Vol 1, Issue 4

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Project Intern How to Jump Outside of the Box and Into the Unknown p7 Man Camps North Dakota Oil Boomtowns p21 Diary of My Spare Time Building Yellow Houses in Costa Rica p41



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Almonds For the CEO

CALIFORNIA COURTS IN CRISIS Contribution by Kimble, Tirey & St. John LLP





Board member contribution by Elizabeth Goodchild


CEO CENTER / FOLD / BARBARA GARDNER Olde Homestead Properties of Texas

ADVERTISERS inside inside 6 6 10 36 36 36 37 37 back 1 | N Magazine

Trustee Corps HousingWire DS News No Paws Left Behind Safeguard The 2012 Project Sherri Saad Carol Kemp Lisa Henry Weaver Cerreta Realty Group US Best

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Cade Holleman Cade.Holleman@NAWRB.com

DesirĂŠe Patno

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34 Executive Park, Suite #260 Irvine, CA 92614

Crescent Seward Crescent.Seward@NAWRB.com

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Real estate has changed forever. The new normal means your business has to offer multiple, specialized real estate solutions for the housing economy. WELCOME TO SPECIALIZATION IN THE HOUSING ECONOMY SHE IS CHANGING REAL ESTATE.™ Join NAWRB in moving real estate and the housing economy forward.

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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Summer is my favorite time of year, and this year’s icing on the cake is the 2012 London Olympics. My favorite thing to watch is the women’s gymnastics. The athletes are so incredibly graceful and dedicated to their sport, yet it ceases to amaze me when I hear of their utter sacrifice, drive, and hard work. The longer I’m in the housing economy, the more I realize just how much dedication the women of the industry have. Much like the gymnasts, I am constantly reminded of the success, beauty, and muscle women give to real estate. This issue offers you a little nudge of encouragement to kick off your heels every now and then, and embrace summer – but still keep focus on the bottom line. That’s why I paid attention to the downtime of NAWRB members to offer you an inside look at their personal lives. Two avid motorcyclist members contributed to the “Kick Off Your Heels: The Open Road” feature, each sharing how their experiences on the bike empowered them as women and taught them invaluable lessons. And our amazing CEO Center/fold/ this issue, Barbara Gardner, manages a successful brokerage and a 78 acre horse farm on the side. The economic climate gives women today additional pressures, but N is dedicated to guide you and your business through the uneven bars, and hopefully to the podium. This issue offers dynamic advice on utilizing interns, technology reviews of major apps and functions, information about green building, and solid muscle to build a business on.

Crescent Seward



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Cade Holleman





Gen Yers working today have professional expectations that are

When the business environment changes as drastically as it has

sometimes at odds with the work ethic of our generationally different

since the internet revolution, businesses have to regroup and hire

employers. Today, young professionals expect sociability, flexibility,

young professionals with the natural know-how to incorporate new

and probably a good deal more autonomy than previous generations.

technologies and strategies. Employers can find college graduates with those skills, but today’s higher education institutions haven’t

The trouble is, we're often supervised or employed by people who

done an appropriate job of managing graduates’ expectations. They

earned their stripes in a very different professional environment. Older

come into the workforce with outlandish pay expectations and a

generations, in our view, settled with one company and spent their

limited understanding of what it takes to actually run a business in

professional lives there. Gen Y isn't afraid of professional change nor

both cost and time analysis. Not to mention there needs to be enough

do we think our entire lives are devoted to a single company. The gig

cash flow and new business coming in to support the staff.

culture, where young professionals merge the entrepreneurial spirit and freelance mentality within unprecedented economic constraints

Younger employees bring great ideas into businesses. They make

have all contributed to a shift in employee thinking.

social media and technology a natural extension of how they operate on a daily basis. But while Generation Y will talk about products and

If a Gen Yer is working the traditional nine to five, clocking out means

services, socially and via social networking, they often don’t refer

clocking in to our real lives, our real selves, and the entire reason we

business back to where they work. When I first began working for

work: to live. I've heard employers say "Your job is to promote the

Department of Defense (DOD) contractors, it consumed a majority

company all the time--even off the clock." Really? In an age where

of my life. Now that I’m a multiple business owner, I am using my life

everything can be monetized, employers may have to reconsider

savings, unlimited time commitment with the sacrifices and support

that--or we'll start charging you to list and link the company on our

of my family to make sure I keep the companies up and running.

personal Facebooks. Afterall, every Tweet, like, share, link, love (or

Especially with smaller companies, employees must understand it is

hate) is brand building. So where am I going? If employers embrace

their responsibility to believe in their work and bring in the business

my need to be social and be flexible and keep me happy about where

to support their company. It is a team effort to make the company

I work, then I'll end up promoting the company off and on the clock

run efficiently and create the opportunity to grow. Employees need to

as I talk, share, like, tweet, friend, and link in my professional and

fully understand what the company offers, how they can effectively

personal lives.

reach out to support the company’s mission and embrace their role. As the company grows, so does the need for the company to retain

A young professional today will certainly expect more than one

quality staff. You grow a business by talking about it in your personal

entering the workforce would twenty years ago. The economy has

life- referring friends, family, and acquaintances to its services and

undoubtedly shifted, but we'll soon see which wields the greater


power, an economic shift or a generational shift. If Generation Y wants sky-high salaries and a lot of free time, they will need to learn as much from us as we do from them.

5 | N Magazine

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Making sure they have a safe place to go comes naturally to us at IMS. No Paws Left Behind, Inc. is a 501c3, not-for-profit organization dedicated to bringing awareness and finding solutions to the growing phenomena of foreclosure pets that are left behind to suffer in silence. No Paws Left Behind, Inc. is here to be their voice. IMS is a proud sponsor of No Paws Left Behind, Inc.

www.nopawsleftbehind.org 6 | N Magazine




10 | N Magazine

You’ve heard all the experts. uld o h s iness edia s u b m tic r “You a social t’s authen have ence tha ” pres engaging. and

SOCIAL MEDIA Today social media is a requirement of running a successful business. Tapping into the power of social connection may strike some business owners as a daunting task to master, but once you do, it could replace traditional advertising and drastically increase your referral business.

We recommend a six week social media internship where you, the business owner, and student work together to develop a social media plan. You’ll need to inform the student on your marketing goals, and teach them how a real estate business traditionally markets itself, how you see that translating to the social web.

“Video is the best way to get web traf fic.”Remember, this plan is a written plan. It should define your

“And y profes our site sh sional o graphi uld have cs.”

uoted and q e b o t d e “You ne and profiled in published national media.” local and

That’s all great advice, but how do you do that and run your business at the same time? Interns. Help students help your business. Below, we’ve identified four key categories that any small business could use the help of tech-savvy and socially-minded Gen Yers. There are a few things you need to know in order to keep your internship program legal and mutually beneficial, but if you take our advice, you’ll finally get that business development project off the ground and successfully running. You may also jumpstart someone’s career at the same time. Around here, we call that good business.

goals and identify the sites your company will use, how you will measure success, and include sample posts or suggested topics of discussion.

Make it worthwhile by offering the opportunity to use the finished plan in their portfolio to show potential employers after they graduate. Throw in a letter of reference and, if you like them, hire them remotely to execute your new social media plan or turn the plan over to an existing employee to use on a daily basis.

