"It's in) .Ill'|l‘llltlll to s.iil .iroiittd the world .iiid the (ilolial (‘li;il|ciri:c provides this oppoitiiiiiiv iii the most k'\L'llIllt1.tlltlt'll;IllL‘llt!Illt1wav that l lslltl“.-I Mud ( ‘.itli.iriric Wlieri not on the water or .iIial\siri_i.: it. the \I|llIl_|1 I'.’Illllt.‘. serses in the cu-rrtrn.iiii| support liraiich ot the RNR.

What's llll, ilnelr? No horses?

LlVERPOOL’S!amousAlbortDockcomplexwasthesettingas theltmscanoepolotaamcliallerigedforanlntemationaltrophy wlthfiothersquads.

lntemaAsrelatlvenewoomoiratothasport-the tlonallsnowlnlts tathseeaon-tlreRNteamwasplacodinthe thirdof four divisions fighting fortho title. Thesallorswemruundlybeatenbyauverpool-besodsidein the first match. 4-1, largely duetotheladrolmatch practiceas a squad. Aftera strong learn talk, ablllty began to come to the fare. The University a! London were seen of! narrowly3-2. before a 2-1 in hard-fought game against Vildng which. despite the second half. the RM lost at the death to the odd goal in five. The result meant that the best the lean could hope for was Qtliplaoeoverall, butsplritswerenotdown-gameloursawthe team demolish Liverpool U 9-1. Three games were lined up for the linal day of competition: Brigend, Dragon Ladies and the University or London. Only the Dragon Ladies came away with any points. narrowlydefeating the sailors 3-2. ‘This was our final game everyone enjoyed the atmosphere or playing in the docks and the team are looking forward to competing in more open and international tournaments." said CPO Gus Gusterson of RNAS Culdrose.


r>~.-,.-.- r>ri-r»i..- in--..li-..




llltflll scrambles I0 lllllllllll Blll |ll‘lll8

The RN won the toss and elected to bat. only to lose a succession ot wickets in the lirst 10 overs in ditlicult conditions. Only CPO Paul Barsby (HMS Heron) managed to master the situation. scoring an excellent 62 which lomied the backbone of a mediocre 132 all out oil 50 overs. In reply, Somerset rarely looked troubled. especially after AEA Keith Adams (Heron) was taken oil. Heron shipmatc Lt Cdr Chris Slocombe bowled very neatly. but the result was never in doubt and the home side hit their target with seven wickets to spam. I Burnaby Road in Portsmouth hosts the InterScnriccs Cricket Festival lrom August 2-4 as the RAF and RN try to wrest the title lrom the Army. The Army take on the RAF on August 2. the RN play the losers the next day and the winners on day three. each match starting at 11am.


after work. plus hreak times. a highprotein diet. and laniily eiicoiir.igeriierit mum. dad. Ja.soii‘s wile and two children provide the hack-up. "Duriiig the I-Iuropeari race throughout the night I had either my mum. dad or wile with me on the run withoiit tlierii it would have heeri iirihearahle. "The |a.st lap was run in reverse. lioliliiii: the Ilag ol your country. It was the most anizi/irii: feeling ever. "People always ask me: will I do another one’? It you had asked me at 4am whilst sliiiflling around. the answer would have been a resoiindiriyzz ,‘\"‘... Jason is-i't e.\pectini: to heat the



world record aroiiiid the seven and but he is t.‘tIlllt: to a hall days mark! have a crack at the ills’ record ol eight da_v_s and six hours. ()n|y :irouiid hall a dozen llrits have hail the .stamina mental and physical to take part in the Deer: which. until now, has been held in Mexico. ‘'I enjoy the hull. the physical side of the challeiige. It's the ultimate test of mind and body." Jason added. Well at |ea_st with all that iiiile.'ii.'.c. the senior ratin_i; will get to enjoy the heaiity of the Sllth State. l-Ir. no. "The cycle ride and run are done on a race track. not on the roads. It's for safety reasons they olwiously don't want people lalliriiz asleep on a hike on the public roads." J:i.son ex-

is a mere


NAVAL cricketers were roundly beaten when they travelled to Somerset to lace an athletic Academy XI on the picturesque North Perrott

tllnhe and Iaurels? tor young Catharine

s""""'° IIBSI lI‘0IlI


\lnrc |ll.Ill ‘ll learns entcreil the contest. with riders _-_'citcr.ill\ coiitpletitti: three Lips .ipie.'e lI\ll .i|l\ taking almiit an hour ltelrtle ll.llltllll'.‘ --\er dri\iiij_- duties to .i learn lll.llv'.

