Vol 1, Issue 1

Page 1




Why it Matters More Than Ever

Response to FHFA



Response to HUD p5 REO Disposition

Big Spender



Government Contracting


THE WOMEN & GOVERNMENT ISSUE Published by the National Association of Women REO Brokerages

“There is a need for a one-stop

Well, here it is: our completely redone

we’ve dedicated the inaugural issue to

place for content important

digital magazine, the newly named N

a topic integral to the NAWRB mission:

to women business owners,

Magazine. Three months ago we tested

advocacy for women-owned businesses

something that offers news,

our new design in the final issue of the

in default services. Anchoring this issue is

informs women, and enhances

old Quarterly Update—don’t worry, the

an interview with Danielle Johnston-Kutch

our professional and personal

same content is still here, plus much,

from the Treasury Department, where we

selves. Welcome to

much more. In the time since, we’ve

sit down and talk frankly about home

completely rebranded NAWRB, right


N Magazine.”

down to tweaking our logo. In the next few

Desirée Patno, National President

weeks we will launch the final component,

You can also learn about our advocacy

a brand new NAWRB.com which I hope

initiatives, both federally and within the

you’ll visit.

industry, for 2012. Our regular updates are still here, from the Board of Directors, to

Hopefully you’ve noticed the more

topics covering social media, technology

readable and appealing NAWRB

and industry conferences and events.

Newsrooms in your inbox as well as event flyers, press releases and other

Personally, I’m very excited to have taken

documents. N Magazine itself has many

this publication to the next level. We’d love

new features, including wider circulation

to have you contribute, advertise, or write

amongst industry professionals, member

us a short note on what kind of content

and Preferred Partner advertisements,

you’d like to see covered.

and deeper, more informative content important to women business owners in

As the holidays approach, I wish you all

default services.

the best and hope you’ll take this time to appreciate all that we’ve been blessed

To celebrate the launch of N Magazine,

Cade Holleman, Executive Director

with. See you in 2012!


HousingWire’s high standard of editorial excellence is best expressed through our awardwinning monthly magazine. As a compliment to our market-making breaking news online, HousingWire Magazine provides in-depth analysis of the people and issues making the news — offering readers a level of context unmatched anywhere else.

NAWRB members can redeeem the exclusive 20% DISCOUNT off an annual subscription to HousingWire magazine simply by visiting HousingWire.com’s subscription page and using promo code: HWNAWRB.

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HousingWire Magazine Making sense of the real estate economy.


2 Advocacy: Why it Matters More Than Ever

The National Association of Women REO Brokerages

Editorial Cade Holleman Cade.Holleman@NAWRB.com

for Women-Owned Businesses in Default Services

5 Response to HUD Marketing of HUD-Owned Single Family Real Estate Properties

6 Treasury Talks Home Affordability NAWRB Interviews Danielle Johnston-Kutch From

To contribute story ideas or an article, e-mail info@NAWRB.com

Graphic Design Vincent Forsang Vincent.Forsang@NAWRB.com

Advertise Member Advertising Beatriz Becerra Beatriz.Becerra@NAWRB.com

Treasury’s Homeownership Preservation Office.

11 Response to FHFA Occupy and Include: Redefining Diversity in REO Disposition for Today’s Market

12 BIG SPENDER How Do I Pursue Contracts With the Federal Government?

15 Call4All features FDIC & FHFA OMWI Directors on Teleconference

16 #WomenBizOwners Working Event Leading Ladies Panel of #WomenBizOwners Discuss Government

Non-Member and Preferred Partner Advertising

Contracting, REO-to-rental and Women-Owned

Katherine Kang Katherine.Kang@NAWRB.com

Info 34 Executive Park Suite #260 Irvine, CA 92614

E-mail info@NAWRB.com


Business Certification

UPDATES 18 Tech Working The Intersection of Technology & Networking

19 What’s Trending in Default Services 20 NAWRB Reviews Books and Film 22 The First 5 Things to do after certifying as a


Web www.NAWRB.com

NAWRB Women-Owned Brokerage or Business

24 25 26 27

Board of Directors: Meeting Highlights NAWRB Partnerships 2012 Strategic Plan and Vision NAWRB Refresh Interview

EVENTS 28 Speak: Members on the Circuit 29 Attend & Network 3 Write: Articles in Circulation

NAWRB 32 About 33 Contact

2 | N Magazine

The role of advocacy is key to improving the business climate for women-owned businesses in default services. In 2011, when NAWRB first expanded its Board of Directors, a Government Relations Chair became one of four permanent seats guiding the association’s strategic initiatives.


by Cade Holleman

Last year NAWRB signed a Memorandum

and Women Inclusion Directors from the

of Understanding with Women Impacting

Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)

Public Policy (WIPP) pursuing a “...

and the Federal Deposit Insurance

combined focus to establish our

Corporation (FDIC).

organizations as the resource for women business owners on Capitol Hill and with

Three times this year NAWRB responded

the Administration.” In the time since,

to federal Requests for Information

NAWRB has focused significant energy

or Sources Sought on possible REO

on building relationships with individuals

disposition contracts (read more about

in the federal government whose decisions

those on pages 5 and 11). Each response

impact NAWRB members.

was submitted directly to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

As early as 2010, NAWRB was one of the

and FHFA, respectively. Through those

first trade associations to author in-depth

responses, NAWRB proposed various

articles on controversial sections of the

ways to significantly improve the agencies’

Dodd-Frank Act that directly impacted

track records for utilizing women-owned

women business owners in the broader

businesses at the subcontracting level—

housing market.

the very level most NAWRB members would be engaged by such institutions.

Building on those articles in mid-2011, NAWRB organized and hosted a free teleconference featuring Office of Minority

“NAWRB was one of the first trade associations to author in-depth articles on controversial sections of the Dodd-Frank Act.”

Recent headlines about NAWRB Our efforts regularly earn national media

reach greater numbers of distressed or

attention. In 2011, NAWRB’s activities

underwater homeowners.

generated over $150,000 in media attention that would not have otherwise been focused on women-owned businesses. NAWRB remains the most visible women’s trade group in mortgage default media.