Target degrees in communications, marketing communications, public relations or marketing.

video content High quality video content is hard to come by. Hiring a projectbased video intern will take this task to the next level and leave you with web and marketing content that has a shelf life lasting years. A high quality video can serve as a great way to e-introduce yourself to new clients and partners.

We recommend a project-based video internship that produces a short video (thirty seconds to a few minutes) introducing you, your business, and your services. Film as you walk through your office and introduce staff or do a clip outside your building, in your conference room or office, and possibly at a property. You can host this on Youtube, your website, use the link in your email signature, or send it directly to your network as an introduction. Remember, you’ll need to develop a firm script and decide on 8 | N Magazine

where you’ll film first (and stick to the plan!) otherwise you’ll drag production out and blow your budget.

on the information you give them and they’ll often need immediate access to you because they’re under deadlines as tight as your REO timelines.

company’s behalf. Offer the materials for use in their portfolio and make sure they develop template documents you can type new information into in the future.

Make it worthwhile by letting your

Target degrees in art, graphic design, communications, visual communications.

Make it worthwhile by letting your video intern participate in the decisionmaking and planning phases, but make sure you hold on to the reigns so they’ll learn how to work with different clients’ demands in the future.

Target degrees in film Studies, video production.

media relations Self-produced content such as blogs, videos, newsletters, and the like are great starts to positioning yourself as a subject matter expert, but the real glory comes from exposure in traditional media outlets. When the media quotes you, runs features and profiles you, or interviews you for your expertise – you know you’re a bonafide expert in your field.

media relations intern serve as the “contact” on you the releases, fact sheets, and alerts they send out on your companies behalf. Offer the materials for use in their portfolio and make sure they develop template documents you can type new information into in the future.

Target degrees in communications, public relations.

graphic design Aesthetics is important. From your social media sites to your website to your print marketing materials, everything should flow and offer a consistent image of your business. Hiring a graphics design intern can quickly streamline your business’ image and brand.

Know the Rules Circumstances under which individuals who participate in “for-profit” private sector internships or training programs may do so without compensation: 1) The internship, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment 2) The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern

We recommend a six week public relations internship to build a communications strategy for your company. Start by contacting reporters, editors, news desks, and schedulers offering your expertise when they need subject matter experts for stories. Aim small at first, try to get quoted in your local paper. The entire story then becomes marketing material for your business. Press releases and Media Alerts can serve as tools to promote your business and its activities or developments, but with media relations you really want to promote your personal expertise.

We recommend a project based graphic design internship with specific deliverables that you and the intern will work through together. You’ll need to teach the intern some of the specific marketing tools that are used in real estate and how you use them for your business.

building trust between you and the reporters. They need to be able to count 9 | N Magazine

4) The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded

Remember, graphic design is best used to mirror your already established message and brand. It is the final tool that brings your content and business development together.

Make it worthwhile by letting your Remember, media relations is about

3) The intern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff

media relations intern serve as the “contact” on you the releases, fact sheets, and alerts they send out on your

5) The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the internship 6) The employer and the intern understand that the intern is not entitled to wages for the time spent in the internship.




8:32 AM

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10 | N Magazine



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by Colleen Calnan Broker/Owner | Calnan Real Estate Ccalnan75@earthlink.net Most of my career I have worked in male dominated industries, starting early on with banking, moving into transportation, and then on to real estate. It’s no surprise that riding a Harley Davidson had become one of my passions in life, and a vice like none other. I started riding in 1988 on the back, but after a few years I decided I wanted to be in control of my own destiny. A friend taught me how to ride with the stipulation I get my own bike. As a single mother of

”contributing to the change in negative perception was really empowering and almost as much fun as riding the motorcycle”

three I needed additional funds to make the purchase, and by 1993 I took on a second career: real estate. My first purchase was a Harley 883 Sportster, “the best bike for a girl,” I was told. I proceeded to learn how to ride by commuting to work in Boston, 35 miles from my home. Challenged by my lack of experience and traffic, I was determined to get comfortable on the iron horse and enjoy my rides. I would pack my professional attire on the back and ride to and from work every 14 | N Magazine

FAST FACTS - ROUGHLY 30% OF AMERICAN HOUSEHOLDS OWN MOTORCYCLES - BABY BOOMERS OUTRIDE GENERATIONS X AND Y - 1 IN 4 OWNERS ARE WOMEN, THAT’S 25% * BASED ON THE 2009 MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY COUNCIL SURVEY. day, putting 10,000 miles under my seat the first year. My family and friends weren’t as excited as I was that I was entering into a dangerous hobby that was traditionally associated with men. Back then the stigma of a rough and tough biker chick was embedded in their minds, but contributing to the change in negative perception was really empowering and almost as much fun as riding the motorcycle. As my experience grew so did the size of the motorcycle and the trips I would take, riding the mountains of New England and the Midwest with my boyfriend for vacations. The scenery we experienced “in the wind” put me closer to my higher power, helped relieve stress, and put some serenity back into my life. By 2005, I was a successful real estate Broker, embraced change, and sold my Brokerage in Massachusetts to move to my vacation home in Daytona Beach. I decided to take a sabbatical from my career to clear my head with my new 2006 radio-equipped Harley Street Glide bike for “big boys.” I wanted to take the trip I always dreamed about: cross-country on the bike. I felt I was road savvy, but had never ridden alone. Truthfully I was petrified, but a friend was also heading West so we decided to at least 15 | N Magazine

ride part way together. I left Daytona for Connecticut on June 6, 2006, riding up the East Coast alone. After my friend and I met up, we cruised on a low budget about 300-350 miles a day experiencing Skyline Drive, the Blue Ridge Parkway, Deals Gap, and Tail of the Dragon where 318 curves cover 11 miles We’d go 4-5 days viewing all of the unbelievable points of interest our country has to offer along the way. When stopping in a major city we’d treat ourselves to a 4-5 star historic hotels and do something nice for ourselves like hair, nails, or possibly a massage - after all we are girly girls and deserved some pampering. 3,500 miles into the trip we hit Santa Fe, and it was time for my friend to go onto her final destination. Traveling alone was even more inspiring than I anticipated. I was nervous going it alone, but continued on through the Rockies

where there was a horrific rainstorm. I stopped to visit some friends and lost a good week, but once the weather broke I headed to Utah, toured the Moab Canyons, visited Lake Powell, and went on to the Grand Canyon in Arizona where there were huge forest fires and smoke filled skies. I had 6 weeks to complete the trip and was already almost 4 weeks into it! The entire experience was a total ride of 8,500 miles. Taking this trip on my own, meeting so many nice people, conquering challenges of mountain roads, and truly appreciating the magnificent art of nature - unleashed a new spirit in me, invigorating me to again embrace change as opportunity and a gift. Already a licensed Realtor in Florida, I was able to do some soul searching on the trip, conquered my fears, and opened my heart to a new beginning reestablishing my business in Daytona Beach.