|'ach squad was required to use .'lll Ml ll) slattil.iril-tssttc llarley llaiidsoii tlt\IlttfI.‘_\l.'ll.’.with the c\ccptioti ul one team l;tClIl_t{ it lloriil.i NR. 'lhis is the lirst time Siiltan li:is entered the cli.illeIt_i:e. .iiid the trilcts and their support team tuiittd their criuiiiccriiii: c\pcrtist‘ liseltil. .iltlt-melt tlic\ only stiltercil two lirc.tkilowiis in El lti|l.ll\ lwu Ill the hurt riilcts ll.ltl i,ir.'!v till l1‘.l\|‘;\l|‘\‘l|"lk. I lie ltiizecst piulvlciiis vi. rc lltc iliist .iiid I>lllt‘l cuziip.-titnts t.illiii-_' tlll .tI1tlt|l‘\llll\'lll'|'_' llte tr.i.is s.ii.l I t lil.it'|sl\iiiii "ll tcrtaiiils i-.i.iilt iiielit lIlll.' lltllll'.‘l|llL'ZC\lll11‘. ‘\tr.ii:-.-_t' .i\ it iii.iv ~v‘.'rtl. .: ttltllll‘\'l ot inlets‘ Lip llll1.'\ iiii pr-vsctl iliirin-.: llte ll|'.'lli phase or the event \l.islve ll s trite t|i.it \\ll.tl you c.iiiiiot see ilocsirt \\.ll\' sou" .\iilt.iri ertilcd in .i cit-dit.ilt|c lhtli |3l.l\k'. i.iisiii;.'. tttulc than Lotti! in llI\' "


Soldiers rocked by sailors’

surprise elimhing triumph

'l‘lll' l{\ siiiprrseil their .'\flll_\ coiiiiterpart-. when they siiatclieil one or the trophies at the litter-


B I‘ S

l"( IR the siuh time in seven years. "W NW.‘ WI” ll-mm‘ uiihe:itahle at the Inter-fsersice



't1iciiicnIi.-tiitic Rr\t-‘amt

/\l’l1\_\"llllt[‘lIlt_L:-ll) points behind

‘:“:';‘l" ‘LJ! 'i""."_“"‘."‘{3‘l"_l‘l‘|‘-‘_'_“""""_ “N um

Despite ending in overall third place. the RN's women's side put in liii.:lil_\-credit.ihle perlormaiices. collecting more medals than they

have done than in any recent litter-Services et-ettl. And the wonien'.s diving learn held on to their trophy against eoii.sider.'il\le opposition. An Ulll.ll:l~.\ll'I:nglltmeii‘s water polo team w:is iiiiahle to make niitcli headw-a, against the Army or R.-\l". how-ever. Rear .‘\llflIlf2|lPeter l)as'ies. Ri\'.\'\\'z\ president suniriied up the swiniiiiers' achieveiiieiits: ".-\ tremcindoiis amount of personal cllort has l\CL'll put into prepariri_i; for this \'ll.'Ill'|[3lUIl\lllp\In t\.'llllL'l|3.tIlls .iiid cn.icltes." RESULTS: Me-n:80om tutu Nuta: Li wt: .l-It it-.i:ri llom Fly I OM [in-r--~.ln-it ‘\i'r'(3 V.iiii;'i.irt 220m Backstroke l U'.l l .i:vtii.v-.: .1 WE -'~ llti-cu--v tltlm BreastItrolio

.t l.'r>--



M00 urattthf-, ;’ll \'{-ti trn ."

YMYM Nu'..i


‘HIM ‘i'u‘.II'Vu'A .l (Il‘() l t.i'*-‘ rt “Om ‘FOE l OM H4-rt-.v.torit 1! t.lm~ D.in'.urt Ilom Backstroke i CPO r.'n:.in :* '.'rt‘.‘.tl..i..-i 220m Breaststroke 3 CH) tmrna-. 220m Freestyle t MCM W.\rwscIi_ .1 twin M.i.-in:.- zleogthsFreestyle 1 OM l .I" hut-.t 2‘ W0 V.iuqti..iri Medley relay Llrrl

DLICP Freestyle relay t-.t placiWot-nu-i: ttorn Fry fl Tl't)fll'f 5» E‘-on-.n.i'. 220m Backstroke It M.m.n rLm-n i. lrom Breaststroke 5 Kisi-:».;-it 440":


It klu-2 E; Pvtortrri 1m

()l}.i!'nv-.- llllrn Free


110m Backstroke 220m Err-aslstroke -. r.