2012: The National Effort

Industry Goals

While government relations is a major component of NAWRB’s advocacy efforts, industry-level goals remain a high priority. In September, NAWRB announced that in 2012 the association will track speaker diversity at major

The stagnation of housing recovery has

industry conferences and issue a report in

led to a government re-thinking of REO

Q4 12. NAWRB will work with conference

disposition and recovery strategies.

planners to place qualified women with

Contracts initially anticipated for 2011

a target of fifty percent female speakers.

have been shelved or not issued according to original timelines, market participants

On average, sixty percent of conference

have been engaged for suggestions on

attendees are women, whereas only

possible REO disposition alternatives, and

thirty percent of speakers are women.

federal programs have been overhauled to

The association aims to increase that number by twenty percent.

In 2012 NAWRB is committed to ensuring that women business owners are represented and their message heard above the din. To reach that goal, NAWRB will: • Deepen and expand our strategic alliances with other women’s policy groups and industry trade groups; • Expand outreach efforts to include members of House and Senate Committees and sub-committees on finance, housing, and urban development; • Seek congressional testimony opportunities for NAWRB members; • Organize semi-annual Hill visits; • Increase in-network opportunities for federal officials to speak directly to NAWRB members via teleconferences, interviews, and other outlets; • Partner with members to drive grassroots and call to action campaigns at the local level.

On a business-to-business level, NAWRB will strengthen its relationships with outsourcers, financial institutions, and other businesses in default services to increase the utilization of women-owned businesses. In 2011, NAWRB facilitated over 700 direct referrals and aims to grow that number significantly in 2012. Advocacy takes many forms. For NAWRB, it includes a comprehensive government relations agenda including contact and outreach at the congressional level, as well institutional and agency goals. NAWRB focuses heavily on keeping the media’s spotlight on women-owned businesses. Within the industry, NAWRB regularly works with financial institutions to increase the footprint of women-owned businesses in their vendor and broker networks, and advises on the benefits of utilizing women-owned companies at the subcontracting level.


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/// by Beatriz Becerra

follow Beatriz @NAWRB_Beatriz

NAWRB participated in a Sources Sought issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) seeking information from market participants interested in marketing HUD-owned single family real estate properties. This opportunity is better known as “M&M 3.5”, an area-specific follow-up to the current management and marketing contracts. In its ten page response, NAWRB encouraged the use of women-owned businesses at the local listing broker (LLB) level, and suggested consideration of a women-owned set-aside for any forthcoming contracting opportunity. In November, the final solication was issued with a deadline of December 9 for bids on six reconfigured contracting areas throughout the western United States. Brokers in those areas can expect new asset management contractors sometime in early 2012. The solicitation is a “total small business” set-aside, meaning that interested parties should have revenues under the SBA size limitation of seven million dollars. At a July Industry Day event hosted by HUD in Denver, CO, the agency noted that

“NAWRB’s experience recruiting, vetting, and certifying REO brokerages has honed its outreach skills over the course of building the only national network of women-owned REO brokerages.” —Marketing of HUD-owned single family real estate properties NAWRB response to Sources Sought issued by HUD.

it was overall pleased with the functionality and structure of the 3.0 contracts, and that no significant changes could be expected in the new contract. The only major changes have been to the contracting areas, which have been adjusted for smaller regions, most notably in the cases of California and Arizona which are now independent contract areas.

N Magazine | 5




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6 | N Magazine

Danielle, thanks for speaking with us today. We’ve been seeing you and other Treasury staff at a lot of real estate conferences lately. Has Treasury always had a presence at real estate conferences? Since the launch of the Making Home Affordable (MHA) Program in 2009, representatives from Treasury have attended a variety of conferences to get the word out about the programs available to help struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure. However, we’ve had a stronger presence at real estate conferences in the past year or so as the interest in short sales and the Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA) Program in particular, has increased. The conferences offer a great


Interviewed by Cade Holleman

opportunity for us to discuss the changes made over the past year to HAFA and to hear directly from real estate professionals about how the program is working. Tell me a little about your specific role at Treasury. I work on the policy team for Treasury’s Homeownership Preservation Office and one of my primary responsibilities includes the development of Supplemental Directives and the MHA Handbook for Servicers of Non-GSE Mortgages. Most importantly, my role is to work with a variety of stakeholders to develop balanced policy and ensure that it is implemented appropriately. Whenever we issue a new policy, a significant amount of collaboration occurs during the development stages. We continually seek and receive feedback from participants in the housing and finance industries to ensure we are developing balanced policy that reflects the needs of various participants, always with the homeowner first in mind, and that policies are implemented in accordance with program guidelines.

“...the MHA programs have helped set new standards across the servicing industry. These new standards will last well beyond the current expiration date of 2012, and have already helped catalyze assistance for millions of additional homeowners.”

The GSEs through FHFA recently announced HARP 2.0, is there any anticipation of a HAMP or HAFA 2.0? That’s an interesting question. I think a lot of people would say we launched a HAMP or HAFA 2.0 a while ago and we’re closer to 3.0 or above now. But more important than what “version” of the program we are on is why we’ve made the changes. I think it’s important to remember that before MHA, a foreclosure prevention program of this size had never been attempted so there was not a lot of precedent to draw from in the early days of the program. We’ve learned a lot since the roll out of HAMP in the spring

of 2009 and have made important enhancements and launched new programs to reach as many homeowners as possible. Throughout the life of these programs we have sought and will continue to seek feedback from the experts to make improvements to better serve homeowners.

