Page 1








\ I‘




Hi .



































iirricane heroes

T bid'fareweII' i

hack on patrol

to the .GI,yde-and Tyne‘


-Id ."

P3I'I ‘

HMS NOTTINGHAM man- while she was racing along at 30 aged a passable imitation knots. pictures. taken by l.Atl’ll()T) of a submarine during a Ray Jones. of FRPU West at Devonport. suggest that the warship. which nearly High Seas Firing. The seats were actually not that sank after striking Wolf Rock oil" Lord Howe Island in 2002 during a major the Sea Dart missile high during (IL‘pItl_\'lllcl‘ll. is again ready for action. shoot in the South West Approaches. Speaking shortly after Nottingham sucbut the Type 42 destroyer caught the cts\l'uI|_\' completed Basie ()pi:r.ilional Sea ‘Training tBt)S’I'I. l.ogistic~. t)lTiei:r l.t ('dr odd heavy wave goffers. in Naval Gillian oil to the Russell said: "We are parlance and ploughed in deep Joint Maritime (‘nurse in Scotland. and that —





gthé. jIii’éft7ti. .elri!a

will he the last tick in the box hefore we deploy for three months in January. "We are completely up and running again and raring to go. And we are the most modem Type 42 in the Flev.-i." There is ]U.\I a handful of sailors on board now who were serving in Nottingham 'het'orc the rock‘. but the ship's company. under (‘ommanding ()lTiccr ('dr Steve Holt. has '.i positive attitude towards their ship. "We like to think of ourselves as ll.\IS Nottingham II we are the new. III'IPI’l'l\'L‘I.I Nottingham. hetter than ever." said l.t (‘iii Russell.


.5 1' .4


.\’.-\\'Y .\‘l'\\‘S. N()\“|iMlll'R Ztltli


‘In Sea Affairs





eniilide in _\utt lltat your deed». will lltitl-Le the xea rise agaitt iii the |ie;irt.~. and mills nl’:Ill.'

l lttl\ did Nelsiiti l.'ll\.l .iL‘tur .-\le\ \.i\ltit, we .Il\u iippiiallcl .Itltllk‘\\ lll'.' L'_tIC\l\ .tt .i~peet.'ilI-1'-'l|tl‘lllli.l.i\ part) thrmui lt|T liitn ill the \.i\.il lltnlltl Ruitttt. Suttletsel lluuw i-it he-pterttber 2”. lie \\.|\ e\liiirlin: them .ill In du their Ill l.lllllt|\l ptiiiitiitiitt: Se.tlirtt;titt Illtlfi,.i tialiuttxtiilecelel‘i.tllIlil iii llril.'ittt'\ lCl.lilt|ll\lll|) with the \e.t tlizit mil k‘Uil'lL‘itle next j.e.tr with .i pi--i.'r.iniiiie ut t-t.eiit~ ttt.irl>.itt_u llte lm‘etilett.ir_\ tit his l.lilltIll'~





\lk'\'l\l\\'.i.!inii ilt.1l e\l.il1lislicd the l'K'x lll.llll|ill._‘ ~.tipri.'ttt.ic) ltll met .i eentur_\ and ellullletl the pileiiiitttenal i:mv.tlt til’ the etiiiiitrfs trade and llltllhll} iii the xattte

period. l.eadin_t: .\elsun e\pert l)r ('nlin \\'hilL' [see aim iippiv~tlel retttintled the ati_\ guest» tlt:it the .\'a\_\-

lluard tunnl. uliere the lll.l\lllL‘.\\ \lllC iii the Senior Service \\.'t\ enriducted. \\it\ \er\ well lttttiwtl in Nelson. “lle L'.tll1C here tlt(ttt_\‘ lIiliC\ in llix lite e\peCl:tll_\‘ in Septeniber l.\'ll$ when: he cattle to euttxult '

nothing is impossible’

Vice Admiral Lord Nelson

for Gearing up bicentenary year .



lilL'll1l\C[\Ill llie liuatil tlll llix |1l;llt\


eoiiibined l‘lL'llCll5tl;t1ll\ll ileet to battle."



said ('itlitl.


llix ~t(itli lun|id_i_\ Nelxun had mitten In his ttlI\lrL'\\ l'lliIlI.I llattttltttti lltlllttlt! ltll a le\\ _\L‘.It-C ‘ps‘.u'L‘ and i|tIit:ltte\-'. lle didn't get them ('u|iii i~.('h;iirnt;iii ut tlte (lltieial Nelwii ('iiiiiriieninr.itiiiii~ (‘nutmittee. which is cu-tirdiit;itiit_i: a .


iil.tl'lIllllL'tliti\L'lll'ti\ iir .\Itltl‘ll_\' entity \\.llL'l\ltlL'pubs and \L‘i|lt5¢Hl te\l;tllmills.





www.se:ibrit:iin20tJ5.com ix ;ilte;tilt paeketl “till in ct III” et ent» lielure \\e ll.|\ e e\ en l‘e‘f.1tIll tu promote Sealltitain Still.‘ in the

geiteriil public." l.e;idirii.-_ the .\’a\y'x pnigr.ititttie .'l\ direetnr general in 'l'ral;i|i:ar Inn was Rear Admirzii .l£1I"llL‘\ Rapp who .\p0l£L‘ iii Nelsutt as an "irtter-

Ill_t: lll'\pl§I_\\ ii} tnil;i_\’~. .'\l'll'lL'tl l'uree\_ l)l\CUt.llll\will lie ;i\.ii|.iltle ti» St-nice permitiiel; tlL'l£Ill\tn ltIlhm. O July-September The -

Nelson Tour

.-\tI edttv.‘.itiutt;tl lllllt til llllll\li putts l'I_\' a replica nt ll.\l Seliuunet l’iel;h:. wbielt nrii:in;i|l_v earned the Itewx ul Ne|.\utt\\ death lt;it.‘l. tn llritain. Pielde vcill earn‘ it team ut

titiltlt-lIllt..‘l’pl'L'lt..‘r\pIa_\'in_i: .\'elxiin and lti\ entiiur:ige. l\ieettten;ir_\' 'I'r:if;t|g:irl"e~ti\';i|. "The l:ttl_L'.L' :litd diver.\it_v (ll natiunal it-("‘..4 0 July 7-November 13 e\'r:fll.s niarking the l\ll.'Cl'llL'll1ll'_\' Among the ennfirmed 'l'rafalgar Nelson & Napoleon l’L'i'ltl1lll.\ us uf tlte great signifieiinee l-'e.sli\';i| events :ire: The lti.~turieal e.\hibitiuii of the of 'l'ratalp,:ir as a defining miinient 0 Throughout 2005 _\'lJ.'.ll‘ and the tint ll1C.\pl(llC lu rethitt lltitttittfs ltistury. as well as the TrafalgarWoods Project er the li\-e.\ iii tun duminzint eadA prngramnte by the Wixxlliititl er.\ and ;id\'er\;irie.~. at the .\atiuii:il |eader.\ltip. ltemism and enuraite demonstrated by Nelson :ittd llix Trust at planting 27 eupsex Marilinte Mttxetini, (ireenwieli, he said. 0 July 13-15 Europe at War t‘;iptaitt~.," lliruiigliuut Britain. each named in til’ "l’ublie interest the story after one is! the liritish ships at The 'l'rafaIi:;ir (‘;iitip:ii;,:n ill eunNelsiiit l\ high and the events Tralal 'ar. lexl. it IliI’L‘t.“(l;I}' iitterruiliisttal eun0 une 28 International ferenee itt (ireenwieh and central planited tor the hieenteit:ir_v will London. looking at the pulitieal. prmide uppnrlunitiex lur e\er)— Fleet Review At Piirtsnttiutli with vessels social and cultural euntext nf imd) tu learn more about an from 40 navies and n'l;in_\' other 'I'r;il;ilg;tr. as well ;|\ the military enduring item. "'lhe 'l'raI'a|i:iir l-'esti\:il is the eralt including merchant ships and and naval events. 0 August 4-September 11 Ill\pil':Ilittltfur the St-;ilirit:iiIi2Iltl5 mine (ll the world's finest tall eeleltr:itiuit:s. and my L'lllllltllllt.'L' ‘ships. Also a Sun et l.untiere lea- The New TrafalgarDispatch has been deli rhted to bring: llx A recreation of the s-ii}-;igc iii Itirttt_-: it tlteatrieal illustration iii a events under tie Sealiritain Ztltlfi Napuleniiie era sea battle uxiitg trill Pickle from ("ape Tr:il;i|t::irin battiter." xlllps. pvruleeltttie-. mu-ie. \4.‘lL'L‘ll'~ Falniiititlt in trill) and tlte subse('hairman iii Seallritnin 2tl(l5 :ind radin l1ltl.'ltlL’.'I\l\ etilmin;itin_i: quent drive by post Cllill.\C to l)a\'id Outirmhjr said: "For the past in it fllil.\.\l\'L' lirewnrl. disp|.'i_\' and l_niiduii to deliver the news iii the llritixli vietnry and Nclstttfx year we have been creating enthu- illumirtztliunof the Heel. —



October 13-16

Tratalgar Heroes


.v\n interti.iIiuii;il ueekeiitl nl e\ent\ tn htiituiir .ill tltnse uhu lttllgltl tin both \ltl(\_ to include .t enttterenec. mitt-cit. enie exentx and .lll eettttti.'tiie.il wrxiee .tt lklrtxttiiititlt

(atheilral. 0 October 21-23 The TrafalgarWeekend Urtanixed tlirutieltiitit the ("K attd ('t;inttel l.\liIlltl\ will he the nalinititl and ittterttzilinttnl lneal point «if the Tr.if:i|garl‘e.\ti\':il.Launched at the llouse tit ('t)n'ln‘Itlt’l.\. Tel llrunu Peek on t)'i'7t'i.\' 351 Nit tor t.lL't:til\. —




0 October 22 Royal Albert Hall Trafalgar Night .\ I1lll\lL'.llCUlCl\l.1lllllllll the '~e;t and ctuitinettt-tt.ittnn. 0 October 23 Trafalgar —


llte Rt-_\.i| .Va\_\. til eutttttttettitit “Ill! the Sea (lidet .'\\\lK'|.llt(Iti. ~t.ig.:e~ .t ~peet.il llltIf_:l.ililiilk‘ tit exelllw.

0 October 23


St Paul’s

lh: Rti\.il \'.t\}\ li'.il'.il;_'.it Ill! prut:r.’itttttte L'lllIL'll|llL‘\\\Illl a special \el\lL.’L‘ tn \‘Ul'ltlllL‘tlltIl.'llk‘ Nt-lmti .tt St l‘;itt|\. where lie I\ lvtirieil, .-\titun_-_- the ltt.Ill} tll_L'.t|'llN.|llI|ll\ up-et.itttie $e.i|lrtt.tin Jill." and '~l.lL'the \.ititi.'i.il tilt‘. L'\e'l‘tl\ are \l.iiitiiiie .\lu~eum. '\‘i-.itlitit.itii. \.ilinit.il 'l'ru'~t. Rnjial Y.ieliliti_e .‘\\\tl(l.Illt|Il. llritixh .\iattne

l-'eiler.'itinn. .\‘ea\’ixtntt l.'l\'. Trinil_\ llutise and a large number Ul uther iiatiuiial and local tll_|.'.2Illl\.'tll(tlt\_ with the support of the l)L‘[1£|lllllL‘tll fur ('ulture. Media and Sport. .l See also page 2|)



Freedom in the


CONVENOR of HI hland Council Ilr Alison and Cllr Francis eith, chairman of the Council's Sutherland committee. met members of the ship's company of HMS Sutherland as the

Type 23 frigate was granted theFreedom ot her namesake Highland region at a special ceremony in the picturesque Domoch.



the country for this exee tiiinal eelebratiiin til the sea. "\ ’e have been uterwltelmed at the response {rum su nt:in_v organisations which liavi: taken the euneept trum ll.\ tn create excitement within their communities. "Se;illritain 2005 is a truly riatiuiiwiile v.‘elel1t;ltitllt. with events r.'iii_uiiig in site fmrlt .\ltl:lll liseal enitttiiunity ualkx In largeseale itttertt;iliun;t| le\li\';tl\_ It will ettuitirzige people l1I\pg'n\I (imc by tile water. ltire a boat. visit zi ltl\turie ship ur tine til’ llrit;iin's ntaiiy .\l:l.\lll


0 June 29 International drumheed ceremony On Southsca (Tnmmun with veleranx from many nation.» :ind eunfliets invited to remember the tall—


event.\ :ire being iirgiiiiixeil aiuiit: It

0 Se tember 16 The Thames elson Flotilla A recreation of Nelsniik waterborne funeral pruee.s.-ion from (ireenwieli in Whitehall. iisseinhling the largest l'lnti|l:ion the Thames iti modern times. including traditiiinal Thamex erait. l)unl;irl; l.ilt|e Ships. lVJll_t.!L'N and ll.\lS Vlt.'lttry'\ cutter. —

0 June 30-July 3 International Festival of the —


.-\I l'Ul’l.\ltltltllll. a i2-hnur.\-pertl:l_\ prugrantmc tll music. crafts.

pruitteiiade theatre. liixtnrieal re-eitaetiiiettl. street pertnrnterx.


;tL‘ll\'lllL'\, L'\llllliliuti\ etc with a 'li':if:t|g:irtheme and le:iturmater

death. The ruute will be identified and riiiirketl |\Cltll:lilCllll_\‘:I\ the 'l‘riil';ili:;ir \\‘;t}‘ and ptllllit.‘


829 is back in business 829 Naval Air Squadron recommlssioned on TrafalgarDay. The liith and test of the planned Front Line Merlin helicopter squadrons will parent six flights for Type 23 lrlgates and a headquarters tll ht to provide continuation an engi-

neering support.

Mtlll £3n slippage "|ll tl '.pet-tor-mant:e' Sl.|l‘l’;\(il-I til [3 billion :ind nine ntunths. on major defence pl'njt:t.'t\ during a single year was it pour periurniiince which denied new equipment at the front line. the (‘uxnmittee nl l’uh|ie Aeenunls reported last month. ('lt;tirnt;tn litlwartl Leigh urged the MOD In pinperly apply the Mltllltl [1llltL‘lplt.‘.\ ui'Sntarl r\equi\itiun', The .-\\tute .\lll1ll‘l:Iflllt.'prngrantnte \\.'I\ singled out as an example where the MOI) and iiiilustry made pour llL'L'l\llll'I.\and euntmitted lllCl'l1\L'l\L'\tn lllliL'1lll.\tie pftlt.'_flll‘llit'lL'.\. aeeiirdini: tn the ('nititntttee'-. -ilrd

report Ul the current St.'$.\l('ln. lixperienee llfl. ;lt‘llt\Itt: others. the Astute prngrantme highlighted that

agreeing lung-term fixed price etintr;iet.s entering htith detelnpment and pruduetiun fur eumplcx tlelenee equipment programme.» was not wnrluihle. in agreeing future prngrantntes both parties

shnuld define enrtimereial ;irr:iit_i:eriteiit.~ wliielt pruvide ;i littaneial lItt.'Cllll\'L' In iittprme «in eust. time and perturiiiaiiee L'\lil'llilll.'\.vtilhnul .~ettin_e targets which are ea-_\ in heat and \ll prmide a l.ll\l.' impressltill (ll \ttL‘CL‘\\.


THE ORIGINAL flgurehead from HMS Boscawen was lost during the earl 19803. Today. in the grounds of the Wellesley Naut cal School at Blyth. Northumberland. stands a full-size. 7tt replica carved by local sculptress Jane Bransby. a graduate of the Newcastle University Fine Arts Department. The tlgurehead depicted Admiral the Hon Edward Boscawen (1711-61). victor of the Battle at Lagos in 1759. it was carved tor the T4 gun Third Rate vessel built to the Symonds design to carry a crew at 620 men and launched at the Royal Woolwtch Dockyard on April 3. 1844. She had been on the slip tor almost 18 years and after considerable alterations during construction was to become one of the last line of battle ships used by the R0 at Navy. tte-r sewing as Flagship of Sir Fl. W. Grey on the West African station. she was to see action in the Baltic in 1854 before retumlng to England the following year. She was paid out of commission in 1860. Boscawen. like many well-built vessels at this time. was taken into the service of the Royal Naval Reserve. first as a drill ship at Southampton. She moved to the North East in 1874. renamed Weltesley alter Richard Colley Wellesley. elder brother of the Duke of Wellington. and as the Wellesley tralnln establishment was moored oil the Co ration Fish ay at North Shields. is was a role she would retain until just before the outbreak of World War I. On March 11. 1914 she was burned to a hulk in a fire believed to have started in the drying room. Do a undergoln training were transferred to HMS Satef lte in the adjo nin berth and in 1919 the school was transferred to its new s to in Blyth. The image of Admiral Boscawen survived the fire and was transferred to the RN Barracks at Ellyth. first erected over the entrance and later moved to a small garden in the grounds. Nothing of the original ang has survived. r




NAVY .\'l:\\’.\'..\'t )\‘li.\flii'.R Ilitli _‘~



LORD NELSON aka actor Alex Naylor and Lady Hamilton (Finni Golden) helped the Lord Mayor and the Dean of Portsmouth start planting of 100.000 crocuses on the city's Cathedral Green the 'crocus carpet‘ tribute to the 200th anniversary of Trafalgar. The blue and white crocuses were planted in a nautical design on TrafalgarDay (October 21) with a large ‘HMS Victory anchor and will flower in the spring. The corms have been paid for by membersof the public many with naval connections including the great great granddaughter ol Admiral Garrett and Capt Clavell. both present at Trafalgar. Children from local schools and volunteer diggers from the community helped with the plant—




Admiral Nelson told them: "The Napoleonic wars were the first genuine world wars and shaped the future of Europe but this bicentenary is not a celebration of military victory. but a chance to commemorate all who took part regardless of nationality." -

on campaign with Horatio: 0llI' man [III .\' ()llR lust l.\.\llC





rciii:irk:i|vlctll.\l.'('I\'L'T_\ ii|'iic\i-Nclmiiii1;ilcri;il iIIiItlL‘ I\_\' Dr ('ti|in Wliilc iii llIL' Nulinnzil .\l;irilitnt' illitl Rt\):il .\':t\:il .\lll.\L‘llill\. lll .lIClll\L'\ .'t|l int-r llic uiitltl. lit’ ll.l\ lIlt‘.tlt'tl cut‘: l_liiiii lllllI\‘IIIl lIIi[‘lIl‘li\liL'tl it-t lt‘:\ \\llllL‘li



lli.'~. lii\l'\ili_' .l i.i:,'t‘ :ti:: ;'.'::itt'tl tll|ill'l'.' iltc '.'lt‘.:l t.i::i;i.ii-_':iwt l\'|‘ ili.il .:ilmin.iIt'.l iii Ilit Ii.itllt HI |i.ii.il-.!.=7 tuliii mil in" ]iill‘ll\lliiIj_f llixl .



lumitx iit'\l \t'.ii ‘n.'».u; II.. M .~. /4 rfrit .iittl \i .'t.ii.Iii. \.."iv.vim/ ittltttli i\ l‘v.'Ill1'_ piiiilislit-ti III.i\\tit'|-lllHI1\\llliills‘R--\.il \.i\\ .intl \‘-ill] .I lI|l'\'\\UX\l in thy lii\C .\c.i I i-ltll. In iii.ilk llit' _‘ll4illt .ii1r1i\t'i~.:r\ Hi the |.‘~li* t'.inip.ii'.:ti, lit" li.i~ .I‘_fl\‘t.'tl in \\|Ilk'-I \L'ilL'\ til .lIllL'lL"~ “till .i \iIlltt‘\\ll.ti ll|[ \.iit \i .it l|ilil\il.il \l.Illl iii Ilium, .i~ ilk’ l.lI'il


'lllclt' \'.il1 l‘t‘ lt.‘\\ pctililt‘ Ill liiit.iiii .fI'ltl \t'li.lIlll_\ lot. in lllk’ l{i>).il Nit} ulin tlii it-Ii kiiim .il lt‘.I~I .l lliilt‘ '.il‘Htli Illt‘ ”.Illlk' III


"lltll illc l‘.tIIlc \\.l\ “Hi All l\ill-ll‘ \'\l L‘\L'Ill. it \\.l\ |llL‘\'lllIIiIlI.1II1|iIui ivllt‘ til Illc l.ll:_'t‘\l-\t‘;tlC ll.i\.ll U-IIH‘ p.iit'_ti\ nut Intitzlit in lllt.' .-\j.:c til S.iil. lii\ul\iii_u IllL' ”L'Cl\lll Hltl.iill. iI'.liIL‘L’ .ilitl $p.iiii. unintiiiliiig III lt|l.ll in ucll incl llli I‘.Illlt.‘\lIl[V\.it l.l\lCtl Cltjlll llllliIlll\ .'lIitl uitcrctl ;i \.i\l .lft.'.I iltinl tlic ('lI.'ilint'lIll llic iiuith in the .\lt‘tIilcrr.iiic.iii in llic stiiilh. .»\t will.‘ point. it a.-tcii t-\It'nt|ml in tilt‘ \\'t'~i lntlic-. |'li'i\ l‘.li"l iii the slut)" i\ Itttlt.'|l “

lt~\~ui:lI- llt'MlI. ".\'t'\I §t'.'il. _‘_lili.‘*. ti t,’IlllIIN"\‘-\§'illL' Ii.iI;iI_i::ir l'L"~ll\.lll\l‘L'i|I_l1.'liI.lHi.lL'll tliiuiig.:ltutil IlIL' \lllllIllL‘Y .'intl .itiltiiiilt in intiri. Illt,‘ l‘l(L‘lllClllIT_\ Hi this l‘.I”lL' (wt uitpiixllci. lc.tttilnig_' Ilia.‘

Rlfnil \;i\)\



the S|l0t


.‘,lllI [\iti‘,fi.llI1lllL‘ .ii1tl Ill.lI1\ nllz.-2 t".t-iil~.ll1t' l't’\lI\.ll\\lll lu.'nip.i1‘.t-' -‘.u:tl;.' '.t.;.' tun-,' t'tl \




. ‘




example. Nelson's operational orders to his captains have been located and they enable us. as it “For

to watch over his

shoulder fleet.


he handles his

“.-\ll llI|\ ncu lit.'ilcii.i| I\ j.!uit1j.E to ho Iltzitlc .t\.itl;ilvlc in \.liitll.|\ \\.l)~ lvouks. l.itli-I .iltt| 'l'\' nc\l _\t‘.il piu_.\-;.iitiiiit'~ .ilttl. l‘L'l\\\'L‘IlllIl_\ .intl Nut clnlwl. .1 lili-s'l.l\ti~lult'\liil\ilii>ii .it Hit’ .\.ilinii.'il \l;iriliinc \lti~ctiiii. Vi in-it .\ .\i.'['1'.i'l4Ui, ilt.tl \\tll ilitllltlc .I iii.iiiir -i.'t'Iintt till this \lUl}. "I hm t‘\(Y. \\llt.'ll .Vi.'t \ \'i- It \ lI'i\llL'll iI'iL' ‘it: \\illt.' \t|I'ilL‘ -pc¢i.i| .IIllClk'\ in iii.iri. llii: l‘lL"(IilL'Il.Ii). I tc;i|i~i:t| llt.it lllix iillk-rctl ;i \plL‘I‘l(ll\l iippiiittiiiitj. tn uxc tlii: lIl.ilt.‘ll.'IlIn i\riii_i: Illt.‘ t‘.ilnp.iig.:Ii zilit c in ;i liL‘\\ .'ilitl uriuiinil \\.'i)‘. “Sn lor the nC\l iiiiic lllllllIlt\_ I tint guini: in ltcctltllc ;i .\'tiit ,\'.-ii \ rupurtur ‘ciiiliciltlt-ii‘ (tn iiv: |liL' miidcrii ti.-rm) tin l"l".iYll Nt'|~un'itrctil |I.'i_i;\llip I|.\IS \'ictiii} .'Ill(l I will \L'llll ixici; llll\IIllIl_\ rcpnrtx .ilmtil lhc t‘.iii1p;ii_ult '.l\ il ililltlllls. "'l'Itt' mnli:nl UI in} rcpurlx. .iiii| IlIL‘ \It|lIL‘\ lliltl lh|.'_\ lull. will Ik-

Money-saving Fleet Headquarters opened

\\ \’.li'l Mitt \\L‘lIl in picxs. lliu l’iiiit‘t-xx |{ii_\.il \t.t~. tlllt,‘ In iillit’i.ill\ tipt-it lltc ilt'\\ ilccl ill.’-lLlt[il.lllL'l\.il \\ li;ilt- l\l.llltl Ilic i|ciii_\ ‘.k‘.l\'ll litiiltliitu l.il-tux il\ ii.ixiic iiuiii lliL' lIIil'il\’l I |I\l Stat lttl\l \\l‘.«| ltc.itl.-tl the .\.i\_\ tllilIII'.f lliL' l.ill.l.lii(l\('t»:illit'i in l'l\'.‘. .\ii llt’IIi_\ \\.l\ —Il\tl iltit‘ In .llIL'Iitl tltc t't‘it'i:ttiii_\ in l’«itl~i:‘.-itilltHill: l'iint't'\~ Mint‘. 1”‘! _\c.Ii~ in thy (id)

.\t'l\iiii\\:t'lnr).il Ir.il.'il-:.ir. Ilic li\g—~.tui.-_t l‘lIIltlliI_i.I. t.it‘in_t:


l'tlll\l'llUIl!li ”.IIl\tl1Ii_ li.I\ lwcii



I‘. ll


:\":.~ ~.;:‘._-.1


Htiaxt‘-.i .~.'1.:':.l". .Il‘<‘lIl flit’ l‘.iIllt '»\t' \l1||li tl Hui ii‘: -_'.". iii; t.in:1~.-.i-xii that |ii.'t.'tl.~tl 2: in: it mil l1.l\ iii.im lL'\\t>l‘t\ tn lt'.:t ii in ii ix .1 t'!.i~~it’ tlL'lllllIi\il'.lli<lIIiii the tin’ -Ii ‘-.‘.|If‘l".\t'l ‘\1ttt'li i:t".\ iii.ilt'i:.il ..!~uiii iltt' l\||‘ t'.iH1p.iig_':1 ll.l\ .'iI1k'I‘.lL'tl tut.-ttl|_\. ill p.iilittil.it .i\ .i iL'\lIll nil lI1t' \L'l\I‘ii l«.'llci~ l’riI]t'tl. '~ptill— wit-«I l\_\ lllt' .\.lllIIlI.'ll xliirilinic .iiitI |(n_\.il \.i\_\ .\lll\L‘lllIi\.


lmxctl t'nlirt'l\ Hil t.'l‘lllL'l1I]‘l'ItlI’_\ tl«\'ti:1tt'iii~ \cl~-iii\ ti\~.ri lt'iit'l~ .i::.l ivitlt-ix .i::t! iii." 't'!lg.'~ -llltl

t|c~ii_-iictl in .in npcil» pl.iii lt|i'ilI.tI. .iiid lviiiigx Ill}1L‘lllL‘l \l.Ill lHIII1i.'ll_\ ~t‘.illt'lt‘tl tltltsti;;ll~ I‘lil \L'\\'I.Il l\iiiltliiii:-. ll lt'.t\ lvccn

litr tuiiigwlcx. \\lli\'li I\ p.iit nl lltt‘ i-lust lirxt initi.iti\c. i1.i~ (ml LSII iiiillt-In :n l‘ilil.l .izitl lit niil. lluv-t'\t’i. .i~ live! I Ii\'l li;i~ ~.i\t'tl Llll ll1lllil\i'i .lIIl1ii.lll\ ~incL' IINII lllk‘ l‘lill\liil_L' ll.|\ in t-llctl iniitl liii I|\L‘ll. .iittI mil Ctiiillillit '.-I ~.i\c IlltllIL'). "Hit" iullttrt lluul lit'.'itltiti.'irlt‘i\ new Lil Nnrlltttuutl in ,\1itltllt'~c\.




l\'.ftl rm l\ [with i'lIt' irinlillli lwiisit‘ ll‘.t' tl.|lL' --l :n\ ilI\[‘.llLllk\‘ In nllwi '~\l‘l\l\. iii lltt‘ .l.intt.ir\ _‘lIi'3 L'tllIit\ll. \I‘ll \\|ll it-.itl .ll‘Hlll tlii; cu-iilx tli.-it



IMIS. "\\L' mil tl|\L'l|\L‘I t|1.iI .Vt'l\tiii and lll\ ~l.ill Illtltltilll IllL'_\ \\t-tc tin Illt.‘ cw til .i £lk'k'i\I\L' |\.tlllc tin .it lL'.l\| llllt:L‘ tIL't’.t\ltIll\ lwlnft‘ ()L'llIl‘L‘fII. \\'t' \lI.'lll ill\tI \L'L' lltw. hi; .'I p.ill \'l'li|l'|k'L' .'iiitl \HilIL‘|lI‘iiL'\ t|imiiii_:,lil l‘.fll luck pl.i_\ct| in lltc in


“,\l~u'.c .-ill. \\L' \\lll \lI\Ctl\t.‘f lli.il it \\.I\ it-it niil_\ .\t-Imii .llItl llic lIIL‘ll \\lIt\ lt|ll_L'lll will llll'lI .ii 'Ii.ii;il_i:‘.ii \'-lit) \l< upped .\.I]H1lCI ink .lIIIl‘IlitilI\ [‘l£IliN in llI\.lllt.‘ liril.illI. Ulltcl

.ILlllIli.'ll\..iml niltci lluclx. 1il.i_\i:tl \ il.il mics .t\ ucll. "1 \li&ill hi: ‘l‘i.'.iinin_-4 ilimi1'

\lltIlIl\ In win the \'icliii_\ .lI \ci»nii'~ \c'\'lL'l it-i\~.irtl haw '~illilCti llt.‘l‘L' lltc in \\ L'\iClli

\lt'tliicli.iiit'.'iti .iml l “Ill '\CI'lL| lv.it'it iii_\ l|l\l rcpml III lIlI'lL' lnr llic l)ct'uiiiiu:i ctliliuii_"

HMS LEEDS CASTLE‘s final patrol to one of Britain's remotest territories, the Antarctic oasis of South Georgia. was carried out in near perfect Austral Spring


Onboard for the ten da patrol. along with stores and mail for the British Antarctic urvey team at King Edward Point. was a detachment from the Falkland Island Floulement Infantry company (Royal Gloucester Berkshire Worcestershire Regiment). the South Georgia Assistant Operations Officer and military and civilian guests. On arrival. while the soldiers conducted a 24-hour shore patrol around Kin Edward Cove, the ship's company visited Sir Ernest Shack eton's rave. Grytviken church and the whaling Museum run by m and Pauline Carr. Much to the couple's delight. Leeds castle maintained her reputation tor high spending in the gift shop. nearly doubling the previous record as Christmas presents were purchased at a frenetic rate. Receptions were held both onboard and ashore to mark Leeds Castls's final visit. before a BAS team and sup lies were landed at St Andrews Bay, site ol the world's largest ing

Penguin colony. Accompanied by scientific staff. a close look at the Nordensk old Glacierand a patrol of Stromness Bay including the Husvl disused whaling station rounded off a memorable few days in South Georgia before the 24-year-old ollshore patrol vessel returned to More Harbour. East Falkland for a short period to prepare lor her 8.500 mile vo ago home She is due back in Portsmouth on Novem r 8 alter a four year sojourn in the far south. 0 BIRD WATCHER: HMS Leeds Castle at sr Andrews Bay, Georgia, home to the worfd's biggest King Penguin co ony.


ll'll'lt'."(I \'_l'I'l(’ll'.\'.( '0. Mk

NAVY NI-.\\'S, .\'()\'I'.\IliI‘.R Zllll


Navy diver St Albans celebrates with Maltese Sandown saves lite

at Canadian suhmariner ‘-\ ROY.-\l. Nut} ilnci is hciii_L' It'IL'\I .'Is ;I hrrn In (‘.‘iii;i«|.i .lIIL'l' slniiii: Ihc IIIt' nt ;i sziilni Iruppctl .ii::iiiisI the hull nl it sIrIt'l.cii suhiiiunnc iii ;in

:\lI;ll'lIlt'i:.i|i:. Ii.\I('S (‘hit-nuiiiiii Illflllcll) II.\IS llplinldcr li.n.l hccn crippled h_\ lire '.is she sailed lruiii I-';tsl.iiii: in Scnlhiiid In Nina Suiliu In ('.'in'.u.I.'i. .-\ml :1\ she \A'.l\ Wounded hy ZSII lI.\lS vi.i\cs. 'I‘}-pc 2.‘ lrigiiir .\IiinIriN: raced in the spni. liclnii: sailing. Muiiiinsi.-'s I-.\i-cutiic tliliccr. l.t (‘air ‘l)nc' S.i\;it-c ai c|c;ir.iiiu- dncr unnIfl\'It'\I Ihc (‘iiiiiiiiundiiig tltliccr iii Ihc Nnrilicrii llning (iiuup INIXEI. II (‘III John l..'l\\. fl’ql.lt‘\lIl'l},2 ivui strung sviiiiiiiicrs in case help was IIL‘l'\ICll putting A! low lIIlL' iII.‘llI\\. l.l) (iunh Spence. who had mil)I1-Iuini.-II NIX} thc pit-iinus (l.'I_\'. and l)_l 'l'ups_\ Tiimcr wt-nl ailing. and s]K'lll mini: lllill.‘ Ill .\InnIrusc's hniii ais s;itel_\ divers. whili: sailors were li.iiisi'crrv:tl lrniii the (‘hicuutiiiii iii Ik".l\ _\‘ suns trips which dL'll|.'ll'ld(.'tl:1 high dcgrt-c nl skill lruin MunIrim:'s hn;il crews. (hie (';in;idi;ui suilnr. lL'IIli.'I'\.‘d by a 3-inclrc safety line. slipped iruiii tho: skisiiig and his lnni hcL';lnlt' ira|‘lpt‘i.l iii ii \r:nl nn ilk‘ liiill. As the ('hicnuIiini rnllcd hc;i\'i|_\'. Ihc \£IlIl|f was dniggcil iiiiili:rw;iter Inr lung periods until LI) Spcrica: Jiimpi.-d iiiiu the we and swniii in cut him lnnsc zind pull Iiiiii clear. The tire had ;ilii:;iiI_\' cluiiiicd uni: lilc :i(';in;idi;m nl'l'iu:r died Liiicr inhaling siiinlu: wliilc lircligliiini: un the hunt Illl iiiIIL'.\ west iii" Ircluiid. I.i (‘hm Suuiidcrs and two lI'l]lll'L‘tI uillcui.-ur:s had hccn '.lII'IIIIt'I.I by ;i Royal Navy search and rescue l\CI|uvptcr frniii HMS (i'.inni:I. iliii Ihc nl'l'iccr dicd ht'IOfL' limpii.i| \i;lIl at Slifltl unuld help him. It was nut uiilil twn |I.|_\\ .iltcr the tin.-it's (‘t ) \t.'llI ;i iiislrcss (Sill that the \-\-l';|llk‘f k'£l\('lI ciinugli lur ;i line to he p.isscii limit .I tug. so that lllt‘ hu.il mulil return in I';isl;inc. Ii} ili.il llllli.‘ HMS Muiilrnsu: li;ul lvcrn Jniiicii li_\ lI.\I.\' .\I.itlli-nruiiirli .IlllI RI-.-\s \\'.i\c Kniglit um! .-‘\r_i:iis. nllcriiig \iilllll' f£‘\pllL‘ lni \'|'l‘\\IllI.'ll in the limit UI lint mud and \IllI\H‘f\ A Ilminl oi Illqllif) has ix-en sci up. .IniI nnc iii the lirsl l1'\llII\ wiis Ilic Iu:iiipnr.ir) vulliiiiiiwal lrniii scr\ ici: ni ('hii'nutiIiiI's three \l\lt'f\. "Hit: luui I.'tIil\I.'I|IIllIl;III_\-|\IIlAL'lClI siihiii.iiiiii-s were built lnr Ihc Rii_\:i| \'.i\_s .IlItI l;Illlk'IlL'tI |Iu:lwci'ii I‘lRl‘i .iml IWI. hut in-iv l.iiil up in I0‘)-l .il IlIl' cllil III lllr (‘niil \\'.Ii. .IIliI \IlIlI

HMS SI".-\I.Hr\NS iiiaiilc it swill return In Miiltu in lake pun in culvhraiinns in iiizirl. the vllltli ;inni\'crszirs iii the island's lntIC[‘|l.‘i'ItlCOL'L‘. ‘Ihc Typi: 23 lrigiili: had visited .\I;ilI:i in Mn) while rvtiiminp lrnni ilcpluyiiicni cast «it Suez. llul Illls illllc sbi: had :i u-iiir:i| inlc. hosting ii rcccplinn nii M;ilI;i's .\';iiinn;il Du} which was ‘.|III.‘|'|tI\‘tI I\_\ Hi) giicsls. lllt‘ll.lI.Iln].' the I’rinccss Rirml. the l’rcsidi:nI '.iIiil I'niiic Miiiisicr ul Malia. iIlIll1;t\sailnis and Ihc: cnmniziniliiig ulTiceis nl llircc visiting warships,

mu RN takes O HMS St Albans in the Grand Harbour. lying astem of Russian cruiser Moskva



reqi Coastal Defence Force pre-

pares to sail for its first patrol from the port of Umm Oasr

Iraqi patrol force is up and running

THE IRAQI Coastal Defence Force (ICDFI has been officially launched at the port of Umm Qasr in the south of the coun-

1119 launch ceremony includ-

ed a sail-past by the ICDF fleet and the saline of a dais oi VIPs before the boats headed out to sea.