220m Fmosryio H.‘ -=;2 lengths Free-style in“. '‘'-'l''’ v










From airways to lairways llll ('liiii.i llcet (roll .iiid ( nitritr\ (liih was the \\'lltllj.'_ lot this \c.ir s \.iv.i| \ii ( oittiii.irid ('li.ii1ipioiisliipsas .\'l tuiielit ll out on the ‘.‘_lt'L‘ll\ .iitil l.tIl\\.t\\

licrirn (ioorliiiaii .iiid ken (tllIll‘\'\ trunk lltc l‘\'llcIlt.lll\l.ll‘lt'lord pairs title with ll points closels lolliiwcd lw ('l'() Ruv lscritp .iiid l’(l \riil_\ (irewar with 3‘) points. -\ii iiiili\idii.il staltletnrd eiciit was st.iI.tcil on the secnitd lll<'lIlme in the L'I‘lll|‘\'l|llt|ll \\lll1 ( I'll .\cil KIt\I\.|\ iltll victotioiis with .I score or -lit points with l'( l ( ircw.ir (M \‘¢||lllll_L‘ a close sccoiiil with .'\H

points. the lll.tIll competition w.is .i t\\o-rounil tttcdal tnrtttal and men

tliough it was pl.i_\ei| irt

Scntccs ('ltrtt|Iirt_i: Cliarrtpiorisliips. 'lradiliori.'il|_s.soldiers dominate the event. held this yc:ir at Rockface in lliriiiingliaiii. hut tor the lirst time sailors walked off with one of the



cortdtliorts llte ('lttIta Fleet course slioweil its teeth and scoring was relatively lii_i:li. Pt) lloiiiher Mills [ii] led the _t:tn\\ eoiiipetition at half way li:is'iri_i: shot 75 with ('l’() Jiiii Mc('o|l (ti) and Steve Rohirisoii ("l his nearest rivalswitli rounds ol lit the net two players were lied on net 7-1: I’() l':ilniers( I7) and (Beul-

trophies. (‘oiiipetitors enter one of three categories: open. U25.s and ladies team

and attempt routes which become more and more dillicult as they climh higher. hanging by their lin_i:ertip.s' :is they light their way throiigli a hiy. overhang 20 metres above the ground. The winner is the cliniher who reaches higher than anyone else helore droppirii: oil. ('I’()[r'lill".:\l 'Iil|ic' .\1acl'hersoii ol Sl"i\-1 tit Pttrlsnttlullt v~:i.s the Ri‘\"s top cliiiiher. hut it was the (‘Z5 squad which eliiicheil a [to-

trey King ( I7).

After his lirst round I’() llomhcr Mills was not going to he eaii_i:lit unless he had a niajor eata.stro— plie. t.'ikiri_i: few risks he carded a H] eriough to take the 200-! Naval Air ('oiiiiiiaiid title. Runner up was ('l’() l);i\c llttckworllt with a second round of 7-1. In the net event. one iii the iiscr~ ni_i:|it leaders ladeil llul l’(l l‘a|riter ll7I stated soliil c.tr\‘iIt_i: .i Net 70 to win (‘ll, 37!. l{‘.tL'ltlt.! throu_uli tlic pack was PH IL-it Rocltc |lh') who carded the best roiiitd -it the week with .i net on to go with a lint


.-\I-:\ (i.i/ \\/ilsoit t.‘s'-Sh‘ .\'x\Sl came second. followed closely h_\ l.(l.'\lt('I :\ll\l_\' Jackson (HMS (iloueestert and trziuvcc pita 511 Will llatlio. l-resh lrom their success. the climbers .ire alrc:iil_v t1L'.'lllll_t1 iip tor tints csettts (ll lltc RN .-mil R.\t eluirtipioiisliips are lined up loi ite\t May and the liiter-Serxices tll Jiiiie. Details lrom l I (‘ill Slick (‘mtg -l3.sii .:.t5.‘~t oi \l\tI www. mrmmc.org.



ltlllllil llL‘l S2 to tiiiisli riiiiner up lllv‘ (l|tt\s .tttil \L‘l lL':IlllL'\'\"l'Il\



0 Peak of fitness: HMS Gloucesters LOM Andy Jackson helps the U25 team to victory in the team competition




Yeiisiltivii with S! |{(‘U corttiin: runners up in tltc J.ii'kil.iw learn! up llic \.\(' will return to the (‘ltltt.i l'lL‘cl (lull ltll il\‘\I \s‘.it's R\.-\.\'


\\\\\l \\.S .\l (il .\l It'll-5

‘it ii ll

O From page one that will iiiean the end for


|l.\lSl)ul\crtoii. lirccon and

('ottcsiiiore. 'l'lie dcconiiiiissioned ships will lie handed over to ilte l)el‘encc Logistics t)rg:inisatioit for disposal. 'l'ltcir falc will either he sale to other nations or the breakcr'.s yard. The rcviev. is not all black. however. 'llie RtI_\'ill Marines :il the heart of the expeditiotiary warlare the RN will practise iiicre;ising|_\' in tile Zlsl will t.‘ltjtt_\’ art ('cntiir_\' increase in strength. with extra -

eiigiiieers provitlcd.