by Ingrid Beckles Founder and CEO | The Beckles Collective LLC ibeckles@thebecklescollective.com If you’ve lived a charmed life and have rarely stumbled or failed at anything, then riding motorcycles may be the ideal adventure to undertake. You’re guaranteed to go down on your own accord at least once. I’m not talking about an accident involving another entity. I’m talking about making some sort of mistake, judgment error, or miscalculation that rudely interrupts your charmed existence and results in you and the bike being horizontal versus vertical. You will land soft, hard, or in-between. You’ll get up, somewhat worse for the wear, always mentally if not physically in some instances. But you will get up. The question is: “Will you get back on?” I’m probably one of the most naturally uncoordinated people I know. As long as I can recall, I’ve initially stumbled and failed at any new physical undertaking. I just have to work and work and teach my muscles how to do everything gracefully - my mother actually sent me to charm school when I was 11! My brothers were beautiful, natural athletes. I didn’t get that gene. I took up motorcycle riding as my 50th birthday present to myself. Makes sense doesn’t it? I started riding behind on my younger cousin’s crotch-rocket during a family reunion the year prior. It brought back memories of my teenage years when I rode on the back, and all the freedom and fun that accompanied those times. Sometimes, giving into the things that thrill you actually brings your dreams into their full reality and allows you to experience the fullness of your life. Soon, I purchased my first bike, a 2003 BMW650CS, registered for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation Basic Riding Course (MSF-BRC), and anxiously got on with

my new adventure. By the time my 50th birthday rolled around ten weeks later, I had hit the highways, accomplished a few longer rides with my cousins, and was planning my summer weekend ride schedule. I felt strong, capable and fearless, not to mention, rather cool. The Monday after my birthday bash, I went for a quiet, solo birthday ride out to Great Falls. I was almost there when I misread a road sign, crested the hill, and prepared for the road to bend left, but instead, discovered mid-air that it bent right. In an instant, post-over-correcting right (newbie error), that pesky guardrail started hypnotizing me, then the gravel, then the asphalt and the crack of the helmet. Then, the slide, the roll, and finally the stop.

“I laid in the middle of that quiet county road for about 20 seconds, really just pissed off and trying to figure out what I did wrong … I needed to get up – or get hit by a vehicle coming around the blind corner I’d just misjudged.” If you’ve lived that “charmed-rarelystumbled-or-failed-at-anything” life, you may not have the intestinal and mental fortitude to get back on. You may not have learned how to not give up on something that you value, that’s worth it, that brings you joy.

Or … you may have let the fall teach you a lesson. Having not lived the charmed life, I was truly unappreciative of the life lesson at this particular moment. No other thought occurred to me but to get up and prepare to ride home. My bike however, had no such plans as her forks were wrapped around the guardrail. I found out shortly, post a quick ambulance ride and x-rays, that the sprained ankle, dislocated thumb, and skinned knee – were actually broken, required surgery, the removal of debris down to the kneecap, thumb stabilizing pins and screws, and an ankle plate. I’d be down for the entire summer and some of the fall. That’s when I began to cry. Two weeks before the casts came off, I purchased a new, bigger bike, a BMW F800ST. After three weeks of rehab, I drove 13 hours to pick her up. I got back on. I am getting more intuitive about the ride dynamics and my body-bike-synergy each time SassyToo and I head out. She lifts my spirit when I’m down, and inspires me enough to keep me getting back on, with the required and healthy level of fear to keep rubber side down. I’ve clicked off 7000 miles in 8 months, riding through the winter to make up for my lost summer. Every time I get on her I think of my fall. When I struggle with career obstacles, which are many having launched a new firm, or when facing some true personal difficulties, I think of my fall. I draw on that experience more heavily than others when I feel incapable or weak or even overconfident. That humbling fall has become my perpetual teacher. 16 | N Magazine


WEEKENDS WEEKEND WARRIOR THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT: HOME DEPOT This app is extremely helpful for your weekend warrior project, inside or out. You can obtain local pricing, inventory, product information and reviews, and even purchase for pick up in the store. In-store, you can use the app to scan QR codes for each product to learn more about them, compare, or read assembly instructions.

GARDEN AT HOME Hiding out in the comforts of your own home is the best way to unwind after a busy day at work, so get dirty and revamp your garden. Plant shade-providing fauna and clear out a small space to make a seating area an extension of your home. A hammock, small patio furniture, or even a bench nestled in the grass can do the trick. An outdoor area can be a great escape after a long day at work, so the energy it takes to transform your garden in a weekend is well worth it.

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HOME OFFICE This remodel can easily be done in a weekend. Rearranging, rediscovering, and redecorating your home office is instant gratification. The work environment should be conducive to your mind and spirit, not weigh you down and cause stress. A well thought out work space can be a nook in the corner or an entire room, but either way, having an organized and efficient space will allow you to successfully run your business. You don’t have to knock down any walls, just paint it your favorite color, buy the perfectly ergonomic task chair, and add a filing system.

You work hard running your business all week and now it’s the weekend. Take advantage of the longer days and make the most of your down time. Enjoy a staycation at home by the pool or become a weekend warrior and tackle painting the spare bathroom. “We take short three-day vacations,” says NAWRB member Tracy Croft, Broker/Owner of Croft Real Estate Services. Whether you take Croft’s weekend getaway suggestion, have a staycation, or become a weekend warrior – here’s some ideas for you.

STAYCATION THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT: AMTRAK Experience a whole new way to take the train with Amtrak. Get simple and intuitive access to all the travel information and logistics you need, book your trip on the go, and stay up-to-date as trains arrive. Tickets purchased on the app can even be delivered via email as an eTicket and scanned onboard the train by the conductor.



Fairs and outside music festivals are a great way to get outside and enjoy entertainment. The Taste of Dallas every July in Texas, for instance, is a three-day event with culinary delights from Dallas’ top chefs and popular restaurants. You can get lost in the fun eating and drinking, learning about your community, shopping, and listening to music. Most major cities offer the same kind of festival, so check out your local listings.

Staycations aren’t always synonymous with staying inside, but also mean staying in your area and enjoying local attractions. The idea is to enjoy economical time off without incurring lodging and major travel expenses. Utilize your local train and public transportation system to go to into a major city. If you’re in Southern California, for instance, you can take the train down to San Diego where there is an award winning zoo, downtown shops and restaurants, and beautiful beaches. Stay all day and take the train back home at night. 18 | N Magazine

WEEKEND GETAWAY THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC’S NATIONAL PARKS National Geographic has an awardwinning app that showcases an interactive guide of the top 20 visited parks. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or planning your next trip, this app will update you with all the information you need – with stunning photography!

CAMPING IN MAINE Camping is a great way to get away on a budget whether you go via RV, car, or backpack in – not only do you enjoy the outdoors, but most regions will allow you to stay fairly local. Portland, Maine, for example, has 6,000 lakes, 32,000 miles of river, 5,000 miles of coast, and 17 million acres of forestland. Check out local campgrounds and national parks for prices and permit requirements for before you leave, then enjoy your s’mores by the campfire that night.

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DETROIT MUSEUMS World-class museums and architecture might not be what comes to mind when planning a trip to Detroit, Michigan, but with its rich American history, you could spend an entire weekend exploring and learning. From artwork at the Detroit Institute of Arts, to hands-on exhibits for the kids at the Detroit Science Center, to the Henry Ford Museum – you will not be disappointed. All major cities offer museums, so check out your local listings.

You do the home. We do the homepage.