The Force was ionned in January this year and trained by a combined Royal Navy and Royal Marines team. along with personnel from the Australian. American and Dutch navies. The fledgling fleet consists


llllllllllllll Cardholders signature:


Ht-.si said: "('uiiihcr|;md can he iustiii :ll'\I) pniuil nf Ihc hard unit and nuisizuidini: results achieved in nut mir tinuing commitment in the region. “The \".lfIt'I_\' iii tasks we I‘Iit\i.' uniicrtaikcn. Inr which we linuru‘civi:tIiiiucli pniisc lrum nur ‘.llllL'\. cniiihiiicd with cllnris ;il iii‘.iinI'.iiiiinI: pea-:c and stability. hi-at it-siiiimiiy in the high incl iii" training and the miiiiniiiiicnl prnvidcil h_v nur lilt.'tl and wumcn."


‘CSC No.


Please debit my card. amount

Rnyzil Nth’) is rcprrsi.-niu.-II by ’I‘_sp-: 2.‘. liiiiaitc HMS (".iiiipl'x-lluwn. which l’L'I.‘L‘I'lll)‘ Iunl. uvcr lrniii \I\Il.‘l’ \llt]) HMS Cuiiihcrlzinil Type 33 frigzitc HMS Snnicrv.-I is Jlsu in the area. deployed in the (iull as p;lI1 til ( lpcrdliiin Tt.'Ill.‘. For the |.'|.‘t\l two years. ships nl up

Clean sweep .\II'.‘il-IllllN'I'I-IR IIMS Shnrchiim ll.‘|\ hccii helping in ck-zir up .\tlrllL' iii the ilctriliis iii" cnnllict during hi:i ‘.llll|.li'lilItIL‘[‘|ltl_VIl'lClilin the llzillic. 'I'llc S:iiidnwn-clziss W:II\I|I[‘. part iii" N.-\'I‘()'s M('.\I I:llI'L'C Niirilt. spctll ll t.Ll}'\ with allicil ii;i\lt‘\ under the tIIl£'L‘lIIIll iii the (irriiiain Navy. swccpiiig tlic shurvs ul I.iIhu'.ini:i uf mines and nriinziucc iluiiipcilduring Wnrlil Wait II and the ('n|ll War.

Severn drops in on her affiliated city

II liuliiins have p;Ill'nIIi:d an :.irt';i nl inure Iliiin iwn Iiiillinn .\qil£lfl' III

inilcs. iiicludiiii: the Red Ihc (iullni Adcii. tlic Ilnm ul Ainczi and the Snm'.ili‘.i Basiii. 'I'hi: 'Ilisl. I‘nrcc's inain mic: is in cuiiiluci pzitrnls in iiinnitur and check shippiiii: in Ihc: region. prcu-niing lhi: i||i'i:;il llIIl\L'lllL‘IiI III weLipnnr_\. c--iiii;ili.inil. -Iil. I.-nods uiitl ]X‘tlfll£' .I\.'l\|\\IIIC lIlIk‘l'II.IlI||IIAII\\L|It'f\ UI KIM,‘ (lull rrginii Ihc tutu‘ \'llHL'ilIl) cniisists nl ships Iruiii I‘l;llk'c.‘. lI.lI}, (ii'liii;iii_\. P;il.isi;in. Ihc UK and Ihc l'.\‘.»\ ('uiiinindnn- ('iiniiingh:uii s.iIi| "Ii is J gn.-;il liuiinur Int inc In lulu‘ i.‘ulllilI.;Iiltlut Illh Ill){I1I_\'-C'.|p.'lhIt'and irul_v iiiiillinailiumiltrisl. intro: and in L'.'II’1_\ im the iwnil wnrl. iil uur I'rl.'llk'II .i|lIi's I ll.\lS (‘uiiihv:i|.uiilli.is rcturiicil In IX-v.niipnrt .IlIl‘T ;i \I\-llltllllll tli.,'Pl\|_\‘-

palm! ship


HMS Si.-vcrii iiinppcxl iii nu hcr ;illili.iinlcity tnr the third IXIHL‘ in her hricl c;iri:i:i. "the ship I“\‘fiIll.'tI in tlic .\‘nutli I1i>;Ls nii the nlgr nl .\l'\\l\\fI lll South V\';lIt‘s. vilwrc slit‘ l1tV‘\ll’\I L'I\lt' |i:.i\|cr\.iiIil lui.‘;il iliimitlirics lnr l|Iliciul fl‘L‘t'plIlIIl\. "Ihc l.niii Mziyur I'l‘\|'I|l'Itl(‘LIWilli LI I--rin;iI ilinncr lnr lcn s.'iilnr\ and ilk’ (Kiiiiiiiiiiiilinix ()il'Iu°r. (‘mlcis ul TS Rcsuluic and IS I\o\lIlI"I.tflIIIll wcrc given lnurs ni Ihc wssvl. .iiiiiinp ntlii.-r lnuil pmiips ;lIIIII.llt'(I Hi the Rilcr x'I:I\\ Hllltl

Ilii:lili_uliI oi the iisii p;ii;itli' IIllIllI_l!Il Illt‘


\'t'V\ pun


was .'I t'IlIt'



SI \\'iilliis ('.iillt'ill;ll.

.icmiiip;iiiicd h_i IILI Rcgiiiicnl RA. luiscd in the cit_s-'s R.-iplaii li:irr.icLs.

"Wt ;iti- vet)’ i'nrtiiii;iIc Indeed in L'Il||l_\ such .'| close and d_\iiIiiIiic ;ilI'i|(hi: pt-npli: i.itinIi with \'cv\pnr1 li.i\ c ;i|i.ui_\s iiliitlc II.\IS Scxcrii Lllltl licr ships I.‘t|Ill[l‘.lfl_\ lccl \cr_\ welrniiic." said ('0 l.I (‘iii Itlllllll) Icy. "\\'li.ithas hccn must plrlising has hm-ii Ihc ilcgrec ul IlIlt'f:It'IiUIlwith the t‘Ullll'lilli\Il)'.'|\.‘fll\s :ill In-cl». hut

twpcciiilly _\'IlllIIl




\AIlUf1l IlaI\'l' hi-cii c\pnsi.-II in the Rn);iI .V:i\ _\' inr Ihc Iir\l iiiiic." .'\IIl.'l lii'r spell In \\’.i|i's. St"-i.'ni mniliiclcil m-npnii lrauniiig l\I'Itlfl' lL'\IllllIil_l! Iislicrs prnin-iuin tlIllll'\. \hllI(Il will ciiiiiiiiiic iiiiiil ('hiIsIiii:i\




.‘i lrii:.ilc lI.\I.\' \\i-sliiiiiislci v..is ilui: haul. In Pnrtsiiiniilli ;Ilti:r ciiwrgiiig iriini rvlit ;is Nari Ni-u-i twill In pri:\s. Iliii in-r \l'.l) will he hricl she nnvi li.is \4.‘.1 inul\ hclnrr ht‘lili.' ncccpicd l\l\‘lt iiiln scnicc in Iku-iiihi:r and I'L’\k‘(lIt'.fll.‘lIiii J'.iiiu.u'_\. Nari I“l'M'\ will I!‘ liilliwuliltl l|i.‘i piu_t-ii.-ss lmin ii.-lit In ilcplnyiiiciit mi-r ilk‘ iicu lcw iiiniiilis. -

First for tanker

Card number:


Nth) .it Muiiihai. lnmicrly "lIl'llI\t_\. ('nmiii;indiiig (llliirr (‘apt Riissi.-II




change nt cuniinuiiil cere-

Frigate on trial

email: subscriptions@navynews.co.ult Navy News -The Paper that lives up to its name!

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and spent I27 tI.'|_\‘\ .sl ~c.'i. npcrziting w ilh ships lruiii ICH Iuiiinns. She zilsn wiirltul with Ihc liiili.iii


lhflnkfid "'0 C08'l1|0n '0" "8 help in establishing the Force.



boats (mas) and a further 25 RIBS and FAB: (fast aluminium boats) donated by the United Arab Emirates. The recruits have been schooled in a range of maritime tasks. including seamenslilp. mariner skills. firefighting. gunnery and boarding operations. The Force started operations on October 1. when it assumed responsibility for the protection oi Iraq's coastal waters. including patrols on the Khawr abd Allah waterway. and the protection of ofishore oil installations and the port of Umm Oesr itself.


PORTSMOUTH023 9273 4448 or order online at


Predators. eight rigid Inflatable

V ~°‘°“'°' mi‘ "'

1ss_n-mm---com-s Ring AnnoYoung


oi five 27-metre Chinese-built


her -:-.ist nl Sum 32 Ingzilu nsilcil cighl

Iii )WlN(i nui ilIIL'I IS years sen ice. llIlnL'Illl|iIt.'f lI.\lS Siindiiwn was greeted by line :iuIiiiiin skies ;is she iiiuilc her final i:nIr_\ in Pnitsiiiniitli iiiiilcr ilic While ltiisn.-ii. l‘l_\Illl.‘ .i ilccniiiiiiissinniiii: penn;iIil. Snixlnwii was hniuphl in h_\ (‘nixiimiiiiling ()il'iu-r it (‘uh Jniuithzin (‘unLc. rnuniling ull .1 hus_i ZIIH. The ship‘s iiimi ri.-cciit cliulicngc was it luui-iiiniilh sum in US waters with thin‘ sislci iiiincliiiiilcrs lnr ncrciscs with Allied naiiniis. II was Ihc liisl ll;tll\;lII;lllllL‘ tIC[1ltl_\'l1K'lII h) I‘li|Il\I| iiiini:liuiitcrs in Cllrlll _w:;us. and alter uvuidiiig KL‘lvcrgs in log nii Ihc viiiy nul. Ihc \qllil(II'l|I1was I‘\£lIlA'l’1‘(Ihp :1 ti-riiciiius slllflilun the way hack linmc in July. Suiidnwn .i|sn joined ;I |I|llYll(ll_\‘ drive when sho: \l\lIl?tl (Il't.‘;|l ‘lliriiiiiiilli int ;i iii.'irIIIiiir: IL'\Il\';Il ('hiIiln-ii \\l‘Tl' Ii|\'IIL‘lI In Inur ilk’ ship and llicrr Units 4 pl’I.'\CtlIZllIlln nn lI"li.' RN and Ril_\';|I\ iii the limn hull. Suiitlnwii. iliic In ilccuniniissinn ;is Niii'\ Nrii | we'll! In plI.'\\. is one ni thn-c ships of her class in he paid nil under the N;iv_\-‘s Ill)-t shsilu:-up, nliing with IIM \IilP\ Hridpnrt and lii\'cmt'ss_

‘am the ‘Vattgpded °‘."5 ::.:.°" °:.,*i.".'.°.‘:.;;?"‘


Limited stoclaolliacltcopies IE-5.



Ihc (‘I15 I50 stall will he b.'i»:d ;L\hUtt' Ill ll;ilir;nii. hui ;it \L'J Ihc

-“LL ,_


t'llt‘ilI that innk

iiinny in llahraiii un hoard i-‘S Cuiiipii: dc (JTZISSC. Cuiiiiiindnrc Tum Cunniiighuiii. look over the rciiis ul"l':i.sk I-‘urcc I50 (Tl-' I50) fmni Rear .-\dniir:il Jean i’icmTucle of the French Niivy.


('.Iii.ul.i Ill I908 ('liicniIliiiii \\.I\ tliv lust nl Ihc l'I|.lI\ in Ive 'it'_x'i.'Ilt'f.Ili.'il'l\_\ Il:\l‘. S) stems in (‘.in.iiIiiiii \[K'('llIk';IIIIli'l\


ulliccr has itssuillctl cuiiiniand nl‘ Ihc mulliiiiitiniiiil task force which is patrolling the (Bull. A ROYAL



bows out of service

The C\('flI cnilnl willi ht';iI lniiii the Rn_s;il Illarim-s llnnd. Thu: \hlp was npcn In \'I\Illl(\ for two days. and six ul Ilt'f ulliccrs \|\IIl.‘tIIhc Russuiii \'flll\-L‘! .\InsIu;i. (‘ill Mark Kiiihhs. SI :\lh:in.s' (‘t l, s'.iid: "Wi.- \»\l'l\' II0lIlN.lfl.'|Iin he p:ir1 ni tliv: cclchrntiniis and for mu ship in he utlimli.-d such a pruninncnl pusilinii in the‘ (inind ll'.uhntIr .11 such .in LIll\P|k'Il|U\iiiili:."

(Min (5):


RI’.-\ (lull:-.it. tlic largest ship at sun with the N;i\.i| Scrii-sc. has hcisnmc Ihc lirsl Iiiiikcr In In‘ lilnngsidc the new hunkcr l\’l'III :ii l’unl:ind'sInnci iln:;ilwi-ail-:r. The hcrtli. which can l'.iLi: vessels nf ll iiicircs drzili ai any suite iii the lidc. was built tnr l’nrIl;nid llunkcrs Iiilcmzitiunul I.ti.l. and has hcv.-n in but newt use Inr wicrzil months h_\ an ship the site nl (l-.iLli:ail.wliich displzicts _‘»il_(lll Inns when lull)‘ liuilcil. RI-L-\s :\|'}£lt\. \\'.m- Knight nnil Sir Irislriiiii hznc dI's(l czillcil iii iii I'nr1l;iIid in recent weeks.




_. .




O Caspar and L/Cpl Craig Tait take a dip (above) and are joined by members of the ship's company of HMS Richmond (right)

Hands and paws to bathe

lI.»\VlN(i chargcil .icrnss ihc (‘:irihhc;ni satin}: liics and rcsinring unlcr zillcr ;i \t‘l'It‘.\ ul I'Il.lflI\‘:ll’\t.‘\(800 page x). HMS Richiiinnd has been able in scitlc luck min the Iiiuri: nnrmul rnuliilc ut pnlrnls and purl \ l\lI\. I-‘n.-sli [ruin a \l\ll In Muiiiv.-rr;ii us here \-nlcaiiiu Innis lill it siitc disliinccl pruicd pnpuliir Ihc 'l'_s pi: Z3 lrigaili: llt.‘i.ldt'i.I in Muniniquc and the pun nl I~nri-dc-I-r;inc«:. when‘ \IK‘ [‘lI‘L'P€II’L‘(I lnr Ilt‘t ncu puiiul Ihc lrii:;itc's tnnihall tr.-;iiii l.'ill’llI.‘\I .l ilruvi .I}.';llIl\l .| i-‘much lv:;iiii. and scscral s;ulurs Iunl. Ihc npp-~r1iiniI_\ in iliw: il.l'l'IlliKIIhc ruck)" nulcrnp Lnimn as IIMS I)i;iIiinnil

Rock it w.is uiplurril ll} lhi: British in Ii-llll illltl Pfll\‘Illcd with guns In iiiiacl. cm-nii. ships .ipprn;scliing Ilii: island. cuiiiing tlw lI.\IS iiilc in rccngiiiiiuii nl’ iis murillllll.‘ w;irI.iii:


Uri s.iiliIig. ;i iiiass 'll;inds In H;iilic' v~.is allowed it lhnlilitlnilldip iii the «:3 Int .in_snnc who dares. Jniniiig Ihc.-iii \\.Is the ship‘s ilmg-siiiltcr ilug (';isp;ir. wlin ilnnncd it |$llf[X|\t‘>lil.t(lt'lili'|';icl.ct .'|iltI w.Is lnvicrcd nu-r Ihc: siilc int .i puilillu: with his iiiindcr. IJ(‘pl (‘wig 'I‘.iiI whii li.id to keep the dug nii :i It.'ill.I as he swims lil\lL'f llnd Iiirtlicr than (‘r‘.iiI:.



Shins of the Royal Navy No 588 ,



."',., ’.












O .



HIPS of the Woolston in Southatttpton. the glassreinforced plastic ((iRl‘) ship was Sandown class I;IunI:hed on April lo. I999 hy Mrs have proved Lisa Spencer. and was ucceptetl into their value in RN sets-ice on l)eI:I:tnhI.-r X. I999. I‘I:ln},'_llt' is the first ship to he closerecent years, and HMS ly ;Ift'Iliated to .\'or1hern Ireland for Bangor has been at tI\'v:r llfteett yI:;tts. the forefront of that 'l'hI.' ltistory III the n;IIne lK'}'_lIls demonstration. more than (rt) _\'C.lts ago sullen the curtI:ttt ship's sole ptetlccessor. .t III Septetttlier 20132 HMS llztttgor-cI;tss tttinesweerxm was ltatigor Ilep|o_veIl to the (hilland cottttttissioned on October 2‘). l‘Ll(). hecattte engaged itt ()per:Ition Built at Gavan by Harland ’l‘e|ic. conduclittg Inine cleamttce and Wottt. the warship was opetatiotts in tlte Kltawr Abd involved in Operation .-\|l:Ih IK.-\:\) ahead of IIutII;Iniin Jubilee August 1942 the tarian aid shipmertts wlticli were raid on Dieppe. ferried into the Iraqi port of Bangor was part of the Uth UIIIIII Qasr. Mineswceping I-Iotilla. which carried lly the end III" ()p Telic. her out its wort. with efliciency and predepIoyInI:nt of ten months had seen

l’ort.\ttIIItItlt. conducted trials In llasie .\'cotl:mIl. eontpletetl ()per;Ilion;tl SI:;t 'I'r:tittittt: IIi()S'l'l ;InIl taI.en part in l'|yIIIoutlI N;t\'_s-


Slit: is cttncnlly condtielintt route stirwys III the Tliatnes. and will shortly lleptn ptt'p;tr.tlions lot ;I ZIXIS tleploytttent to the Italtic. HMS Il;ttt1,:trt is the ninth of the Sttttdossn-class III Stttttle Role Minetiiirtters (SRMII) to he accepted into sets ice by the Royal N:I\'y. Iluill by \’osper 'llIonIycroI'l at



Glass: Sandown-class Si te Role Minehunter

(SR H)

Complement: 34 (five otiicers) plus six spare berths

llttnttor visit I7 ports in I-I countries. steaming a total of lN,tl|U Intles. Since teturning In June last year. the pace has not relented llattgor has gone through an eiItI.-nsis-e refit III


Pennant number: M109 Launched: April 16. 1999 Commissioned: July 26. 2000 Length: $2.5m Beam: t0.5m Draught: 2.4m Displacement: 484 tons. fully loaded on: Two 500!-(W Paxman Valenta diesel engines: Voith-Schneider propulsion: two Schottel bow thrusters. Speed: 13 knots on diesels. 6.5 knots on electric drive Weapons: BMARC Single 30mm gun Sensors: Sonar 2093. RCMDS 2, 1007 Radar. 780 NT Echo Sounder Radar: Navigation: Kelvin Hughes Type 1007; I-band

, .

an L‘

Facts and

Ii.t..\I'.III< t

Q73 -

ship. tzirgcling even the most sophis-

renamed the (ilomttu. llrit;tin's dependence upon ni;Ir~ itIIIIe trade Is as great today as it has ever been. which tncans the threat of the ntine perhaps the most costettective of naval weapons is taken seriously by the Adrnir-.I|t_v. Mines can inflict intntense damage oII shipping. Itutting oil the lifeblood III .'I country's Inaritime

cision. In I‘)-H she tool; part in Operation Neptune the Normandy landings. She was pan III" l"orce J ;Ind in the post-ttssztult phase. llangot wzts pan of Task Force I2‘) during the horn hardment of (‘ht-rhour): on June 24. The t;Lsl. force. followed closely by the honthartlingships. came under heavy lire from the (‘pemutns and the Ininesweepers were forced to with» draw tIonlIw'.trds. In May 10-15 llztngor was involved itt opI:r'.Itions atourul Norwity. and was one of Ii\‘e ol her class ot Ininesweeper loarted to the Royal


Nttruetxian Navy.

()n Ntwetnher ll I945 she was lX""“'"':"u-V tr:ItIst’I:rrI:d :IIIIl

trade and seriously htttttperiniz the use of n;Iv;Il power. In the past ten years the RN has been involved in numerous mine clearance operations around the world. including the Gulf and the ltaltie. During World War It mines were cleared hy Mine (‘ounterrtteasttres l.\l(‘.\l) sesscls that tImeIl 's\AL't‘]\ \«sitI:\ ;tslI.'ttt. annett with cutters to cut the Inoortng mites III" Iruo_t;IIIt mines or sintttlated the influence tll a [\l'ssIll}'_ ship to trigger the simple tzrottnd mines. The |‘)5Ilssaw the dcyelopntettt of the 'l‘on-class Ininesweeper. refining this technology. but the advent of

hiizh-Ilet'ItIilion sonar led to the devcloptnent III" Inirrehuntin;:_ The eontntissioning In the early

llll-Ills of thI: llunt-class ntine countermeasttrcs vessel combined the most advanced sweeping and hunting techniques, using cotttputer technoln. I3)’ltut the development of sophisti~ cated and cheap ntines Ineztnt they were c.Ip.Ihle ol' taryzetiny, a speeilie ship sigriature. and hunttny. was the sulesl way of dI:;IliII3: with these llt.‘\‘lL‘L‘\. Such ernpltasts hzts led to tltt: dcveloprttent ot the SatiIlIIv.s-it class. Ilangor and her sisletx use .son.'tr IIFJ3 to locate tltInL'\ zthettd ol the

ticated devices :1! a safe Ilistztncc before then: is any risk to the ntinehunter Itself. Nr‘\U'l'lS M INJIVIII t'\utononIIIus 'l'actical lnI‘onn;ItioII System) inanages the d;It;I from the ship's sensors and Inanual inputs from the .\Itlp'\ I'orIIp.-Iny while rninelittrttittg. 'lltI:It .spI:ci;tlly-tr.Iined cle.'It:tnI:e Ilivers or the R(‘Ml)S 2 [Remotely ('I>ntroI|eIl Mine l)ispos.'Il S) stI:III a hri_ttltt yellow utttnattnetl suhtttersthlc with its ossn .\0l1.'tl' and video I.‘.tttIer;I capahle oI L‘.'tr|’_\'tI"I;,! an l‘.\pItI\l\‘C L'Il;lt):l? or cutting cables) are sent to tn\estiI,::ite Ittote I'losel_\' aIIIl. it tier.‘t'\s;tr_\. lay .I tltsposal I'lt;Ir):I' \\ lticlt is rernotel y dctonatetl.

lll{l{()I‘.S are often people who. sshen Izteetl with :I Ittortutnentztl l:L\IL,

rise to the ocI:a.sion a glorious. if hrief. foray into the lirneligltt. 'I‘hi.s Inontlt's hero. Richard Ilell~ I):Ities. made rather more of ;I ltahit (II it. (lI.\pI:l_\'Iltg hravery and fortitude on more than one occasiott, and playing a lL'.'IlIlI‘l}{role in the (lL‘\'k‘lltpIIICIIl of tt'.Iva| ;ts'i;Ition to hoot. Iiorrt in l.IIttdoIt on May I3. I830. and orpltatted hy the little III: was .\i\. Ricltartl ssas hrotitzltt tip itt the care of an uncle. joiIIiII_I: the Nut.-y at I5. lle was one of the first N:I\'.'Il (Illicets to volttnlcer Ior avizitioti trainIItt.!. .IItIl itt |‘1I2lIt.‘was tcI.‘t>_t‘,ttis4:tl as '.I tl_\IIII: officer hy the r\tllllll:IIl\‘.



;IItI:r. llell-l);I\ies (‘hatles .\';IttIsIrIt's 2-\I:tIIpl;ItIe l’.Itl_\‘. No .‘\ RN Air SqtI;IIIroII. conIIII.IIIIleIt lay it lietce supporter III air povtct. .'IlltI one III the ltt.\l units IleplII_\cIl III the ('oIItincnl on the ottlhteak ol \\.II. III .l.'ImI;IIy I'll.‘ llL'lI<l).'I\'It‘s Ilev. front the sqtt;ItltotI’s Dttttkitls liasc III .ItI.It'I. a Il~ho.It It.'I\'L'lt at 7.cchttt_t:t:c. his eotttse I.'ll&IIl_L: hint m.'I:r ltL‘;t\'ll_\'lIL'lL‘lltIL'(llcttllttry.

llcll-l).I\ics was

h.IIIly injtttctl


leg. hut III.-spite the pain and .slIIn'Is'. :Ind ;I L‘onsiIlI:t;tlilC loss of the

0 Richard Boll-Davies (bottom right, holding fellow officers at RN air station Eastchurch

ploughI:I| on. delivetittg his hottths and landittg Intel; safely. llis injury was serious enough to send him hack to ltlighty and his actions‘ earned ltirtt :I Distittgttished Service Order. llut that was not enough for Bell-l);Ivie.s. who rejoined his collettgttes at No 3 .' uadron just helore they ntmetl to the Dardanel es to honth ‘l‘IIrlt-ish irtstallations and provide aerial rceonn;Iis~ sancc before the (izillipolt atssault. ()tte ntission. on Noventher I‘), I915. saw HellDavies join a homhing raid on a .\lI"‘.lICglC£lIIy~ important railway junction III Fcrejil; in ltulgaritt. and as the planes carried ottl the :Itt:II:lt. BellI);t\‘IC.\ saw a llenry I-'arm;III plane. flown by (iilliert Sntylic. sitting on it dry river lied. Stnyliesis engine ltad failed. and Itulgarian troops were closing in. so ltell-l)avies circled the hnrning I-‘arntan (Sntylie having torclII:d it and detUtlitlctl his last honth) helore touching clown. llcll-I);I\'ie.~.' Nieuport I2 ltiltl been con\etII:tl from tv.II-se.'tl to sittglc .\t::tl. hut there was just hlood. he


dog) with

Picture coutosy ‘flu-t M An-n Mtnnnt, Ytxwirat

Smylie to ueeu: in before it took oll again through a h;Ii ol fire from the Ilul :Iri;In.s. This skill and bravery were rewarded hy t e Victoria ('ru.\‘&. lL‘.\'Cl'lIL'(lby King(iI.-orge V. liell-I);Ivies who a so won the (‘mix dc (iucrte with Palm :Ind was" made :1 (.'lIev:IIierin the Legion d'llonnI:ur went on to play :I I:rtIei:Il role in the development ol carrier operations (winning the Air Force (.'ross- and had .several senior admiralty appointments (Including Re:tr Admiral in charge of Air Stations). lle also commanded .sI:vcr:I| ships, including the cruiser IIMS (‘ornw;t|l. lle declined it position in the RAF after World War I. staying with the Nztsy. and saw active service in World War II. finally retiring in I9-14. Iiell-I):rvies. a modest and well-tilted tnan (he always felt uncomfortable recounting Iris V(‘ exploits). died on Fehrunr) 2!), Not», at RN llospitzil llatslar. in (iosport at the age of 7‘). enottglt





This Christrnas Cid (sue 8 H4‘ at 6") shows Pt-mbrolte House, near Chatharn In Kent, the RNBT's (are home Ior Iorrner Sailors, Royal Marines, their wives and widows.

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£3.95 per




Royal Naval Bent.-voierit trust

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Portsmouth, P02 BRN

1541023 9269 01 I2 I.-mail: mbtfirt-Ibt.org.ulI


BENEVOLENT TRUST st II:-v~3':;\.. .":l.

i1‘slll I ‘-.\III ‘I



N.-\\'Y NEWS N()Vl-'..\lBl".R Zllll

crisis in Zimbabwe JUST to let you know that Navy News is still very much enjoyed here in Bulawayo (about the only thing that is. apart from the weather!) My very good iriend




Nottin ham (Chairman ol the H SBuIawayo Association) has been sending me the paper for many years now. without lail God bless him. I would be extremely gratelui it you could lind room on the letters to advise all my trtends in the HMS Myngs. GZPIGZH C.W.Fl.S Club and many others that I will be unable to send them cards this Christmas due to the high stage rates which are raised again on n Octo r1. This letter today will cost $17. On Friday it will be $34.50 lor up to 10 grammes and no doubt it will be raised again betore Christmas. P. G. G. Clark. Bulawayo, Zimbabwe —

Connnunal bucket SI-ll-'.|N(i your piece about HMS (irafton at (iihraltar. the old Grafton there in l)3ll and it hrougbt back memories for me. My First morning. the Leading Stoker showed tne to the washroom. 'Ihcre were no taps on the basins. I asked: “Where is the watcr'."' and he said: “in that litiekel." it was ‘ull of dirty. soapy water and l saiil "l'll get some lrt:sh." He replied "Only I-I liavc been through ll. so there's‘ room for you. We don't waste water." I wonder what today's (irafton'.s lmys and girls would think of that‘! G. J. Harris. (iunness.


Scunthotpe. -Q7.






Editorial 8. Business address:

Leviathan Block,

HMS Nelson, Portsmouth,

Hants, P01 3HH

Victoria loss 3 chapter Ill accidents Rl-Z(iARl)lN(i your article on Admiral Tryon and the loss‘ of HMS Victoria (October issue). of [xissible relevant interest is the evolution of the Barr-Stroud range finder. Ilad one been available. it ruiglit have coulirnied that the parallel lines of the ships were too close for a stile inward turn. For that fateful cruise in ll-t9.‘i Professors William Stroud and

Archibald Ilarr had been invited to demonstrate their new range lindcr. Unfortunately the prototype was not ready in time. the delay was due. in part, to injuries which Professor Stroutl had sustained when he fell during a descent front the roof of Barr's house in (ilasgow where they had been making infinity calibrations whilst using the moon as a suitably distant object! How the best of intentions by moonlight have adversely affected the course of histo l’rol'cssor Strout was :i distant relative of mine. ’l‘ltc sto has been revealed during amily .




Letters to the Editor should always be accompanied by the t's name and address, not necessarily for publictalon. email correspondents are also requested to provide this information.

Editorial Lines.


Telephone: 0239229 4228 Telephone: 023 9212 4163

(M-I 24163) Telephone: 023 9272 4194 [Mil 2-H9-t) Fax: 023 9283 8845 ernait: c.-ditwinavynr.-ws co uk

Business Lines... Switchboard: D23 9282 60-40 Accounts: 023 9272 0686 Distribution: 023 9272 5136 Adv: 023 9272 5062 I 9282 6040 023 9272 4226 I 9275 6951 Subscriptions: 023 9273 4448

Editor: Jim Allaway email: '4.-tr«'_i-:1:-on’. r\.i.*,m-vr. an \.s Deputy Editor: Mike Gray Assistant Editors: Fax: 023 9283 D149 Helen Cl.l‘.'L'll‘ fi.t;l11u(l H;irt_;n,;;iu;-3 email: tzi-.:;u.i-cs n.iwn<,--.s-'..co ck Business Manager: Lisa Tat-.' web: www.navynews.c0.uk -


history resc;m:lI. That was atssislctl by reference to Rum.-r um! Vniim by Michael Moxs and lain Russel

(M;iiustre:im l‘l3.‘l)_

'l'hat book in turn came to light as a result of a previous article in your splendidly lltl0lnt:tli\'L‘ Nasy A. R. D. Hawkes. News. Teignnioulh. l)es'on.



D. Brown. llydc. Isle of

Akusonin touch

Long haul

for Wakeful couple at articias about the World War it HMS wake-iul late! so I thought you might be interested In a photo 0 the last Waketul. I was serving In her in the Mediterranean in 1955 when a merchant ship called up a USAF rescue flying boat to take off an injured seamen. On landing, the aircraft was damaged and could not take ott again. It had to be abandoned, its crew ng on board the merchantman. Waketul was in the vicinity and had the job of towing the aircraft 300 miles to Malta. It was a diificutt tow. there being no really suitable points to tow on it. All hands were employed and also all our spare ropes. Towing was only done during dayl ht hours, so all ropes were cast off each night. morning watch hadto launchthewhaierandsacurethetow at first light. another difficult operation, one man in to a it na got it gottlrig a Field very than I iettartrom the lnt.lbya.whencathatlytngboathadarnbarkodon THERE have been



3.3." uatt:.9d"' Bfl




Wl'l1l()ll'l'meaninv tn trivialisi: the many deaths t at occurred when HMS Victoria sank. I would like to point out that HMS Royal (ieorge sank at Spithcad on August 2‘) I782 with the loss‘ of over till) lives, includin- that of Admiral Kcmpcnfelt. 'l ere is a plaque commemorating this peacetime disaster in a small public garden near the llarhour at

AS ;motltt:r of the last survivors of the battlesliip HMS Nelson I would like to join l). (':trtlcn in pattieipatiiig lit the L'i.‘lL'lllilIlt)llof

the Zllllili anniver.\ar} ol 'li.il:il;:.tr. One of the .sadde.st siglits recently was a photo of HMS Nelson being broken up at lnverkeitbing in G. C. Thompson. 1949. —

Kislingbury. Northampton Contact

HMS Nelson Association through Gordon Boniface on 01444 482002 the



involvedinoperationalnstlrratraandwaspraaant at the Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay on

www. navynews.co. ulr


Trunk d of ‘Elephant’s Bottom’










IN RESPONSE to D. Andrews‘ request for the words to The Hole in the Elephant's Bottom (Septemberissue) we have had a trunltload ot versions (many unprintable) trom as tar away as Vancouver. Canada. The old music hall number apparently dates from around World War I and still gets the occasional string at private entertainmerits.

1'he tollowing (slightly edited) version is taken from The Fleet Air Arm Song Book, led by Ms] A. J. Donald ot the Royal su Ila nes Historical Society:

The manager says, ‘Its all balls’ but somehow I manage to spot ‘am And wink at the whores in the stalls through the hole in the elephants bottom. I'm a lover olbeautifulglrls:yesladies I've always been hot on I turn round and wink at the stuff in the stalls through the hole In the elephants bottom.

He simply does nothing but fart, and i am the elephant's bottom.

‘livopockets I've cut in

the cloth, for two

bottles of beer when I've got'em Folks laugh aslblowoutthefroththrough theholein theelephant’s bottom.

Therearamanymorewordsin thissong butl'mson'ytosayl'veforgot ‘em if you've found this song justablttoo long, you can all kiss the elephants bottom.

Mypart doesn't have any words so ttreally cannot be forgotten‘ lsimplydroppropertyturds throughthe Myambr'tion'stogoonthestageandnow holeln theelephant'sbottom. Our thanks to all the other readers who my ambition I've gotten. 1hefeIlowwhoplaysthefrontpart,asan sent In their versions. Further requests will ln pantomime I'm all the rage, as the hole he tcaretully) considered. Ed actorisjustbloodyrotten; in the elephants bottom. -


bravery I WAS intere.\'led to read that the Italian human torpedo attack in Alexandria Harbour in December. I‘l4l had featured in Navy Nrm

(October ixsuc).

FURTHER to your article on Duncan’: victory at


issue) it


that at the and of the battle the was sa



ps was nothing like what it would have been had they been engaged by the French or the s


single mastnotevenatopmast Not



shot away. The Dutch fleet waited until the British ships were near and then directed their shots into their was

I WAS interested in the story oi I IMS of Norway (June i.~¢.ue). l was l‘tnt l.lL’llIL'i‘l5tl1l in HMS Ikvortshire in I95!-S2. In the two summer cruises we went in Oslo where at cross section of oll'icer.\ and cadets was entertained by the Kin ('aplain. Inter Vice Admiral. Crawford wax in command. Irt his (unpublished) :tlllohiography he wrote: “In (No we were royally treated as it was Devonshire which had brought King llaalton and his family and (iovemment over to Scotland in the war when Norway was overrun." The King told Crawford he did not occupy the (.‘aptain's quarters which were full of women and childrcn he had a mbin in the ward-

William .

list and Prince ()lal slung a hammock! I had never heard ol (ilasgow having anything to do with the evacuation Cdr G. H. Peters. llemiantn, South Africa. room

HMS King, the

evacuated the wn Prince. the Norwegian Govemment and much of thenationalgold reserve from Molde to the temporary safety at Tromso in northern It was from there that HMS onshire brought the .

Norwegian Royal Family to in Bnlaln for the duration.