lixtrzi -rsonnel and c nipiiieiit wil also be pl't)\'ltlt:L for the special forces. The Fleet Air Arm is iiitaflecled by the review “e.'-.'cellent iiew.s" said Admiral West. Mr llooii said the (iovcrnnient remained coni-

THE QUEEN visited 45 Cdo Royal Marines on July 1 at their base RM Condor. Arbroath. The 700-man strong 45Cdo is one of the core manoeuvre units of 3 Cdo Brigade and provides part of its immediate combat

personnel to reduce by 1,500 to 36,000 over


....m...,".‘:' . f' . ..°ii' i ‘ 2§‘ i ’ . .“"°,.....' ° " HMS Norfolk, Marlborough and G on; l-iunt-class mlnehunters '

HMS Breoon, cotteemore and Dulverton: sandownctass IlcllvsHMS Sandown, lnvemess. Brldport by April 2007. O Hunter-ltllter submarine toroe to reduce to eight by 2008; HMS Superb's lifespan to be extended by 12


0 Number of Nimrod maritime reconnaissance atr-

This was demonstrated in Afghanistan in 2002 when 45Cdo

cratttobereduoedtromzt to16,withthelrrole widened to Include surveillance operations in support otmltltary and security ons.


wlllbeordered. lntotehtwoalrcratt



conducted operations in severe mountain terrain at altitudes up to





providing key ships

for the Fleet.

lle has pledged to order two more Ty x: -15 deslro ers on top of I e six alrca y on the order books and the two ‘super-carriers‘ vital to tire strike role demanded of the Zlst ('entur_v RN. 'Ilie changes mean that 25 destroyers and frigates will form the backbone of the future Fleet a figure the First Sea Lord concedes is smaller than he would like. "You can only afford what the resotirces allow," the admiral explained. "Destroyers and —

frigates are not as important as


aircr:ift carriers and our attack submarines." The attack submarine force will not be reduced further than the planned eight boats tltc RN intends to have in service by Zllllii when IIMS Trafailgar and Superb are new

Picture: LA(PHOT) Gordon Bruce

decommissioned. Delays to the Astutes the next-generation hunter-killer boats mean HMS Superb will serve I2 months longer than originally lanned. Admira West said he did not “instinctively welcome the early disposal of mod ships". But he pointe out that the days of counting the Royal Navy's strength in terms of hulls in the water were over and the new breed of vessel the Type 45 destroyers. future carriers. Astute-class submarines and assault shi s Alhioii and Bulwark was ar titore capable than those they —




Admiral West added: ‘‘I am bullish about the luture. We have to take some

quite unpleasant

measures. but we still

have the




ship-building programme In Europe. “There is some amazing kit coming through and we still

have the best Navy in the world." But the Sea Lord warned that with a smaller Fleet. people would not be able to make the same demands of his men and women. "We cannot have our sailors working even harder to meet the old commitments." he stressed. “The can be assured that they wi I not he over-stretched. They must have their harmony time.“ Across the Armed Forces. the RAF is to lose around 7,500 military jobs over four years and the Army will continue its shift front heavy armour to light. lts overall strength will be cut to around lll2.lillll. The destroyers and frigates earmarked for pensioning off will be decomniissioiied by March Zllllti. 'l'hc three Sandown-class warships will lower the White linsigii h_v April next year. and the Northern Ireland patrol vessels are dtie to be paid off by April 2ll(l7. Despite the cuts, the defence budget will increase in real terms over the next tour years with an extra 23.7 billion the provided by


As part of the rcdtictioii iii the RN'.s strength. there will be no enforced redundancies. nor will there be :i freeze in recruitment.

0 ‘Very upbeat’: ‘The Royal Navy is and remains the best Navy in the world’ First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Alan West —

Piracy ttinnfine killings double fins with s-tannin

'l'lll-I NUMBER of reported piraLy attacks world-wide in the first six months of Zlill-I fell from 234 in the same period last year to I82. .say.\' the l('(' International Maritime liureau. liut the nitmber of people killed nearly tloubled Till against ll'i. Ships were boarded in ISO instances and eight ships were liijaeked. 'lhere are also worrying si_s'.its of opportunist thieves -

becoming increasinglyorgatiisetl. “Reports of violence a'aiIist the seamen have risen." sai Ilttreau's Director (‘apt Pottcttgal Muktindaii. "'l‘iie intelligence provided by

the lMIl to law eiiforcentcttt agencies is precise and contemporaneous. l.aw enforcemettt agencies can thus increase their presence in these hot spots to pri:veiit the loss of life and injury to seanictt that we have seen in the first six niontlis of this year." lntlottesia recorded the highest number of attacks. accounting for over a quarter of the world total. It was also the location where the _i:reate.sl violence was experienced. with llllln) pirates armed with guns and knit es.