For example, we made some pretty significant changes to HAFA at the end of 2010 to allow more homeowners to qualify by allowing the property to be vacant for up to 12 months and eliminating the 31 percent debt-to-income (DTI) requirement and need to collect income documentation, among other things. These changes were prompted by significant feedback from a number of industry participants, including a number of the real estate professional trade associations. We hear a lot about the numbers of homeowners that HARP, HAMP and HAFA are targeted to reach, successfully worked for and did not work for. It’s my view that the MHA programs aren’t designed to function as purely stand alone programs but to offer the private sector a framework to design their own proprietary systems so the idea outlives the MHA expiration date at the end of 2012. Would you say that is an appropriate characterization of the government’s goal? I believe that is an accurate characterization. In the midst of the worst housing crisis since the Great Depression, at a time when the mortgage industry found itself unable to cope with surging mortgage delinquencies, Treasury developed several programs to help prevent avoidable foreclosures. These programs have enabled more than 850,000 homeowners to secure permanent modifications of their mortgages and the numbers continue to grow steadily month over month. Perhaps more importantly though, the MHA programs have helped set new standards across the servicing industry. These new standards will last well beyond the current expiration date of 2012, and have already helped catalyze assistance for millions of additional homeowners. When I saw you last at the event Treasury hosted in Phoenix for distressed homeowners, there was some mention of taking that type of event on the road to reach more markets. Are you planning any future events to take your message directly to homeowners? The event we hosted with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in Phoenix was the 60th event for struggling homeowners through the MHA Program. While it can be difficult for many struggling homeowners to admit they need help, these events offer a free and safe opportunity for homeowners to meet face-to-face with their mortgage servicer and a HUD-approved housing counselor to discuss their options to avoid foreclosure based on their individual circumstances. Almost 60,000 homeowners across the country have now attended one of the free events. Recognizing that Phoenix has been one of the hardest hit housing markets, we piloted a special second day as part of the two-day event focused on short sales and the HAFA Program. This pilot event included participation from 11 of the largest mortgage servicers and was one of the first of its kind in the nation. For many homeowners, a short sale can be the best way to avoid foreclosure and transition to a more affordable living situation. Short sales can also be helpful for homeowners who are hoping to

Order these and other

relocate to another area, perhaps due to a new employment opportunity.

bilingual marketing materials, resources, and guides free from

The Administration will be hosting more events for homeowners in the coming year and we are currently working with our partners to incorporate the HAFA portion of the outreach event held in Phoenix in other cities. For details about the next homeowner event to be held in Portland, Oregon on December 3, as well as other updates, visit MakingHomeAffordable.gov.


You also spoke about new marketing materials Treasury is launching soon in both English and Spanish. What is the message of those materials and how do you want the broker/agent community to use them? In November, Treasury launched the new MHA Storefront, a free online resource providing trusted advisors and program partners access to the latest MHA materials. Shop our brochures and posters, order the quantities you need, and have them shipped directly to you at no cost. Help homeowners in your area better understand their options by sharing these materials with your clients, constituents, and other members of the community. To access the MHA Storefront, visit MakingHomeAffordable.gov, click on “For Partners” and then “Informing Homeowners in Your Community.” What kind of support does Treasury need from associations like NAWRB and our members? I think educating your members on the various programs available to homeowners is one of the best ways you can support MHA. If your membership is knowledgeable about the options available, you can help assist homeowners – who often feel overwhelmed

Danielle Kutch joined the U.S. Department of the Treasury as a Policy Analyst in the Office of Financial Stability in October 2009. She has identified, analyzed, and proposed policies, housing related processes, and other strategies for programs within the Obama Administration’s Making Home Affordable Program. Kutch has advised on policy matters for a variety of federal agencies, servicers, and other industry participants. Before working at Treasury, Kutch served as the Director of Community and Economic Development for the National Association for County Community and Economic Development, w h e re s h e d e a l t w i t h affordable housing and HUD grant programs for large urban counties. She began her career working on housing and financial services issues for the National Association of Mortgage Brokers. She has an M.A. in political science from American University.

and confused at the prospect of facing foreclosure and uncertain of where to turn for help. This can be particularly true in many of the minority communities that your membership serves, and are often at increased risk of mortgage modification and foreclosure prevention scams. Each month Treasury releases a report card, so to speak, of the MHA program to date. HAMP seems to be the best performer while HAFA has been the most limited in impact. What’s the response been to those numbers? I don’t think we can judge the impact of HAFA, or any MHA programs, by the numbers alone. We are seeing a steady increase in the number of HAFA transactions monthover-month which is an encouraging sign. We also have to remember that HAFA was implemented almost a full year after HAMP and significant changes to increase participation took effect in February 2011. Since those changes were made the volume has grown steadily. HAFA has introduced important standards to the industry for how short sale and deed-in-lieu of foreclosure transactions take place. These standards can have a lasting impact. We think women have a unique skill set in helping distressed homeowners navigate the turbulent waters of either retaining their homes or gracefully exiting the situation. What do you think our members should be doing to make sure homeowners know their options? The best thing to do is educate yourself about the various options that are available to homeowners, visit MakingHomeAffordable.gov and www.HMPAdmin.com to learn about all of the programs offered and to access the tools available for homeowners and their trusted advisors. We offer several great resources that are all free, including educational webinars, brochures, and information about upcoming outreach events. I encourage your members to take advantage of these Treasury materials and other reputable education providers. Then, your members can use their ties in the community to reach out to homeowners and make sure they have the right information to make informed decisions, access the assistance for which they are eligible and avoid scams.

I’d like to wrap up our conversation by looking forward. We think there’s a lot to be positive about--obviously our industry is still working through unprecedented levels of distressed properties, but homeownership is incredibly important to the fabric of American society. What do you think the future holds for the housing industry? The market is still fragile and that’s why the Administration has chosen a variety of approaches to help spur recovery. In September we saw a continued fall in mortgage defaults, due in part to foreclosure prevention programs like HAMP reaching more borrowers upstream in the process. The MHA programs continue to provide some of the most sustainable assistance available to struggling homeowners and have set

“I think educating your members on the various programs available to homeowners is one of the best ways you can support MHA.”

standards that are changing the industry and indirectly helping millions of additional families. But despite signs of progress, we have much more work to do to reach the many households who still face trouble and to help the market recover. We remain committed to doing everything we can to reach struggling homeowners who are eligible for help.



DS News is the only publication in the country solely dedicated to providing agents, brokers, and companies with news and content focused on the default servicing industry. SUBSCRIBE NOW to get the NAWRB discounted subscription rate! Call Chasity Clary at 214.525.6749.

/// by Katherine Kang

follow Katherine @NAWRB_Katherine

NAWRB submitted a twenty page response to a joint Request for Information (RFI) issued by HUD, Treasury and FHFA in September 2011. The RFI focused on an emerging REO-to-rental strategy currently under consideration by the Obama Administration. In its response, NAWRB recommended that based on long-standing policies in both the primary and secondary mortgage markets, women-owned businesses should be specifically targeted in returning REO to use, whether through direct sales or a rent-to-own option. NAWRB used research citing the specific goals and targets required by the Community Reinvestment Act and the GSEs Affordable Housing Goals. NAWRB released a two page Executive Summary of its response and allowed members to comment on the draft at the #WomenBizOwners: Leading Ladies event in Dallas, TX at the Five Star conference. Logos of twenty women-owned businesses were included in the final draft submitted to the government agencies.