(ilithgtlwand King llautkon



Tllli I.ANI)lN(i barge mentioned by (E. ii. Sullivan (()t'tober issue) was without a doubt ISI‘ Jilin HMS l)icppe. I joined her in June I952 irt time for the usual (ireclt tour and we were designated to be the one all the canteen requireto ca menu or the Fleet. The ISIE at that time were filled out to he used as hospital ships and at the after end was a large section for use as an operatin theatre. our trip out with the Fleet all the beer was slowed in this rsi~ cc. with a sentry tio in from. But one it our strikers found out that on the alter bulkhead of the operating theatre were two removable plates to give aooess to steam valves in the boil--

fihiring .

er room.

When these were removed it trtunily gave the stolters the t to have a free beer an when the plates were put back there was no way the mming beer could be accounted lor. A. D. Saunders. Soulhcnd-on-Sea. I-‘_\\ex. —

I remember that awful night in great detail. I was I-lag Lieutenant to the ('-in-(' Mediterranean in HMS Queen liliraheth. We had been warned that an attack might be made but we didn't know how. where. or when it would ha 'n. The charge under HMS alinnl went oil first and blew an tttllt hole in her. lollowed very shortly alterw;trtI\' by the charge under IIMS Queen l-Ililubeth.which had the ellect ol her losing all power and

lighting and listing llt::t\’il} to xiii!bozird. The third charge was placed under an oiler with two destroyers reluelling zilongude

each side. The Italian intention \lrt|.\ to flood Alentndriti llarhour with blazing oil, Fttrlttntilely. lllt.\ did not has pelt. 'I'v.o sutmariite-.~ were wuiltly L’.lllCtl up to come alongside Queen liltrzibethto provide wet and the list was righlcd. iy the time the morning Italian reeee planc came over the harbour. everything appeared nomtal from the air. A guard and band paraded for the Colours ceremony at tltllll with the ('-in-(' on deck and saluting. even though the ship was a little lower in the water than usual (she was actually resting on the


'Ihe (T-in-(I. who'd been on the u r deck since Mill. appeared rmed. althou he had been un flicked about live eel in the air by the whip ol the stem caused by the c losion. ‘his attack was brilliantly and carried out by the eourageo Italian clianotecrs and one must admire their bravery and efficien-




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.\';\\‘\' .\'l-.\\'S, \()\'l-.\llll-Rllllll

Royal British Legion is dedicated help serving and ex~service men and

The to



and their families...

...1,000 people



to visit war

graves every year


300,000 calls for help



every year

...54,000 people


helped with war

pensions every year









5' ~



...5,000 people are helped with a stay in our homes every year ...100,000 visits are made each year to the housebound or those in hospital.


If you are interested in joining The Royal British Legion, would like to make a donation or

require further information, please call 08457 725 725. Alternatively, visit our website @ www.britishlegion.org.uk Reg. Charity No.

219 279




_N,.‘\\’\‘ NI-“'5, N( )\,-'}5_.\1Hl{I{ Zlll-I








praise ll‘0llI

AIIiion's new on

:\$SAlJl.'I' ship I IMS Alhiun's new Commanding Uftieer (‘apt l\'eith WiiLs'tan|e_\- paid his lirst visit with members of the ship's conipany and Royal Marines to the vessel's adopted eil_\'. ('lie.ster. The l)evimpurt-h.i.sed warship did not accompan_\' the sailors. who took the up irtunity to hand -


Oopenmtke... Sooond$oaLordVieeAdmiraISirJamosBurnolINugont chats with broadcaster Llbby Pumas at the Back London headquarters. The admiral was lntorviowodby the Boob fqran lmpondingseriosofRadio4programmoscelebrating Bdt"""5 '9" 33 9 ""””""°""30"

P'°‘“"” ‘-‘""'°"°‘“""“""


l h .‘ _ hC|"E"l“"_° "19’-*l1'P-‘~C“"" panv cs

liltiiig events. Other highlights of the visit to


the nuitli-nest included a tour ul an aillilialcilscltoiil aml it look atuiiitil the Vauxhall car p|:iiit at lillesnierePurl. Iii tclurii. car factory ssurkcrs and local dignitaries liase hcen iiisited aboard Allnoii to spend

'rfi._- ( ()'_* 11.9 )(()-9 '11“; §u[germ‘! 'l11e head chef. perhap.s'.’ Nupe. the warsliip's much-trav-

clled ntascot. Sttll\‘ Bear.

Non. present Wlit) l.t (‘dr lan Mills iiccd fret no more. llis passport stmscd assay. the cudill_\ tus has hung up his suitcase









‘:3 Es thanks to sate drive I


iiiipit-\c s.i|cl\ ltll iiiainieis in l'nilsiiiniitli ll-.iihoui .tlItl its .t|‘ltIu.it-tit-s hase \'.tll‘IL'tl the port's ()iiecii‘s I l.ItlVnlll' .\l.istci l.l.lIIl_ t)ll.\l (‘di loni llciiiizm scl up the \uliiiitt-ct ll.'|ll\Hl.lf l'atml .'ll'Il.l pcrsiiadcil |oc.i| liusiiicsses to in scst Ll lll.tllII in tlie \Cl'\'lL'L'. llii: patrol. laiiiiehed ll'I .\la_\. cuiiipriscs 25 mluiitecrs and two small craft and is used to advise u.sers of the harbour on .salets' issues. ('di Ileriitan lputun-it «how on puiml Ill I'm-iurinuili Ilurhoirr i-rilu


praised lvs

Nasal llase (’uiniii.aiidcr ("die .*\lll].ttl llussaiii tut his "incieililiIe"vmik iii iliiiiiiiiiiiig up support in the i.'t|Illlll\Il'lIl_\ Int’ Ills‘ pzlltiili the ll.lII| cilitlcs l|'Ul1I the M()l)’s (ll"MS iiiiii;ill\'I.'. Volllcll ressards iiiiiiiuitiiiii and moneyJlalxiiir-s;i\'iiig ideas. Also recognised in Porlsiiiouth NtlHII‘I



W02 Mick llaiskes of Super inlemleiit Fleet Maintenance. lle picked up bull [or devising a hctter w:i_v to test a weapons cooling sssteiit on 'l’_s' 23 lrigates. using a iii.-ss-inl'ra-ret lhermuiiietcr.





On \VEl)NI‘Sl)AY IOIII N()VF.MBF.R 2004 Al l0..}0a.l:i

lo iiiiliidr |'t-isoiul cllnh inc-d.i|\ cit. not

niiiiiuiulct lnlin l'aIii\k ( ants‘ Mlllu l).\.\l. (llM.\ Yruiiiiil. tuiiitiiigs .llI«l piiiiii lis l t lluiiicrsnii Jlul \X'.l \X'\llir cu. Irli-uupn nul \'.ll"lI\Il\ lll.I\\\\.lll'.£lIllIIll1t'l iuiiinal uillntaliln.iml llIIlII.llIJ. Viewing: 5.IiiinLi_\' fi‘ I0.00.im |.00pm: Month)‘ ll‘ 9.30am 8.00pm: liicsda_s- 9“ 9.30mi 5.00pm lur hy appointment! (htaloguu: £3.00 ll.-1.00 by post) Annual sulncripiion £35.00 DM Neshit 5: Co Clan.-ndon Road. Soutluta. Hunpsltirr. P05 ZED. "Ii:-l (025) 9186 452i Fax (025) 9229 5522 Email: aunioniPncnbiI.\.<n.nIi (hlaloguca: wwminraluahl-c.(ortiIdmnubiu-&i:o I

of courge gafloi-3 being sailors. they have been all

acne-mam» relat tun. carrying him to the top at Mt Etna or sugar Loat Mountain. through the me

Panama Canal. taken him on ham U Md in ‘ Lea 9 and‘ 9" enloylng 8 beer In an bat‘ l~or lieailleachcr Vent Murphy. Sally has been more than a hit of fun: he has been a vital asset for

gm win‘ '9": sgme ‘outfits 5:in°rT'°l:l°:r° Ping:

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“He has been one of the best things which could have happetied." she added. "llc‘s enriched the children's learning. It Salli.-'.s been there like the pyramids it makes it much easier for them to learn about the world, "We nnlv thought he wuultl l\c away for the ssotld tuur. liiit the sailors didn't ssaiil to hand him back." ‘the heat nearl_v didn't make it back. During a recent stop-ull in (iihrallar as part ol the antilerror deployment. one oft e coluny's infamous harhary apes r:in «ill with llte mziscot only for the hear's -


"ll’s renltiikalilc vslial a strong aiiil siliranl relationship has hcctl estzihlished hetsseen the city .iiiil the ship in tlie \p5lCC of IX inontlis." said ( ‘apt \h"llI\I;Illll."\'.

Head Howard renews ltlll ties conquering hero returns... with HMS Newcastle: CO: Cdr Jeremy Blunden TBCGIVOS 8 rapturous reception as he brings Salty the Bear home to Manna Park School O A





time at sea.


turned to the school which diiiiated him to the 'l'_\-pe -ll (lL'\lftI_\'t.'l to: her world tour in Zllllll, With the (ieordie (iunhoat going nut ul cuiiiiiiissiuii. Salty can no longer sail the tII.'L‘;|lIs, su he lieailed home in stsle. ('uiiinianding Ullicer (‘alt letem_\' ltliiiideii brought the heat back sia tltc ship‘-. l.yiix lielicop. let. V\;llL'llL'd lvs‘ Jlll three to l\lllL‘_vcar—olds of Marine Park School in \Vl\Illt.'_\‘ ltas. iicar Nev-L':Lsllc. wllu ha\c liilltwscd tlli: m;isciit\


the fruits luntl-raising work to the (‘latte llouse llospicc. (‘revs used the summer deployment to the USA to raise cash for the hospice with sponsored weight-

FOR the past four yezirs .s‘ucce.s'.s'ivc weapon engineer oflicers‘ of HMS Newczislle MY‘ l"“""'d ‘WY’ w'“"'

'’l'‘ “' """- ‘-""'4"""“""-“"" ~- ~ ‘-‘ '" ""“‘ '"' _



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and nephew S'l.t Will is learning me hmuv "MC es.

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While liiisigii as ( an 1"" ”"M“"'





does his brother.

"we will Inn}; uflcf him until mu Nziw calls on him again." said Mrs


the Senior Senac u -nu, hm M." W iintcil l‘IL":ttltll;I\lCl’ ol the Royal Schiml in Siilfnlk. alter



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St l‘LllllI.tlltl'\ t)\loitl. .\l;ii|horuiigli ( 'nllcge.;\nliiigIs(‘ollegc and more rccenlls as tlcpiils and I:ilcr lieadiiiasici nl lluscr (‘ol|ege.


::,T3:h,‘,,u‘_:“'.:',"‘,.-:,:."lit:L”; "




Sun‘ ‘ ‘_' ‘ M‘ ‘ ‘_" m_ ‘ heat has lvcctl. \\c ‘sc giscii him .i lot ol alteiilioii. :\nd the look «in child“-n'.s [aces when ssc hniuglil him hiac-;.ai.s. I‘ “ "J ml‘ "1 What next tor the Alan Whieker Ur ‘ht “urfcd '

I-'()RMl-LR RN olliccr lliw.-ard lllackett has fI.'l'Ii.'V-i:t.l his N;is';il M :l\' "l; ft

all to rule ttie Mexican waves


IIMS Kent itewlgns-ed ()M Nikki llodkin scooped top prize in the RN Sports‘ Lottery l;5.l|tlll. attached to the of l’h3.'sii_:;i| _R‘Il!'£l _ Nzivzil -

. 593,- nocessnbs; (Lem Sam, kmed am (0, ms mp go the A],-,'c3n jungge dun‘,-,9 Ngwcasuets SP9” on


coat to snag on something.allowing junior nlliccn to rescue him.

lemportirily Schoiil lraiiiilig at Ilhlb leilieraire iii I’ortsmoiilh. hukki to

plans splash

belated hi iiieyiiiooii. \\\lltIl‘Illllgwith dolphins off the coast of Meiiico, out on a

“I ssoiildift have fretted so much ill had known there was more than the school has ‘hackone Sally -




Tuggs thanks to LWRN Jan Wilkinson (pictured with senior Investigator Lt Cdr Jim Hutchings, left, and RN head of flight safety Cdr Aidan O'SuIIivan)



Lie llacltand think Ill, Bl‘, llight satety (i()lN(i to the dentist is an experience for mu-.st ople. but at Ycoviltoiian educational dimension has ‘en atldcd. As sailors lie hack in the reclining chair they can‘! help hut notice handv saletv tips posted on the ceiling in the form of 'l'ugg's le 'eiidary cartoons. Dental hyiticnisl Jan Wilkinsonstruck upuii the idea (well. it .sa\’e.s on the laughing gas] to make tltc dauntingexperience of the ileiiti_st‘s chair slightly less painful. ll-eyond being a constaiil presence in .-\"ai\' .\’i'm. —


Tugg livcns up the Fleet Air Arm's tlighl salety niagazine ('orlt'pi't with his cartoons. ller idea has <.'I.'n:tlIll_\' inipressetl the HMS lletoii

bosses. So much so that (‘dr Aidan ()'Su|liv:in. the ()l~ licer in (‘harge of the RN Flight Safety and Accident liivesligzition ('enlre. and his team cuiiiiiiissioiied a cartoon lruin ‘liigg to thank Jan and presented her with a framed L'll]1_\. "It's an innovaiis e idea and pm-aclise way of spreading the flight satetv lllL'.\\£ll:C in cointnrt and in -

pleasant conipaiis." s:iii|l'dt ()'$iilli\aii.

<‘¢lI| iii. -.-. \.l I’


\ \\ \ \l \\\

People in the News Faslane's _guai-ds car "W" '“'F‘9§'"'T°

llil ‘_jl.|\L‘\I Ilmuii iu1i.iriiiiiii_\ .iI l|\l \.'i\.il |’i.iw ( lulu‘ H1.l\ h.l\L'l'l1t.'1lI\lIl.llL'lI;Il1;l\|. '





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O A midge too f.1r:(Ic-It to right) MOD Guards Lawrence Milligan. Gary O'Neill and Bobby Smith and the midge magnet


O Hmnim. riiuybe I should have picked up War and Peace instead... W01 Eddie Se.1borm_- and just .1 low of the 2.30 copies of Navy News 1:03 wading through

new Eddielflead xv-






0 You know. these things travel much faster in the water: The members of the Canadian Canbou Canoe 2CD-1 pose during one of the breaks in the bad weather

Anything but gamma my i-Hl««.X\H«~T|'i lH\'\(


:2-uill zxluii H'.‘.


‘'H.«-. i‘lL'


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electronic warlare specialists an achievement given the ship has only been in service little more than your. and operational only lor a matter 01 months. The team were called to FleOlHO|nP0l1SlTIOU1h 10

co uk pin“ W“, flaw“ “ ‘hm Qumg







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receive .



Rear Adnnrm David Sndson Chiel'»of-Stall‘ (Warfare).

The leading force in Armed Forces


'ru-no-no-.nun»-uumgp-Anna-nun-n-nlo-an-cu-vs-ma-In-.-nu-..a-v-run-uinouilis-a-Ainigaxu-u--ugxln-vvv:-Iqnnru ntsqpauuumusiuusnumomuqmrvuuIn-utsunnhcizin-I-in-an-ounvau-us-nun-ncgun-vuinuu-I-uni:-u-dun in-nu




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IAYI-ynnvvdhu Child hymns-omits low-no-nsunuv iu¢¢C1IIuP'.-IhnuvdI-Gi-nu-uu-u-u.Silutracunnl hula-vdflalhiunninlslfl-‘I-Inc-uinwal-urrntuudnn-qua-trot


‘\‘1‘: \1‘.‘.\ ‘.1 l‘.‘ ‘.II'.

'.'.'.1'-'..l1ill'\li1 1~.1_1-11.111".

111 the limit and 11111111








O The dedication to the field gunners at the new memon'aI


‘The guns, thank God, the guns...’

O HMS Powerfuls field gun crew, including Bill Broomliclds lather Charles, on parade post-Boer War and (below) Mr Broomlield with the new memorial at HMS Excellent 11.:

11;,-. .‘.'.1.\1- B 51111.11-.-._-.:


A PERMANENT reminder of the men who upheld the memory of the leg-

endary lield gun stands at its home.

run now


1111' um 111 11111‘ 111 1111' 111141» 11111 l11'l1l _-_'1111111'1~ 111'1|11'.1l1'11 1111' 1111'111111i;1l 111 1111- \£IIIlll\ 111111

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BORN of a need to counter the 155mm guns ranged by the 80ers against the 15-pounders ol the British Army, the ‘tick! gun run‘ as portrayed at the Royal Tournament only touched upon the hardships involved. The tournament run only lasted about three minutes; the real thing dragged on (literally) for months. Cruisers HM Ships Powertul and Terrible had been sent to South Alrica as the crisis

escalated. Tcrrible's C0 and gunnery expert Capt Percy Scott knew his 12-pounders could match

any artillery the Boers brought to bear. He removed tour guns from their mountings and titted them with wheels and axles bought ashore in Durban. A Naval Brigade was hastily formed and sent by rail towards Ladysmith. when the track ran out. oxen and hard labour were used to bring the guns into position. Just 48 hours betore the town was finally encircled. "10 9‘-‘"5 3"iVed "01""? "'51 naval artillery to be employed "

in the conflict. Guns were committed in the battles ol Colenso and SD50“ K°P- B9Y°“dP"-I159 from Queen Wctoria. the gunners were immonalised by Rudyard Kipling who wrote that the sailors had “trundled “WIT W3Y I0 he3Ve" I0 me mne of tour point seven".

Bow down 1111101-e aring 1


'1'l|l-Z 1\':i1_1".~ .\1'1'111111 ll'lt)\l ~1-111111‘ 11l'li1'1'1 11'1t111'.\\1'11 1111' s1.'11I1- 111 1111' 1"11'1'1\ 111'\1 3.-1-111-r;11i111i \\:lr\1llps 1111 1111- first 11n111111111 111' ;I1\11sl;1rlc11 1111111‘ 1111 111'~.11'111'1'1 |1.\1S1);i11111|1'\~.













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.lu11.11|111:1 11.11111 p.'1l111ii11'1l 1111' 111111111111 1111 l111'1111'.1. ~11'1l11111111 1111' \1'1'1\11111'1 1‘I'.!111 1\|‘1' $71 i11'~l1u11'1~ .11 1111' \ 1 111111111 ~!."|li11'~|1111 1111111|111;:1.i11111}' 111 |'1111~11111111l1 1-11~l 3121 111111 1\1111111.1l S11 .’\1.lI1 \\1-x1 1.l\1

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«.-. -.~. l‘.

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Putt". (orri-(I .11 limo of going to press and lll(lL1l.1l' VAT 12 rnon:h~{ vvhiclv I-iiriw: duly and tire! rm-:;ir.lr.ilxori 101- of £33 Military (liucouiil-. (.in hf‘ uwi! in .1ilrti1i::n to VAT i--vrnption if you .in~.t.i!iom~zl .sl)ro.ul or about to be ',.l.!lionL'd.1bro.1d V(‘hlClP".l'T1l)‘.!hI'()l'lil_'l‘l'(1Dr 200-‘. Mitirar-; z1ir.roi;nl-. .iii_- .]'.‘.]I'l.|!)'.f'to .ill -.i=.'vim; H1l‘!T1l2<‘.". rug:-.lvr(=ll hl‘l'.'.'f‘v.‘ll‘Kl0(l(Il1v'l'.lI'5lI1I‘aYP'lDi_‘((‘rT\l)l'l O'UKJ‘\i'l11l'l’F(]f'(l"i,ll'l|fl'l"it‘f‘I1(1‘[)l’f'iO|'iK1l“,flion (IVIIMHIp(‘I"iOT'||'1(_'lJl’1(1HM Form-. Rl"".l‘f‘.'l‘.I‘. Thl‘(}"l‘fI‘..1l‘.()L‘lll‘l'1df‘dl0lhl"’»[}0ll‘.I'./{3.]fll1l'TI)’H11‘I'lll]lhlI'.lf);]!ll.Illl llK—l;.i-.i-(2 pi-r-.c.-i:ii-l .ir¢- alto i-liq.li'.i- lzzr mu Frvv Irr‘ ur,mci- nffvr (urn.-nll-,' .i.-.iil.il:loon wlv(tc<1 Cr.-r-'..i mo:lv'.‘. .'-.0.-.-i-wr. no olhi-r "‘1.Ilk('l|X1(]‘]YOf]f.|H'|l'l'lL"_-\i'.‘||[JDDI)’


.\'.-\\"‘i' .\'l-.WS. N()\’li.\l|ll€R JOIN


Cardifl’s name will live on atschool l|.\lS ('-\Rl)ll"l' was due hiick iii l’ottsittotiI|i lrotii ilcplo)itictit .is \}it-\ .\'i-us went to ttlL'\\_ li.i\iii_:! scciitctl .in uiiiisii;tl hi-riour llic 'l_\pc -ll tlestro_\cr. which is |lllL' to dccoriiitiisstoii iie\t _\t'.ir .ittt'r llL'l Iiti.i| \lC[ll||_\lllL‘lll to the \lL‘tl|lL‘fl.lllL'.Ill.ll.'ts spent the [List si\ iiiotillis tll the South .-\ll;tI‘llIL’ ;intl otl \\cst .'\lllt'.t. \\‘lit|e the ship w.is at l'fL'('lI'\\-ll iii .\ictr.i lcotic, .llUll|'ltl Ill! ol licr ship's ct-ttip.iri_\ k.ll'llL'Ll otil lllllltllllj.‘ tstirl. .il .t l|\'.ll sclins-l .-\iiil the coiitilr_s's ptcsitlciil. \lirn.-il Kzilibali. was so tiiiprcsscd tli.it lie tcriatrictl tl:: tiisttlutioti in their ltotiottr llill Station l'rcp;tr.ilor} Scltool is now preceded by the naiite (Htrilill .is .i t|i.ink-_\oit lor the building .ind lilting-out ol lotir brick classrooitis met '.I week in June.

l|'Wll'. Ht'Il'_\'Il(’ll'.\'.( ‘U. ll/\‘

It's showtime tor Somerset in the Bull Maltese TYl’l-'. Ii frigate ll.\lS Soiticrsct has ettjoycd ;i \\c1l-e.irncil break lrorii iluties in tlic ;\iirthcrii .-\r.ibi;iii (iiill l\_\ \‘tsiIit1_:' l)oh.t Il'l (_l;ttar. ()iic ol the llI;:lllIj.'llI\ was the ('oitilitiicil Scniccs l:iitcrt.iiiiiiieiit t('Sl'LI\ll(I\\ stiigctl tor lltc ship's ct-titp.in_i in tlic .\larrtoti Hotel. The sliow tncltitletl pcrlorrnaitces by \'Hlllt'\lI.l.ll\ ('oltri ('olc atitl lid ll_\rnc. music was protidctl by Top (';il. ;is'coirtp;triicd by daitccrs Jiilie ('liitt_v.

.\leg.in Jones and (‘lairc l.r:a|. Ucspilc sortie prohlcnts w Ilh custottis L'lt‘.tl£Ill(t‘ ol eqtitptiietti. lntntic bcliiiid-tlic-sccncsclloiis by production co-ortliiizitor (icorgitt;i Smith .ind tlic \ttlllltlL‘l1_l!Ill(‘Cl'\ensured the show could go on By that stage the pcrtoriiiers had ;ilrc.tdy \ l\llL‘tl the ship. iiieelirig sortie ol the ship's cottip.iii_\ .iiitl cxploriiig lltc lrig.ite the coritcdtaris _c.'illicriti_'.:

ltoyals involved in a lthumha in the jungle tisclul irilorttialioti to


l; iter in the show.

ROYAL Marines have been training in the heat of the jungles of (iliana and have been inipressed by the "cartdo altitude" of their African counterpar1.s. ll'l’lIt'.\' .S'_i,-r Stun Ii’Irmrm*r RM. —

The President may have been encouraged by a touch or nostalgia years he studied at University ago College. Cardiff. part of the University ol Wales. -


I-Ilcnicnts or’ 3 (‘ontniaitdo llrigatlc look pan in the liilaieral lisercisc Wcstcrri Rlittiiiba. 25” of them lrottt the llrigade Rccoiitiaisstiiicc l‘orcc IBRI’).

ilcslro_scr's ('oiiitti;irtilirig,:

tllliccr. ('i|r .\likc lic.iril.ill. s.iitl:

"ll.\lS (Kitilill is c\trcriicly proud .iiitl ltiitiourctl to be rcco::niscil by the l'tcsnlciit .lll'il\k'llI\1|l lll tliis is.is. "llic ships toiitp.m_\ who ssorkctl .ll t|i.' \\ linol tlltl .i ltctnctttloiis tub in (‘\llt‘lIlt‘ li:.it. dlltl we .llL' ilcli-.'litctl t|i.it the ship's ii.ititc will lnc on lll .\'ictt.i |.cotic (Iirtlilt \.lIlHf\ .i|so lent .i ll.Illtl .'Il ('.is.t Jitittti)'s_ :iii orplitiiiagc lll Rio rte J.itieiro set tip by .llIlllll_\ l'a;'e ol l.cil Yicppclin Iante. while the ship \t.is in .\‘outli Atnctica. A brindle of llUll.ll('(l gilts was also hztnilcil mcr. (‘rirtlill spent three titotillis on patrol in the l-'.ilkl;trids. and pinned p;iriicitIarl_\ iiietitorablc tor (‘I'll Nick l’oci-ck. who won top pole in the ship's r.ill'lc .i flight over the islaiitls in an RAl- Tornado. The draw r.iisctl L"-llll lot the ship's charity. (‘mtg Y l’;irt; school in (':trtlifl'. "

No on



$r\ll.()R$ lrorti .\lll\t.'_\‘ ship H3-IS lindurance have been cttploring the wilds without the penguins. 'lbeparty of H took advantage of the ship's lay-up for rclil to spend live days advetiture training around the Dartmoor area. llui the weather was all too t.iiiiiliar to those used to the Antztrctic. the only respite from the cold comiiig lront the lK.‘L'$lhl(ll1:Il I)evonshire -

creatlt tea.

The Red l’ltini is now training oil" the South West. and is due to head south in the New Year.

To be eriiitled to a slim». the (‘Sh idea h.i.s been running since l‘l4o ;i ship or subtiizirini: has to he ilvtttlojsctl lot more tlt.iii lour trioriths. .'il which point l.l ('dr Roget $;l§IlIIl arid W()l'l' James Slcw.trt. lroiti Fleet l’lt_\ sic.il and Adtetiliiious 'l'i;iinttig. sci the wheels in motion Sotttcrscl is now back on patrol. and is rliic to liatitl met to ll.\l.\' .\l.irlborotigh this xiiotilh lvclotc rctiirritn_-.- to l)t-xonport in tune tor (‘liristtttas


Royal Marine of 3 commando Brigade on exercise in the [un-

gles ol Ghana

Picture: FO(PHOl') Tom Mcnomu pi Cdo Bgiol

'llte llRl' is ;i group which tnortiIurs L'llt‘lll_\ :icti\it_\. sut\c_ss beaches and ltclicoptcr |.iiii|in;.r sitcs .l.lI\l ohlaiiis iriloriiiatioti llll obst.'it'|cs such as clills .inil iiiiticlieltls. II is c.'ip.tlilc ol opcr.ilitig il;i_\s aheail ol the main lorce. Zlllll deiimiiils high lctcls oi soldierriig skills. br:i\er_\ illltl tlctcriiiinatiori. They go ill by paraclititc. helicopter or boat. which requires spt-. cialist training. Western Rhuttiba took place lll arduous conditions lll the (il'I;Il'l£Il;lII jungle. near Acliiasc lll ilie stll.lllt~ west ol the coiintry, and will help tnainlain the Corps‘ ability to light in any environment. be it desert. mutintain. cold or jungle. I.t (‘ol M. Smith. (‘ommanding ()llicer oi the ('onirnand Suppon (iroup of 3 (‘do Brigade. said: "(ihana's Jungle Wiirtarc School is an ideal location. and the excellent support we have received front ilie (ilianaian i\l()l) has been most geriand is essential to the concrous duct of the deployment." (iharia was chosen not only for its —

Boflin boost for Action Stations Tllli interactive learning centre for youngsters inlttrcslcil in the N;i\’y has been given £‘)l)(l.lll)llto i:ri:atc a new science gallery. Action Stations in Portsmouth lltstoric l)oelty:ird will install 35 new exhibits and displays looking at

the tccliniilogy which drises the Fleet. iii p.irttciil;ir propulsion. coniiiiuiiicatioiis and riasigaiion s_i stems. The tnoiicy eoiiies from the RcI)isco\'i:r Fund. at spin-off ol the Millennium Ciimniission. and InterAction is due to open next summer. "We are elated at being awarded such a magnificent grant and we look forward to offering our visitors a fantastic new science and technology experience." said Action Stations general manager B-.irb.'tr.i llarncs. Meanwhile. Action Stations‘ near neighbour. Mary Rose. is hitting the

road on :i tour til the UK. Not the wreck itself. but artclzicis. real and replica. to enhance understanding of the ship and her age. Purpose-riiadc ‘seamen chests‘ have been di.sp:itchcd around the country by courier lirni l)llL to schools Tudor Britain is one of the the National core subjects in Curricultim for pupils of juniorschool age. Among the items in the chests are wrist guards for archers. arrow spacer.\. is bleeding bowl. peppcrtnill and eating utensils. —

jungle but because oi

the st;iliilit_s or

the gosernincni the UK itiaiiitains strong links with the country. and the local Amicd Forces offer much in the w;i_v ol cnpcrlisc. "l'hc Royal Marines h:I\'t: been iniprcssctl not only with the facilities ollcrcd btii also the ‘can-do‘ attitude ol llii: (ihztnit soldiers." said Sgt --


i|cplii_stiicnt was coiitltictctl tlttotigliotit Scpteitibcr. with it liital exercise at the licgittning or last The

ritottllt. The heat and ltiiitiitlity til the cm Iroriiiiciit put the troops under stress. tcstin;.' their willpower and tlcteriiiirt.iIiori

II also helped Ioster icl.itiotts l\i.'li.\ccn the (ili.iri.'ii.iri lorccs and the UK Scniccs the Alrican it.tltoti‘s Dclcricc .\litiisler noted tlt.'it “lhc llritish .-‘\rtiictl l‘(\(L't‘~. coiilil be tlescribcilas the riiollicr of the (iliaiia Ariiietl l-orces Ilicsc lotindatiotis ll;i\c now been built upon and 1ll'|jllI|\L'tll\} (ilt.tn;i."

And the Royals hoped that not only would they team from their hosts, but that they could also pass on skills to the Gbanalans. One liighly-successful clement ol the deployment was the building of a

school by Royal linginecrs from S‘) lntl (‘do Sqn Rli front (‘his-enor in North Dcviiii. On st suggestion l|_\' the C0 of the Jungle W;ir1an.' School. Lt Col Bolt Nsyska. the ()llicer (‘omnianding BRI‘. Maj Andrew Fcrgusson R.\-‘l. look the \‘hanct: to build a rnodcrri facility for lllt children and live teachers was coinpletcd in four weeks. The headmaster of the school said: "The children are so delighted. l-Education is very imponant in (ihana and all the children know that. "l'hcy love to go to school and this building will nizikc a real difference to them and their futures." Al.so taking part were Recce Troops front -ll (‘do RM. 45 (‘do RM. l-'orw;ird ()hscr\';ition ()flicers frorii I48 Battery RA. boat support frorii 539 Assault Squadron RM and helicopter support from ll-to Naval Air Squadron of the (.‘omniando llelicopter Force. Then: wen: also reconnaissance elements from the Royal Netherlands Marines Corps. new


recalled at reunion

.\l(lRl: than ~llll lorincr st.ill and pupils tncltitltiig li\c lic.itlnt.istcrs §:.itltcreil at Ll reunion ol l'.il ll.llltl.ll[. thc olil R.\' .\'ccotid.it} Scliool iii .\l.ilt.i. .-\rotitiil -lfill. ic|\tcscriIiii;_' tcti t'ttlllllllt‘\



\l;il.i_\si.'t .IIltl .»\ustr.ili;i. lr.i\c|lcil to




\\'iltsliirc to recall their the school. ssliicli closcil


l|i.iri 35 _\c.irs a;.'.o. 'l'.il ll.iiii|.iq pr-ititlctl sccoriilarjs .lllll soritc tiiiiio: ctliicatioti lot cliil then or llrttish .\'cr\i.ciiieti .l\ well .I\ Ll|llill('ll ol \I\Ill.|lls scrsitiy Ill .\l.'i|t.t lvclwccri 1'!-17 .ititl l'J7.*i The tctiiiioii tissociatioti is IIU\\ tri s'oiit;iL‘t t-\lllI 2.200 tncrnhcrs. but is ;i|u.i_\s lt;ipp_\ to hear lroiti others who spent time at the school on their books are sortie rnzirtied cottplcs who met while teenagers at the school. and others who ll:l\t‘ rekintllcd olil fricrtdsliips and since rti.irricd. ‘lite t'l‘l;llflll:llI or the organising cortiiniltcc Rog Wtlkin said ol the ;iltenil.ince: "It is ;i lcslziinciit to thc li:ipp_\ nteiiiories we h;i\c ol our cliiltlhooil ariil lccii;i_i:c _\L'.tl\ iii .\l;i|I;i. .ititl the c\ccllcttt scliooliiig we rcccisetl .il Ili.it time. that so llhllljs who iiltetiilctltlic scltool .irc so ciilliitsi.istic .llN|lll ll|t't'llll'.‘ up \\rtli oltl lricitils am! the iiiastcrs ulio l.'lll_L'lll ilieiti.“ .'\ll .tssi|s'I.Ilt‘tl \\v.‘l\silL‘ Is .il more


lteservists march to new llllllll

R()‘r'.-‘kl. N;i\';tl Reservists lrotti HMS Vivid llll\‘L' iiiarched lrotti Mount Wise to their new horne in l)c\tiIl[lIl“lNaval llase. l1.'\l by rt Royal .\larincs Iland lroni HMS Raleigh and a ceremonial guard frutti Vii-id’s ship's company. the march rtiarlted the start of the rededication ccrctnony. (‘oitirnanding Officer (‘tli Andrew ('r‘.iwlor1l said: "All .\';i\;tl Rcscr\‘ist.s identify with their parent unit and take great pride in representing that unit when working alongside their regular Service countcrp;iri.s. "lo liavc tlial home within the heart ol operations in lbi.‘ South West is a sery exciting prospect for its all." Naval Base (‘oiiiniaiidcr ('omtnodore Andy Mailiews. the guest of honour at the ceremony. said: ‘‘I am delighted to see HMS Vivid move into the Naval Ilase. "l‘he Royal Naval Reserve is an integral part of the RN and we look lorviard to supporting HMS Vivid as it continues its excellent work in rccniiting. training and adtninistcring the Reservists of today and the future." Vivid has 210 personnel who li\t' amund the South West. with skills ranging from medical in logistics.

sailor revealed as Man who Never was

A SAll.()R who died in a wartime accident is believed to be the mysterious ‘Man Who Never Was‘. "the unidentified body of a man was used in a bold intelligence plan in I943 to iiiislcad the Aitis powers over inva« 0 Second Sea Lord Vice Admiral Sir James Bumell-Nugent with sion plans in the Meditcrraneaii. The hotly was dressed in it Royal his wile Mary outside Buckingham Palace alter the Navy's Marines uniform and a new identity crePrincipal Personnel Officer received his KCB from the Queen ated tor liitn. Prcfttu.‘ LAIPHOD Gray Men The new .\lajor Martin was given an instant history, even down to a photo of his girlfriend. theatre tickets and a Tl-.l) llrt!-s. I (‘otnmainder-in-(‘hit-l"Heel Adniiral Sir letter from his bank manager. H~ the titil\ li\'ittL \lll‘-'l\'lIf ol the striking of ll.\lS Hood. has opened the Jonathon lland was guest of honour at the ‘lbe body was slipped into new l'ersonne| and Adtniiiistratioii (‘critic opening of Wzirspilc Building at the sea off Spain from submaHMS .ll ('ollingv.ood wliicli bears the ('ol|ingwood. rinc HMS Seraph. and word ri.iiiic of ltl\ old ship. 'l1tc new building provides warfare sciit rotiiid that a plane carry.\lr Ilriggs was one of only three who within the .\laritinte \\';irl'ar-: trainitig ing the stall ollicer had were s.'i\cil from .i ship's cotiip.iti_\ ol and trained alter the biiltlesliip. Scliool. is crashed ttito the sea. th.iii l.-lllll \\|tcrilloosl s.iiik iiiorc Within the building is the Riirtisay oti .\l.'i} As plaiiiicd. the body was 2-l l‘|-ll. li.i\'itig been struck .i l.it.i| blow lactical l-loot. hottottritig .-\tllllllLll Sir tounil h_\ the Spanish. wlicrc tliiritig: .i ilticl \\Illl Ilic llistii.irt'k .iriil l’rirt/ llcnratn R£tlll\.'J_\. N;i\..'il ('otiiiii;ittdcr-in- (ii.-rtii.ins ucic .i|Iowctl to see (‘liief for Uperiition ()\crlortl III Jiitic IUH. l'ii-,'cii. the tleco_\ itilortiiatioii tll ll llic l‘lIlltllll}.f proudcs pctsiiitricl stip W.'irspitc lltitltling. which cost atoutiil bricltzisc ch.'iiitcd to his wrist. ritcilical and ilenl.il lacili» £4 million. coni.itns nine ('oinni;iiitl ll;lllt' .\lonilorcil l€nigiti.i sigitals poll. Incltiiling tics. lor the .\l.irtliitic Warlarc Scliool. ers. proscil the (icrtiiatis liiid -


swallowed the hair, As a i:on.sequencc. defences at Sicily were lighter than might otherwise have been ()pcralion Minccmeat led the Gennzins to strengthen Sardinia instead. 'lhe body was for years thought to have been that of Welsh sagrant. (ilyndwr Michael. who died of pneumonia a death which resembled drowning. But now the identity has been revealed as John Melville. known as Jack. a sailor who died when aircraft carrier HMS Dashcr. blew up iti Scotland possibly caused by an asiation fuel leak. John's daughter Mrs Isobel .\Iack;iy and her son l1.:l\‘L' visited Cyprus to take part in a memorial ceremony on board patrol boat ll.\lS l).ishcr. part or the (‘yprus .'s‘quadron. when ;I wreath was cast into the sea in honour ol a truth who died while scrsing his country and still did his bit csen alter his ilcgith. The story or Miiiceiiieat was lilrnetl as Tin‘ Muir llliu A'a'i‘i'r Wm. And the wiirttnic enigma li.is ;ipp.ircnIl_\ bceii solved by N.i\.il llI\lt|fI.'lll\ John .iiii| Noreen Steele in research lot lllclr liitils ‘nit’ .\'r'i'Ir'!\ ill /IAIN l)tl\ltr‘I. —



0 Mrs Isobel Maclray lays a wreath on the sea from HMS Dasher in Cypms in honour of her lather John Melville believed to be ‘the Man Who Ne./t.-r Was’ Picture by Cpl will Craig (Army) -


NAVY N!-LWS. N()\-‘l°..\1HI-LR 2001


There ain't nothi 9 “KB 3 Will‘ game. .