THERE'S nothing unusual about twins, only they normally

speak the same langua

an_\' secrets to _\icld hclore possible dredging opctatiotts in tltc area.




“'l1ie Royal Navy remains an exciting career." said Adiniral West. “I would be happy as a yotiiig person to join the Scnice either as an iilficer or a rank. We are and will reinaiii the best .\';iv_v in the world. I am xi.-is iiplieat."

lhc \llL‘ til llit: \\l\'\l\ ill the 'ltidor \\.irsliip. \\liicli \.itll\ it: l‘--ll.‘ lii.‘~ close to ll‘.L‘ prclcttcil :--tilt iiilii l'ottsiiiiiiitli .\.i\.ii Bast tor the l{.\"s Ilt'\\ j.:t.‘llL‘i.tl:ibtt t-l .tit>





tlllL'Ll ioiitc lo: tltc new slllps

llrilish watsliips



l)l\lllf.1 opcralioiis lroiii the cltatlctcil siir\ e_\ .itiil sttltlltul \i_'sscl 'l'etscltellin_~_' l\cg.:.'itt under the atispiccs ol the \l.'ir\ Ruse ltlisl on _|iil_t _‘~1 and ate‘ tlllt.‘ to List iintii .-\u}.:ttst


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\\.itsliip .\tippiirt .-\‘L:L‘ll\._\. li:i.iiicctl .isttt1tl.itilt\iit;se.isoiI. "l lll‘» l"\'sl|ll-

the t.'ll\iltl.! ol in;iii_\ .IflL‘l.ICl\ that had not ltccn tccmcrctl lI_\ pf\'\ltIli\ e\p|orattoii and led to spcctilatiott that tile bow castle of the ship could still he liiddeii lllttlL‘f the tttiid. Published by Navy News. HMS Nelson. Portsmouth, and printed by Portsmouth Publishing and Printing Ltd. the News Centre, Hitsea. Portsmouth P02 93! liIt|tt'

ni;i_\ be reqttircil which. when t|ic_\ cnlcr service in eight _\c;irs' time. will he mi.-r twice the size or the .\'.i\_\'s current lininctbli:-cla.s.s .iiiil the litggcst




But two submarines wit an Identical purpose and nearly identical name but separated by the English Channel or maybe it's La Manche have ‘tied the knot‘ in a unique twlnnlng agreement. As a lurther act ot cementing the 100-year-old Entente Cordlale in the same month that the R0 at Marines Band led the French Bastille Day parade down the hamps Elysee. strategic missile submarines HMS Vlgilant and FS Le vigilant. were ottlclally linked. Crew of the French boat. due to be declared operational later this year. and some ot their country's Naval leaders gathered In Faslane to sign the agreement bonding the pair. There are some cultural difterences between the two submarines. on La vigilant it's not part and starboard crews which take the boat to sea. rather rouge et bleu red and blue. Both share a love of football. though. The Entente Cordlale Trophy has been instituted to mark the twinning and will be llercely contested. The twinning ceremony has been the highlight oi a busy month tor HMS She sent an honour guard to the opening of the Isle oi Man 3 Parliament on the same day the French party arrived in Faslane (see page 16). 0 Vice Admiral Thierry D‘/Irbonneau and Rear Admiral Submarines Paul Lambert at the formal ceremony linking FS Le Vigilant and HMS Vigilant at Faslane.

NEW dives 0|] Tllllfll‘ Wl'BBl( site l‘lll' .\l()l) is ltttttling it threeweek L‘\|3lt\l'.tlltlll oi tltc meek site oi the .\l.'it_\ Rose ill the ‘iiilent to tiiid \\lictliei' it li;is



\'i\\-‘Y \'l-W5 Ylll 'N(i Rl-/\l)l~RS..-\l‘(il7Sl'21Iu


Readers Club,

Navy News,

HMS Nelson, Portsmouth P01 3HH www.navynews.co.uk/youngreaders youngreaders@navynews.co.uk

Best of the best So, who are the Royal Marines? Well, you can tell from our headline that we're rather proud


the Royal Navy. So rather than being called Commanders and Admirals, the Royal Marines have names like Lieutenant Colonels or


Now this might


slightly complicated, but honestly it isn't... You see there's 3 Commando Brigade which has three Commando units. (The first 3 is part of the brigade name, the second is how many.) The three Commando units are called 40 Commando, 42 Commando and 45 Commando. (We know there's a few numbers missing there, but this is right...) These Commando units are made up of 700 men, and can be sent anywhere in the world at a moment's notice primed and ready for action. There are various other units who provide support to 3 Commando Brigade. They offer expertise in things like scouting

reconnaissance, communications, air

Generals. Because the Royal Marines were originally soldiers of the sea, they have similar rank titles to soldiers in the

Well, obviously the Royal Marines were experts in amphibious warfare, and so it wasn't long

before the first Royal Marine Commandos formed on Valentine's Day, 1942. Probably not a

loving gesture for the enemy forces!