21 | N Magazine

by Crescent Seward


22 | N Magazine

CAUSE: Slick Rush & Shortage of Housing Located just south of the Canadian

metal-sided buildings rising from the plains — temporary housing to accommodate what many are calling the largest oil boom in recent

border, western North Dakota has made

North American history. Man camps. And

international headlines as an area that has

women are scarce.

almost escaped the economic recession,

The men are reluctant to bring their

and instead exploded with an oil boom. This

wives and children to live in boomtowns

has created a severe housing crisis, with an

because they have developed a decidedly

estimated 3,000-4,000 workers needing to

gritty, frontier-town feel, including

rent rooms boarding house style, sleeping in

prostitution, strong male camaraderie, frat

tents, campers, and even cars due to a lack

house environments, and reported violent

of available accommodations. Thousands

crimes against women. The rapid growth is

of men have descended on cities in North

considered a crisis because it has strained

Dakota and its environs over the last three

local resources with increased traffic, litter,

years because of the jobs created by the

and sewage. Some cities have grown from

oil boom. The region is one of the largest

a population of 12,500 before the boom

petroleum resources in the country, and

began in 2008 to an estimated 20,000 now.

pushes hope that a steady income can put

Until recently, some did not even have

their finances back on track after a grueling

building inspectors or city planners. Some

downturn in the economy.

communities are now overseeing building

Many are middle-age family men angling

frenzies, speaking a language they have not

for a fresh financial start. Builders can not

spoken for 25 years.

throw up affordable homes fast enough

SOLUTION: Modular Construction Housing

to house them; one bedroom apartments rent for $1,700 or more a month, if they are available. In this area, people on fixed or low income have found themselves at the mercy of rapidly rising rents and a lack of housing alternatives. Some employers contract to house workers at so called “man camps”, so his lodging and meals are subsidized. Lodges are only comprised of 49-room modular dormitories.

EFFECT: Man Camps & Shortage of Women The oil oozes deep along Highway 2 from the sloping North Dakota prairie where oil derricks and natural gas wells sprout across the horizon. Men come there hopeful, but probably utter a few expletives when they realize just how far from home the place is. There are makeshift villages of narrow

There is a shortage of affordable homes for sale or rent – given the man camps, conditions, and lack of women. The biggest boom in development has been modular construction technology because it is fast and inexpensive. One developer designed their modular constructed communities



8.3% 3.2% 1%

to attract more spouses and children to the area, which will help maintain North Dakota’s family-oriented culture. One of the first apartment buildings was constructed in a single 24 hour period this Spring, in a strategically planned process that involved stacking 12 factory-built sections together three stories high, and connecting them sideby-side. A series of subsequent buildings are also planned to come into volition over the next year.



Barbara Gardner successfully takes her work + life balance by the reins and focuses on perspective to stay grounded, with over 35 years experience in commercial and residential real estate. She began her career in 1972 as an Administrative Assistant, held a series of Vice President positions at a bank, and by 2002 had positioned herself as a residential real estate broker at Century 21. Gardner made the decision over a weekend in 2003 to start her own residential real estate brokerage firm, Olde Homestead Properties, because of an article that she had published. Primarily focusing on REO properties, Olde Homestead received Business of the Year in 2009 by the local Chamber of Commerce, and in 2011 ranked in the top 2% of firms in Houston, Texas, in terms of listing and sales. She says, “there is no glass ceiling in real estate” and that women can do what they put their minds to. She advises not to let gender stigma create barriers and to instead focus on a rewarding career. Equipped with a 78 acre horse farm and a brokerage just outside of Houston, Gardner says, “It’s a small town atmosphere on the brink of big time development.” As the President of the City of Magnolia Planning Commission, board member of the Magnolia Chamber of Commerce, and Secretary of the Greater Magnolia Economic Development Partnership – Gardner values the development in her market, noting it has even become educational. “Community involvement helps me be on the pulse of what’s happening as a business owner.” Not only does she give back to the community this way, but it is gratifying to help manage the growth of the community. Through the course of her career Gardner has seen the economy gallop forward, then back again – albeit irregularly. She reflects on the current market and its comparisons to the economic decline in the 1980s. Interest rates were at a high of



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21%, versus an average of 5% today. “Interest rates are still low, which is good and carrying us,” says Gardner. As a forward thinker, by the time the housing crisis hit in 2008, Gardner had already grabbed the foreclosure niche by entering a bid on the HUD website the year prior. That award was a critical turning point and stimulated her business further. Gardner is now NAWRB Certified Women- and Minority-Owned as a successful women-owned business and Potawatomi Native American.

“Community involvement helps me be on the pulse of what’s happening as a business owner.”

Gardner is passionate about the housing economy, community involvement, and horses. She admits she can become insanely busy, but realizes the importance of mental and physical health to keep her successful business running and balanced. On her time off she enjoys western oil painting, horseback riding, and managing her farm. “Balance is key,” and laughingly she adds, “at first I was afraid to even drive a tractor, but I do now!” Gardner is showcased as a CEO Center(fold) because she worked her way up from Administrative Assistant to Vice President to Broker/Owner, and exemplifies the woman business owner that NAWRB has the benefit of promoting.


www.OldeHomesteadProperties.com BGardner1103@gmail.com (281) 356-8470


24 25 | N Magazine

Almonds For the CEO

For your information fast facts Almonds were originally discovered in Central Asia along the ancient Silk Road trade route. Almonds are gluten free. Almond oil is found in lotions because of its essential fatty acids and antioxidants that make skin soft. 25 | N Magazine

for your family and friends Honey Almond Granola for yourself Brain Health Raw almonds are considered a superfood because they boost brainpower with vitamins and minerals, are a quick snack on the go, give you more energy, and even help you lose weight. The most important thing to take away from almonds – they help aid in healthy development of cognitive functions and will keep you on point for your next transaction.

Use this recipe as a healthy snack for you and your family, as a personalized housewarming gift, or for an open house treat. This makes about 6 cups: 3 cups old-fashioned oats 1 cup sliced raw almonds ¼ cup sesame seeds 6 tablespoons vegetable oil ½ teaspoon salt 6 tablespoons honey 1 teaspoon ground cardamom 1 cup mixed dried fruit

Preheat oven to 350 F with the rack in the middle. Line a 4-sided sheet pan with parchment paper and lightly grease with oil.

Stir together the oats, almonds, and seeds in a large bowl. Heat oil, honey, cardamom, and ½ teaspoon salt in a small pot over low heat until heated through. Pour over and stir into almond mixture.

Spread evenly in sheet pan and bake

for your client Housewarming Gift The almond is highly revered in some cultures, representing watchfulness, promise, and even female beauty. This is why an almond tree sapling can make a thoughtful housewarming gift after helping a homeowner find the perfect property. On the other hand, a homemade container of honey almond granola might also do the trick.

until golden brown for 20-25 minutes, stirring once after 10 minutes.

Cool granola completely in pas as it crisps and cools, then stir in fruit. This makes about 6 cups, but if you make more, it keeps for about a month in a sealed container.

26 | N Magazine

PROPERTYTOURS PEARL PLACE Pearl Street is a residential multifamily mid-rise property in Portland’s bayside neighborhood, built on a former brownfield site in a blighted urban center that is undergoing broad redevelopment. The housing project was also the first in the nation to be certified under the US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for Homes Mid-Rise Pilot Program. Pearl Place helped inform and influence the Maine State Housing Authority’s new green building standards for state-financed housing. The property was completed in December of 2007 and created 60 affordable units in a mix of 1-3 bedroom apartments. The building

27 | N Magazine

180 Pearl Street | Portland, Maine Residential Multi-family Mid-rise (4-6 stories) USGBC.org

design uses high-quality, permanent materials such as brick, fiberglass, metal, and is designed to adhere to strict green building standards. The project’s location in the heart of Portland’s urban peninsula provides residents with easy access to goods, services, an urban trail, and employment opportunities by foot, bicycle or public transportation. The project owner and developer is Avesta Housing and the project designer is Winton Scott Architects. This Property Tour is contributed by the USGBC. If you would like to contribute a Property Tour for a future issue, please email NMag@NAWRB.com.