“Strongly pursuing women-owned businesses is a natural extension of existing policies and necessary in today’s economic and legislative climate… We believe these are reasonable targets regulatory agencies can apply to the enterprises within their jurisdiction.”

Over 4,000 proposals were submitted in response to the RFI, but NAWRB’s response attracted a particularly high level of media attention with print and online coverage in DSNews, HousingWire, MortgageOrb and many others. In the November issue of HousingWire magazine, NAWRB’s response was featured along with seven other standout, or in the words of HW

—Occupy & Include: Redefining diversity in REO disposition for today’s market NAWRB response to REO-to-rental Request for Information issued by HUD, Treasury and FHFA.

staff, “innovative” RFIs. Of the seven, NAWRB was one of two trade associations and the only respondent specifically representing womenowned businesses.

N Magazine | 11



by Melva Wagner

The United States federal government spends roughly $500,000,000 annually in operational expenses. The bulk of that is spent with America’s private sector for services ranging from paint and toilet paper to leases and real estate sales. In 2011, both the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) rebid real estate related contracts. In the case of HUD, the contracts were set-aside for small businesses. 2011 also saw a Request for Information concerning a potential REO-to-rental strategy and the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) implementation of the women-owned business set-aside for specific industries, including real estate. In short, default services professionals are looking at an immense amount of business that can be earned in the federal marketplace. Many small businesses may be ineligible to compete for large contracts, particularly when the contracting agency does not opt to use a set-aside. In those instances, small businesses can team and compete for opportunities that they might not feasibly win on their own credentials. When agency level contracts are too big to pursue, women business owners should look to the local level. That can mean city, county, and state. Each will award contracts to local small businesses and many requires services found in a default services business.

12 | N Magazine

Women business owners should be aware of a few tools that can help them stay abreast of these opportunities:

Teresa Ryan, Owner Cell: 630-253-7660 TRyan@RyanHillRealty.com

Our team is committed to delivering the best in REO, Valuation and Short Sale services.

Fedbizopps.gov or FBO.gov All contracts over $250,000 in value must be posted on this free online portal maintained by

Serving the Chicago Suburban Market.

the federal government. Here, you can see the descriptions of a contract, all


supplemental documentation and agency contact information. Interested vendors can also be tracked here as well as notice of awards for subcontracting and follow-

Melva Wagner,

up opportunities.

NAWRB Government Relations Chair

Forecast of Contracts At the beginning


of each fiscal year, federal agencies publish a list of upcoming contracts the

In 2008, after my company, Melco,

agency believes it will need to execute.

Inc., was awarded SBA’s 8(a) small

Requesting these and scheduling

business certification, I reached out

introductory meetings with an agency’s

and met with the local contracting

contracting officer are good tools for doing

officer for the Department of Navy

the groundwork before putting together a

to discuss contracting opportunities.

bid for a particular contract.

My company was given “a shot” after teaming with a local contractor with

Office of Small Disadvantaged Business

past performance. My first contract

Utilization or OSDBVU Federal agencies

was $79,000.00, small potatoes some

offer these staff members as ports of

might think, but one year and several

first entry for small businesses seeking

stand alone jobs later, my company

to do business with a particular agency.

was awarded its first contract over

These individuals are resources that

$1,500,000.00! Working government

can help small business owners identify

contracts is not easy, with its mound

upcoming contracting opportunities and

of paperwork, bonding requirements

the necessary steps to take to pursue

and needed cash flow, but it can be

that business. Many OSBDVUs also offer

very rewarding and a great way to

specialists dedicated to working solely

diversify your current business.

with women-owned small businesses. Subnet The Small Business Administration


(SBA) offers Subnet for those small

Melva Wagner is President and CEO of

business who do not seek to be the

Melco, Inc. and Sellstate Island Properties,

prime (or primary) contractor for a federal

both based in Key West, Florida. She

contract, but rather pursue subcontracting

currently serves on the NAWRB Board

opportunities for a larger company. When

of Directors as the Southwest Regional

prime contractors are looking for sub-

Chair and leads the Government Relations

contractor support, they can often be

Committee. Wagner can be reached at

found via Subnet.


15 West Jefferson Avenue Naperville, IL 60540 www.RyanHillRealty.com www.TeresaRyan.com Facebook.com/RyanHillRealty

OMWI Director for the FDIC, said the Dodd-Frank Act doesn’t give contract set-asides to women and minorities. Instead, it is meant to level the playing field to give women- and minority-owned businesses equal access to pursue contracts by being prepared, having adequate capital, understanding the process, having timely information, and in some cases, partnering with

the twelve Federal Home Loan Banks, and the Office of Finance. Bowman mentioned that Dodd-Frank’s Section 342 differs from FHFA’s Section 1116 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA) because it includes provisions for “developing standards for assessing diversity policies and practices of its regulated entities.” During the teleconference, Bowman said FHFA has requested preliminary reports from the institutions it regulates regarding their procurement and diversity activities.

Examination teams will meet with the

other firms to compete.

financial institutions to provide feedback and propose

“It’s gone up and down over those years. When the

all of which will be re-examined in the following twelve

action such as policies, procedures, and requirements,

financial crisis kicked off at the end of 2008, we knew that the next couple years would be pretty hot and heavy,” says Collins. FDIC was one of the first to establish an OMWI office because it already had similar policies in place through the former Office of Diversity and Economic Opportunity. Lee




/// by Katherine Kang

During the teleconference, D. Michael “Mickey” Collins,

that it regulates, including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac,

follow Katherine @NAWRB_Katherine

On August 26, 2011, officials from the Offices of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) at the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) participated in an exclusive teleconference with NAWRB.

months to tract negative and positive impacts. Because they have limitations on set-asides or quotas, they will be focusing on tweaks in policies or procedures, and minimal requirement scales that can be changed in areas that will allow minorities and women to compete. Both




participation of women and minorities in employment, management, and all business activities of the Federal Housing Agency (FHA) and the financial institutions






from women- and minority-owned businesses and recommend they reach out to OMWI offices for instruction on how to pursue business with their respective institutions.