To become a Ro al Marine Commando, you have to pass one of t e toughest training tests in the world. Fitness, endurance and military know-how are pushed to the extremes, and only if and it's a big if only if you're good enough will you win the honour and the privilege of wearing the Royal Marines’ -




Royal Marines climbing on board an American helicopter coveted green beret. Royal Marines serve all around the count and all around the world. They can be found nort and south, east and west. They are trained to work in the toughest climates, hot dry deserts, humid sticky jungles, and cold rugged mountains. One of the ways that Royal Marines travel around the world is in an Amphibious Ready Group. This means special ships designed to support Royal Marines and all their particular 0


At sea, this includes



landing craft


have ranks

like Marine, Lance

Corporal, C ral, Sergeant, Co our ant then

Warrant Officers 1



these are sturdy strong boats that can be loaded up with Royal Marines, their vehicles and all their kit: raidin craft that are little whizzy boats; and mexe lotes, a strange word that describes large floating platforms that can be used to move heavy vehicles from ship to shore. Up in the air Royal Marines use certain helicopters as part of their specialist realm. This includes the sprightly Lynx helicopter, the big Chinook with its distinctive double set of rotor blades, and the Sea King Mk 4, the Commando assault helicopter, known in the

train regularly cold and snowy parts of the warmalto Marines make they ready for any climate conditions


You might have noticed that the Royal Marines have

different titles to

of them here at the You Readers Club. The Royal Marines are pi-imari Commando soldiers. But what does that mean? The word Commando is originally Portugese, and was used by the south Africans during the Boer War at the turn of the 20th century to describe military units. Then in World War II, the British started to use Commando for elite Army infantry units who were used in amphibious raids. Am hibious raids means when troops rush from a s ip on to the shore to carry out their military role.

How the

and file

Service as





defence and weapons, landing craf t and


Royal Marines also make up the Fleet

Protection Group, This unit is focused on

security tasks, such as








Ships ‘ram the Roval

Now and

Royal Fleet Auxiliary, Royal

Marines and airc-at’? ‘rent the Fleet Air Arm, have been travelling all around the world ‘or ‘he Dost few months Here are a few of the places they have visited

HMS Pl ace Z eebrugge

Country Belgium

What's it like Flat with nice chocolate and waffles Capital Brussels

guarding Britain's

nuclear submarines. And let's not forget the Commando

Helicopter Force based at the Royal

Naval Air Station Yeovilton, made up of Royal Navy and Royal Marines, who look after the helicopters

HMS Newcastle Place Varna

Country Bulgaria What 5 it like Mostly mountainous

and bordered by the Black Sea Capital Sofia

HMS Exeter Place Tokyo Country .70 n Whats it Ii 2 More than 1.000 islands make up the land of the Rising Sun

Capital. Tokyo


.\’.~\\'Y .\l"\\S \'( ll 'N(i Rlt.-\l)l-.RS. r\li(il ’.\'l' Jill-I


u'u'u'. ml l‘_\'Il('ll'.\'.( '0. uk

bumper list of birthdays for our bumper August issue. It's


Best wishes for your big day to all of you! William Adams Robbie Aitchison Claire Aspin

Benjamin Barry

Kieran Beek

Misha Bell

Sophie Beverley

Mitchell Birch Sam Butt

Tommy Carr

Calum Cashell AbbieChadwick Scott Clark

Christopher Clayton Nathan Core Thomas Davis Thomas Day

The birth of the AdmiraI’s


The call went out on October 28, 1664, for 1,200 soldiers to serve in the Navy's Fleet. The new unit was called the Duke of York and Albany's Maritime Regiment of Foot. But, since the Duke of York was also the Lord High Admiral (and let's be honest, that long name is a bit of a mouthfull),the soldiers became known as the Adrnira|‘s


These men were trained to be both soldiers and sailors, and served in


From these beginnings the current Royal

Marines were born. The Royal Marines have been part and parcel of

the Royal

Navy's history,

making their mark at famous battles and historic moments.

Everyone knows about

Nelson at the Battle of ‘T



l IIIIIII TboawmlwiniaglloyalfluiaasIna—iaPoruIadii:hnodiawhatwaaaaa

Australia in 1788 carried

Marines. The shining path of glory continued through World Wars I and II.