LEED PROPERTIES Building an Edge for Brokers Q&A: How does it affect the housing economy? With nearly 9 billion square feet of building space participating in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification everyday around the world, LEED is transforming the way built environments are designed, constructed, and operated. Review your business` LEED savvy and ask yourself these questions:

Why does LEED matter to me?

Diversification of your brokerage will give you an edge, and is what matters in this economy. Whether you’re awarded a government contract, have the challenge of selling a multi-family residence, involved in new construction, or need to fill a large commercial property with tenants – LEED knowledge is especially helpful for realtors repositioning their businesses to include green building.

Isn’t it just a fad?

Skeptics declare LEED a joke, but when all is said and done, healthy work + live environments should be taken seriously. LEED is about accountability that a space is designed with sustainability and health in mind, and having the tools to market or negotiate in the green building realm is invaluable.

How does it affect my community?

Developers want to promote smart growth through housing developments, neighborhood revitalization efforts, and affordable housing. More LEED properties are appearing in urban communities as developers struggle to make a unique reason for funding and revitalization. Some projects can even help put state housing authority standards into place.

LEED AP vs. EcoBroker. Should I get a designation?

It can position yourself as an expert in a very focused field. LEED AP status is designed for the design/build team on new commercial development, whereas an EcoBroker is geared more towards the residential side. Either way, it’s important to at least take a green building course to help you can convey the complicated information to your clients.

How will this translate to my business?

It could mean the difference between making the sale or not. Having a keen understanding of green building systems and savings to an owner or tenant would be very useful. Knowledge about LEED when representing a green property, or repositioning your own office to become certified, will give you the tools to diversify yourself into a more rounded and modern broker.

Net Zero vs. LEED “It’sso so different different andand so great because it’s “It’s so great because designed to draw as little from the grid as the it’s designed to draw as little from possible.” – Bryan Johnson, Johnson grid as possible.” Consulting Group LLC – Bryan Johnson, Johnson Consulting Group LLC

Means zero net energy consumption and zero carbon emission annually – no monthly bills. 2009 presidential directive to achieve a netzero state across the federal government. A $10 million new construction building will cost 12-18% more than putting a regular building up, but the return in savings for the life of the building is greater. Both Net Zero and LEED properties receive certification. Net Zero construction projected to become $1.3 trillion global business by 2035.


Have you read or watched something lately that impacted you? Share your thoughts with N Magazine’s editorial staff and readers. Send reviews to Nmag@NAWRB.com

Iron Lady | Starring Meryl Streep Review by Crescent Seward


@NAWRB_Crescent I have mixed feelings on this biopic as it follows Meryl Streep’s award-winning portrayal of Great Britain’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Thatcher was the first female Prime Minister of the UK and held office for an unprecedented three terms. “We will stand on principle … or we will not stand at all,” the British politician says in the film. The movie remains objective and unbiased on Thatcher, but instead shows her life as a time-honored figure in history as fact – with too few glimpses into her inner workings. In reality, she was often challenged and no one remained objective about her in her ambitious climb to the top. If you are a Streep fan, however, this film is recommended. 2011 | Amazon.com


29 | N Magazine

Cougar Yoga: Forty Lifetimes of Healing in Forty Days | Lori Tierney


Review by Crescent Seward @NAWRB_Crescent This inspiring book, Cougar Yoga: Forty Lifetimes of Healing in Forty Days, goes through the author’s journey as she decides to accept her yoga teacher’s challenge of practicing yoga for forty days consecutively. As a busy business owner, the challenge became more difficult than originally anticipated. “Women everywhere can relate as they read about me trying to schedule a daily class while working 75 hours a week, deciding where to shower before meeting clients, and dealing with self image in a room full of lithe yoginis,” says Tierney. As she goes through the process, she eventually comes to a sense of enlightenment. This is a great read of inner thought and inspiration - especially for those of you who struggle juggling it all. Releases August 2012 | Amazon.com and Barnes&Noble.com

The Majesty of the Law: Reflections of a Supreme Court Justice | Sandra Day O’Connor


Review by Crescent Seward @NAWRB_Crescent In her book, The Majesty of the Law: Reflections of a Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O’Connor discusses notable cases that have shaped the Court and America, and traces the turbulent battle women have fought for a place in our legal system since America’s inception. “I am still amazed I am that lady,” she writes of becoming the first female Supreme Court Judge. Known as the swing vote through much of her Supreme Court service, O’Connor retired in January, 2006. Take a look at the inside from one of the most powerful women in our nation. 2004 | Amazon.com

ISBN | 978-0812967470

Selling in a Skirt | Judy Hoberman


Review by Alex Hernandez @NAWRB_Alex Selling in a Skirt offers guidance on how to approach your sales team for motivation, and valuable tips on how to increase the relationship presence to ensure potential sales. Hoberman talks about the way you tailor and sell a product or brand to your network, and follows specific relationship building “soft touch” techniques outlined in a number of reports. For this reviewer, understanding how much value a potential client may put on this relationship has helped me understand how important the soft touch is. “Sales leaders should develop training and motivational strategies that speak to both genders for the best results,” she writes. Switching the way you think about sales and interacting with not only women, but your network as a whole, will only increase your ability to succeed. This is a great read for those in the sales realm. 2011 | Amazon.com

ISBN | 978-0983788508

APPLE introducing

VS GOOGLE It’s really about identifying with a brand preference.

PHONE iPhone 4 ($199) vs. Galaxy Nexus ($99) Battery Life: Both average 8 hours life, but the Nexus’ battery can be removed. Camera: The iPhone offers an 8 MP and the Nexus only 5 MP, but both have LED flash. Display: The iPhone has better pixel density and retina display. The Nexus is better for browsing due to its larger screen, yet it is still lighter than the iPhone.

TABLET iPad3 ($499) vs Nexus7 ($199) Processor: The iPad’s Apple A5X dual-core processor is outperformed by the Nexus’ nVidia Tegra 3, but the Nexus can manage more tasks with a complex operating system. Storage: The Nexus7 comes in 8 GB and 16 GB, while the iPad3 comes in 16, 32, or 64 GB of storage. Display: The Nexus has a 7” screen and the iPad has a 9.7” retina panel.

STORE iTunes vs Google Play Music: iTunes offers over 20 million tracks to download- for a set price. Google does not offer as much, but most music is downloadable for free. Apps: Nexus has Google Navigation, Sky Map, Earth, and Translate already uploaded to each phone, whereas most iPhone apps have to be manually downloaded or purchased. Ease of Use: iTunes is more user friendly than Google Play, but the features are the same. 31 | N Magazine


SoFly Tip #1: QR Codes

QR is short for Quick Response and gives new business a way to connect with you.

SoFly Tip #2: Instagram

A fast, fun, and free app for mobile devices to host pictures. Much like Twitter, you follow a network of people and companies to interact with.

SoFly Tip #3: #Hashtags

Used before relevant keywords or phrases in Twitter or Instagram to categorize posts.

SoFly Tip #4: Infographics

A visual representation of data and numbers using images and color to convey a message, usually analyzing or comparing data.

SoFly Tip #5: Memes and Ecards

Memes are more likely to have words aid the picture, whereas an ecard will focus more on the wording and use a standard vintage, black and white sketch.