'|"H|’.Rli was added rczilism and [')(Ji'lI1ll1Cy In Ihc Icrrurisl sccnariu included or the lirsl limc us Ihc RU_Vi|i Nzivy cxcrciscd wilh its Fur Iizisl ullics. Ju.~I d;i}~.~ uhcr lcrrunxls struck .II .-'\u-Ilrailiznn lnlCl'L'.\l\



JIIT3 J3!!!-¥?=a?9-°,

J;I|uIrI.'I. \IIL‘£lh|L' RN fnrccs lincil up wilh mnIr:Idcs Imm .'\II\U;I|i1L M;II;I)\I;I. NI.-w /culnnd and .\'ing;Ipurc Iur I-.\cu'Iv: liclxuniai Lima in lhc Suulh ( 'hin;I Sm. W.-Ir guixiu.-x \l:l_1'.L'd us pan of Ihc I-'i\c Pnwu.-r\ |)cfI:nI:c


.'\_|.!!I.‘L‘llI\‘I|l Imw been run hf. lhc ('-IIIInIuIIwI:;I|I|I II;IImn\ \IlIL‘L‘ Iho: n;:n:u.'Im:IiI tun \Ig|lL‘d In I07! In pmlcct Ihc


|’cniII\ul;I and SiIIg;ipurc. "Hus I.c;u. Cl\Illll¢.'f~|I.'YfIlfi\llImid iiilcrdiclimi opennllulls hf. \L';I Iiilcm.-pliiig iillli huunling \lI.\pIL‘h)I|\ \'L‘\» v.-I-. wsrc Inchulcil In lake iI1In;IcuIuIII Ihi: glulml Iclmr |iNl‘.'l| i)L‘\lltI_\L'l HMS l'\L'lI.‘f ;mil in‘! ;IvciInIp;IIi_\'IIIg I;iII|u:I \'~L'I|l| RI-A (Em. Rm-:I. I'\'llIH|I1lI.:|IllhI.:l7K:II1cx .I l~:II l‘.I\I (i(‘[‘III_\lIIL‘III, nun‘ ]I\IHL‘kl III ncvi. sIII\‘cy \ilI[\ H.\1.‘I l‘\|In_ RI-=\ l)IlI_L:I.‘I|LL' and the Hccl l)i\In_u (imup. plux lhy slzilfx III Ihc |'K H.IIl|r .‘aI.'IlI ‘.IIIil Inil “Inc ('uunlL'II'IIt‘.I\lIlk"~ Squuilrnii In Iurni Ihc R\ cnnlingcnl ul niurc Ih.'Iu _’I.SIII pI:f\uIIlk’| dnmn linm Ihc Iixc pmwrs. Ihirlv wzinlllp-.\. mu \l.lhlll;IlIIIL‘\and full ;III'L'r;IlI vucrc Ik'|I|nI.‘L'I| III .1”. l'hc l'IIIIcd l\'iIigiluIn\ Inrccx .IlL‘ cum\MllL'l\ ;imum| Ihu: idyllic I\l;lHd III 'I iuIIi.In Ihc rscllilig IIII Ihc IIul|_w.nud Inu\IL‘;i| _\unIli l'Ill|I\.'Ii In L‘nIl'||\.Il|lI_|.: lI.‘|'HIfI\ll'I nuI Jusl In |l'.'lq.Illl|.'\iI.!l!1(I\l\liI!l hul .'IL'll)\\(III: izluhc," I’m'IlI«'. "This I\ v.h:II vw all Uiiiccl Ihc hniilch lur \.iId ( '|:\(' Hucl .-\I|nIII;I| Sir JIIIIIIIPIIIII Hamil. vuhn \I\lIL'd l.Ill1.!.. diving III ;I Ininciiu.-I i.\II‘I Ih:II gruul. and “lhix c\cIciw has hccn .I qu.InIunI lcup Ihc \i\Ii1i|il_\'i\(Inl_\'£|3guud :I.s }|nr.\c:I ls|:Inil lukc. hul Ilw nppunuIIiI_\' In dis-I: un sum: nf lumunl III In.'uIy crucml LUL'.'I\. Iiicluding iIIIu—IIpcI;Ihi|iI_v ;IIId IIIIIIIIIIIIC L'l|lllI|L'I~lL'l‘ Ihc rccfx ziml wrecks was an cxccllcxil upcmII~.III UDCIIIIIUIIN. ‘Kc shurc .n cnninmii IIL'HL'L‘. Wc wen: iI\‘Ill_L', nn II hcach in humInncks surruuudcd by r;IiIiIun:\I." said Ll) (|L'lL‘l'l'l1iIl;IIIl\IlIn s;iIc_uII.'IId \C\'lIlII)‘ III the Richunl Iillis. I-:_nIuIi." l.I And} Slcvctixui I-'lccI l)iI.-ing (iruup 2 Wliilc [flu-II.-I prnviilud an l.|l:i\'l'IL‘I.' IIIcluiling loosing ;I Scii I).'IrI nuxsilc Aur~Im|- .'Il.llJL‘dI "III lhc past [his has hccn dcscrihcd inn I-'l.\ HurIII:l\ pf(VW|l.'(I lhl: .\kII.‘\, and um as :I diving cxpcdlliun in [)(I|':II.ii\(.'. 'lTIc par:u|isc part is -.Iil| Iruc. huI this cxcrcisc is :1 Ihc .\iIrl:II:c lichu czirricil IIIII I:m'inIIInII:nIul pl’!lfC\\IlIl'|£l“y-L‘!IIIUUCICU and cxtrcniclv sIll\'L‘_\\. Hut spun: II Ihuughl [III (III: Flccl l)I\'iIIg chzillcnging HIIC. lI‘.s hccn gn.-ul In vmrk with (imup. v.hnv.: ':Inlunus' l:I.~.k II Vuix In Ir:IIn our cuunIcrp:IIl.\." I RN leads NATO exercise. p16 Iulh l.'ulI1!;ldC\ Irum Iuur l.lI"\‘fL'!1I Iixilinns In "







" \





\‘ ~





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0 II paradise is half as nice. it'll be very nice indeed: The Fleet Diving Group comes ashore on Troman with support ship RFA Diligence in the backgroundand (left) Malaysian corvette KD Laksamarla Muhammad Amin leads the Five Powers’ task force on patrol in the South China Sea P-ctums lA(5’hoIi luis Hokkrn






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It'||'II'.II(l'l'_\'IIl’WA‘. ('0. HA‘

NAVY NEWS. .\'()\"I€MIIliR Zllll-I

Bare SIIIIWIIIQ IIII‘ lIIOI0l'y'8 historic sail

0 Little ships all ln

HMSJnvlnclbl9accompanied{left to right) by ITS Gazzana, HNLMS Arnstar-darn, HMS Kant, HNLMS Karol Doorman, HMS Southampton and HS Bouboullna ofl Sardlnla a row:

Picturas: SACl"irnWlhotRAF'|.lA{Photl DlvIi(.‘-Alamo! [HMS hwlxlh)

Tl lli skill and courage of two Fleet Air Arm aircrews have heeti

l'lll- ‘Tiirin Shroud’ of tltc Royal .\';i\y. HHS \"ictory's forcliipsail lroin the Battle ot Trafalgar. will he on sliow to the general ptihlic tor the first titne in seven vears in .Illll5_

liotioured hy their fellow lliers. Rescue I93 of 77! NAS based :it ('uldro.se collected the Prince Philip Helicopter Rescue Award and IIMS I-Indurance the Master's Medal for flying deeds ahove and heyond the call of duty as the (illlltl of Air Pilots and Air Navigators presented their annual awards at London's (iuildhall. On October 29 last the Rescue Ill} team of pi ot I.t (‘laire Donegan. observer l.t Paul Dingl’()(A(‘) Dave lcy andandaircrewmen I.A(‘ (iraham Ilateh Rigg headed into foul weather conditiom to rescue a lone yiichtsman sulfering neck and spinal injuries Ht) miles south-west of ('uldrose. They found a 32ft yacht with a very small winehing area being tossed around in a 40ft swell. l.A(‘ Ilateh was lowered and managed to grab oil to the li:il_vard and slid down on to the deelt. He was immediately st rock by seasicltiiess and despite vomiting repeatedlv. the aircrewman inanaged to place the cztsualty in a safe


The sail. still ptlcknlzirltetl with the scars of tlte clash with the I-"tench .'IlItl Spanish llccts. was last displayetl in l’or1sniouth Ilistoric Doeltyard during the International Festiviil of the Sea in I998. Since then further conservation work has been carried out on the iirtetaet hy experts working with the RN Nelson's flagship remains a commissioned warship. today servin ' as the llagship of the Second Sea .ord. As part of the bicentennial coninieniorationsol the battle. the sail will get a r:ire piihlie airin - in the controlled enviroiiiiient w ich is its home on the top tloor of Storehouse No,lll, part ot the Royal .V.i\.il Mtiseiitii in Portsmouth. A lift will he prosided to the lloor allowing disahletl visitors to see the sail, which will he on display hctw een March and the end ol Uctoher.


body position. As Pt) Rigg prepared to join his colleague on the yacht. in huge

Also .-is part of hicciiteiiary csents. the niiiseutn is sliuw-easing the "lr.'ilal_t:ar roll‘. which is the result ot two decades‘ research hy a couple of historiaiis into as many ol the men and women who served

the hattle as possihle. The niuseiiin :ilread_\ holds it Victory roll detailing the llagship's conipleineiit on the day of hatlle. hill the expaiidcil roll will :ttlt.ltt.‘\s the nniission of other \L'.\‘sCls and their crew who pl;i_\eil a crucial role in the .\ia\y's decisive victory. I Ironclatl II.\IS Warrior is spending the iiiotitli in ilry dock lor lhc tirst time in a decade as part of an overall iiverliaul of the warship. The ship. since tllc late lllstls a tourist attraction in Portsnioiilli I lathour. was going into dr_v dock on ( lctoher 30 to allow Iier htill to he repainted and maintenance clicelts to the parts of the vessel notnially hidden helow the waterline. A new type of paint heitig used on Warrior means she should not have to he docked down [or zinotlier I5-Ztlyears. Whilst in dry dock. Warrior's hertli will he dredged to get rid of the silt which has accumulated in the past lll _ve:tr.\.

swell hrolte




BZIIIIHS l’()l{IS.\l()I»"l'll'Scentral lihiar) is hosting an exhibition of art lociising on avialioti alltl tltc sea produced hy the Soleiit Aviation

Art Society. The tree eshihilion runs from Noveniher I- I3 and follows on lroin a successful dis lay of art work at the former I MS I):ii.-daltis site in l.ee-on-tlie-Soleiit.

Fliers’ skill rewarded

SIX decades after one hogtis attempt to invade the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. the Royal Navy returned to the liiiish the job it never started. The islatid was faniou.sl_v ear-

tnarltcd for 'invasion' under the plan to dupe the Axis Powers in ll)-13 over Allied intentions in the region. (Sicilywas the true target). And til years on NATO planners decided to launch an iiivasioii of their own to test the Allied nations‘ new Response Fora-. The result has been I-Lsercise Destinetl (ilory. :i two-week ‘war’ for the Italian island. itieliiding live tiring. waged lay l l friendly nalions. Tilt.‘ RN's input to the war games was led hv carrier IIMS lnvincihle. escorted destroyers Southam anchester and T .3 ton and frigate HMS Kent. plus RI-A I-‘on ~



Sea Ilarriers of .‘l.lll NAS provided the aerial punch. assisted hy Sea Kings of 77! and 34‘! NAS operating lroni the Fleet llagsllip. while .\Ierhns ot:s'l-I NAS were sent aloll to ‘hunt‘ tor suhriiarines. I 3K Maritime l~'iirce ( 'omniander Rear Admiral ('har|e.s Style oversaw the seahorne eletiient of the exercise. emharI;i:d in lnvincihle with his llattle Staff from Whale Island.

Response Force was formed following an agreement hy NA'l'() The

heads of state two years ago and is intended to iueet the threats and challenges of the 21st ('entury from supporting counter~temir—

operations to evacuations‘. antphihious landings and providing stabilityto a crisis-torn region. The exercise reached its climax with two days of operation.s on the ground. in the air and on the sea around Sardinia. culminating in an aniphihiotis assault on the island's southem heaehes all watched by ism

NATO di 'nitarie.s. "NATI '.s Rcsptinsc Ftirct: is it eredihle force which is ahle Indem-

the Treaty ()rganisalion's resolie in the early stages of a po-

tential crisis." said Admiral Style. "This is an espeditiotiary force which does not rely on having it lixed operating have in a host coun-


Destined (ilory is a milestone for the Response I-‘orec which has now achieved Initial Operational



O Sardinia tin:

largest aniphihious the year.


ttallan submarine Gazzana is passed by Rodbull, a Mk 6Soa Klng of 771 NAS operating from HMS lnvlnclblo

were coni-

NAT()'.s operation of



Nearly ltl,tltltlper.sonne|.-I7ships

and almost Sll aircraft tttitted to the exercise

the vessel. mitipletely siihmerging the senior rating. He was recovered ahoard lltc Sea King atid despite heing visihly shalteii lvy the ordeal volunteered to make a rettirii attempt to hoard lllc yaclil.which was sticeesstul. The hoal was too stnall for the aircrew nieti to place the yachtsman on :i stretcher so the lliers decided to wait for the arrival til" the St .\l;iry'.s Iilehoal. The casualty wits transferred to the RNIJ boat and the :titcrew~ nieti iiceonipatiied him into St Mary's to join their helicopter. which had tlown in for refuelling. The citation for the aircrew l't::ttLs'2 "Throughout the sevenand-a-hall-hour rescue. the crewdemonstrated exceptional courage. professional sltill and scllless in disregard for their own extremely trying conditions.’ l‘.nduranee's crew was rewarded for its res'pon.se to the loss of one of its two l._vnxes in l~'ehruary. Lynx 435 came down on the ice in the southern Weddell Sea. tllll mile.s from the South Pole. while setting up a fuel depot for British Antarctic Survey scientists. Three crew and two passengers were aboard the Lynit when it came down. and a Royal Marine and IIAS team was on the scene within minutes. soon joined hy I;.tlt.lttr:lnL'L"Ssecond Lynx. 434. A niedical team from the survey ship tended to the injured in temperatures touching ltl'(‘. Three casualties needed hospital treatment in ('lii|c. far heyond the I._vnx's ran e. In ever-worsening llyin con lliotls 434 safely delivered t e casualties to a waiting HAS 'lwin ()tli:r for transfer. -I.l»«I's work continued as all the wreckage was recovered from the crash site. ensuring hoth no damage to the environment and over

Ollllce flaras:A Sea Harrlorol an M18 takes evasive action

allowing investigators to begin



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their worlt.


IIIIIIIIIIBIB 8 l|IIB8IIlIIIlIflll'B? RN and RM personnel atid their lainilies should return the questionnaires which helps Naval leaders :t\st.'.\s the mood of the Setiior Service and address any irohleins liy the heginning of oveinher. The (‘oiitinuotis Attitude Siiney is carried otil every year: in 2011-3 it is loolting for the volutitary input of 51!!) serving personnel and -Llllll spouses from itt.'ttr.\\' the three Armed Forces. Tilt.‘ leedhacl; all anonynlously provided helps scniiir ofhccrs make linancial and non-linancial changes to the way the RN is run. hopefully improving thin -s for personnel atid their fanii ies. "The survey is key for gettin l’eetlh:icl;."said (‘apt ('hris Rielards. ilepiity director of Naval l.ifc -—





"llie results have it direct itipiit into RN ptllll.‘_\'. so it is important that we get a good response."

mi. in i-. x.


\\\\\l \N\ \(i\l \1ltl ix’ 5"‘-



'l'lll:Rl'l.I lw iii» liiipc lur .\cri>iiuu.- iii Ihirlsriiiiiitli |lll\ ('lirixliii.i~ with .i \llllL‘Il iil ll."\lI\L‘ CllL‘L‘l tii liiiiii: zi \I'l'lllC

ntli'iiii_i: L'\\'l‘ilhlIl_l1ll'l|ll'ltmilitiiiii


L‘i.'tl\_ music‘ li.ill i'nli:tl.iIlttllcI'll_ .i il.ii|\ Illtl\l(' [‘TIt}:l'.IllllllL‘ .iiiil xlrurl






l'i»nsniiiiilli |Il\lItl|( l)iicki.iiil is l.i_\iiii; iiiit ,i \i.‘ril.ililc li:.i\I iil sclcliniliiiii Vlillll lllI\ ic.ii\ l‘L‘\lI\.ll (II ('liri\|iii.i\ lruiii .\i(|\L‘fl'llH.‘l .‘h In :5 \.iiii.i (|.iii~ llllll\\'ll l\ \Clllll_1'. up liiiiiir iii llii’ l)\‘\h\.ll\l liii‘ lliv l\\l|\.l| and Hit‘ lI\.lll\h.l\\ “Ill lk iiitinilril l‘\ \llll inilkiiiit l.iiiic\ .ir:il i'l\i\_ i|c\«Ii|\'il .l\ "(LL-.'iilti\"

ll)L'.Ill'C lilliniz lllL' l)iii‘l\_i.inl. llic ||.I\ lllll\ lrniii ll|.im In "-pin, .iIiil -I lickcl “Ill .illiii.i cnln Iii .ill llt\' .lIll.|L'll\Ill\ \\lIlllll this l)mlu..ml iiiiliiiliii-4 tlii; l'll\ll|l‘l\' \lllp\ |l\lh Viiti-i_\_ \\.irriiii IN-li, Ilia‘ \l.iI\ Ring‘. plux llu' Hiihil \.i\.il \1ll\('lllll .mi| lii lull .illLii

with Liil. lriisi liirkiiiu



\lIN’l\\.l\\illl llll' piiwil lllL' l.IllL'\ .iiiil lmllx will hip.ii'ki'il iiilli \l.l“\ tiiiitim: llicit min-x hit .I l‘ll\\( lll'l\llll.l\ iimrkcl.

\\lll>ll .\I.iliiiii~




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.ll('l.lIl\lt\l'lCI1\hL'lll\ll1\' l iiliku llli; lll_L{llI lwliiii ('liiixiiii.ix \llL‘lIL't' will iiul rciuii iiwr |'i>ilsniiiiilli, with mini uiii


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1" Ilin i‘.iii lk’ l‘I|llI.'lll Ill .iil\..iiiii' lriiiiil|_“\".‘H§4i"i.r..iii-:1ilicilii.

0 (left and right) Scenes from last year's Festival of Chnsimcis

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November2004 /\.).u


llniri.-1; Ir:

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Hf) W'ti.i-l !.iiii.viv..-.i iiii Hirvwiiiiv It 4i1.- I N‘-luv lliillhri r-ti Ill i"L' ~|blu'v'/' I,‘ ."l.‘ l>“];'\9 Lit {lr’F(K‘ l'i.'H. If CQI'IluflOfl Ornltiog Stat! Officers llX"flV“V'1 r-I~'.'. it-rvi-1 (ll Piknvrrit-v ;“i .i' MM 1ul't.ii mirivi--r-i tn Mirh .i-.1 ii"iu~'. atxi ri.tvv' 'iI.1"-111 .r. (.Hl7 (I.Iftii.i; 'iv» iii

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f‘-rrrrinri U Mint

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mac» n prulnctng lhr Malt:-sci people and their i-H.111‘; Contact lhrry, It Gi':n.‘ri:-i




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HMS Janiaica. trio iy.vido.iuoriter oi

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Roy l‘.ni-cw


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February 2005 ‘





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.5 '.i-.1 V‘ '-rm -.24 K4lII.ll turn (in in I. in 4‘VV|.Li ‘I itirv l‘-lrxi-.rL|h'I!.'r".(Ii W-.' HMS @1197 J N Wit-in-i vmiiiil Lhi- -.-. in-.1 triivii .1:-, who ‘J"'V1Vf(f\{K\l'f!HM‘. Hnrnt -xi(;|i\r.v:i-I)-w-i 1-um [hi-til-1


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October 2005


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N qr-l Burn



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N-A: \l'K)(1",J.I'\|.".that W.vriu- .i! t.‘¢iii.'~wunil iuil .i tiny: h III moi tn-I (gin Jlryitm Flip {'<int.irt Jurin (L.\ii tli rm‘: ii. -: -I'n..: in «nu ,~ .II"in.vn- iii‘. .’\2.I- -i'i 4w‘


HMS Thriv-


Nut. K)-5-piirtiiiw A':'.lll.l'-ivdt

-' .wirruirsiu£3‘-

iirii1i~mt.ir\rr. that at un-- tn-in '.rii- tion was lost Jxl iuuukt line to hnoiiii shave iiv.r. it. whorl. J11 him (K! it rnrni- hit I in -.nrvIri- ’







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April 2005 3

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Douglas Scott

l'lich.~u-d ‘Dacha’

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l_I_‘1' H‘I(H N‘l."’il V‘ Hnl".riIi u- SH (Ian-Hi Jtrvrtluifi ax“ HMS W.flior Ii-Lin ..v-.av.i1it~.-_m, '.v i'\"ir~4l In-tin’. in ii'.v pain .'.aniil'y ti.-.1iir'y liriciwii .i-. lhxrip Hr Ht-nh.|n\ Kiiutt iiu-ind tl 1‘.‘r.’>0 aunt '.‘U and r-.i-. «I giiiuli. (,4 [mi wooing-ii; min ll iii in hr. ’3.lVfi iiridnmi The r,rvtr!ir.ili- -.iy'i tr mr. -lvvriq n HMS; Water l'h.1n Fl» lryini; iii tni! xii-hut-. .i£i-xn HMS‘. Wifluiir :I0u'll N30 Jul .il-.n .ih<-ii: (kvuvipr kriott Hr umulu .i¢i(iri~< i.iti~ .iii-, :ilrinn.iliriii lL4iti!.1t (\Ii.iiiCxirim-y_ ti-l l)l‘FI_‘l .1


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pass:-.ss.-uri .1 vnal coppiv .r.hir.:y min tho crust cil HMS l'ii-tcari rnniritwd vi the wax!!-



HMS Condor






lirothrvr [hill I'- all wriq_ :1 Pin ruyitiir-\_ :I'I(t i-. Iinnn tii i'.<l'i1.Ir1 Hty hvinq ’ -..ii-vwiv ot ttin traoc riicuwit to


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MIVt.h..I'.! .|.'-il Fkryal H.Ir*. i"\flIV)I; ‘i'r‘n'u';| Vi-hr.

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till ahr iiinrinrrir-.i.niiii--it ii.u"i lir\.»’ rnmriii-.-.:nriiiiq txxih phi-.


Porriptvy Fir-Id Ginntvx Assocutiori:

HMS Ali HOYU lint» lllnuiruari 'a~r\vI~il vi Na-/.i {IV} lruii nutty l0i'i'i1.am1 Juli-in-)








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association which is open to serving and retired cornmissiom.-d ofiitcn ol the RN. RH. QARNNS, former WRNS and their Reserve; The asso<i:iuon has 9,550 members lor whom it pfCN'IdcS Firurxnl. social. and other advantages. the financial alone giving savings which substantially exceed the annual subscription (U1 per annum or LIN lor Life)

rover year Europe A thick <o8our1uIYca.r Booli A list ol rnernberf names. Adar:-sic‘. and interests laho available onlinc by tr-(um -


int-ant) -

Fme lirunrul, legal and property advsu:


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A mail redirection

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for r-rvvitrvxriqi gpqih AXIVV .'~w-- :4».-.r. ---{Jr



T0: HIHBIBKIP Sl[l.lll.XT.l.LIO_ I0 POR(lllSl[l lu tOIDOll WI ST? ‘W irvii.‘


.5:-1.:-Di :1--.‘


ngvirr--.'.{ ..-(1....


.\.v\\'\' .\'l-.\\'S. .\'()\'l-..\llll'l(Illll-l




THE FLEET's two new assault ships have put to sea side by side for the iirst time.

HMS Albion was iolned in the English Channel by her younger sister HMS Bulwark as the latter conducted trials on the road to operational readiness. Albion. flagship oi the RN's amphibious wing. was declared lit ior iront-line duties in the spring; Bulwark is some way behind her. having only arrived in Devonport lor the lirst time during the summer. As the two 18.500-tonne assault ships steamed around the Channel. Albion's sponsor. the Princess Royal. visited the vessel tor the lirst time at sea (see page 20). Princess Anne spent lour hours aboard Albion and beyond the usual formalities oi meeting crew and dining with 75 members oi the ship's company. she was also treated to a ride in the Royal Marines‘ beach recovery vehicle. ‘The Beast‘. in the ship‘s vast loading clock. The Princess leit Albion with an unusual memento a barbecue for her home. Gatcombe House. built by the engineerin department and Devonport dockyard repa r lirm DML. It should work. too similar designs were used successlully Albion's summer deployment to the U A. “It was a privilege to have the Princess Royal on board and especially nice that she made the time to get around the ship and meet people in their places at work." said LCH 'Wurzel' Warnes. Records on board Bulwark indicate that this was the first time that two RN LPDs have met at sea since January 1991 (HMS Fearless and Intrepid). The lormer Fleet carriers Albion and Bulwark would last have met at least 20 years belore that. Members oi the HMS Bulwark Albion & Centaur Association were also embarked for the day in Bulwark for the lirst time in 35 years. —



-nu...--...-... I







J1 I




0 TOGETHERNESS: HMS Albion and Bulwark in company in the Channel. Inset. below: HMS Intrepid (left) and Fearless off Spithead in 1991 Above: Ch:ir'rmnn of HMS Bulwark Albion 8 CentaurAssociation Mike Noonan presents HMS Bulwark CO Capt Jerry Stanford with .7 framed association badge .




r; 5‘


Sl'_‘ll-C.'ll(.‘lll'\(_'] ilailcts. nerii sea

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Under IIBW management l ll.»\Vli


D1 (Cdr Lambert) and D2 (Cdr Hore)


with my cullcuguc. (‘dr liurc ll)2) that wc shnultl jointly trail‘! an uniclc fur I)r;tl'ty'.~'. ('nrnur us. I)-ISM nu lungcr exists.

ll has now been u:\'u:n months sincc tin: trztn-.l'cr nt’ Suhnlztrittc \\‘.-ulkirc tlrul'lin;_- to thc \\';tr1':m: l)f;tlllll_L' \l..‘L'llU|L and things urc wttlitiy tlmui \cr_\ u.t:|l. ‘l'ln- Snhm.uuu- \\‘.ut;m- l)r;tt'ting

(ltticcn arc cum.-nt|_\ l.I ('tlr llulv \'Illtcr i('S.\ll N l\\'5.\l) uml l.t (Rh [kick Long (583!) 3-; l‘l'.\‘Ml. lhn. lmucwr. In;i_\- clxultgu: tur \t|lllt' .\'l.\l \\/;ut';tn' lvrunclicx as M‘ iv mg.:.t|iiw .tl'ti:r uur nlmc in Jugn Rmtl Ill l'unsinunth Nznul liztv: zit th-: cm] of thu: _u-ur_ "Hit |.n;:c~I putt of thc Suhmurtnc \\';irl‘;Irv.' l)t:tfting plul i\ hcltl h_\ l'()\\"l'R' Jackie l.ini:'.inl. who mm tlw tlruliting tlcxl. fnr WSM. i’()\\"l‘R ‘l‘mc)' llulc rum this

Scnlnr Rule iSS.\lI plot and i’()\\"l'R Juatlttc ('urric mm the Scnmr Rulc t'|'.\'.\lI plul. The not -I;Ig_'t- in Ilic plunge“ in! rt:-m;!utIi\;Il|uII vull cnlitttictlcc in Nmcnihcr lltix _\u:;u ullcn thc nunlL‘ClIrIiL‘;IlJunior and Suttltlr Rzttingx til" the I-‘In-I Air Ann. along with Rcgululnrx untl l'|'x lr.mst't-r in tinl)l i)l\’i\lt)l). At the \S||lll' tuuc. nun-It-clinical Wumtnt ()l'|'u:cr\ III the l‘|cct Air Arm. W()|(.\l:\:\I\ untl \\'()llI'|')\ will transfer, Warrant tlfficcrs til’ the Submarine W;irf;in* Hruncli will tmnsfcrill April 2005 uflu.-r the: 2005 Wurmnt ()lTIccr prnmutiuux Iluurds

Key contact numbers: Cdr B. Lambert Cdr R.C. Hore Lt Cdr R. Villier Lt Cdr P.T. Gunther POWTR J. Lingard POWTR T.M. Nice

I)l D2 I)l(' DZESM /\l)|(.'l

(tbrb WO2WEA Dunkey) l)2Wl-ISM!

POWTR 1'. Bale WOZMEA Rogerson POWTR J. Currie

AD]B |)2MliMSt\ll .»\l)l BA

93844 24‘)-4 ‘)3844 3574 9384-8 2452 93844 2043 93844 248‘)

93844 25 l‘) 03844 2-142 ‘).'4844 3575 ‘J33’-H 252‘)

I _

‘‘‘‘~~——... of‘.“4§T. ocuugncf

haw Ik']lIl'1L'll. Sittcu the Ir.ut~.I'cr uf Suhni;mnc tlruliling I. ulnnp with u nuinhcr uI' llI_\ xluli. hm: hcctt nut and uhuut nic-cling and hriciing Ihc Suhmunnc l'r:uL'mIt_\ in both l)cu-npun untl l";t\l;tm'. .-\ nunlhcr of ruudxlhmx for huth (Sum-rul Si:r\ii:v: and Stthxnurittc \\';nt';m: pt'f\UllI'l|.‘i arc pluiiitctl in thc haw ports iluring: the nut few months; lull dctuilx will ht.‘ pubil\lk‘ti .‘t\ tlutcs untl \'l.‘I'1llL'\ arc |iIt;tli\i:d. I lnul. Ihrwurd tn int-cling ;I\ inun_\ uf _\nu ax p0\\ihiL'during the ncu few months. There huvu: alw been some signifirunl changi:.s im the .~.uhm:u1'nc cnginccfing fmnt. Not only has the drafting

responsibility passed

from O4 to 02 but also Lt Cdr Dave Hubbard has retired, having provide many years oi sterling service as the ME(SM) Drafting Officer. iiI\ plul has hccn tztkcn tract in) l.l (‘tit Paul (iunlhcr (l)2l‘.\‘MI who I\ now responsible fur lhv.‘ drultinp of all xuhrnurini: cttgincu.-ring mics. Ml-I nntl Wli. frunt Ahlu: Rate to Will. To help hitn tn:ttt;igc this l;m,:c and cuInplL'\ pint he “ill. in Illc l'tIlurL'. ix‘ ;I\\i\tctl |\_\' Inn \\'()3\. unc .\ll{.-\lSMI and um‘ \\'Ii:\(S.\-II. So. there will he :1 Sub;-.'t‘t .\l;|Itt'r lixix-r1 un cuch oi" tlw suhmurinc

‘Now they tell as there's a Cup match in town today!’

ctigittct-rim: tlrufting dt-~Ls_

‘lhis will he ul’ cmtxidcrzthlc hen» tilt in thu 1IhlI\IIl|l.ll v.hcn mn\itlt'rmg L'£UL'L'f t|i;ni:t;!ciIicnt. Thu: \\'()2.\ll-L.-\ I\ ulIL*.ui_\' Ill nntl the \'u'( L‘.Wl‘.:\ “Illix‘ ill post h} the‘ end ul‘J;tnu;tr_\' 2005. |)2.'l‘SM \\.L‘lC(ll'I|t‘\Ii)I:tIl1pu|1ltnit_\‘ in hunt the lll:ll1:|).'&'ll)t.‘llllL';uti\ 0| xuhmztrincs nml xhnrc L'\l:Il1il.\llnlcnls fur tlruftiniz \l\l!\ In SDI). which print: to he n:r_\ \llL\'t'\\lUl. .u'lnc\Ittg tliuclt Iltnt L';lflIllIl n|uu_\~ h-c .'IL'lllL‘\L’tl0\t'f thc pl:--nc. ln ;u|tlilinn. .1 :lr.tlttIi;_- p[L'\L'Ill;l-

tiun In units can he umtngctl and .tl\u lu cuntiuct zt ‘l)r:nl'ting ('|inic' uhcru: ll'|til\l\lU;Il\I.'.til consult thcir l)r.ii'ting tllliccr ml :1 «Inc-Iuuuc h.'t~i~.. liu-M-xcr. it i\ ixnpurtutil that the Illl|Ill\‘!\ .'ttIt-titling such prc.v:nI:n~ tinnx./i.‘|iIIic\ arr \ulT|cit'IIl tu ill\lIl_\ thi: lr;ut'l cnstx illutrrctl nntl l)'.'l{S.\l'~. lllllt‘ nut 0|’ ull'It‘i:. But dun"! l'uri:v:t lhul rc;|l|_\ gnutl Inlnrmzxtiun can he nhtuinctl lnml your local Rfglllilill l)r.tlling .iml (';ifL‘L‘{ ;\ll\l\t|I\ lRU('/\I \\llL’lC uptlutcs nu -:.zrt--:t [‘l.llllIlll_L' .nnl

fulurc dr.iI'l|ng :l\;lll:Ihllll_\'. hutit all \k‘£l untl nshurc. can hc uhlziinul. l).’liS.\l ulxn .tL'ClIlllp£lIllL‘\ the‘ llmnch .\l.iIt.'ii:cr uml it-prcscntutix -.-x lrutn Hcct UH an annual Suhm;trim' l{n;.'iItci:rItt;_' .\l;IItpm\t'I’ Rt).'tI.l\iltl\\ lh;|t pm\ttlc~ .n L'lIlIlp!L'ik'll\i\c lIp<l;ttt' nu :tll ill£Il1P0\\L'r l\\llt‘\. iHlll\Il.lll£Il\pct thc L'h;tm'c In uxlt the lt'.'un q|It‘\lII)Il\ nu an). tn;:npuucr il1.'lliL'i\ that Inn} Ix‘ t-nnccrnm_-; Iltcm. Sn II _\nn xnisxctl thu: unc Ill Jul} at Iln~ _\L'.l7. rimkc ~utc lll.ll _\:m tin nut liIl\\ nut _\t‘;tr

Specially reduced prices for a limited period only!