N Magazine | 15

aria antam atsi S y by K ail.com graph Photo tsi@gm ybyka graph photo

s wner O z i B en #Wom ng Event i Work

Panel of #WomenBizOwners discuss government contracting, REO-to-rental, and women-owned business certification

/// by Katherine Kang

follow Katherine @NAWRB_Katherine

At September’s Five Star Default Servicing Conference

attended by NAWRB members and women business

& Expo in Dallas, Texas, NAWRB hosted a private event

owners from across the country.

featuring a panel of women business owners speaking about their experiences in government contracting.

At the Leading Ladies event, attendees were allowed to view an Executive Summary of NAWRB’s response to

Moderated by NAWRB Executive Director Cade

government RFI on REO to rental strategies. The final

Holleman, speakers were NAWRB National President

response submitted to federal agencies included logos

Desirée Patno, NAWRB Government Relations Chair

from each of the women-owned businesses present at

Melva Wagner, and President/CEO of Integrated

the Leading Ladies event.

Mortgage Solutions (IMS) Cheryl Lang. The event was

“It is always a pleasure to meet with professional women in the industry and share our experiences and barriers of being a women-owned business. Although the challenges can be quite daunting at times, it’s important that we all continue to professionally and personally support each other in an effort to foster a unified front of one voice that will be heard and that will create change for future generations. Participation in events such as Leading Ladies is a perfect platform to cultivate relationships, find solutions for Cheryl Lang

16 | N Magazine

issues women business owners face on a daily basis, and design a vision for change.”

DesirĂŠe Patno President and CEO DesirĂŠe Patno Enterprises, Inc. National President, NAWRB

Cheryl Lang President and CEO Integrated Mortgage Solutions Founder, No Paws Left Behind

Diane Gozza Executive Vice President Business Development Integrated Mortgage Solutions

Melva Wagner President and CEO Sellstate Island Properties Government Relations Chair, NAWRB

The Intersection of Technology & Networking

/// by Beatriz Becerra

follow Beatriz @NAWRB_Beatriz

This year’s Five Star Default Servicing Conference & Expo included an industry first aimed at making networking easier for attendees. Name badges this year included preloaded QR (quick response) codes with attendees’ contact information. QR codes are codes that can be scanned (using a phone’s camera) and read by smartphones. Scanned codes then direct a user’s phone automatically to a variety of information, including website or other URL; in the case of Five Star attendees, contact information was retrieved. Speaking with Five Star’s IT Director Toby Tull, he said, “QR Codes provide the unique opportunity to quickly exchange business information. Gone are the days of clumsily entering a colleague’s phone

Oklahoma City Metro

number and email address and worrying about typos. With a simple photo you have Oklahoma City Metro Oklahoma City Metro all the information you need.”

QR codes are built into NAWRB’s Platinum Marketing services—all a member needs to do is provide the website the code should reference. The final materials then display the QR code prominently and offer recipients a tech-friendly means to access web information without having to remember a URL or risk getting lost in an Internet search. QR codes are gaining traction in other areas of real estate marketing as well. Some agents

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are using QR codes on a listing-by-listing basis so buyers can easily capture information



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Servicing ALL of Oklahoma, Canadian, Cleveland, Lincoln, Kingfisher and Logan counties.

on a property of interest or link directly to a website with additional information.


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REO-TO-RENTAL In many markets, rental demand has increased dramatically since 2008. The Obama Administration has recently tabled an REO-to-rental scheme that would, if implemented, remove portions of REO assets off government books through bulk sales to investors on the agreement that properties would be made available as rentals in specific markets. FHFA, HUD and Treasury, who jointly issued the Request for Information, are still sifting through over 4,000 responses from industry participants, including NAWRB. NAWRB’s proposal was featured in HousingWire’s November issue as one of seven most innovative proposals.

HARP 2.0 One of Treasury’s flagship Making Home Affordable programs received a refresh in late 2011. HARP, the government’s mortgage refinance program, was overhauled in an attempt to reach previously ineligible borrowers underwater on their current mortgages. HARP is one pillar of the Obama Administration’s Making Home Affordable program. Other key programs include a mortgage modification and short sale program, known as HAMP and HAFA. For eligibility requirements and other information, visit www.MakingHomeAffordable.gov.

HUD, VA CONTRACTS Two major contracts were up for rebid in recent months, including specific geographic regions in the HUD M&M contracting program, as well as a Veteran Affairs contract for loan servicing and REO disposition currently held by Bank of America. New contracts should be awarded sometime in Q1 12. According to a HUD “Industry Day” in July of this year, the agency expects additional contracts to be rebid in central and eastern United States by the end of 2012.

Every dollar makes an impact, and no donation is too small. The mission of WHW (Women Helping Women/Men2Work) is to provide comprehensive employment support services to empower disadvantaged men, women and teens to achieve economic self sufficiency through employment success. Since 1993, WHW has served more than 25,000 clients at no cost or obligation from over 240 Orange County agencies. During this holiday season, please support WHW by giving the gift of employment to disadvantaged job seekers. For more information, please visit our website at www.WHW.org


Books & Films /// by Cade Holleman

follow Cade @NAWRB_Cade

Miss Representation Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Writer, Director, Producer The DVD isn’t available until February, but you can catch it on OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) in the meantime. And if you can catch it, catch it! This provocative and timely documentary focuses on how the media contributes to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence. One standout comment from an interviewee (which includes a notable list such as Condoleezza Rice, Nancy Pelosi, Katie Couric, Rachel Maddow and others) says that reporters will use different words to cover statements made by women in power. For example, a single article will quote a male senator as having “stated” whereas a female senator “complained”. The website (MissRepresentation.org) states that “… the United States is still 90th in the world for women in national legislatures, women hold only 3% of clout positions in mainstream media…” www.missrepresentation.org *Currently only available for pre-order

Have a suggestion? Want to write your own review or a letter to NAWRB about the state of the industry or #WomenBizOwners?