SoFly Tip #6: Facebook Cover Photos

Interactive, captivating, and keep your demographic interested when you match it to your branding. The cover photo should be regularly updated to keep brand appeal fresh.

SoFly Tip #7: Brand Colors

Color is the first thing a consumer will notice about your logo – that means 60-80 percent of a customer’s purchasing decision has relied on the influence of color.



MEMBERWIDE MIDYEAR DIAL-IN NAWRB Executive Director Cade Holleman, and Board Members Heidi Robinson and Patricia de Santos hosted the first Memberwide Midyear Dial-In to discuss NAWRB happenings:

• • • • •

Certification is discussed and referenced to REO Expo’s #ReadySetCertify. Members with questions and attending REO Expo are encouraged to bring in their packets for on-site review. NAWRB members who had already been certified will be available on site to advise. Platinum Marketing Services, N Magazine, training, and teleconferences were promoted as important member resources – including the benefits from participating in said services. #ReadySetCertify and REO Expo details are revealed by Robinson. Holleman also commented that NAWRB Board Members, Fannie Mae’s Michael Ruiz, and Nationwide REO Brokers’ Heather Preston will be on-site during the event. Holleman announces NAWRB’s Short Sale Summer School Series, featuring NAWRB’s Short Sale Trainer Renee Smith. Social Butterfly is introduced by Holleman, touching on the benefits of SoFly Tips and details about social media to improve visibility and growth of business.

For suggestions or to become more involved in the next meeting, please email Info@NAWRB.com.


WCR SUMMER EVENT: CRUISE INTO SUMMER NAWRB co-sponsors WCR’s June event and donates a complimentary Platinum Marketing Services resume makeover to benefit Collette’s Children’s Home. New NAWRB member Lorraine Rodriquez was the winner of the silent auction.


NAWRB National President Desirée Patno accepts WIPP’s 2012 Business Leadership in Social Media Award. NAWRB joins WIPP and other influential organizations to educate women about contracting, economic development, and leadership techniques as they sponsored the Government Session 2.0.


Washington, D.C. at WIPP’s 2012 Leadership Meeting


WCOE WESTERN REGIONAL CONFERENCE Patno and Holleman co-sponsor the Women Construction Owners and Executives Western Regional Conference in Los Angeles. This event covers issues about communicating with major prime and federal contractors and effective leadership techniques for women entrepreneurs.

Monica Smiley of Enterprising Women and Patno

Patno, Tracy Lancaster of Property ID, Christine Betancourt of RE/MAX TerraSol, Brian Kamenca of RE/MAX TerraSol, Lillian Walker of Exit Beach Cities Realty, and Linda Jenkins of Buyers Protection Group

32 | N Magazine



MAY 2012

SCOTSMAN GUIDE: Q & A WITH DESIRÉE PATNO Patno is interviewed about the housing


market and womens’ position within the

The US housing reform is affected by the

mortgage industry. She talks about the

actions of being a property-owning, property-

current state of the REO market and the

valuing society. Holleman explains how

goals of NAWRB.

women do not just impact the purchase of a


house, but 80% of household purchases.

MAY 2012

HOUSINGWIRE: WHAT IT’S WORTH, SHERRY RAHNAMA agent, Sherry Rahnama, is recognized for


her listing in Chantilly, VA as being sold in a

Holleman shares his opinion about why

week and above the listing price due to the

women are not as dominate in the financial

location and agent determination.

and banking industry, and states women


NAWRB member and RE/MAX Executives’

business owners are less willing to take risks

MAY 2012


and use outside capital.

women across the nation by demonstrating


her positive leadership in her communities,

De Santos talks about the impact of the BPO

sharing her journey to help others learn, and

in regards to property valuations between

a successful business.

sellers and buyers in the current housing

Patno was chosen amongst the top influential


market. 33 | N Magazine



REO EXPO 2012 RECAP NAWRB members and staff were on-site at booth 100 to offer expertise on everything from certification to legal issues in real estate. NAWRB donated one annual Women with Access membership to Rebuilding Together, an industry non-profit organization to support the fundraiser during REO Expo in Forth Worth, TX.


NAWRB’S READY, SET, CERTIFY! SESSION This was a first-ever opportunity to listen and work with experts

NAWRB Executive Director Cade Holleman at Ready, Set, Certify!

on certification for women, minority, small, and disadvantaged businesses. Sponsored by Trustee Corps with guest speakers Michael Ruiz of Fannie Mae, Heather Preston on Nationwide REO Brokers, and NAWRB members.


MARKETING HIGH END LISTINGS Wilson speaks on the panel about how to successfully market highend properties and dealing with the special needs of a formerly ritzy home.

NAWRB’s Ready, Set, Certify! Session at REO Expo


DON’T BE A VICTIM: SAFETY ISSUES IN REO Rahnama sits on the panel during this seminar to review the basic safety protocols for real estate agents in order to heighten awareness and how to protect yourself in any situation.


HOW TO BECOME A NEW MEDIA GURU: SOCIAL MEDIA AND REAL ESTATE SALES In this advanced workshop, Holleman spoke on the panel about more effective ways to utilize social media platforms for your business.

From left to right: Juan Medina of Trustee Corps, Heather Preston of NREOB, NAWRB Board Chair Elizabeth Goodchild, Holleman, Patno, NAWRB member Colleen Calnan, NAWRB member Marlene Cerreta, and Fannie Mae’s Michael Ruiz.


DIVERSITY IN REAL ESTATE: SELLING PROPERTY IN A MULTICULTURAL WORLD Patno shares her experience in real estate and working with clients from different cultures during this speaking panel.

34 | N Magazine

CROWD Join the Ncrowd to be considered for publication in the Ncrowd, members in good standing should respond with creative solutions they’ve used to better manage their businesses, families, and selves. To find out the next issue’s questions, email NMag@NAWRB.com.

Valencia Walker

Grace Reality Group, LLC Valencia.Walker@comcast.net

What do you do with your down time outside of the office? Down time outside the office is very rare! When I do make time, I usually spend my time at Stone Mountain Park, either sitting by the water or attempting to climb the mountain.

In my down time, I take family trips to the local lake with little access to wifi, and try to disconnect from the professional world. When I find time to get out of the office I love to cruise. I have been on several cruises and really look forward to cruising because it is so relaxing, no phones, no problems to solve, and nothing to do but relax and enjoy visiting with new people and places. The Baltic Cruise was my favorite. The entire trip was wonderful. Lorraine and Valencia are right,

if you don’t step away to relax – you’ll never stop working.

Monte Yohr

KC Forclosures mkyohr@hotmail.com

Lorraine Champion

Champion and Champion Realtors, Inc. Lochamp001@earthlink.net

What kind of perks or fringe benefits do you offer your employees during the summer? During the summer we try to go to at least one Astros game. The one we went to recently was really neat because after the game, the roof was opened up for fireworks. We’re also planning on attending a play at Stages soon. Because of the long hours we may work during the week and weekends, we try and schedule an office lunch or “Cosmo” day to give everyone a break.

That sounds fun. I pay for lunch once a week, and also have an outside event for employees and families to bond.

The summer is really a busy time for us with vacations and kids out of school.

Us too, but also we try to finish what we have to do and leave early on Fridays.

