Bear the Truth
In the beginning of June, as the nation found
their respective homes would take vastly dif-
but a reflection and a testament of society’s
itself amassed in struggle: from enduring a
ferent courses.
prejudices against you because of the color of
pandemic to protests arising in every state
your skin. In Lily-Mae Young’s home, as the
against racial injustice and police brutality, a
In Sabaea’s home, as the mother of a young,
mother of a young, White boy, the conversa-
large portion of Americans found themselves
Black boy, the conversation would resem-
tion was focused on promoting equality, and
unable to find their footing and voice in the bat-
ble those that have taken place in the black
ensuring that the prejudices that America has
tle for the betterment of our country, while also
community for centuries: that the way society
held against our Black brothers and sisters,
prioritizing the safety of their loved ones. Two
views you is not a testament of your character,
does not become ingrained in him as well. The
moms in Sherman Oaks, Sabaea Wynter and
question then arose: how do they get families
Lily-Mae Young, found themselves in conver-
of various races, ethnicities, and religions, to
sation about how they could become involved
begin having these conversations with their
in the protests, while also protecting the health
children as well?
of their two year old sons and ensuring they will not face these same problems growing up.
A few people had reached out to Sabaea to ask her if and how she was explaining recent
While they found it difficult to explain to their
events to her young, Black son. Her immediate
toddlers the complexity and nuances racial in-
response was that she was not going to, be-
justice in our country, they also realized that
cause she didn't believe that at such a young
it is never to early to start these difficult, but
age, he would be able to grasp the complex
necessary conversations with their families,
subject. However, Lily reached out to her to po-
so their children would not have to unlearn
tentially partner together on a project that would
the same internalized and subconscious prej-
make this information tangible to the youngest
udices they had to as adults. The two mothers,
generation. Born out of this discussion was
however, realized that the two conversations in
Bear The Truth, the solution to the various