Contact info@NAWRB.com 20 | N Magazine

Crash of the Titans: Greed, Hubris, The Fall of Merrill Lynch, and the Near -Collapse of Bank of America Greg Farrel

Our Lot: How Real Estate Came to Own Us Alyssa Katz As a counterweight to other books reviewed here,

Crash of the Titans, taking its name from the epic

Our Lot covers the full spectrum of America’s

end-of-times story, tells a tale that is now unfolding

housing policy since WWII. It puts the recent crisis

via court documents and media coverage. Beginning

in a broad context and argues that the root causes

with Merrill Lynch’s storied history, its crest in the

to our current housing woes are due, in part, to

early 2000s (with the only African-American CEO on

long-standing policies—not just to the financial

Wall Street), Titans documents the firm’s quick fall

“innovation” of the last two decades.

and subsequent sale to Bank of America. Katz adeptly tells this complicated story through the The story of the end of Merrill is quite dramatic, though

political history of housing finance peppered with

it gets little (relative) press in comparison to the events

tragic personal stories. Our Lot attests to the fact

that bookended the announcement of its sale to BofA

that noble aims (increasing homeownership rates)

(same 48 hour period as the conservatorships of

must be safeguarded, even if it costs the economy

Fannie and Freddie). The questionably undisclosed

a little short-term growth.

losses at Merrill (see current lawsuit) and reports of BofA trying to exit the deal all add up to a book that

Surprising fact: What seemed like a sudden crash

does its job in reporting behind-the-scenes action of

had deep, deep roots. We’re talking decades, folks.

one of the most dramatic weeks in recent American history.

$26.00, Bloomsbury USA, 2009, ISBN 978-159-6914797

Surprising fact: Merrill’s fall boils down, in many ways, to a single department bringing down a whole firm. Reminds this reviewer of the claims that a single industry brought down an entire economy. $27.00, Crown Business, 2010, ISBN 978-0-307-71786-3

as a NAWRB Women-Owned Brokerage or Business

/// by Katherine Kang

follow Katherine @NAWRB_Katherine

1. Notify your current clients. Log into your client’s

INTERESTED IN WOMEN-OWNED CERTIFICATION? Why certify: It’s a marketing tool that can accurately represent your business as women-owned to asset management firms that are looking to utilize more women-owned businesses.

Who can certify: If your business specializes in any area of default services and is 51% or more women-owned and operated, you can apply for NAWRB WomenOwned Brokerage or Business Certification.

How to certify: Sign up as a NAWRB member and your NAWRB Women-Owned Business or Brokerage Certification is included. Go to www.NAWRB. com/apply to join. If you’re already a member, e-mail certification@ NAWRB.com to receive the application today. 22 | N Magazine

websites and update your profile with your existing clients. Next, you might consider sending a copy of the certificate directly to your asset managers or send them a quick e-mail alerting them to the update in your profile. They’ll be happy to know you’re taking professional development steps to grow the profile of your business.

2. Update all of your broker registrations, especially the ones you don’t receive properties from yet. Registering in broker portals is the first step to doing business with an asset management company. Many profiles allow brokers to log in and periodically update profiles with current licensure, insurance, new addresses, and other changes. Your women-owned brokerage or business certification should be uploaded to the diversity section of any broker registration you maintain in an effort to earn new clients.

3. Put the certified seal on all of your marketing materials. One of the benefits of certification is using it to tell your story. The seal should be visible everywhere your business name is shown. Include the seal in your e-mail signature, business cards (don’t forget to add it to your staff’s cards as well because they work for a women-owned company), REO resume, website, brochures, and any other marketing materials you use.

*Press release provided upon certification completion.


4. Follow-up with any cold leads. It’s always great to go back to old leads with an exciting new business development to keep your name in front of those people you’d like to do business with. Once you’re certified, go back to all those leads you let go cold and make a personal phone call or send an e-mail letting them know that your business is now a certified women-owned company in default services.

5. Alert the media. If you’re in a small market or have local media contacts, use the draft press release NAWRB includes with your certification award to alert local media representatives about your recent certification. Even if they don’t run a story immediately, it will plant the seed the next time they need an expert opinion from a real estate professional or woman business owner.

*The certification process takes approximately six to eight weeks from receipt of complete certification application. Incomplete or inaccurate certification applications can slow or stall the certification process. NAWRB reserves the right to request additional documentation or clarification on any documents submitted.

IMS.3.375X4.792.NoPaws_ad.qxp:Layout 1


8:00 AM

Page 1

3.5 million people will go through foreclosure this year. 63% of those will have pets. That's over 2 million pets at risk of being abandoned.

Making sure they have a safe place to go comes naturally to us at IMS. No Paws Left Behind, Inc. is a 501c3, not-for-profit organization dedicated to bringing awareness and finding solutions to the growing phenomena of foreclosure pets that are left behind to suffer in silence. No Paws Left Behind, Inc. is here to be their voice. IMS is a proud sponsor of No Paws Left Behind, Inc.


All regional chairs were present: Heidi Robinson, Membership and Events; Patricia de Santos, Community Enhancement and Education; Melva Wagner, Government Relations; and Brenda Bertram, Certification. The topics that were discussed included the involvement of the Board of Directors in the upcoming year, the conferences that NAWRB attended during the spring and fall conference seasons, and a statement of

October’s Board of Directors meeting focused on issues looking forward into 2012.

objectives for 2012 (see page 26 about the 2012 strategic plan). A focus of the call was member services, with each Board Chair agreeing to plan a mini networking event in their region in 2012. Another main point of the meeting was NAWRB’s 2012 speaker diversity goal, where the association will advocate for at least 50% women speakers on major industry conference panels. The next board meeting is scheduled for February 2012. If you’d like to suggest topics of discussion for the board, become involved in a committee, or run for a Board Chair seat in 2013, please e-mail info@NAWRB.com.