LIKE US Carol A. Kemp Broker | Owner (727) 992-9330



Women are 12% of Governors 17% of Congress 24% of State Legislators Don't get mad. Get elected. The 2012 Project is a national, non-partisan campaign of the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) to increase the number of women in Congress and state legislatures by taking advantage of the once-in-a-decade opportunities of 2012. What not you? Why not now? http://the2012project.us 36 | N Magazine

LISA HENRY-WEAVER Jane Henry Realtors, Inc.

Residential REO/Foreclosure Specialists

LISA HENRY-WEAVER Broker/Owner LWLISA@aol.com Direct: (972) 839-7227 Office: (972) 442-7575

Vacationing Realtor Edition Download these apps to any smartphone or tablet device. They can help you and your staff stay better connected, work more efficiently, and manage your family. Available on iTunes or Google Play.

INSTAGRAM With millions of users across the world, Instagram has a broad audience, but especially Generation-Y, the newest set of homeowners and industry professionals. Build digital relationships, follow friends,

(972) 839 –7227

family, and your network – all while taking pictures of your vacation or latest property for sale. Use a number of creative filters and share your vision with everyone. Follow us @nawrb.


ADOBE PHOTOSHOP EXPRESS Enhance and edit your photos by cropping, straightening, rotating, flipping, and adjusting the colors with just a few swipes and taps of the finger. This app also offers filters and borders to add more effect. Conveniently, the images are automatically saved onto your free Photoshop.com account so you can access them anytime and anywhere. TOURWRIST In less than 60 seconds, you can now create, label, and submit your own 360° panorama capture anywhere you are. Include your family, friends, and co-workers remotely via messaging or social media to show views from your trip – or even views of a property’s landscaping if your regular camera won’t do it justice. PIC COLLAGE You can now group your favorite pictures during your vacation and turn them into a virtual collage. This app allows you to rotate pictures, resize and adjust photos, and upload pictures to most social media platforms. Back home and at work, you can make a collage of a new listing, or marketing materials to post to your network.

Marlene Cerreta President/Designated Broker Marlene@Cerreta.net Certified women-owned brokerage Arizona State #5520 | DBE Certification | NAICS #531210

37 | N Magazine



ABOUT NAWRB NAWRB is the most visible women’s trade association specializing in the housing economy. As the only provider of womenowned business certification specific to real estate, NAWRB is dedicated solely to the promotion of underrepresented women and they businesses they own, manage, and operate.



38 | N Magazine

Contributed Article


Ever since the recession began, the judiciary branch of

our government has been subject to major changes through lay-offs, new and onerous local court rules, and court closures and consolidations, all negatively affecting the speed unlawful detainer actions go through the court system. The state’s budget crisis has resulted in a reduction to the California judicial branch of 652 million. Added to that is the recently implemented Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act, which gives indigent residents the right to an attorney in unlawful detainer actions. Unfortunately, these major changes are already revealing a new wave of backlogs, delays and further burden on court budgets. The result: the unlawful detainer (eviction) process takes longer to process than ever before. This article will inform you of the present court environment so that you can better anticipate what can/will occur in today’s unlawful detainer process. COURT LAY-OFFS AND CONSOLIDATION Many courts have been unable to sustain the number of clerks and commissioners to handle the increased volume of unlawful detainer actions filed. Evictions in California have been and continue to be on the rise, not just because the recession and unemployment has created hardships on tenants to pay their rent, but also due to the large number of evictions following foreclosure. As an example, as recent as April, 2012, the Los Angeles Superior Court announced the most significant reduction of services in its history. By June 30, 2012, the Court will reduced its staff by nearly 350 workers and closed 56 courtrooms. This amounts to a 24% reduction in staff, all while case filings continue to increase. In addition, the courthouses in Santa Clarita, Beverly Hills and Simi Valley have shut down their unlawful detainer departments and transferred their workloads to other already overburdened courthouses. All of this has created incredible pressures on California courts to keep up with their work. According to the Los Angeles Presiding Judge, they cannot endure these pressures for much longer. Similar reductions of court staff have been made throughout California. For instance, San Francisco recently announced over 200 lay-offs of court personnel. 39 | N Magazine

As a result, the timing of unlawful detainer cases flowing through the court system has slowed down. For uncontested cases, the time line from filing the unlawful detainer to a Sheriff lock-out has been delayed two to four weeks depending upon the court. The average number of days for an unlawful detainer case to be processed from the initial filing to the Sheriff lock-out used to average approximately 25 to 35 days, depending upon the court. Now the average time frame is 35 to 45 days. For contested cases, the time frame jumped from 35 to 45 days to 55 to 75 days, again depending upon the court. For the most part, the courts in Los Angeles and San Francisco take the longest to process unlawful detainer actions. THE SARGENT SHRIVER CIVIL COUNSEL ACT The Sargent Shriver Civil Counsel Act (Shriver Act) was signed into law in the fall of 2009 and gives poor residents the right to an attorney in unlawful detainer actions. The funding for the Act was through increases in court filing fees (currently at $240.00 per case). The Shriver Act was implemented in San Diego and Los Angeles Counties this year as their pilot programs. The implementation of the Act has produced a much larger number of attorneys representing indigent tenants. For instance the number of Legal Aid attorneys in San Diego County increased from 2 to 7 at the beginning of this year. In Los Angeles there are at least five separate tenant firms that have benefited either directly or indirectly from Shriver funding: Legal Aid, Eviction Defense Network, Public Counsel, Inner City Law and BASTA. The result is that about 80% of evictions that go to trial in the downtown LA courthouse are attorney contested. In other Los Angeles county courtrooms where Shriver funding is not present the percentage of attorney contested cases is about 30%. Under the provisions of the Act, the court sends a letter to all defendants of unlawful detainer who have decided to contest the case advising them of their “right” to counsel, listing the phone numbers of counsel participating in the Shriver program. Keep in mind that the courts have already sent the defendants to an unlawful detainer action a letter giving them the name and phone number of legal aid attorneys who can represent indigent defendants. If the

Contributed Article tenants don’t sign up, they are approached at the time of trial and retained on the spot. Once retained, the Shriver Act attorneys file an answer to contest the case which is frequently accompanied by a jury demand. Note that in Los Angeles a jury trial is demanded across the board on every matter regardless of the merits of the case. Accompanying the answer is typically “discovery” which is the fact finding process of a lawsuit requiring depositions, written interrogatories, or request for production of documents, previously rarely used in unlawful detainer actions. They also consider filing delaying motions including motions to quash and demurrers. The mere filing of these extraordinary actions gains leverage for the tenant and puts the landlord at jeopardy for the defendants’ attorneys’ fees,