The famous names of Gallipoli and Zeebrugge were part of the R0 al Marines heroic anna s in the first of these global conflicts. The first Royal Marine Commandos formed during World War II, and over 80,000 men served their country from within the ranks of the Royal Marines. Two thirds of the landing craft during the

D-Day landings were crewed by Royal

Marines. In recent decades the Green Berets have shown their mettle in

Keirran Eldridge

Joshua Forth Matthew Foxcroft Michael Frost

Amy Fudge

Robert Gelens Jacob Graham Jennifer Hall

Ryan Hartshorn Sean Hayton

O Medics from 3 Commando

Brigade practise treating

Corps casualties

the battlegrounds of the

world. From the Falkland Islands in the remote South Atlantic to the dusty desert lands of Iraq, from the eastern European clashes in Bosnia to the African lands of the Congo Republic the Royal Marines have been a vital part of British Forces in all these places and many more. Since the terrible -


of September 11,

the Royal Marines have seen action in Afghanistan and Iraq. So there you have it, a tough elite fighting force who have been at the forefront of battles across the globe for 250

years. And even now they are

poised and ready to go

into action whenever and

wherever they are needed.

ar, but did you

know t at


peninsular fortress. Away from their warlike achievements,the first ships to arrive in

Oliver Eadie Adam Eaton David Eldridge



2,500 Royal Marines

struggled and fought in

that incredible clash? The Marines won their ullhonastnatalyoliconltaauslabghadlianaoyaanaehlhiahuauion long-standing battle youcaadisoovnlhoaneitiaglllyaarazuyollhaloyalfluioasbroofiualila honour for Gibraltar in Tb¢R¢yallAuiau|Iuo—iaofloriogallchildrnapodl6yoar|aodnaI«iatotho 1704. llu:onlotFraa.SowahavalllpairaaladalIIidmnoglvaaway. At war with France and For your chance to win and us the answer to the the British Spain, following question. decided to take on the might of the Rock of Gibraltar. Some 1,900 Send your answer on a postcard or email clearly marked British and Dutch ‘Marines’ to the usual address Marines went head to Normal Competition rules apply. Closing data 05I09I04. head with Spanish For more information on the Royal Marines Museum visit ‘ www.royalmarlnourIuuum.oo.uli troops to take the

Shaun Hearn Emily Heidstra Jack Hort Jessica J ermy Thomas Judd James Kennett Stephen Mann

Ashley Martin

Francesca Mason James McGhee

Rhys Morgan William Morton Phillip Murphy Georgia Noyce Tara Osborne Emma Overend

Karl Partridge J oe Peake

Adam Peers Thomas Philcox Matthew Prested Krystina Preston Tristan Ridler-Lee John Roberts Scott Saunders Jodie Savory Peter Shepherd William Short Philip Smith J ack Southall Connie Squibb

Harry Stileman

Sam Stokes

Magnus Thom


Billy Turburvi le Leanne Walsh Andrew Whapshott David Whitehead Sally Wilkinson Alexander Williams Daryl Williamson Bryce Wilson Hannah Wood Billy Young Don't forget to let us know if you change

your address!





Sharp eyes make these crac toops fearsome


\.‘\\'\ Nl’\\'.\' ‘i'()l \(i R! \l)l RS. .\l (il 5| _‘lIIl



The only Royal Marines who are not

Commando soldiers are the men and

of the Royal Marines Band Service.


Expert musicians these military musicmakers keep

Service and civilian

audiences spellbound with Their melodic


But in conflict they also have a military role providing support and assistance to those in the forefront of action.

Royal Marines have recently been showing off their The

talents in an exercise

just off

America. The Royal Navy and Marines have been working together with

other countries, practising their battle skills. The exercise, Rapid Alliance, was centred around an amphibious

attack Royal Marines charged ashore to free the —

fictional country

Kartuna from the evil invasion of Korona. Almost 2,000 Green

Beret; took part,

along with another 3,500 people from the Britisri Armed Forces. Almost 20 British

Tough test to be the best

Now after reading all this exciting stuff about Royal Marines we bet

you're sat at home saying ‘I wanna be a Royal Marine!"

Best to warn you, it isn't easy. Even the three day course desi ned to let candidates now about the Royal Marines is

tough. Up for reveille at 6am potential Royal Marines are put through their

paces in gym tests, drilled on parade, set to work on a 3-mile run and tested

on a


obstacle and assault course.

And that's just the likely candidates. Once you've survived that, you will take on the

ships took part in the exercse, primary

among these were HMS Albion and HMS Oceaf for the Royal


HMS Albion is


that coveted green beret. Recruit training takes place at the Commando

amphiaious ship with a hollovi belly that can hold lundreds of Royal Marines, their

landing craft, their


vehicles and all their

Uaat dla clack. But yaanall. Baal aiiarybodyl

HMS Ocean is also an amphipious ship, but

IETIIN OF THE Milli’! CUBE The worlds greatest paula is bad: in that}! raadytachallaagalaa brains of a aaw generation

speciclist kit.

speciclises as a

helicopter carrier. Ocear's helicopters carry the Royal Marires and land them ashore during


Rapid Alliance the biggest amphibious —



in Y%rs


vird work for all involved, but also a


big success.