Ill N:\\/Y i‘<lli\iVS. N()Vl‘.MllIER Pill-3

WWW. nu v_vnew.s'. co. uk

S: v



‘The skipper’s


NEWS VIEW Love affair that needs rekindling



organisations working boosting public

are two new towards a broadly common aim awareness of our dependence on —

the sea. Not to mention many. much longer established ones. The two newcomers unfortunately have very similar names. but hopefully this will not serve to muddy the waters. because there is great enthusiasm among all the participants. SeaBritain 2005 is a year-long festival ‘to celebrate Britain's tong love affair with the sea‘ that takes acfvan~ tage of the bicentenary of perhaps the most significant event in that affair, the Battle of Trafalgar which also saw the demise of Britain's best-known and best-loved real-life romantic hero. The organisers hope to raise awareness of the importance ol the sea to us all, its significance in our history. and the many ways it touches our lives in Britain today. Sealfision UK has much the same motives. but is looking to a longer term campaign. Because there are signs in some areas that the love affair is starting to cool off a bit. While bursts of passion still spill forth. as witness the remarkable growth in the boat building business in recent years. the fact that. as the Princess Royal has said. the sea lS for most people simply identified with leisure pursuits. IS profoundly regrettable, suggesting that. in general. the lovers otherwise no longer find they have much in common. Some guidance is urgently required because clearly even a short-term rift would be disastrous. When it is realised how very much we depend on the sea for almost all our trade and how much that trade is protected by the Royal Navy the need for a stable retalionship is obvious. Seavision is looking to the future of both Bntain‘s young people. in raising their awareness of the variety of careers in the maritime sector. and of the future of the sea itself. In particular. conservation was once often seen as opposing the needs of commerce and leisure. That is certainly not always the case and it is high time both parties reached a better understanding —


u p some


rewards you'll get if we don't weigh anchor chop


for a Working U(< new vision of the sea SEA



lthough 95 per cent

of the UKs trade goixls conic and go


sea as


aiplt: only


"$(mtt.'|l|Illg they do




the on

The Royal told the first Sea Vision I-'orurn at Regents ('ollc c. London that this was the

fi g ure “because ilk key

to concentrate on


and so we stand a better chance of getting the me.\\’a e of the sea's importance to the U acru.\s." As Patron of Sea Vision UK. a campaign started two years ago to romote the euuntrys maritime more that has already brought together over llll related organisations. Princess Anne said next vear's bieentenary celebration of Nelson provided an excellent opportunity to promote the wider range of Ilritainis maritime interesls.

"Wltatever llle rest of liuropc thinksabout celebrating ‘l'ral';ilgar. it is jolly good for xea visiutt.“ \lIL'

quip'tairni'.iii |pul.

boating but also in niche sail Em;-rmanufacturing." tat

Keynote of the forum. repeated s -alter after speaker. was the by need‘.

for close co-operation bctucn all the organisations represented including the Royal Navy. which had seconded staff to Sea Vision UK to build up_ the campaiogn for the long term —

Other main were:

points of emphasis

0 We are lL‘('|'|l\()lDglCE|l leaders in offshore oil and gas extraction 0 Sit nlillion -ople travel to.. from and UK by ferry each year 0 London I.\ the world centre for maritime financial and legal services


0 Global warming and the need to understand the world's ecosystems have made research and the study of the nlarinc environment a

high pfiiirity

C With a turnover of £17 billion twiw the silt: of aewrospanre or agriculture the maritime sector makes a ntaxsive contriliiition to the economy


ol the Sea \'i\ioii

.\l.irl. core _utiitt|I \.Il\l it \h.|\\ll‘.tll_\ iinpor» ltrmuiiigg t.'iItl to i.'.lplure tlti: imaiuliatiiiii of



to attract them to L’$lll.'l..‘l’.\ in t ic itiaritirne sector.


“We are sttll the world‘: fifth largest trading economy and we are the largest maritime cluster in Europe with over 250.000 people employed in the industry." he said.


Zimbabwe short of Xmas cheer THE

POIGNANT letter from Shipmale P. G. G. Clark of Bulawayo RNA. telling all his friends that he will be unable to afford to send them Christmas cards this year owing to rampant inflationin Zimbabwe (see pages 6 and 29) underlines the plight of many of our exServicemen there. whose pensions have thereby been

greatly eroded. We understand that membership of the Forces Pension Society has been open to all ranks since July 2002 but overseas veterans may not be aware of this. They should write to Lt Cdr David Marsh. the Pensions Secretary. at 68 -

South Lambeth l-‘toad. Vauxhatl. London SW8 1FtL.

lll .iii-me: to a question lrunt RNA )l(.'.\ltlL'l|l Rear Admiral John e:\nall_v. he adniitled that Sea Vision had so far attracted only "modest" publicity at a national level. Ile called for all interested parties to lobby the regional press to “take the lead and feed into the nationals" and foresaw that it would in time make “a

major impact".

The rnost upbeat contribution came from fonncr ll rographer Rear Admiral John Tlarke. now Chief Executive of the British Marine Federation that provides to the boatin industry. This had seen 5 per cent growth in the past five years. he said. “We have a fantastic industry contrary to all public rccptions about manufacturing. I ‘re E a lot going on in this sector. not only in —

0 WORKING TOGETHER: Son Vision UK Patron The Princess Royal helps prepare the Christrnas pud mix on board HMS Albion (see page 18). ThePrlncesshad earlleralsobeon invited on board HMS St Albans when the 11rpe23h-igatepaldavislttoualtatomartrthe 40thanniversary of the George Cross island's independence(seepago4).AndonOctober 21 she was at HMS Excellent, Whale Island, Portsmouth to officially open the new Headquarters of the commander-in-ChiefFleet.


.\'.~‘\VY l\'li\\'S.1\'()\"l-I1\lllliR 200-1 21

‘"18 BXt|‘BIIIB gallantry ill the Royal Marines stands l0|‘tlI' UNDER a grey sky and riding the choppy waves. Reuter’s special correspondent Arthur Oakeshott struggled to file a despatch as the shells came crashing down.

:1|l 111 1111-n1


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White bread and hollow appeals

HOLDING the shores ol Walcheren in the autumn of 1944 was a mishmash of German troops. drawn from the Army and Kr-iegsmarine. The core of the defence was provided by the newly-formed 70 lnlanterle Division. Nine out 01 ten men suflered trom stomach ailments. As a result its soldiers received a special diet. chiefly white bread a luxury given Germany's predicament at the time earning the division the name the Brotweiss. or ‘white bread‘. Division. A month before the Walcheren landings. General Gustav-Adolf van Zangen, commanding German lorces in the Antwerp sector. demanded ol his men: “Each additional day that you deny the port of Antwerp and all its resources to the enemy will be vital. In this hour. the eyes of the German people are upon you." Once the Allied assault began. the defenders of Walcheren were cut 011 from the outside world despite the Kn'egsmar1ne's ComGrossadmiral mander-in-Chief. Karl Dénitz declaring: "You are -. not fighting alone. With you is the entire Navy. in fact. the whole German nation which you are protecting by your dogged resistance." Most of the German defenders surrendered rather than light to the last; the ‘White Bread‘ Division ceased to exist. its men dead or

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0 Two membersat’ an LCT crew watch fire ashore after landing Royal Marines and (right) Men of the ‘White Bread‘ Division are rounded up by the green berets All 1rr1.1r;1-1.


Royal ‘.'..11 .111--1 !.!u'.1-cm

l11|1l his 1:11-1:11 111-11-1 1'.1p1111\. -17 ('11m111.'1111l11 \\1‘1c~i111pl_\ _1:|.11l ll'|L'll 11.111 111 1111- \I111_1:1:l-.- 1111 ‘\‘.';1|1’l11-11-11 \\1l\ ll\L’l.

l1_1 .\1-11-111111.-1

l‘i-H, 1111- 1~l.1111l \\.1~111.-\ll1L'1ll1:1111ls..1111|l‘1;l111cthe n111111|11.1;1\ 111111111-11111 .-\lli1.-1l ~l11ppint: .11r11c1l 111 .-\11111c1p. 1111- 111111‘ 11.1111 I111 11111-1311111: W:1l1:l1cI'c11 11:1» 1111-11. The 1-11;11t:1l 11lI:11:1- 111' \\'1-.1lL:1pc|lc. 111 1111- 11111:l111111 111 Ihc .\l:1r1111-.~.' :1x.\;1ull. 11:11 111 1111- 11111111111. Nim: 11111 111 tc11 h111111:.~ 111-11: 1lc.\1111_1-c1l ;1111l 215 inl1:1l1i1:1111~ ltillt-11. 47 Commando lost 34 otlicers and men killed. 41 Cdo 16 dead and 48 Cdo 32 men. Overall Allied casualties in the operation ran to more than 7.000 killed and wounded. 1111: R11_\:1l .\l:1ri111--1' 111-1.-1l\ :11 \\'.1l1'l1t-11-11 111.-11- 111111-I1 pr-.11~c1l .11 1111- 111111- (‘i11111‘l11ll 11r1111- 111.11 111 the 11.1111: [111 1111: 1xl:1111l "1111: 1-1111-1111: 1:;1ll:1111r_1- 111111: R11;-':1l M1111111-1 .~.1:1111l~ 1111111. T111: 1-11mn1:1111l11 i1lv:;1v.:1s111u1n1-1h;1n1" yet th1:l1:11H1: is 1wcr.\h;11l11wc1l in l111l;1_\".~ 1pulur 1-111151-11-nc1: l1_v l)-I):1)'. A111 11.-m :1n1l1l1cl1:111lc 111 1111- iiulgc. 'l'l1c n11-11 111 W:1|1'l11:11:11 1lc.\1:n'c :11».-tlcr 1-pi1:1pl1.l11111l1cn1l1c11111ish 11:11-u :1I‘.\:1_\'\ pL'l’l1:l[1\ pref;-r1c1l '1;|111i1111.s ‘1:1i|1111: the ('l1:11g1- 111 1111: 1.111111 l1111,::11|1-. l)1111k11l1 111 H


All of the fol|owingTop Stories/Reports Hit the Headlines in Navy News in 2003/4

How many did you Hit- or How many did you Miss?


~l1:1l1.'g1c .\111‘1‘1’\\.

.-\\ ('.111:11li:111 (11-111'1:11

(Buy S1111-

11111111l~ 11111-c :11-11|l)' t.‘tlI1'l1llt.'illL'tl.' ‘'11 the .1.\\.111l1 1111 Walt-l1c11:n l1;11l 1.1111-1l. it 1-.1111l1l h:1\'c ix-1-11 :11 1:111111u.~ 11111111 :11 1111- 1::1l|:111t 111111111111-


I Events commemorating Walcheren include 13 R0 at Marines Memorial Day in estkapelle and openln oi a museum {Nov 1): wreath- ayln at Dlshoek. Zoulelande and mburg (Nov 3); ion-nal ceremony in Middle-

burg (Nov 5)

O Marines o! 41 Cdo advance through the ruins of Westlrapelle towards its

More Misses than Hits? Time to Hit the Newsagents to



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V.-\\’\' .\'l-W5. N()\'l{,\llll'l{Zllil-1


FOR the final time two of the Navy's most trusted servants have made HELEN CRAVEN and sister ship HMS Newcastle by RICHARD HARGRE

O A graceful exit: HMS Glasgow. D88. glides under the Erskine Bridge on the Clyde for the final time, trailing her decommissioning pennant P-cturr,-t. LA(Photst

lorry Bougmon and Brian Dough:

ttoltlen goodbye in the shadow of the llltllI‘B Wainhouse presented to the catheIT WAS a golden morning. dral a white ensign to hang above As the men and women the Naval memorial. alon in their Naval uniforms side the hell of the sevent walked through the dark (ilasgow. the World War ll stone of the cathedral, cruiser. These last days in her people stopped them to namesake city have proveri offer their thanks. emotional for all connect'-

lledeeked in weighty gold cliriiiis. the elders of (il:isgow's Trade llouses made solemn progress down the aisle while the bright siinsliirie shone tlirotigh the words of their rttolto. crafted into at plate-glass window. "lfnion is strength." The spirit ofeity and ship seemed

i|.\ (HIE.

The Ver) Revd William J. -.\‘lorl'is v-cleonicd the .ship‘s cont an_\' of ll.\lS (ilasgou to the eathe ral. say"'lod;i} is titiged with sadness. ing: this is the last visit to (ilasgou and the c.ithedr;ilbefore she p:t_\'s off in


‘lit mark this filial niornetit in the link between: ship and city. the coiiiiiiaridirig officer ('dr Mike

ed with the Type 42. “Two weeks ago it didn't seem to mean as much. but as days have gone on. particularly here in Glasgow. it has become more poignant." said (Idr Waitthousc. For the CO himself the Type 42s have provcn pivotal in his career. he served as Navi ator in HMS Newcastle in the car _v lie praised the spirit on board the Navy's destroyer fleet: “Type 41s‘ have always had a great of communitv. whichever one you end tip on. there are alwa_vs other people _vou've .sen'etl with before." l$e_sond the decks of the shi the the sense of belonging is one wit Scottish city itself. "li's astonishing". ( ’dr Wairiliouse said. “wherever I go. whether in the .

cathedral or elsewhere, people have to me to come ress their t anks for what I e ship has done over 25 years." We night before the city‘s Lord Provost Liz (‘ameron resented the ship with the of (ilas ow. lug given annu ly to diet widual or organisation that has done the most for the city this year to HMS Glasgow for continued service to the





city. The ship open to visitors drew an eager crowd. queuing down the jetty long before the first ‘tourist' was due to set foot on the Navy's


More than 2.000 people paid their respects to Glas ow s own Glasgow shiphuildcrs. on11cr RAF and Arm men. even one Glasgow veteran rom her lucky escape in the Falklands War. Many admitted that the_v had never visited her before but had not wanted to miss this last chance to see the old Type -82. David ('ollrns. a retired .schoolteacher. was on board with his son and granddaughter: "I take ni_v hat off to the —


“We're really appreciative of the Navy opening up the ship. Everybody thinksthat it's realty first-class a magnificent gesture. "ll\ good to ltrtms that we were on the (ilasgow :t ltrle Illtli ccrttnt)‘ war-



HMS (il.isgo\\'s time has come. .intl .is the crowds queued to see arountl her in Yorkhill ()na}, iiscr the rixer the first tlL‘\llt>_\t.‘l ol the llst century is taking shape. Vast L'ross-seclintts of the .\avjv's tutnre HMS l)aring sil within MAI-'_ S}steriis' shi halls. while crattsiiien lasotir on the ‘l'_\pc -35 lll.'.'\H'll_\L'l. A 'roup from the cur42 had visited rent the BA '1 shipyards earlier in the week. gazing at the truncated pzrssageis a_s.s and lint



Gently does it... A tug guides HMS Glasgow to her final berthon the Clyde

touring their ftiture l1lt.‘.\s decks. 45 it's big. The “The physical size of the beam. it s massive. They should certainly be a massive ste up in capability." mid -

(TPOMIEA rm (Iluhh. CPO ('lubh looks back fondly on the "lyric -12s: “It'll be a sad moment to see them go. After M years in the Na '. l‘vc sewed with them all my life. cy are the most fun ships I've served in. “It's the spirit of the people and what they're doing these ships travel the world. "But machinery-wise. they are nearly 30 years old. It's like trying to



can't ct the spare parts. “It s time for them to go. hut people are rightly fond of them." For one man in the destrover. ()M Ben ‘llticks' lluekerhy. when the ship flew her decommissioning






echo of his personal histor_v in 197‘) his father Wl-ZM Mark Iluckerhy brought the ship out of build in Newcastle and down to her new Portsmouth home. These closing moments in the ship's life hit hard on ('I’()WliA Ian Watson ‘Dickie’ Baird. After six years on board (iltt_sgov._ the sell"-cortfessed ‘oldest gini-hustcr in the Fleet’ said: “|‘\e got it tor nl good friends from here


was an —



l'itllslIttIt.Illl lll l was thinking

l‘mcetlurc -\lplt;i. about all the good lll'llL‘\ l‘\c ll:ttl.h ll.\lS (i|.rs_;ii\\‘s l:tsl cntr} took place just as .\m\' .\¢'ii’\ went to press. and (‘l’() lfaird was tiring the gun salute while the pcnnarit ilevt and the ship said her last _t!uui.ll\‘\'v.'-. iii the seas she has krttmrt \u vtel|_ "lite alleeliori .Illtl respect for the

ship rnri deep. "Like .'in_\tliing. ii\ not goml when something comes to an end. 1;lfllL‘lllLtl'l)on rii_v w;iteli," said ('dr ":iinlioirse. "lint it is right to mine lUl'\M|Tll lo the Type -35s. to he senlintental about old technology hut

embrace the new." "Site's an old Ind) and are-‘.~ done well." saitl ('l’() ('luhl\.

'llie_v're right. As tier youtltfnl protege

waits iii

the wings tor her first curtain call. the grand old lady desen'e.s her filial applause as she hows front the world stage.

WHEN the axe falls on a ship, the powers-that-beprobably little realise that you lose more than Just a hull In the water. Sure. you save X million pounds a year. But you lose the unquanttfiable: the attilletlons.the civic links. the pride. and. possibly crucially, a Royal Navy presenoe hundreds of miles from a hearttand of the Senior

Service. It was something which becameall too apparent in New-

Glasgow as the destroyers bowed out in style. “Let's keep the spirit of HMS Glasgow going and thinkof the happy times that you spent on board." said Allan Mercer. secretary of the Glasgow Association who has invited all D88 crew past and present to join veterans of the previous Glasgow. a cruiser. in the organisation. During the ship's stay on the Clyde. sailors made a bee-line castte and

tor Kelboume School for children with special needs. The destroyer has long-standing ties with the school and on this final occasion. crew arrived determined to spruce up the grounds. “It was the matelot version of Ground Force no Charlie Dimmock or water teatures though." explained LOM Stephanie La Blanca. “It's been an insight. I was amazed by the outstanding facilitiesthe school has. The staff were very friendly. "We did some weeding. gardening and tidying up the -






you could tell


had done some-

In Newcastle's case. there are recent affiliations Marine Park School and its teddy bear mascot and more longstanding ones. such as the Percy Hadley School. “The ship has supported us for 25 years." said Percy HedIey appeals director Des Bustard. “That's half our existence." like that put a ship's importance into perspec-


mcomments e.

Force for good? Yes. but not just in far-flung corners of the world. Force for good at home too. And what better advert for recruitment in the region? To be sure. the RNR and RMR both have high-profile


.\"/\\"i'.\i'l:\\'S. .\()Vli.\llSl:R III)-1 2‘

joined ieAVES §moflona|_thevisits to thelrinaiii-esake" cities. HMS Glasgow by destroyers bade fare,welI.to their a_dop_t_ecl homes. .l was


Geordie ltunliiiat will never lie liirgotten bring bustling metropolis to

NORMALLY it you a a

standstill you get jeers from passers—by and the angry blasts of car horns.

tliriiiigli tht: streets fur the ast lllllt.'. lllllL'l'.\ to view the dc~ .strii_vct' hcrlhcd at Spi|li:r's aradc

'llicrc was at least ()llt.' incitihcr of the ship's cniiipaiiv ‘lad the Fltcdtlfll Scrull hci.-ii lL'll.lHlL'd. It was Wl) (iciirgi: lliiardm:in'.s iiiicruus duty to carry thi: tlt|CllI'1lCl'll protected by ii large glass lranic lhriiiigli tlii: st rccts. "When lii: llni.sllL‘(l. his ttlflts were six inches lung-


Wharf on the mirth hank til the Tyne Nl.‘\N'C2-lfillc couldn't get as close in the city t.‘t:llll'C as she l)flL'C could not. as it happens. a —

ripple iil applause sign ii middlc-agc spread. passing along thousands of but (iatcshciiil Millcn~ Not



Mexican Wavi:-fash-


But than it's

that .sailiir.s slrccl.


not cvcry


down your main

Sliiippcrs. iiflicc wuiltcis. bus and l:i\idrivi:r.\. children tlicy all

nium hridgi: niiw barring the way l..lp?sll't.,'lll'l‘I). “Shc \li':t.\ .\t:nl till iii .st)‘li:." said Peter Biiiith. who tlircc di:i:;idi:.s zigu built the


"But it is sad you kind Ul lccl slnppcd in pay their respects as the partlli:villi." vias UllL' (ll liiindrcds nf sailiirs' hunts i:latli.-rcd uii lllt: L'lll\Ni.-wc;i.st|i: fulk whn waiclictl thc lilcstiiiics lur tlii: linal time. crcw iiiarcli tliruu ‘ll llii: strccts on This was the last iippiiiliiiiilyliir a liiliiii:l_\' ciild car y ;iiiluniii d;i_\'. the 230 inch and vmiiicii Ill IIMS 'llic ship's t.‘t)l'l‘lpiltl_\' liiriiii:d up Ni:m:;isili: iii pariidc tliriiiigli tlic ill lftillllll i‘s'i.-iii-i:;i.~.t|i:'.si:i\'iL'L‘I.'llll't.‘. strccls iii ilii.-ir ii;iiiii:s;iki.- city. establishmenlts on Tyneside, but to city folk what matters is zi iiiuiiiiiiii.-iii In the cuiiciclt--iiiad sviiiiils drawii. llil_\‘l)llL'l\li\cd. a the Newcastle. having ship bearing name and l‘l7lls. ()llii:i:il|_i'.the ship is tlL'L’tll‘llll'll\- illL'llllL‘L'l\til" lllL' l'l(ill.s There‘s notlhing like parking 4.000 tons ol warship slap sltilllttl iii llii: iicv. _vi:;ir: \)ll'll\tIllt'.'ll- ;is l.iiid Nlasiii ('llr ( iciirgc Dougin tho mildclle ol made all the 8 city. (That's more easy bang liur k‘ill'L‘L'Y l;is iiisp-.:clcd lhc Sciiiiir Scnicc» |_\' . the tad ‘it's by Tyne amd Clyde: a iiicn lur Hit‘ List tiiiic. ciidcd with more difficult to drive a ship into "Yuii arc rctiiriiiiii: llIllllL' in this highCoventry or Nlottingharn) priililc \'|.'sll i\'i:\st‘astlc." hi: luld tliciii. "Yiiu “Wherever the ship went she have alw:i_\\ lN.'t.‘ll the pride iil lllll in her birthtook our city's; name with her. city. You will nut hi: liirgiitluii. pl;ici:. She's our ship; and it's great "l’uiiplt- haw C|lll'lL' in wt‘ _\uu l'iir si\ to see her hene." said Gerry Illll til .1 l||\L' liir jtiiiii ship. llit‘ d:i\\. Blackwell. onie ol the hundreds ol (iL':iiilIt' “Newcastle has been a people watchiing the linal lreedom (i ll ii liii.il wonderful ambassador tor parade. lC\L‘llL'Ll iii her adopted city. the Royal Links with tthe past have also lllt‘\piIllIt.1lIl. Navy and the whole counbeen severed.. '|uiii iiii try." Veterans lrcom the previous Ills‘ l'\ itlltl Newcastle anid Glasgow both llIt'lL' ls sillllrlllllltfi .Il\tIlll \L'\\ llIt'iL' tsits cruisers werre regular visitors to i.'.isllL'; li.'\t. ll .iii_t \lIlll\_ li.i\ t’ .l ll.\l.\ \t'\\ the destroyens. and treated royally stiniiuci lmiiil with lllL'll illllllllllll t‘.|sllL' :\ntl as such. cilics l'.\liiIi_\ Slicll‘ .Illtl Hlictliclil ill lliv llL‘\»ss“For us. thisis theend ol‘ an era." is .iliiiiit lht‘ L'llt\t‘\l t‘-Iiiiparisiiiii .'\lltl p.'ipCt‘~ said Ray Yourng ol the HMS New\\'liit'lillt.ttlL' ilic Jkl i-I l‘lt'.tl.Ill‘.I tin p-_'i\iiIc's castle Associiation, whose doors i|i.ii hi-iiil ruliiiiiiiiu lllt‘ I lL'CtltIlll tiiiiii lI[ls_ hcmll .ill lllt‘ lI'llllL' puiL'ii.iiil are now openi to D87 veterans. l.l\l LllI\Cl‘\. l'l|l tlit‘ iitist In _\c.ii\, tlit' sciiill Ray sailed with other ships. but tn Illtli mm» his heart belcongs to the Geordie li.is llllltL‘ iii llic t'.i|iiii in thy (tllllcis .illtl lllc Gunboat whitch he served in the ll'l£Illtllll_L'iitlicci. isliii iiicn .\in.t it li\;l\ tlic s.id duty tll mid-50s. lviiilt lit.'t. “She alwaws was known as a \’c\si.';isili."s liii;i| (‘( l. (‘di Ji:iciii_\ It was mi llliiiidcii. in return ilic tllK'lllllL‘lll happy ship aind she was always lllt' 'l_\iii: at 919 Pflde Ol Newcastle." said Mr .llltllllt.‘l \_\llll\ul|L' In tlic lll;l_\lll .\M.iii HuntYoung. who liives in nearby Washt:L‘\llllL' si_uiiit_siii_u tlii: slii|i\ cud (ll t'i's _\.Iltl lli.iI scrsiicc. ington. Nu“ i.".isllc “The worstt part now is not It tsill liaiig. gitcii [‘llItlL' lll pl.it'c. t'IilL‘rt'tl ll'ii.' llt llll.' cit_\‘s mic cciitiu. knowing whom there will be a ninth mirld in It is in gnoil uiiiip.iii_t. Nulsi-ii ship to bear tlhe name.” iu7.‘~. Mziiidcla. liiriiicr l'S Pit-stilt-iii Sunni: Vnllii I Ship alfiliatiionsrequest. p30 Jiiiiiii) (‘.'irlci. Ni:vit'.'i.stlc l'iiitcd liuilt hcr lniilliall learn. and liiiglaiid Rugby O Cdr Jeremy Blunden and Lord Mayor of Newcas- ri:luriii.-d iii tle Cllr George Douglas take the salute watch sailiirs Union star Juniiy Wilkinson are all »—

"In rig‘.'" “liui riglit. Wc'ri.' gtiiiraiitccd frcc driiiks_" For all lht: liiis iitalily. lur all lllL' pagciinlry. for al lhc ccrcmiiiiics and fun. lhi.s was :i visit with szid llll(lL'fl(lf‘lt:slnr sailors and Cllllclls zilikc. "llii: ciid iii an era" scciiicd In lic thc hrasi: on iiiiisl icuplt-'.s ll is.

liiiniiraty llL't.'llli:llamiiiig iitlicrs.





lllt:IllL'tl. Tlicrc \-\;i.s ll‘ltll’C tn the sliip‘.s liiial visil lltl|llL' than liiriiial wrciiiuiiics (.slii.- also liiistcd First Sea l.ut’tl /\l..lnlll'.'ll Sir Alain \\'i:sl and local lllll\t.'l\ ;iiid sliakcrs). Sailors tscrc gi\i:ii .i lnur in St Janics‘ l’.'irL lllu liiiilliall sidc i:vi:ii [link on


asldi i:

us: \'h_\ ’i:upli.- vii.-ri: an: llici. gcllllltz rid ut this sliip.’ 5liL'"s ii izrcai sliip.'" said iii.iiiiic L'll_L'IllL'Cl l.t .-\nil_t' l.t.‘l\t.'l.\. Slit: is. litll llL'r il;i_\' ll'.is s.idl_\ _i:uiii:_ :\llt‘i .i lint-t" spell iii ii.nigaliiiiial lraiiiiiii; this iiiniiIli_ lllt‘ (iL'Ul(llL‘ (iiiiihiial ln:_L-iiis lici V-llltl “

dtmti. 'l'li:itis for this liiiiirc. l'Ut iiim. thr nicmiir_\' ill’ w:||«wislit-is liiiiiiu llic l‘iI|'lls\ Ul tlic 'l}‘iic in s;i_\ l;Ilt‘-

.\l;igpics' icsi:r\'i.'


I. L‘t.'1lu1

the; -; Kit,-".=.=?.-1‘éhc . (K:(.".“':_."*.~‘ ll)“ ii 1.In-2115'! I-iciiixieiiia "O

l'L-£:‘ltL‘Gli_z_£ :m~i;. L'._>.



\ltlL' (iliiiil .is|>. .ilmiii tlic suiici lL‘lllllli.'il lliuii lii.tst'iil lit .1 ltK'.Il \k'lllN.Il (588 page 70) likil. |i.itl lll lllL‘ (irc.it \uilli Run. i.'iiii-_\t'iI .l ll_\—p:i\i li_\ lllt' l{t'd x\iriiu.s, pc.'iii.'tl iiti |'\' shim Rmzli. .\!rm l ('i»u.l., said l1llk‘\\l.'ll tn lllL' c|iarii_\ lllL‘_\ liavc siiiipiiitcil int 35 _\l.'.'Il\


page 8! ()li, illlll llicic \s.'is lllL' udil iiiii .isliiirt'. l'lirnii_uliiiiii Ilii: RN. .\L-tscastlc



liu.spii:iliI_\. lllV\I"l tiiiiiglit'."' tlllL'

lL'_t:L'lltlitl_\ tui


"()ll Illltl sailor Wits l|\ crlicard.



in-ll in lllt' \lllli .ll\' sllll llA'sll ll‘. ili. Illllltls ii: the ships tiiiiiixiiit "lik l‘L'\'ll .l Lilviilniis \'\l‘t'll k'llL\.'. tiii-.:vil “till .i t'L‘ll.lIll.llllitlllIl lll s.iiliit'ss." s.iid ('ili Ililiiiiilcii "\t'tsL'.isllt' s.'it-. lls sltlp llll lllt' liii.i| llIllL'. l.ut lls hnpc lllL‘l\' \\lll he .i tlL'\\ ship alli|i.iii:ilmili thicm lwtiiiis tun |uiii:." lt‘s .'i wish lNilI'lL' lit tlii: \ll\ .l\ vicll. “\\c .lll.‘ \\.iiliiii:tut lllL' d.i\ lli.ii vii: can h;i\i: .i ship in t‘.i|l iilll im ll .'ii1;iiii." s.iid ( 'lli l)iiii_i:l;is ()iiiliiscv.ii|uiit'i:.tli.ild;itsllttllltl lac \{)llllL‘l iallicr ili;iii lillL‘l.


3, t,-_,“-\ N,.“_\—‘ _.,“,\v,_Mm,R 3””

:Pe|iys couldn't kick the halli


SAMUEL Pepys‘ great I diary ended in 1669 when he ieared he was going blind. Although he never itept a comparable record again. he did resume the diary habit at various

print beiore.

published tor the first time from menuscripts in Pepys's Library at College. Cambridge. Theaetis com withversions oitwoioumals previ~ ousiy printed by the Navy Records Society and newly edited but


three are

wider audience. Pepys Later Diaries (Sutton 2220). edited by C. S. Knighton. wherethe main 1660-69 diary ieit oil. with Pepys as the l Navy's bureaucracy. The Brooke House no ng man in the R Journal shows him t at a parliamening his tary enquiry alter the Second Dutch war. Pepys eiic with Charles II. and argues his opponents into the grou The next two diaries reilect Pepys's troubles during the Popish Plot. The King's Bench Journal is a relatively iorlnal record oi Pepys's attempts to have his case brought to trial. Al the same time he was negotiating privately with his accusers. as chronicled in Proceedings with James and Harris Even here Pepys mixes serious business with his enthusiasmstor tood and drink. theatre and iernale company. In the Tangier Journal. which recounts the winding-up oi England’: iirst Atrican colony. the characteristicsoi the great Diary are most iuliy revived. Finally. in the Diary of a Special Commission, Pepys is back at the Admiralty giving the tieet and the naval administration a tor






NAVY Nl-LWS. N()Vl-'.i\llil"l{200-! 5; 74'

At Your Leisure


URING the Crimean War most ships of the line were still wooden and without engines.

Black Sea coast in 1855 and shows the wooden-hulled warships still in use at that time. it is taken trom Brian Lairery's magnificent new study ol our maritime past and present. Ship (Dorling Kindersley in association with the National Maritime Museum 225) a bargain Christmas present book it ever there was one. _lThis month sees the anniversary ot the Battle ol lnkermann, for which seven Naval Vcs were awarded. Among them was Cpl John Prettyjohn RMLI who. having been cut oft with his party by a strong Russian column and havinmg run out of ammunition, drove oft the Russians by heaving stones down the hill at them.. Seamen Thomas Reeves. James German and Mark Scholctic-Id repulsed a Russian attack at lnkcrman. exposing themselves to heavy tire.

they were

towed into action by steamboats. as at the bombardment of the Russian naval base at Sevastopol. 150 years ago last month. Although such attacks on shore fortifications were surprisingly successtul. they revealed the weakness of the wooden ship and increased interest in armour protection. A large lleet of nearly 250 British gunboats was built for inshore operations. all steam-powered. Mines were also used tor the tirst time in what became the lirst moctern naval war. The remarkable image here by the pioneering English photographer Roger Fenton is oi British ships at Balaclava Bay on the Ukraine's


Not many people know this, but .


From one ex-mariner to another


l".Vl".R uonder ahout the origin of the expression 'l)oii't spoil the ship for :i h;i'p'ortii of t;ir'." it is a misqiiotation. It should he ‘spoil the sheep for a .-\pp:irently ii;i'p ortli of tar. and refers to the pr;ii:tiee of applying hitumen or tar to a sheep's feet to prevent it eontraenni:disease. How about ‘moni:y for old rope"? in the days of sail it was i:ustom:irv for ships to sell old and rediiridiiiit ropes to slioresiile trailers and trailitionallv this money was shared riiniingst the crew. Siriee it was :i bonus :ind sonietliing they did not have to work for. it heeiime the term for e.'Ls_\' money. 'l'he.\e are among over Zllll well-known phrases eont:iini:d in liill lleavis and Richard Mc(‘loslie_v's Salty Dog: The Nautical Origins oi Everyday Expressions (Adlard (‘tiles Nautical 127.99) of wliieh ‘l'm Alright Jack‘ is billedas ‘the ultimate in se|l'—eonsider;itioii'. In complete form the ex ression is ‘lilow you. Jiiek. I'm inhoaril" and comes from the standaril jo ’e that the first liberty niiiii to elimh the ship's side troin the horn pulls thi: rope ladder up behind ltitlt.





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Resolution be-ton bouno sdoetuct I01 othou ntE.S¢'vod-othcun Inn-ration .RIpiho.&oonudt

With this deadline looming. the Freedom of lnformatioii 'cell‘ at l-‘leet H0 in Portsmouth is looking to raise awareness of the subject. and how it will affect personnel in the Royal


Questions could be received

lrom membersof the public on any topic. and the (‘ell must respond within 311 working days with either the requested information or an explanation of why it has not been


However. this is

law with real teeth and anyone in the service found to have deliberatelywithheld or deleted intorrnation in order to prevent disclosure will be committing a criminal oflence. Although cenain classes of information (such as Special Forces) will be exempt from the Act other traditional ‘no-go areas". including Britain's nuclear deterrent. will not be a closed book; a senior officer will have to decide whether to withhold inforniation is in the public interest. The Act does not recognize marltirigs such as ‘Secret’. ‘To Secret’ and ‘Management’; it wil be for the releasin officer to jti.stif_v why specific ‘tails are held back. "The essence of this new law is to cliangc the starting point for a

ansatvering questions from ‘is there a good reason to answer it‘ to ‘is there a good reason not to’. and that is the message we are trying


pass out." explained l.t ('dr Jon Ford. of the l-()l 'ee|l' at I-"leet


don't give out information it has to be personally approved by an officer of commodore or equivalent malt." It's fair to say that no one really knows how the piihlic will react January I might be the start of open season. with a barra e of questions coming into the R or it nii ht be a complete damp squib. ‘or the majority of RN peisonv nel. l.t (‘dr l-‘ord says they should be aware of the Act. but not worry about it. ‘Ninety-ninepoint nine per cent oflhctimethisIS not goingloallcct the ordinary sailor or Marine. Hut it they eta request and fail to pass it on. I n they may well he in hot water." he added. "The Act also gives sailors powthe chalice to ask questnms. ers In New Zealand. a large proportion of enquiries have come from people who work for the government or the l'orec.s." Some of questions most likely been to be asked have alrea answered via an MOI) H I website www.i'oi'.mod.uk. which has been in place for some time. Many searching for Mol) iitfor— people mation already visit this, a large roportion downloading the UH) iles which have been scanned in and published there. More details on the Act's implications for serving are



AaIouniori.atveonsnq-.it942-43 August til


Jonod min

Caledonia. Ouodun. Drito, AMC

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unit 1

Craft no

Ilnknhnot tstntmmwucrdt A-ot$aon.uI-vuelariboudt-lulssqito suptnmoutt. Ron South. L8! 3 t.ai-rang Craft Association. uitv-no on board LCGILI %toIm-r?9 FruIrDuvnCPO.SI'vodnBout.

E0w:?“|')oIby' Alon. Nutrition A-noawu'I.Iuvodn()ea®.Auwut27.


nuvuoncorlnn CHI!