REGIONAL CHAIRS Desirée Patno National President

24 | N Magazine

Melva Wagner Government Relations, Southeast Region

Heidi Robinson Membership & Events, Northwest Region

Patricia de Santos Education & Community Enhancement, Southwest Region

Bendra Bertram Certification, Northeast Region

NAWRB Partnerships www.nopawsleftbehind.org www.whw.org

NAWRB has partnered with two different non-profit organizations this year for community involvement, Women Helping Women/Men 2 Work, a non-profit organization that helps low-income individuals find employment success and No Paws Left Behind, dedicated to finding new homes for abandoned animals due to foreclosure. NAWRB contributed staff and resources as the inaugural site of Project Interview. This new program encompasses three phases: a résumé review, a phone interview, and culminates in a live one-on-one interview at the NAWRB office. Project Interview is designed to give disadvantaged job seekers the interview experience that they need to find employment success. “The opportunity that NAWRB is providing for WHW clients is priceless. It gives our clients real hands-on experience in the real world with an actual company to go through the whole job search process- résumé review, phone interviews, face to face panels, and the final selection and ‘hiring’ of a candidate. This critical fieldwork experience with NAWRB will make a lasting impression on our job seekers to really put their best forward on interviews and to know with practice and effort in their job search process. They will excel and find gainful employment with the help of WHW programs and companies like NAWRB who sponsor Project Interview,” says Brateil Aghasi, Associate Director of WHW/M2W. While at the 2011 National Association of Realtor’s Conference, NAWRB donated half of their exhibition booth to the non-profit organization No Paws Left Behind. The mission of NPLB is to place animals that were left behind in foreclosed properties into no-kill animal shelters or foster homes until they are adopted into loving new homes. During the four day conference, NAWRB successfully raised over $600 for No Paws Left Behind. “Helping a cause like No Paws Left Behind was a natural fit with our association,” NAWRB’s Executive Director, Cade Holleman said. “Dealing with foreclosed properties, you see many animals that are abandoned after the owners have vacated. It’s a cause that needs a spotlight, and a national conference seemed like the perfect place to raise awareness and funds for the organization.”

NAR conference attendees took home

NAWRB hosted WHW clients for a one-on-one mock interview designed to give them

stuffed animals, hats and tote bags if they

real-life experience in a job search.

made a donation to No Paws Left Behind.

NAWRB’s 2012 strategic plan includes membership goals, such as retention rate, financial stability, and member involvement. The board chairs will now have committees to direct increased member involvement. Members can join regardless of their location- the four committees are membership and events, certification, government relations, and community enhancement and education. Deepening member services with each individual NAWRB member is also a top

“Deepening member services with each individual NAWRB member is also a top priority for the association.”

priority for the association. Changes to member services include free advertising space on www.NAWRB.com and the re-design of NAWRB Newsrooms for easier readability. NAWRB Women-Owned Business Certification will also be re-formatted; all members who certify through NAWRB receive a press release announcing their women-owned status and a document explaining the steps to take after certification is complete. Media relations has always been an important role within NAWRB. During the next year, the association would like to grow the media exposure to 25% over 2011 levels, expand N Magazine into a print edition, and increase social media usage on various industry social media platforms. Perhaps the most important part of 2012’s plan is to increase speaker diversity within the next year. NAWRB has set a goal of 50% women panelists, speakers, and moderators at major industry conferences. This will be achieved by circulating a petition for more speaker diversity in 2012 and contacting conference planning committees to place women speakers.

26 | N Magazine

“During the next year, the association would like to grow the media exposure to 25% over 2011 levels...”

Behind the scenes interview with Vincent Forsang, NAWRB’s Visual Communication Coordinator

NAWRB recently refreshed its brand. What was the motivation behind the redesign? When I joined NAWRB, I imagined a new, bolder look. We opted for

New website

a bigger design statement to better connect our audience, women business owners, to the association. It was important for our team to bridge the aesthetic gap between NAWRB and women.

There are such vibrant colors in the new design. Any inspiration on the color palette of gold, pink, blue, and purple? It came from a creative combination of the NAWRB staff putting aesthetics together and creating a new color scheme. We really wanted to do something fun, vibrant and bright. As a professional organization, you’d except the traditional colors: navy blue, gray, black- but our target demographic is women, and we wanted to reflect that we are a trade association of professionals, yet have a little excitement and femininity thrown in.

What advice would you give to NAWRB members struggling to conceptualize and maintain brands for their businesses?

Featuring a real time blog feed, social media integration, member ad space.

The main piece of advice I’d give is to set yourself apart, tell your story and follow through. With the rise of social media and blogging, people have come to expect a personal touch to your business. Find your niche and be yourself—it is more important than ever to be open and honest with your brand. Remember that showing a personal insight to you and your business resonates with clients, so take advantage of all of the new social media conduits available to make your story heard. Stay tuned for an upcoming NAWRB Call4All where I get a chance to offer deeper insights toward marketing your business the right way.

Now that NAWRB’s brand and image has been refreshed, what’s next? I am looking forward to new challenges. NAWRB’s new website will allow us to offer even more quality content to members on a regular basis. NAWRB Platinum Marketing Services is also an exciting new addition to our services, where members can refresh their own brands with new business cards, digital flyers, résumés, and more marketing materials.

Want to refresh your look? NAWRB now offers Platinum Marketing Services, from REO résumé makeovers to business card and digital flyer design. For more information contact info@NAWRB.com

Interested in speaking at a national conference, local board, or NAWRB event? We are always pitching women business owners for speaking engagements in both live and digital formats. Submit your résumé, one page biography, and head shot to info@NAWRB.com for consideration. In the meantime, check out these NAWRB members and staff as they hit the national speaker circuit.

REOMAC Technology and Wellness Expo www.reomac.com Hollywood, Florida October 19-21, 2011

The Evolution of Marketing and Selling REOMAC Technology and Wellness Expo There was a horse carriage…then the locomotive…then the automobile…then the airplane…then the rocket ship. As transportation has evolved over the years, so too has the process of marketing and selling properties. In today’s technological world, it is only logical that the buying/selling of properties would incorporate the benefits of technology and evolve to new levels – from virtual online open houses to online auctions. The panel discussed how technology is used today to market and sell REO properties – the advantages, the challenges of the future. *This event occurred in October. NAWRB members received a $300 discount.

NAWRB created an initiative to push speaker diversity at major industry conferences, increasing women and minority speakers to an average rate of 50% per conference. To electronically sign the petition for speaker diversity e-mail info@NAWRB.com 28 | N Magazine

Women Impacting Public Policy Give Me 5

Through a partnership between Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) and American Express OPEN, Give Me 5 guides women business owners on how to apply for government contracts. Free webinars and presentations are available to help business owners grow their companies through government contracting. NAWRB www.giveme5.com members receive free admittance to all WIPP teleconferences. Washington, D.C. *NAWRB members receive free admittance to all WIPP teleconferences.

