‘In the linest traditions oi the sea...’
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it is 28 years since the .\Iavies ol the world gathered at the most historic ot‘ anchorages to be reviewed by the monarch of the lfntied Kingdom.
ll is EH years since mile—upon— iiiile of htittlesliip i:rL',\'- «lit-‘*-‘it'll
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‘"mp‘m"‘* r.‘"“n“ “‘l““ rotating them in traditional salute. Mrs‘ "1-"r~lI='ll<‘d ""1" UR‘ 1w¢-
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‘hm “m ‘'‘'‘‘‘“l’' "W" ‘”‘‘'‘‘‘'‘‘'“'‘i ll" 'h"”""“d‘ ol il1.!lll\ as the lllltl-‘sUlTll'I‘lL'l' .\uli Lll\.I]‘PL'ilI'C\i hcvontl the wcsterii horizon. Two centuries '.illL'l the dclintiig battle iii maritime uinllict. the \lll}V‘« oi" the world once more line up ill the water. but this time in a \|‘ll’Iloi" ll'IL'l'Itlsl}l|‘. ""“"
E AHE overdue an International Fleet Review.
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0 The Queen's ships were at sea... HMY Britannia. escorted by Type 42 destroyer HMS Birmingham. sails past HMS Ark Royal IV at the Silver JubileeReview: beyondArk are HMS Hennes, Fearless and Tiger The international Fleet Review tit Spithead on 'l‘ue.-iday June 23 2005 is it celebration not of the cataclysmic clash at 'l'raf.'1lgar on October 31 200 years ago, of the men and wonieii of the seal past and present. And it is ii. reminder to all this island nation of ours that ll1rv-‘es only because of the sea lanes which mt Rm.“ _\;m.\. and
itsAlliessalekeL'p. The an
the British Fleet
\»\.Il'.\hl['|.\. ir.iin_irir.-,_ ships.
survey vessels and auxiliaries
ttlniiist h -in
the Solent hv an equal number oi" torelpln WlI!'.\.l"|ll‘?n '30 mercliantmeii and tall Ships. and scores ol y;icl‘it\ and private wssels. The onlx continent not representcd is .-\nt;trctic:i (:!lll'ioul.'.lt we could argue British sur\'c_v \l’1l|".\ HMS l-Iiidurance and James (Ilarl-t Ross arc ll_\'llll: the flap: for the frozen wastc<I. lit Llll. .2i,oUo sailors from -
the globe are descending on the Solent. plus 1.2011 school children spread liberally among the assembled lleet to experience a memorable occasion. Watching on the shores of Souths-ea. (iosport. Lee-on-theSolerit.\X'arsiish. Hamble. the :~ubof Southampton. Ryde and urhs (.owesot‘. the l:~‘|eotW'ight.wi|lhe an lflimuwd _-3c;U'un0 pcuplu .-\nd :1 global audience of mil— lions. More than 000 journalists and LJrl‘lt.r.lf!1Lfl lrom dedic.itLd_ ll:ll.l‘lIL'1ll magazines to the giants hroad 'a.~tin L will all h‘‘ in atten across
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missing between the arm:ida in 'ro_val _v;ichi for the day’ H.\l.S' Endurzltice. the Queen and Duke of lidinhurgh reviewing the ;ts.sentbled ships from the ice surAnd
vessel. The Duke ol York. :1 lornier RN comiiiander. will also he \\‘l'llCl'11l‘l[: proceedings. its will the Duchess of (iliiucesler. the latter aboard vev
her namesake destroyer which will form part ot’:i six-ship rapid steam past of l-Endurance as the Review draws lo ‘.1 close. The review is merely the ctirtaiii-raiser to six days of events which will pay ltomitge to maritime veterans. celebrate naval teelinology. and provide it window on the nautical world to thousands who . lake [ht Sm rm gmmcdl in the ‘global village‘ of the Internet. teleconimunications and
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tl.45ai'n Royal party embarks in HMS Endurance in Portsmouth Naval Base: the survey ship will then sail into the Solent lpm Endurance will begin her journey up the lines
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of ships as the Queen formally reviews the Fleet Six ships HM warships Cumberland.
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past 3.33pm
Fly-past by
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Bnttsh and foreign aircraft and .
”°"°°F"""-°' 3-3337‘ T3" Ships Wl" 53" Dasl EndUl'ElnCe 3_4q)m Around 300 pnvate ye55e|5—yach[sv launcheg air iraul. it is uo_rth_rcm'enibi.r95 Britain ot s trade mg per cent and motor cruisers- wi|| sai| past Endurance moves he see. som -thin or ’£l.nISash.“ Red A"°ws dlspiay ers of this ‘Z 5509'“ Va"°U5 all di5pl3V5 l”°'"dl“9 hl5l°'l° 3l'C'3“hope the events will reinforce. =‘-& Russian Yakolevs and SU26S and the Army “\\"e rely on the .\'avy and on Blue Eagles the sea; so do other nat1i)r1s."said l (Idr Richard (iovan. Fleet Review 7pm Son er Iumiere, Act I I planner. 8.40pm Interval “\'s"e are celebrating our mariEmmi Son et lumiére. Act II time heritage. It will be it great .\'a\'al spectacle and ceremori_\'. ltlmpm Firework display and Fleet is illuminated and for those taking part. hopeI lully a lot of tun.“ 1
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