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l’rhd&Io.ConIu$tL(nuAhiiu|trui:in otmo ot2Upmot\oI'I.mdutho &rudLmo|i:invurotCouldtutrIrI



oorrii-rayon). met ashore in Coet-none. Loehnvu. PcI1i:notuo.Si.l.m.Pno-neuand T3 Stk-ode. n

C.E. Tod‘ Folder. HMS Coconut Anoenni-in nsdtnnnillt.

ambl. than In C!” Li

Onwol. I-‘Anti. Radar:




l|cadquanc[5_ "livery time



'.|nn'I(ni:h-msurvud-inoyu Wduvutlfikwfiinnnrnaxmmino Mal-Iulu7youI.If-uillhvutzuonrn t:|t($E.F()SMmdFlooI.u'idwor1r.nan

Tllli Freedom of Information (FOI) Act comes into force on New Year's Day. requiring government and public bodies to be as open as possible about the way they do their business.








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Vtetonous. Pvuiaunt. Fun. Datum no

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AsIoadorl.CoIi:Itontlt.Sn.l:ir1utiin|ovvroo tB4o45nPtorpone.tuumuscot-vui.

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Riyadh branch is an

Inland Ifleboat is feted

oasis lll lllfl sands

\VIlliN two bright .sp:irIt.s played an April l°'ool'.s joke on tllc \'illagers of Tliresliticld in Yorkshire. it never cro.s.sed their minds wluit ti illoney-.spinner it would hecoliie raising in excess of [I .l-tilt) for the RNI.I. —-

The pr:lnl.sters, Ian Patrick and Alldrevl lticksoll. for ti hit of it laugh. ptit ti notice in illireshlield Park on April I. I990. inlomiing all conccrned that the patlr. was to he the sile of :1 new lifeboat station. Considering it is almost as" far from the sea as it is possible to get. the strange thing is that inone_v for Illc lifeboat began to roll in and in no little Tlireslllicld l.ifehoal Appeal look on it life of its own. As time went by. some astonishing claims were voiced in the pubs ol tinrssington and 'l‘lireshl'ield about the historic roots of the lifeboat and its role in a flood in I90-l. when it .'~.'ived the village from dcslnlction. As recounted in the local paper. the (‘raven Ilerald. the near-d¢:struction of the village :ippea.r.s to have been the result of the collapse of a temporary dam on the tributary of the Wharfc. fonned by dead sheep. fertiliser bags and bales of hay. A surge of water scoured the main mad into the village. and it was at that point that the 'l‘Ilreshfleld Lifeho.-it hove into view. piloted by l2—ye:lr-old cabin boy Iircltial Thrliop. who picked up his shiprliates from the ()|d llall Inn before touring the area to save life and livestocl. including lt‘l-_ve.'ir-old Iirliriiellrle 'lhrostle_ who had hcen -.~ .iiling for .i horse-dr.iwrl bus. .\'lr;iri;-cly. there are no otlicial records ol this event. but the centeii.iry was celebrated nonetheless. llie R.‘\'|.l sent .2 ri:p|it‘;l lileboal. which \v.is moored close to the Old ll.i|l Inn. and niliong tlle sisitois were lliellillers ot the Skipton and District Iirancli and the original WI ’(‘.ilciiil.ir(iirls' lroni R_s|stone. Willi stalls. liitisic_ te.is and Ii.iihe cues. and iii.iny other side .tlll'.tL' lions. it turned out to he .i good d.i). s.iiil 5/.\l Sliirlcj. lltitg. secretary ol the Skipton branch.


TIIIEY may be more than 5()() miles from the nearest tlggin. but a branch of the RNA is thriving amidst the santls of

Saudi Arabia. The

inally fonned on the then British Aircraft Corporzition compound

of Al Romalan. and when that closed down several years zigo they moved to new quarters on the Al lldihar Complex.

Currently boasting smile 70 memhers. the hnlrleh is populated by .\L'\-

ex-fishhcads. Wi‘\l"lls and booties. along with a smattering ol ex-(‘labs and civvics lrimi all walks of life who. although they never served therilselves. fully support the ideals of the i\ssoci:ition. Being so far from the sea means cral

there is not much opportunity to carry out nautical activities. but the branch prides itself on its lund-r:u'sing. the proceeds ill"which an: donat‘s. cd to various UK ctiarities. Among those currently supported OThoFolkestonobrarlchstandardlsuarriedattlleLastPostcerKing (icol'ge's Fund for Sailors emonyattheMenIn6atelriYpros. Belgium, bySlMGorryAllain are llI.l-EMA and the RNLI. (vice chairman; left) while SIM Tom Stallanll (chairman) holds the (KGI-'5). The clubhouse opens twice weekHMS Glory Association standard. To the left. with the anchor activities take wreath, is president SIM Les Harris. Also there that night were ly when fund-raising place. ilicliidiiig Iunctions. dniws and representatlvesoldscottishflegiment complete with piper "raisiiig the old right ariii." membersof the Dutch Air Force and two Belgian naval officers. Signiticzilit hall"-yearly donations are made to both Ktll-‘S and llI.I-'.$.\li\. boosted by lines for the noti-

Invite to Lonttonderry

'l'll()Sl'Iwho want to take part in the ltist formal Ilaltle ol the Atlantic visit elirlirlicliloralitin should Londonderry In Northern Ireland met the vtcclteliil ol May 0-.‘-l. IIIII5. With plans near colnpletion_ the

intention is to tll\Ilt‘ p.ir1icip.itiiig Illc (icrriluii n;i\-ics

linclildinp liopeltllly





i'\':ivyl ship's


"Hie secretary ot the l.orldoiitlerr_\' hruiieli. SIM l"r:ink Ilrown. said: "As


AS WI: .ill preler hoiiqtiets to hrlcl.bats. ;i tIi;inlt-you to SIM l-IN Jeiiltiiis. ol Cardifl hnlricli. for the klnd letter saying how ltiiicll he L‘lt]tl_\i\ .'Vrii-i- Neil-i. \hltlL‘lt he has lk'l.'II readiiig for inure than 30 _\c;irs. It was also _i-nod to know that he

Riyadh branch was orig-

tI|')[‘|l|.'t‘IlIlt.‘\the assistance he receises

vsbeli he has hecn in scarcli of inforiiiation concerning .\';i\';i| lll;lllL'l\. either lroili the paper's own resources or lhroligli the trzinsierral ol the enquiry on to the appropriate


this is the truth anniverury of the longest battle of the Second World War we feel that we should honour ALI. those who gave their lives, whiclievcr side they Iought oil." 'llie progrtiillllie ol e\erits licgiils on May (i “till .i bullet d.iiit'e. .iiid possibly .i Iorlllul diliiiet. lollimcd the nc\I d.i_s Irv ;i vsreatll-Iayiiig cer« ciiloliy on Loiigli l‘oyle. with a coilcert in tile evctling. 'l‘he parade and inti:rilenoniin;itioiuil scnicc will take place till the


l-"or ltlnher inI'orlll.‘ltioll. contact Sl.\I Ilrowrloii tclllax 025 7l2'l I705 l'l'.lllh siiggesls slll[‘Illl£llt.'\ intendin;.! to tinsel should inlorili him .is soon as possible .Is }It't.‘l|llltlIt\\l.llIt|ll could he in short siippl_s.

Bl'flllI'5ll llllllll'l|S /\\ lnrriier chzlirnian





S/.\t KC“ llolluvs.'i_v motlrlis the loss ol (';ipt Niiriiiiill Jewell l).\'(‘. vtlio took the saliite ;it the coiiimissioliing ol the ilcvt branch lit-.idqii;irtcrs in N72 and later returned tor the Slllli ;irliii\‘ersiir_v celehrzitioiis ol the br:ilieli_ Older llicriihers will regret the p.-issillg ot this title gcilllcrinin.

t:liaii- presented

WIll‘.N Sfhl Ted Morgan was in hospital. rncmbcrs ol Hincktey branch gave what support they could to his wife lli.-ryl. presenting her with .'I i.sheclch;iir to help her get about. S.ltll_\. since lllc‘ |‘lt‘st't1l.tltiill.5/.“ led ll.is llIt‘il

Battle ensign


may need to go into a second print run. so orders should be in as soon as possible. The cards cost £3.75 tor a pack at ten. which includes postage and packing.


.. .





.»..——.r.-u ....


and the like. and dotltitions Lire liltide to individual lifeboat stations when lliellihers go back to the UK. One nicinbcr. who wislics to remain anonynious. recently won around £2.30) in the Davy Jones‘ Locker dravv and donated Jlllllttsl £500 each to the three charities. The hrlrlch has put a good deal of effort into the planning of the l‘)‘)th anniversary ot"l'r:lt'algar. and as Niirv News went to press there were expected to be some rllort.il lleadaches alter the linnlorlal Meltlory is Iionoured. liorturiutcly ()-Jtohcr II is ;i 'l'litlrsd.'ly. part of the weekend irl Saudi. so there will be some recovery time before work on the Saturday. For further information on RNA

Riyadh contact secretary Terry (hlr. Villa I2. Al II.dih:i.r 2. PO Box I732. Riyadh ll-1-ll Saudi Arabia.

Tllli soham bruiicli 'pilgriril;ige'to Nelson's hlrtllplacc. lltlrnlitlili lliorpc. Ior tliexr ;irinii:iI sets ice. has l£Ilsl'|l pl;tt't.'. ‘llle eleiit origirizited in an appeal by a cliiirch warden at All Saints‘ Church. Vic Riches. who appcalerl to RNA branches tor tlorlatiolistui.s'artls the tt.‘\ltlf:Illtltlof the elilirch. where Nelson's father was rector in the Ixth century. The response from the branches was good. but S/M Tim Riley. of Sobani. suggested that the branch donation be handed over pi:rson;i|ly.. This was duly zlrningctl. and SIM ‘I'irli thought all .inmial .scr\'it.‘l: close to 'l'r;iI';llg;tr Day would he :1 good idea. The Norwich School choir .\'e|s.on‘.s old school was invited. as local branches of the were I\\\0ClSIlll\n. and the iirrangeriient hecanie annual. In recognition of his ellorts. Vic was made an honor:l.l'y member of Soharn branch. becoming SIM Vic. and although now retired, attended every service until this year. Sadly. SIM Tim died in early 2000. —

Ceremony honours .

overseas HIGH Commissioners from the Indian sub-continent, Africa

and the Caribbean will he laying wreaths at the Memorial Gates in London this month to rememberthe five million men and women from tar-clung nations who volunteered to tight alongside British forces in two world wars. These area provided almost ten per cent 01 the volunteers in World War I. and up to 30 per cent in World War II. The Memorial Gates were built to honour these volunteers. including three million from India. 400.000 from Africa and 16,000 from the Caribbean. The gates were inaugurated by the Queen in November 2002. and stand at the top or

volunteers Constttutlon Hill. They consist of tour Portland stone columns. each topped by a brass urn. The is on ceremony November 12. and anyone wishing to go and pay their respects should attend by 10.30am for


11am start.

Padre retires \ll~\l|ll-"RS oi" Cbeshunt hnillcli s.iid .1 rclilcl;int lRIlk'Vol’ll to their cli.ipl.'ilrl. the Rev Martiri llarlistcr. who is retiring alter tcil _\e;lrs l0_\‘.tl service. .'\s .i token ot’ their tipprecliitioii. he was presented Will] .in ilisctihcd ll.-iroiiietcr by the br:illcIi. .\leliilx-is hope .\l.lr1ill and his isile uill t'll[ii_s llltlll) happy years in St r\lh;ins.

'l'llli ROY.-\l. British Legion lllttlltlltlttl branch are llt1lI.lIll}‘. their ;irlrlu.'il ser\'ii.'c ol retliernhrziiice III the church ot St Peter .ilid St I'.iiil .tl 3pm on Nmcrnber J. 'llie service “Ill hc coliducled by the Res Tim Storey. assisted by Ilie Rev Alistairc 5lI.'M:lll<s‘\lst‘\. cIi.ip |.'iin of the Blandtord RNA branch. During the service the llatllc linsigii of Hood l)l\l\ttll'l. RN l)ivision. reltlrliisllcd by the 'l'e\tilc ('oiiscr\.itioiiists Ill the l'lii\cr\it_s ul Soulhalttptoli. will he returned to the church for s.'iIcl>.cepiri_e. The Hood l)i\isioli tr;iitled .it lllalidlord (';iliip in l‘ll5. helorc departing tor tiallipoli. where llIc_\ ser\ ed with distinction. and l'r'.irit'c.

cal-it proves popular THE ASSOCIATIONS 2004 Christmas card is. as predicted solling like the proverbial hot cakes. The card. which features HMS Cavalier on the tront.

v-caring til‘ badges

tlonatiiins plea started annual event






ship in

September edition


corvette HMS Leeds




launched in 1943 and scrapped just five years later. The winner was Mr K. Lown. ot Margate in Kent. who wins our £50 prize. This month’: mystery ship is a submarine whose name. derived from an Old French word. was a common medieval term for a steward. can you name the boat. pic-

tured here in the ezlrty 19505? The correct answer could


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at Norwich

ITIIAS been a busy time for shipntatcs of No 5 Area. who ttimed out in strength for the 25th aiinivcr.s;iry of llii: Norwich branch and the ratedicalioii of its standard in Norwich (';itltcdi':i|. The guests included (‘apt R.W, Moland RN. who took the salute at the iiiarch-past. the lord Mayor of Nurwicli. accoiripanied hy Lord l>r i\|list:iir Pitt)’.

5/“ (it-till Mills, Area Presidciil. and Sfhl Dotti: (litter. Nattoiial (‘ouii(i| iticinhcr At the parade tlirinipli the (II) which lolloueil. led h) the hand ol the »Royal lltlspllill .\'chool llolhrool. l'hristirie Dalrell tlJl sltvtltl in for her }.'F.lllt.ll'.lIlK'rwhen he l('ll Ill ant! carried his standard The aiiiii\i'rs;ir_\ celehr.ttioit. cii|iI_ved hi. :tll. iiwlttded an e\ct'l|t‘nt litillel and d.tnt‘t' .tt St r\t'ldfl‘VA"s llilll .-titt-iitlt-it h_v the taniilies ot tnetnht-is 'lhc dcilicalion til the WOGIQV staiidartl was also ssell-sittendcd. with at least H stztritlarils in the









'lllt' \l‘l\It.'t‘ was i‘iiIIdiii‘lt:tl l1_\ lvt.iiich cliziplain Iltt‘ Re\ |).tsiil Ncwiiiaii in St Mti'li.ic|'s ('htirt'h. lhorpc lc .\‘okcri. and more th.tii lfill slitpiiiales and guests r.'tl|ll)'l'lla hill lt‘l rt.‘L't'pltiIn wl'lit.'ll liilliiwt'tl. and tool. the chance to meet members of llead (mice. who were guests tor the iiiirzisititl 'llii: Dageriham hranch hosted a git.-at social evcniitg where iiieiiihers and ittiests tumed out in the colourltil clothes worn h_v the hippie gener;llIIIl'I ot’ the limits. protesting iii.-artist Ilic llonih and advouitini: Love rathcr than War. 'lhe (K'(.l.\lt|l'I was enioyed also h_\ tnetnhers ol Royston. Harlow and

Clacton hrztnches. were



at .1





Nelson's church. All Saints’ zit llurnhani Thorpe in Nortolk. where the Ntit'wIi.‘l1 Schtiiil (‘hair prtwidctl riicinorahlc music and singing. 'lhe sermon was pn.-achcd ii) the Res Jonathan (‘harli-s. Rector ol lltimhaiii

uanelli Ht! ripened Sllll’M»\l‘l-_\' ol No 7 Area and lint Iliei silicld will he cltecretl h_s the news that Uanelli hranch he:idqu.irleis '.iiiil cluh li.'iu' riovs ollieizilly

opeitetl Thc_s dcscrs e cver_\ support tor lilK'lAIll_Ethe trend ol branch and club closures due to declining iiteiiihership.

'|hc late Area President. S/M Tutti l).i\ics. and his wile loan \I.t)l.lltl he


?rT ~-"*-‘; _





z‘‘-'7“ -'1‘;-'?-..’


—:-?__',_it:::_'.'7;'*.‘_~':"_ _'_‘ ‘--“'=-F-3°-_'"" ..-T;;—_—_-._I';__«-





beleaguered Harare ONE ()l-' the hidden stmngths of the A.s.socialion is the loyally of its iiiciiihcrs. especially to those down in their luck. as titciiibers of the Harare branch in Zimbabwe have


The l|tl:llll_\' of this caring attitude svas hrotiitht home to them

recently. on being infomied that

various stints of money had been accredited to the Harare account with Headquarters‘. by RNA branches‘ and individuals. As :1 gesture of support. and a lifeline they were mtich in need of. it prompted ti letter of appreciiition lrotti SIM Noreen Potter. the st.-crt~tary of Hat-.ire hnirich. expressing the heanfelt

gratitude of her fellow shipniates.

SIM Putter slalcs that condilioits in 7.irrihahwe are not getting any hi.-tier. With the country crippled by a vmrthless currency. the daily struggle is to find suffieienl food and fuel to keep alive. the cost of which keeps ristng. Some members of the branch. she says. have given up the stniggle :ind lied overseas, Those who remain. while h.-ivini: to



_;:;ca ‘~19 i’-‘V.-2'

-/"?l’ ml-f $31» ("-3 «’.-;’<.4I_‘i '59:-_ J: ,1: .rw

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turn out in

M:iyor‘s (‘onsurt



do without the haste necessities. remain resolute in the heliel. she says. that Illcfl:is light at the end of the runncl. liven the small pleasure they got from their meetings in the "Moth Club". the branch venue. can no longer he taken for granted. The cluh was ti‘lsllL‘t.l h_s- "so-called war vctct'.ins". who stole ;il| Ilte_v could. including llaps .'|nIl lL'}!dlI.I In this i:litii.'.ttc til tear and sht-itai:es the stippon and getieiosits shown to the llziniri: hiziitch h_s their lcllovi shipiiiailcs in the l'K has meant ti great deal (in their hehall. S/M Potter thanks the Greeritord branch tor paying: rtienihi.-rs‘ RN.-\ subs tor loot. hit‘ the lapel l\£llll.‘t‘.\, hlaler and ties recent|_\ received. and tor helping to send the Harare riewslciier to nteniht-rs who have lled the t.'0tIlIl|'\.satiric posiriec lhe i:r:tIilude ol inciiihcrs ol the ll;ir:ire hrztrich is also eueiided to the Norton Fitzwaman tminch tor ziiirecing to pat their RNA siihs for Zottfu. and to Gosport. Jlltl



hi':inchcs. and SIM


Mnflls til

tor the varioits stiiiis ol money t.'redilcd to thi: lIar.tn.' £h‘\‘0Unl with Ilc;idquanr:rs_ Support has also arrived in the shape til S/M John Shephertl. til" New South Wales in !\lI.\ll".lllil. who sends regular donations. Iitcntture and photographs. among which was a trained portrait tll Sir Winston (‘htirchil|. to keep their spirits up.

0 Veterans of the HMS Illustrious Association join members of the aircraft carrier's ship’ company at a service of remembranceat the Scottish National War Memorial In Edinburgh Castle

Illustrious ties are renewed

ll.l.llS‘lRl()ll.\' hy name and iIlitstriotis by deed. sailors who have served in the wartiiite camcr ol the saint: name visited the warship in the latter stages or her £l lliiii relit. A group or 40 iiieinhcrs of the HMS Illustrious Association. or llltislrians as they are hetter known. ol the l‘1eetcarrici which loughl with distinction in World War ll. headed to Rtrsylh tn rl'nt:v- lies with today's HMS lllustrttius. ‘nit: present-day 2l).(ltItl-ion camer |‘s hetni: converted to ;iccoitiinodate Merlin helicopters and to he ulilc to serve as a hack-up coiitrii.'i.ndo carrier to HMS ()ceaii in a twoycar ovcrh:iu| carried out h_v llahcock I-Lnginecrtnp. The ciiirciit sltip's ctiinpany gave the veterans a tour til their ship and



0 Do you recognise this man?

Pwllheli seek name of sailor THE PWIJJIIELI and District branch are keen toidentitythe sailor pictured above. Does anyone recognise the man, who served in HMS Glendower during 1944? Any information to the branch would be greatly


Pwllheli and District was commissioned in 1993. and many or the branch‘: founder members had served in HMS Glondower, the Royal Navy training establishment at Pwllheli in North Wales. Indeed. the branch still retains historic connections with HMS Glendower. Contact branch secretary Wyndham Underwood on 01758 614138.

hosted them for a lunch. hetore they all paid their respects at at service of remembrance held on the sot.ith side of the Forth. The Scottish War Memorial at lilinhurgh (‘astle was the setting for the service and wreath-laying in a cercniiiny led hy the Rev liernaird ('lail.i:. The lllusti'ian.s' trip mirth of the hor‘dcr ended with an invitation from the Countess ol I-Jlgtii and Kiiicardiric to take attcrnoori tea in the splendid surroundings in Ilioomhall. the tamil_s' seat of the ('lan Hmt.‘t:. overlooking the Forth. ‘I.usi_v' vetr.-r.ins who want to join the ;L\snt.‘l:lllt)rt should contact (Tolin Pickford on lll2‘ltl ill»!-I72 or visit the lorthcoming website www.


Tl'allllI'll has triple standards TRAFFORD hrancli iiianagt-d


tum). ('omplctin1: the trio was S/M ten Millward. who paraded the (ireater Fleet



Association standaird. The event was Yvonne's ltrsl



heconiing tlcputy stan-

dard bearer tor the branch. Tnttlord hranch are also proud ot the ltict that they have the Area SL‘t.'fL‘l:Il')‘ ISIM ('harles lltittotil. r\ll"o| Treasiirer I SIM Alan liliockingI and Area Standard llearer S/M Tom (‘ope among their iiienihershtp.


Marble Arch and Oxford Street Affordable room rates ° Choice of restaurants and bars (ionccssionary NC!’ Car Park rates Function rooms for dinners. receptions. reunions and private parties to °


three dillerent standards at the Maiichestcr RM-' t\\\t|\.‘l;IIlI)ll Battle at Hrilaiti Service and l’:ir.tdc. SIM Yvoiiiie ('iipe paraded the Tltllllllll hraiich slandtird (C0009 of picture). while her hiishtind S/M Toni (Ripe canted the standard lor the Manchester and Sallord Royal Mttnnes Association (right 0! pic-





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Nz\\"‘i' Nil-IWS. Ni )Vii.\lllF_R 2ll(i-i

Fishing ileet under tire

LAST month saw the 100th anniversary of one of the strangest incidents in Britain's maritime history when the Russian Fleet opened tire on a group at Hull lishing trawlers. —

The Russian Baltic Fleet under Admiral Zlnovy Rozhestvensky was on its way to do battle with the Japanese 18,000 miles away when in the North Sea extremely laulty inteiii ence oi enemy warships in the area led to its opening ire on the trawiers. One was sunk and several damaged as a result and some of the Russian ships suffered hits from each other. The Aurora had four below the waterline and the ship's priest had his hand shot away. The incident naturally caused outrage as well as being ridiculed in newspapers around the world and Flozhestvensit. only narrowly avoided causing a war between Russia and Britain. His fleet was shadowed by the Royal Navy as tar as west Africa. in May the loilowing year it met up with that ol Vice Admiral Helchachiro Togo at Tsushima where it was practically annihilated. Rozhestvensky was himseil wounded and captured but was well treated by the Japanese. On his return to Russia he was court martialed. however. and died soon after. I A contemporary postcard with an artist's impression of the incident comes from the collection ol Michael —

Duncan Still lingers in


»nrv_-yr“ ,


I \


on no.5





II .ia

'I'III{ IIANI) of tilt: Royal Mzirinux Scotliiiitl paiitl tribute in Atliiiirzil Atlaiin I)uiic;iu ail (';inipcrdowii llousc. ntiirking thc Zlilith ziniiivcrsairy of the hero's death. (SCC above)

The victor of the 1797 Battle of (Taimpcrduwn was born in Dundee in I73l. the son of :i town promxt. Ilis .\tlCL'C.\.\ was unf:iirI_\' Uh\L‘l.II'l.'l.i h_v Nclxonk triumphs zit the Nile. (‘iipciiiiitgcn iinil 'I'r;if;iI_i:;ir. At the iil‘llI.'. hovicvcr. lhctc h:iLI Itcctt ll;tlintt.'iI lt.'jt'iiCIll}1. I)Liiit‘.il'l‘v\.'l'~ lI'I.ltiL‘ ;i \'i\counl. \\.|\ xliimctctl with _t'_iil> lroi1ii:urpur.iIitill\ .iutl tztilidx. .iuil I’.uIi.iiiicnt

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0500 22 2o 22 MR A'S'.~CCldit'3


the llddifli’, mrnv cl Al Riv-will Asstnciatrs L|fT‘liit"(i

‘uIlL'(i him .'I pL'n\inu uf illlli ;i _\'c;ir. Iic jiiiui:tI thi: Rt|_\‘iIi Nut-_v iii the iigi: of I4 iiuti it tlistitiguisltctl czirccr .\:iw him rise to thc riinli oi oommiintlcr-in-ciiicf of the North Sea I-‘Ii:i.'l. Iic tlicd :it ('ornhiI|. nuiir (‘o|tI.strc:int. on his way honu: front London iinti is Iiiirictl in i.llnliiL'


Thu: I"rii:ttt|\ iii (Kittlpcrtiiiutt Ilouxc (I)uuc.iii\ rctsziril liir dcfciiling the Ilulch uc;it K.iuipcnIuiu oil the \'Ii3l\i (II IIuII;iIltIi h.iiI p|.iuni:il .i \L'fiL‘\ iii L‘\t‘IiI.\ iii ntiui. Ill\ .'ittiii\i:r\.'it_\'. \L'\L'I'iIi oi viiucli turn: to hate

ill\'tiI\'L't.I tlic prcsi.-ttcc oi IIMS .\lunliii\c iii I)utu|i:c. "Hus \'i\il Vi'iI.\ ciiitccllctl iili the time .\iic was il'l\lii\'L'liin thi: lL‘\t.'llC of tlic (';in;itIi;in \lli)lllit!illL' ('hii:outiuii. sec page 4} mid so Ihi: cuniiiiciiior.ili<ins wctc .\;itII_\' much rctiiicctl. ‘llic Iociil Scu (':iiIcl hand and tilt: I-‘iutry Pipe iiiiud joined the Ruj.';tI .\I;itint'\ .'II (';ittl|‘Ict'tIti\u‘l Iliiuw \\I'iIIl.‘ ill the ('it_\' Squiirc iiciit Rctrciit \\ll\ pcrtorim-ll. f\';i\;tI Rci:iutt;t| ()liit'cr (‘tire .'\l'i_11l.I\ .\';iudionl t;il-.iu_t: the \£iilIll.'. .-\ wn-icc mi» IlL'I(I iit i.lllit.iiL' Kirk and ii wrclitli iititi on his toinh.

Volunteer cadets are 100 not out

l|.\iS SI 'l.'l'.r\N \‘uluntccr (‘iitlct ('ni'p\ cciclmituil itx ccntcinii) with I)i\'i~iunx il'i\UI\IIi_t1 czuiclx innit ;i|| \'('(' tiiiiI\ \\ilIliiiii1L' I’ott~iiiiiulIi .'tIL';i


IiI\!‘\'\I\.'\i l\\

the llL‘\\ (l‘iiIIII1‘ti|‘iL' \t'.i (-.|\ik'i“. (-liI\' I .lIll|l' Iiiu'p.t'ii~Iiiii‘ Iht‘ (tutu \\.i~ Eiiinicil in I’:-ilxiiiiiiilll Ii.»ci.\.iriI ill I"lii .I\ .i liI\‘.t|I\ in [‘i\'\t'III thy mnx -it uric

t\‘lt_\ uliucix .iuil ‘~\.|ii.li".I UIIlt.'L‘l\f|IIlII|IIL'\\1Itiill the ~ttu‘l\ Iiiiriiig; thy |‘.t\I IINI _\t'.ir~ it Ii.l\ miiiititiril tn IilltiI'i‘\i'I \\IIiI .iiI the \L'iilH|'


n;i\.i| L'\I£ti‘Il\IIlIiL'III‘~ ii] iii: I’ort~iuoutIi ;irc;i Iii-xtiiii: their imu units. I’-t|iItl\i\ili‘LZ thi:L‘It)\lllL‘ oi" I€:istiic_v Ilzirriirlu. the RU_\'iti .\l:irinc \"(‘('

ULlII\it.'!f\.‘ti to llMSI{\co:|Ii.-iil All \\'h:i|ci\iilllti. (';itIi:t~. from the tccctttly clmctl HMS l)ry:itI iilil-‘C ;iin;i|i:;im:itctI with the unit in |lMS('oI|ini:wootI and .\('Ill‘IC eight _\L'lit\ zign lhmc from IIMS l);ictI:ilusll'iIn\il:lL‘Li to lhc HMS Sultan unit.

Youn_t-,~tcrx arc cligililcto join Ll.\

C.‘ltiL‘l\ from the zigi: oi uini: _\citrs up in IS Iiut tltu.\l iL'.'l\'L' hclorc tIu.'ir Ifilh Iiirtitdziy. Must llllil\ rttccl twice per week. u.\u:iIl_v on it .\1onti;i_\' cwiiiiig for .\portin- 2|L'ii\'iiil.‘\ iiutl ‘I‘Iuir.~.tI:i_\x for tlril ;intI iitslriicliun. Siilijcrl lupin iuclutlc I-‘int .-\iil. lililpri:;itIiiig. iiCi\i cr:iil iinil _L'.i.'l1t.'f£II N'.i\.ii

kttu\~|L'tI_t:L'. 'I'hoiii:h l'li;tIl_\' C2||iL'!\ go on in join IIIL‘ i\rmi:il I-iirccs. the lllilill uitlt til the \'(‘('. iii\L' tlic ii.itioii;il Si.-ii ('.'it|ct ('tirp.~. ix In ICJCII tnotI~ cm _\'oulh ii N..‘l‘I.\i.' til’ \.iIuc~. coit~itIcmtion for others zuitl him. to iK‘t‘tIli'Il.'good citi/tux.

All units. Ui!:;lIIi.\L' uccitctiti i:vcitt.~'. and run lxith junior and l\CniliI' I-liistcr and Sunuucr camps. Anotlicr in:iin iittriictiiiit is "10

(iiui ('ivmm.iuiI ('Ii.itiipiori\|iips \\i'ilIL‘ ;.'ili1 \‘lL'\\\ ti-iiipuir .it \ilti\\\ .it-iunii thy



Civic links with ships


A RI{(’()RI)of .'ill the


.\'.~i\y\ \Iiip iiililizitions. vital iiuil prcsciil. is Ix-int: CtIn'I[)iIL'( Ivy (‘tire I);i\'iiI lltigltcs. lhc I-'.;i.~ti.-rn I-Iuglziiitl l\'£|\’iIi Rcgioniil Officer. Iic zilrcudy kiiiiwx must of the civic links which were .\l(l|’lL‘tI by 'W;ir_\Iiip Wu-Ii‘ during World \\":ir II iintl zill the current tiIiL'.\. "'IIii:rc :irL'. IltML‘\t.'f .i number of gaps. and I'd be i.:t:tlcIuI ii .\'iii'\ .\'¢'u \ iL'.IliL'I\(llllili help me L't|illpilc it ciintplclc iccnrtl. All I ncctl l\ thi: uiitni: oi ihi: ~Iiip .inil tliiit oi’ the civic uutliuritg. for c\;unpIc 'Il.\lS Ariilrontctlii. i)t|ilL‘:l\lL'l.South \'lirl..~Iiirc'. "I twotild .II\ti Ivc uxciul in ktinw Jill .'l]'lpll'i\IiiI.'lIt.'tiiitc. 'llii~ ix nu‘L'\\;irj. \l'I thzil I Gill lull uiililiii piliIi\.'llI£t|’ ~hip you .irc tcli.'riItg,: Iii. I"-it c\:iniplc. l\ it the 'I'rili:il(‘litu tiL‘\II’U_\Cf (iurI>.Ii.'i iii the later I.('I;i\~ tIc\Im_wr (iurkhzi or the 'I'_\'pc Si irigziti: (iurkIi;i‘."'

Write to (‘tire I);u-ill Iliii.-,Iic~. IIMS l’rc~itIi:ut. 72 St K:itIicriui:‘.s \\'.'i_\'. l.nmIoit I-LIW N70 or plioni: Jiiuct iiu IIZII 748] 732-3.


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onlevel thanks llll‘ lilfllllllllll ..%.,...,.__..._._.....,....,V,,.




patrol in her primary role as the UK‘s contribution to the campaign against drug smugglers in the West Indies. HMS Richmond has received top level thanks for BACK on

......_.i.._._...-....._...._. ...

her disaster relief work. During a brlet spell ofl Jamaica, Armed Forces Minister Adam

Ingram flow on board to spend a day at sea with the Type 23 frigate and thankthe ship's company for their ettorts In the wake

of Hurricane Ivan. They had been kept busy in the attermath training and working alongside members oi the Jamaica Coastguard. As reported last month. the Richmond and RFA tanker Wave Ruler chased the monster Category 5 storm across the the path for other relief Caribbean. restoring power and agencies to follow up with longer-term elp


I Left: Armed Forces Minister Adam Ingram arrives in HMS Rchmond. Below: discussing the ship’: relief work with LMA Colin ‘Jonah’ Jones

Pensions Appeal Tribunalsfor Scotland Part-time Service MemberAppointments Applications are invited from persons with knowledge or experience of service in Her Majesty's naval, military or air forces and others with an interest in the above, tojoin the panel from which service members of the Pensions Appeal 'I\'ibunals for Scotland are selected. There are vacancies for three part-time members. The function of the Pensions Appeal Tribunals for Scotland is to hear and decide upon appeals concerning disablement pensions (known as War Pensions) arising from service in the Armed Forces, Mercantile Marine and Civil Defence etc. All tribunal sittings are in Edinburgh.

The appointments will be made by the Lord President of the Court of Session under section 6 ofand paragraph 2 ol'Schedule 1 to the Pensions Appeal TribunalAct 1943. ’l‘his recruitment exercise may also be used as the basis of appointment for any other part-time service vacancies which arise during the course of 2005.

hoped that the successful candidates will be able to take up their appointments in March 2005.

International Defence Sales: Sales Executive l’;trt ofthc multi-n:ttion:tl Northrop Grunintrttt Group. Sperry Mariltc incorpor.1ti.-s tltc litmuu.~ l)l“.lllll.‘ioi‘ Decca. Spctry and C—l‘l;tth. We are ti world leader in tnnrinr: clt-t:tronic.s: a ()l)L'-.\0llit'C .\ltppl)' cotnp:tn_v providing cvcrytlting lirom radars and gt.-rt: coinp:mcs to rmtcliinisry control .s_v.xlctn\. \VZ’c tltzsign. produce. sell and service our products. through wtirltl—witlc olliccs and rcp rcscn t.tt l\'L'.\.

currently looking for ;t rcsult.\—oricntctl S;tlcs pmli.-sxiottztl to sell and promotc tbv: (It>ti1p.1tty'.\ products and services to n:t\';ll custorm-r.~ in tli:.xigti.ttctl m'cr.\t:;1.x tcrtitorics. You will bc rcsponsiblc litr .ts<istittg, in the [3|'L'p;ll‘.1llUll t)li.\..ilc5li)rct‘.ists. prodttcing .\:Ilt.'.\ l.]lllll;lll0I'l5 .'lll(l propomls and Clusillg tlt.';ll.\ that meet the CXpCL'l.lll0ll.\ olour ctmotncrs. The rule in\'ol\'c.\ rt-gttlnr t)\‘cl'.\t.‘;1_\travel to visit cttstomt-rs and rcprt-sctttativcs .15 wt-ll as p;trticip.ttion in cxltilaitiorts .ll'Itl proniotiomtl cvcnts.



'l'ltt- .sttt'ccs.slitl c.1ntlitl.ttt- is

likcly to nlli'r tllc lolltm-irtg:

provcn cxpcticncc within a .\'.tlc.\ cnvitonmcnt illltl prcli'r;tl)lv .t n;tv;tl/tnilit;tr).'backgrotttttl ‘ tintlcrwttttling ntigcncral l‘Jll.Slllt'.'~.\ '.lllLl/(if llllt’fll;lll0l‘l.ll.\.tlL‘.\ pi()CC(lllfl.‘.\ ° wlllillgllc.\\to work llcxihlt: hours with lrcqttcttt U\‘L'fM.‘il.\ travel ° strong ll‘IlL'l'|‘lL'f$(Dll;llskills and thc ;ippropri;ttt' blcntl nlicxpcricttcc to negotiate with custontcrs ill all levels 0

0 '

good liltl‘ltCl'lC:ll.;tdministr.Ition gtntl 0t'g;Ilti‘I.'tllt)It skills ;ll'iilll_\' to work ztntl solve problems without (lust: sttpcrvisioti pulclttlal and tlrivc

It is


Expressions of interest, together with a letter giving details of relevant experience, should be sent to:

\Vc will provitlc Iltc .~.copc to .\cll :1 full ntngc ol'protluct.s and .sy.~tt~tns rcctigrtisctl as :mt1t«.- olthc ltcrst in thc tnuritic m.trkct. 'l'ltc .\u(.'(.‘C.\!-l‘lil c:tndid.1tc will work in an cnvirommmt. which is ptolcssiottztl and cltztllcrtging with tipportunitics for career dc.-velopntcnt.

