Navy ships participate in IDCERTEX February 13, 2015
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Volume 6 Issue 5
Commander Naval Surface Group Middle Pacific Public Affairs
Five U.S. Navy ships commenced an independent deployer certification exercise (IDCERTEX) in the southern California and Hawaii operating areas. The exercise runs Feb. 920. IDCERTEX provides a multi-ship environment to train and certify independent deployers in surface warfare, air defense, maritime interception operations, command and control/information warfare, command, control, computers and combat systems intelligence and mine warfare. The exercise, led by Commander, U.S. 3rd Fleet (C3F) and executed by Commander, Carrier Strike Group 15 (CSG 15), includes the guided-missile cruisers USS Lake Champlain (CG 57), USS Chosin (CG 65), guided-missile destroyers USS Preble (DDG 88), USS Chafee (DDG 90) and Littoral Combat Ship USS Freedom (LCS 1). Chosin, Preble and Chafee are conducting their training in the Hawaii operating area, while Lake Cham-
U.S. Navy photo by MCC John M. Hageman An UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter from the Army’s 25th Combat Aviation Brigade (25 CAB) lands aboard the guided-missile destroyer USS Preble (DDG 88) during an independent deployer certification (IDCERT) exercise. (Additional photos on page A-5.) plain and Freedom are participating off the coast of southern California. IDCERTEX serves as
CSG 15’s final opportunity to evaluate and certify Preble, Chafee and Sailors from USS Fort Worth
(LCS 3) Crew 102, em- scheduled deployments. barked aboard Freedom, IDCERTEX begins with across multiple warfare unit-level training specific areas prior to regularly to the ship that requires
training in shipboard firefighting, man-overboard drills, visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS), and other ship specific training. The integrated phase involves training between multiple ships and aircraft and consists of flight operations, submarine tracking, strait transit formations, replenishment-at-sea and other required mission evolutions. “Our primary responsibility is to ensure these ship s are ce rtifie d and ready to execute a wide variety of missions while d e p lo ye d ,” sai d Rear Ad m. Jo sep h Kuz mi ck, com mand e r o f CSG 15. “We look forward to watching Preble, Chafee and Fort Worth Crew 102 operate in a multi-ship e nvir onm e nt with ad vanced warfare scenarios.” Several supporting staffs are involved in IDCERTEX including Commander, Naval Surface Forces Pacific, Naval Surface Group Middle Pacific, Commander, Destroyer Squadron 31, Marine Aircraft Group 24, Hawaii Air National Guard and the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade.
USS Paul Hamilton to deploy tomorrow Naval Surface Group Middle Pacific The guided-missile destroyer USS Paul Hamilton (DDG 60) is scheduled to depart Saturday on an independent deployment to the Arabian Gulf and western Pacific Ocean. While deployed, Paul Hamilton and its crew of more than 300 Sailors will conduct theater security cooperation and maritime presence operations with partner nations. “We are proud, confident and ready for all tasking Paul Hamilton will be assigned,” said Cmdr. John Barsano, commanding officer. “For many of our young Sailors, it’s the first time they will live aboard for eight months
and travel overseas. I could not have asked of anything more from the crew for this upcoming deployment.” Commissioned May 27, 1995, Paul Hamilton is the third U.S. Navy ship named after the third secretary of the Navy. His term in office included the first months of the War of 1812, during which time the small United States Navy achieved several remarkable victories over British warships. Paul Hamilton is a multi-mission ship designed to operate independently or with an associated strike group. The ship is assigned to Destroyer Squadron 21 and is homeported in Hawaii within the U.S. 3rd Fleet area of operations.
U.S. Navy photo by MCC Peter D. Lawlor
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert speaks with Sailors at Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam.
CNO holds ‘gateway’ all-hands call CNO re-enlists Hawaii-based Sailors MC3 Amber Porter
VP-9 Public Affairs Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert held an all-hands call Feb. 6 at historic Bloch Arena at Joint Base Pearl HarborHickam for service members, civilians and their families stationed on Oahu. The CNO stated that the rebalance is real with the USS Fort Worth (LCS 3) in Singapore and two more destroyers moving to the western Pacific and talked about the rotational am-
phibious ships deploying to Australia. “We are on our way to Australia, then to New Zealand,” said Greenert. “We wanted to stop here [Hawaii] at the gateway to the Pacific to listen and learn. We’re going to Darwin, where at some point by the end of this decade, we will be sending amphibious ships on deployment for exercises in the southeast area.” The CNO also spoke with service members about current Navy initiatives including the Fleet Response Training Plan, new guidelines for uniform changes, TAD assignments, alternative healthcare plans and restructured retirement.
Greenert assured the Sailors the retirement plan option would be offered, but those in uniform can still keep their current retirement plan under a “grandfather” clause. The CNO also highlighted the strategy for shorter deployments, outlining the transition of deployments to a sevenmonth cycle. “We’re going to sevenmonth deployments,” said Greenert. “It will take us through fiscal year 17 to get most destroyers down to seven-month deployments. The work that wasn’t getting done before is happening now.” When asked his opinion about women’s role in submarines, Greenert said,
“We’ve had women in the Navy for over 30 years. We’ve worked through concerns like this before. We’re on a track working through this deliberately and we will get through this just fine.” During the all-hands call, which was also streamed live online, Greenert re-enlisted 17 Sailors and presented each Sailor and family member with a coin. He closed the event thanking Sailors for their service and highlighting the importance of taking care of one another, treating each other with dignity and respect, and talking to leadership about what they can do to help Sailors.
U.S. Navy photo by MC2 Diana Quinlan The guided-missile destroyer USS Paul Hamilton (DDG 60) passes by Battleship Missouri Memorial June 24, 2013.
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