REALTORS Conference & Expo www.realtor.org Anaheim, California November 11–14, 2011

The Five Star MPACT Mortgage Banking Conference & Expo

NAWRB exhibited at the conference and had the opportunity to mingle with fellow #WomenBizOwners, NAWRB Board members, NAWRB members and Women with Access. NAWRB donated half of their booth to the non-profit organization No Paws Left Behind (www.nopawsleftbehind.org). With the help of generous contributions from NAR Conference attendees, NAWRB raised over $600 to donate to the organization, which helps place animals that were abandoned at foreclosed properties into no-kill shelters and foster homes. On Sunday, November 13, NAWRB hosted a small networking event for default servicing professionals at the NAWRB office in Irvine, California.

A conference designed for professionals within mortgage origination, servicing, industry analytics, and secondary market operations, the 2011 MPact featured new and dynamic education, an expansive expo hall, meaningful dialogue, and a unique platform for your ideas. MPact provided its services through extensive knowledge www.thefivestar.com/mpact in the marketplace and in event management. It was driven to deliver a stronger, Dallas, TX more comprehensive conference experience for you. December 4-6, 2011 *This event occurred in December. NAWRB members received a $300 discount.

Mortgage Orb www. mortgageorb.com September 2011

HousingWire www.housingwire.com September 2011

Foreclosure Prevention Task Force Files RFI Response By mortgageorb.com NAWRB calls for an REO-to-rental strategy in carefully selected sub-markets of Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) as a market-specific solution. The organization also advocates for the broad inclusion of women-owned businesses in any future REO disposition strategy that may develop as a result of the RFI.

MBA Supports Large-scale REO Disposition By Jason Philyaw “Others have also weighed in on the FHFA’s request for information. The National Association of Women REO Brokerages said programs should be skewed to shortterm rentals of three to five years. Radar Logic also sent a proposal supporting a restructuring of seriously delinquent mortgages. The mortgages should be bundled into debt and equity securities that can later be sold to investors or held by the government as investments, “ Radar Logic said.


Some REO Brokerages Prosper Despite www.dsnews.com Decreased Inventory September 2011 By Krista Franks The National Association of Women REO Brokerages advocates for a three- to five-year rental strategy, keeping current tenants or former homeowners in single-family REOs, and would provide a Neighborhood Stabilization Program-like funding to cover partial startup costs to enable small, women-owned businesses to transition into a property management role.


Government Should Convert REOs to Rentals

www.housingwire.com By Liz Enochs September 2011 “With tightened credit markets, uncertainty and debate surrounding emerging qualified residential mortgage requirements, and a glut of existing and unoccupied REO, it is imperative to develop short-term REO-to-rental strategies that accommodate for the needs of future homeowners as they, and the market, rebound,” according to the NAWRB proposal. “Women-and minority-business owners are a key driver of economic recovery and should be specifically included in the future of REO disposition,” said Cade Holleman, Executive Director of NAWRB.


Feeling the Hunger Pangs

www.dsnews.com October 2011

By Phil Britt Brokers and agents need to work toward a diversified business model, she says “A truly diversified default services business includes: REO, property management, short sales, knowledge of loss mitigation options with deed-in-lieu, loan modifications and other related areas of business key customer satisfaction.”


Groups Tout Their RFI’s

www.housingwire.com November 2011

By Kerry Curry Nearly 4,000 RFIs flooded the Federal Housing Finance Agency when the regulator asked for ideas on how to dispose of its distressed property. HousingWire staff wanted to share some of the more innovative ideas we’ve come across in RFIs.


Overview The National Association of Women REO Brokerages (NAWRB) is the premier women’s trade group in default services. We are the only provider of womenowned business certification specific to default services and are dedicated solely to the promotion of underrepresented women-owned businesses.

Gold Certified If you’re a woman business owner of a company performing work in default services, join and become a Gold Certifed member of NAWRB. Women-owned business certification is one of the most advantageous marketing tools women business owners can have in today’s competitive market. Gold Certified members of NAWRB receive direct referrals on short sale and REO listings, as well as the daily NAWRB Newsroom, access to the monthly Call4All, and standing invitations to every #WomenBizOwners Working Event.

Women with Access If you’re a woman working in default services in any capacity, become a Woman with Access. Women with Access are individual women in default services with access to the daily NAWRB Newsroom, Call4All teleconferences, #WomenBizOwners Working Events, and discounted events, conferences, and industry publications.

32 | N Magazine

Board of Directors


Cade Holleman Executive Director Cade.Holleman@NAWRB.com x 120

DesirĂŠe Patno National President Desiree.Patno@NAWRB.com x 101

Katherine Kang Media & Membership Manager Katherine.Kang@NAWRB.com x 102

Melva Wagner Government Relations, Southeast Region MissMel10@aol.com

Vincent Forsang Visual Communication Coordinator Vincent.Forsang@NAWRB.com x 127

Heidi Robinson Membeship & Events, Northwest Region Heidi@calwestreo.com

Beatriz Becerra Membership Coordinator Beatriz.Becerra@NAWRB.com x 109

Patricia de Santos Education & Community Enhancement, Southwest Region RealEstatePatty@gmail.com

Chrystal Tello Reception Chrystal.Tello@NAWRB.com x 116

Bendra Bertram Certification, Northeast Region BrendaBertram@bertramrealty.com

34 Executive Park, #260, Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 559-9800 info@NAWRB.com

/ Call / Email

/ Website Like us on Facebook / Facebook Follow us on Twitter @NAWRB / Twitter www.NAWRB.com


/ Write



• Submit your current résumé for

• Review, edit, and suggestions to

• REO résumé makeover

review and professional body copy

REO applications and proposals

• Service area map and zips


• Submit your proposal or appli-

• 1/6th page ad

• Pick your layout starter

cation body copy for professional

• Business card and digital flyer

• Custom color and logo match

review and one draft edit

• Includes one review and changes




• Includes a free QR code

295\MEMBERS $ 395\WWA $ 495\NON-MEMBERS $



*additional reviews/changes are $95 per hour, with a minimum charge of one hour.

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