2024 My Portfolio

As a innovation consultant and researcher. I focus on human user experiences in order to find deep perceptions, emotions and behaviors around products, services and experiences to help teams to transform insightful information into useful material combining social and design methodologies.
Understand the main motivators and barriers of using a new payment device in convenience stores for the base of the pyramid sector.
The project was defined by 3 basic phases:
1. Explore & analyze: 36 Deep interviews around Mexico in order to understand users ecosystem, identify barriers and opportunities in the adoption of this device and services. Test new features.
2. Create & validate: collaborative sessions between users and stakeholders to identify guidelines to improve the experience, such as payment for services through POS located in convinience stores.
3. Refine & define. Evaluate the concepts solutions in order to developed the implementation and comunication strategy roadmap.
• Roadmap implementation guidelines for launching new services.
• Guidelines to improve the experience and interactions with the device.
Help the client to gain a deep understanding of Diabetes in Mexico to identify key insights (E.g. personas, touchpoints, barriers, milestones, moments of truth) in order to develop a relevant patient journey and differentiated guidelines to improve bussines strategy.
1. Understanding. 40 interviews around Mexico (Patients, doctors, nutritionists, key actors)
2. Analyze. Explore and analize focus mainly on all stakeholders involved throughout the ecosystem.
3. Develop a patient journey with all the actors involved in the threatment of the disease and interactions with other actors, devices, services, activities…
4. Creation. Collaborative workshops with the main stakeholders for develop solutions and the main pain points of the actual situation.
ü Strategic guidelines for launching new treatment and services.
ü Guidelines for a new digital service for patients and diabetes ecosystem
Repositioning of a liqueur brand to have a greater presence in different moments of the year.
1. Explore & analyze: Deep understanding of the brand situation and consumers background. Develop sessions with the target to understand the specific barriers and necesities.
2. Create & validate: Collaborative sessions between consumers, creative profiles and stakeholders.
3. Refine & define. Evaluate the concepts with stakeholders in order to developed the new brand strategy.
ü Strategic guidelines for launching new products and services
ü Guidelines for the new brand strategy considering actual brand perception.
Company culture diagnosis in order to identify key areas, actors, motivators, interactions and barriers for the digital transformation implementation.
1. Explore & analize: Understand culture symbols and sentiment to adopt company transformation, identify key actors, interactions and technologies to integrate the digital transformation.
2. Create & validate: Co-creation roadmap for implementation considering all the learnings from the mapping.
3. Refine & define: Priorization workshops with stakeholders and key actors in order to develop phases and ambassadors of digital transformation strategy.
ü Implementation roadmap for Digital transformation company.
Design brand book that is suitable for all types of businesses and channels for the phygital experience.
Designing the full brand identity of MZ consultants
What´s the meaning of “molcajete”?
The original name is Molcáxitl in Nahuatl and it is a kitchen bowl used to grind food, most of the time is used to create sauces.
Who are we?
A small group of creative people who believe in the basic and classic We are cooking some “objects”. In the following images you will see some of our recent works in or work we use local materials and also local process, creating craft and design communities. Our products are 100% Mexican enriched by the world, enjoy!
I feel connected with the universe when I use my hands to create, communicate, illustrate, knit, draw, dance, express and more...
In the link you will see some of the things I have created.
I hope you enjoy it!
Nayely Aurelia