“In Los Angeles there are at least five separate tenant firms that have benefited either directly or indirectly from Shriver funding.” especially if they lose the case in front of a jury. Because jury trial demands are on the rise, we advise residential landlords to consider putting a cap on their attorneys’ fees provision in their lease. We suggest $1000.00 as the amount of the cap. If you do not have a cap on your attorneys’ fees provision and lose a jury trial, the Shriver Act attorneys are demanding huge amounts of attorneys’ fees to be awarded. If you are considering a cap, please consult with our firm to ensure that your lease language is appropriate. It is important to keep in mind that there are statutory fees available in some unlawful detainer actions notwithstanding whether or not the lease provides for an attorneys’ fee award. For instance, if the tenant prevails on a habitability claim, the court can award attorneys’ fees whether or not the lease provides for the same. In these cases, the cap would not affect the amount of the award. Some attorneys are advising their clients to remove the attorneys’ fee award in its entirety. Although this would also give you protection from a high award of attorneys’ fees, it may be a situation where you are throwing out the baby with the bath. Having an attorneys’ fee provision with a cap allows you to use the award of attorneys’ fees as leverage to persuade a struggling tenant to prioritize their payments by paying the delinquent rent to avoid the eviction which ends up in a monetary judgment including rent, attorneys’ fees and court costs. Moreover, the attorneys’ fees and costs award as part of your judgment can be recovered in the collection process. Keep in mind, attorneys’ fees and court costs are not legally

owed unless a judge awards them in the case before them. The results of the Shriver Act so far this year have been an increase in the number of contested unlawful detainer cases. According to our firm’s statistics, in 2010 and 2011, the percentage of contested cases in San Diego County was 27%, and Los Angeles, 31%. So far in 2012, due to the Shriver Act, the number of contested cases in San Diego County jumped to 39% and in Los Angeles to 40%. CHANGES IN LOCAL COURT RULES The reduction of court personnel has also had a negative impact on some of the local court’s rules that heretofore helped expedite the unlawful detainer process. For instance, a court order allowing the plaintiff of an unlawful detainer action to serve the lawsuit by posting a copy on the door and sending another certified mail. In some courts, the order was stamped by the clerk to expedite the process. This is no longer happening because of the reduction in court personnel. In addition, some local courts have beefed up their requirements of due diligence in serving unlawful detainer cases, requiring landlords and lenders to conduct an investigation as to where the defendants work, and whether or not they are in the military. This all ends up delaying the already lengthy unlawful detainer process in California. In conclusion, prudent landlords and lenders filing unlawful detainer actions need to be prepared for the increase in delays and in the number of contested cases as we enter this new era of court reductions and the Shriver Act.

*This article was originally published in May 2012 on KTSLaw.com and reprinted with permission.

ABOUT KTS The law firm of Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP recently became members of NAWRB and underwent the rigorous process to become a certified women-owned business, specializing in the housing economy. KTS has been representing financial institutions, owners, and managers of residential and commercial properties throughout California since 1977. Their practice areas include evictions, defending wrongful foreclosure suits, bankruptcy relief from stay, collections, and other real estate matters. 40 | N Magazine

Contributed Article


by Elizabeth Goodchild Broker/Owner, Weichert Realtors Goodchild Homes Liz@Goodchildemail.onmicrosoft.com


ltruistic thoughts of solving the world’s poverty pandemic becomes more of a dream as a husband and wife team runs a real estate brokerage and raises a family of three kids. Day to day living can get quite overwhelming when you are building an REO business, responding to relocation opportunities, figuring out how the short sales explosion fits into your business model, and coaching 35 real estate agents to earn a living. There is no such thing as spare time. So to truly get a break from this never ending, plate-twirling job is to just book a vacation … maybe to a far, far-away place … where cell phones and internet can be a challenge. And maybe combining a vacation and mission trip is just be the ticket, especially if you haven’t had time to volunteer much. We ventured to Costa Rica with another family of four, a single mom with her daughter, and three single adults. We arrived with the goal to build a home for a destitute family of four in four days. And we did just that. What started out as a Spring break vacation trip to a foreign country ended up as a life changing event that is now interwoven into how we do business at home. 41 | N Magazine

Day 1: Visited various ministries the church we partnered with supports. It’s one thing to hear life stories from people on TV, the pulpit at church, or the radio ... I’m talking about how people have gone through challenging times in their lives and survive it ... BUT to be in the same room with people who are struggling with drugs, sit beside a 19 year old who just murdered a human being, or hug a crack addict who has been sexually abused since she was nine years old – these are the people who we wanted to serve. It was very emotionally draining. Our kids heard their stories about how they started substance abuse at the age of 12, and lived in cardboard boxes in the streets. Then we went to visit the site where we were going to build the “yellow house.” It was indescribable to the people I was with, but this was the very similar to Manila in the Philippines (where I grew up); the cardboard boxes, the open sewer, and the squatter area. My kids will never be the same.

Contributed Article

Day 2:

Started building 23 panels of the yellow house from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm. We were hammering, drilling, carrying heavy panels – it was exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time. We knew we were working with a purpose and chance to change a life. We worked side by side with Rodrigo, a reformed men’s ministry graduate whose past resume included being the hit man for Central America’s drug lords. At lunch we were served by Rita, the young woman who was ganged raped on the streets and left almost for dead. But we also had a lot of Kodak moments and laughed a lot while we pounded nail after nail on the pre-fab panels.

“We knew we were working with a purpose and chance to change a life.”

Day 3:

As regular church goers in a non-denominational Christian church, my husband and I longed to do some kind of a missionary trip as a family with thoughts of using the experience as a teaching moment to our three kids: Grace 12 years, and our twins Darien and Daniel, age nine. With the kind of schedule that we keep, we decided to combine all that into one trip. Volunteerism, check! Be with the kids, check! Teach kids a life lesson, check! But it became more than that. Back at home and back to reality was difficult, and I realized I needed to share my story to make everyone see. You can’t go through something like this and think you can just go back to life’s humdrum. So in front of my 35 agents, I vowed to set aside funds from each house we close to build the next yellow house. This life changing experience captured our hearts to the point.

Painting day. All 23 panels needed two coats of yellow paint. Sounds simple, but I found out that painting is not my calling. I pushed through for six hours straight to get the job done, however.

Day 4:

Brought the panels to the job site where Rodrigo and his crew put up the roof, electrical wiring, the windows were installed, and the toilet was mounted.

Day 5:

Delivered the keys to the new homeowner at the Friday church service. The whole congregation was at awe with the American suburban crew who chose to vacation in the slums of Costa Rica for Spring break. Mission accomplished. 42 | N Magazine


Overview NAWRB is the most visible women’s trade association specializing in the housing economy. As the only provider of women-owned business certification specific to real estate, NAWRB is dedicated solely to the promotion of underrepresented women and the businesses they own, manage, and operate.


Gold Certified Gold Certified members are premier member businesses with full access to NAWRB services, women-owned business certification, priority referrals, and national media placement opportunities. Gold Certified members are women-owned businesses and every employee has access to NAWRB. These real estate and related businesses are the core of NAWRB’s national, and exceptional, membership.


Women with Access Women with Access are individual women who may work for a publicly held or menowned business in the housing economy. Women with Access join as individuals and have access to live and archived training sessions, referrals, and media opportunities through the NAWRB network and other outlets. Affiliate members are often individual agents or women in related services such as title and escrow.

Subscriber NAWRB Subscribers are industry professionals who want an entry-point to NAWRB membership. Subscribers receive access to live teleconferences, a one year digital subscription to NAWRB’s N Magazine, and Newsroom e-service.

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Cade Holleman Executive Director

Crescent Seward Communications Coordinator

Jackie Andoniu Media & Member Specialist

DesirĂŠe Patno National President

Melva Wagner Government Relations

Stephanie Shubin Visual Communications Coordinator

Heidi Robinson Membership & Events

Elizabeth Goodchild Certification & N Magazine

Alex Hernandez Membership Coordinator

Patricia de Santos Education & Community Enhancement

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ISN’T QUITE THE RIGHT WORD But when you offer a subscription to NAWRB Newsroom, N Magazine, and live teleconferences price at just $99 that’s exactly what we’ve done. Subscribe to NAWRB for just $99.



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