Bill Barclay, Secretary, Pensions Appeal Tribunalsfor Scotland, 20 Walker Street, Edinburgh, EH3 7118 to arrive no later than midday on Friday 3rd December 2004.

Further information about the posts may be obtained from the

Secretary, by telephoning 0131-220-1404.


p.1ck;t1;t' lllL'lll(l('.\;t contpctitivc .\;ll:ll"_\'. 20 tl;t}'s' holitl.1}'. pension &’

lili: axsttmncc.

l’lc'.tsc apply suiting currcnt x;1l;tr}.' to l lumnn liismtirccs llcpnrttncnt. Northrop (irllllllllilll Sperry .\l:trinc. littrlington llousc. l lli llttrlington Roatl. Ncw t\l:tltlcn. 5ttrrc_\' l\"l'_i -iNR. 'l'cl: 020 832‘) 253i. Fax: 020 852‘) 2-1'5 l. l’.-mztil Ann.tlriscttllélkpcrry.ngt:.t'otn.


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Reporting to the UK Scrvict: M;lii;t_t;i:r. vi-1' lnivc

\'.lC.lllL'_\' lor .1 Mnriiic Scrvicc l".ii:,-‘iiicct. You will lit‘ tlircctly l'L’$pUll.\'ll)lClor the in.\i;tll;ttion. continixsioninl- ;1ntl licltl rt‘ l mil’ olikinis l.‘t.v.'r (ivro (l{l.( i) I ‘|I0(lllI..'l.\Ullll-Uilfkl l{ov.tl Navy .1tItlliIrt'i'n la Nnvv slii l TS .1ntl _\lll)lll.ll'illL‘.\\.|r'(il'ltl\'v'lLlL'.often :11 short notice. l'lic Rl.(i l )l'tH.lllCl.\inrlutlc [llL‘ NA l U Slii l i\' lllL'l'il;ll Nnvi I»-ation Sv.\tcttI.\ (SINS) and the VK3‘) lncrtial N;tvig.1tion System (INS). Sonic short pcriotls iit .\t':| oil Sllkll \'L‘.\\'(’l.\ tn;t_v ;il_so lit‘ rcqtiirctl. t\tltlition;tlly. i-oii will be rcs l i-onsililcfor re uirs zmd tcstin 1- olRl.(I lmsctl _\\r'.\lClIi.\ ;ll our v.-.-urkxlio ‘I .1: the liuroI scan l{()\ in New M;i|tlt-ii. This position would be stiitctl to mtttclxidy who has recently obtained Ni ll)/Nl l(I gr:itlc.x. '











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One of these ships is the

which can still be

call 023 9286 1512 for 24 hour information.

The sta rt of a fa mous (I la ry When the monarchy was restored in 1660

following on from Oliver

Cromwel|'s rebellion, King Charles II took the throne. He

Queen’s fight against the Spanish Fleet

Although Queen

ElizabethI was never in the Royal Navy her reign from 1558 to 1603 is often connected with the

When the fleet was seen from Plymouth Hoe, Sir Francis Drake told his companions that he would first finish his game of

During her time as queen,

bowls before setting out to take on the enemy

of discovery were

After a series of short


many famous voyages

undertaken by people such as Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Drake to the Americas. That last name is also linked to a very famous Naval victory during Elizabeth'srule the Armada. A Spanish fleet of 130 ships set out to invade —



skirmishes, in the end

the major battle took place off the French coast with the English

finally getting the better of their foreign

rivals. By the time the Spanish Armada limped back to its base port, only 67 of the original 130-ship fleet remained.

part of the Armed Forces, under the control


of the crown with the Militia Act of 1661. During Charles’ reign the famous diarist, Samuel

stalwart defender of the Naval service.

Before taking the throne in 1830, he spent a number of years in the

Royal Navy.

Prince William joined the Navy in 1779 and served as a midshipman and lieutenant. He became a postcaptain the equivalent of the modern-day captain in 1786, and

abilityas a captain: ‘His Royal Highness keeps up strict discipline in his ship... she is one of the first-ordered frigates I

brought the Navy,

Pepys, became Secretary of the Navy Board. He proved a strong and

William IV was known as Britain's ‘Sailor King’.

wrote about William's

when married to 0 The hull of Heavy VII1's Mary Rose at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard King Louis XII. Just before his death, Henry VIII set up the Navy Board in 1546 responsible for the administration of the


William rules inthe Senior Service

Nelson, a close friend,

sister, who became Queen of France



West Indies.

Henry's youngest


EL!!! '





commanding officer of HMS Pegasus in the

Princess Mary,

For more information



ortsmouth Historic Dockyard. It is believed that the Mary Rose was named after





ll"; l"':


found carefully reserved at

still visit Henry's famous Mary Rose at Portsmouth Historic



famous Mary Rose,



‘K '

i--.,a,. ._, ._«. ,,_;~ \\rl‘."‘: hr. .2--.-.r.i ’v»‘~;\‘\>. ..-.,.’...l. 8.»


The much-married King Henry VIII, who reigned from 1509 to 1547, transformed the Navy into a real force. He increased the size of the then fleet from a mere five ships more than tenfold to a total of 53




for Mary, sister and ship





have seen." William ended his active sea career in 1790 with a

promotion to rear


Eventually in 1811 he

reached the title of admiral of the fleet, and the title Lord High Admiral was brought back into use for him in 1827. However it



title slightly went to his head and in 1828 on board the Royal Sovereign he hoisted the Lord High Admirals flag and tried to control the fleet. This behaviour brought protests from the king and the prime minister, and bowed by the outcry Prince William resigned his Naval post. But as king his love for the Navy stayed strong.

Sadly one of William's longstanding legacies is the phrase ‘SillyBilly’, a nickname he earnt during his reign.

Sadly November usually gets a bad press cold, -

wet and all that. But not for this lot, it's

their birthday month!

Callum Alderson Alex Allen Michael Aspin James Austin Philip Barnes Samuel Bastow Samuel Bell Abbie Blanks

Richard Bowdell Thomas Braide James Cambridge Charlotte Cannon Alan Carle Louise Carter Leoni Carter Charlie Carter Lewis Challinor Ashley Cole James Cook Charlotte Crook Sean Dale

Charlie Dewing Keeley Elston Nathanial Evans

Shelby Finlayson

Gavin Freeman

Emily-Jane Fry Christopher Garcia Stephen Green

Matthew Haines

Joseph Hawkesby

Luke James Lisamarie J anman Adam Kear Paul Kitching Rowan Lavington Alex MacDonald Ben MacKey Daniel Magee Nadine Manning Daniel Martin Charlotte Mason Laura Mason Callum May Edward McDonald Ross McInal|y Cameron McInally Ross Morgan Robert Osborne Lauren Patmore Andrew Pollock Sarah Robinson Zachery Rumfitt Adam Savidge Laurie Seve Aubyn Shortland George Shotton Callum Shuttleworth John Smith Ben Taylor Sarah Thirrovez Adam Thrower Gemma Tubby Samuel Valentine Jack Vardy Nina Wadds Amy Walker Taylor Webb Edward West Oliver Whalley Liam Whittaker Rhys Williams Simon Yeadon Gavin Young


NAVY NI-IWS. N()VliMlll-LR 2lll-l 39

Where in the world


u u u u

The ships and people of the Royal Navy have been travelling all around the world for the past few months. Here are a few of the places they have visited recently...

This month On November 4, 1843, the statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson was finally set atop his namesake column in

RFA Diligence Place: Tioman Island

Place: Fort-de-France


Count ry: Martinique What's it like: A 5 Y'|'\O French island in the Caribbean

Malaysia Country: What's like: The

of peninsular Mal sia plus part of the island 0 Borneo it


Trafalgar Square. Originally the statue

Capital: Kuala Lumpur


Recce Force 3 Commando

Place: J




Capital: Accra

Here at the Young Readers Club we were

delighted to get a letter from Jordan Mccuskey (mern. 2994). Here's why: ‘I'm really pleased to be a memberof YRC again. I love reading the Navy News.

‘My grandad served in the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm from 1942-46 and 1949-56 in HMS Glory, HMS Theseus and Monab VI [an air base in Australia]. ‘My cousin Paul is currently serving in

HMS Cattistock. ‘Grandad went all over the world and stayed in

Malta for three years. ‘I love football. I am goalkeeper for my local team. I also play cricket and basketball. ‘I don't go to Sea Cadets as there aren't any near here, but I am joining the Navy when I'm old enough.’ Jordan also sent us in photographs of the ships on which grandad served, and a copy of the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II signed on board HMS Glory. It's all fascinating stuff. J ordan, thank you so much for writing in to us here at YRC. If someone in our family was in t e Navy do you know much about their life? Ask them for their stories.



What's it like:

welcome back

destined to stand upon the column had been that of William IV, but after his death in 1837 it was decided that neither he nor his recently crowned daughter Victoria should receive the honour. Instead the time was right to honour Britain's Naval hero, Nelson. The statue had been exhibited in an enclosure close to the base of the column for some days before it was raised to its lofty destination. This process was to take two days, with the legs and lower part of the body raised on the first day, and the upper body and arm united to make the whole on the next.

Tropical lowland

The man who never meant to be king Another British king also came to be called the Sailor King.

he achieved the title Admiral of the Fleet. Years after George had last set foot on board a worship, he still carefully wore ironed trousers with the Naval crease from side to side, he bore the full beard of the Naval service, and

This was George V he served in the Royal Navy for 15 years, and the Navy was his life and -


George was never meant to be king, his elder brother Albert Victor was due to take the throne but sadly died of pneumonia in 1892.

George's promotion

to Prince of Wales as next in line brought a premature end to his

thriving Naval career. By this time George

had reached the rank of commander, and had

commanded two ships of his own, Torpedo Boat No.79 and HMS Thrush. His early Naval career had seen George circumnavigate the globe on board HMS

absentmindedly knocked his biscuits against the dinner table to dislodge

the weevils that infested


King George V

encountered the ghostly

Flying Dutchman. George's last command

the cruiser HMS Crescent in 1898 as a captain. Eventually when George took to the throne as king in 1910


shipboard fare. And during all this time in the Royal Navy George

carried an awful burden a terrible tendency to sea-sickness! -

So if you

get sea-sick,

don't give up

the Navy, you're in line company King George V himself. on


A second


to follow in his father’s


King George V's second son had a similar experience to his The prince served in the Royal Navy during World War I, including the Battle of Jutland, and was never destined to be king. But when his elder brother Edward VIII abdicated the throne, the conscientious second son became King George VI and ruled from 1936-52. His experience in the military meant that George was committed to visiting the troops during World War II whenever he could.

His dedication forged a strong bond between the king and country. Geo VI instituted the rge Cross and George Medal.

‘/9 J.‘ READ R5

Bacchante, in company with his elder brother, Albert, the boy who

Jebrklnyletrsheogleed-ntbboelyeeuuwnecbeeteodbbq. ‘ :o,uuuyuuu:ap.aau«u4uwu4acImn-auuup-aw.

many: flIfitla&Mt.lenknee0¢~eqeeaUeu.auuu 0tnl|l'd8.D£uvuchhaIoelecdeodemu-abeteeduool.and net!!!

would have been king. During their three year voyage on board the

I Would like C] doctoral’; ulilmy um lirrlley and to receive a not on year tebrorlplvee to lay News Invert! £70.30) hr the price of £17.50 0 no-nun; hr one year and to receive leer copies of levy flew: hr in! £5.00

Bacchante, George saw the world, acquired

tattoos, took up all sorts of Naval habits, and




E-mall adawaea

School attended Send your completed lorm to the address below with a cheque or postal order lot the conect amount. made payable to NAVY NEWS;

:'Young Readers Club’ Navy News. nuts Nelson. Portelnouth P01 3|-IH I


01 lo: lurthec information contact us on 023 9273 3558 or by email: youn9ieaders@-navynows.co.uk You can also cntol onlinc at www navyttewsco uh fyounqrcadi.-is or oven the phone by cu-<lil or debit camls Iwr accept pinyin-.-nt by Visa, Mt-at-_-maul. Units or Switch-


from stone brought from the Scottish quarry of the Duke of Buccleuch.




sculpted by Edward Hodges Baily

The statue

completed a flagstaff was erected and the union jack proudly displayed above


the statue‘: head. The Times newspaper of 1843 said: "It is a very fine. noble, and well-executed effigy


England’: greatest

Naval warrior and... will form a noble testimonial to his memory and a great ornament to the



The final elements of the column took longer to complete. The carvings of Nelson's famous battles Nile, Copenhagen, St Vincent and Trafalgar were not added until 1854. And the famous dark bronze lions that guard the base of the column -




finally in place in

Next month Naval aviation goes back to before World

rag2.1;". l



up in

was set


Naval folk can be ound in the skies above our heads in Harriers, Sea Ki Marlins, Lynx Gazelles.




tins-.ar.c.o I ll er,‘exc¢p'tem'dyees News and their am as or com associated competition; v


ifilityh thew”

The decision of the ud is final. ul com tition rules are avai able by contacting us at the usual address.

-it) NAVY NI-.WS. N()Vl"..\llil-.R Illli




Sea Cadets

looming crisis in camps accommodation

1SL warns of li/\ ('adet.s are good for the RN and tiiat comes from the very --


l~'irst Sea Lord Adniirai Sir .-\lan \Vest told the All Party l‘.irliariient.‘iry Sea ('adet (iroup last month that experience had slim-ut that young people who joined the ("idet l‘ort‘es and later ltitllctl the y tended to do well in the Senior .\'er\'Ice. "We experience a Very low drop out rate and with their soliseqiient progression in the Seniee we enjoy high levels of retention." he satil. "indeed. user 35 per cent of no Senior Ratings hasc a history of service in iiiiitorineii _HIllllt tIl'_1'_.Itll\;Illtil]\.User the past ltse stairs, on .ii.er'.ii:e. 32-24 per cent of recruits have joined from tltc (‘Adel Forces, II per cent lveing Sea (lidcls. “'liie_\' .ire in .Itll.lllllill a wonilerful source of trained niusiboth male ei.iiis for RM Ilarids ariil female!" Adniiral West said that zipart front visits warships and those of the Rl-'/\ to ports" around the UK. the most visible constant presence in the community of the Royal Nasy uniform was the Sea ('adt.‘ls. "'l1iose of you who were ahle to join HMS Ark Royal at (ireeiiwich at the beginning of the year or have seen cadets on parade in 'I'rafalg;ir Square or on Rciiieiiihiance Sunday will have olvscryed their sniartiiess attd

great pride.

"In simple terms. in niaiiy L‘oIi'i~ niiinities today. some .‘\.‘s't'i around the country. Sea ('adcls are the constant reminders lliat the UK

still has a

Navy even. if istrue. the

(‘inlets are not members of it." More broadly, the .\'t'(‘ helped yoiiiii: people to become responsilile eiti/ens. giving them the opportunity to deselop their personal skills within ii disciplined friinieworli. Most cadets did not loin the RN hut enjoyed successfui careers both in the puhlie services Police. Fire ariil :'\nihiIlaiti:e and many other facets of civilian life. "Willi the decline of the fishing fleets they are also an important source of Volunteers for the RNl.l. There is no doubt in my mind that this aspect of Sea (';idel ttaittittg oflers society a huge benefit. It is one area. which I believe is not given siiflieienl recognition h_s eitliert local or central goseiiinieiit or indeed the ediie.'ition:i| estahlislintent in state schools." :\ilntir.il West repeated the ap ‘real for more soluntcer he peis f1lttI.lL' in the new ('onirnodorc S('l'. ("die Laurie llriikerishire. in ()ctolier's MiriN4-'M t “I vigorously support the S('A‘s drive to iiverhaul all aspects of the internal training and support processes with a view to increased


and therefore a reduction in the burden on individual volunteers who already have full time oeeupatiiirLs_" The reduction in !s'er\'ice train-


estate was




all Services to great pressure meet the acuinimodation needs for cadet camps. llte r‘\dntiral warned. "As centralised training takes place during school holidays this is a prohletn that will itiereasirigly come to the lore. t'he.ip and sale cadet aci:oniriioilatioii is increason


tly 8,000

miles tor a





l"()l?R (‘siiiets front the most southerly iuiit of the S('(‘ flew to the l'ls coiirtesy of the RAF tor zi week's tr:iinin_i: in HMS Bristol. lite one and only lype ll

Bee get a buzz out of rugger

ilestroser. \hlilL'llsaw


in the

Some ix cadets took part in the sessioii led ivy Sam ()hst and Ryan 'liimly which included runnin v and passing drills, 'lticliirig tennis and a short tag rugby niateh. ()ne routine had the cadets running through a rope ladder laid on the ground. putting one foot in and there was a each space penalty of five press-ups if they got ll wrong. "lite Bees were husy elsewhere on the sports from they collected two of the three group trophies in District their Swininiing

l'.i|L|.'inils e.inip.iign in |‘3.\'Z. rims plays host in thoiisaiids ol cadets each year as .i tr;iinini'_ ship .it |'ortsnionIh. :\llet tlie saict) hriel. tltc quartet iptickly got eltaligcil into honiing gear and found tlicniselves .itii-at iii a llosun iliii_i:li_\. practising eapsire lL'L'ltttiques in the comparty of the ()fl_icer-in-('liargc of (‘l’() Keith l'.\‘ lindiirance Rcddiclt. A full week of training and visits followed. which made for ii very intense programme. All four earned sailing qualifications after training hy l.t ('dr ('olin llrazier and ('I’t)Kalrin;i Lappin. Visits were made to HMS Victory. ‘Action Stations‘ and Fort Nelson. the Royal Armouries Museum. 'Ihe Falkland Islanders teamed up with cadets from Stolie-ow Trent tiitit 'l$ Talent for Dog Watch duties and there was the ll.‘sll2llL'lCl1llI1-e of tap tallies. GIN AT HE DEEP END: FalklandIslands cadets take a



IS lil- l‘.





Wiiitcliasen Riigliy League l'oothall(‘iuh for a special training session iiiii ivy two of its full-tinie


tliiiipetitioii at Workiiigtoii plus the Shrcwsliiiry (‘up as o\.'er.il|

di‘pinPortsmouthHarbourand flnset) dry off on board HMS

ingly at ii premium."

prolilern of funding. The Sea ('adct ('orps 'lhere was also the

and Sea (‘inlet I\\\1l.‘l£Illtitlwere funded differently to the Army and R./\l'" cadets. The S('/\ received puhlie funds from the MOI) -some I-l.38ll.llll to provide the lI() structure and national training facilitiesin support of the ('orp.s. llut individual units were not directly lllfltlctl and were stand-alone charities which raised. on estiniatioii. a similar amount to pay their run-

ning costs.

'‘I believe the value ot a well motivated and led youth organisation in 386 communities and towns up and down the country needs to be more widely

recognised. “It has a positive contribution to make in a society where parental control is not uniform. "Many Sea (';iilet Units are in

uioderri facilities. hut many are not. ill! attract the young we need to ii late those facilitiesand this caniiiit be taken on by the M01).


"There is a major role for local authorities in perha reducing the rent and rate but ‘I1 on Units and to iL\\‘l.\lSea (';idet Units with purpose built laieilities. "At the end of the day we have to offer aspirtilional facilities linked to the ‘Serious Furl" that is already there." .

0 First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Alan West shares a joke with

(L-R) Pieter Bottomley, MR Lt Cdr (SOC) Janet Picton and Ivan MP, Henderson. Chaimian oi’ theAll Party SCC Pariiamentary Committee

New threat to training l‘0lB


\,\\'Y .\|-\\S. .\()\'|-\l|il*|{Ill” -31

Sea Cadets

.<V4 .

I; K‘

SAILINE FIRST FOR NORTHAMPTON NORTHAMPTON Cadets are seen enjoying a highly successtul camp at Portsmouth. where they undenvent waterborne training with the Royal Navy. A lirst tor Northampton is the selection ot LC Luke Beasley to represent the SCC in the Laser Sailing Class at the National Sailing Regatta at Portsmouth. He hopes to continue locally with his sailing by gaining a Sailing instructor


I‘.-\.‘i I |'.|{\ .-\l'c.i ()lllL'u‘l (-tif I).t\ni Krill I\ such ilL'lL‘ t.tllun;_- In .1 ltlcnlhcr til the (iilurd .Il|L‘l’ ll)‘ing nut with his \\iTk' lxnltclic in inxpcct the .\l;ilt.'i (i(' llllll. (lug-~.l~ inclutlctl the “fi[I\Tl

iligli ('un1nii\\iuncr Mr \"inccnl i-'c:m_ Atislruliliti Ili_i:h (‘utiliti-

l\siU|lL't .\lr Richzird l’.ilk. ['5 .V:i\;i| .'\TI'.lL‘TIC ("air Philip .\ltIti.iL*u .!llti tlircv nictlllwn ml the Rll).li .\';l\:i| ()Tiik'L'l\ r\\\IK'i.'Ilizllt. 'I'|io:\’ ucxc trc.il::tl tn tour \c|i.iTAIL‘ I.‘\llilIilIlll\tzlrrtctl nut hf. thr i'llil\ T}l\l\i1|l1\. ‘I ht‘ .\1.irillc (mi;-lx \iL'l2itl|l\1l.Ii&'ti. thy \.I|\' \'IIl\\lli‘.' Hi .i In-.1 .ll|\| mp; i‘H(il',\' '.\i!iiL‘ “TC .\t'.ilil.ui i)l‘ul\ttIll\ xhmwtt nli [iiL'XT \;'.Illi.lli\ill]‘~.l.i|i\ lv_\ i‘lllitiltl‘.'_.l\!ll||i‘.'_ r.it1'.«ilh\.lii\ .1Iiti llt".fllt'_‘. Illc Jllllltltx ;.:.i\u cu'lj.t-zit" .l;I-lc til ITlL'lt cuiin.ir§ npcrllxc

cnukiii_i.: .1 \.|TlL’I_\ nl n|nclL‘ltc\. .-\l tilt: cud ("tit Kcnt ltllli |lI\ wilt \.'IT tlnun in .| mini .\Tc\\ T)Il|llL‘l. .\L'|lit.‘\L‘lll\‘lli L'\‘lIlllL‘.ll\‘\ «ctr


plk'\\'TTiL’\i in

5: ('.iL!'.‘l\ .itlti “I lean iI.tlltiL'Ll l‘\L'T hi~ iligh t-viiiiimxit-tit-i\ (.ttT\"t .t-.\.mi in l( .\:l‘.nv \1:ll.i,ulin t~ ln<.',l\c him «-11; \u.ir\ ~:x\icc. .it‘mtiip.ixi_\tii;_' him till ‘-.tlltlll\ tiltittii tttxiutiniis. Ihc l'x1tt\ .\T.llll‘..‘ (lulutx .li'~t| lli§\ik'i\\L'ilT lhcir .mnii.il ilCl(i .i\~c~~iii«:nt tIll\iL'l thc \\.tl\'ilTlli L'_\c «ii ('.\(i|' ”l}.tll Rtjxllultlx.

NEW Commodore Sea Cadets Cdre Laurie Brokenshire pays his iirst visit to TS Dukc ot York. the SCC National Sail Training Centre at Weymouth

unit’s'Fteady Steady Cooks‘ used their annual inspection RYE

to show ott their culi-

nary skills.

An evolution based on

the TV celebrity chat show had Area Otticer Cdr Jos Binns tasting the end product meals cooked camping style. The evening was well attended by parents and trlends includln the Mayor ot Rye. ctr Ian Potter. and the Chief Executive of Wealden. Lt Kate Russell, a flight controller in HMS Invincible,TSFtye‘s attitlated ship, was another welcome guest. 0 TAS71NG TIME: Cdr Jos Binns samples the fare cooked up by TS -


tine more string to his linw NEW Lord Lieutenanfs Cadet tor Berkshire Henley Unit PO Christian Barker is also holding down two separate jobs one with the local Boots mini photo lab and the other. keeping up his interest in boats. with Hobbs boat hire on theThames. He hopes to join the Royal Navy soon. —


\-\\'\' Nl'\\'.\'. .\'()\'l-.Mlil'R100-:


.:...q V‘

or! ......__P I; L‘

Dive, dive, dive as scylla pulls

Encouraging llllflllillfl ill illliiillflseason

in the crowds

l-(lR.\ll-.R i.L'.IlltiL'lCi£I'\\fl’il1(liL' HHS SC}ii£| Iitis pl|l\L'l.i iii ix‘ .i iiiiijnr ili:i\\liir iliicrx it] tho .xuiitli-

THE boxing season started pi-omisingly as Portsmouth and Plymouthcommands plus the Royal Marines hosted theirannual championships.


BritishmiddlevireightcharnplonScott Darin watched Plymouth's pugilistsinectionwhitest CTCRM in Lympstonethe Protection tookthecorpdboxlnghonoursinan fleet impressive evening novioebo umatHMS watched its area chamA packed ptonships. atter tirst being warrnedup bya‘stsr-studded'Dos

i lhegon

O L! Cdr Dan Vincent shows off the skills which won him the Solo title (left) and the magnificent setting of Lake Garcia in the Italian Alps for the

andDon'tsofBoxIngstegedbythephyslcaltrelnii'igiristnictors. hie bo xing was pretty impressive too.Fortheflrsttimein


byFlNboxlngcoechassistantaridPTcourselnstructorPO Jason Steele. and promptly won.


Boxingcoech P0lP'|'l'0‘Shiilingtord.wIIosayshe‘sii'nprossed bothby lhestandardot htersandthequalityotcoacl-iingthey Service’: establishments. are receiving around the The next chance to shine beforethe topooachisatthelllavy novice championships hosted by the Wyvem Centre at HMS Drake on November 11. wssiri As New Newswenttopressthlsmonttuthenflsqued action agalnstthewesterncountlesinarlstol. Impending fixtures include boutsagainst London Selectand theSouthemcountles.SeeDeoember'sissuet'orreports. Beyond boxing talent, RN pugilists are looking for officials to bolster numbers and improve the quality of at HMS Potential coaches should contact Steve referees should Temeralre on rnilltery 9380 26718. call CPO Jaz Jarry on 07765 468339.

RS Eurocup

Pl.1Lift".- M.1tt='i iorerl

Rm.» ::.i-,v.--

Dali IIPBBZBS I0 lloyals demolished titifl Sllifl by RN judo team i: !- Bronze-CPOICl.1rk-‘ Z llll izii-.:htul|lri1.iii1\ chic liizlil» AEMJCIernr.-nt :i..~ :..;: il|lL'\' \\.i~:i't i:iiiiii-.'_h iii lii.li\i'l DSA V Parsons Ladies" Open Gold ~.iilut~ .iiiil l{\ Silver tlzc l"Oi$TD) J Bales ii; .ix r i‘ :1l|IiL' i-l \'.'l'n V (‘iitlens I'll» Bronze ix‘--\.ii \i.liIl‘i\‘\ Ii-ii-.‘lil ll|l .\.‘nii-i I‘ l \.'l-\lti‘ iiiiln l.nni-iitx SpirilolJuL1o !.![i'i T Ridsi: Black Belt. Under (.6Kt; Gold C Russell lily |{\ ~i:ilict'luilllic i\‘ii\.ilx Iii Under Silver P Bi-tcnr-r "\\il|i\\\.l\ii iiL‘~;lIlt' ills‘ ‘.'i\\ii P James Gold C Elowen, S.-Iver lt'I\i‘ll:ILTlt‘i:'.liittl;1.i~llill|t{It'.Llll 73Kq.‘.-'«'.? Elronre T Ridsill Under 'islKr; Silver J Clonill\1\ \i'lxu:1_ \i.".\i'iiliii\'\i to Gold Fl New 5-‘ .‘ '.' ‘.‘. .' T l.'.i:Ii~i Bronze erit. -Ei!- -i In iiiL it'.|li‘i till. I ‘. Unrli-r OOKQ Gold I Cltiili. Silver liix .ii:iiii.ii .li.ini;\ i-iixlii;\x l'n\ Bronte J Thaclier Pl West Uiidet iDOK(_] .".-« C \'i‘.iite -..-xi |llllI1i\'I ii‘ iiiiniw "' Over l0OKg I ‘i'lii!.h.1rt Gold \i'.::~ Ill tilt‘ :riili‘.:i!::.i|i".i nla C l.l Shaw 6 Gold M--1 Silver ihi iii-.'iilt-Jill i-I ..:_' il.i\ \\.l‘- .i Shcmngton (‘,1 ‘iv.’ Bronze J Curtisixlil'.'1\-.x'.‘I1\l.\l \\.'\'I 1 Cl -!~|I Dtiwsori .' :‘.i': Gold P James. vziil \l \l ( i\'llll.'lll\lii.\i.\\iili.:ni KYU Grade: Under 73K9: Y nidsitw C Russell. Bronze Sim.-r .‘l lhrl t1ilt'i\l|x;;liii.i|_ Betcha; Under BlKg: Gold T Miller. Silit Fallows iV'i-mi Bronze J Binns l|-.i- |{n_\.i| r.in iviil tlic \\llll‘iCi. ver C |l<:Gin ICU" "i-‘..\.ul» Under Iiii :\:1l tilt‘ i'ii;;im't'r i_'.iitii'ii tt'\cilj.‘.c in Gold C aile. Silver 1’ Archer 90 thy ltziiii mcnt l\_\ i|i‘ti‘.ittnj.'_ Nun it.‘ -'.':.».i- -1 Over 9OKg: Gold C Snoring--
















ii" _\'uli will :i l‘liil_il\l' spurting; L‘\.L'ili _\'tlll lilll_\' l'o.‘cl like jtitiipitig tip (lllti ilimii iii’ iipciiiiig_' ti hnllic iii ill1i‘i1l\.

Nut l.t ( "ill I):iilViiicciit. \\ili|



\l_L'l'lUl iclicl .'liiL‘l il.i_\xi\1

i.lk'|i‘.:_{ in i’l\nliii:lll Siiiinil lii i.li\C the ‘H13 \ii|i\ \:iliiltl;iix. \\.I'':

;1.':'. vi

























lon. Silver

Results CPO J masters Championship. Gold Thacher -r‘-i CO 5 '4-n'.‘.'...‘.i Salve! CS9! C White .(Z‘lL‘i='.' —


Open: Gold



5‘-r‘Lt M Show Silver CPO C Bowen -




I Wish.-irt

Novice Under T3Kq Gold

P James ver Novice Over 7JKg: Gold

T Rtdsiit, Sit-


T Iililler, Bronze '




J Binns, Silver




team Event H‘.




-~n‘..'.'i'.it\i“.1l:gt'll.l-villi.iil.i:i: ;\;unxI:ii‘x \Ci\iL; \l'|iiliiii.i'iiL'i|i\|Il.'.tili .\:'.| |l.iiiilii .inil it ("ill \lll\'t'tlI ucru the with R\ it'plcx;.'til.iliwx. .iiiil

pcilx xttult .ix i'.iiil (inlilx \\L'iL' .i|xii ~it.ippin-.: .il lily iilliuix ltcclx; Iii‘. !llx'.lll\\il|iL'. .iiliiptt'l1 lliu \lu.ii!_\ uililit" i.l\il\' tn liiilil iii: iii ii-p xpiil mci.1ll. \t1il\2\iL'llii\ltliixliiii: ni li‘.t' lll\i ll\\'.

0:: ill; li:i.:l .-.-...- wt tlzc uiiziiiwii

".tt ililxi ll‘ H! il.,:‘. int x’. -.-


xl.iiiil.iiil tiir the |{.\ i'«-tiipcliliitx \'it\\\lli‘.‘ lhi; i|iiL' i.'l wciiiiil pl.it't' tltii\ixii~:i.:ll_\ uilli xltinn: \l.iiiil iii:'x In ( 5;‘: (ii.il1.iii:c iiiixh.i\\ it (ill i{ii:i’t 5.ij.iii-i in lliiiil plau.in.l ll (i.l\lll \l.itxh.ill .inil ( hiix \\iiii.l in lniirtli ill.‘ \-I|il‘l\ ‘Acts’ k|‘iiill|iliL'tiwith ‘H I‘ l-.lx or tutti: I'll .i .|'.-i;i;i\ \|!.' i--'i i!.i'. tixii .::i.! ‘. the ift\.x:ui*. ':i: to '-til ‘.\.i '.\.li\I \i~t i-n iii\ \| \t..'.l. ‘.\:iia l‘..ll.t-.5 '.\iIl' ‘\ ..':l!i‘ii:\ .zi‘.i£ 4|""’ -Zll;‘\’ili|'l\1-it-ii‘i' .i-..:-4' \|'iii\ iI‘l|lii'. 1:: iii. innit i1l\i in.-i.il|. int the 1|"'Ilttl.:.:tii1:iiixiiilt uvtiiiitiiitix \\.l\ i\.iit:tiil.iii_\ il.ll\i uiitk. \l.itxl1:ili xlliittcil \l)H'|,L‘ Lin» l.ixlii' ti.t|\\Ii\‘\li1li xlxtllx. \\illiL' iivi xli.i\\ \\.l\ ittiliitk} in put hix |\u.iI in nu .i lIi|.li g_'_\lvc \\lli.‘illll lillii pi.icc. \i.ii\il.Iii iiiiptmcil llll ii'l\ litxl lllillixi [Vx'llUH'li.lll\'L‘ in tilt‘ xcmiiil t.it'i.'_i‘iiixxtti;_'tl1i; line in liiiitlli it‘ Like xixlli piixiliiiii ii\ui.i||, ('i’() (il_~.n I);-.il.in L'lltiL'li iii \'lL'\L‘lllil ;\|.ii'i‘ ii\ct.ii|_ iiyxptlu i\ti:.’ti.Itlj,: itix lillci «in the xi-uiiiil t.it'c. \\

Goldhawk could only linish in fourth. while Dan

eighth place... struggled and heaved a sigh ct relicl as he sailed back to the slipway as national champion. to

iilL'i.lllg'l\\L'llilIlliI'li'l\'\'lll1|L‘\i“till ill: 1-llit'ut'\ i‘tillllt‘l'. Rilil. hull». ninth pl.iu'. uiliic \'lii |).iiiilu \\.l\ lili\L'ti lci‘liii_L-x. tilllii "iicliiic thc vlizitilpinnxiiipx I Mi-.iri\\liiIt'. in tho Si-luiii little iillilix it ix l.tll in \.l_\ tii.il I tell lulu‘ I‘ \C.ll\ .iii\.'|' ilI\ lll\i \\.1\ iit'li>i_\ Lin i’cii\ print ii» the Uliinpiu it" .lii\'l‘li[‘i tut ("iii Ricliuiil \tl.i|i1-.:.iit.i .ii .\iilL'll\ it it-.c \\lll\i '-\.|\ in:-. .ix he liltul iii; ( iiilil ("tip _liiinl tt'.ixi>ii.ilil\ \'ilitll:' then I h.iil .i \i':'.i.i' ixcclluuil \.ii|iil-.'_ itiiplu tliiittw iii uiiiiiiiiz‘. i‘lli it it \\.ix \l'i'. ( lii .\;l.ililin-.' i\l(li) liiiiiliiiil \l\iL'llii\ \-.c;iL_ iilL‘ll .i|| ht-ix \.\ill§ili .iiilcil llj. i).ix.' \\.i:ili.\iilt.iiii .inii lw till,” x.ilil i).il1. i‘.i\L'(l .il .-\i\l\t'_\ lmi §L.li|‘i‘iixi\ ll iililiiiwli‘.l\i ill \\ilMl>(|. \\.l_\ .i;1.ii:ixl l).ij. i-nu ivpciii-il mtli liiiir .‘\ light c\i.t\ itttli ii: thei‘L".li lli l\'\\x in ii||lt_‘_ii ciiriipcliliiiii uiiitl \UiitiIili|Ii\ ;inil .lliv.'I .i pin-t ltiilli .it'tii\x the Kitty.‘ 5L'l\lLL'\. xl.itl. l).itl t.'i.I\\S.'\i liix u.i_\ nitii Iiittilct .iliclil. i.il».c (i.itil.i in liiiitth pl.iL'c. i).i_\ tun ptiiwil In in‘ the villi."- the lt.ilr.in .'\i|l\ \\il\ lilv: iii;iniiiti\'L'lli \L'illli_L' .'ix .i Ill-~liiiiig_' RN R.\l tt'\ ~ltiiiig.:cxt xliiiliitii! ctliliii-.: iii R.\ I iii\'.lll'lxl|i1i]K'iL‘\illiiiiL‘:i)Ui tun l.:i'.' \:t'li-tlcx. \\liil i).in Ilii [up !’i the !c.iilcil\ii.iril.hut li1lillilViJ\i\ llk'll]\ ( il.lll'll1lIlil\iil|‘\ .IlI cunt .li\l\ \\tlll tho mild i.llllll_1: iiil. l‘]\'l1 tn .ill I‘(‘4lK\ ili.'xig_'t1cil hit the RS ( 'i.ix\. .-\ sttiirii: t'l1.i|lutl_'.:c txiiilc ltiitii .\ii‘.'i L'\CCiiClll \\i.'.llilL.'l liir tilt‘ hix iiriitlict Rtli‘. \\|'lU\C 't'.i\.il1ct .ippii-.icli' tin t.iccx lvtiiiiglit illlli ill\i tiiiiilil int the ltltlx, Mil) il;iiiiixli \\'.ill.ciand l).l\L' Stccil wt thi; hm \iCil|i'iL'\. ‘-\ilIiC ll_\'_ill until i:\—




Re-.ult-. RS 300

MID llaminn ‘i‘i‘.\ll\cr 'iu=i".:: Dave Slcv.-<1


RS 400



Ll Gavin Marchall

1.: ,1



C59! '2 Roger Ssynoe '.-:.r1.i Lt 11 CPO Glyn Dealiin Cd! Wayne Giles Hadland IKI-'i'.r 1.1 Shiiteyirilt-\55 'i‘m-..:ii'iiJeson Shirley, l-1 SrLts Andy Thorns:/Marti Davies

Chris Wood

Grahame Forsnaw


t).‘.l’Tt'i Ll Cd!