Royal Marines Commando Throughout his career, a recruits course. Royal Marine will visit Lympstone many times. That's 32 weeks of hard slog, pushing yourself to The motto of the Royal the limits mentally, Marines is the latin physically and phrase ‘per more per terram'which means ‘by professionally. Weapons and navigation, sea by land’. survival and commando All this training makes skills all are created sure that the Royal and honed. Marines can tackle job, whatever Only if you survive this, whatever the conditions, wherever one of the longest, in the world. toughest military courses in the world, will you win the right to

The biggest ma laslasl-selling cull lav ol all lime The legendary Rubik's Cube is back It you were too young to qel in on :1 hrs! lime around, now‘: your chance to experience it lust hand. For your chance lo win one at these lanlustic Toys worth (3 39 ms! send us a postcard or email marked ‘Rubin’ along with your name, address, can and membership number lo the usual address Manual canpatilioa ralas apply. Closing data fillFol nan ialor-nation on Batik:Eda visit Ibair olicial wahsioa wwviuuhilucoia or coatact Dnaaaad Part: on 015$ I557?

Training Centre Royal Marines at Lympstone. This Centre trains

recruits, officers, and offers specialist courses for signallers and clerks

among others.

Winning Moves has brought: Roald Dahl'e magical stories to life in a fantastic range of games and we have 15 sets to giveaway. llllh brilliant prize iii(;lu.vlr:u tlir '{.‘iig1Hi.-7 .ii1.-l '.'rir' i.hzx;0|.'il::fgiatoi-_yl1i).arzlqiimr-', wliitrr you li.-ivr in km ti-iv llr-Av 1.0 the: qr¢.'IL qlzl-_;-i rtlcvntur wiLl1 :il| _\,'i)iir' -iv-.r‘r1u' l)CVl.’)ll'.>.'l|'1d('.lll’1l1lr‘|qF)f'I::!l"'r'ii'lllr‘I..I'l.it '1 hr i-.i.:l --:' .ll'.l f:.m1e:' Lllrv rl.'l-.iLir:ryin: .irr7 .ll1(l Llir rnurr i.lii"i _y 'lr'.i.l.-. yziu play, :.li1: mrirr: Iikrzly you an" (4: Mill lnil lli» F",ll l.'rrm.':m .'md 6161- 10 the fr:.'l‘_;L imrl you'll bx: virll mi _\,ii.~uv‘ way to winning in the 'l .'Il‘lI..‘lt;Llr. .‘.4r lrrx l)()4ll'1id‘.l!Y‘|"-. '(;.0udir:-y and l‘).ul(li(:u' liip lrlimp-i r.r>inp|r‘tzr-i li‘-- r‘.ir::,--xx: haw Krmld l).'ill|‘ei wrtirri .mrl W(Jl1.’:lf.'l'1lll :.ii.ii'.i<.!z'i'--xzorrz .'iq.'iim:L t.‘.l('.l'. at l-.r-r.


.\:\\/Y NI-WS Ytll 'N(i RI‘.-\l)l'R.\. Al ‘(El ?S'l' Bill»!


Hell hath

no fury as a woman


Royal Marines are predominantly male. The

However there are women in the Royal Marines Band Service, and they have a wartime role doubling up as

medical support. But

some centuries earlier a woman served

her country in the thick of battle as part of the Marines. In 1745 Hannah Snell set out to find her husband, who had run away to sea and left her. So Hannah, an


Big trucks are best for carrying big men to big battles

Take a look behind the doors of the Green Berets

enterprising woman,

disguised herself as James Gray and signed


up with the Marines at Portsmouth in 1745. She served in HMS Swallow, sailed to the East Indies and fought in India yet despite battle injuries and a flogging, Hannah managed to keep her



told you If not and you

here. Dramatic displays tell the story of the

Royal Marines. about the Royal Marines, The Heyday of Sail is a here's a few suggestions. new display at the

want to find out


If you take a look at the

museum, on

exhibition on

Royal Marines section on Nelson's Navy. the Royal Navy website And throughout the at www.royalnavy.mod.uk summer holidays, there's you can follow links to a family event on every find out more. Wednesday perhaps The other place that you shadow puppets or

true sex hidden.

But once she found out that her dastardly deserting husband had died, Hannah chucked in her Marine career and set up a pub in London called appropriately enough the ‘Woman in


go to find out more about the history of the Royal Marines is their can

Eastney in

museum in

Portsmouth. There's all sorts of things to see and do




masks. If you want to know more, you can visit their website www.

royalmarinesmuseum.co.uk or telephone 023 9281 9385.

at us


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