SILI Ben Sr;-i.-Pi Imrti Poioevtn MID ion Le Shiite-y .|'l‘.‘;!.-l'lUllP.'U| ,'.i.!'i

E-‘wt,-..'.‘i.i.'1*.;:!n.'i lliilttlt l5

Almost El tllll ten iinis tor Jamie

Ml-Zl)l(‘.-\l. .-\x~ixt;iiit .i.'lIllIt.'Siiiitli

wilhiti:i\sliixlxctiii1ttl:i|>.itlg the tiip lcii ulicii lic curiipctcil iii the iiiitnpciiii i)ii.itliliiii t ‘li.iiiipil|Il\ilip.\in .\'\\.itl~a.';i. t.'.‘Ill'lL‘

O This years ball was particularlyheavy... The RN Divers line up Ior their championship at Southwick Panic

DWBPS WPBSIIB illl‘ ElllilillfliIOIl0l||‘S

f\( ll l i l\\'l('K i'.ttl. niilxiilc i’ivtl'

\llllll.liil \\.I\ the iilcul \L'IiIIll.'. liir iill\ _\u.ii‘x l{.\ l)i\cix‘ (iuil (‘limitpiiiiixliipx \\.i1lL'il tilL'\\ ‘Hi l|lL‘llli‘L'l\ iii the 'liiii:ii1.iil'(l‘iilllllllili_\. In one iil thc \'i|‘\L‘\I-lt>ll‘_'iii mnlcxlx in tcci'i'.l _w.i:x, pl.i\ uil lI\L'i .3!» i'il‘iL'\, i’( Mi): Scull \iL'iL'§lti\ i|'l"K .1 mi.‘ xlrirliu li'.iil .il tho ii.iii-\\.l.‘\ point, “till l'l)(|))\ _lini l_\iit'li_ \ \'niilli_ ( 'l'lll I ll lliick |{iiiluL'ix .iiiil liiiinci \\(l(i)i .liil:ii i).iilil \n.ippiii_i: .it hix hcclx Nil-lc.iil_\ lvriiku i|\\.l\ itivni the ]‘.lL'i\ iiii lhc xcciitlil ll‘lll'lli In Liku iiit' llllu “till 15.‘. \\U |).iili| ‘-\.l\ the Cil|\t_'\i i-li.illciigi:itill I57.

LI) |'.iiti lililiit limit lilL' i’iti|uttiiii S|li:n\i>ml .\'t;iiilcl'iiri| illiL‘ with 53 pix‘. l-irxt i)l\I\ltlll Shilliulntil \\lllllL‘l \\.i~ liittnct ('i’(l(l)i l'.it i’.illIll\i-ti int 7” pix, .liiL'.lti ul ('|'()ll)l N i{ivilg_'i;ix im Tr». |‘li\L‘i~' j.Zllk'\i t'ii.iiiipiivn \\.l\ 5 \i.ij.i.'~ .inil the cxui-piIpi:l:it .\ii» lciit Iliwix iL‘.llll Itiipli) \\L'lll Iii ('iiu~|xliiiiii Hicclctx. \\i 3 i ).iiiii L'i1iiCt'l(Lllily V L‘lt‘t.itlx' ilI‘[‘i1\. l'() \lulc.iil_\ pickcil up the \iit|>. icilimx i'.iiix Slliulil .itlil |.iii .\lxitlic/ uiiJii)i'i| .i j;.illiiii lli ulnxl.) ti-i the \ilHi l1L‘ilIL'\i the pin. lhi; \‘\L'Ill .ti\l| i.i1~L'ii LFIHI liit lhi: i<iiii.iiix lli-xpiuc iii |'iii|\nml..

.-\cii\il_\‘ iii tlii: :IiL‘.'lirt \\'liil.x.'iii-.l ii;i_\' .iiiii>ng [ilL' ilix int: L‘tlt'tllllllllil_\' ll£l\ illL”fL‘;l\L‘tl iictirly tliriccfiilil ‘«illL‘L' the ship \\".l\ xiink un lwlnilf iii" the N;itiun:ilMuriiic Aqiiziriiini iii i'i_\'ninutii. .\'c_v|l:i \\£l\ xisliillcilzit tlii: Cliti iii .\l;itt‘h tiH.'ti:.'itc titi .itlilici.'iirccf tiir iii.ititli: hit‘ and iii cticiitir.'i_i:c i|i\ c—liiitttxnl in the ;iri'.i. i'|_l:l1i'L‘\iL'CIlitiCliIt)‘ the Rzinlc (‘iI;ist\\.iti'ii St.itiiiii \ilt1\\ .'IiI .'i\ut.ii:c iii 34!“ i{iilxl\iilil1iti_i: .imiinil the iirculx \IlL‘ each illnlliil .liiiltlIl}1ilthe \I.llll|Il ilncx tlul It.'CUiti i:.itl_\—inuttiin_i: .inil tii_i:hltiini‘ i|iu'~. xii .IL'iI\il_\' ix liixcly tii iic L‘\t'll


In imixlcr IlliL‘lC\i itl li'IL' fuel. -'I M‘! IL'\ ill lliltiL‘f'\\.'IlL‘f“ch c;ititi:t;i\ \\lii iw -lL'il\.|il.‘|ixhiirli_\' .itlil tii:\l _\c.ir ;i \l\-lllilll xiiliiii.itinu \\lii t;iLi'

\i_t‘_llI\L'L'l'\lu Sqilti.

Mitre: ilclziilxfriiiii



forces from lor

gelling pride on

The Book

I ill" I(.\ timlx tilt’ httli. l‘i the hulliiiirx .'1\ IilL‘ thin‘ .\ct\it'cx ihiliiuil it lllli il‘i zziiltitiu ptiilc in ( ili‘l.liiill. ill; l\'iu'|x-l\.i~i‘ilniilit.ir} .lIiti ct-

\ilt.iiiil.'i~i>iiiicllic.iilci|.ii‘tiixxtl1i' lmrilct nilii .\p;itii til iil\' .\h'.iIilcx.i I mix uiiitrxt‘ .!\ Flt IllL‘ll1i‘L'l\iii iilt‘ (‘I‘i'1i‘ii'iL'(l .\\'l\lL'L‘\( iilii .\|‘\'IL'i'\ iuiriqil ninc ttiicxlx iiii iiik' i.llI\\.1\x_ i (Hi i :.iinl’.iliiili--ii.ll1t'3IN|l lillq. |‘.'.-.ln1-.' \l( ll ) in ili.in \niéii-ii ll.;::z~i»:i inlii ‘L'\|‘iiti il|.it'c

Oii\l'l' I'l"HUi!‘. ll:--.l Grow. tliqrrl l.t.1cllr:ln :-r -‘ ‘v Best Sl.\blc-lord‘ Qapt DlVI5lO|'| 1 1- Julie n:ch:e Player -'.i,E' "'-.'-'2 Brewer i





POlCAlBon1bcI Welly J

Pace Division 2: 1

WC Bob Trish l.bcBr:lh —

'-"2-Bind :l—‘lom Rooney l'::.’. (T 2 Division 3.1- Ltbeboie Voiit. 2 W0 Paul Younqmsn. 3 Dean -









t:ommodore's cup proves a pinch assault tor Alliion |'| Y.\l( ll "I'll Siiiinil \\.l\ tlic wttiti;.: ill! the iti.'iiij_'lti.ii ('i~tiitllniliiii"x ( "up tiit tl1t‘V.i\_\.iiiil|{ir\.i| \l.iiincx' l.iiiiliii_-_- Ll.lli il.li\‘illli}. I lit‘ \l‘iiiC\i \\.l\ xct up iii ti--«lct i!i' .i ~[‘ll'|l iii t'Illll[k'ili.I|'ll.l'\['fll' .~i_.'vx .i:iiliL'L'illii\.li\i.liix .llili|ll_'.‘. llic .l\\.lllii xiiimiliiiilx«it til: .\tilpliil\ii~ii~ i.ix|x ( iiiiup, iL'.Iill\ ltiirtt I .\x~.iult Sitti;ii|tun RM i|{.\1 |'i>iilcl. 53” .-\SR.\l lliztiiclmpclt ~3 .-\S|<‘.\l lll.\lS lliil\\.iil.I. in .v\S|{.\l |.-\ll\iiiii) .iiiil ‘I .-\SR.\l l()CL‘illll ilL‘i|(iL'ti nut ll'l l’l_\tt‘t0itt|i Siiiitlil int .'i xcticx til (ilLliiL'l'l_L't.’\;inil l;l\i\\ \\|ticht.iti tlimii_i:h tlic iii_L-lit. ll)" tiillhll. ti .v\$R.\i iictc

ilcclurciltlic Villlllcl‘-. L‘l|iiL‘L‘illl‘L! Iili: clip ttiiiii iiitlgiiitii; ('().\l.-\'l'(i ('iltc ('liri~ i'.'IiI'_\'. The clip will hc L'lliliL'\iCki.i_u;iiii in June.

‘llic L'illL'i pciii iitlici-i lti-iii |i.\iS \'i\ Iti iiiiticil ;itiili'lcxltiini .ii'rii\x the ciiiiliiiciil liar thi: L"it,‘lli .l lllkiii tun, -lllitiii tj\t'1c tiili: .lllti Fkili niii ill Iiiiixli iilt lil \|iL'i ;iiiiI ‘~\il'lti_\ L'lll'lilIIllIll\.iriiiiiiil the \\'clxli piitl. (‘l’() Siiiiiii. miiipcliiig ill thc .“il-3-i.ll'.L‘ g;tiiiip.iw|1l llic iL'iIl.ii.‘i\ lll\I_L:ill llllli1L‘lii\l l.lk'L'.ii'ik'il

Pill pals WBIIIBII

i.';ililt‘tiltl iiiL' illiui. lli;ii prim-il ill tic liix iitiiliiiiiu .Iill.'.I\i l‘i tlic illlilill.lll.lil1iliL‘\P|iL‘ iltx i\'\i vlliitlx iii tll.ti>.L' lit: trip lull. i‘lli ll'lI\\Clii-iil niiiiiilir in illli. I lic xcniiit i.itiii_L-'x ilL‘\i L'U.l| ix lii tn.il.L‘ the “nth! ‘\'.'t‘ (iliittp

.itiriini| 7.111. i)L'i.ill\lli\il'l Nick .\'pi\c_\ iin i:iilit.ii3‘l_i‘\'il Ziririri in ilriip in cm the cuiilti: llll \liitiil.i_\ CVL'illIlt1\.

iii liiiil |‘ll\ilL'tii'llIll'~Cil'lt|li1L‘illllli




\il|l\' |iCiilIi\ iiii ilii.illili>nlti.illiliin ill the |{\ .it 3.’ ~.-arnrmtn cuiili 0 Feel the pain: CPO(MA) Smith

gr-imaces Swansea





l‘i‘.\ pin i\4l\\illl_l: i‘llIl\ .itc iiuikitlg Int tullim L'lliillI\l.l\l\iii jlllll thcir iL'LIjL'l.lL'xiilc iii Pirtlxiiiniitli. "I lic


ti'.ini i\tl\Li\ iii the ;il iilL' :\.\li-' Bi»-.\l in


ifitipiii Illl .\1ntlil.i_\x .i:iilililHii.lIi_\lilll\iliv)

_-\tiiiidcl Strccl irnm

cricket courses

li.\l.\ iL‘lll\‘i.tilC|i1i'ilTl\llli|tliil will hi-xi .i tiiiiixc llll piiitpcctix L" \'|'lki\L'i unipiicx .llitI xciircix iin i'L'i‘KIlill) 7“. .ix l\i:ll .l\il1l'\k' \\ixhIll}: iii i‘lll\il up iiii iilL‘lK Lilimlt-il;.:i' tlttiit iii .ttt l‘i'.li c\.ttlllll.lIli|tl.

i)cl.iiIx ltiitii I Iipl R;i_\ Iiiilwt illlll H17 NV") int i 1 ("iii i).'i\iil (iikliic l|i.‘.i ‘i."v'.‘. 3 /‘ill.


.\A\’Y Nl-IWS. N()VliMllI-IR Zlltl-3


Football victory north at the harder kl


THEIR national side might not be faring too well on the international stage. but at least sailors have salvaged some Scottish pride on the tootball pitch. Scotland took home the Inter-Command title alter a tight tournament at HMS Drake. After a round-robinstage between the Royal Marines. Plymouth and Naval Air Command in one group. and Scotland. Fleet and Portsmouth in the second. the green berets and the Scots clashed for the title. The Royals. beaten linalists 12 months


ago. took the lead when Cpl Richard Griltin (CTCRM) slotted the ball past Scottish keeper MEM Martin Webster (Neptune) who then kept the marines at bay with a string of line blocks. MEM Green brought the scores level with a volty and substitute LPT Al Donnelly (Neptune) put the Scots aheadwith 15 minutes to go. His strike looked to have won the game. only for a Royals equaliser in the dying minutes ol normal time. it proved to be the green berets’ last hurrah. Visibly tiring as —


Sasha's a oneltit wonder l'l‘.\'('l'.R l.l Saslta lirtxiks RNR Iiioiighl back .i medal as the highest- ilaccd female at the annual RA -' one-hit cpcc competition held at (‘usford. l.l lirouks tpictured above) collected licr medal as a member of the RN ll team in the contest where competitors fence for the team trophy and iiuliv-iduzil medals in .30 lights in which the winner is the lirst to score a point against their opponent. l)cv ite a promising start. RN .'\. lcd iy l.l (Ill Mall ('l:Irlv'(JSC 'S(') with l..-\l§M Mark Nccdltttitt [I'll-1 NAS) and S"l.t Ra lh (‘ollcy (Sultan). failed to limit c form which had lirotiglit the oiic-liit title home for three consecutive years. "Hie RN B side. the only all-fciiiale learn in the contest. cont irising l.t llrooks. S-"l.t Amantla l ale Alfred) and NAISIE) Iillic \\':ills.ended in eighth place out of In teams. l.l llrooks and N.-\(Sl§) Walls pa.\sctl on their fencing expertise to RN reservists at ll.\‘IS Flyiiig Fox in liristol. including uml ('0 ('dr David Kay a former epccist as part of a series of taster sessions for the sport at reserve eslalilisltmcitts. Meanwhile. the RN .»\niatcur l-'encing .-‘kssociatioii celebrates its 55th liirtliilay with a black tie dinner this month (details from L1 Keith llowerv on ll7‘)o.*l ls".'titi25) .md the llllltli :iniiiversar_v of fencing in the Senior coiiipctititivc Service.

.lUN(il.lE pilot Lt Victoria ‘Vec' Arden flew the llag for the RN in the up-and-commg sport of wakchoarding and left ntost of the soldiers trailing behind her. —

For the uiiiniliatcd. wakehoarding is a mix of sorting. and \\'lllL'r-s'k|.~.iiovv-hoarding ing: a rider is towed hehiiid a boat riding a board at speeds of


So new is the sport that the RN doesn't have a team yet. but the Army can muster about lttl regular wakehoardcrs and invited the cream ofthc crop to Willcn Lake in Milton Kc ncs and Ilolme Pierrepont near ottingham for the lirst -

wakchoarding contest. lleingsrxirtingchtips.thesoldiers

RN ladies opened the new lootliall season with it tltrasliiiig of a sttlllll-Ctlilsl side.

(hristcliiircli Ladies proliiihly \vi\ltL'il the_v hail not turned up as they were put to the sword S-It. ().\l Julie llcvvitt (l l.\lS i\lon~ irose) opened the scoring alter a slim.‘ start by the RN the first ol tour goals she was to notch tip. Willi l’()[.\ll-IA] \\'endy Frantic

(ll.\lS Liverpool) p|a_v'iiig otit of

her skin and niidlield dynamo l‘()(l"l’) Mitch Bowen (HMS ltsccllctitl controlling the centre of the park. (‘liristchurch were offered no way back. l’()t.-\l-QM) Marisa Dryhtirst (Raleigh) hit a stunning Zll-yard sllttl into the top corner for nuinher live and HMS Illustrious‘ added number six before half time. The second half saw ('hristchiircli mount two good attacks lint fail to capitalise l\cfori.: \Vl‘R .\'aomi .\larsh and a debut goal lrom STD limnia Johnson sealed a —


coniprehcnsive victory.

TWO WEEKS Ill WlI'ltBl' 'lIlylIl|IlB8' (Ill tllfl l|0l‘lZ0l| l’Rl{l'.-\R:\'l'l()NSare already irt hand for the Senior Services‘ 'Wiii~ ter Olympics‘ l-l days of Alpine sports at Les Menuires. l~'rance. Next year's olynipiad runs from Jan 0-22 and is open to all RN. RM. RNR and RMR personnel. plus Army and RA!‘ personnel allacltetl to RN units who are lllI.'llll‘L'|’.\oftlie Royal Navy Wiiiter Sports z\\\tK‘l.’tllttll. 'l he t.'ll.IlllpliIll\l'll[)\are aimed at .'ill;tl1iltlylc\cls. ltnltt novice —



to the mall


ladies dish Olll 3 llllltllflll masterclass

the match moved into extra time. Scotland began piercing the RM detence sufficiently tor PO(PT) Steve O'Neil (Neptune) to sidefoot the ball home from close-range to seal a 3-2 victory. Winning captain PO(PT) Davie Wilson collected the trophy from the vice-president of the RNFA. Brig Garry Robison. while 40 Cdo's Ucpl Simon Bochenslii collected the man-of-the-match award from Gerry Mccabe, assistant manager ol Plymouth

threw the contest open to guest rid~ crs frorii the RN: l.ts Victoria 'Vec' Arden. (iraham lliiniphries and Keith (‘onsidini:. all from S‘-S5 NAS in Yeovilton. l.t Arden took tip the sport to



kitesurling skills, but

0 Victoria found controlling the worlds blggest kite rather taxing... (Above left) Lt Arden boards her way to sixth place In the first Army wakeboarding champlonshlps despite the



currently llI.strong. .-\ii_v-one looking

take up the sport. or provide sponsorship. should contact l.t Arden on l|l‘l35 -l-5f)h‘}h or c-mail to

egues ahead at titheI‘ FDPBBS -

odddunklng (left)



has since dropped the latter in lavour of wakchoarding. She saw off I‘) of the I\l'l!l)' conipctitors at the liist cliainpionsliipv (plus two RN colleagues) to end in sixth place. l.t llniiiplirics was placed l-1th arid l.t (‘onsidiiie caiiic 35th. 'l1ie liozirtlers spent three da_vs in Milton Keynes. two for training and one for competition in disciplines including cahle. kicker and slider. The competitors then moved north for the last two days of the contest focusing on the boat conipetition on the Item. ‘Hie next step for the RNAS ‘t'covilton-hascdofficer is to ensure the is art is formally recognised as an o ticial sport in the Senior ice and see a (‘omhincd Services com 'tilion held in 2005. akchoarding is currently unrecognised. unloved and unfunded across the Fiirecs. hut it's ahout to enter the main arena." said l.t .-\iden. 'c are :iiniirig to heat the Army and. to coin one of their slo1:,:ins.l>c thc best. We want to show them who rcall_v rules the \\.t‘-'l.‘.\.“ ‘lite RN wal~.cho.'irdiii_i: ‘team’ is






Back in time tor Iron fluke SAIl.()RS lroni Type 23 lrigate HMS lion l)iikc pl.i_\cd oiil a match the} lot-:hc.irs lIl2tlJl.!lJY.|lL'tl more than seven tlcczidcs carlici on the l.or\\.ivs ol |)or~ct. lizick iii l‘l_il. the previiiiis lion lltikc a15.|lUl|toiilnitllcsliip and Jellicoc's llagship at Jutland was statiorieil at l’ortl.iiid and ward room iiieinheis joined iieailv_\ ("attic l)owii gull Chili. 'l|ie result was. the Iron l)iikc Silver Salver. donated to lltc clulv by the then ship's coiiipany a contest

plavctl ever since which

has grown to licconic one ol (‘attic l).nvii'~. top toiirnarneiils. [lack in the earl} Ll.I_\\. goltcrs pl.rved Rn lioles against 'l>ogc_v' iiiider liaiitlicap: today the conipetition is p|a_vcd as an lb’-liole stalilelord. \\-‘lien(‘ante Dow it's historian I’clcr Fry licartl that a faniil_v' friend had taken charge of the current lron Duke. ('dr Peter (‘arden. he invited sailors to rc-enact the lirst contest with golf cluli nienilicrs. The result was a lairlv comprehensive victory lI_\’ the civilitttts by three matclies to one. The sailors returned to the lrigate with :i fr:imi:tl picture of the golf course and left behind a ship's lmtlge which now hangs in the l‘ltli_

Guardians at tileAshes

S:‘\ll.()RS and Marines will soon he asked to help put one over on the Aussies dtiring next year's Ashes series on the hallowed turf of l.ord's. Sadly not as players but as slewards keeping an eye on the crowds on hchalf ol the Marylchoitc ('rickct ('luh. 'l1ie Forces have been providing stewards since Zlltll when the M('(' lll\’llt'l.lthe military to partake at prestigious internatioiial matches. The duties are s lit hetwecii the three Seniccs. wit ‘I an RN/RM contingent most recently stcwariling during the l-'.ng|and-West lltdics test at Lord's in July. Tllt.‘ request for ncvt year's .\lL"v’«£lftl\will lie t\\llL‘tl shortly in a signal front the Second Sea l.ord's tlepartnient. \.’o|unleers will liavc to use some of their aiiniial leave and as a warning. iltlctcsl is iiorinally ver_v great.

Marines and S3lllll'S are

Sl'l'l'lN(iproudly in the trophy cahiiiet of HMS Tameraire for the first is the InterScrvices Rugby League title after sailors and marines scored a historic victoryovcr the Armv. The RN team spoiled the sol-

|l0l88 apart

A J()lN‘l' RNIRM ski


is planned to the ends of the earth for Zlllli. Advcriturcrs will head for the magnetic North Pole lX:l\\'t:t.‘l'I March Eli and May 4 2ll)t'i. followed hy ti trip to the 'eographic South Pole front Octo -r 2h'-I)i:ccmlwer fill that year. Places are available to all serving RN/RM personnel and membersof the cadet forces. hut must be booked hy December I7 this year. Details lrom l-Ixcrcisc Polar Quest. (‘apt Sean ('happle. ('l‘('RM. Lympstonc. lzxmouth. Devon. ENS 5:\R.

diers’ ltltli liirthday party for the sport. dcfeatin the Army on their home tiirfof A dcrshot. I7-Ill. llaving dispatched the RAFwith aplonih at llurnahy Road. the sailors and Royals made the short trip to the so|dict.\' heartland knowing that the_v could lose by l7 pts and still take the Inter-Services trophy after the .Air Force defeated the -


But the RN didn't want to take the title with any assistance from outsitlc and put on a show for various RI. luminaries including veteran lllit‘ commentator Ray I-‘rs.-itch as the match was broadcast to ice locations around the world hy lll-‘BS. Detcrniincd to avoid a series wliitewasli. the soldiers started the more strongly and scored the only try of the lirst half when winger Ben 'l3t_\'lot' spied a hole in the RN defence to slip over. Two penalties front the trusted hoot of Scot Partis kept the scores level at half-time. despite a barrage from the .~\rm_v' attack. A penalty front full hack l.ce lnnes two minutes into the second period saw the Arrny take the lead again. but once agaiti the sailors denioiistratcd ‘laouncchaekaliility' to take charge of the game. l‘.Ir‘.is

‘Va’ -


Wllflll lI'l8lI EH88 flI‘8 Sllllllllllllllfl

O The RNRL side celebrates victory in the lnterhsenrloes with commentator Ray French, ‘thevoice of Rugby League’ (lies the one in the suit) third penalty to level the scores. then slotted a drop goal to give the RN a one-point advan-



tagc. Suhstitute ('liris Thompson then

increased the Navy's lead as he ran through a crumbling Army defence for the RN's first try of the afternoon. converted by l‘.irtis. Within live more riiinutes. the game was out of the /\rniy's grasp

when l)an Johnson sent a looping pass to Richie New on the wing to outpace the defence for a score in the corner. An Army rally saw Jonah .\lanu put down beneath the sticks. converted hy lnncs. but it was too late to change the outcome. '|Tie only downside to the day was the defeat of the Academy side who were defeated hy the .~\rnt_v'.

The celebrations at the match's end skipper Martin Walker collcctcd the IS trophy and Paul Clark was named man of the match were topped by the annual awards -


Man of Steel: Jamie (Boss; l'laycrs' l’la_ver: James Wagstaffc: Young l'laycr: Kevin llotvvood; Most Valuable (’oiitrilvution to RNRL: team inartagcr ‘.»\ussie' .\lal liailllam.

I.I:.I\l)lN(‘l Rugby Uniort side I.oiidon lrisli took advantage of the sports facilitiesat HMS ('ol|ingwtxid for two days of training and team liuilding. l’la_v'crs including Mike ('att. Mark Mapletoft and Kit.-ran Dawson spent an afternoon in the l-areham establishment's pool in an Ir’.-i u

competition. Kriockriitt-eszpa' Alter

at Fort

overmght accommodation lilockhousc in (import. the

players returned to the tnaiitinie

warfare school to compete on olrstaele course.


\ \\ \ \l \\S. \(i\l \llil R _‘|lU3



A UNIQUE and hard-working group of RN personnel and Royal Marines has scooped the award for the most capable s uadron in the Fleet Air Arm. 847 NAS C0 Ma Paul Morris received the Australia Shield

lrom Assistant Chief of Naval Stall‘ Rear Admiral Adrian Johns at the squadron‘s home base. RN air station Yeovilton

(see lelt). The squadron's main role is to support 3 Commando

Brigade. oe oi the UK's rapid response groups. both tor reconnaissance and as a weapon plattorm against enemy armour. in the relevant year. 847 ranged from warlighting in the heat of Iraq to exercises in northern Norway in winter. Despite the challenging conditions. the squadron managed to tultill all ol its operational and training commitments. Said Mai Morris. himsell a pilot: “it is a great honour and privil e it is a competition which is closely contested by lellow leet Air Arm squadrons and all ol us are justly proud —

ol the achievement."


Iraq aid ship honoured

new path

legal |‘l!IlItS


\'l'l'.-\l.iiiloriitzitioii for \i:lcr;t|l\. iiiriiiiiiiii: rigiits to pct)xioitx. llctillllciiri: iultl lll'lll\lili.! .l\\l\l.tl‘lL't.'. is cont:iinci.i in :i now li:;illli.'l lrom lltc l.c_u;il .‘ici\’icc\ ('outmi\\iott. It


lllL' lli\I lilll-.‘ llll\lllltlIll1.l' ll.l\l‘L'L'llL'I1illLllllCtlIll ;i~iug4lc l‘~


lhc l\'.lllk'l. \L'lcr.m~. Ri_t_'l1I\ loi ioiiucr st-zxiuciiicii ;iuii uoiucii .iuii lliL'll l.lllllll\‘\. |\ part oi ihc nun ('iiiii|itilitil) l.Ct_'Zll .\1'r\ii'c l)iit't't \L’ll\‘l'llU. |{t'~c.ilt'lI \ltil\\\ that \\‘lL'l.lll\ .1lltl thou i.muliu~. in.ii.L* up I" put will at tiicl K popiiinliuii lllL‘_\ .ilc ~prc.iil ll'.rou_L'l1oiit tlic tt|lillli_\ .iuil ilt-li\griiig.: thou: mini» ui.itiuu on lllL’ll L'illtllL'il'lL'IiI\\\.l\ ilcwriltctl lt\ ".i uli;il|ciii:iiii:t.i\l.". I St‘ (‘hit-l l'\L'\lllI\L' ('i.iru l)tltl_)'\UiI ~:ut|: "l zim sun: \i.'lL'I;in\ mil lliltl ilic lL'.llIL'l to tic wry. u~ciui. .illtl it mil iuuitc llll.‘ ll.Ill\llliill tiivrn uu|il;ir) to L‘l\lli2tll llfL' L'£I\lA Ct." \'ctcr.ins .\li'ui~.tcr imr (';ipiin .iiiiit-ii: "|'lic project ~cr\c~ il\ .iu uwuiiciit u\.impIi- ol mli;il\iir;itiiIii llL'l\'-i.‘L'll (iincrriincrit iii.-p;irllllL'ltl\ iinil ictcriius‘ _uruup~. “i‘Ifi.-ctiw (lL'li\L'l)' of inform;ilioii to our ‘v'L'll.'l'itIl.\ is it i.L'_\' lL’qtlIlL'll'iI.‘l‘il oi the Vctcriins |riili;iliw." ('opii:x .irc ;i\;ul.il1lc from (‘oinmiiiiity i_cg.ii Scrxicc Direct on ll.\'»l5 3-15 43-15 or iw log.-.ing on

.i.'l\tliri:L'l.otg.ul.. \'illlL'l}' ill other topics. llll.‘lI.ltllll_L! lli.‘l\I. llt.)ll\ll1)1'_ilfltl \\L'll‘-IIC l\L'lti:lit\. urn: also :n';iIl;il1|i: to


l.i.';illcl.\ on


('oinmuuiI_\' l.i:g;i| Scrwicc



Presentation team dates |ill-

RN |’rc~u.:nt.itioii '|L';m\'s wnucs lor .\'oi.clttl\L'r .'irc: Nov 3 Newark on Trent; Nov 4 Nuncaton; Nov 9 Mold: Nov 10 Oswestiy: Nov 11 Llnndrindod Wells; Nov 16 Wellinborough; Nov 17 Pctcrborough; Nov 23 Truro: Nov 24 Oliehampton; Nov 25 Tiverlon. "lei l.l (\lr l{iL‘h.'iril Sinlntnittlx on Hills .‘<_‘~.‘~ Hills for lVlIIll'iL'i' tlL'l;1II\_ —



Sir llalahait wins Sword Ill P8888

SUPPORT ship RFA Sir Galahad collected the prestigious Wilkinson Sword of Peace for her humanitarian efforts during the conflict in Iraq last year. iu;irinu~. ziltcr l.iir|_\ lvillur ll_*.:llIlil_t!. lltc logistics Iuuiling ship lupplc S;ii|ii:iru‘.\ rcgintc. Sir (iitlillliltl l‘il_L'lllill} \.'IllCt.l to .-\ ~lonc'~ tiirou from lilt\\£I\ liic lir\l \i:.\~cl to lacriii in the ('iuil' “till 250 Rt|)'ill\ on l\u;iril lhc lriiqi port oi l’iiuu ()il.\f. l\'uv.;iili lmrilcr. l'uini ();i~r ix .I iiliililccp \\;llt.'f ‘III. hut lliltl i\i:i:n plus lllL'l|' kit to \upptll'l openiju.-.1 it xscck tiitcr iiritish. l‘iIl.ll_\' tlcglcctuil I)‘ S:ii.li.l;im. It was litllt\ on the Al I-iiw pCt'Iill\lilil. .—\iui.-ricziu iinii Aiixtriiiiiiii ()nci: \ltL' haul olllouiicil the forces begun the campaign to lll1l.'I.Il\.'tl by I75 tinil lirilixh green lvcrcls. she rt:-rolcii us an :iid ship to .~llo\.\ to lllr \\tIIlll llt:it ills‘ port win l’L"np4.‘llL'tl. -—

The will louncx oi liiiiiiiiiiitiiriiiii illtl ;illiI;iril clliclly loud nnil hulticii nzitcr \\;t\ it .\I'ilJlll drop in tho.oci:;in. hut \\.i~ ;i .\_\'tlllXlllL‘ gL‘.\IllfL'. To reach Umm Qasr. the ship made a seven-and-ahall-hour passage ot the Khawr abd Allah watenuay. guided by RN minehunters. escorted by helicopter gunships. and edgln past wrecks littering the c annel. Rciir Aiimirzii I)iI\'ll.l Sncisori. thc RN's~ liI\li forcc contnitinilcr during the lrtiq i:onflict. Pl'l.'.\CIlIL'l.l itii: .\\\'I.)|'Ll in (‘iipi Ru -cr Robinson-iirowu. (i;i|:ih:iil's ‘() durin the Umm 0.'i:~r opcrutiun zit lllL' .\l:irclw.ood ironic in Soulhzinlpton \\’iiti:r. The Sword is £I\’o'iIIl.ll.'l.lL‘;lCll your to the iinil vshich hits contrihutcil must tuwzirils L'.‘IIiIhll\hllIg frii-niil_v. pmitivc fL'lillll.il‘I‘\with it cumuloniI)‘ at home or aihroiid. -

sli ipk '

‘fighting ti’ welcomes her royal sponsor BIRGITTE. Duchess


Gloucester and her husband visited the Type 42 destroyer HMS Gloucester

Portsmouth. She launched the ship. which this month heads south for six months. protecting the UK's interests in the south Atlantic and west Alrica. in 1982. at


‘ri::;"--‘ its '[‘J7:"?‘) ~

O HAT TRICK: TrafalgarDay on board HMS Victory saw one of the Second Sea Lord's flagship crew LOM Loma Dow don authentic 1805 uniform ihcturi» Hi-to L.|:v;diMri

Portland's tllll hitting DEVONPOFIT-based HMS Portland

instead at Portsmouth to shepherd the competing yachts at the start of the 2004 Global Challenge race on October 3. was

in less than clement weather theType 23 frigate. acting as race marshal. guided the impressive flotilla out of the harbour to the open waters oi the Salem and across the start line in the around-the world test of sailing endurance. Said CO Cdr Steve Allen: "It is a privilege to be associated with such a prestigious event. particularly with the Place Marshal embarked. "These crews will be pushing themselves and their boats to the extremes. sometimes in the most adverse conditions. but will require a level ol teamwork to which we in the Royal Navy strive continuously." HMS Portland. commissioned in 2001. was in Portsmouth as a host ship tor the annual Stat‘! College Sea Days. giving seagotng demonstrations including anti-tenor-ismwork to audiencesat high-profileService and civilian personnel. —







pllDll$hC‘(.I by Navy News HMS Nelson_ Portsmouth, and printed by Portsmouth Publishing and Printing Ltd. the News Conlrn. Hilsnii, Povtrzniouth PO)’. EISX


(ill-TS fs'l.‘l’l’l.l"..\Il‘..\"l'.N()\"I-IMHI-ZR lllkl
















Skiing Santa

Our authenticmetal Christmas decoration will make a wonderful centrepiece or lirc place adrlition this Christmas. Santa balances pirrlecrly .'in<l r.|u’!: backwarrl and lnrwarrl to show oll his heautiliilcr.id:Ir_-cl lin



l‘i‘lc.'isuri:r. 52crn's

B: Robe Our luxury unisex toweling robe Ili pi.-rlect for lazy wmzkcnrl lounging. Shut out the world and rr:l.'tx over .1 long breakfast witlt the papers wrapped in 100% cotton.Thc robe has deep pockets and I5 ernliroirlcred with the Royal Navy Crown un the left l)re.15t.Availait)lcin Navy or White.


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T()5('Iy 'l\.v1¢:rr\,'Cl1ri:ulrii.i:. to ‘I love y(iii' ll) sniru.-«iii»: special, iiiaylii: thi:

Our i-li-(_1.irll l>Lillim:.

tr.iri:.liil.i-rillzliii: i-tmriii-l

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Tugg Wil:'.un. J.'ick‘:; calunrlar will keep you ctuicklinr; lrom New


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All of our crystal glaaawear la presented In satin lined glfl boxes and would make ideal gift: or presentation plecee. K: Mini Quad Decanter endTots llic: :.it1.i|l i-li:t_|.inl tlitcrirtli.-I :.-. hr.-.iuti1'ii|ly r.-ii<|r.ivr-it with llw Fliiynl Niivy crown, and rntniei; r;nr1i|ilr-tr-

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